15:44:21 RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y 15:44:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/11/06-html-a11y-irc 15:44:23 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:44:25 Zakim, this will be 2119 15:44:25 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM scheduled to start 44 minutes ago 15:44:26 Meeting: HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 15:44:26 Date: 06 November 2014 15:44:54 Chair: Janina 15:44:55 agenda+ Identify Scribe http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List 15:44:57 agenda+ TPAC 2014 Follow Ups 15:45:00 agenda+ Longdesc Follow-Up Conversation 15:45:02 agenda+ Alt Note Status & Next Steps 15:45:05 agenda+ Media Subteam 15:45:08 agenda+ Canvas 2D -- Status, Next Steps 15:45:10 agenda+ Editing Task Force 15:45:13 agenda+ TF Work Items (HTML.Next) 15:45:15 agenda+ Other Business 15:45:18 agenda+ Identify Chair and Scribe for the next TF teleconference http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List 15:45:21 agenda+ be done 15:45:29 zakim, clear agenda 15:45:29 agenda cleared 15:45:33 Chair: Janina 15:45:33 agenda+ Identify Scribe http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List 15:45:36 agenda+ TPAC 2014 Follow Ups 15:45:38 agenda+ Longdesc Follow-Up Conversation 15:45:41 agenda+ Alt Note Status & Next Steps 15:45:43 agenda+ Media Subteam 15:45:46 agenda+ Canvas 2D -- Status, Next Steps 15:45:48 agenda+ Editing Task Force 15:45:51 agenda+ TF Work Items (HTML.Next) 15:45:53 agenda+ Other Business 15:45:56 agenda+ Identify Chair and Scribe for the next TF teleconference http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List 15:45:59 agenda+ be done 15:46:11 zakim, next item 15:46:11 agendum 1. "Identify Scribe http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List" taken up [from janina] 15:52:22 WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM has now started 15:52:28 +??P5 15:52:38 zakim, ??P5 is me 15:52:38 +janina; got it 15:59:24 Judy has joined #html-a11y 15:59:32 regrets: Adrian, Shane, Mark 16:01:10 +Joanmarie_Diggs 16:01:38 +David_MacDonald 16:01:48 +[IPcaller] 16:04:05 +Judy 16:04:33 zakim, who's on the phone? 16:04:33 On the phone I see janina, Joanmarie_Diggs, David_MacDonald, [IPcaller], Judy 16:04:34 LJWatson has joined #html-a11y 16:04:46 zakim, pick a victim 16:04:46 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose janina 16:04:59 zakim, [IPcaller] is LJWatson 16:04:59 +LJWatson; got it 16:05:12 scribe: judy 16:05:21 paulc has joined #html-a11y 16:05:28 zakim, what is the code? 16:05:29 the conference code is 2119 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), paulc 16:05:35 agenda? 16:05:49 zakim, next item 16:05:49 agendum 2. "TPAC 2014 Follow Ups" taken up [from janina] 16:06:03 +JF 16:06:19 +[Microsoft] 16:06:28 zakim, [Microsoft] is me 16:06:28 +paulc; got it 16:06:38 JF has joined #html-a11y 16:06:50 js: fyi director's decision & response on longdesc came out last week 16:07:00 ...interested in follow up 16:07:10 Q+ 16:07:17 ack jf 16:07:25 ...any comments, questions, etc 16:07:46 jf: related discussions w/ wcag wg, to make sure guidance under wcag 2 is aligned 16:08:03 ...also need to do so w/ doc on useful alts 16:08:15 js: nice segway to our next agenda item 16:08:26 ...specifics? 16:08:43 jf: just want to make sure that all other documentation is in accordance 16:08:45 q+ 16:09:03 js: also wrt techniques, we also have the tutorials 16:09:13 ...there is more now to point to 16:09:23 q? 16:09:29 ack ju 16:10:37 q? 16:11:16 jb: there is a preliminary longdesc image example in the image tutorial but needs more complex image, imo, and ditto for the useful alts doc 16:12:00 js: similar comment to html wg, we're getting use cases and requ's from epub orgs, including other feature requests 16:12:23 ...relates to aria describedat in current aria 1.1 spec 16:12:54 ...intent to address some of the more advanced requirements for description including for educational testing 16:13:35 ...where there may be heuristically definable differences in what type of extended description may get presented to users 16:13:35 q? 16:13:53 zakim, take up next 16:13:53 agendum 3. "Longdesc Follow-Up Conversation" taken up [from janina] 16:14:20 zakim, close this item 16:14:20 agendum 3 closed 16:14:21 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:14:21 4. Alt Note Status & Next Steps [from janina] 16:14:38 zakim, take up next 16:14:38 agendum 4. "Alt Note Status & Next Steps" taken up [from janina] 16:15:08 q+ 16:16:01 js: so there is a dir's decision on ld and we can look at how to frame the advice on longdesc in the useful alts doc 16:16:15 ...needs framing e.g. short vs. long, and @@ 16:16:39 ...alt is a replacement and you try to convey the intent 16:17:30 ...but if the word count for alts go up a lot, it can get very annoying esp. when you revisit pages 16:17:38 ...the alts are auto-read 16:17:50 dm: is 25 words long? 16:17:58 js: yes very 16:19:14 js: there's a threshold of too much content when consumed on the fly 16:19:20 s/The trick to not breaking the back button is not to break the sodding thing in the first place./ / 16:19:34 jb: are you going to file a bug? 16:19:59 ack ju 16:20:54 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26868 16:20:55 chaals has joined #html-a11y 16:20:59 pc: there are ~7 bugs on the useful alts doc already 16:21:34 zakim, call chaals-es 16:21:34 ok, chaals; the call is being made 16:21:36 +Chaals 16:22:20 pc: and one of the bugs is about longdesc (link above) 16:22:38 q? 16:22:49 ...and so janina can go ahead and add her specific questions and comments there 16:23:09 Editors announcement for text alternatives: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2014Nov/0017.html 16:23:21 pc: and here is the email to public admin appointing new editors 16:23:47 ...and you have my apologies for the delay; tied up with TPAC and WG meeting 16:23:50 David has joined #html-a11y 16:23:54 Congrats and thanks to Liam Quin and Shane McCarron 16:23:54 q+ 16:24:26 q+ to say svg 16:25:07 jb: and Paul also busy with release of HTML 5.0 final spec -- congratulations! 16:25:15 q? 16:25:17 pc: many hands in the work over many years 16:25:30 ack ju 16:25:34 ack c 16:25:34 chaals, you wanted to say svg 16:26:11 scribe: David 16:26:13 cmn: and file bug on svg for alt doc 16:26:24 zakim, next item 16:26:24 agendum 5. "Media Subteam" taken up [from janina] 16:27:06 Q+ 16:27:26 JS: resume regular meetings 16:28:03 JS: Dispose of comments, from EO 16:29:58 q+ 16:30:03 JS: monday morning JF and Janina dispose of comments. 10 Bostom time 16:30:05 ack j 16:30:43 ack ju 16:32:05 JB: reminder Media acc requiremnts, ... go to PF comments list, asks Janina to reflect back to the main list. 16:32:29 JS: don't expect before meeting monday am 16:33:06 http://www.w3.org/2014/10/30-pf-minutes.html 16:33:45 ack JF 16:34:00 Q+ 16:34:10 David_ has joined #html-a11y 16:34:22 I got dropped 16:34:37 scribe: David_ 16:35:14 ack j 16:35:24 -Chaals 16:35:25 JS: we will have work for the WG media sub-team... 16:36:01 zakim, call chaals-es 16:36:01 ok, chaals; the call is being made 16:36:03 +Chaals 16:36:04 JF: WCAG explains outcomes rather than saying "you do this!" 16:37:05 -Chaals 16:37:11 JS: discussion of post production vs pre production 16:37:31 JF: mainstream audio track, with separate track with AD 16:37:34 zakim, call chaals-es 16:37:34 ok, chaals; the call is being made 16:37:36 +Chaals 16:37:54 q? 16:38:20 -Chaals 16:38:41 zakim, call chaals-es 16:38:41 ok, chaals; the call is being made 16:38:43 +Chaals 16:39:23 Foreground, backgorund sounds muted = clean audio 16:40:18 q 16:40:23 q+ 16:40:30 Could do it post production.... but not for content providers 16:41:18 CM: production people could probably figure our post production clean audio, we could also go out to researchers... 16:41:46 q? 16:41:49 ack ch 16:41:51 JS: we layout options in the Media doc, but not how to do it... 16:41:59 zakim, next item 16:41:59 agendum 6. "Canvas 2D -- Status, Next Steps" taken up [from janina] 16:42:50 JS: can't remember timeline Mark gave us, and progress on new text in documnet 16:43:48 PC: He said this week 16:45:17 Zakim, next item 16:45:17 agendum 8. "TF Work Items (HTML.Next)" taken up [from janina] 16:47:28 -Chaals 16:47:33 CM: agnostic editing... not tied only to keyboard 16:47:48 JS: cutting pasting, selecting words, love ben peter 16:48:03 s line accessible by Design, or accessible by intention 16:48:49 JS: will followup with pinters, to Ben Peter's work in web apps 16:48:51 q? 16:49:41 zakim, take up item 2 16:49:41 agendum 2. "TPAC 2014 Follow Ups" taken up [from janina] 16:50:03 chaals has joined #html-a11y 16:50:20 zakim, call chaals-es 16:50:20 ok, chaals; the call is being made 16:50:22 +Chaals 16:50:43 -Chaals 16:50:50 JS: start conversation about what to do now 5.0 are we going to modularize or do 5.1 etc... 16:52:11 paulc_ has joined #html-a11y 16:52:18 After 5 items: 16:52:19 PC: benefited from have Joshue scribe, look at minutes, also during f2f a list was made after html5 there would be modules 16:52:25 Possible modules: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2014Oct/0068.html 16:52:48 Thu AM discussion at F2F: http://www.w3.org/2014/10/30-html-wg-minutes.html#item03 16:53:08 Thu PM discussion at F2F: http://www.w3.org/2014/10/30-html-wg-minutes.html#item10 16:53:38 See also: ACTION-249: Triage new whatwg updates, html bugs, landscape document in order to list priority content for modules 16:53:47 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/249 16:54:46 PC: chairs have been meeting about the go forward plan... Robin will put something together 16:55:10 q? 16:55:43 David: Campaign all around for 5.0 16:56:02 JS: Yup.... let's close meeting 16:56:09 -LJWatson 16:56:11 -paulc 16:56:13 -Joanmarie_Diggs 16:56:17 -JF 16:57:24 -janina 16:57:28 -Judy 16:57:36 zakim, make minutes 16:57:36 I don't understand 'make minutes', David 16:58:17 rrsagent, make minutes 16:58:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/06-html-a11y-minutes.html David 16:58:28 -David_MacDonald 16:58:29 WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM has ended 16:58:29 Attendees were janina, Joanmarie_Diggs, David_MacDonald, Judy, LJWatson, JF, paulc, Chaals 18:28:45 IanPouncey has joined #html-a11y 18:45:15 Judy has joined #html-a11y 20:24:17 newtron has joined #html-a11y 20:24:46 newtron_ has joined #html-a11y