17:52:38 RRSAgent has joined #health 17:52:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/10/29-health-irc 17:52:54 present+ Frederick Hirsch 17:53:19 Meeting: Web API for health care sensors 17:53:28 chair: Frederick 17:53:38 Topic: Intros round the table 17:54:04 Frederick: Sets up the meeting, how sensors have come up in places like sysApps 17:54:24 ... is chair of the DAP WG 17:54:32 scribe: phila 17:54:36 scribeNick: phila 17:55:13 ddahl has joined #health 17:55:26 present+ Deborah Dahl 17:55:30 Hyunjin has joined #health 17:55:48 Frederick: Is there enough interest in a new IG/WG in this area 17:56:01 ddahl: I'm chair of local interaction WG 17:56:16 ... we've looked at things like glucose meters 17:56:22 paulliu has joined #health 17:56:28 ... sensors are burgeoning, how do we get it standardised 17:56:58 ericp: I'm HCLS team contact. I'm interested in how we can use this to fill gaps in medical data 17:57:10 wonsuk has joined #health 17:57:22 wonsuk has left #health 17:57:31 Klaus: I have an interest from a Web research, WoT, POV. I'm also diabetic so glucose sensors are important to me 17:57:39 wonsuk has joined #health 17:57:45 Present+ Klaus 17:57:55 rrsagent, make logs public 17:58:16 Klaus: This is not just restriced to medical, but also things like different diets 17:58:30 Present+ Dave Raggett 17:58:41 dsr: I'll be talking about Web of Things later 17:58:54 ... is this about sensors talking to browsers? 17:58:57 Frederick: I don't think it's that well defined 17:59:25 jungkees has joined #health 17:59:25 dsr has joined #health 17:59:27 Present+ Wonsuk_Lee 17:59:29 present+ Debbie_Dahl 17:59:35 Present+ Dave Raggett 17:59:36 Present+ Jungkee_Song 17:59:40 Evangelos has joined #health 18:00:02 francis has joined #health 18:00:04 Steve_Bratt has joined #health 18:00:18 Claes has joined #health 18:00:19 phila_ has joined #health 18:00:27 ??: W try and make use of proprietary sensors (Tomo Digtal??) 18:00:34 Present+ Claes_Nilsson 18:00:42 fjh has joined #health 18:01:20 Present+ Evangelos Vlachogiannis (Fraunhofer) 18:01:26 Gentleman from Tencent... looking at connection to physical devices 18:01:56 ... using IM 18:02:56 yusuke has joined #health 18:03:53 Another gentleman from Tencent - how can healthcare data be socialised (? hope I got that right, forgive me) 18:04:11 ... sharing data within a community that has relevant privacy and security controls 18:04:36 SteveB: GS1 has a huge healthcare community. Every device has its won ID etc 18:04:48 ... unique ID is clearly important 18:04:54 present+ Steve_Bratt 18:05:06 fjh_ has joined #health 18:05:07 ... we talk about authentication etc. so ID is critical 18:05:53 Francis from Shanghai - I'm interested in implementing a healthcare system in Shanghai. The medical staff can use their mobile device to track the patient anad find out the patient's condition 18:06:02 ... need a central repository for this data 18:06:09 ... we make use of HTML5 18:06:39 Tim from Google - we're trying to make sense of sensor data 18:07:05 Gentleman from Fraunhofer 18:07:32 ... we have expertise on accessibility. We don't make APIs for sensors - we mostly do R&D projects funed by EU 18:07:47 ... we cna help with requirements that we have from the sensors 18:08:13 s/cna/can/ 18:08:21 RRSAgent, draft minutes 18:08:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/29-health-minutes.html phila 18:08:41 GS1 healtchcare standards work: http://www.gs1.org/healthcare/standards 18:09:01 ... looking at how we can have sensors and then make sense of that data for users (scribe note I hope I got that right) 18:09:38 Pater from Panasonic 18:10:01 Panasonic makes sensors - we want to be able to integrate them more into the WoT 18:10:05 s/pater/Peter/ 18:10:34 fjh: When you move from standalone to integrated, what's the biggest challenge? 18:10:46 Peter: Right now everything's standalone 18:11:06 fjh: So issues like privacy and security are issues but also underlying protocol layers? 18:11:08 Peter: yes 18:11:31 ... Not really anything Web-specific yet 18:11:53 scribe note - sorry missed this gentleman's name and affiliation 18:12:20 ?? Kim from Korea 18:12:31 Paul Liu from Huawei Technologies 18:12:38 My company makes a healthcare device... 18:12:54 present+ Paul_Liu 18:13:06 Gentleman from Samsung 18:13:16 As you know we have a lot of different devices... 18:13:25 ... we're trying to make a Web platform like a Tizen 18:13:43 ... we need to expose Web API for sensors like pedometers 18:13:57 ... how can we handle this kind of API on the Web. 18:14:17 Tongison from Samsung 18:14:26 ... talking about the same things as Winsong 18:14:54 phila: Apologises sincerely for my inability to catch so many names properly. I hope no offence is taken by those present 18:15:53 Present+ Ken_Laskey 18:16:15 Ken: At MITRE I support ?? which is trying to get a lot of health data from a lot of people 18:16:28 ... so I need to be able to advise them on what's coming down the pipe wrt standards 18:17:25 Ken: My other issue is how different is this from a vehicle API? Privacy may be different 18:18:34 s/Gentleman from Samsung/wonsuk from Samsung/ 18:18:53 s/Winsong/Wonsuk 18:19:24 s/Tongison/Jungkee 18:19:24 Steve_Bratt: If you're having a medicine delivery system, the couterpart might be a sensor to measure effect 18:19:39 phila: Community group on APIs http://www.w3.org/community/hydra/ 18:19:54 phila: Automotive Business group http://www.w3.org/community/autowebplatform/ 18:20:07 s/?? Kim/Hyunjin 18:20:30 ericP: Social Apps are different but how do we share a bunch of different devices send different sources 18:20:42 paulliu has joined #health 18:20:54 fjh: I was thinking Annotations might be relevant to noting properties 18:21:07 ericP: I also noted security and general interrogation of devices 18:21:45 ... in terms of possible attacks - you need to protect things like pace makers, subdermal insulin systems etc. These ahave all been attacked by promximity to other systems 18:21:53 s/ahave/have/ 18:22:22 dsr: Live data is not the same as periodic 18:22:48 fungp has joined #health 18:22:54 ericP: You're going to need to turn strings of 1s and 0s into strings that can be processed 18:23:01 ken: Everything has policies related to it (P&S etc.) 18:23:08 q+ 18:23:14 ... devices will have policies attached and we need to understand that 18:23:30 fjh: Do people read policies? usability is an issue 18:23:41 ... data overload/ sensor overload is an issue 18:23:43 paulliu has joined #health 18:24:07 ericP: It's up to us to understand the policies... 18:24:09 q+ 18:24:16 Zakim has joined #health 18:24:21 q+ Claes 18:24:25 q+ phila 18:24:40 ack Claes 18:24:49 fjh has joined #health 18:25:00 Claes: How much should we look at other orgs' work... 18:25:16 ... I'm not aware of the current status of other work but maybe we need to be? 18:25:21 ... What can we reuse from their work? 18:25:23 q+ to mention that some of these concerns also came out in the earlier robots session 18:25:27 fjh: I'm not informed 18:25:44 ??: Things like HL7 are used to exchange medical data 18:29:16 phila_ has joined #health 18:29:20 wonsuk__ has joined #health 18:29:48 ddahl: I wanted to say something about... there's a lot around privacy, security, authorisation - how can control the robot etc. 18:29:55 Hyunjin_ has joined #health 18:30:08 ddsr: Talked about mobile phones as sensors - can't program that with JavaScript 18:30:15 s/ddsr/dsr/ 18:30:33 ddahl: Robots are even more diverse than sensors 18:30:49 q? 18:30:52 q- 18:30:59 Ack ddahl 18:30:59 ddahl, you wanted to mention that some of these concerns also came out in the earlier robots session 18:31:27 ericP: I see 2 pieces ... coding requires attaching a long tail of capabilities and observation codes 18:31:31 ddahl_ has joined #health 18:31:35 q+ 18:31:42 fungp has joined #health 18:31:43 q- phila 18:31:55 ack fjh 18:31:59 ack fjh 18:32:15 fjh: The DAP has had a long conversation about the balance between generic and specific 18:32:26 ... a lot of stuff is event driven 18:32:54 ... I'm trying to figure whether the Web model being event driven fits 18:33:07 ... and what Eric was saying about the long tail suggetss we need a more generic approach 18:33:21 ... in DAP we moved away from that because we wanted to work in a short time frame 18:33:26 ... generic opens the door to fingerprinting 18:33:40 ... to avoid fingerpringinting, we reduce the amount of data available 18:33:58 robots session had a lot of the same concerns -- authorization, privacy, security, discovery of capabilities, timing (e.g. realtime vs scheduling) what messaging API's are best? and are there concerns related to low-level protocols? 18:34:09 Fingerprinting is the idea that I can identify you without an ID for you as I look at what I can see and your behaviour. I can identify you without an ID 18:34:28 ... I can probably gather enough info to identify you. I can get your browser etc. 18:34:30 yusuke has joined #health 18:34:36 So fingerprinting can become an issue 18:34:38 also in the robots session we talked about graceful degradation 18:34:50 ... a generic sensor API may be open to fingerprinting 18:35:03 ericP: So that assumes that the attacker has access to that data 18:35:16 ... the other way is to give the user to have accecss control 18:35:34 fjh: So in DAP we looked at a security model but it didn't work for the Web 18:35:42 Evangelos has joined #health 18:35:58 ... we decided in the end just to use explicit consent dialogues 18:36:05 dsr has joined #health 18:36:07 q+ 18:36:25 ack Evangelos 18:36:31 paulliu has joined #health 18:36:34 q+ Ken 18:37:00 Evangelos: (Franhofer) I think it would be useful to identify 3 situations 18:37:21 ... immediate need, longer term for doctors etc. 18:37:22 ... and proactive healthcare 18:37:34 ack ken 18:37:45 ... this is a hot topic at the moment. They are t rying to prevent people from having a health problem 18:37:52 ... and are we covering elderly people, children? 18:37:59 ... target groups need identifying 18:38:42 fjh: I'm trying to forumlate an understand of how that relates to W3C. I think here we do more horizontal 18:39:02 ... if you do that then they should apply across the board including automotive, healthcare... 18:39:41 Ken: the idea from getting from generic to specific. On specific you'll forever be coming up with new API descriptions 18:40:02 q+ Eric 18:40:12 Ken: The idea would be that the standard can handle the horizontal and then CGs can write the verticals 18:40:25 Claes has joined #health 18:40:32 q+ 18:40:35 q+ 18:41:28 q- 18:41:43 we also talked about capabilities vocabularies for different kinds of robots that could be plugged into a generic API 18:41:57 Ken: So the horizontal would be the basic and then CGs would extend and feed back 18:42:05 phila_: That matches the schema.org system 18:42:30 q+ 18:42:35 dsr: We're launching a WoT Interest Group to look at overall picture, and this may then lead to specific WGs 18:42:59 fjh: That makes sense but that has the poss problems faced by SysApps and DAP 18:43:16 ack eric 18:43:35 ericP: For a large class of these devices, we care more about protection than things like fingerprinting 18:43:47 ... you sai reduce the capabilities to prevent fingerprinting 18:44:17 ... we don't mind if a device has bluetooth or FNC connection - that can be public. But the fact that it's a glucose sensor is more private 18:44:25 s/sai/said/ 18:44:30 s/FNC/NFC/ 18:44:33 ack Claes 18:44:48 q+ to ask about layering and discovery 18:45:41 ack yusuke 18:45:59 yusuke: Dave, you said you were looking for a common standpoint for missions of device 18:46:00 we did look at discovery etc in dap with webintents 18:46:07 yusuke: As you know, that's hard 18:46:23 yusuke: A big company might take the market... 18:46:42 yusuke: So I think we need a strategy to handle marketing and standardising 18:47:11 fjh: I'm not sure we should talk about market segments 18:47:34 dsr: The Interest Group can look at what is needed and that will cover open and closed markets 18:47:36 ack fjh 18:47:36 fjh, you wanted to ask about layering and discovery 18:48:15 fjh: I think discovery is a big area, layering and discovering... not knowing whether it's an insulin pump or not is an issue 18:48:24 ericP: You need to be authorised to find that out 18:48:37 dsr: For healthcare - your doctor needs to know who you are 18:49:01 ericP: when you have a sub dermal defribulator will have an ID 18:49:23 q? 18:49:33 topic: Summary 18:49:43 fjh: We have a number of general requirements gathered today 18:49:57 we have the notion that a generic approach has value for scalability 18:50:22 we have that an approach similar to schema.org with a horizontal base with CGs can be spun off to handle verticls 18:50:48 ericP: The security model is an issue to address 18:50:58 ... authentication required for interrogation 18:51:09 RRSAgent, draft minutes 18:51:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/29-health-minutes.html phila_ 18:51:24 fjh: With authentication, more data is appropriate 18:51:56 fjh: The next step is to express interest in the Interest Group 18:52:24 dsr: Explains W3C process for establishing and joining new groups 18:52:39 RRSAgent, draft minutes 18:52:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/29-health-minutes.html phila_ 18:53:40 yusuke: This IG will be about Web of Things, not just healthcare? 18:53:43 Dsr: yes 18:53:52 ... we want to see what the areas havea in common etc 18:54:08 fjh: Did we miss anything? 18:54:22 ddahl_ has left #health 18:54:25 ... feel free to add to the IRC if you have projects etc. to look at 18:54:29 dsr has joined #health 18:54:36 yusuke has left #health 18:55:00 RRSAgent, generate minutes 18:55:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/29-health-minutes.html phila_ 18:55:19 We should investigate what other relevant organizations are doing in this area, e.g. Bluetooth SIG and Continua Health Alliance 20:51:39 fjh has joined #health 21:05:09 fjh_ has joined #health 21:10:37 Zakim has left #health 22:02:47 fjh has joined #health 22:23:22 fjh has joined #health 22:24:53 fjh_ has joined #health 22:35:13 fjh has joined #health 22:48:57 fjh has joined #health 22:56:34 fjh has joined #health 23:05:43 fjh has joined #health 23:06:24 fjh has joined #health 23:09:41 fjh has joined #health 23:10:24 fjh has joined #health 23:17:02 fjh has joined #health 23:20:45 fjh has joined #health 23:22:41 fjh has joined #health