IRC log of webapps on 2014-10-27
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:51:25 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #webapps
- 15:51:25 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:51:27 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 15:51:29 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be DOM3
- 15:51:29 [Zakim]
- I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot
- 15:51:30 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Web Applications Working Group Teleconference
- 15:51:30 [trackbot]
- Date: 27 October 2014
- 15:51:49 [nsakai2_]
- nsakai2_ has joined #webapps
- 15:52:58 [jungkees]
- jungkees has joined #webapps
- 15:53:17 [ArtB]
- zakim, this will be RWC_WAPI
- 15:53:17 [Zakim]
- ok, ArtB; I see RWC_WAPI()12:00PM scheduled to start in 7 minutes
- 15:53:23 [colin]
- colin has joined #webapps
- 15:53:56 [ArtB]
- Chair: Art, Charles
- 15:54:05 [Zakim]
- RWC_WAPI()12:00PM has now started
- 15:54:12 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 15:54:22 [Zakim]
- + +1.650.318.aaaa
- 15:55:03 [ArtB]
- Present: Art_Barstow, Yves_Lafon, Charles_Neville
- 15:55:22 [Zakim]
- - +1.650.318.aaaa
- 15:55:46 [rniwa]
- rniwa has joined #webapps
- 15:56:21 [darobin]
- darobin has joined #webapps
- 15:58:50 [tnk]
- tnk has joined #webapps
- 15:59:13 [a12u]
- a12u has joined #webapps
- 15:59:26 [wooglae]
- wooglae has joined #webapps
- 15:59:44 [glenn]
- glenn has joined #webapps
- 16:00:13 [makotom]
- makotom has joined #webapps
- 16:00:43 [aaa]
- aaa has joined #webapps
- 16:00:51 [benjamp]
- benjamp has joined #webapps
- 16:01:32 [chaa13]
- chaa13 has joined #webapps
- 16:01:38 [jhund]
- jhund has joined #webapps
- 16:04:12 [darobin]
- Present+ Robin_Berjon
- 16:04:16 [Yves]
- Present+ Yves_Lafon
- 16:04:20 [jungkees]
- Present+ Jungkee_Song
- 16:04:21 [myakura]
- myakura has joined #webapps
- 16:04:21 [adrianba]
- Present+ Adrian_Bateman
- 16:04:23 [rniwa]
- Present+ Ryosuke_Niwa
- 16:04:28 [xiaoqian]
- Present+ Xiaoqian_wu
- 16:04:28 [Claes]
- Claes has joined #webapps
- 16:04:31 [benjamp]
- Present+ Ben Peters
- 16:04:33 [schuki]
- Present+ Natasha_Rooney
- 16:04:36 [marcosc]
- Present+ Marcos_Caceres
- 16:04:37 [Travis]
- Travis has joined #webapps
- 16:04:40 [rubys]
- present+ Sam_Ruby
- 16:04:40 [plh]
- plh has joined #webapps
- 16:04:42 [makotom]
- makotom has left #webapps
- 16:04:42 [alia]
- alia has joined #webapps
- 16:04:43 [jhund]
- Present+ Johannes Hund
- 16:04:43 [wooglae]
- Present+ Wooglae_Kim
- 16:04:44 [spoussa]
- spoussa has joined #webapps
- 16:04:44 [jungkees]
- Present+ Kenneth_Christiansen
- 16:04:50 [paulliu]
- paulliu has joined #webapps
- 16:04:50 [plh]
- Present+ plh
- 16:04:51 [israelh]
- israelh has joined #webapps
- 16:04:57 [Travis]
- Present+ Travis_Leithead
- 16:04:58 [jhund]
- Present+ Johannes_Hund
- 16:04:59 [alia]
- Present+ Ali_Alabbas
- 16:04:59 [LJWatson]
- LJWatson has joined #webapps
- 16:05:03 [makotom]
- makotom has joined #webapps
- 16:05:12 [israelh]
- Present+ Israel_Hilerio
- 16:05:12 [ArtB]
- ScribeNick: ArtB
- 16:05:14 [ArtB]
- Scribe: Art
- 16:05:14 [spoussa]
- Present+ Sakari_Poussa
- 16:05:21 [lgombos]
- present+ Laszlo_Gombos
- 16:05:22 [ArtB]
- CN: starting Introductin
- 16:05:36 [a12u]
- Present+ Hiroyuki_Aizu
- 16:05:49 [ArtB]
- Topic: Introductions
- 16:05:55 [Zakim]
- -[IPcaller]
- 16:05:56 [Zakim]
- RWC_WAPI()12:00PM has ended
- 16:05:56 [Zakim]
- Attendees were [IPcaller], +1.650.318.aaaa
- 16:06:04 [Zakim]
- RWC_WAPI()12:00PM has now started
- 16:06:11 [Zakim]
- + +1.650.318.aaaa
- 16:06:14 [fjh]
- fjh has joined #webapps
- 16:06:15 [ArtB]
- CN: everyone, please Present+ themselves as: Firstname_LastName
- 16:06:31 [ArtB]
- Agenda:
- 16:06:34 [myakura]
- Present+ Masataka_Yakura
- 16:06:40 [fjh]
- fjh has joined #webapps
- 16:06:47 [smaug]
- smaug has joined #webapps
- 16:06:52 [forty4]
- forty4 has joined #webapps
- 16:07:04 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 16:07:06 [LJWatson_]
- LJWatson_ has joined #webapps
- 16:07:15 [waynecarr]
- waynecarr has joined #webapps
- 16:08:25 [bryan_]
- bryan_ has joined #webapps
- 16:08:30 [brianraymor]
- brianraymor has joined #webapps
- 16:08:36 [ArtB]
- CN: before you speak, please say your name
- 16:08:42 [MikeSmith]
- Present+ Michael[tm]Smith
- 16:08:47 [cyns]
- cyns has joined #webapps
- 16:08:53 [ArtB]
- zakim, who's here?
- 16:08:53 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see +1.650.318.aaaa, [IPcaller]
- 16:08:55 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see cyns, brianraymor, bryan_, waynecarr, LJWatson_, forty4, smaug, fjh, makotom, LJWatson, israelh, paulliu, spoussa, alia, plh, Travis, Claes, myakura, jhund, chaa13,
- 16:08:55 [Zakim]
- ... benjamp, aaa, glenn, wooglae, a12u, darobin, rniwa, jungkees, nsakai2_, RRSAgent, Zakim, adrianba, ArtB, marcosc, Zefa, chaals, rubys, lgombos, Hiroto_, marcosc_, kochi1,
- 16:08:59 [Zakim]
- ... kochi, tyoshino, igrigorik, stryx`_, stryx`, MikeSmith, botie, hober, paul___irish, slightlyoff, tobie, astearns, cwilso, timeless, scheib, hayato_, krit, cabanier, jsbell,
- 16:08:59 [Zakim]
- ... mkwst___
- 16:09:05 [bryan_]
- present+ Bryan_Sullivan
- 16:09:06 [cyns]
- present cynthia_shelly
- 16:09:13 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, call Portland
- 16:09:13 [Zakim]
- ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
- 16:09:14 [Zakim]
- +Portland
- 16:09:14 [cyns]
- present+ cynthia_shelly
- 16:09:14 [ArtB]
- zakim, call Portland
- 16:09:14 [Zakim]
- ok, ArtB; the call is being made
- 16:09:15 [Zakim]
- +Portland.a
- 16:09:18 [Zakim]
- -Portland.a
- 16:09:33 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, call Portland
- 16:09:33 [Zakim]
- ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
- 16:09:34 [Zakim]
- +Portland.a
- 16:09:37 [ArtB]
- zakime, who's here?
- 16:09:37 [Zakim]
- -Portland.a
- 16:09:52 [tyoshino]
- i can hear someone speaking
- 16:09:56 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, call Seattle
- 16:09:56 [Zakim]
- ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
- 16:09:58 [Zakim]
- +Seattle
- 16:10:08 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, drop Seattle
- 16:10:08 [Zakim]
- Seattle is being disconnected
- 16:10:10 [Zakim]
- -Seattle
- 16:10:22 [forty4]
- present+ Dowan_Kim
- 16:10:28 [tyoshino]
- talking about agenda, yes
- 16:10:34 [sam]
- sam has joined #webapps
- 16:11:00 [MikeSmith]
- q?
- 16:11:04 [ArtB]
- CN: agenda requests
- 16:11:06 [MikeSmith]
- q+ to comment
- 16:11:12 [anssik]
- anssik has joined #webapps
- 16:11:20 [ArtB]
- CS: I have a proposal I'd like to talk about when IndieUI folks are here
- 16:11:32 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, call Portland
- 16:11:32 [Zakim]
- ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
- 16:11:35 [Zakim]
- +Portland.a
- 16:11:36 [Zakim]
- -Portland.a
- 16:11:56 [ArtB]
- AB: we can allocate time tomorrow Cindy
- 16:11:58 [ArtB]
- CS: ok
- 16:12:06 [ArtB]
- CN: any other topics
- 16:12:17 [ArtB]
- MS: URL spec
- 16:12:24 [ShijunS]
- ShijunS has joined #webapps
- 16:12:26 [ArtB]
- … want to have Larry Manister
- 16:12:57 [ArtB]
- SR: what about Dan?
- 16:13:11 [ArtB]
- AB: please tell Larry and Dan to be here at 10:00
- 16:13:36 [ArtB]
- PLH: TAG says 10:00 will not work for them today
- 16:14:07 [ArtB]
- CN: PLH, please figure out a good time for Tuesday
- 16:14:13 [fjh_]
- fjh_ has joined #webapps
- 16:14:44 [ArtB]
- MS: are we having a SysApps joint meeting?
- 16:15:00 [ArtB]
- MC: Mounir will be here after lunch
- 16:15:13 [ArtB]
- … should wait for him
- 16:15:28 [ArtB]
- JS: tomorrow Wonsuk will be here
- 16:15:57 [ArtB]
- ACTION: Marcos work with SysApps to find an agenda slot for Tuesday
- 16:15:57 [trackbot]
- Error finding 'Marcos'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 16:16:04 [ArtB]
- Topic: Spec Roll call
- 16:16:36 [Travis]
- scribe: Travis
- 16:16:52 [Travis]
- Topic: Rundown of pubstatus
- 16:16:58 [Travis]
- Clipboard events
- 16:17:09 [Travis]
- ... hallvord has a few issues he wanted to deal with
- 16:17:10 [kawai]
- kawai has joined #webapps
- 16:17:27 [Travis]
- ... "strip dangerous content for paste"
- 16:17:38 [Travis]
- ... would be useful for email (to have a standard way to do this)
- 16:18:12 [Travis]
- ... allow beforepaste event; are there privacy concerns?
- 16:18:27 [Travis]
- ... chaals thinks 'no'
- 16:18:50 [Travis]
- ... This spec goes back a while... is this converging to an LC?
- 16:18:59 [Travis]
- ... anyone interested in committing to this?
- 16:19:38 [Travis]
- rniwa: clarify the question?
- 16:19:52 [Travis]
- (no volunteers to help in the room)
- 16:20:45 [Travis]
- marcosc_: Not sure on mozilla stance... wondering if others are planning to implement?
- 16:20:50 [Travis]
- ... is Apple?
- 16:21:05 [Travis]
- benjamp: Microsoft is.
- 16:21:31 [stone]
- stone has joined #webapps
- 16:21:37 [Travis]
- rniwa: Apple is paying "close attention"
- 16:21:57 [Travis]
- DOM Level 3 Event
- 16:22:08 [ArtB]
- ScribeNick: ArtB
- 16:22:14 [darobin]
- Travis: for this we published an updated WD in September
- 16:22:20 [ArtB]
- TL: we published new D3E spec last month
- 16:22:27 [darobin]
- ... it is our intention to keep pushing this spec to the end of its day
- 16:22:33 [ArtB]
- ScribeNick: darobin
- 16:22:41 [darobin]
- ... we've tried to harmonise with DOM4, notably for events (definition, dispatch)
- 16:22:51 [darobin]
- ... we have a number of additional significant bugs to tackle
- 16:23:03 [darobin]
- ... notably defining the order of dispatch of events in relation to the task queue model
- 16:23:10 [darobin]
- ... a few more clarifications and a whole lot of cleanup
- 16:23:20 [darobin]
- ... it's looking, rough estimate, 6 months to another LC
- 16:23:39 [darobin]
- marcosc: it wasn't clear to me last I looked at HTML, if it defines task queues
- 16:23:52 [Claes]
- Present+ Claes_Nilsson
- 16:23:53 [darobin]
- Travis: you can select from the queue you want
- 16:24:03 [plinss]
- plinss has joined #webapps
- 16:24:04 [darobin]
- ... if you put them in the same queue
- 16:24:21 [darobin]
- chaa13: and this is like a legacy spec, right?
- 16:24:35 [shepazu]
- shepazu has joined #webapps
- 16:24:37 [darobin]
- Travis: to a large extent, as we update it we are applying new spec patterns but it's arduous
- 16:24:41 [darobin]
- marcosc: UI Events?
- 16:24:59 [ArtB]
- -> UI Events ED
- 16:24:59 [darobin]
- Travis: it was the future of D3Ev, but as we continue to polish this one, we realised we needed to do some of those things now
- 16:25:06 [forty41]
- forty41 has joined #webapps
- 16:25:06 [darobin]
- ... this is also part of the delay
- 16:25:19 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller.a]
- 16:25:23 [darobin]
- marcosc: my confusion is that I keep finding the UI events and getting confused
- 16:25:27 [darobin]
- plh: should we deprecate it?
- 16:25:35 [smaug]
- Zakim, [IPcaller.a] is Olli_Pettay
- 16:25:35 [Zakim]
- +Olli_Pettay; got it
- 16:25:36 [darobin]
- Travis: that sounds good to me, it has very little if anything
- 16:25:47 [alan-i]
- alan-i has joined #webapps
- 16:25:50 [smaug]
- Zakim, nick smaug is Olli_Pettay
- 16:25:50 [Zakim]
- ok, smaug, I now associate you with Olli_Pettay
- 16:25:55 [darobin]
- chaa13: publish as empty Note, point to D3Ev
- 16:26:06 [darobin]
- Travis: when D3Ev is done, where do the new events go?
- 16:26:16 [darobin]
- marcosc: we can restart this
- 16:26:26 [ArtB]
- ACTION: barstow start CfC to publish UI Events as a "gutted" WG Note
- 16:26:26 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-734 - Start cfc to publish ui events as a "gutted" wg note [on Arthur Barstow - due 2014-11-03].
- 16:26:47 [darobin]
- RESOLUTION: deprecate UI Events as a deliverable and publish a gutted Note for it
- 16:27:02 [darobin]
- ArtB: anything about the key specs
- 16:27:12 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, who's on the phone?
- 16:27:12 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see +1.650.318.aaaa, [IPcaller], Portland, Olli_Pettay
- 16:27:16 [darobin]
- Travis: they go with D3E, should go to Rec at the same time?
- 16:27:35 [darobin]
- ArtB: pubstatus says D3E still has tests in Mercurial, still the case?
- 16:27:42 [MikeSmith]
- smaug, can you hear us on the phone?
- 16:28:06 [smaug]
- yes
- 16:28:07 [darobin]
- ACTION: Travis to check that the D3E tests are in GH or Mercurial, and if needed fix
- 16:28:07 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-735 - Check that the d3e tests are in gh or mercurial, and if needed fix [on Travis Leithead - due 2014-11-03].
- 16:28:14 [smaug]
- MikeSmith: surprisingly well
- 16:28:17 [darobin]
- ArtB: is Alex still available to work as a test facilitator
- 16:28:27 [darobin]
- Travis: I don't believe he is, we should find a new facilitator
- 16:28:36 [smaug]
- MikeSmith: but I'm just listening in the background while doing other stuff
- 16:28:50 [MikeSmith]
- smaug, OK greatーthanks
- 16:28:59 [ArtB]
- ACTION: barstow work with Adrian to find a replacement TC for Alex and D3E
- 16:29:00 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-736 - Work with adrian to find a replacement tc for alex and d3e [on Arthur Barstow - due 2014-11-03].
- 16:29:09 [darobin]
- Travis: Gary is interested in testing the spec further
- 16:29:13 [MikeSmith]
- RRSAgent,
- 16:29:13 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand '', MikeSmith. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 16:29:18 [darobin]
- Travis: DOM-PS
- 16:29:19 [MikeSmith]
- RRSAgent, make minutes
- 16:29:19 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate MikeSmith
- 16:29:43 [darobin]
- ArtB: that was listed in potential topics, possible CR
- 16:29:54 [darobin]
- Travis: I don't know that we have much that's controversial
- 16:30:02 [MikeSmith]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 16:30:04 [darobin]
- ... should we have a breakout
- 16:30:10 [ArtB]
- -> DOM P&S tests
- 16:30:11 [darobin]
- Robin: are there bugs?
- 16:30:22 [darobin]
- Travis: status is we have a CR, in June, contingent on TS
- 16:30:23 [Hyunjin]
- Hyunjin has joined #webapps
- 16:30:29 [darobin]
- ... the TS has yet to coalesce
- 16:30:31 [MikeSmith]
- RRSAgent, make minutes
- 16:30:31 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate MikeSmith
- 16:30:34 [darobin]
- chaa13: so we need tests
- 16:30:35 [ArtB]
- -> DOM P&S test open issues
- 16:30:50 [darobin]
- Travis: Ms2ger had tests, some need porting, new ones are needed
- 16:31:05 [darobin]
- ArtB: no test coordinator
- 16:31:19 [darobin]
- Travis: I'm happy to be a facilitator
- 16:31:32 [darobin]
- plh: what could help is if you can at some point write down the list of needed test
- 16:31:36 [darobin]
- ... that helps people pick things up
- 16:31:48 [darobin]
- cindy: I'm happy to help, but I'll need your help to step in
- 16:31:55 [darobin]
- Travis: that would help!
- 16:32:05 [Hyunjin_]
- Hyunjin_ has joined #webapps
- 16:32:17 [darobin]
- rniwa: do you have any sense on how consistent browsers are?
- 16:32:29 [tantek]
- tantek has joined #webapps
- 16:32:32 [darobin]
- Travis: the spec largely follows an implementation that is pretty close to Gecoj
- 16:32:43 [darobin]
- ... Chrome had serious issues serialising namespaced attributes
- 16:32:47 [darobin]
- ... but they indicated progress
- 16:32:51 [smaug]
- s/Gecoj/Gecko/
- 16:32:56 [darobin]
- ... otherwise the basics are widely implemented
- 16:33:16 [darobin]
- ... we'll see how bad that is with testing
- 16:33:26 [darobin]
- darobin: are you going to do anything with innerText?
- 16:33:43 [darobin]
- Travis: there was opposition because it depends on rendering, but some thought it might be doable
- 16:33:59 [Domenic]
- someone speccing innerText would be amaaaazing
- 16:34:03 [darobin]
- ... happy to include it if there's consensus, but otherwise would leave it alone
- 16:34:08 [darobin]
- ... maybe a new spec?
- 16:34:14 [youngwoojo]
- youngwoojo has joined #webapps
- 16:34:23 [darobin]
- rniwa: Selection API also depends on innerText, it would be valuable to have a spec for that
- 16:34:38 [darobin]
- ... it's a lot of work, because it's hard, don't want to block DOM-PS
- 16:34:57 [gludi_]
- gludi_ has joined #webapps
- 16:35:14 [Domenic]
- for the record, previous attempts (with tests apparently) at; use to follow the dead links.
- 16:35:16 [darobin]
- Travis: heard a recommendation to start a new spec as part of the editing TF, we should pursue that, it's a good idea
- 16:35:36 [darobin]
- chaa13: any takers?
- 16:35:42 [kurosawa]
- kurosawa has joined #webapps
- 16:36:04 [darobin]
- Travis: if no volunteers, I can be the default
- 16:36:30 [fjh]
- fjh has joined #webapps
- 16:36:42 [darobin]
- ben: how does it relate to textContent?
- 16:37:03 [darobin]
- Travis: they both serialise text...
- 16:37:40 [darobin]
- ... innerText serialises "what you see on screen" text, textContent is pure object model
- 16:37:49 [darobin]
- ... let's get a new component in the bug DB for that
- 16:37:58 [darobin]
- scribenick: Travis
- 16:38:01 [ArtB]
- ACTION: barstow create a new bugzilla component for Inner Text
- 16:38:04 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-737 - Create a new bugzilla component for inner text [on Arthur Barstow - due 2014-11-03].
- 16:38:14 [Travis]
- chaals: Moving on to FileAPI
- 16:38:22 [Travis]
- ... oh, on the agenda already... skipping
- 16:38:30 [Travis]
- ... FullScreen
- 16:38:40 [Travis]
- ... calling tantek
- 16:39:21 [ArtB]
- -> Tantek's proposal re Fullscreen API
- 16:39:22 [Travis]
- ... chaals says tantek says let the WHATWG do it. Anyone interested in publishing in W3C
- 16:39:49 [Travis]
- ... if no one moves it forward, it will likely be parked as a Note.
- 16:40:15 [Travis]
- ArtB: In our charter, we don't make binding decisions in f2f meetings. We can take a poll here...
- 16:40:32 [Travis]
- ... any objecting to parking fullscreen?
- 16:40:48 [Travis]
- ... (no objections noted)
- 16:40:52 [ArtB]
- ACTION: barstow start a CfC to publish a "gutted" WG Note of the Fullscreen API
- 16:40:55 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-738 - Start a cfc to publish a "gutted" wg note of the fullscreen api [on Arthur Barstow - due 2014-11-03].
- 16:41:12 [Travis]
- marcosc: can we redirect the parked specs to the active specs.
- 16:41:28 [Travis]
- plh: If the spec is going to be parked, we need to update the TR
- 16:41:43 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 16:41:43 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 16:41:49 [Travis]
- chaals: Status information is important, the redirect will be noted in the doc.
- 16:42:00 [Travis]
- marcosc: can we tell Google not to index it?
- 16:42:06 [gludi|3]
- gludi|3 has joined #webapps
- 16:42:41 [Travis]
- chaals: Gamepad.
- 16:42:59 [Travis]
- ... is anyone following? I see discussion going on...
- 16:43:26 [Travis]
- ... OK.
- 16:43:35 [Travis]
- IndexedDB
- 16:44:39 [Travis]
- sicking: I'm not sure what's blocking; implementation seem interoperable
- 16:44:48 [smaug]
- Fixing would give quite some more green in IDB tests
- 16:45:01 [Travis]
- ArtB: looking at the implementation report...
- 16:45:15 [myakura]
- 16:45:25 [ArtB]
- -> IDB interfaces Web IDL
- 16:45:26 [Travis]
- darobin: Note the "interfaces.html" (WebIDL interfaces)
- 16:45:43 [Travis]
- ... Those are WebIDL related problems, not necessarily IndexedDB...
- 16:45:53 [Travis]
- ... if you opt those out, there aren't that many failures.
- 16:46:35 [Travis]
- plh: for WebIDL we should ignore non-basic bindings...
- 16:46:45 [Travis]
- marcosc: strongly object. We should fix the IDL...
- 16:47:06 [smaug]
- IDB webidl tests are buggy
- 16:47:09 [Travis]
- sicking: why do we keep blocking IndexedDB on WebIDL failures
- 16:47:14 [smaug]
- not implementations
- 16:47:19 [Travis]
- plh: truth is no one implements WebIDL correctly yet.
- 16:47:19 [smaug]
- in this case
- 16:47:43 [Travis]
- ... implementations have been trying to get WebIDL bindings correctly.
- 16:47:55 [Travis]
- marcosc: if it affects authors, it's bad, otherwise OK.
- 16:49:02 [Travis]
- chaals: If these failures are 'theoretical purity' issues, then we should just move on and fix those later.
- 16:49:42 [Travis]
- joshua: should we followup with a review of the failures just to make sure?
- 16:50:07 [Travis]
- chaals: If it doesn't cause real-world issues for users, then that's the use case.
- 16:50:45 [Travis]
- ArtB: Straw poll: any objections based on result.
- 16:51:13 [Travis]
- sicking: I'm not convinced (we were looking at the 'less-than-2' results...
- 16:51:43 [Travis]
- plh: 37 tests failing out of 595.
- 16:52:02 [Travis]
- ... if you factor out WebIDL tests it's even better.
- 16:52:30 [ArtB]
- ACTION: barstow start a CfC to publish a Proposed Recommendation of IDB
- 16:52:33 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-739 - Start a cfc to publish a proposed recommendation of idb [on Arthur Barstow - due 2014-11-03].
- 16:52:37 [Travis]
- chaals: Lots of support for moving it forward. Let's ship it!
- 16:53:05 [Travis]
- ArtB: Anything else regarding IDB v2?
- 16:53:09 [kbx]
- kbx has joined #webapps
- 16:53:25 [DaveWalp]
- DaveWalp has joined #WebApps
- 16:53:38 [Travis]
- joshua: Just focusing on service worker (SW), digesting feedback around using Promises. No progress to report.
- 16:53:40 [DaveWalp]
- Present+ David Walp
- 16:54:00 [Travis]
- chaals: IME
- 16:55:54 [Guest]
- Guest has joined #webapps
- 16:56:23 [xiaoqian]
- Travis: MS is considering to implement IME API @@...spec is relatively stable.
- 16:56:24 [Travis]
- MikeSmith: Looking for another test facilitator... please?
- 16:56:37 [Travis]
- ... any other implementation interest?
- 16:56:42 [chaals]
- q?
- 16:57:31 [Travis]
- hober: Goal to support script avoiding IME seems reasonable
- 16:57:42 [Travis]
- ... I worry assumptions are based on current IMEs
- 16:57:47 [Travis]
- ... not sure what the future holds.
- 16:57:59 [Travis]
- ... scope is reduced; think it looks better than before.
- 16:58:29 [Travis]
- rniwa: Apple is interested in improving editing; it important to look at how IME API fits into the overall system.
- 16:58:43 [Travis]
- ... we don't want to be introducing lots of ways to do the same thing.
- 16:58:59 [jcraig]
- jcraig has joined #webapps
- 16:59:22 [Travis]
- chaals: We definiately don't want to introduce conflicts.
- 16:59:24 [ArtB]
- ACTION: barstow issue a Call for Test Facilitator for IME spec
- 16:59:30 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-740 - Issue a call for test facilitator for ime spec [on Arthur Barstow - due 2014-11-03].
- 16:59:34 [Travis]
- MikeSmith: Jonas/Marcos, any help?
- 16:59:45 [Travis]
- sicking: I know what it is; don't know any plans.
- 17:00:03 [Travis]
- chaals: Yandex has an interest; we build IMEs; but don't have anyone to offer.
- 17:00:20 [Travis]
- ishida: to what extent is this JP vs JP & CN?
- 17:00:38 [sicking]
- sicking has joined #webapps
- 17:00:47 [Travis]
- MikeSmith: Not to go too deep--but main use case is to avoid IME overlaps with web-based suggestions.
- 17:01:10 [Travis]
- ... biggest problem is occlusion/overlap; that's the primary scenario driving the spec.
- 17:01:34 [Travis]
- ishida: main users will be JP/CN. Anyone from those communities interested in moving this forward?
- 17:01:51 [Travis]
- chaals: Status: it's moving forward slowly
- 17:02:23 [Travis]
- rniwa: We should try to get someone from KO/CN/JP interest groups to help (vs. folks who've never used them before)
- 17:02:50 [ArtB]
- ACTION: charles ask cjk interest group and others about IME (use cases, tests, etc.)
- 17:02:55 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-741 - Ask cjk interest group and others about ime (use cases, tests, etc.) [on Charles McCathie Nevile - due 2014-11-03].
- 17:03:12 [hiroki]
- hiroki has joined #webapps
- 17:03:14 [Travis]
- cindy: tencent/baidu can help (from China)
- 17:03:34 [Jinwang_Qi]
- Jinwang_Qi has joined #webapps
- 17:03:36 [Travis]
- chaals: OK. Moving to PointerLock
- 17:03:43 [JonathanJ1]
- JonathanJ1 has joined #webapps
- 17:03:48 [Travis]
- ArtB: No status report from Vincent Scheib
- 17:04:00 [Travis]
- ... there is a link to test suite, but only has WebIDL templates...
- 17:04:01 [jrossi]
- jrossi has joined #webapps
- 17:04:10 [JonathanJ1]
- Present+ Jonathan_Jeon
- 17:04:14 [Travis]
- chaals: Anyone know anything more on status.
- 17:04:36 [Travis]
- chaals: Quota Management?
- 17:04:46 [hober]
- Present+ hober
- 17:04:56 [Travis]
- ArtB: Kinuko sent mail
- 17:05:04 [sicking_]
- sicking_ has joined #webapps
- 17:05:09 [Travis]
- ... status is "not very active". Anyone interested in helping push this forward?
- 17:05:29 [Travis]
- ... not hearing anything.
- 17:05:41 [Travis]
- chaals: Screen Orientation - on the agenda for tomorrow.
- 17:05:48 [Travis]
- ... so is Selection API
- 17:06:00 [Travis]
- ... Server-Sent Events
- 17:06:53 [Travis]
- ArtB: At one point, it looked like we were close to finishing, but with new tests, we seem to have more failures.
- 17:07:13 [Travis]
- ... rate looks like 13/124 failures.
- 17:07:25 [Travis]
- darobin: Looks like there are some major timeout failures.
- 17:07:52 [Travis]
- ... timeout could be a test failure, but we don't know for sure.
- 17:08:12 [sam2]
- sam2 has joined #webapps
- 17:08:34 [Travis]
- ... I'm also interested in taking feedback on the implementation report--send me bugs.
- 17:08:35 [ArtB]
- ACTION: barstow re SSE test results, followup on the Timeouts with the 2 test facilitators
- 17:08:38 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-742 - Re sse test results, followup on the timeouts with the 2 test facilitators [on Arthur Barstow - due 2014-11-03].
- 17:09:08 [Travis]
- chaals: Service Workers
- 17:09:23 [Travis]
- chaals: Streams API on the agenda already
- 17:09:31 [Travis]
- ... URL
- 17:09:31 [Travis]
- ArtB: Yes, this is on the agenda, combined with Push API
- 17:09:34 [Travis]
- ... is on the agenda
- 17:09:48 [Travis]
- ... WebIDL
- 17:10:31 [sam2]
- quit
- 17:10:31 [Travis]
- Yves: Had one bug to fix on integrating the test suite...
- 17:10:32 [Zakim]
- + +1.650.318.aabb
- 17:10:44 [Travis]
- MikeSmith: Boris/Cameron not working on this (don't have time)
- 17:10:45 [Zakim]
- - +1.650.318.aaaa
- 17:10:51 [Travis]
- ... we want to move this ahead.
- 17:11:01 [ArtB]
- ACTION: yves, follow with Cameron re PR 271 and the Web IDL test suite
- 17:11:03 [trackbot]
- Error finding 'yves,'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 17:11:06 [Travis]
- Yves: With no reply, I will probably do this myself.
- 17:11:24 [Travis]
- marcosc: we need a better plan. Cameron is not moving it forward; who can do that.
- 17:11:41 [Travis]
- sicking: Cameron _is_ moving it forward, just not as fast as we want.
- 17:11:52 [JonathanJ1]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 17:11:52 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate JonathanJ1
- 17:11:59 [Travis]
- ... features are being added from use cases in other specs.
- 17:12:24 [Travis]
- marcosc: We need a proper plan, we have a devision between v1 and v2.
- 17:12:45 [Travis]
- ... we keep fixing features and adding features. It's continuing to evolve.
- 17:12:55 [Travis]
- chaals: Are you volunteering to publish a v1?
- 17:12:59 [Travis]
- Yves: Yes, of course.
- 17:13:17 [Travis]
- chaals: Straw Poll: shall we try to publish a V1?
- 17:13:31 [Travis]
- marcosc: I think we risk fragmentation.
- 17:13:41 [israelh]
- israelh has joined #webapps
- 17:13:43 [Travis]
- Yves: It's documenting what's pretty stable. We have tests, etc.
- 17:13:56 [Travis]
- ... we are mostly adding things, not modifying things
- 17:14:06 [Domenic]
- -1 on v1. Disagree that things are only being added.
- 17:14:28 [Travis]
- marcosc: we've been talking about the v1/v2 thing for awhile... if Yves can't get it done, we should kill it.
- 17:14:36 [MikeSmith]
- -> 107 open WebIDL bugs
- 17:14:46 [Travis]
- chaals: Any other concerns (from non marcosc)
- 17:15:05 [Travis]
- MikeSmith: I think the level of effort is high.
- 17:15:17 [Travis]
- ... there are 107 bugs... we could use some extra help.
- 17:15:21 [ArtB]
- ACTION: yves, work on moving Web IDL v1 to REC
- 17:15:23 [trackbot]
- Error finding 'yves,'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 17:15:33 [Domenic]
- I am concerned that people will look at v1 and view it as authoritative, when v2 is much more up to date.
- 17:15:40 [Travis]
- chaals: Anyone here want to help finish WebIDL v1?
- 17:15:58 [ArtB]
- ACTION: charles try to find someone to help Yves, Cam and Boris on Web IDL v1
- 17:15:59 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-743 - Try to find someone to help yves, cam and boris on web idl v1 [on Charles McCathie Nevile - due 2014-11-03].
- 17:16:04 [Travis]
- Yves: This will help with the "how do we reference WebIDL question'
- 17:16:13 [Travis]
- chaals: Web Messaging
- 17:16:34 [MikeSmith]
- ACTION: Yves to work on moving Web IDL v1 to REC
- 17:16:36 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-744 - Work on moving web idl v1 to rec [on Yves Lafon - due 2014-11-03].
- 17:16:45 [Travis]
- ArtB: KrisK from Microsoft was going to provide some updated data.
- 17:17:00 [Travis]
- ... is Kris available to work on this?
- 17:17:17 [Travis]
- adrianba: I will check with Kris
- 17:17:29 [Travis]
- ArtB: Same story for Web Sockets
- 17:17:44 [Travis]
- ... Workers
- 17:17:56 [Travis]
- ... Simon is test facilitator
- 17:18:01 [tantek]
- tantek has joined #webapps
- 17:18:20 [Travis]
- ... He noted a few bugs, but claims the test suite is relatively complete
- 17:19:16 [ArtB]
- ACTION: adrian determine Kris' availability to work on the Web Messaging and Web Sockets implemenation reports
- 17:19:20 [trackbot]
- 'adrian' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., abateman2, ayanes).
- 17:19:41 [ArtB]
- ACTION: barstow followup with Simon re running the Web Workers tests
- 17:19:43 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-745 - Followup with simon re running the web workers tests [on Arthur Barstow - due 2014-11-03].
- 17:19:57 [Travis]
- chaals: XHR is on the agenda...
- 17:19:59 [Travis]
- ... Web Components?
- 17:20:06 [MikeSmith]
- ACTION: abateman2 to determine Kris' availability to work on the Web Messaging and Web Sockets implemenation reports
- 17:20:08 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-746 - Determine kris' availability to work on the web messaging and web sockets implemenation reports [on Adrian Bateman - due 2014-11-03].
- 17:20:40 [kusakak]
- kusakak has joined #webapps
- 17:20:48 [Travis]
- ArtB: Now showing Dmitri's status report on custom elements...
- 17:21:51 [hjshin]
- hjshin has joined #webapps
- 17:22:04 [Travis]
- rniwa: For custom elements, the lifecycle methods are defined pretty vague. I believe this needs to be more well-defined.
- 17:22:16 [ArtB]
- -> Custom Elements status from Dimitri 2014-Oct-24
- 17:22:19 [Travis]
- ... "transitioning from script to user-agent code" not precise enough.
- 17:22:43 [Travis]
- ArtB: One other thing: on April meeting we talked a lot about these three specs.
- 17:22:44 [Domenic]
- +1
- 17:23:02 [Domenic]
- annevk was looking into the transition from script to user-agent code thing at one point
- 17:23:32 [Travis]
- ... dimitri has sent out requests for feedback, but it looks like no one is showing that must interest?
- 17:23:56 [Travis]
- sicking: in our experience, the spec is lacking and ambiguous; it's been hard to get things defined.
- 17:24:06 [Travis]
- ... we've tried to implement, but it's been hard/impossible.
- 17:24:13 [ArtB]
- -> HTML Imports status report frm Hajime on 2014-Oct-24
- 17:24:25 [Travis]
- ... I sadly have no specific examples, but it would be nice to address these issues.
- 17:24:50 [HZ]
- HZ has joined #webapps
- 17:24:57 [Domenic]
- callbacks/transition from user code bug:
- 17:25:04 [Travis]
- rniwa: I don't have a lot of time to engage in tech conference all the time; I'm pretty busy. I prefer to stick to the mailing list to work async.
- 17:25:19 [zcorpan]
- zcorpan has joined #webapps
- 17:25:22 [ArtB]
- -> Shadow DOM status report from Hayato on 2014-Oct-23
- 17:25:29 [Travis]
- chaals: Seems like folks want this and are waiting for it to be done.
- 17:25:32 [jcraig]
- jcraig has joined #webapps
- 17:26:10 [Travis]
- sicking: Are the spec editors willing to have co-editors?
- 17:26:20 [tantek]
- tantek has joined #webapps
- 17:26:23 [Travis]
- chaals: chairs may be willing to appoint co-editors.
- 17:26:42 [Travis]
- ArtB: For resource committments, folks can talk to us
- 17:27:01 [Travis]
- rniwa: Given Mozilla is implementing, can we see some help from there.
- 17:27:33 [hallvors]
- hallvors has joined #webapps
- 17:28:12 [Travis]
- (google) we're open to help (I work with dimitri)
- 17:29:19 [Travis]
- chaals: Poll says lots of folks enthusiastically ready to see this tech delivered. More test cases, spec editing help appreciated.
- 17:29:24 [Travis]
- ... volunteer now!
- 17:29:31 [Travis]
- ... or when you want to :-)
- 17:29:38 [smaug]
- tantek: are you following the discussion?
- 17:30:09 [timeless]
- scribe: timeless
- 17:30:15 [timeless]
- scribenick: timeless
- 17:30:15 [Travis]
- chaals: This sums up the review of pubstatus.
- 17:30:22 [jcraig_]
- jcraig_ has joined #webapps
- 17:30:25 [timeless]
- s/Travis/scribe/
- 17:30:34 [timeless]
- [ Break until 11:00 ]
- 17:30:54 [tantek_]
- tantek_ has joined #webapps
- 17:30:59 [Zakim]
- -Olli_Pettay
- 17:31:14 [tyoshino]
- Present+ Takeshi_Yoshino
- 17:32:34 [a1zu]
- a1zu has joined #webapps
- 17:37:17 [a1zu]
- a1zu has joined #webapps
- 17:40:56 [jhund]
- jhund has joined #webapps
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- rubys has joined #webapps
- 17:43:14 [rubys]
- rubys has left #webapps
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- jhund_ has joined #webapps
- 17:47:05 [notbenjamin]
- notbenjamin has joined #webapps
- 17:47:27 [notbenjamin]
- notbenjamin has joined #webapps
- 17:54:16 [makotom]
- makotom has joined #webapps
- 17:56:38 [fjh]
- fjh has joined #webapps
- 17:57:23 [Zakim]
- +Domenic
- 17:58:54 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller.a]
- 17:59:28 [anssik]
- zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me
- 17:59:28 [Zakim]
- +anssik; got it
- 17:59:35 [anssik]
- Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen
- 18:00:03 [tyoshino]
- zakim, +1.650.318.aabb is me
- 18:00:03 [Zakim]
- +tyoshino; got it
- 18:00:18 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller.a]
- 18:00:30 [smaug]
- Zakim, [IPcaller.a] is Olli_Pettay
- 18:00:30 [Zakim]
- +Olli_Pettay; got it
- 18:00:43 [smaug]
- Zakim, nick smaug is Olli_Pettay
- 18:00:43 [Zakim]
- ok, smaug, I now associate you with Olli_Pettay
- 18:00:52 [smaug]
- Present+ Olli_Pettay
- 18:02:55 [arunranga]
- arunranga has joined #webapps
- 18:03:48 [MikeSmith]
- I am a fish
- 18:04:30 [timeless]
- Zakim, who is on the call?
- 18:04:30 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see [IPcaller], Portland, tyoshino, Domenic, anssik, Olli_Pettay
- 18:04:31 [ArtB]
- zakim, who's here?
- 18:04:33 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see [IPcaller], Portland, tyoshino, Domenic, anssik, Olli_Pettay
- 18:04:33 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see arunranga, fjh, makotom, notbenjamin, jhund_, tantek, jcraig, hallvors, zcorpan, kusakak, israelh, jrossi, hiroki, gludi|3, kurosawa, gludi_, youngwoojo, shepazu,
- 18:04:33 [Zakim]
- ... plinss, ShijunS, anssik, sam, bryan_, smaug, alia, Travis, benjamp, glenn, darobin, jungkees, RRSAgent, Zakim, adrianba, ArtB, marcosc, Zefa, chaals, lgombos, Hiroto_,
- 18:04:36 [Zakim]
- ... marcosc_, kochi1, kochi, tyoshino, igrigorik, stryx`_, stryx`, MikeSmith, botie, hober, paul___irish, slightlyoff, tobie, astearns, cwilso, timeless, scheib, hayato_, krit,
- 18:04:36 [Zakim]
- ... cabanier, jsbell
- 18:04:51 [timeless]
- Zakim, [IPCaller] is probably lgombos
- 18:04:52 [Zakim]
- +lgombos?; got it
- 18:04:56 [tyoshino]
- Zakim, nick tyoshino is Takeshi_Yoshino
- 18:04:56 [Zakim]
- sorry, tyoshino, I do not see a party named 'Takeshi_Yoshino'
- 18:05:03 [a1zu]
- a1zu has joined #webapps
- 18:05:04 [tyoshino]
- Present+ Takeshi_Yoshino
- 18:05:14 [hiroki]
- hiroki has joined #webapps
- 18:05:27 [Claes]
- Claes has joined #webapps
- 18:06:08 [timeless]
- Zakim, timeless has entered Portland
- 18:06:08 [Zakim]
- +timeless; got it
- 18:06:12 [ArtB]
- RRSAgent, make minutes
- 18:06:12 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate ArtB
- 18:06:27 [sicking]
- sicking has joined #webapps
- 18:06:46 [rniwa]
- rniwa has joined #webapps
- 18:06:50 [makotom]
- present+ Makoto_Morise
- 18:07:15 [timeless]
- Topic: Streams
- 18:07:32 [timeless]
- present+ timeless
- 18:07:40 [timeless]
- chaals: we recently published Streams
- 18:07:42 [Zefa]
- Zefa has joined #webapps
- 18:07:49 [timeless]
- ... Domenic, do you want to tell us where we're up to?
- 18:07:52 [timeless]
- Domenic: yeah
- 18:08:04 [timeless]
- ... from the previous discussion, the idea was to split the work into separate efforts
- 18:08:06 [ArtB]
- -> Streams by WHATWG
- 18:08:07 [timeless]
- ... one for low level JS API
- 18:08:14 [timeless]
- ... and then on top of that, one for Blobs
- 18:08:25 [timeless]
- ... a lot of the work tyoshino and I have worked on
- 18:08:25 [kbx]
- kbx has joined #webapps
- 18:08:29 [ArtB]
- -> Streams API W3C Editor's Draft
- 18:08:30 [timeless]
- ... is going reallly well
- 18:08:39 [forty4]
- forty4 has joined #webapps
- 18:08:48 [timeless]
- s/tyoshino/DD/
- 18:08:53 [jdsmith]
- jdsmith has joined #webapps
- 18:08:55 [wooglae]
- wooglae has joined #webapps
- 18:08:57 [timeless]
- ... the public API is extremely stable at this point
- 18:09:03 [weinig]
- weinig has joined #webapps
- 18:09:08 [timeless]
- ... as we make these tweaks to external behavior
- 18:09:14 [spoussa]
- spoussa has joined #webapps
- 18:09:17 [timeless]
- ... we've been maintaining a testsuite and a polyfil
- 18:09:28 [timeless]
- ... i think coverage of testsuite against polyfil should be 80% or higher
- 18:09:34 [timeless]
- ... which i'm really happy about
- 18:09:36 [waynecarr]
- waynecarr has joined #webapps
- 18:09:40 [timeless]
- ... wrt the wider ecosystem
- 18:09:48 [timeless]
- ... there's been work to integrate with TCP Socket
- 18:09:55 [timeless]
- 18:10:03 [tyoshino]
- Polyfill ->
- 18:10:04 [brianraymor]
- brianraymor has joined #webapps
- 18:10:06 [waynecarr]
- present+ waynecarr
- 18:10:15 [timeless]
- ... Section Service Worker
- 18:10:18 [timeless]
- ... WebAudio
- 18:10:39 [timeless]
- s/DD/tyoshino/
- 18:10:50 [timeless]
- ... tyoshino has been working on ByteStreams
- 18:10:54 [timeless]
- ... that's been going really well
- 18:11:06 [timeless]
- ... we merged that this morning, it's at first-draft status
- 18:11:12 [tyoshino]
- ByteStream ->
- 18:11:12 [timeless]
- ... the public api is unchanged
- 18:11:26 [ArtB]
- -> WHATWG Streams Open Issues
- 18:11:28 [timeless]
- chaals: during the publishing discussion
- 18:11:39 [timeless]
- ... people said you have a mismatch between the spec and MSE
- 18:11:49 [adrianba]
- q+
- 18:11:58 [MikeSmith]
- ack makotom
- 18:11:59 [timeless]
- s|ByteStream ->|-">|-> ByteStream|
- 18:12:04 [MikeSmith]
- ack MikeSmith
- 18:12:04 [Zakim]
- MikeSmith, you wanted to comment
- 18:12:11 [timeless]
- Domenic: we talked w/ the MSE spec author
- 18:12:21 [timeless]
- ... the old direction wasn't good
- 18:12:37 [timeless]
- ... we're looking on being able to integrate MSE streams w/ other streams in the ecosystems
- 18:12:40 [timeless]
- ... kind of the point
- 18:12:43 [MikeSmith]
- RRSAgent, make minutes
- 18:12:43 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate MikeSmith
- 18:12:46 [sicking_]
- sicking_ has joined #webapps
- 18:12:49 [timeless]
- chaals: anyone here from an MSE who wants to speak?
- 18:12:51 [timeless]
- q?
- 18:13:15 [alan-i]
- alan-i has joined #webapps
- 18:13:24 [timeless]
- jdsmith: we're still trying to evaluate the changes necessary to implement streams w/ the new model
- 18:13:30 [timeless]
- ... it's a moderate amount of work
- 18:13:37 [timeless]
- ... we haven't made a determination of the technical merits
- 18:13:42 [MikeSmith]
- ack adrianba
- 18:13:49 [ShijunS]
- present+ Shijun_Sun
- 18:13:50 [jhund]
- jhund has joined #webapps
- 18:13:50 [timeless]
- adrianba: i wonder if there's a little confusion between MSE streams
- 18:13:55 [timeless]
- ... and MediaStreams in MediaCapture
- 18:14:10 [timeless]
- ... it sounded like what Domenic spoke about was more applicable to MediaStreams
- 18:14:12 [adrianba]
- 18:14:14 [timeless]
- ... in MSE we have a note
- 18:14:15 [chaals]
- q+ art
- 18:14:29 [ArtB]
- RRSAgent, make minutes
- 18:14:29 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate ArtB
- 18:14:40 [timeless]
- s||-">|-> Media Source Extensions Status of This Document|
- 18:14:45 [timeless]
- adrianba: when we went to CR
- 18:14:55 [timeless]
- ... it was early in the work that Domenic was doing on the Stream API
- 18:15:04 [timeless]
- ... we took a dependency to a Stream Object
- 18:15:13 [timeless]
- ... a readable stream that could be read asynchronously
- 18:15:24 [timeless]
- ... i think that dependency should be to ReadableByteStream
- 18:15:31 [timeless]
- ... i don't think MSE has a big issue for integration
- 18:15:38 [plh]
- plh has joined #webapps
- 18:15:40 [alan-i]
- present+ Alan_Iida
- 18:15:52 [timeless]
- Domenic: i was talking with Aaron Kolel
- 18:15:58 [timeless]
- ... AppendStream
- 18:16:07 [timeless]
- ... could take readable stream with bytes
- 18:16:11 [miterho]
- miterho has joined #webapps
- 18:16:13 [adrianba]
- s/Kolel/Colwell/
- 18:16:18 [timeless]
- ... we also want to expose a writeable stream
- 18:16:27 [aaa]
- aaa has joined #webapps
- 18:16:33 [timeless]
- ... the AppendStream pattern is a little specific to MSE
- 18:16:47 [timeless]
- ... but we also want to allow people to just write to a WriteableStream
- 18:16:54 [timeless]
- adrianba: that makes sense
- 18:17:05 [timeless]
- Domenic: that shouldn't block MSE from advancing
- 18:17:14 [DaveWalp]
- DaveWalp has joined #WebApps
- 18:17:14 [timeless]
- s/WriteableStream/WritableStream/
- 18:17:49 [chaals]
- ack art
- 18:18:05 [timeless]
- ArtB: at one point, there was discussion, that Streams would move into TC39
- 18:18:09 [timeless]
- ... and become part of EcmaScript
- 18:18:14 [timeless]
- ... is that still the plan?
- 18:18:18 [timeless]
- ... do you have any update on it?
- 18:18:29 [timeless]
- Domenic: as i've been working on it, i'm not sure
- 18:18:32 [timeless]
- ... it's JS
- 18:18:40 [timeless]
- ... it takes no dependencies on Web specific stuff
- 18:18:49 [timeless]
- ... on the other hand, EcmaScript is very small
- 18:18:52 [timeless]
- ... and this would be very big
- 18:18:58 [timeless]
- ... so I want to see what the committee says
- 18:19:10 [timeless]
- ... I'm sure this could ship in multiple environments, including Node.js
- 18:19:27 [timeless]
- ... not just theoretically, we (me) could get this shipping in Node.js
- 18:19:56 [timeless]
- israelh: how does the fact that there's this portion of Stream APIs in WHAT WG
- 18:20:04 [timeless]
- ... how do we take a dependency on that?
- 18:20:11 [timeless]
- ... I understand W3 process to documents
- 18:20:15 [timeless]
- ... but this other dependency
- 18:20:23 [timeless]
- chaals: there are 2 ways you can do it
- 18:20:33 [timeless]
- ... one, you can publish a version of the content @ W3C
- 18:20:46 [ArtB]
- q+ marcos
- 18:20:46 [timeless]
- ... WHATWG says "we can have specs you can fork, but we don't want you to"
- 18:20:56 [ArtB]
- ack marcos
- 18:21:07 [timeless]
- ack marcosc
- 18:21:24 [tomoyuki]
- tomoyuki has joined #webapps
- 18:21:27 [timeless]
- marcosc: we had a call with tyoshino and others
- 18:21:36 [timeless]
- ... the WHAT WG version would be an ED
- 18:21:40 [myakura]
- myakura has joined #webapps
- 18:21:42 [timeless]
- ... and we'd work with the W3 Process
- 18:21:46 [stone]
- stone has joined #webapps
- 18:22:02 [timeless]
- ... because we understood it was important for MSE
- 18:22:22 [timeless]
- ... plh put forward the proposal to have [WHATWG] EDs in TR
- 18:22:32 [timeless]
- ... particularly for Streams
- 18:22:38 [timeless]
- Domenic: we had that call a while ago
- 18:22:47 [timeless]
- ... I agreed that if that's what it takes, that's what I'll do
- 18:22:57 [timeless]
- ... I'd like to investigate a way to reference directly
- 18:23:02 [timeless]
- ... if not, then we can just copy
- 18:23:28 [timeless]
- plh: on ED, what we're doing for this is to have no human involved in propagating WDs
- 18:23:38 [timeless]
- ... I wouldn't want people to lose focus
- 18:23:45 [timeless]
- ... on Wednesday, we'll have W3C 20
- 18:23:55 [timeless]
- ... we're going to use a plugin to broadcast live
- 18:24:03 [timeless]
- ... we have users today who'd love to broadcast live
- 18:24:16 [timeless]
- ... until we get Streams done, we can't do this without plugins
- 18:24:29 [timeless]
- ... can you get it done by Wednesday (and Deployed)
- 18:24:34 [timeless]
- s/)/)?/
- 18:24:41 [plh]
- plh: :)
- 18:24:55 [timeless]
- chaals: W3C needs to get a document, or people need to figure out how to reference
- 18:25:02 [timeless]
- ... this is politics... including us
- 18:25:10 [timeless]
- israelh: do we have an action item to do the copying?
- 18:25:12 [miterho]
- present+miterho
- 18:25:29 [timeless]
- Domenic: all commits are reference global by unique url
- 18:25:33 [timeless]
- ... you can reference a single version
- 18:25:41 [timeless]
- ... i'm willing to work with you guys on this process
- 18:25:54 [timeless]
- chaals: my understanding is that we have an agreement to publish a W3C version from time to time
- 18:26:11 [timeless]
- Domenic: i will not go back on that agreement, even though I like it less and less
- 18:26:15 [timeless]
- chaals: anything more on streams?
- 18:26:31 [timeless]
- ArtB: thanks Domenic
- 18:26:39 [Zakim]
- -Domenic
- 18:27:09 [Zakim]
- -anssik
- 18:27:16 [timeless]
- [ Break until 11:30 ]
- 18:27:19 [plh]
- s/broadcast live/broadcast live using HTML5/
- 18:28:32 [hiroto]
- hiroto has joined #webapps
- 18:29:05 [Zakim]
- -tyoshino
- 18:29:15 [darobin]
- darobin has joined #webapps
- 18:29:40 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 18:29:40 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 18:30:23 [brianraymor]
- brianraymor has joined #webapps
- 18:30:23 [timeless]
- s|Polyfill ->|-">|-> Polyfill|
- 18:30:41 [Zakim]
- + +47.21.65.aacc
- 18:30:49 [timeless]
- s|"> -> Streams API W3C Editor's Draft |-> Streams API W3C Editor's Draft|
- 18:31:00 [timeless]
- Zakim, aacc is hallvors
- 18:31:00 [Zakim]
- +hallvors; got it
- 18:31:20 [timeless]
- s|"> -> Streams by WHATWG|-> Streams by WHATWG|
- 18:31:22 [timeless]
- Topic: XHR
- 18:31:26 [ArtB]
- -> XHR1 ED
- 18:31:34 [timeless]
- jungkees: we already discussed before the meeting
- 18:31:41 [timeless]
- ... speaking on behalf of the Editors
- 18:31:50 [timeless]
- ... we decided to publish a new version
- 18:31:53 [timeless]
- ... at W3C
- 18:31:57 [timeless]
- ... to have a stable version
- 18:32:15 [timeless]
- ... we will specify clearly that "this spec specifies features as of this date"
- 18:32:26 [Zakim]
- +tyoshino
- 18:32:37 [MikeSmith]
- q+ to ask if bz is on board with that plan
- 18:32:41 [timeless]
- ... "but that for future versions/features, you will have to use the WHATWG version"
- 18:32:43 [ArtB]
- -> XHR L2 ED
- 18:32:56 [waynecarr]
- waynecarr has joined #webapps
- 18:32:58 [timeless]
- chaals: straw poll, do people think that's a crazy idea?
- 18:33:03 [timeless]
- ... publish XHR1-legacy spec
- 18:33:22 [timeless]
- ... and that there is no current plan to work on future versions of XHR in this WG
- 18:33:36 [timeless]
- weinig: what's the value?
- 18:33:56 [timeless]
- chaals: there's value to have a referenceable version
- 18:34:05 [timeless]
- ... like what Spanish governments use
- 18:34:10 [MikeSmith]
- -> Comments from bz on earlier proposed options
- 18:34:10 [wooglae]
- wooglae has joined #webapps
- 18:34:15 [plh]
- plh has joined #webapps
- 18:34:15 [timeless]
- ... lots of people use this
- 18:34:25 [timeless]
- ... they use basic features of non bleeding edge technology
- 18:34:27 [rubys1]
- rubys1 has joined #webapps
- 18:34:28 [timeless]
- ... including XHR
- 18:34:33 [timeless]
- ... quite important to consumers/market
- 18:34:34 [Zakim]
- -Olli_Pettay
- 18:34:42 [timeless]
- ... they say, can we please have a stable version of the spec
- 18:34:44 [JonathanJ1]
- JonathanJ1 has joined #webapps
- 18:34:51 [timeless]
- ... W3C happens to be in a position to do that
- 18:35:06 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 18:35:12 [timeless]
- ... if you try to tell WebMasters working across Spain, they have real problems working within their legal requiements
- 18:35:17 [smaug]
- Zakim, [IPcaller] is Olli_Pettay
- 18:35:17 [Zakim]
- +Olli_Pettay; got it
- 18:35:21 [timeless]
- weinig: if we don't do it, what would spain do?
- 18:35:27 [timeless]
- s/spain/Spain/
- 18:35:33 [timeless]
- chaals: it depends on whereabouts you are
- 18:35:39 [timeless]
- ... some will go out and make stuff up
- 18:35:39 [wooglae]
- wooglae has joined #webapps
- 18:35:41 [adrianba]
- q+
- 18:35:47 [timeless]
- ... a lot of places will just NOT USE XHR
- 18:35:52 [timeless]
- ... which is destructive
- 18:35:57 [timeless]
- q?
- 18:35:59 [marcosc]
- q+
- 18:36:03 [wooglae]
- wooglae has joined #webapps
- 18:36:03 [timeless]
- ... because XHR is really valuable
- 18:36:04 [gludi|3]
- gludi|3 has joined #webapps
- 18:36:05 [timeless]
- ack MikeSmith
- 18:36:05 [Zakim]
- MikeSmith, you wanted to ask if bz is on board with that plan
- 18:36:19 [timeless]
- MikeSmith: it sounds like what you're planning to do is what bz thought was a good idea
- 18:36:51 [timeless]
- ... but it's good to confirm this is in line with what bz suggested
- 18:37:24 [timeless]
- [ bz: If we want to publish something at all, I think this is the most ]
- 18:37:24 [timeless]
- [ ... reasonable option, frankly. I have no strong opinions on whether this ]
- 18:37:24 [timeless]
- [ ... is done REC-track or as a Note, I think, but I think such a document ]
- 18:37:24 [timeless]
- [ ... would in fact be useful to have if it doesn't exist yet. ]
- 18:37:33 [timeless]
- ack Yves
- 18:37:38 [timeless]
- Yves: what's the current status?
- 18:37:43 [marcosc]
- q-
- 18:37:53 [timeless]
- ... having only one document with errata?
- 18:38:04 [timeless]
- jungkees: the current ED / latest public WD
- 18:38:10 [timeless]
- ... don't have the changes from the Fetch spec
- 18:38:25 [timeless]
- ... what we're trying to do is publish the legacy capabilities and features that the browsers implement
- 18:38:41 [timeless]
- ... saying that this spec defines those capabilities / features that browsers implement as of this date
- 18:38:51 [timeless]
- Yves: do people want to add more things to XHR?
- 18:38:57 [timeless]
- jungkees: that would be XHR.2
- 18:39:03 [timeless]
- ... we don't have an idea of what that is
- 18:39:10 [timeless]
- ... annevk is working on Fetch
- 18:39:17 [timeless]
- ... he pointed out several features as well
- 18:39:21 [chaals]
- q+
- 18:39:23 [timeless]
- ... there will be more changes as time goes by
- 18:39:28 [timeless]
- ... we aren't following that point
- 18:39:41 [jeff_]
- jeff_ has joined #webapps
- 18:39:46 [timeless]
- ... what we're trying to do as of now is that there's a pointer to the future spec (outside W3)
- 18:39:56 [timeless]
- ... the editors haven't discussed a v2 plan
- 18:40:02 [timeless]
- ... forking Fetch wouldn't really work
- 18:40:11 [timeless]
- ... WHATWG is working on Fetch very actively
- 18:40:12 [timeless]
- ack adrianba
- 18:40:12 [chaals]
- q+ art
- 18:40:32 [hallvors]
- q+
- 18:40:49 [timeless]
- adrianba: XHR is a really old technology
- 18:40:54 [timeless]
- ... we (MS) shipped it a really long time ago
- 18:41:02 [timeless]
- ... I think there's a bunch of sites on the web that use it
- 18:41:15 [timeless]
- ... the Spanish people will use it once we get this done
- 18:41:26 [timeless]
- ... There are some issues w/ event ordering and other related things
- 18:41:34 [chaals]
- q-
- 18:41:37 [timeless]
- ... I think there's particular value in having a REC with IP commitments
- 18:41:45 [timeless]
- ... I'd like to see this done w/ minimum effort
- 18:41:50 [timeless]
- ... get the legacy thing written down
- 18:41:59 [jcraig]
- jcraig has joined #webapps
- 18:41:59 [timeless]
- ... don't worry too much about implementation differences
- 18:42:08 [marcosc]
- Q+
- 18:42:11 [timeless]
- ... I remember being here five years ago having the same discussion about the differences
- 18:42:12 [sunghan_]
- sunghan_ has joined #webapps
- 18:42:16 [timeless]
- ... the web hasn't collapsed
- 18:42:21 [timeless]
- ... let's get this done
- 18:42:34 [timeless]
- jungkees: we could publish as NOTE
- 18:42:41 [timeless]
- [ NOTE does not get IP committment ]
- 18:42:43 [timeless]
- ack ArtB
- 18:42:50 [timeless]
- ArtB: I support publishing
- 18:42:51 [plh]
- ack art
- 18:42:59 [timeless]
- ... at some point, we published Level 2
- 18:43:21 [timeless]
- ... we should at a minimum move this to WG NOTE, gut it, and include a pointer to WHATWG
- 18:43:30 [timeless]
- ... if there's support for that, I'll make a CfC for it
- 18:43:39 [timeless]
- ... on L1, do you want to move it to REC?
- 18:43:50 [timeless]
- jungkees: we thought it brings value to the industry
- 18:43:55 [chaals]
- q+
- 18:43:56 [timeless]
- ... but we'll follow the decision of the grou[
- 18:43:59 [timeless]
- s/[/p/
- 18:44:10 [timeless]
- ArtB: the plan of record is to take L1 to REC
- 18:44:14 [timeless]
- ack hallvors
- 18:44:29 [timeless]
- hallvors: on the future of XHR and Fetch
- 18:44:39 [timeless]
- ... annevk's plan is to merge XHR into Fetch
- 18:44:50 [timeless]
- ... going forward, there may not be an XHR spec at WHATWG
- 18:44:55 [timeless]
- ... just a Fetch spec
- 18:45:07 [timeless]
- ... I think we should just get rid of the level 2 draft
- 18:45:16 [timeless]
- ... and just refer to whatever annevk has developed
- 18:45:22 [timeless]
- ack marcosc
- 18:45:33 [timeless]
- marcosc: i'd like to hear from the Editors what changes they expect to make
- 18:45:36 [timeless]
- ... and in what time frame
- 18:45:37 [timeless]
- ... let
- 18:45:43 [timeless]
- s/let/let's move this to PR/
- 18:45:45 [ArtB]
- ACTION: barstow start a CfC to gut XHR L2 and publish a WG Note
- 18:45:45 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-747 - Start a cfc to gut xhr l2 and publish a wg note [on Arthur Barstow - due 2014-11-03].
- 18:45:59 [timeless]
- jungkees: the status of the document is WD
- 18:46:03 [timeless]
- ... we have a Test Suite
- 18:46:18 [hallvors]
- (I can't hear you anymore, not sure what happened)
- 18:46:21 [timeless]
- ... we have ~80% test cases passing more than 2 implementations
- 18:46:31 [timeless]
- Zakim, who is on the call?
- 18:46:31 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see lgombos?, Portland, hallvors, tyoshino, Olli_Pettay
- 18:46:33 [Zakim]
- Portland has timeless
- 18:46:39 [timeless]
- s/(I can't hear you anymore, not sure what happened)//
- 18:46:43 [timeless]
- ack chaals
- 18:46:53 [timeless]
- chaals: if the Editors have a spec
- 18:46:54 [ArtB]
- -> XHR Test Results
- 18:46:55 [Zakim]
- -hallvors
- 18:47:09 [timeless]
- ... and it's highly likely that people can put XHR in web sites
- 18:47:13 [timeless]
- ... and have it not fall over
- 18:47:19 [timeless]
- ... then we can take that argument to the Director
- 18:47:23 [Zakim]
- +hallvors
- 18:47:24 [timeless]
- ... and say that
- 18:47:31 [timeless]
- ... and that is how we'd get it out the door
- 18:47:38 [timeless]
- ... i'd like to return to the straw poll
- 18:47:51 [timeless]
- q?
- 18:47:58 [timeless]
- q+ Yves
- 18:48:04 [timeless]
- q+ rniwa
- 18:48:10 [timeless]
- ... are there people who object to the proposal that we publish L1?
- 18:48:15 [timeless]
- [ None ]
- 18:48:24 [timeless]
- ... are there people who are in favor ofthe proposal that we publish L1?
- 18:48:28 [timeless]
- s/ofthe/of the/
- 18:48:30 [plh]
- ack Yves
- 18:48:36 [timeless]
- [ A good number of hands ]
- 18:48:43 [timeless]
- Yves: there are a couple of tests with failures
- 18:48:47 [timeless]
- ... due to implementation bugs
- 18:48:56 [timeless]
- ... it doesn't mean that the specification is failing
- 18:49:01 [timeless]
- ... they're bugs in the implementations
- 18:49:04 [timeless]
- ack rniwa
- 18:49:13 [waynecarr_]
- waynecarr_ has joined #webapps
- 18:49:15 [timeless]
- rniwa: are there inconsistencies between the XHR1 spec and the WHATWG spec?
- 18:49:22 [hallvors]
- q+
- 18:49:43 [timeless]
- jungkees: Fetch spec is more interested in the underlying details
- 18:49:50 [timeless]
- chaals: are there behavior differences?
- 18:49:57 [timeless]
- jungkees: annevk mentioned Service Worker
- 18:50:06 [timeless]
- ... but XHR2 doesn't cover that
- 18:50:24 [timeless]
- rniwa: does the current XHR1 spec have inconsistent behaviors to the WHATWG XHR spe
- 18:50:26 [timeless]
- s/spe/spec/
- 18:50:29 [plh]
- q+
- 18:50:40 [timeless]
- ... if someone implemented XHR1 perfectly and that was incompatible w/ WHATWG
- 18:50:44 [timeless]
- ... that would be bad
- 18:50:50 [timeless]
- jungkees: WHATWG just has more features
- 18:50:57 [timeless]
- ... there wouldn't be inconsistencies to the legacy behavior
- 18:51:07 [timeless]
- marcosc: i don't think anyone would implement just XHR1
- 18:51:17 [timeless]
- q?
- 18:51:29 [timeless]
- chaals: people will use just XHR1
- 18:51:30 [Domenic]
- there are behavior diferences
- 18:51:31 [timeless]
- ack hallvors
- 18:51:35 [Domenic]
- XHR1 does not go through service worker
- 18:51:42 [Domenic]
- WHATWG XHR goes through service worker
- 18:51:50 [timeless]
- hallvors: it's important that we not specify in XHR1 things that are incompatible w/ WHATWG
- 18:51:58 [timeless]
- ... most of the differences are due to refactors
- 18:52:05 [timeless]
- ... moving things from XHR to Fetch
- 18:52:17 [timeless]
- ... I think we should do some extra reviews to make sure we don't have incompatibilities
- 18:52:37 [timeless]
- ... so that developers who implement to our spec won't have to change and change back
- 18:52:38 [timeless]
- ack plh
- 18:52:48 [timeless]
- plh: I was going to say what I said to the CSS WG 8 years ago
- 18:52:59 [timeless]
- ... recommending a spec that isn't getting implemented isn't useful
- 18:53:06 [Domenic]
- earlier someone said publishing would be useful for developers. that is not true. tutorials are useful for developers, but a(n outdated) spec is not.
- 18:53:10 [timeless]
- ... unless the implementers will change their implementation
- 18:53:15 [timeless]
- ... we need to spec what's implemented
- 18:53:18 [chaals]
- q+
- 18:53:22 [timeless]
- ... no use in recommending a spec that isn't implemented
- 18:53:29 [timeless]
- ... we need tests and make sure it's implemented
- 18:53:32 [timeless]
- ... this is what we need to spec
- 18:53:34 [timeless]
- ack chaals
- 18:53:43 [timeless]
- chaals: introducing known incompatibilities is dumb
- 18:54:01 [timeless]
- ... there's a use in having things defined that work
- 18:54:13 [timeless]
- ... there's nothing wrong with saying "doing this would be kind of dumb"
- 18:54:30 [adrianba]
- q+
- 18:54:37 [timeless]
- ... clarifying bits that would have trouble
- 18:54:42 [timeless]
- ... with a warning of where to look
- 18:54:46 [timeless]
- ... these are all good things
- 18:54:53 [timeless]
- ... including getting/giving IP commitments
- 18:55:08 [timeless]
- adrianba: it may be that to follow the CSS model, we may need to add some ambiguity to the spec
- 18:55:10 [timeless]
- [ laughter ]
- 18:55:19 [timeless]
- adrianba: from the browser perspective, it isn't super important
- 18:55:26 [timeless]
- ... but to allow for developers to read this
- 18:55:33 [timeless]
- ... saying you should have things in a certain order
- 18:55:41 [timeless]
- ... if someone relies on this order, then that's a problem
- 18:55:52 [timeless]
- ... if we say "you should do it this way, but you can't rely on it this way"
- 18:56:08 [timeless]
- ... using those test results, we might want to codify those differences
- 18:56:14 [timeless]
- chaals: you want us to describe the known unknowns
- 18:56:26 [jeff_]
- present+ jeff
- 18:56:27 [timeless]
- adrianba: but not the unknown unkowns
- 18:56:32 [timeless]
- [ laughter ]
- 18:56:51 [timeless]
- chaals: seems there's quite a lot of support for the plan of record
- 18:56:57 [timeless]
- ... a spec that's useful that people can use
- 18:56:59 [timeless]
- ... and publish it
- 18:57:10 [timeless]
- ... i suggest that a provisional resolution is that's what we do
- 18:57:13 [timeless]
- ... objections?
- 18:57:15 [timeless]
- [ none ]
- 18:57:30 [timeless]
- [ Lunch until 1:00 pm ]
- 18:57:30 [alan-i]
- alan-i has left #webapps
- 18:57:36 [timeless]
- Topic: Push API and Service Workers
- 18:57:42 [Zakim]
- -Olli_Pettay
- 18:57:43 [xiaoqian]
- RRSAgent, drop minutes
- 18:57:43 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'drop minutes', xiaoqian. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 18:57:46 [marcosc]
- marcosc has joined #webapps
- 18:57:55 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 18:57:55 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 18:57:58 [Zakim]
- -lgombos?
- 18:59:20 [Zakim]
- -hallvors
- 19:00:12 [ArtB]
- RRSAgent, help
- 19:00:41 [ArtB]
- RRSAgent, this meeting spans midnight
- 19:00:43 [darobin]
- darobin has joined #webapps
- 19:06:38 [Zakim]
- -tyoshino
- 19:15:48 [mvano]
- mvano has joined #webapps
- 19:18:05 [myakura]
- myakura has joined #webapps
- 19:34:17 [mvano]
- mvano has joined #webapps
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- arunranga has joined #webapps
- 19:51:07 [TNK]
- TNK has joined #webapps
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- hiroki has joined #webapps
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- kusakak has joined #webapps
- 19:57:39 [johnmellor-chrome]
- johnmellor-chrome has joined #webapps
- 19:57:41 [notbenjamin]
- notbenjamin has joined #webapps
- 19:58:57 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 19:59:07 [jsbell]
- Present+ Joshua_Bell
- 19:59:24 [wooglae]
- wooglae has joined #webapps
- 19:59:27 [Zakim]
- +??P1
- 19:59:51 [lgombos]
- Zakim, +[IPcaller] is lgombos
- 19:59:51 [Zakim]
- sorry, lgombos, I do not recognize a party named '+[IPcaller]'
- 19:59:55 [rubys]
- rubys has joined #webapps
- 19:59:58 [benjamp]
- benjamp has joined #webapps
- 20:00:01 [lgombos]
- Zakim, [IPcaller] is lgombos
- 20:00:01 [Zakim]
- +lgombos; got it
- 20:00:16 [weinig]
- weinig has joined #webapps
- 20:00:55 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 20:00:59 [alan-i]
- alan-i has joined #webapps
- 20:01:32 [notbenjamin]
- notbenjamin has joined #webapps
- 20:01:42 [a12u]
- a12u has joined #webapps
- 20:01:59 [smaug]
- Zakim, [IPcaller] is Olli_Pettay
- 20:01:59 [Zakim]
- +Olli_Pettay; got it
- 20:02:28 [DaveWalp]
- DaveWalp has joined #webapps
- 20:02:39 [Zakim]
- + +44.207.095.aadd
- 20:02:41 [israelh]
- israelh has joined #webapps
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- abarsto has joined #webapps
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- aaa has joined #webapps
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- rniwa has joined #webapps
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- myakura has joined #webapps
- 20:05:01 [timeless]
- Zakim, who is on the call?
- 20:05:01 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Portland, lgombos, ??P1, Olli_Pettay, +44.207.095.aadd
- 20:05:04 [Zakim]
- Portland has timeless
- 20:05:18 [brianraymor]
- brianraymor has joined #webapps
- 20:05:19 [Zakim]
- -??P1
- 20:05:54 [mvano]
- 44 is me
- 20:06:02 [Zakim]
- +??P1
- 20:06:18 [timeless]
- Zakim, aadd is mvano
- 20:06:18 [Zakim]
- +mvano; got it
- 20:06:21 [johnmellor-chrome]
- I'm one of the people on the phone
- 20:06:22 [timeless]
- s/44 is me//
- 20:06:28 [timeless]
- Zakim, P1 is johnmellor-chrome
- 20:06:28 [Zakim]
- sorry, timeless, I do not recognize a party named 'P1'
- 20:06:32 [timeless]
- Zakim, ??P1 is johnmellor-chrome
- 20:06:32 [Zakim]
- +johnmellor-chrome; got it
- 20:06:33 [mvano]
- audio is terrible though
- 20:06:40 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 20:06:44 [timeless]
- s/audio is terrible though//
- 20:06:46 [ArtB]
- -> Push API Slides by Shijun
- 20:06:50 [brianraymor]
- Present+ Brian_Raymor
- 20:06:51 [ArtB]
- zakim, who's here
- 20:06:51 [Zakim]
- ArtB, you need to end that query with '?'
- 20:06:54 [anssik]
- zakim, [IPcaller] is me
- 20:06:54 [Zakim]
- +anssik; got it
- 20:07:02 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 20:07:02 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 20:07:26 [ArtB]
- zakim, who's here?
- 20:07:26 [spoussa]
- spoussa has joined #webapps
- 20:07:26 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Portland, lgombos, Olli_Pettay, mvano, johnmellor-chrome, anssik
- 20:07:28 [Zakim]
- Portland has timeless
- 20:07:28 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see spoussa, brianraymor, myakura, rniwa, aaa, ArtB, israelh, DaveWalp, a12u, notbenjamin, alan-i, weinig, benjamp, rubys, wooglae, johnmellor-chrome, hiroki, TNK,
- 20:07:28 [Zakim]
- ... arunranga, mvano, gludi|3, hiroto, hallvors, plinss, anssik, bryan_, smaug, jungkees, RRSAgent, Zakim, lgombos, marcosc_, kochi1, kochi, tyoshino, igrigorik, stryx`_, stryx`,
- 20:07:30 [Zakim]
- ... MikeSmith, botie, hober, paul___irish, slightlyoff, tobie, astearns, cwilso, timeless, scheib, hayato_, krit, cabanier, jsbell, mkwst___, Domenic, FerasM__, dcooney___, pdr__,
- 20:07:30 [Zakim]
- ... Hixie
- 20:07:33 [marcosc]
- marcosc has joined #webapps
- 20:07:55 [timeless]
- s|"> -> Streams API W3C Editor's Draft|-> Streams API W3C Editor's Draft|
- 20:07:58 [alia]
- alia has joined #webapps
- 20:08:13 [timeless]
- Topic: Introductions 2
- 20:08:21 [timeless]
- alex: Alex Russel, Google
- 20:08:22 [forty4]
- forty4 has joined #webapps
- 20:08:34 [timeless]
- mounir: Mounir, Google
- 20:08:38 [ArtB]
- Present+ Alex_Russel, Mounir, Ben_Poulain
- 20:08:50 [Zakim]
- -mvano
- 20:08:54 [timeless]
- notbenjamin: Benjamin, Apple
- 20:09:01 [timeless]
- weinig: Sam Weinig, Apple
- 20:09:22 [timeless]
- norbert: Norbert Lindenberg, Invited Expert
- 20:09:24 [ArtB]
- Present+ Sam_Weining, Joshua_Bell, Norbert_Lindenberg, Kenji
- 20:09:33 [timeless]
- kenji: Kenji, Google
- 20:09:41 [timeless]
- Joshua_Bell: Joshua Bell, Google
- 20:09:42 [ArtB]
- zakim, who's here?
- 20:09:42 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Portland, lgombos, Olli_Pettay, johnmellor-chrome, anssik
- 20:09:46 [Zakim]
- Portland has timeless
- 20:09:46 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see forty4, alia, marcosc, spoussa, brianraymor, myakura, rniwa, aaa, ArtB, israelh, DaveWalp, a12u, notbenjamin, alan-i, weinig, benjamp, rubys, wooglae,
- 20:09:46 [Zakim]
- ... johnmellor-chrome, hiroki, TNK, arunranga, mvano, hallvors, plinss, anssik, bryan_, smaug, jungkees, RRSAgent, Zakim, lgombos, marcosc_, kochi1, kochi, tyoshino, igrigorik,
- 20:09:46 [Zakim]
- ... stryx`_, stryx`, MikeSmith, botie, hober, paul___irish, slightlyoff, tobie, astearns, cwilso, timeless, scheib, hayato_, krit, cabanier, jsbell, mkwst___, Domenic, FerasM__,
- 20:09:46 [Zakim]
- ... dcooney___, pdr__
- 20:09:52 [timeless]
- lgombos: Lazlo Gombos, Samsung
- 20:09:56 [timeless]
- johnmellor-chrome: John Mellor, Google
- 20:09:59 [timeless]
- q?
- 20:10:08 [timeless]
- Zakim, who is on the call?
- 20:10:08 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Portland, lgombos, Olli_Pettay, johnmellor-chrome, anssik
- 20:10:11 [Zakim]
- Portland has timeless
- 20:10:17 [Zakim]
- + +44.207.346.aaee
- 20:10:20 [timeless]
- anssik: Anssi Kostiainen, Intel
- 20:10:33 [Claes]
- Claes has joined #webapps
- 20:10:33 [hjlee]
- hjlee has joined #webapps
- 20:10:37 [mounir]
- +Michael_van_Ouwerkerk
- 20:10:50 [mounir]
- Present+ Michael_van_Ouwerkerk
- 20:10:52 [timeless]
- Michael_van_Ouwerkerk: Michael van Ouwerkerk, Google
- 20:11:00 [timeless]
- s/Topic: Push API and Service Workers//
- 20:11:03 [timeless]
- Topic: Push API and Service Workers
- 20:11:23 [kusakak]
- kusakak has joined #webapps
- 20:11:24 [waynecarr]
- waynecarr has joined #webapps
- 20:11:24 [Norbert]
- Norbert has joined #webapps
- 20:11:30 [timeless]
- QQ: The slides are based on the mailing list
- 20:11:54 [timeless]
- s/QQ/Shijun/
- 20:12:03 [timeless]
- ... We want to use Push
- 20:12:06 [a1zu]
- a1zu has joined #webapps
- 20:12:20 [adrianba]
- adrianba has joined #webapps
- 20:12:20 [timeless]
- [ Slide 2 ]
- 20:12:25 [timeless]
- Purpose
- 20:12:35 [timeless]
- Make sure we understand the steps and options in the basic E2E flow
- 20:12:35 [timeless]
- of Real-Time Communications (RTC) with push message, i.e. push an
- 20:12:35 [timeless]
- “incoming call” notification to the user.
- 20:12:39 [zcorpan]
- zcorpan has joined #webapps
- 20:12:40 [kenneth__]
- kenneth__ has joined #webapps
- 20:12:40 [timeless]
- • Identify bottlenecks and open issues.
- 20:12:42 [kbx]
- kbx has joined #webapps
- 20:12:44 [timeless]
- [ Slide 3 ]
- 20:12:46 [sicking]
- sicking has joined #webapps
- 20:12:52 [kenneth_]
- kenneth_ has joined #webapps
- 20:12:53 [timeless]
- Priorities
- 20:12:53 [timeless]
- • Low latency
- 20:12:53 [timeless]
- • High reliability
- 20:12:53 [timeless]
- • High power efficiency
- 20:12:57 [timeless]
- [ Slide 4 ]
- 20:13:03 [timeless]
- < graphic >
- 20:13:12 [timeless]
- Shijun: if you use
- 20:13:17 [timeless]
- ... the user goes there, logs in
- 20:13:18 [plh]
- plh has joined #webapps
- 20:13:23 [timeless]
- ... we want the app to be able to register something for the user
- 20:13:23 [plh]
- Present+ mnot
- 20:13:29 [timeless]
- ... it isn't sensitive to realtime
- 20:13:33 [timeless]
- ... the user isn't making a call yet
- 20:13:42 [timeless]
- ... we need to set up something for the service worker
- 20:13:51 [timeless]
- weinig: this proposal doesn't include the security model
- 20:13:56 [timeless]
- ... for insuring that you want that push?
- 20:14:07 [mt_]
- mt_ has joined #webapps
- 20:14:08 [timeless]
- Shijun: the security model isn't included in that yet
- 20:14:24 [timeless]
- ... I'm sure within the WG people here, there are people interested in Security/UI/...
- 20:14:32 [miterho]
- miterho has joined #webapps
- 20:14:32 [Hyunjin]
- Hyunjin has joined #webapps
- 20:14:39 [timeless]
- ... Here, we want to focus on Low latency, High reliability, High power efficiency
- 20:14:52 [timeless]
- israelh: The assumption we're making is that
- 20:14:59 [timeless]
- ... by the time you're going to deliver these messages
- 20:15:07 [timeless]
- ... the handshakes and correct permissions have happened at this point
- 20:15:12 [timeless]
- ... handshakes with servers
- 20:15:18 [timeless]
- ... client registration has been done
- 20:15:25 [timeless]
- weinig: doesn't that mean we should address them before?
- 20:15:30 [timeless]
- ... since they're pre-reqs
- 20:15:41 [timeless]
- Shijun: we recognize that it's an issue
- 20:15:59 [timeless]
- ... but the focus for us is to understand the scenario when the user makes a call/receives a call
- 20:16:09 [timeless]
- ... we're not trying to ignore/dismiss the other topics
- 20:16:12 [timeless]
- q?
- 20:16:20 [adrianba]
- q-
- 20:16:23 [timeless]
- q- adrianba
- 20:16:37 [timeless]
- [ Slide The Scenario: RTC call with push message ]
- 20:16:55 [timeless]
- Shijun: flows from app server to push server, push server to push client
- 20:16:58 [JonathanJ1]
- JonathanJ1 has joined #webapps
- 20:17:06 [timeless]
- ... push client to UA
- 20:17:12 [timeless]
- ... -- that's specific to the device
- 20:17:16 [timeless]
- ... it's implementation specific
- 20:17:27 [timeless]
- ... the next step is UA to Service Worker
- 20:17:38 [JonathanJ1]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 20:17:38 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate JonathanJ1
- 20:17:39 [timeless]
- [ #4. UA dispatch the message ]
- 20:17:46 [timeless]
- s/#/Slide -- #/
- 20:17:58 [timeless]
- • Current option
- 20:17:58 [timeless]
- a. UA wakes up the service worker (SW) and dispatch the message to the SW
- 20:17:58 [timeless]
- b. SW processes the message
- 20:17:58 [timeless]
- c. SW displays a notification, and optionally renders a ringtone
- 20:17:58 [timeless]
- d. Upon user click, SW launches the webapp
- 20:18:19 [timeless]
- Shijun: that's our expectation -- the sound isn't defined, just an expectation
- 20:18:49 [timeless]
- • Questions
- 20:18:49 [timeless]
- 1. Latency – How much latency between “UA receives the message” and “SW
- 20:18:49 [timeless]
- displays a notification” to user?
- 20:18:49 [timeless]
- 2. Reliability – Can SW stay alive until user click? (issue #85)
- 20:18:49 [timeless]
- 3. Power Efficiency – Are long-living SWs a problem to the device? (issue #84)
- 20:18:55 [chaals]
- chaals has joined #webapps
- 20:19:04 [timeless]
- Shijun: are we introducing latency beyond the network overhead
- 20:19:43 [slightlyoff]
- q+
- 20:19:44 [timeless]
- ... pause here for comments
- 20:19:58 [mounir]
- q?
- 20:20:01 [mounir]
- q+ johnme
- 20:20:09 [sicking]
- q+
- 20:20:13 [timeless]
- rniwa: without knowing details of the api
- 20:20:20 [timeless]
- ... keeping the SW alive doesn't seem possible
- 20:20:27 [timeless]
- ... i could have my pc at work alive for 48 hours
- 20:20:30 [timeless]
- ... and get 50 notifications
- 20:20:42 [timeless]
- ... there's no way i want 50 SWs running on my computer when i get back
- 20:20:42 [bryan_]
- q+
- 20:20:47 [timeless]
- ack slightlyoff
- 20:20:56 [timeless]
- slightlyoff: thanks for the detailed description of the process
- 20:21:07 [timeless]
- ... i think johnmellor-chrome will say the same
- 20:21:11 [timeless]
- ... SW is designed to be killable
- 20:21:16 [timeless]
- ... to get reliability back
- 20:21:29 [timeless]
- ... we'll pass a transparent structured data object to the SW
- 20:21:43 [song]
- song has joined #webapps
- 20:21:43 [timeless]
- ... the application sends data w/ the notification
- 20:21:53 [timeless]
- ... when the notification is clicked, the data can be returned to the SW
- 20:22:02 [mounir]
- ack johnme
- 20:22:04 [tantek]
- tantek has joined #webapps
- 20:22:04 [timeless]
- ... this gives power efficiency and data avialability
- 20:22:14 [timeless]
- s/avialability/availability/
- 20:22:24 [timeless]
- johnmellor-chrome: latency in Chrome/Nexus 5 is <50ms
- 20:22:31 [timeless]
- ... you receive a message in Java
- 20:22:33 [youngwoojo]
- youngwoojo has joined #webapps
- 20:22:35 [timeless]
- ... it wakes up the browser
- 20:22:36 [slightlyoff]
- q+
- 20:22:38 [timeless]
- ... it wakes up a SW
- 20:22:43 [mounir]
- s/50ms/750ms/
- 20:22:46 [timeless]
- ... we think it's possible to optimize this a lot
- 20:22:49 [timeless]
- ack sicking
- 20:22:53 [timeless]
- sicking: we've found latency
- 20:23:03 [timeless]
- ... the most expensive piece is starting the relevant process
- 20:23:08 [timeless]
- ... starting a process to show a notification
- 20:23:12 [timeless]
- ... when the user clicks the notification
- 20:23:20 [timeless]
- ... we always need to start the related process
- 20:23:25 [timeless]
- ... that's the bottleneck
- 20:23:29 [timeless]
- ... -- in FirefoxOS
- 20:23:51 [timeless]
- ... it doesn't matter if we're starting a Worker or a UI
- 20:23:59 [timeless]
- ... when it comes to Phone calls
- 20:24:02 [chaa13]
- chaa13 has joined #webapps
- 20:24:03 [timeless]
- ... vs. a Chat thing
- 20:24:08 [timeless]
- ... you don't want to just display a notification
- 20:24:13 [timeless]
- ... you often want a full screen thing
- 20:24:16 [song_]
- song_ has joined #webapps
- 20:24:22 [timeless]
- ... you want a picture of the caller, and a yes / no button
- 20:24:28 [timeless]
- ... to display that, we need the full process
- 20:24:32 [timeless]
- q?
- 20:24:34 [timeless]
- ack bryan_
- 20:24:44 [timeless]
- bryan_: i'm assuming the question about latency will resolve itself
- 20:24:50 [timeless]
- ... based on experience w/ testing
- 20:24:51 [chaa13]
- q+ shujin
- 20:24:59 [timeless]
- ... i'm assuming SW will minimize startup time
- 20:25:12 [timeless]
- ... I assume a WebRTC app that you use for calling
- 20:25:16 [timeless]
- ... will need a long lived SW
- 20:25:23 [sicking]
- q+
- 20:25:30 [timeless]
- ... but we need to optimize this so the response to the incoming event is minimal
- 20:25:42 [timeless]
- ... the thing that receives the event could be a call app ui
- 20:25:54 [timeless]
- ... to the extent that this is dependent on browser technology
- 20:25:55 [timeless]
- ack slightlyoff
- 20:26:00 [timeless]
- slightlyoff: your 8s window target
- 20:26:06 [timeless]
- ... -> shujin
- 20:26:10 [timeless]
- ... what does that include?
- 20:26:23 [aaa_]
- aaa_ has joined #webapps
- 20:26:28 [timeless]
- [ Slide #4-a. Alternative option ]
- 20:26:39 [timeless]
- shujin: the end to end latency
- 20:26:44 [timeless]
- ... from server to device
- 20:26:49 [timeless]
- ... and coming back with confirmation
- 20:26:54 [timeless]
- ... 65% <1s
- 20:27:12 [timeless]
- ... for the app to launch the background process is pretty fast
- 20:27:20 [timeless]
- q?
- 20:27:35 [Zefa]
- Zefa has joined #webapps
- 20:27:39 [timeless]
- ack sh
- 20:27:40 [timeless]
- ack sicking
- 20:27:48 [timeless]
- sicking: we have System Messages, which are like SW
- 20:27:54 [timeless]
- ... we found that works really really well
- 20:28:06 [timeless]
- ... we have yet to find an instance where we need to keep an application running in the background
- 20:28:16 [timeless]
- ... we find additional events to wake the application
- 20:28:24 [timeless]
- ... if an app wants to poll, it can use a scheduler
- 20:28:31 [timeless]
- ... for online, we can use notices
- 20:28:36 [JonathanJ1]
- JonathanJ1 has joined #webapps
- 20:28:43 [timeless]
- ... for incoming messages when the device is off
- 20:28:51 [timeless]
- ... we can have a startup message and deliver the messages
- 20:29:10 [timeless]
- ... we haven't found a case where we need long running background
- 20:29:16 [timeless]
- slightlyoff: did you have 85/95% numbers?
- 20:29:21 [timeless]
- shujin: no
- 20:29:29 [timeless]
- ... our experience isn't browser specific
- 20:29:36 [timeless]
- [ Slide #4-a. Alternative option ]
- 20:29:56 [timeless]
- • Proposal
- 20:29:56 [timeless]
- a. The push client wakes up a lightweight independent background process and pass the message to
- 20:29:56 [timeless]
- it
- 20:29:56 [timeless]
- • The background process can be developed by browser implementers
- 20:29:56 [timeless]
- • This process only handles push messages
- 20:29:56 [timeless]
- • The push client automatically wakes up this process when needed
- 20:29:56 [timeless]
- b. The background process parses the message property to identify predefined action(s)
- 20:29:56 [timeless]
- • The process only executes a small set of predefined actions: display notification, play ringtone
- 20:29:57 [timeless]
- • PushRegistraiton can be registered with the predefined action(s)
- 20:29:57 [timeless]
- c. If predefined actions are identified, the background process displays a notification, and optionally
- 20:29:57 [timeless]
- renders a preloaded ringtone
- 20:29:57 [timeless]
- d. Upon user click, the background process launches the UA which in turn forwards the push
- 20:29:57 [timeless]
- message to either a webapp or a SW
- 20:31:02 [darobin]
- darobin has joined #webapps
- 20:31:06 [jrossi]
- jrossi has joined #webapps
- 20:31:38 [slightlyoff]
- q+
- 20:31:47 [MikeSmith]
- -> "Scenario analysis: RTC call with push message" slides from Shijun
- 20:31:58 [MikeSmith]
- RRSAgent, make minutes
- 20:31:58 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate MikeSmith
- 20:32:00 [timeless]
- shujin: the background process is an extension of the push client
- 20:32:25 [chaals]
- ack sl
- 20:32:28 [timeless]
- ... that's the solution we see, which could be more friendly for mobile devices
- 20:32:30 [mounir]
- q?
- 20:32:33 [kurosawa]
- kurosawa has joined #webapps
- 20:32:44 [timeless]
- slightlyoff: what is the memory/cpu cost of the persistent background process?
- 20:32:58 [timeless]
- ... we've found we're middle of the pack for Chrome for push messages (cpu/memory)
- 20:33:07 [timeless]
- ... vs. gmail/facebook
- 20:33:12 [Jun_MA]
- Jun_MA has joined #webapps
- 20:33:25 [sicking]
- q+
- 20:33:35 [timeless]
- shujin: i don't have the numbers handy, but i can give the numbers to the ML
- 20:33:40 [MikeSmith]
- i/Slide 2/-> "Scenario analysis: RTC call with push message" slides from Shijun
- 20:33:45 [mt_]
- q+
- 20:33:46 [MikeSmith]
- RRSAgent, make minutes
- 20:33:46 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate MikeSmith
- 20:33:48 [slightlyoff]
- q+
- 20:33:57 [timeless]
- ... this is what is recommended to Windows apps
- 20:34:25 [timeless]
- ... for push message in Windows, >99% of the messages are processed by the background process
- 20:34:42 [timeless]
- ... IE is considered by Windows as an application
- 20:34:48 [timeless]
- ... and it should have a separate background process
- 20:34:51 [timeless]
- ack sicking
- 20:34:59 [timeless]
- sicking: i think that's the model that the spec is proposing
- 20:35:10 [timeless]
- ... except that, the background process is the SW
- 20:35:18 [timeless]
- ... i think what jake is proposing, is
- 20:35:27 [timeless]
- ... in what instances do you only want to display a notification/ringtone
- 20:35:36 [johnmellor-chrome]
- q+
- 20:35:39 [timeless]
- ... if you're playing a ringtone, you also want to render an onscreen ui
- 20:35:55 [johnmellor-chrome]
- q-
- 20:36:01 [mounir]
- q+
- 20:36:01 [timeless]
- ... if you're displaying something, you might want to download data
- 20:36:20 [timeless]
- shujin: analogy, each website as an independent app
- 20:36:32 [timeless]
- ... from the User perspective, each website might want to tailor the experience
- 20:36:49 [timeless]
- ... but based on the ML discussion, there's a tradeoff between how long you can keep a SW alive
- 20:36:56 [timeless]
- ... and how much can be done in a SW
- 20:37:04 [timeless]
- ... what we're proposing
- 20:37:12 [timeless]
- ... IE has a special background SW
- 20:37:18 [timeless]
- ack mt_
- 20:37:26 [timeless]
- mt_: (Martin Thomson)
- 20:37:35 [timeless]
- ... what you're asking for is something faster than the XX ms
- 20:37:44 [timeless]
- ... i don't think this requires more than a lightweight process
- 20:37:54 [timeless]
- ... an SW spins up whatever is necessary to run the js in the SW
- 20:38:03 [timeless]
- ... a very lightweight process that handles the notification, handles it
- 20:38:07 [weinig]
- q+
- 20:38:10 [timeless]
- ... if that requires launching the rendering engine
- 20:38:16 [timeless]
- ... it invokes the API for that, to get that
- 20:38:23 [timeless]
- ... i don't see that's a problem
- 20:38:31 [timeless]
- ... I see an opportunity for the OS
- 20:38:43 [timeless]
- ... for the lightweight process to be able to handle the notification w/o starting a SW
- 20:38:54 [timeless]
- ... a message comes down, immediately rendered into the notification window
- 20:39:13 [weinig]
- q-
- 20:39:14 [timeless]
- ... maybe we can provide a way to say that certain messages can become a notification directly
- 20:39:17 [mounir]
- ack slightlyoff
- 20:39:17 [timeless]
- ack slightlyoff
- 20:39:27 [timeless]
- slightlyoff: in SW, we note where we don't know what we don't know
- 20:39:37 [timeless]
- ... where app-cache failed
- 20:39:57 [timeless]
- ... we have this because we don't have a good track record of doing that
- 20:40:02 [timeless]
- ... i caution us to use data
- 20:40:13 [timeless]
- ... 750ms is the full time w/ Chrome + background process
- 20:40:21 [wooglae]
- wooglae has left #webapps
- 20:40:27 [timeless]
- ... the entire world of optimizing is several quarters forward
- 20:40:34 [timeless]
- ... we think there's a huge ramp of oportunities
- 20:40:37 [wooglae]
- wooglae has joined #webapps
- 20:40:43 [timeless]
- ... i'd like us to prefer generality over specific cases
- 20:40:53 [timeless]
- ... if there's specific evidence for the relative weight
- 20:41:02 [timeless]
- ... if you have credible evidence
- 20:41:10 [timeless]
- ... i'd like to caution us on specifics w/o data
- 20:41:19 [timeless]
- mounir: the push team at Google when we designed the Push API
- 20:41:26 [timeless]
- ... we thought about a specific API for notifications
- 20:41:31 [timeless]
- ... for the reason sicking noted
- 20:41:38 [timeless]
- ... a lot of sites will have different needs
- 20:41:47 [timeless]
- ... as noted earlier, we could make that optimization later
- 20:41:57 [timeless]
- ... offering faster
- 20:42:05 [timeless]
- ... unlike app-cache (not working)
- 20:42:14 [timeless]
- israelh: maybe the paradigms that we're looking at
- 20:42:23 [timeless]
- ... from our perspective, we wanted a common paradigm
- 20:42:30 [timeless]
- ... we wanted very little you could customize
- 20:42:40 [timeless]
- ... maybe the various more powerful rendering experiences we didn't want
- 20:42:47 [timeless]
- ... we wanted a more cohesive experience
- 20:42:54 [bkardell_]
- bkardell_ has joined #webapps
- 20:43:04 [timeless]
- ... our model is how we've been doing it since Windows 8 (3 years)
- 20:43:14 [timeless]
- ... we need to give you the specifics, i agree
- 20:43:17 [johnmellor-chrome]
- q+
- 20:43:25 [timeless]
- ... this subprocess we're describing is very specialized
- 20:43:27 [timeless]
- ... only for push
- 20:43:34 [timeless]
- ... we didn't need to enable more
- 20:43:46 [timeless]
- ... that we'll have the UA in control
- 20:43:54 [timeless]
- ... allow the SW that are instantiated to get the message
- 20:43:56 [mt_]
- I think that perhaps slightlyoff is casting this in the wrong light: SW *is* a lightweight process in a sense, but it just gets forced to be idle if it isn't dealing with an event
- 20:44:00 [timeless]
- ... we aren't saying it isn't a good thing
- 20:44:12 [timeless]
- ... offering an intermediary that's sort of lightweight
- 20:44:17 [timeless]
- ack mounir
- 20:44:23 [timeless]
- mounir: with your process
- 20:44:27 [timeless]
- ... if i want to update my database
- 20:44:30 [timeless]
- ... say i have a tutor client
- 20:44:34 [timeless]
- ... i get a message
- 20:44:37 [timeless]
- ... i don't click on it
- 20:44:40 [timeless]
- ... i go offline
- 20:44:44 [timeless]
- ... the app can't save that?
- 20:44:51 [timeless]
- israelh: there are different types of pushes
- 20:44:55 [timeless]
- ... some are raw data type
- 20:45:04 [timeless]
- ... which potentially push to the app running behind the scenes
- 20:45:10 [timeless]
- ... that gets the registered events
- 20:45:25 [timeless]
- shujin: in our case, the push message is the raw format
- 20:45:32 [timeless]
- ... in comparison to the windows messages
- 20:45:41 [Hyunjin]
- Hyunjin has joined #webapps
- 20:45:52 [timeless]
- ... we're talking about letting the developers choose simple/lightweight or not
- 20:45:59 [timeless]
- ... giving the developer more power, from a different perspective
- 20:46:08 [timeless]
- mounir: you're making an early assumption
- 20:46:12 [chaals]
- q+ dan
- 20:46:16 [timeless]
- ... that developers get a push message, and show a notification
- 20:46:19 [mt_]
- q+
- 20:46:36 [timeless]
- ... many times the developer might get data, and show the notification later
- 20:46:46 [timeless]
- shujin: i agree we shouldn't remove that from the developer
- 20:47:03 [timeless]
- ... if the message has enough information that the developer can do without predefined actions, that's still available
- 20:47:04 [jcraig]
- jcraig has joined #webapps
- 20:47:10 [timeless]
- ... when SW is run on different devices
- 20:47:18 [timeless]
- ... whether a SW can complete is another question
- 20:47:29 [timeless]
- ... whether to enable a rich experience, somehow we might not be able to guarantee
- 20:47:32 [timeless]
- ack johnmellor-chrome
- 20:47:42 [timeless]
- johnmellor-chrome: the standard thing is notifications
- 20:47:48 [timeless]
- ... when i look at a native app
- 20:47:56 [timeless]
- ... if an app is in the foreground, it usually won't show a notification
- 20:48:09 [timeless]
- ... some apps will only show notifications if you aren't looking at inbox
- 20:48:16 [timeless]
- ... some apps will download content
- 20:48:22 [timeless]
- ... gmail might get data
- 20:48:32 [timeless]
- ... but only show information if you've configured labels that match the data
- 20:48:40 [timeless]
- ... you could imagine location specific decisions
- 20:48:44 [timeless]
- q?
- 20:48:46 [timeless]
- ack dan
- 20:48:48 [tomoyuki]
- tomoyuki has joined #webapps
- 20:49:04 [mounir]
- q+
- 20:49:04 [timeless]
- ddruta: i think it would be useful if the push could go to different UAs
- 20:49:21 [timeless]
- ack mt_
- 20:49:35 [mounir]
- q-
- 20:49:37 [timeless]
- shujin: the push client is an OS component
- 20:49:41 [timeless]
- q+ mt_
- 20:49:50 [timeless]
- ... apps can implement their own SWs
- 20:49:58 [timeless]
- ack mt_
- 20:50:07 [timeless]
- mt_: i think we're reaching the saturation point
- 20:50:15 [timeless]
- ... a lot of the pushback is around the optimizations MS made
- 20:50:22 [timeless]
- ... people aren't seeing strong justification for doing
- 20:50:31 [timeless]
- ... that's what I got from slightlyoff , that's what i got from johnmellor-chrome
- 20:50:37 [timeless]
- q+ timeless
- 20:50:50 [timeless]
- ... i think you should go back to the people at MS and ask why they put in the shortcuts
- 20:50:59 [timeless]
- ... something more generic would be useful here
- 20:51:04 [timeless]
- ... we could make this optimization available
- 20:51:08 [timeless]
- ... but there are costs involved
- 20:51:13 [timeless]
- ... with the api as structured
- 20:51:16 [chaals]
- scribe: chaals
- 20:51:18 [timeless]
- ... those costs are significant
- 20:51:40 [chaals]
- Timeless: They wanted to enforce a consistent UI. (Answering MT_)
- 20:52:02 [chaals]
- … every time the userhas a similar thing, in a different client, they want it to look the same. (This is what Shujin said)
- 20:52:11 [chaals]
- … as a user, I support that goal.
- 20:52:37 [shepazu]
- shepazu has joined #webapps
- 20:52:38 [timeless]
- scribe: timeless
- 20:52:45 [timeless]
- israelh: as you get a flurry of notifications
- 20:52:50 [timeless]
- ... the client can synthesize those
- 20:52:56 [timeless]
- ... it can buffer those notifications together
- 20:52:57 [jrossi]
- jrossi has joined #webapps
- 20:52:57 [Hyunjin_]
- Hyunjin_ has joined #webapps
- 20:53:01 [timeless]
- s/Timeless/timeless/
- 20:53:10 [timeless]
- ... I don't think we're saying that the model shouldn't support SW
- 20:53:13 [timeless]
- ... that isn't what we're saying
- 20:53:25 [timeless]
- ... what we're saying, what others are calling optimizations
- 20:53:38 [timeless]
- ... we'd like to see a mechanism where those optimizations are allowed, enabled, encouraged
- 20:53:44 [timeless]
- ... as opposed to no, it has to be this other way
- 20:53:55 [timeless]
- mounir: could we keep that door open for a v2 api?
- 20:54:00 [timeless]
- ... as opposed to v1
- 20:54:11 [timeless]
- israelh: we were under the impression that the Push API was still early enough
- 20:54:15 [timeless]
- ... that we could make those comments
- 20:54:21 [timeless]
- ... if we think we're at LC for Push
- 20:54:29 [timeless]
- mounir: i don't think it's an API maturity
- 20:54:38 [timeless]
- ... i think it's a developer feedback issue
- 20:54:53 [forty4]
- forty4 has joined #webapps
- 20:54:59 [sicking]
- q+
- 20:55:03 [timeless]
- q-
- 20:55:08 [timeless]
- kenji: as the PM for the team implementing SW
- 20:55:14 [timeless]
- ... if you can provide developer feedback to explain why
- 20:55:19 [timeless]
- ... that's good feedback for us as well
- 20:55:37 [timeless]
- shujin: would it be helpful if we could propose an API?
- 20:55:45 [timeless]
- ... put on the ML for discussion?
- 20:55:55 [timeless]
- ... and then discuss for current spec
- 20:56:06 [timeless]
- sicking: one way to get implementation/developer feedback right now
- 20:56:09 [timeless]
- ... is looking at existing apps
- 20:56:12 [alia]
- alia has joined #webapps
- 20:56:15 [timeless]
- ... do existing apps
- 20:56:25 [timeless]
- ... where the only thing they do is play a ringer/display a notification
- 20:56:31 [timeless]
- ... we know twitter only displays a notification
- 20:56:38 [timeless]
- ... but when you click it, you might not see the tweet
- 20:56:42 [timeless]
- ... provide UCs
- 20:56:43 [Zakim]
- +arunranga
- 20:56:48 [timeless]
- q+ timeless to point to BB10 apps
- 20:56:57 [timeless]
- shujin: we can go back and collect the data
- 20:56:57 [arunranga]
- Zakim, mute me
- 20:56:57 [Zakim]
- arunranga should now be muted
- 20:57:00 [timeless]
- ack sicking
- 20:57:21 [chaals]
- q+
- 20:57:27 [chaals]
- ack ti
- 20:57:27 [Zakim]
- timeless, you wanted to point to BB10 apps
- 20:58:08 [forty41]
- forty41 has joined #webapps
- 20:58:46 [timeless]
- ack timeless
- 20:58:49 [schuki]
- timeless: use case for blackberry is normal things, you can send push notifications, we had categories and common apps fit into these categories
- 20:58:49 [schuki]
- ... for most of these things it worked well
- 20:58:49 [schuki]
- ... some thingdid drain battery, but most didn't
- 20:59:01 [timeless]
- chaals: would people like to see an api?
- 20:59:05 [timeless]
- [ a number of hands for yes ]
- 20:59:11 [timeless]
- chaals: or would people like to see data?
- 20:59:19 [timeless]
- sicking: i'd like to see data?
- 20:59:23 [timeless]
- weinig: what data?
- 20:59:26 [Hyunjin]
- Hyunjin has joined #webapps
- 20:59:31 [timeless]
- chaals: would people like to see UCs?
- 20:59:32 [hiroto__]
- hiroto__ has joined #webapps
- 20:59:36 [timeless]
- weinig: i would
- 20:59:44 [timeless]
- israelh: a quick clarification on UCs
- 20:59:49 [kurosawa]
- kurosawa has joined #webapps
- 20:59:53 [timeless]
- ... how much more detailed on UCs do you want to see?
- 20:59:59 [timeless]
- ... for example Twitter, Facebook, Email client
- 21:00:08 [timeless]
- ... the UCs are fairly common
- 21:00:16 [timeless]
- ... what granularity are you looking for?
- 21:00:21 [timeless]
- sicking: those UCs need to come w/ numbers
- 21:00:32 [forty41]
- forty41 has joined #webapps
- 21:00:33 [timeless]
- ... if you show Email clients only show notification w/o fetching data
- 21:00:38 [timeless]
- israelh: if you want only numbers
- 21:00:44 [timeless]
- ... perhaps i can give you just numbers
- 21:00:52 [timeless]
- ... these types of apps do these types of things
- 21:01:01 [timeless]
- ... our Store app shows notifications when it finishes updating/downloading
- 21:01:14 [timeless]
- ... shows notifications for new apps/updates available
- 21:01:20 [timeless]
- ... popular apps w/ this type of behavior
- 21:01:33 [timeless]
- s/schuki/scribe/
- 21:01:33 [timeless]
- s/schuki/scribe/
- 21:01:34 [timeless]
- s/schuki/scribe/
- 21:01:49 [timeless]
- weinig: in terms of UCs, I think we heard a lot of UCs here
- 21:01:57 [timeless]
- ... it would be good if you came with a specific list
- 21:02:00 [mounir]
- s/sicking: those UCs need to come/mounir: those UCs need to come/
- 21:02:15 [timeless]
- ... and then to slightlyoff, indicate which UCs go with which patterns
- 21:02:32 [timeless]
- q?
- 21:02:40 [timeless]
- israelh: we can work with that
- 21:02:41 [timeless]
- ack chaals
- 21:02:44 [timeless]
- chaals: thank you, we're done
- 21:02:56 [timeless]
- s/thank you, we're done/we're done, thank you/
- 21:03:18 [glenn]
- glenn has joined #webapps
- 21:03:21 [timeless]
- bryan_: in the last month, there were a number of issues raised to github
- 21:03:29 [timeless]
- ... a number have reached consensus
- 21:03:39 [timeless]
- ... a number have engendered discussion
- 21:03:56 [timeless]
- ArtB: we have a lot of holes in tomorrow's agenda
- 21:04:00 [timeless]
- ... if you want to use slots
- 21:04:05 [timeless]
- bryan_: yeah
- 21:04:28 [timeless]
- chaals: the 11-3pm overlaps with AC
- 21:04:44 [mt_]
- I'd like to get any decision on the agenda change promptly
- 21:04:49 [bryan_]
- I suggest we update the wiki with the "lightweight / low latency" use cases
- 21:05:03 [timeless]
- weinig: is there a place where the workflow for clients can be seen?
- 21:05:09 [timeless]
- ... i looked at the slidedeck
- 21:05:17 [fjh]
- fjh has joined #webapps
- 21:05:19 [timeless]
- weinig: "client" = "web site author"
- 21:05:36 [timeless]
- mounir: client registers for push, you get server+registration id
- 21:05:41 [fjh]
- fjh has joined #webapps
- 21:05:44 [rubys]
- rubys has joined #webapps
- 21:05:44 [timeless]
- ... developer sends that from client to its own server
- 21:05:51 [timeless]
- ... which then talks to the server w/ the registration id
- 21:05:52 [fjh]
- fjh has joined #webapps
- 21:05:56 [timeless]
- ... apple has its own push server
- 21:06:02 [timeless]
- weinig: if a client wants to use push notifications
- 21:06:14 [timeless]
- ... they need separate agreements w/ each vendor?
- 21:06:17 [timeless]
- [ YES ]
- 21:06:20 [sicking]
- q+
- 21:06:32 [timeless]
- mounir: there's a separate discussion in IETF to standardize that
- 21:06:40 [timeless]
- topic: File API
- 21:06:42 [schuki]
- scribenick: schuki
- 21:06:51 [timeless]
- scribe: schuki
- 21:06:55 [arunranga]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 21:06:55 [Zakim]
- arunranga should no longer be muted
- 21:06:59 [schuki]
- sicking:
- 21:07:04 [timeless]
- s/sicking://
- 21:07:18 [schuki]
- arunranga: file api can go to LC
- 21:07:22 [glenn_]
- glenn_ has joined #webapps
- 21:07:23 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 21:07:23 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 21:07:33 [schuki]
- ... whenever the publishing ??? is lifted
- 21:07:53 [schuki]
- ... we also want to talk about file system api
- 21:08:01 [MikeSmith]
- s/???/moratorium
- 21:08:17 [schuki]
- ArtB: i am displaying the bugs for file api
- 21:08:22 [schuki]
- ... we can go to LC with thia
- 21:08:28 [schuki]
- s/thia/this
- 21:08:32 [timeless]
- s/... we've tried to harmonise/Travis: we've tried to harmonise/
- 21:08:37 [schuki]
- ArtB: does anyone have issues with this?
- 21:08:50 [ArtB]
- -> File API Bugs
- 21:09:03 [schuki]
- sicking: if we mark style lists and remove later
- 21:09:10 [timeless]
- s/style lists/file lists/
- 21:09:12 [Zakim]
- - +44.207.346.aaee
- 21:09:20 [timeless]
- s/and (as at risk) and/
- 21:09:26 [timeless]
- s|s/and (as at risk) and/||
- 21:09:30 [timeless]
- s/and/ (as at risk) and/
- 21:09:37 [schuki]
- sicking: it's a matter of doing a pull request on the spec
- 21:09:37 [schuki]
- ... so we should just mark it at risk
- 21:09:43 [schuki]
- ... and then do the rest
- 21:09:43 [plh]
- q+
- 21:09:47 [kbx]
- kbx has joined #webapps
- 21:09:49 [plh]
- ack sick
- 21:09:51 [ArtB]
- ACTION: Arun mark file list as Feature @ Risk
- 21:09:51 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-748 - Mark file list as feature @ risk [on Arun Ranganathan - due 2014-11-03].
- 21:09:54 [schuki]
- paulc:
- 21:09:54 [Zakim]
- -johnmellor-chrome
- 21:10:00 [timeless]
- s/paulc://
- 21:11:10 [Hyunjin_]
- Hyunjin_ has joined #webapps
- 21:11:10 [weinig]
- +q
- 21:11:16 [timeless]
- s/+q/q+/
- 21:11:21 [ArtB]
- ACTION: barstow start a CfC to publish File API LCWD
- 21:11:22 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-749 - Start a cfc to publish file api lcwd [on Arthur Barstow - due 2014-11-03].
- 21:11:25 [gludi|3]
- gludi|3 has joined #webapps
- 21:11:28 [schuki]
- sicking: it has been at LC, may be brought back before then
- 21:11:29 [MikeSmith]
- q?
- 21:11:39 [schuki]
- q?
- 21:11:43 [anssik]
- 21:11:47 [schuki]
- ack plh
- 21:12:09 [schuki]
- plh: which webapp will be break if we remove file list
- 21:12:17 [schuki]
- sicking: hopefully none
- 21:12:17 [schuki]
- ack weinig
- 21:12:28 [schuki]
- weinig: file writing was removed at some point?
- 21:12:30 [Zefa]
- Zefa has joined #webapps
- 21:12:32 [schuki]
- sicking: no was always in file system
- 21:12:42 [schuki]
- weinig: so file saving is in file system?
- 21:12:42 [schuki]
- sicking: yup
- 21:13:05 [schuki]
- arunranga: you can trigger a file save path
- 21:13:28 [schuki]
- ... this was probably the specs put forward by google
- 21:13:28 [schuki]
- ... file system then diverged
- 21:13:32 [schuki]
- ... this google spec has become a note
- 21:13:36 [timeless]
- s/agenda requests/Topic: agenda requests/
- 21:13:44 [schuki]
- chaals: so yes, this is what file system does
- 21:13:52 [schuki]
- chaals: q about file api
- 21:13:54 [schuki]
- q?
- 21:14:39 [schuki]
- arunranga: requirement is file save as
- 21:14:43 [ArtB]
- -> File API UCs and Requirements
- 21:14:52 [schuki]
- chaals: says no, as file save as can't be met
- 21:15:03 [timeless]
- s/Clipboard events/Topic: Pub-Status: Clipboard events/
- 21:15:18 [schuki]
- sicking: at best this statement is ambigous
- 21:15:19 [timeless]
- s/DOM Level 3 Event/Topic: Pub-Status: DOM Level 3 Event/
- 21:15:29 [schuki]
- chaals: so you're not meeting the requirement?
- 21:15:33 [schuki]
- sicking: that's right
- 21:15:42 [schuki]
- topic: file system
- 21:15:45 [ArtB]
- ACTION: Arun deleted the UC in File API that starts with "Data should be able to be stored ..."
- 21:15:45 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-750 - Deleted the uc in file api that starts with "data should be able to be stored ..." [on Arun Ranganathan - due 2014-11-03].
- 21:15:49 [timeless]
- s|"> -> UI Events ED|-> UI Events ED|
- 21:16:02 [MichaelC]
- MichaelC has joined #webapps
- 21:16:05 [stone]
- stone has joined #webapps
- 21:16:08 [schuki]
- arunranga: so, the room agrees requirement should be removed?
- 21:16:08 [schuki]
- chaals: yes
- 21:16:12 [schuki]
- topic: file system
- 21:16:18 [timeless]
- s/UI Events/Topic: Pub-Status: UI Events/
- 21:16:23 [arunranga]
- 21:16:30 [kurosawa]
- kurosawa has joined #webapps
- 21:16:31 [rubys]
- rubys has left #webapps
- 21:16:32 [schuki]
- arunranga: file system api link ^
- 21:16:32 [schuki]
- ... editors draft
- 21:16:57 [schuki]
- arunranga: this file system api build on model put forth by google but uses promises not callbacks
- 21:16:58 [timeless]
- s/anything about the key specs/Topic: Pub-Status: DOM3 key specs/
- 21:17:19 [schuki]
- ... there are some things we want to preserve, url
- 21:17:38 [schuki]
- ... this spec also relies on platform primatives: event stream e.g.
- 21:17:39 [timeless]
- s|"> -> DOM P&S tests|-> DOM P&S tests|
- 21:17:53 [schuki]
- ... we will follow some ideas in posix, we have some ability to write also
- 21:18:02 [timeless]
- s|"> -> DOM P&S test open issues|-> DOM P&S test open issues|
- 21:18:50 [timeless]
- s/Travis: DOM-PS/Topic: Pub-Status: DOM-PS/
- 21:19:02 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft mintues
- 21:19:02 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft mintues', timeless. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 21:19:05 [schuki]
- ... there is the file handle and writable file handle
- 21:19:05 [schuki]
- ... we want feedback from implementers
- 21:19:05 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 21:19:05 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 21:20:08 [timeless]
- i/are you going to do anything with innerText/Topic: innerText/
- 21:20:48 [timeless]
- i/chaals: Moving on to FileAPI/Topic: Pub-Status: FileAPI/
- 21:20:58 [timeless]
- scribe: timeless
- 21:21:08 [timeless]
- israelh: ... say i keep something open
- 21:21:19 [timeless]
- ... allow my writes to prevail
- 21:21:27 [timeless]
- ... it doesn't seem to be as analogous as indexeddb
- 21:21:36 [timeless]
- ... because you can't necessarily add transactions
- 21:21:44 [schuki]
- sicking: would be good to here microsft comments
- 21:21:44 [schuki]
- israelh: we are thinking of the model of keeping something open
- 21:21:48 [schuki]
- sicking: typically there's never multiple users touching a file
- 21:21:52 [schuki]
- ... because they're sandboxed
- 21:21:55 [timeless]
- i/sicking: would/scribe: schuki/
- 21:22:08 [schuki]
- ... storage policy for filesystem is no difference between indexeddb and sql
- 21:22:16 [chaals]
- q+
- 21:22:18 [timeless]
- i/.. FullScreen/Topic: Pub-Status: FullScreen/
- 21:22:43 [schuki]
- sicking: you could implement file system api on top of indexeddb with some issues, and no file system url working
- 21:22:49 [timeless]
- i/chaals: Gamepad./Topic: Pub-Status: Gamepad/
- 21:22:50 [schuki]
- ... then it;s a differen api
- 21:22:56 [timeless]
- s/it;s/it's/
- 21:23:01 [timeless]
- s/differen/different/
- 21:23:02 [jmhyeon_]
- jmhyeon_ has joined #webapps
- 21:23:02 [schuki]
- ... actual storage policy is same as indexeddb
- 21:23:11 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 21:23:11 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 21:23:22 [schuki]
- israelh: i thought there was a notion that you could break out of sandox
- 21:23:54 [schuki]
- arunranga: i can see how that could have come from discussion of use case
- 21:24:02 [schuki]
- ... this use case is a "nice to have"
- 21:24:07 [jmhyeon_]
- jmhyeon_ has joined #webapps
- 21:24:07 [schuki]
- ... we want to focus on sandbox major
- 21:24:17 [timeless]
- i/sicking: I'm not sure what's blocking/Topic: Pub-Status: IndexedDB/
- 21:24:23 [schuki]
- ... if this use case is misleading we will abandon
- 21:24:47 [schuki]
- arunranga: bigger use case of breaking out does not seem credible
- 21:24:52 [schuki]
- sicking: i agree
- 21:24:58 [schuki]
- ack chaals
- 21:25:07 [schuki]
- q+ chaals
- 21:25:09 [timeless]
- s|"> -> IDB interfaces Web IDL|-> IDB interfaces Web IDL|
- 21:25:37 [schuki]
- israelh: why not enbale with log file? People are used to this
- 21:25:43 [timeless]
- i/IDB interfaces Web IDL/Topic: IndexedDB + Web IDL/
- 21:26:22 [schuki]
- sicking: you could easily create dead locks
- 21:26:23 [schuki]
- s/logs/locks
- 21:26:35 [kurosawa]
- kurosawa has joined #webapps
- 21:26:38 [timeless]
- s/chaals: IME/Topic: Pub-Status: IME/
- 21:26:42 [schuki]
- sicking: the problem is if you open pages, one that opens file a, then file b, then does stuff with either
- 21:26:50 [schuki]
- ... then you have another sub component that opens file b
- 21:26:57 [schuki]
- ... then dead lock - this isn't good
- 21:27:12 [schuki]
- israelh: so if you surface dead locks to the applications, then you can manage them
- 21:27:16 [timeless]
- s/chaals: OK. Moving to PointerLock/Topic: Pub-Status: PointerLock/
- 21:27:18 [schuki]
- ... we could provide mechanisms to handle them
- 21:27:25 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 21:27:25 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 21:27:33 [schuki]
- ... more intuitively than indexeddb
- 21:27:42 [schuki]
- sicking: it could cause race conditions then
- 21:27:45 [timeless]
- [ laughter ]
- 21:27:48 [timeless]
- s/timeless/scribe/
- 21:28:03 [schuki]
- israelh: so then the complexity of programming increases
- 21:28:14 [schuki]
- sicking: complexity is a complicated thing
- 21:28:27 [schuki]
- ... you do need to open the file open, but then no need to deal with dead locks
- 21:28:47 [schuki]
- ... is it simpler to have things like they are now, or open the files in order always?
- 21:28:52 [schuki]
- ... seems like no good solutions
- 21:29:17 [schuki]
- sicking: still interested in microsoft implementation status
- 21:29:22 [schuki]
- israelh: we're looking at it
- 21:29:23 [schuki]
- ack chaals
- 21:29:34 [arunranga]
- israelh, great :)
- 21:29:39 [schuki]
- chaals: arunranga you said use case of having files is not credible
- 21:29:48 [schuki]
- ... want to build on sandoxed system of indexeddb
- 21:30:04 [schuki]
- ... is this a solution looking for a problem?
- 21:30:04 [ArtB]
- ACTION: Yves followup with Cameron re PR 27 and the Web IDL test suite
- 21:30:05 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-751 - Followup with cameron re pr 27 and the web idl test suite [on Yves Lafon - due 2014-11-03].
- 21:30:49 [schuki]
- chaals: what are the barriers (if can build security system that could work) to using the file system api to handle access from multiple apps to same file?
- 21:30:50 [sicking]
- q+
- 21:31:08 [schuki]
- ... has something been built that cannot handle multiple access?
- 21:31:10 [schuki]
- ack sicking
- 21:31:30 [timeless]
- i/chaals: Quota Management?/Topic: Pub-Status: Quota Management/
- 21:31:39 [schuki]
- sicking: there is nothing inherent with files which makes them more interesting to share than with things such as indexeddb
- 21:31:57 [schuki]
- ... firefoxos is doing something, but for security reasons this wouldn't work for web
- 21:32:16 [timeless]
- i/... Server-Sent Events/Topic: Pub-Status: Server-Sent Events/
- 21:32:23 [schuki]
- chaals: there are use cases when apps would want to work on the same files
- 21:33:09 [schuki]
- weinig: from apple perspective: osx is file coordination system, you're only allowed to do something in a block
- 21:33:27 [schuki]
- ... you can use filehandle to do stuff
- 21:33:36 [timeless]
- s/... WebIDL/Topic: Pub-Status: WebIDL/
- 21:33:38 [schuki]
- ... user has to give access to all files on ios
- 21:33:58 [schuki]
- sicking: we have multiple solutions for firefoxos, in every case user must make decisions
- 21:34:11 [timeless]
- s/... Web Components?/Topic: Pub-Status: Web Components/
- 21:34:16 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 21:34:16 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 21:34:33 [schuki]
- chaals: question remains: is there something in file system that could break multi user problem?
- 21:34:42 [schuki]
- sicking: no, we just need to solve the security problems
- 21:35:11 [timeless]
- s|"> -> Custom Elements status from Dimitri 2014-Oct-24|-> Custom Elements status from Dimitri 2014-Oct-24|
- 21:35:28 [schuki]
- weinig: same q as before: how does using this api trigger an explicity save somewhere else?
- 21:35:32 [schuki]
- sicking: open write
- 21:35:33 [timeless]
- s|"> -> HTML Imports status report frm Hajime on 2014-Oct-24|-> HTML Imports status report frm Hajime on 2014-Oct-24|
- 21:35:43 [schuki]
- sicking: there's nothing to trigger save dialogue
- 21:35:52 [schuki]
- weinig: this seems to be a major pain point
- 21:36:06 [timeless]
- s|"> -> Shadow DOM status report from Hayato on 2014-Oct-23|-> Shadow DOM status report from Hayato on 2014-Oct-23|
- 21:36:30 [arunranga]
- q+
- 21:36:52 [schuki]
- sicking: file saver api could be used, with progress saver events
- 21:36:54 [adrianba]
- q+
- 21:36:59 [timeless]
- q+ to ask if anyone has actually *used* that approach (href=blob:, download=) ? or + sending a click to that
- 21:37:22 [schuki]
- ack arunranga
- 21:37:31 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 21:37:31 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 21:37:42 [schuki]
- arunranga: you can request the save as and trigger the dialogue
- 21:37:52 [schuki]
- ... this file system api allows write to sandox file system
- 21:38:08 [schuki]
- ... is there a req to do something more to prompt user interaction?
- 21:38:20 [schuki]
- schuki: earlier sicking mentioned could use download attr on anchor tag
- 21:38:42 [schuki]
- weinig: no, was just confused!
- 21:38:51 [timeless]
- s|"> -> Tantek's proposal re Fullscreen API|-> Tantek's proposal re Fullscreen API|
- 21:38:52 [schuki]
- q?
- 21:39:05 [ArtB]
- zakim, who's here?
- 21:39:05 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Portland, lgombos, Olli_Pettay, anssik, arunranga
- 21:39:07 [Zakim]
- Portland has timeless
- 21:39:07 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see kurosawa, jmhyeon_, stone, MichaelC, Zefa, gludi|3, kbx, glenn_, fjh, forty41, hiroto__, alia, jrossi, shepazu, tomoyuki, jcraig, bkardell_, wooglae, Jun_MA, darobin,
- 21:39:07 [Zakim]
- ... JonathanJ1, chaa13, youngwoojo, tantek, song, chaals, miterho, mt_, plh, kenneth_, sicking, zcorpan, adrianba, a1zu, waynecarr, kusakak, hjlee, Claes, marcosc, spoussa,
- 21:39:09 [Zakim]
- ... myakura, rniwa, ArtB, israelh, notbenjamin, alan-i, weinig, benjamp, hiroki, arunranga, hallvors, plinss, anssik, bryan_, smaug, jungkees, RRSAgent, Zakim, lgombos, marcosc_,
- 21:39:09 [Zakim]
- ... kochi1
- 21:39:19 [schuki]
- arunranga: we would like feedback from apple
- 21:39:24 [schuki]
- ack adrianba
- 21:40:12 [schuki]
- adrianba: [1] save case is independant from file system api
- 21:40:44 [schuki]
- ... we want something more than anchor tag
- 21:40:46 [timeless]
- s/independant/independent/
- 21:40:53 [schuki]
- ... we made proposal previously
- 21:41:02 [timeless]
- s/[1]/1)/
- 21:41:14 [Hyunjin]
- Hyunjin has joined #webapps
- 21:41:23 [schuki]
- ... proposal was you may have a offline app, an online app, so want to simulate a local application simulation dialogue
- 21:41:37 [schuki]
- ... therefore a number os use cases exist for saving scenario
- 21:41:39 [schuki]
- ... need to revisit
- 21:41:41 [timeless]
- ack me
- 21:41:41 [Zakim]
- timeless, you wanted to ask if anyone has actually *used* that approach (href=blob:, download=) ? or + sending a click to that
- 21:41:43 [schuki]
- ack timeless
- 21:41:44 [schuki]
- ?
- 21:42:33 [anssik]
- FWIW, here's my demo <a download> w/ .click():
- 21:42:39 [schuki]
- timeless: do people do the flow of anchor tag with blob and download attr?
- 21:42:48 [schuki]
- sicking: i think gmail does it but not sure
- 21:43:18 [hallvors]
- hallvors has left #webapps
- 21:43:32 [schuki]
- weinig: could non normatively reference in one of the api specs so other people don't get confused
- 21:43:45 [LJWatson]
- LJWatson has joined #webapps
- 21:43:53 [arunranga]
- weinig, I will take an action to do this
- 21:44:18 [weinig]
- thanks arunranga!
- 21:44:19 [schuki]
- darobin: could use a json trick but could create a massive json file to pull down
- 21:44:34 [timeless]
- timeless: +1 to weinig's suggestion
- 21:44:49 [schuki]
- ArtB: coffee break
- 21:44:52 [schuki]
- ... no coffee
- 21:44:57 [schuki]
- ... not here till 3
- 21:45:02 [schuki]
- ... actually 5 mins away
- 21:45:17 [schuki]
- ... let's start straight after 3
- 21:45:23 [jeff]
- jeff has joined #webapps
- 21:45:28 [schuki]
- [break: return at just after 3pm]
- 21:46:07 [schuki]
- sicking: arunranga is working on some edits to file system
- 21:46:15 [arunranga]
- q+ to say I will work towards FPWD
- 21:46:23 [schuki]
- sicking: apart from that, given microsoft is maybe interested then we should move forward
- 21:46:37 [schuki]
- ArtB: arunranga do some edits, let me know, and we'll go for workiong draft
- 21:46:57 [timeless]
- ACTION arun to do edits on file system spec
- 21:46:57 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-752 - Do edits on file system spec [on Arun Ranganathan - due 2014-11-03].
- 21:47:02 [schuki]
- arunranga: we can take some discussions to mailing list
- 21:47:10 [timeless]
- s/workiong/working/
- 21:47:37 [schuki]
- jungkees: service worker cfc ok?
- 21:47:42 [schuki]
- ArtB: yes go ahead
- 21:47:45 [timeless]
- s|">"> -> Streams API W3C Editor's Draft |XXXscribeERROR|
- 21:47:50 [arunranga]
- Zakim, mute me
- 21:47:50 [Zakim]
- arunranga should now be muted
- 21:47:51 [sicking]
- arunranga, might be worth adding that to the File API. We could even replace the current "save to disk" use case with a informative note that says that the spec supports it in collaboration with the HTML download attribute
- 21:47:52 [schuki]
- [break: return at just after 3pm]
- 21:48:03 [timeless]
- s|-> Streams API W3C Editor's Draft|ZZZ|
- 21:48:09 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 21:48:09 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 21:48:10 [arunranga]
- sicking, yep, promised weinig I would do it
- 21:48:13 [Zakim]
- -anssik
- 21:50:51 [notbenjamin]
- notbenjamin has joined #webapps
- 21:50:53 [Zakim]
- -arunranga
- 21:51:40 [fjh]
- fjh has joined #webapps
- 21:52:18 [Ryladog_]
- Ryladog_ has joined #webapps
- 21:55:07 [AndroUser]
- AndroUser has joined #webapps
- 21:55:58 [marcosc]
- marcosc has joined #webapps
- 22:01:05 [Tomoyuki]
- Tomoyuki has joined #webapps
- 22:01:50 [Zakim]
- -Olli_Pettay
- 22:04:22 [kurosawa]
- kurosawa has joined #webapps
- 22:04:56 [jcraig]
- jcraig has joined #webapps
- 22:06:35 [alan-i]
- alan-i has joined #webapps
- 22:07:33 [kn1]
- kn1 has joined #webapps
- 22:08:37 [MichaelC]
- MichaelC has joined #webapps
- 22:08:52 [jcraig_]
- jcraig_ has joined #webapps
- 22:11:27 [rniwa]
- rniwa has joined #webapps
- 22:11:40 [kn1]
- kn1 has left #webapps
- 22:11:50 [benjamp]
- Agenda for Selection, Editing, Intentions:
- 22:12:06 [benjamp]
- Explainer for Intentions:
- 22:12:14 [benjamp]
- Explainer for Editing:
- 22:14:08 [schuki]
- topic: selection, editing and user interactions
- 22:14:17 [schuki]
- benjamp: i have added links to irc ^
- 22:14:28 [timeless]
- i/Agenda/topic: selection, editing and user interactions/
- 22:14:29 [jcraig]
- jcraig has joined #webapps
- 22:14:29 [timeless]
- s/topic: selection, editing and user interactions//
- 22:14:31 [vollick_]
- vollick_ has joined #webapps
- 22:14:40 [schuki]
- ... overview: started with editing (exitensible web summit in jan)
- 22:14:44 [kbx]
- kbx has joined #webapps
- 22:14:45 [jhund]
- jhund has joined #webapps
- 22:14:52 [schuki]
- ... started to think about how to spec it
- 22:14:56 [timeless]
- s|Explainer for Editing:|-">|-> Explainer for Editing|
- 22:15:01 [jrossi]
- jrossi has joined #webapps
- 22:15:01 [joanie]
- joanie has joined #webapps
- 22:15:06 [rbyers]
- rbyers has joined #webapps
- 22:15:07 [schuki]
- ... since then had meetings on editing, and user intentions
- 22:15:16 [timeless]
- s|Agenda for Selection, Editing, Intentions:|-">|-> Agenda for Selection, Editing, Intentions|
- 22:15:18 [schuki]
- [diagram in spec]
- 22:15:19 [weinig]
- weinig has joined #webapps
- 22:15:20 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 22:15:20 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 22:15:22 [cyns]
- cyns has joined #webapps
- 22:15:29 [Norbert]
- Norbert has joined #webapps
- 22:15:37 [schuki]
- benjamp: diagram shows inputs, and what the user wants to accomplish
- 22:15:42 [MarkS]
- MarkS has joined #webapps
- 22:15:50 [schuki]
- benjamp: today the situation is not well connected between the two
- 22:16:29 [ArtB]
- -> W3C Editing Explainer
- 22:16:36 [Ryladog]
- Ryladog has joined #webapps
- 22:16:37 [kn1]
- kn1 has joined #webapps
- 22:16:38 [schuki]
- ... trying to solve both at the same time
- 22:16:53 [ArtB]
- -> User Intentions Explainer
- 22:16:55 [schuki]
- benjamp: we are brining people together to talk about this
- 22:17:13 [a12u]
- a12u has joined #webapps
- 22:17:17 [schuki]
- benjamp: explainer doc (link above) talks about how we can make a single shape for all these intentions
- 22:18:12 [ArtB]
- -> Selection API
- 22:18:38 [schuki]
- benjamp: interested groups / apis: html, webapps, indie-ui, selection api, clipboard api, scroll,
- 22:18:44 [schuki]
- ... also interested in how this works with web components
- 22:18:54 [ArtB]
- Present+ Michael_Cooper, Rick_Byers
- 22:18:57 [schuki]
- ... to look at behaviours rather than just clip events
- 22:19:02 [schuki]
- s/clip/click
- 22:19:18 [LJWatson_]
- LJWatson_ has joined #webapps
- 22:19:24 [schuki]
- benjamp: also want to discuss how we can work on this with ARIA so you can update properties on the fly
- 22:19:28 [cyns]
- 22:19:39 [schuki]
- q?
- 22:19:41 [cyns]
- Web Accessibility Properties and Actions (WAPA) Explainer
- 22:19:50 [arunranga]
- arunranga has joined #webapps
- 22:19:55 [smfr]
- smfr has joined #webapps
- 22:19:55 [timeless]
- q?
- 22:19:58 [schuki]
- ack arunranga
- 22:19:58 [Zakim]
- arunranga, you wanted to say I will work towards FPWD
- 22:19:59 [timeless]
- q- arunranga
- 22:19:59 [schuki]
- q?
- 22:20:06 [timeless]
- s/arunranga, you wanted to say I will work towards FPWD//
- 22:20:33 [schuki]
- benjamp: task force is working on editing and user intentions
- 22:20:42 [darobin]
- 22:20:47 [schuki]
- benjamp: [referring to spec]
- 22:20:49 [ArtB]
- -> Editing TF list
- 22:20:54 [schuki]
- benjamp: you can refer an action based on intention
- 22:20:56 [richardschwerdtfeger]
- richardschwerdtfeger has joined #webapps
- 22:21:33 [schuki]
- benjamp: we want to have a unified shape, and we need to work this out
- 22:21:42 [schuki]
- ... clipboard is one implementation
- 22:21:48 [schuki]
- ... indie-ui is another
- 22:21:56 [ArtB]
- Present+ Janina_Sajka, Richard_Schwerdtfeger
- 22:22:02 [schuki]
- ... dom lvl3 is working on implementing this
- 22:22:22 [schuki]
- benjamp: based on everyone's use acses, we could come up with small number of events
- 22:22:36 [jcraig]
- q+
- 22:22:48 [schuki]
- ... e.g. input, scrolling
- 22:22:53 [Norbert]
- q+
- 22:22:53 [ArtB]
- Present+ James_Craig, Katie_Haritos-Shea
- 22:22:58 [schuki]
- ... can we create 4/5 individual events to represent?
- 22:23:03 [schuki]
- ack jcraig
- 22:23:14 [schuki]
- jcraig: i see distinction between discreet and continuous events
- 22:23:22 [schuki]
- ... most so far have been discreet
- 22:23:39 [spoussa]
- spoussa has joined #webapps
- 22:23:50 [richardschwerdtfeger]
- s/discreet/discrete/
- 22:23:58 [schuki]
- benjamp: rick, how about for scrolling?
- 22:24:14 [schuki]
- richt: we were worried about a lot of events
- 22:24:24 [schuki]
- ... does pressing down want to make many different events
- 22:24:32 [schuki]
- s/events/events?
- 22:24:42 [schuki]
- ... the harder problem is how these things are composed
- 22:24:53 [schuki]
- ... are dom events the right thing for this?
- 22:25:25 [youngwoojo]
- youngwoojo has joined #webapps
- 22:25:29 [schuki]
- richt: scroll is a different case, a node may have a custom logic, then i need to work with custom logic and browser logic
- 22:25:48 [schuki]
- richt: we don't have a solution now, but this is a big question
- 22:26:07 [rniwa]
- +q
- 22:26:32 [schuki]
- richt: e.g. input. If i hit letter 'a', custom node, how does the flow with custom script and browser handle work?
- 22:26:38 [schuki]
- benjamp: would this be like other events?
- 22:26:43 [schuki]
- jcraig: yes
- 22:27:07 [schuki]
- ... we talked about instead of having custom event types you could have custom control
- 22:27:12 [schuki]
- ... e.g. this div represents stepper
- 22:27:22 [schuki]
- ... it has increment and decrement
- 22:28:00 [timeless]
- s/+q/q+/
- 22:28:02 [schuki]
- Norbert: it's getting complicated! More things: input methods (intercept keyboard events)
- 22:28:14 [schuki]
- ... minimising api would mean application needs api to talk to input method
- 22:28:17 [timeless]
- s/input methods/input methods [IMEs]/
- 22:28:19 [jcraig]
- s/it has increment and decrement/so it has a settable value, as well as increment and decrement methods/
- 22:28:22 [schuki]
- ... spelling checkers are another issue
- 22:28:29 [schuki]
- ... modifying text behind your back
- 22:28:33 [schuki]
- ... can cause issues
- 22:28:52 [schuki]
- benjamp: editing & intentions can be seen as different
- 22:29:02 [schuki]
- ... editing there could be some way that IMEs could be lost
- 22:29:07 [timeless]
- q+ to say that IMEs and spellcheckers should be considered as the same
- 22:29:10 [schuki]
- ... we need to think about this, file a bug on github
- 22:29:12 [schuki]
- ack Norbert
- 22:29:17 [chaals]
- q- later
- 22:29:30 [forty4]
- forty4 has joined #webapps
- 22:29:33 [chaals]
- q-
- 22:29:50 [sam]
- sam has joined #webapps
- 22:30:09 [timeless]
- ack rniwa
- 22:30:32 [schuki]
- rniwa: you have an action before / after, key input is discrete, either before or after
- 22:30:58 [schuki]
- ... these events bubble, content editing host could cancel but not everything can do this
- 22:31:01 [cyns]
- q+
- 22:31:10 [benjamp]
- q+
- 22:31:12 [schuki]
- rniwa: could also discuss input methods
- 22:31:37 [schuki]
- ... behaviour input methods interesting: random text is corrected by spelling mistake, which cause issues
- 22:31:54 [schuki]
- ... e.g. mac auto correction bubble
- 22:32:19 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Yves
- 22:32:20 [ted]
- ted has joined #webapps
- 22:32:27 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate ted
- 22:32:30 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Yves
- 22:32:32 [schuki]
- rniwa: so, intents might not identify everything, may need to think about context
- 22:32:37 [schuki]
- q?
- 22:32:42 [schuki]
- ack timeless
- 22:32:42 [Zakim]
- timeless, you wanted to say that IMEs and spellcheckers should be considered as the same
- 22:32:49 [ted]
- ted has left #webapps
- 22:32:57 [schuki]
- timeless: spellchecker could be considered the same
- 22:33:04 [schuki]
- ... some devices don't have a keyboard
- 22:33:07 [wooglae]
- wooglae has joined #webapps
- 22:33:32 [schuki]
- ... mobile device e.g.
- 22:33:42 [schuki]
- ... web should not treat these differently
- 22:33:53 [schuki]
- timeless: latin lands are used to spell checkers
- 22:34:13 [mihnea_____]
- mihnea_____ has joined #webapps
- 22:34:42 [schuki]
- ack cyns
- 22:35:33 [timeless]
- s/spell checkers/spell checkers - cjk to IME, -- and not to the other one -- by merging the concepts, you ensure that anyone who codes to handle one case doesn't break when they encounter the other/
- 22:36:03 [schuki]
- cyns: idea is to solve use cases [1] scenario around another state by downloading another bunch of ARIA [2] word document, these can be long, dom has subset, content could have list elements, numbers etc, doc isnt good representation of a document
- 22:36:19 [schuki]
- ... idea is to allow assitive technology to trigger events
- 22:36:37 [schuki]
- ... there may also be more actions that it could do
- 22:36:44 [schuki]
- s/it/api
- 22:37:02 [schuki]
- cyns: this could work for testing of custom elements and web driver accessiblity
- 22:37:12 [schuki]
- ack benjamp
- 22:37:14 [cyns]
- 22:37:22 [rniwa]
- +q
- 22:37:22 [schuki]
- benjamp: there are many scenarios that need to be solved
- 22:37:25 [jcraig]
- q+ to mention dictation UI is similar to IME UI
- 22:37:25 [chaals]
- q+ richSchwer
- 22:37:42 [jcraig]
- q+ to mention API for custom RTE may be the right approach for editing.
- 22:37:43 [schuki]
- benjamp: needs intention shape for intention events
- 22:37:57 [schuki]
- ... then take this and see if it works for use cases
- 22:37:58 [timeless]
- s/+q/q+
- 22:38:22 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 22:38:22 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 22:38:38 [schuki]
- ... we need data
- 22:38:42 [schuki]
- ... input text could be one, and data would be text
- 22:39:07 [schuki]
- benjamp: good idea?
- 22:39:07 [chaals]
- q+ to ask about shapes
- 22:39:14 [jcraig]
- q+ to mention intentional events reconciliation with related physical events
- 22:39:17 [timeless]
- i/This sums up the review of pubstatus/Topic: Rundown of pubstatus/
- 22:39:22 [schuki]
- benjamp: if we had unified shape: intention, type, data
- 22:39:27 [schuki]
- comments?
- 22:39:35 [hober]
- q?
- 22:39:38 [schuki]
- ack richSchwer
- 22:39:53 [schuki]
- richSchwer: if you're going to scroll, you need range
- 22:40:09 [schuki]
- ... you need to tell app something rather than work it out itseld
- 22:40:22 [schuki]
- ... each platform has accessibility apis
- 22:40:32 [schuki]
- ... we need to get that to be seamless
- 22:40:45 [timeless]
- s/itseld/itself/
- 22:40:49 [cyns]
- q+ to agree that abstracting the platform apis is a goal
- 22:40:52 [schuki]
- ... we're getting back to the design pattern
- 22:40:55 [jcraig]
- s/has accessibility apis/has differences between each accessibility api/
- 22:41:02 [schuki]
- ... about delivering inform to the app
- 22:41:05 [jcraig]
- ack rn
- 22:41:17 [timeless]
- s/starting Introductin//
- 22:41:17 [schuki]
- rniwa: it would be useful for interested parties to come up with use case list
- 22:41:23 [schuki]
- ... to add to explainer
- 22:41:31 [darobin]
- q+ to have use cases as code as much as possible
- 22:41:39 [schuki]
- ... then proposal can be vetted against these use cases
- 22:41:46 [timeless]
- s/present cynthia_shelly//
- 22:41:48 [jcraig]
- ack me
- 22:41:48 [Zakim]
- jcraig, you wanted to mention dictation UI is similar to IME UI and to mention API for custom RTE may be the right approach for editing. and to mention intentional events
- 22:41:52 [Zakim]
- ... reconciliation with related physical events
- 22:41:54 [sam_]
- sam_ has joined #webapps
- 22:41:54 [richardschwerdtfeger]
- richardschwerdtfeger has joined #webapps
- 22:42:00 [richardschwerdtfeger]
- q?
- 22:42:08 [tantek]
- tantek has joined #webapps
- 22:42:36 [timeless]
- s/definiately/definitely/
- 22:42:52 [schuki]
- jcraig: rniwa Norbert were talking about IMEs, an idea could be an api which custom view could implement
- 22:43:31 [HZ]
- HZ has joined #webapps
- 22:43:53 [timeless]
- s/frm Hajime/from Hajime/
- 22:44:27 [schuki]
- ... jcraig: reconciliation with physical events, intention will have id, and reconciliation can ???
- 22:44:28 [timeless]
- s/committments/commitments/
- 22:44:32 [myakura]
- s/richt/rbyers/
- 22:44:32 [AndroUser2]
- AndroUser2 has joined #webapps
- 22:44:54 [schuki]
- chaals: generic shape for events: good idea?
- 22:44:57 [rbyers]
- q+
- 22:45:03 [schuki]
- [5/6 hands up]
- 22:45:04 [timeless]
- q+ hober
- 22:45:05 [timeless]
- q+ weinig
- 22:45:08 [schuki]
- ack chaals
- 22:45:08 [Zakim]
- chaals, you wanted to ask about shapes
- 22:45:18 [hober]
- q-
- 22:45:20 [timeless]
- s/requiements/requirements/
- 22:45:29 [schuki]
- chaals: +1 to jcraig, need to figure out how intentional events can interact
- 22:45:36 [timeless]
- s/committment/commitment/
- 22:45:49 [schuki]
- ... need to figure out where events go when you start to pile them
- 22:45:59 [timeless]
- s/diferences/differences/
- 22:46:03 [schuki]
- ... we looked at this before
- 22:46:10 [timeless]
- s/unkowns/unknowns/
- 22:46:17 [schuki]
- ... a very simple set in 90s
- 22:46:24 [schuki]
- ... we had a set of events and they weren't used
- 22:46:40 [sam__]
- sam__ has joined #webapps
- 22:46:41 [jcraig]
- s/intention will have id, and reconciliation can ???/first event object could have id, and subsequent events could reference previous events by ID, to reconcile which physical events caused the related intention events/
- 22:46:44 [timeless]
- s/oportunities/opportunities/
- 22:46:53 [schuki]
- chaals: once you've done touch / pointer / slides etc.
- 22:47:02 [schuki]
- chaals: then remember you forgot mouse!
- 22:47:39 [schuki]
- chaals: the data payload for event, i am hearing rich and jcraig say objects need to provide information
- 22:47:40 [timeless]
- s/userhas/user has/
- 22:47:50 [timeless]
- s/thingdid/thing did/
- 22:47:51 [chaals]
- q?
- 22:48:02 [schuki]
- jcraig: yes so if view can take scroll then it should tell you how far you canview (scroll poisition, scroll range)
- 22:48:09 [timeless]
- s/primatives/primitives/
- 22:48:15 [timeless]
- ack cyns
- 22:48:15 [Zakim]
- cyns, you wanted to agree that abstracting the platform apis is a goal
- 22:48:20 [darobin]
- ack me
- 22:48:20 [Zakim]
- darobin, you wanted to have use cases as code as much as possible
- 22:48:36 [timeless]
- s/microsft/microsoft/
- 22:48:46 [timeless]
- s/sandox/sandbox/
- 22:48:57 [schuki]
- darobin: could have shims, reuse code methods
- 22:48:58 [benjamp]
- q+
- 22:48:59 [timeless]
- s/enbale/enable/
- 22:49:24 [AndroUser]
- AndroUser has joined #webapps
- 22:49:24 [timeless]
- s/sandoxed/sandboxed/
- 22:49:32 [schuki]
- richt: is i have a componet that manages a list
- 22:49:36 [timeless]
- s/explicity/explicitly/
- 22:49:44 [schuki]
- ... when you hit space it does certain things
- 22:49:52 [schuki]
- ... inside this list people could make widget
- 22:49:59 [schuki]
- ... now if someone hit space bar what happens?
- 22:50:01 [timeless]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 22:50:01 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate timeless
- 22:50:18 [schuki]
- ... ideally it extensible web view should handle this
- 22:50:30 [jcraig]
- q+ to mention potential requested code sample:
- 22:50:42 [timeless]
- s/sandox/sandbox/
- 22:50:52 [schuki]
- ... if we say devs design for this, then checkbox will never run, and before event will make container, container creates beforedefault etc...
- 22:51:02 [jcraig]
- q+ to [Example]
- 22:51:02 [schuki]
- scribe: timeless
- 22:51:02 [jcraig]
- partial interface UIEvent {
- 22:51:04 [jcraig]
- readonly attribute EventID id; // UID of current event
- 22:51:05 [jcraig]
- readonly attribute EventList relatedEvents; // List of related events, with ID and potentially type of each event.
- 22:51:06 [jcraig]
- // This "dismissrequest" event is associated with the previous "keydown" and "keyup" events.
- 22:51:07 [jcraig]
- }
- 22:51:20 [timeless]
- benjamp: if the checkbox handles the spacebar
- 22:51:26 [timeless]
- ... ---
- 22:51:34 [timeless]
- ... keydown, if handled by checkbox, you're done
- 22:52:09 [timeless]
- q?
- 22:52:11 [timeless]
- ack weinig
- 22:52:23 [timeless]
- weinig: my concern with the question, and i wanted
- 22:52:35 [timeless]
- ... "should we look for generic shapes for intention events"
- 22:52:42 [timeless]
- ... i'd understand you'd want this for keyboard actions
- 22:52:47 [timeless]
- ... first a physical key event
- 22:52:57 [timeless]
- ... the os gets a chance to get decide what it means
- 22:53:13 [timeless]
- ... the thing i don't understand is why we'd generalize this to many different problem sets from the get go
- 22:53:23 [timeless]
- ... i'm not sure why polymorphism would be necessary
- 22:53:31 [timeless]
- ... why scroll/keyboard interactions should be handled identically
- 22:53:44 [timeless]
- chaals: you scroll using down / pagedown key / gesture / assistive technology
- 22:54:00 [timeless]
- ... the issue we have is that if you don't collect each of this different things and deal with them at the same level
- 22:54:06 [timeless]
- ... the problem isn't that a given thing will kill us all
- 22:54:17 [timeless]
- ... it's that the diversity means that web developers screw it up
- 22:54:38 [timeless]
- ... web developers interfere with a noticable number of people's user interface
- 22:54:47 [timeless]
- ... scroll, but for a user, it might mean something else
- 22:54:52 [timeless]
- ... twitter does this to me, every day
- 22:55:08 [timeless]
- q+ to say that FCC's complaint form interfered with me
- 22:55:23 [timeless]
- weinig: if it all goes well, Twitter would just have to handle one event handler for scroll, and get them all for free
- 22:55:31 [timeless]
- ... rubber band or scroll or bump
- 22:55:36 [timeless]
- chaals: correct
- 22:55:45 [timeless]
- ... the complication is that there are differences in what can be done
- 22:56:04 [timeless]
- weinig: it seems to be hard to fathom custom scrolling with scrolling with
- 22:56:12 [timeless]
- ... it would seem you want completely different code running
- 22:56:12 [timeless]
- q?
- 22:56:13 [jcraig]
- q?
- 22:56:21 [rbyers]
- q-
- 22:56:35 [timeless]
- [ We have an extra 15 minutes ]
- 22:56:37 [timeless]
- ack benjamp
- 22:56:46 [timeless]
- benjamp: we can schedule more time for editing tomorrow
- 22:56:58 [chaals]
- q+ to say contenteditable doesn't really work for most editors...
- 22:56:59 [timeless]
- ... what i want to show everyone is what this looks like
- 22:57:19 [timeless]
- ... this is a demo of intention events
- 22:57:33 [timeless]
- [ Demo ]
- 22:57:34 [jrossi]
- q?
- 22:57:50 [timeless]
- [ presses "a" ]
- 22:57:56 [timeless]
- [ gets an event ]
- 22:58:05 [timeless]
- [ presses "ctrl-b" ]
- 22:58:13 [timeless]
- [ gets a format event ]
- 22:58:24 [timeless]
- [ presses "ctrl-a" ]
- 22:58:39 [jrossi]
- demo:
- 22:58:42 [timeless]
- [ gets before selection change ]
- 22:58:56 [timeless]
- s|demo:|-">|-> Demo|
- 22:59:40 [timeless]
- benjamp: on this sample, you could do content editable with intention events
- 22:59:51 [timeless]
- ... MS Office wanted to be able to style text w/o being able to modify text
- 22:59:59 [timeless]
- ... to give you a default style for email
- 23:00:17 [timeless]
- ... you could do that by canceling all text events except formatting
- 23:00:27 [timeless]
- ... you could talk about how intention events could apply to a custom component
- 23:00:32 [jcraig]
- ack me
- 23:00:32 [Zakim]
- jcraig, you wanted to mention potential requested code sample: and to [Example]
- 23:00:37 [rniwa]
- q+
- 23:00:54 [jcraig]
- [Example]
- 23:00:55 [jcraig]
- partial interface UIEvent {
- 23:00:55 [timeless]
- jcraig: someone mentioned specific examples
- 23:00:56 [jcraig]
- readonly attribute EventID id; // UID of current event
- 23:00:57 [jcraig]
- readonly attribute EventList relatedEvents; // List of related events, with ID and potentially type of each event.
- 23:00:58 [jcraig]
- // This "dismissrequest" event is associated with the previous "keydown" and "keyup" events.
- 23:00:59 [jcraig]
- }
- 23:01:18 [timeless]
- ... we had Jason Kiss
- 23:01:20 [sicking]
- sicking has joined #webapps
- 23:01:24 [timeless]
- ... develop a polyfill for some of these events
- 23:01:28 [chaals]
- q-
- 23:01:38 [timeless]
- ack me
- 23:01:38 [Zakim]
- timeless, you wanted to say that FCC's complaint form interfered with me
- 23:02:39 [timeless]
- timeless: Both the web page (FCC) and myself wanted to advance to the next field, (I pressed tab), we both won -- I lost (double advance)
- 23:02:44 [timeless]
- ack rniwa
- 23:02:49 [cyns]
- q+
- 23:02:57 [timeless]
- rniwa: "Keyboard is easy to spec"
- 23:03:03 [benjamp]
- q+
- 23:03:03 [timeless]
- [ Travis kicks him ]
- 23:03:17 [timeless]
- ... when you move the cursor, it said "modify event"
- 23:03:25 [weinig]
- weinig has joined #webapps
- 23:03:26 [timeless]
- ... but different OSs/Browsers do different things
- 23:03:37 [chaals]
- q+
- 23:03:44 [timeless]
- ... right could mean right-physical, or next-logical
- 23:03:53 [timeless]
- ... cursor end could mean line end or page end
- 23:04:09 [timeless]
- ... we need to be careful what kind of extensibility we need to be aware of
- 23:04:13 [chaals]
- q+ to say "how you move the cursor is different from browser to browser" is sort of the point
- 23:04:14 [timeless]
- ... valueChange
- 23:04:26 [timeless]
- ack cyns
- 23:04:27 [AndroUser]
- AndroUser has joined #webapps
- 23:04:29 [timeless]
- cyns: scrolling
- 23:04:37 [timeless]
- ... while you might want different behavior for the scroll itself
- 23:04:44 [timeless]
- ... infinite scroll (image search results)
- 23:04:49 [timeless]
- ... you still want to load the next batch of things
- 23:04:53 [jcraig]
- q+
- 23:04:54 [timeless]
- ... using the intention event
- 23:05:00 [timeless]
- ... and other scripts for the details
- 23:05:02 [timeless]
- ack benjamp
- 23:05:11 [timeless]
- benjamp: rniwa, maybe actions can be tied to extensions
- 23:05:15 [timeless]
- ... "shift-right-arrow"
- 23:05:31 [timeless]
- ... conjecturing, associate with "modify caret" + "to right"
- 23:05:46 [timeless]
- ... if the site wants to do something else, they could listen to the keys and said a different intention event
- 23:05:51 [timeless]
- ... you can modify what an intention is
- 23:05:56 [jmhyeon]
- jmhyeon has joined #webapps
- 23:06:06 [timeless]
- [ Editing Explainer ]
- 23:06:11 [timeless]
- benjamp: for a keyboard event
- 23:06:18 [timeless]
- ... DeclareIntention(
- 23:06:20 [nvdbleek]
- nvdbleek has joined #webapps
- 23:06:24 [timeless]
- ... changing the intention of an action
- 23:06:29 [rniwa]
- q+
- 23:06:31 [timeless]
- ... "shift-right-arrow" in RTL
- 23:06:37 [timeless]
- ... i want it to be non standard
- 23:06:46 [timeless]
- ... I can map this to be "modify-selection" + "left"
- 23:06:49 [timeless]
- ... )
- 23:06:50 [jcraig]
- q-
- 23:06:57 [timeless]
- ... then you can respond to it in the intention handler
- 23:07:02 [timeless]
- ack chaals
- 23:07:02 [Zakim]
- chaals, you wanted to say "how you move the cursor is different from browser to browser" is sort of the point
- 23:07:32 [timeless]
- chaals: instead of you listening to the interface action in the web app
- 23:07:36 [timeless]
- ... you get the platform event
- 23:07:41 [timeless]
- ... concept
- 23:07:43 [timeless]
- ack rniwa
- 23:07:46 [song]
- song has joined #webapps
- 23:07:54 [timeless]
- rniwa: what if today all browsers do selection logically
- 23:08:01 [timeless]
- ... but what if a browser wants it to be physically
- 23:08:13 [timeless]
- ... extend bidi text selection to the right
- 23:08:18 [jcraig]
- s/physically/visually/
- 23:08:34 [timeless]
- ... it might be different
- 23:08:40 [vollick]
- vollick has joined #webapps
- 23:08:48 [timeless]
- ... to be able to extend physically
- 23:08:58 [timeless]
- benjamp: if a browser creates selections that are disjoint
- 23:09:06 [timeless]
- ... the browser needs to keep in mind that this may break sites
- 23:09:14 [fjh]
- fjh has joined #webapps
- 23:09:30 [timeless]
- rniwa: how do we support new intentions
- 23:09:41 [timeless]
- chaals: we already have that problem
- 23:09:46 [timeless]
- ... we add a new device interface
- 23:09:53 [timeless]
- ... and the web app becomes totally unusable
- 23:10:00 [jcraig]
- q+
- 23:10:05 [timeless]
- ... i suspect that's not a really big problem
- 23:10:11 [timeless]
- ... future proofing is always difficult
- 23:10:21 [timeless]
- ... but future proofing based on what we've got is a nightmare
- 23:10:29 [timeless]
- ... we will continue to see new intentions
- 23:10:31 [timeless]
- ack jcraig
- 23:11:00 [timeless]
- jcraig: rniwa and weinig were describing selection model changing
- 23:11:11 [timeless]
- ... that might be the case for the api to set the specific selection
- 23:11:19 [timeless]
- ... in continuous scroll
- 23:11:32 [timeless]
- ... instead of a series of scroll events
- 23:11:38 [timeless]
- ... set some values on view
- 23:12:01 [timeless]
- janina: sometimes we say intention and talk about the way we achieve something
- 23:12:21 [vollick_]
- vollick_ has joined #webapps
- 23:12:22 [timeless]
- ... we need to be careful about language
- 23:12:43 [timeless]
- chaals: that gives you lots of things to think about
- 23:12:51 [timeless]
- ... shall we put this on the agenda tomorrow?
- 23:12:55 [timeless]
- benjamp: yes
- 23:13:11 [timeless]
- chaals: people want to make contenteditable go away
- 23:13:29 [jeff]
- jeff has joined #webapps
- 23:13:46 [timeless]
- ArtB: preference?
- 23:13:48 [timeless]
- chaals: after 3
- 23:13:55 [timeless]
- rniwa: likewise (but for performance conflict)
- 23:14:01 [timeless]
- ArtB: ok, 3-4
- 23:14:11 [timeless]
- jcraig: we had other topics other than events/editing
- 23:14:16 [timeless]
- ... join had topics about selection api
- 23:14:20 [Hyunjin]
- Hyunjin has joined #webapps
- 23:14:34 [timeless]
- ... computed role on element
- 23:14:44 [timeless]
- ... user context / user settings
- 23:15:19 [timeless]
- s/3-4/3:30-5/
- 23:16:31 [chaals1]
- chaals1 has joined #webapps
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- a1zu has joined #webapps
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- abarsto has joined #webapps
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- forty41 has joined #webapps
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- smfr has joined #webapps
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- myakura_ has joined #webapps
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- marcosc has joined #webapps
- 23:21:59 [chaals1]
- scribe: Chaals
- 23:22:05 [chaals1]
- Topic: Annotations
- 23:22:31 [chaals1]
- FJH: The idea is to enable an annotation to something that is on the web. You have a body of an annotation annotating something.
- 23:22:31 [a12u]
- a12u has joined #webapps
- 23:22:40 [chaals1]
- … you need to point to the thing you are annotating.
- 23:22:57 [chaals1]
- … which might be a part of a resoource - word, sentence, video fragment...
- 23:23:04 [chaals1]
- … that's a target of the annottation.
- 23:23:17 [chaals1]
- The thing you annotate may change. So how do you keepthe target pointing to the right place
- 23:23:25 [chaals1]
- s/The/... the
- 23:23:36 [chaals1]
- … using a word-count might be fragile, for example.
- 23:23:47 [chaals1]
- … We might not get perfection but we want robust linking.
- 23:23:55 [chaals1]
- … Doug has done some stuff, and Rob too.
- 23:24:26 [chaals1]
- DS: I use a Mac, so we have problems connecting to things
- 23:25:01 [azaroth_]
- azaroth_ has joined #webapps
- 23:25:08 [azaroth_]
- q?
- 23:25:13 [JonathanJ1]
- JonathanJ1 has joined #webapps
- 23:25:21 [chaals1]
- s/
- 23:25:31 [fjh]
- q?
- 23:25:43 [chaals1]
- DougS: This is sort of related to Selection API. Instead of based on user input it is based on something that was being selected before.
- 23:26:02 [chaals1]
- … problems include not having ids, having duplicate strings, or a documnt gets changed, ….
- 23:26:16 [chaals1]
- [slide: solutions]
- 23:26:59 [chaals1]
- [slide: example of context - 32 characters before and after the thing that is being selected]
- 23:27:24 [chaals1]
- … have a strawman, looking for help on how to achieve. One idea was using the find-in-page function...
- 23:27:48 [chaals1]
- … we don't expose the text locations through an API
- 23:27:49 [MichaelC]
- MichaelC has joined #webapps
- 23:28:09 [chaals1]
- TL: There's nothing in W3C platform. In the DHTML platform from MS we had something like this.
- 23:28:11 [ArtB]
- zakim, who's here?
- 23:28:11 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Portland, lgombos
- 23:28:13 [Zakim]
- Portland has timeless
- 23:28:13 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see MichaelC, JonathanJ1, azaroth, a12u, marcosc, myakura_, smfr, forty41, ArtB, chaals1, jeff, vollick_, fjh, song, nvdbleek, sam__, tantek, mihnea_____, sam, arunranga,
- 23:28:13 [Zakim]
- ... kn1, MarkS, rbyers, joanie, jrossi, jhund, rniwa, alan-i, kurosawa, Tomoyuki, Zefa, glenn_, hiroto__, bkardell_, darobin, plh, kenneth_, zcorpan, adrianba, hjlee, hiroki,
- 23:28:15 [Zakim]
- ... plinss, anssik, bryan_, jungkees, RRSAgent, Zakim, lgombos, marcosc_, kochi1, kochi, tyoshino, igrigorik, stryx`_, stryx`, MikeSmith, hober, paul___irish, slightlyoff, tobie,
- 23:28:15 [Zakim]
- ... astearns
- 23:28:19 [smfr]
- smfr has left #webapps
- 23:28:25 [chaals1]
- … IE's find on page is built on top of this, on the precursor to the DOM range API.
- 23:28:30 [vollick_]
- vollick_ has left #webapps
- 23:28:39 [chaals1]
- DS: That could be an interesting starting point, perhaps.
- 23:28:53 [chaals1]
- ACTION: travis to find an MSDN page that describes this
- 23:28:54 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-753 - Find an msdn page that describes this [on Travis Leithead - due 2014-11-03].
- 23:28:54 [myakura_]
- s/richt/rbyers/
- 23:29:03 [MichaelC]
- MichaelC has left #webapps
- 23:29:08 [chaals1]
- s/describes this/describes the finding thing in IE
- 23:29:21 [chaals1]
- DS: This is all speculative. We want to find text...
- 23:29:26 [chaals1]
- [slide: strawman]
- 23:29:34 [fjh]
- q?
- 23:29:41 [darobin]
- -> windows.find() is also related to this
- 23:29:44 [chaals1]
- … simple case is a string you want to match
- 23:30:00 [fjh]
- the MSDN page:
- 23:30:00 [chaals1]
- … have an idea how to style this too.
- 23:30:05 [benjamp]
- benjamp has joined #webapps
- 23:30:10 [chaals1]
- close action-753
- 23:30:10 [trackbot]
- Closed action-753.
- 23:30:12 [HZ]
- HZ has joined #webapps
- 23:30:23 [chaals1]
- [slide: strawman part 2]
- 23:30:24 [youngwoojo]
- youngwoojo has joined #webapps
- 23:30:42 [chaals1]
- [slide: styling]
- 23:31:03 [chaals1]
- q?
- 23:31:09 [Ian]
- Ian has joined #webapps
- 23:31:24 [azaroth]
- q+
- 23:31:32 [chaals1]
- TL: You showed some potential ways to find the annotation. And you ended up proposing stuff based on literal text and before/after. Is there a reason why that bubbled to the top?
- 23:31:36 [chaals1]
- DS: Not really.
- 23:31:47 [chaals1]
- … don't know how this would work, and what it would try.
- 23:31:48 [chaals1]
- q+
- 23:32:03 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Yves
- 23:32:13 [chaals1]
- … I didn't know how to do edit distance. CSS selector would be the fastest if you knew how to do it
- 23:32:25 [chaals1]
- FJH: Did you run this by the annotation conf?
- 23:32:36 [chaals1]
- Kristof: We're working on a fork of @@
- 23:32:39 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Yves
- 23:32:48 [Ian]
- Ian has left #webapps
- 23:33:13 [chaals1]
- … we implemented something related to this. You can pass in a bunch of selectors using different types, and a bunch of registered @@@ strategies. The framework is meant to run through the strategies to find solutions.
- 23:33:33 [chaals1]
- … they could be ranges, or in the case of images you might want to return specific part of the image which has been identified.
- 23:33:39 [chaals1]
- s/@@@/anchoring/
- 23:34:01 [chaals1]
- … We have one using Xpath selector, one that is character position, or using context and levenstein distance.
- 23:34:06 [chaals1]
- … These all should be extensible.
- 23:34:38 [chaals1]
- … Other side of the equation, pass in a fragment and describe it with different selectors, so you get the fragment, and it gives back different selectors.
- 23:34:55 [ArtB]
- q?
- 23:34:55 [chaals1]
- … We save the selection, and try to re-anchor with several strategies for robustness.
- 23:34:56 [chaals1]
- q?
- 23:35:11 [Norbert]
- Norbert has joined #webapps
- 23:35:14 [chaals1]
- DS: There are plenty of approaches we could take, this is a strawman.
- 23:35:28 [chaals1]
- … we want things useful for the platform in general not just annotations.
- 23:35:40 [chaals1]
- TL: This seems like a missing piece. You can use selectors, but this doesn't exist yet.
- 23:35:57 [chaals1]
- DS: Right. Seen people wanting to find text in the content but not the chrome of a webapp
- 23:36:12 [chaals1]
- TL: Manual text finding from the node tree is slow.
- 23:36:16 [chaals1]
- DS: Right
- 23:36:31 [chaals1]
- … a find in page dialog won't cross or block on boundaries.
- 23:37:08 [ArtB]
- RRSAgent, make minutes
- 23:37:08 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate ArtB
- 23:37:20 [fjh]
- q?
- 23:37:22 [chaals1]
- RobS: Various ways of selecting the area, and then deciding if something matches. Levenstein distance isn't the same as Xpath.
- 23:37:29 [chaals1]
- … does it match vs where is it.
- 23:38:02 [chaals1]
- … in open annotation data model we have what we call selectors, - text quote selector and offset. Data offset for arbitrary bitstreams, SVG, fragment selector
- 23:38:25 [ArtB]
- Present+ Doug_Schepers, Robert_Sanderson, Frederick_Hirsch
- 23:38:27 [chaals1]
- … One way forward is to figure out how you transfer a set of selectors via the API.
- 23:38:33 [ArtB]
- q?
- 23:38:38 [chaals1]
- DS: That's what the options object would be
- 23:38:39 [ArtB]
- ack azaroth
- 23:38:44 [ArtB]
- ack chaals
- 23:39:32 [ArtB]
- Present+ Kristof_Csillag
- 23:39:46 [chaals1]
- CMN: Have you looked at the fuzzy pointers developed about 12 years ago for EARL? Like Xpointers designed for HTML, to solve this kind of problem
- 23:39:56 [fjh]
- q?
- 23:39:57 [chaals1]
- ACTION: Doug to ask chaals where fuzzy pointers stuff is
- 23:39:57 [trackbot]
- Error finding 'Doug'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 23:40:03 [chaals1]
- DS: There is a lot of prior art here...
- 23:40:20 [chaals1]
- Kristof: We find text in a corpus and map it back to where it is in the DOM
- 23:40:31 [ArtB]
- ACTION: frederick work with Doug and Chaals re fuzzy pointers stuff for Web Annotations WG
- 23:40:31 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-754 - Work with doug and chaals re fuzzy pointers stuff for web annotations wg [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2014-11-03].
- 23:40:37 [chaals1]
- … the browser knows where the teext it finds is, but doesn't expose that. Doing so would be good for everyone.
- 23:40:49 [chaals1]
- … We are using selectors defined by Open Annotation group.
- 23:40:54 [chaals1]
- q?
- 23:40:55 [ArtB]
- q?
- 23:41:08 [chaals1]
- FJH: What are our next steps?
- 23:41:44 [chaals1]
- [looking at is aprt of solving action 754]
- 23:42:03 [chaals1]
- FJH: We're looking at next steps. Are there any problems with where Doug is going?
- 23:42:46 [chaals1]
- Kristof: Are we doing this to work on any kind of document, or just for a few data rtypes? Because if the former we cannot just rely on DOM ranges now, and need a new type.
- 23:43:06 [chaals1]
- ArtB: API scope is a common question for us. One answer is always "what are the use cases"?
- 23:43:20 [chaals1]
- … whatis the status of use cases for this?
- 23:43:26 [rbyers]
- rbyers has left #webapps
- 23:43:40 [fjh]
- q?
- 23:43:42 [chaals1]
- RobS: In digital publishing IG we have a long set of use cases some of which cover this.
- 23:43:54 [chaals1]
- … that's work in W3C and IDPF (who do ePub)
- 23:44:13 [chaals1]
- … there are definitely use cases around annotating images. HTML and text are the things that change most often.
- 23:44:19 [a12u]
- a12u has joined #webapps
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- wooglae has joined #webapps
- 23:44:29 [chaals1]
- FJH: I would argue taht we should start focusing on text in HTML.
- 23:44:47 [chaals1]
- … where you know someone will edit it, but you want your link not to die.
- 23:45:01 [chaals1]
- … this was discussed in Annotation Workshop and is in proceedings.
- 23:45:18 [chaals1]
- ArtB: To best engage with Webapps, should identify the use cases that are clearly in scope.
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- gludi has joined #webapps
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- gludi|2 has joined #webapps
- 23:45:42 [Cyril]
- Cyril has joined #webapps
- 23:45:49 [chaals1]
- FJH: We have a proposal that goes beyond the use cases, but we need to figure out how to progress it. It needs to be implemented - do we do that through webapps?
- 23:45:56 [Cyril]
- rrsagent, pointer
- 23:45:56 [RRSAgent]
- See
- 23:46:00 [chaals1]
- TL: W=You could polyfill now, and it will just be slow, right?
- 23:46:28 [chaals1]
- DS: Right. So we should come up with solid use cases, make a spec and polyfill it and see if we get people to agree.
- 23:47:18 [chaals1]
- TL: Think you should continue. Please support your scenarios with some APIs you want in general. On finding text, it will probably be prohibitively expensive to find all matches at once. Finding all is an iteration on find next where you can yield back.
- 23:47:43 [chaals1]
- … text should be senstitive to unicode issues for characters - some things might not match all the time.
- 23:47:57 [marcosc__]
- marcosc__ has joined #webapps
- 23:48:00 [chaals1]
- … to generalise it, case insensitivity, regexp, etc would be useful.
- 23:48:08 [wooglae1]
- wooglae1 has joined #webapps
- 23:48:10 [chaals1]
- … Think that this really is something missing from the platform.
- 23:48:17 [ArtB]
- q?
- 23:48:19 [azaroth]
- q?
- 23:48:41 [rniwa]
- rniwa has joined #webapps
- 23:48:44 [chaals1]
- PaulC: Go look at all of the string matching stuff in Xquery/Xpath. We looked at all of those things when we did that stuff. It's in a standalone W3C spec.
- 23:48:48 [fjh]
- q?
- 23:49:11 [richardschwerdtfeger]
- richardschwerdtfeger has joined #webapps
- 23:49:25 [chaals1]
- FJH: Next steps: Bring summary of use cases to webapps. In our group do a survey of previous work, and produce a working draft and share it.
- 23:49:35 [chaals1]
- … want to understand how we get beyond that.
- 23:49:36 [seo_]
- seo_ has joined #webapps
- 23:49:44 [azaroth]
- ACTION: azaroth to update use case document and extract robust anchoring items to provide to webapps
- 23:49:44 [trackbot]
- Error finding 'azaroth'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 23:49:44 [chaals1]
- … does webapps have any constraints about timelines?
- 23:49:51 [chaals1]
- TL: Is it in our charter?
- 23:50:05 [chaals1]
- ArtB: Yep. can be done as a joint deliverable.
- 23:50:06 [jcraig]
- jcraig has joined #webapps
- 23:50:18 [chaals1]
- FJH: Anything happening in webapps we should know about?
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- shepazu has joined #webapps
- 23:51:11 [AndroUser]
- AndroUser has joined #webapps
- 23:51:38 [chaals1]
- CMN: Look at editing - you can maybe use taht sometimes to help understand what changed, and get updates to keep your pointers able to find what happened.
- 23:51:59 [chaals1]
- RB: There is also a CG that worked a while ago on "CSS Xpointer scheme".
- 23:52:28 [chaals1]
- … it would have to be rewritten to make stuff work, but I have some notes somewhere and think this can be mapped onto an HTML DOM, and would allow you to make webpointers. It's pretty easy.
- 23:52:48 [chaals1]
- ACTION: Robin to solve the rest of the problems related to robust targeting of changing documents.
- 23:52:48 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-755 - Solve the rest of the problems related to robust targeting of changing documents. [on Robin Berjon - due 2014-11-03].
- 23:52:58 [richardschwerdtfeger]
- richardschwerdtfeger has left #webapps
- 23:53:44 [chaals1]
- Kristof: There are different applications and document types, and to support tehm all we should be able to register new anchor types and discovery algorithms. So we should have a framework that applications can use to communicate through, adding new algorithms rather than trying to a priori specify them all.
- 23:53:45 [darobin]
- *cough*
- 23:54:08 [chaals1]
- action-755 due wednesday
- 23:54:08 [trackbot]
- Set action-755 Solve the rest of the problems related to robust targeting of changing documents. due date to 2014-10-29.
- 23:54:29 [chaals1]
- … we should be able to inject a new strategy for finding things into the framework.
- 23:54:42 [chaals1]
- FJH: Right but I don't think that bears on the webapps group.
- 23:54:54 [chaals1]
- DS: That would have to be something that isn't the same as find-text.
- 23:55:08 [chaals1]
- FJH: We'll figure it out when we get a better proposal today
- 23:55:32 [chaals1]
- DS: Travis were you saying we make something like a regex, and then apply it repeatedly finding the next match is what we should do?
- 23:55:37 [ArtB]
- q?
- 23:55:46 [chaals1]
- TL: Sure… maybe...
- 23:55:54 [chaals1]
- [adjourned]
- 23:56:32 [Zakim]
- -lgombos
- 23:56:39 [Zakim]
- -Portland
- 23:56:41 [Zakim]
- RWC_WAPI()12:00PM has ended
- 23:56:41 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +1.650.318.aaaa, Portland, Portland.a, Seattle, Olli_Pettay, Domenic, anssik, tyoshino, lgombos?, timeless, +47.21.65.aacc, hallvors, lgombos, +44.207.095.aadd,
- 23:56:41 [Zakim]
- ... mvano, johnmellor-chrome, +44.207.346.aaee, arunranga
- 23:57:57 [smfr]
- smfr has joined #webapps
- 23:58:10 [chaals1]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 23:58:10 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate chaals1
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- Shige has joined #webapps
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- Cyril has joined #webapps
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- Cyril has joined #webapps
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- 15:57:14 [ArtB]
- zakim, this will be rwc_wapi
- 15:57:14 [Zakim]
- ok, ArtB, I see RWC_WAPI()12:00PM already started
- 15:57:27 [ArtB]
- RRSAgent, log?
- 15:57:27 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'log'
- 15:57:40 [ArtB]
- RRSAgent, help
- 15:58:01 [bryan_]
- bryan_ has joined #webapps
- 15:58:27 [ArtB]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- I see 27 open action items saved in :
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Marcos work with SysApps to find an agenda slot for Tuesday [1]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: barstow start CfC to publish UI Events as a "gutted" WG Note [2]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Travis to check that the D3E tests are in GH or Mercurial, and if needed fix [3]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: barstow work with Adrian to find a replacement TC for Alex and D3E [4]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: barstow create a new bugzilla component for Inner Text [5]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: barstow start a CfC to publish a "gutted" WG Note of the Fullscreen API [6]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: barstow start a CfC to publish a Proposed Recommendation of IDB [7]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: barstow issue a Call for Test Facilitator for IME spec [8]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: charles ask cjk interest group and others about IME (use cases, tests, etc.) [9]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: barstow re SSE test results, followup on the Timeouts with the 2 test facilitators [10]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: yves, follow with Cameron re PR 271 and the Web IDL test suite [11]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: yves, work on moving Web IDL v1 to REC [12]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: charles try to find someone to help Yves, Cam and Boris on Web IDL v1 [13]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Yves to work on moving Web IDL v1 to REC [14]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: adrian determine Kris' availability to work on the Web Messaging and Web Sockets implemenation reports [15]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: barstow followup with Simon re running the Web Workers tests [16]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: abateman2 to determine Kris' availability to work on the Web Messaging and Web Sockets implemenation reports [17]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: barstow start a CfC to gut XHR L2 and publish a WG Note [18]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Arun mark file list as Feature @ Risk [19]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: barstow start a CfC to publish File API LCWD [20]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Arun deleted the UC in File API that starts with "Data should be able to be stored ..." [21]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Yves followup with Cameron re PR 27 and the Web IDL test suite [22]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: travis to find an MSDN page that describes this [23]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Doug to ask chaals where fuzzy pointers stuff is [24]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: frederick work with Doug and Chaals re fuzzy pointers stuff for Web Annotations WG [25]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: azaroth to update use case document and extract robust anchoring items to provide to webapps [26]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Robin to solve the rest of the problems related to robust targeting of changing documents. [27]
- 15:58:27 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
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- adrianba has joined #webapps
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- shoko has joined #webapps
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- present+ Bryan_Sullivan
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- joanie has left #webapps
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- brianraymor has joined #webapps
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- jcdufourd has joined #webapps