15:06:32 RRSAgent has joined #i18nits 15:06:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/10/20-i18nits-irc 15:06:36 meeting: its ig 15:06:50 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Oct/0032.html 15:06:55 camille has joined #i18nits 15:07:33 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Oct/0032.html 15:07:37 scribe: fsasaki 15:07:41 topic: action items 15:08:00 http://www.w3.org/International/its/ig/track/actions/open 15:08:31 http://www.w3.org/International/its/ig/track/actions/open?sort=due 15:08:58 topic: XLIFF 2.0 mapping 15:09:08 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Oct/0006.html 15:09:21 "ITS scope with sm/em" 15:09:47 yves: issue is: in XLIFF you can markup things with starting and ending empty elements 15:09:51 .. these are used as marker 15:10:05 .. content is not XML well formed content but between related elements 15:10:15 .. they are related through semantics, not syntax 15:10:21 .. they can be converted to mrk 15:10:33 .. issue is: in ITS we cannot describe that relation 15:10:49 .. e.g. if "sm" has ITS information, the information woud apply to empty content 15:11:00 .. Fredrik and Felix provided ways to solve the problem 15:11:13 .. by reducing numbers of sm and em, 15:11:21 .. but there would still be some cases 15:11:30 .. in case in which things are overlaped 15:11:35 .. this cannot resolved with ITS 15:11:46 .. this is similar to NIF were we can have overlap as well 15:11:55 .. so ITS cannot handle everything 15:12:07 .. we can migate 98% of the case with transformation 15:12:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/20-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 15:12:43 david: fundamental issue 15:12:57 .. richard / felix sometimes say that ITS is an abstract set of data categories 15:13:05 .. so far tech. has only been defined for XML and HTML 15:13:12 .. these have the limitations that Yves described 15:13:42 .. I agree that you can define simplification to reduce the number of spans that will be marked with empty markers, in XLIFF or other formats 15:13:57 .. this does not solve the fundamental issue 15:14:14 .. you can clash with structural XLIFF markup and so on 15:14:22 .. not quite sure what the value of the exercise is 15:14:34 .. of trying to reduce the number of sm / em marked spans 15:15:00 .. if you start in a perfect value html / xml you can add ITS value 15:15:19 .. you can't end up with spans that won't be possible to be marked in the right way 15:15:28 .. don't think that there is a solution 15:15:37 .. you cannot enforce wellformed spans 15:15:47 .. so all external ITS processors will be at loss 15:16:19 yves: that type of issue applies only for em / sm that you cannot split into separate mrks 15:16:32 .. e.g. for "translate" you can split things up in several mrks 15:16:56 .. the issue is with "terminology" or "text analysis" where you cannot split up things 15:18:26 david: if the wellformed format has the requirements then we can convert that 15:19:14 yves: this is a problem, not a major problem. it is a problem on the ITS representaiton. shoudl not stop us for using sm / em 15:19:18 .. not a showstopper for the mapping 15:19:20 david: agre 15:19:30 .. it is a limitatino what a generic ITS processor can do 15:19:42 .. another reason for having separate XLIFF namespaces 15:20:12 Zakim has joined #i18nits 15:21:09 christian: a few points: first, general issue of XML contraints 15:21:34 present: christian, yves, david, renat, felix 15:21:50 .. what is the viewpoint of researchers on the overlap issue? 15:21:58 .. second, we are looking at xliff 15:22:25 .. the observation we have may have some impact on the future version of xliff 15:22:46 .. maybe we find that sm / em is not the only approach - again an insight based on overlap research 15:23:01 .. third - being able to cover 98%, like yves said 15:23:27 .. we could also say: for certain flavours of XLIFF you are ok, for others you have certain constraints 15:23:34 .. that may call for a special variant of xliff 15:23:55 .. e.g. variant X of xliff: OK, variant Y: may have issues 15:25:05 renat: want to add some comments on overlap aspect 15:25:14 .. in xliff 2.0 there will be several modules 15:25:21 .. e.g. a specific module for ITS metadata 15:25:24 .. is that so? 15:25:54 .. then we could resolve the scenario if we split overlapping pieces of metadata between different instances of target text 15:26:22 david: useful to look at theoretical options from TEI 15:26:39 [see TEI options here http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/NH.html ] 15:26:49 david: multiple instances was used in 1.2 15:26:54 .. it was abandoned in XLIFF 2.0 15:27:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/20-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 15:27:20 .. standoff markup is another option 15:27:53 .. but also has issues 15:28:01 .. agree with Yves, there is no problem on the XLIFF side 15:28:19 .. the problem occurs during conversion to a format that has wellformedness requirements 15:28:33 .. a comment on what christian said about XLIFF flavours: 15:28:51 .. wellformed spans are interconvertable with non-wellformed spans 15:28:59 .. that is true for annotation and quote markers 15:29:57 .. there is a way to reduce the number of non wellformed spans 15:30:34 .. you could define types of content that works with the reduction and overs that does not 15:30:55 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Oct/0033.html 15:32:40 felix: next step would be to do some tests with the conversion, see yves' mail 15:33:14 action: felix to work on overlap example and to do conversion 15:33:14 Created ACTION-53 - Work on overlap example and to do conversion [on Felix Sasaki - due 2014-10-27]. 15:33:17 yves: things to be done: 15:33:24 .. coming up wtih rules for processing the mapping 15:33:29 .. using also an ITS processor 15:33:40 .. output would be similar to the test output we generate 15:33:54 .. but we need also to come up to process the file with an XLIFF processor 15:34:03 .. but I don't have a format for that 15:34:11 topic: testing output 15:34:26 https://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/XLIFF_2.0_Mapping#General_implementation_and_testing_considerations 15:35:34 yves: for XLIFF output, testing: 15:35:45 .. every single element for which we can apply ITS 15:35:49 .. all ements have IDs 15:35:59 .. so we can generate an XLIFF location of the node 15:36:23 .. instead of using XPath, using the XLIFF IDs 15:36:34 .. most of the xliff processors should be able to process that 15:37:03 felix: would one need to take the scope of the ID into account? 15:37:05 yves: good point 15:37:18 .. technically you are testing only if the value of the ITS information is correct 15:37:27 .. applying the scope is only an XLIFF problem 15:37:47 .. the tests for the ITS module don't need to test the scope 15:38:13 david: still the same issue 15:38:19 .. the scope of the IDs can be non-wellformed 15:38:51 action: yves to try to come up with example of xliff+its test format / output 15:38:52 Created ACTION-54 - Try to come up with example of xliff+its test format / output [on Yves Savourel - due 2014-10-27]. 15:39:24 topic: rules file 15:39:25 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Oct/0000.html 15:41:05 felix: discussion on xliff namespace - semantic of attribute would affect spans 15:41:20 david: would affect also xliff 15:41:28 ... so makes sense to have the namespace xliff hosted 15:42:44 christian: need to be clear what the issues is and to see where we have the issue: in xliff or its or both 15:44:19 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Oct/0023.html 15:44:49 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Oct/0024.html 15:46:00 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/URNsAndRegistries-50.html 15:46:23 yves: processing is fine for ITS processor, to do extra processing before it processes it 15:46:29 .. if it is well defined 15:46:38 .. e.g. having an XSLT that does it back and forth 15:46:52 .. it is a limitation too because you cannot use an XLIFF file with an ITS processor 15:47:10 .. for me it is something marginal - in most of the cases it will be with an XLIFF processor, not an ITS processor 15:47:39 felix: agree 15:49:15 david: above links explains differrent approaches to namespaces in w3c and osasis - w3c uses http uris, osasis uses urn 15:49:29 .. xliff syntax expects urn type uri, not http type of uri 15:49:42 .. another good reason to have oasis hosted namespace 15:50:24 yves: advantage of not using directly ITS namespace: 15:50:33 .. in some cases we will need to add attributes 15:50:40 .. e.g. ITS does not define a local "domain" 15:50:46 .. you need that at XLIFF 15:50:54 .. we have only a global marker in ITS 15:51:06 david: that was the primary reason to use the additional namespace 15:51:18 yves: exactly 15:51:32 .. that allows you to put together all attributes in the mapping 15:51:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/20-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 15:52:00 yves: validation is then easier 15:52:38 yves: there is one case with pre- and post-processing of the file 15:52:49 .. we don't have a way to map "tools information" 15:53:01 .. there is no way to map tools info in XLIFF and map that into ITS 15:53:29 .. which is ok since we have a preprocessing step 15:54:57 topic: way to describe the transformations 15:55:16 idea to have an algorithm and implement that in differnet ways: xslt and others 15:55:37 I agree that the algorithm should be defined independently 15:55:43 topic: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Oct/0034.html 15:55:50 Provenance and Change Track Module 15:55:58 still will need the xslt example 15:56:11 action-9? 15:56:12 action-9 -- David Lewis to Look at the XLIFF 2.0 change tracking module for provenance -- due 2014-05-30 -- OPEN 15:56:12 http://www.w3.org/International/its/ig/track/actions/9 15:56:21 and preferably at least one more 15:56:28 yves: we thought about this before, but did not address this yet 15:57:38 david: not very clear what the relation is 15:57:52 yves: you could end up with conflicts - which one is right? 15:58:10 david: one could use ctr for historical provenance 15:58:20 .. current provenance on core elements should be encoded using the ITS module 15:58:39 christian: sounds like a new concept / terminology 15:58:45 .. "historical provenance" 15:58:56 .. we need to define this properly 15:59:15 david: purpose of change track is to be able to tell who made change 16:01:04 topic: next call 16:01:09 10 november 16:01:49 adjourned 16:01:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/20-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 17:58:17 Zakim has left #i18nits