14:01:44 RRSAgent has joined #er 14:01:44 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/10/09-er-irc 14:02:42 +??P9 14:03:20 -??P9 14:04:05 +??P9 14:05:54 +??P16 14:06:06 zakim, ??P16 is me 14:06:06 +samuelm; got it 14:06:09 zakim, ??p9 is carlos 14:06:09 +carlos; got it 14:06:31 https://w3c.github.io/w3c-waet/WAET.html 14:07:38 Topic: Samuel's Comments 14:07:42 [[2.1.1. Markup formats: "ability to build a Document Object Model ( DOM ) [ DOM ] according to the different specifications, that includes styles ( CSS ), scrips (JavaScript) and other media (see below), which can then be parsed and analyzed:" Current wording seems to read that DOM is built according to CSS, scripts and media. While this is true, I'm not sure if this clearly conveys what is expected.]] 14:10:14 SAZ: complex sentence 14:10:43 SM: resources are related but not part of DOM 14:11:53 SAZ: is "according to the different specifications" important? all resources have different versions 14:12:02 CV: DOM level is relevant 14:14:38 "ability to render the content according to the Document Object Model (DOM), including all associated resources, such as the CSS, scripts, media, and others." 14:17:11 "Note that the particular version ("Level") of the DOM has significant impact on the rendering, and is relevant to consider as part of this tool feature." 14:20:34 [[2.2.5 Emulating how people with disabilities experience the web: is this exactly an "awareness raising component"? They help emulating different contexts of use (think of e.g. change your system to high-contrast mode to check how it will be seen in that mode).]] 14:22:05 SM: not really emulating the experience of a person 14:22:39 ...just showing some contexts of use 14:23:08 ...changing color contrast does not mimic the feeling of a person with color-blindness 14:23:27 ...it just highlights some of the issues 14:25:44 CV: agree title needs changing 14:27:35 SM: tools can also identify barriers, so they are evaluation features 14:27:41 CV: agree 14:36:44 https://github.com/w3c/w3c-waet/issues/66 14:37:16 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/tracker/actions/149 14:40:17 -carlos 14:40:18 -shadi 14:40:19 -samuelm 14:40:20 Team_(er)14:00Z has ended 14:40:20 Attendees were shadi, samuelm, carlos 14:44:53 rssagent, make minutes 14:49:47 rrsagent, make logs world 14:49:52 rrsagent, make minutes 14:49:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/09-er-minutes.html shadi 14:50:29 rrsagent, make logs world 14:50:39 rrsagent, bye 14:50:39 I see no action items