14:46:38 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 14:46:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/10/08-annotation-irc 14:46:40 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:46:40 Zakim has joined #annotation 14:46:42 Zakim, this will be 2666 14:46:42 ok, trackbot; I see DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM scheduled to start in 14 minutes 14:46:43 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 14:46:43 Date: 08 October 2014 14:47:24 Chair: Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 14:47:32 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 14:47:59 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Oct/0016.html 14:48:14 fjh has changed the topic to: Code 2666, Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Oct/0016.html 14:48:39 Regrets+ Ivan_Herman, Doug_Schepers, Bill_Kasdorf, Ben_De_Meester, Luc_Moreau 14:49:36 Regrets+ Antonio_Olmo_Titos(tripu) 14:50:03 Topic: Scribe Selection, Announcements, Minutes Approval 14:50:06 paoloC has joined #annotation 14:51:50 DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM has now started 14:51:57 +azaroth 14:52:10 azaroth has joined #annotation 14:52:19 Morning all 14:52:36 Regrets+ Nick_Stenning 14:52:54 Thanks! 14:53:04 Present+ Rob_Sanderson 14:53:39 Zakim hasn't started the call yet? 14:53:45 zakim, who is here? 14:53:45 On the phone I see azaroth 14:53:47 On IRC I see azaroth, paoloC, Zakim, RRSAgent, dauwhe, ivan, KevinMarks, JakeHart, fjh, Morbus, tripu, bigbluehat, nickstenn, dwhly, Mitar, stain, trackbot 14:54:33 Regrets+ Markus_Gylling 14:55:30 I bike into work before the call as I have a 9am meeting after it. So leave in plenty of time to not worry about getting delayed. 14:56:19 +[IPcaller] 14:56:22 zakim, ipcaller is me 14:56:22 +fjh; got it 14:56:38 TimCole has joined #annotation 14:56:42 zakim, what is the phone number 14:56:42 I don't understand 'what is the phone number', dwhly 14:56:47 heh 14:56:49 zakim, code? 14:56:49 the conference code is 2666 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), fjh 14:57:00 s/heh// 14:57:15 rrsagent, generate minutes 14:57:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/08-annotation-minutes.html fjh 14:57:23 +dauwhe 14:57:36 +TimCole 14:57:55 Present+ Dave_Cramer 14:58:06 Present+ Tim_Cole 14:58:26 +dwhly 14:58:49 Present+ Dan_Whaley 14:59:19 Jacob has joined #annotation 14:59:22 +Matt_Haas 14:59:47 Present+ Matt_Haas 15:00:50 csillag has joined #annotation 15:00:52 +bigbluehat 15:01:13 Present+ Benjamin_Young 15:01:15 Kyrce has joined #annotation 15:01:28 +Kyrce 15:01:28 can I map my name to bigbluehat? 15:01:30 Present+ Paolo_Ciccarese 15:01:40 Matt_Haas has joined #annotation 15:02:17 you can map your number to a name using this tool, it can help https://www.w3.org/1998/12/bridge/info/name.php3 15:02:24 awesome. I'll try 15:02:36 +rayd 15:02:50 +unknown 15:03:20 present+ Matt_Haas 15:03:23 hi all, 15:03:26 +[IPcaller] 15:03:34 call center gives me "Pass code is not valid" for 2666# 15:03:39 rayd has joined #annotation 15:04:00 present+ Ray Denenberg 15:04:05 -[IPcaller] 15:04:08 +chillag 15:04:19 ok, now it worked. 15:04:23 For 2666# to work you must wait unitl the automated voice stops speaking (I think) 15:04:29 Present+ Ray_Denenberg 15:04:36 Present- Ray Denenberg 15:04:39 present+ Jacob 15:04:42 Present+ Kyrce_Swenson 15:04:52 present+ Jacob Jett 15:05:02 present- Jacob Jett 15:05:11 Present+ Jacob_Jett 15:05:25 zakim, who is here? 15:05:25 On the phone I see azaroth, fjh, dauwhe, TimCole, dwhly, Matt_Haas, bigbluehat, Kyrce, rayd, unknown, chillag 15:05:27 On IRC I see rayd, Matt_Haas, Kyrce, csillag, Jacob, TimCole, azaroth, paoloC, Zakim, RRSAgent, dauwhe, KevinMarks, JakeHart, fjh, Morbus, tripu, bigbluehat, nickstenn, dwhly, 15:05:27 ... Mitar, stain, trackbot 15:05:33 +tilgovi 15:06:17 zakim, pick a victim 15:06:17 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose rayd 15:06:38 Present+ Dan_Whaley 15:06:47 Present+ Randall_Leeds 15:07:07 tilgovi has joined #annotation 15:07:15 Randall Leeds 15:07:18 ScribeNick: rayd 15:07:26 raphael has joined #annotation 15:07:30 +[IPcaller] 15:08:19 +gatemezi 15:08:40 zakim, gatemezi is raphael 15:08:40 +raphael; got it 15:09:14 -[IPcaller] 15:09:15 no announcements 15:09:20 proposed RESOLUTION: 1 October 2014 minutes approved with Rob added as chair: http://www.w3.org/2014/10/01-annotation-minutes.html 15:09:36 minutes accepted with addition that rob is chair 15:09:49 proposed RESOLUTION: 1 October 2014 minutes approved with Rob added as chair: http://www.w3.org/2014/10/01-annotation-minutes.html [11:09] * azaroth and if you want to do something without it being minuted, use: /me ... 15:10:01 Topic: Extended Data Model Introduction 15:10:10 rob walk through second half data model 15:10:26 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:10:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/08-annotation-minutes.html fjh 15:10:37 +[IPcaller] 15:10:38 http://www.slideshare.net/paolociccarese/open-annotation-specifiers-and-specific-resources-tutorial 15:11:08 Present+ Jake_Hartnell 15:11:18 used to think about core extensions but now single namespace 15:11:34 specifiers and specific resources slide 2 15:11:49 s/used/paolo: used/ 15:11:56 s/specifiers/… specifiers/ 15:12:07 slide 2 15:12:22 ... slide 3 basic anno model. can annotate one or more targets and have one or more bodies 15:12:44 ...... body and target can be URI 15:13:06 ... but most of time want to annotate a fragment of a resource 15:13:34 ...uri fragments have limitations so we need to get beyond that 15:13:37 raphael_ has joined #annotation 15:13:56 raphael_ has left #annotation 15:13:57 raphael_ has joined #annotation 15:14:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/08-annotation-minutes.html raphael_ 15:14:30 ... ... slide 5 fragment of an image 15:15:01 Present+ raphael 15:15:11 ... same for body 15:15:28 ... called specific resouce not specific body or target 15:15:37 ... slide 7 15:16:12 ... tool to specify selectors 15:16:58 slide 8 notes types of specifiers, including styles 15:17:11 ... highlight with different colors to indicate different things 15:17:54 ...... URI one way to indicate a fragment, but they don't cover all the use cases 15:18:24 ... (URI fragment) 15:19:13 Raphael: The Media Fragment URI specification, http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/, specifies how to specify simple temporal fragments (using two time codes) and simple spatial fragments (reduced to rectangle bounding box using a top,left position + width and height, aka xywh) 15:19:19 ... some selectors built in but you can make up your own 15:19:33 paolo: spec has a number of selectors that have been generally agreed, could define additional selectors but need interoperability 15:19:35 ... 10 15:20:30 ... 12 list of builtin selectors 15:20:41 ... range, etc. 15:22:32 paolo: fragment URIs had some disagreement but other representations had URI issues, but so far seems the best choice 15:22:46 ... 13 15:23:50 ...... 15 fragment selector 15:24:10 slide 14, source + fragment, e.g source1#namedSection 15:24:19 ... 16 breaks URI into source and selector, conforms to media fragment spec 15:24:46 ... 17 SVG selector to identify fragment of image 15:24:49 q+ to ask degree of concern about use of fragment URIs 15:25:29 ... ... can define squares, circles, ovals 15:26:15 ack fjh 15:26:15 fjh, you wanted to ask degree of concern about use of fragment URIs 15:27:09 azaroth has joined #annotation 15:27:15 -chillag 15:27:25 raymond: ok with fragment URIs but also need to be able to create structured data 15:27:39 s/raymond/raphael/ 15:27:46 +chillag 15:27:51 raphael: concerned about validation 15:27:55 raphael need to make sure that what you're breaking down is consistent with URI and not clear how 15:28:04 ISSUE: How to validate fragment selectors 15:28:04 Created ISSUE-7 - How to validate fragment selectors. Please complete additional details at . 15:29:11 paolo media spec allows simple fragment, rectangles etc. 15:29:26 ... need use cases for more complex cases 15:29:27 s/paolo/paolo:/ 15:29:44 s/paolo/raphael/ 15:30:27 rob: some were offered at CG 15:30:40 q+ 15:30:48 summary so far: we are ok with media fragment URIs for simple cases of time and box region selection, need use cases to justify more complicated cases 15:31:10 yet paolo notes for biology there are more precise annotation selection cases, also for maps 15:31:10 paolo: there are plenty of cases 15:31:31 ... with SVG seletor can do many of these things 15:31:57 Raphael: the question is then whether complex regions (e.g. arbitrary complex polygons) should actually be defined in the hash part of a URI or not 15:32:14 ... but there are other ways to do it 15:32:46 ... maphub uses svg as well as text selector 15:32:56 azaroth has joined #annotation 15:33:05 ... they think text selector easier to encode 15:33:05 Raphael: maphub uses svg and WKT 15:33:35 fjh: is there an issue to record 15:33:46 paolo: no, extensibility takes care of it 15:33:53 ... selectors are important but take care to avoid proliferation 15:34:31 tcole: potential for fallbacks in selectors 15:34:57 http://maphub.github.io/ 15:35:37 q- 15:36:00 paolo: some selectors only specific applications understand but others can fallback 15:36:36 paolo: should keep this in mind, can have complicated selector and also simpler one for fallback (eg shaped region or rectangle) 15:37:13 rob: sequence of fallbacks rather than random choice 15:38:04 azaroth: IDPF had ePub need for this 15:38:21 ... issue 2 in github 15:38:40 see issue 2 in github 15:38:41 s/see issue 2 in github// 15:38:58 azaroth has joined #annotation 15:39:02 -tilgovi 15:39:53 paolo: 19 text selectors. Issues, copyright for example, counting characters 15:40:18 ... text quote v. text position 15:40:44 -chillag 15:40:58 ... 21 a paragraph is annotated and there is text before and after 15:41:03 +chillag 15:41:33 Or if the change is big blocks of text being moved around 15:41:52 And the prefix + exact + suffix moves together 15:42:00 ... 22 text position selector, probably simplest. 15:42:29 q+ 15:42:42 ... 23 start and end 15:42:48 ack csillag 15:44:52 paolo: need to be clear text quote and position depend on document stability. 15:45:18 csillag: have implemented both of these, sometimes you might want to use multiple methods at once 15:45:40 paolo ... 24 state 15:46:09 ... keep track of when page was annotated 15:46:53 ... time and http request state are recorded 15:48:02 ... 25 time state 15:48:04 paolo: state was discussed as “setup”, e.g. rotate 3D model so it is asame view as when annotated 15:48:14 s/asame/same/ 15:48:33 ...27 http reauest state 15:49:12 .. selectors can be used together with state to properly identify target 15:49:23 s/reauest/request/ 15:49:48 ...29 style specifiers 15:50:11 ... can say annotation is styled by css style 15:51:14 ... 31 scope specifier. Might annotate an image w/in a web page 15:52:05 paolo: issue raised of whether annotation is for image in context of page, or independent of page. My experience is that context generally matters. 15:52:34 ... e.g. scope is web page and source is image in the web page 15:52:48 q+ 15:53:04 -bigbluehat 15:53:23 paolo: pragmatically annotate the image and then note the scope 15:53:31 ... 32 annotated telescop image 15:53:37 ack TimCole 15:54:40 tim: selector state straightforward but how to implement use cases. 15:55:00 tcole: concerned about use cases supporting style, scope and maybe should revisit 15:55:01 ... style and scope specifiers need more work 15:56:10 rob: hope we don't need to revisit whether there is a requirement for them, but discuss how to implement 15:56:35 paolo: tim right, we never reached agreement 15:56:58 rob: will generate two issues. 15:57:21 ACTION: Rob Sanderson to generate "status quo" proposal issues for Style and Scope 15:57:21 Error finding 'Rob'. You can review and register nicknames at . 15:57:30 ACTION: azaroth to generate "status quo" proposal issues for Style and Scope 15:57:30 Created ACTION-1 - Generate "status quo" proposal issues for style and scope [on Robert Sanderson - due 2014-10-15]. 15:58:22 adjourned! 15:58:27 -dauwhe 15:58:28 -raphael 15:58:28 -Matt_Haas 15:58:29 -Kyrce 15:58:29 -[IPcaller] 15:58:30 -azaroth 15:58:30 -TimCole 15:58:34 -unknown 15:58:35 -dwhly 15:58:35 Kyrce has left #annotation 15:58:37 -chillag 15:58:46 -rayd 15:58:55 azaroth: please review issues in github and discuss on list 15:59:02 Topic: Other business 15:59:03 none 15:59:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/08-annotation-minutes.html raphael_ 15:59:06 Topic: Adjourn 15:59:07 :) 15:59:16 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:59:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/08-annotation-minutes.html fjh 15:59:33 -fjh 15:59:34 DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM has ended 15:59:35 Attendees were azaroth, fjh, dauwhe, TimCole, dwhly, Matt_Haas, bigbluehat, Kyrce, rayd, unknown, [IPcaller], chillag, tilgovi, raphael 15:59:50 s/Present+ raphael/Present+ Raphael_Troncy 15:59:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/08-annotation-minutes.html raphael_ 15:59:59 s/Thanks!// 16:00:16 s/I bike into work before the call as I have a 9am meeting after it. So leave in plenty of time to not worry about getting delayed.// 16:00:20 Thanks Raphael, great to have you as part of the WG :) 16:00:28 s/hi all,// 16:00:37 s/call center gives me "Pass code is not valid" for 2666#// 16:00:46 s/ok, now it worked.// 16:00:59 s/For 2666# to work you must wait unitl the automated voice stops speaking (I think)// 16:01:41 s/^proposed RESOLUTION/RESOLUTION/ 16:02:00 s/rob walk/Paolo walk/ 16:02:50 s; s/asame/same/;; 16:02:56 s/asame/same/g 16:03:16 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:03:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/08-annotation-minutes.html fjh 16:03:41 s/Zakim hasn't started the call yet?// 16:04:07 s/[11:09] * azaroth and if you want to do something without it being minuted, use: /me …//