13:59:00 RRSAgent has joined #ldp 13:59:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/09/29-ldp-irc 13:59:02 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:59:02 Zakim has joined #ldp 13:59:04 Zakim, this will be LDP 13:59:04 ok, trackbot; I see SW_LDP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 13:59:05 Meeting: Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference 13:59:05 Date: 29 September 2014 13:59:43 SW_LDP()10:00AM has now started 13:59:50 +Arnaud 14:01:05 +[IBM] 14:01:17 zakim, [IBM] is me 14:01:18 +SteveS; got it 14:01:20 Ashok has joined #ldp 14:01:47 +deiu 14:01:54 +Ashok_Malhotra 14:04:33 +OpenLink_Software 14:04:42 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 14:04:42 +TallTed; got it 14:04:44 Zakim, mute me 14:04:44 TallTed should now be muted 14:05:08 +[IPcaller] 14:05:21 Zakim, IPcaller is me 14:05:21 +bblfish_; got it 14:05:29 hi 14:05:51 +Roger 14:05:59 +Alexandre 14:06:14 roger has joined #ldp 14:07:06 Scribe: SteveS 14:07:25 Proposal: Approve the minutes of the 22 September teleconf: http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/ldp/2014-09-22 14:07:34 Topic: approval of last week’s minutes 14:07:53 Arnaud: no objectsion, approved 14:08:06 s/objectsion/objections/ 14:08:28 Next meeting 10.06, not conflicts 14:08:32 https://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/101 14:08:35 Topic: Actions and Issues 14:08:54 Arnaud: new issue opened around ldpatch ISSUE-101 14:09:24 betehess: Summarizes what is being requested in 101, via plain ole turtle 14:09:42 Arnaud: any objections to opening issue? 14:09:55 RESOLVED: open issue-101 14:10:04 Topic: 2NN 14:10:24 Arnaud: It is basically dead, based on a forwarded note from mnot to sandro 14:11:22 mnot has reported that the WG is not in support of it, though he has invited someone to come to F2F meeting in November to present/defend it 14:12:19 (Arnaud summarizes approval process on issues within HTTP WG) 14:12:20 +Sandro 14:13:07 Arnaud: will need to pull from LDP-Paging, 2NN specifically 14:13:29 sandro: there are some other options on the table that meet some of our requirements 14:13:32 +ericP 14:14:46 sandro: idea would be to possibly have a request header to indicate to follow the link for the client and respond with 200 14:15:03 …tbl thinks this doesn’t match quite 200 but ok with it 14:15:39 …another proposal is to use Prefer header, such as follow-303 14:16:10 …a header has a lower bar than status code, prefer even lower bar 14:16:12 That last one I like the most - put the body in the 303 14:16:47 …3rd was to reply with 303 response code and entity body 14:17:24 agree 14:17:51 q+ 14:18:49 …last option was to supply link or content-location headers with 200 response 14:19:20 +??P19 14:19:32 Zakim, ??P19 is me 14:19:32 +nmihindu; got it 14:19:41 Zakim, mute me 14:19:41 nmihindu should now be muted 14:20:05 ack bblfish 14:20:27 bblfish: likes the 303 option the best, to include the entity body 14:20:58 bblfish: summarizes some experience with atompub wg 14:22:24 bblfish: perhaps we could suggest a clarification with use of our options, such as with 303 option 14:23:02 sandro: things the Prefer header option is the best one 14:23:23 s/things/thinks/ 14:24:03 Arnaud: sounds like we get the same behavior as 2nn with the Prefer header 14:24:32 I don't really like the Prefer header 14:25:33 sandro: has the nice feature, that servers will know that clients can handle getting a 200 with redirect content included and Preference-applied response header 14:26:43 ericP: there is a chance that a f2f discussion with mnot and tbl in coming days can determine the health of 2nn proposal 14:28:18 Arnaud: anyone want to go to Hawaii to defend 2nn proposal? 14:28:24 …not hearing anyone 14:29:43 sandro: trying to get a read on direction of various proposals, if wg is good with prefer and stop effort on 2nn 14:30:40 q+ 14:31:12 ack bblfish 14:31:38 SteveS: don’t have a big need for 2nn, though the prefer option seems reasonable 14:32:08 +1 to don’t have a big need for 2nn, though the prefer option seems reasonable 14:32:27 bblfish: things the prefer option is a bit odd, seems like the need to is request the information as fast as possible 14:35:15 Arnaud: think we should agree 2nn is a dead end, then agree which is the nest best option 14:35:26 q+ 14:35:43 STRAWPOLL: To use Prefer header to follow 303 (instead of 2nn) 14:35:58 0 14:36:04 ack Ashok 14:36:17 is this followed by 303 + some type of content right 14:36:29 SteveS: +0.5 14:36:49 +0 14:36:50 bblfish, 303 or 200 (most likely 200) whatever we define 14:37:09 +1 14:37:10 +0.5, not against 303+Prefer, would prefer 2NN, but I don't care enough anyway 14:37:46 +0.5 for 303, less with 200, I'd rather have the server decide from knowledge of the client if it should or not return 303 14:38:20 Arnaud: seems like people are leaning towards Prefer header approach 14:38:32 Topic: Paging 14:38:42 bblfish, one could do both... the client could say it wants the body of a 303 returned as a 200 or as a 303. not sure why. 14:39:35 Arnaud: JohnArwe had some back and forward on the mailing list, not sure if accepting of response or no time to respond 14:39:46 …need to get them to say they are ok with response 14:39:48 ( I'd rather 303 - makes more sense to me - with a hint from the client making it more regular . Perhaps the client could just say that it is LDP aware ) 14:40:15 complicated issue really 14:40:28 wonder what happens with 303 and caches. 14:41:24 ACTION: on SteveS to response confirming agreement from paging commenters 14:41:24 Error finding 'on'. You can review and register nicknames at . 14:41:43 Topic: LDP spec 14:42:53 SteveS: have responded to Reto’s comment, awaiting respond 14:43:10 Ashok: has read it and ok with the change 14:43:35 Arnaud: if anyone has any feedback, then please give, otherwise we’ll continue down this road. 14:43:53 Topic: Implementation progress 14:44:12 bblfish: making progress with indirection containers 14:44:20 Topic: primer 14:44:51 Arnaud: issue with primer, went out as rec-track unintentionally, triggered call for exception for patents 14:46:02 roger: did some updates to the primer, not quite ready for re-publication 14:46:29 Topic: LD Patch 14:47:38 betehess: talking about ISSUE-101, some complex turtle to add in would be difficult with current Add statements 14:48:15 …impls would need to deal with full turtle 14:49:52 SteveS: if just appending triples, then one could just use PATCH or POST with text/turtle 14:50:17 betehess: this really isn’t defined and only supports append, it wouldn’t be too much to add to LD-Patch 14:50:23 q+ 14:50:31 ack bblfish 14:50:49 bblfish: does this make LD Patch closer to Turtle Patch? 14:50:53 betehess: no, not related 14:52:22 q+ 14:52:33 ack ericP 14:53:14 ACTION on betehess to add support for arbitrary text/turtle for the Add operation in LDPatch 14:53:14 Error finding 'on'. You can review and register nicknames at . 14:54:21 ACTION: betehess to add support for arbitrary text/turtle for the Add operation in LDPatch 14:54:21 Created ACTION-150 - Add support for arbitrary text/turtle for the add operation in ldpatch [on Alexandre Bertails - due 2014-10-06]. 14:55:20 https://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/100 14:55:33 q+ 14:55:37 ISSUE-100? 14:55:37 ISSUE-100 -- Should ld-patch use a slash like sparql does, instead of as it currently does? -- open 14:55:37 http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/100 14:55:48 q- 14:55:52 q+ 14:55:57 ack deiu 14:56:52 PROPOSAL: resolve ISSUE-100 by not changing how it's done today 14:56:59 betehess: believes should leave it as is 14:58:01 +1 to leaving it as is (easier for parsing and checking for reverse order) 14:59:40 SteveS: +0, just be clear what the syntax is 15:01:17 (scribe wasn’t able to capture all the things sandro said regarding ldpatch) 15:01:28 SteveS, with ISSUE-100, `/schema:performerIn[/schema:url = ]` would become `schema:performerIn[schema:url = ]` 15:01:36 this is *not* SPARQL anyway 15:03:11 I kind of agree with Arnaud and Sandro, it's better to be close to Turtle 15:03:23 +1 where it's easy to align grammars, definitely better practice to do so. 15:03:23 due to getting friends everywhere 15:03:23 *how* would you explain `schema:performerIn[schema:url = ]` then? 15:03:26 -nmihindu 15:03:27 -Sandro 15:03:29 Arnaud: meeting adjourned 15:03:30 -Alexandre 15:03:31 -TallTed 15:03:33 -Arnaud 15:03:33 -SteveS 15:03:34 -Roger 15:03:36 -ericP 15:03:38 -bblfish_ 15:03:40 -Ashok_Malhotra 15:03:40 -deiu 15:03:41 SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended 15:03:41 Attendees were Arnaud, SteveS, deiu, Ashok_Malhotra, TallTed, bblfish_, Roger, Alexandre, Sandro, ericP, nmihindu 15:05:48 deiu, I think the thread that might help is http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2014Sep/0018.html 15:06:05 thanks! 15:06:44 or a reply to that, of course post the question if this doesn’t help 15:07:40 I don't think that thread was reflected in the primer though 15:13:23 deiu, you may want to send something to roger and nminindu about that, seems like they are actively updating it and be good to add 15:13:53 will do, thanks SteveS 16:46:33 bblfish has joined #ldp 16:49:13 bblfish has joined #ldp 16:56:09 Zakim has left #ldp 17:30:30 SteveS has joined #ldp 17:56:05 SteveS has joined #ldp 19:10:59 bblfish has joined #ldp 20:05:52 SteveS has joined #ldp 20:52:25 bblfish has joined #ldp 20:54:44 bblfish has joined #ldp