IRC log of i18n on 2014-09-25

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:56:44 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #i18n
13:56:44 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:56:49 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #i18n
13:56:55 [aphillip]
trackbot, prepare teleconference
13:56:57 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
13:56:59 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 4186
13:56:59 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 4 minutes
13:57:00 [trackbot]
Meeting: Internationalization Working Group Teleconference
13:57:00 [trackbot]
Date: 25 September 2014
13:57:27 [aphillip]
13:57:42 [aphillip]
Chair: Addison Phillips
13:57:46 [aphillip]
Scribe: Addison Phillips
13:57:52 [aphillip]
ScribeNick: aphillip
13:57:57 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
13:59:12 [aphillip]
agenda additions at and
13:59:23 [aphillip]
zakim, who is here?
13:59:23 [Zakim]
I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM has not yet started, aphillip
13:59:25 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, aphillip, r12a, fantasai, xiaoqian, trackbot
13:59:45 [aphillip]
Regrets: David
14:00:24 [Zakim]
I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM has now started
14:00:30 [Zakim]
14:01:08 [aphillip]
agenda+ RADAR
14:01:17 [aphillip]
agenda+ What Time is This Meeting At?
14:01:21 [r12a]
zakim, dial richard please
14:01:21 [Zakim]
ok, r12a; the call is being made
14:01:23 [Zakim]
14:01:36 [aphillip]
agenda+ Chinese generic font family names in CSS
14:01:54 [aphillip]
agenda+ Plans for Chinese Layout task force
14:01:58 [aphillip]
agenda+ Charmod
14:02:01 [aphillip]
14:02:31 [xiaoqian]
zakim, call xiaoqian-mobile
14:02:31 [Zakim]
ok, xiaoqian; the call is being made
14:02:33 [Zakim]
14:04:36 [Leandro]
Leandro has joined #i18n
14:05:18 [Zakim]
+ +1.408.536.aaaa
14:05:37 [aphillip]
zakim, +1.408.536.aaaa is Leandro
14:05:37 [Zakim]
+Leandro; got it
14:06:01 [aphillip]
Topic: Agenda
14:06:04 [aphillip]
14:06:24 [aphillip]
Topic: Action Items
14:07:04 [aphillip]
14:07:33 [aphillip]
close action-81
14:07:34 [trackbot]
Closed action-81.
14:09:05 [koji]
koji has joined #i18n
14:09:16 [aphillip]
Topic: Info Share
14:09:38 [aphillip]
addison: will be on holiday next week
14:09:48 [aphillip]
... richard to host
14:09:57 [aphillip]
... leandro to scribe
14:10:25 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
14:10:37 [aphillip]
richard: mongolian is really hard
14:11:07 [aphillip]
... I have a mongolian character picker that doesn't work terribly well
14:11:18 [Zakim]
14:11:19 [aphillip]
... FF doesn't support vertical LR text
14:11:38 [aphillip]
... and chrome not so much in tables and such
14:11:45 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
14:12:11 [aphillip]
richard: and challenges for mongolian characters with ZWJ
14:12:23 [aphillip]
... need to write more writing-mode tests
14:12:54 [xiaoqian]
14:14:44 [aphillip]
ack xiaoqian
14:15:07 [aphillip]
xiaoqian: does counter styles support mongolian and tibetan?
14:15:12 [r12a]
14:15:13 [aphillip]
richard: yes
14:15:28 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
14:15:55 [aphillip]
xiaoqian: browser vendors interested in minority scripts, want more examples
14:16:19 [r12a]
14:16:20 [aphillip]
richard: a few notes in my blog
14:16:39 [aphillip]
... scroll down
14:16:45 [aphillip]
... justificaiton, line breaking rules
14:17:07 [aphillip]
... and working on a new entry which calls out features of typography
14:17:26 [aphillip]
... and asks if people have problems with features
14:18:09 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 1
14:18:09 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "RADAR" taken up [from aphillip]
14:18:15 [aphillip]
14:18:15 [r12a]
and points to the current spec locations and tests
14:19:11 [aphillip]
14:19:23 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 2
14:19:23 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "What Time is This Meeting At?" taken up [from aphillip]
14:19:38 [aphillip]
14:23:02 [aphillip]
Option B "What we've been doing, sort of": 1500 UTC
14:23:09 [aphillip]
midnight tokyo
14:24:28 [aphillip]
koji: works for me
14:24:53 [aphillip]
action: addison: send email to the group seeking objections from non-attendees
14:24:54 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-346 - Send email to the group seeking objections from non-attendees [on Addison Phillips - due 2014-10-02].
14:25:09 [aphillip]
14:25:18 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 3
14:25:18 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "Chinese generic font family names in CSS" taken up [from aphillip]
14:25:32 [aphillip]
14:26:21 [aphillip]
richard: publishers in China
14:26:38 [aphillip]
... serif, sans, fantasy, monospaced, etc.
14:26:47 [aphillip]
... we have more than that (and different)
14:27:06 [aphillip]
... also can't easily solve problem using downloading
14:27:27 [aphillip]
... because the fonts are very large
14:27:33 [aphillip]
... wrote wiki page to summarize
14:27:43 [aphillip]
... probably affects JP and KO users also
14:27:53 [aphillip]
... might need more categories?
14:28:06 [aphillip]
richard: other scripts and publishing traditions need other styles
14:28:18 [aphillip]
... what can we do about this?
14:28:57 [aphillip]
... start discussion on CSS + CJK list
14:29:06 [aphillip]
xiaoqian: describe problem clearly
14:29:16 [aphillip]
14:29:33 [aphillip]
koji: interesting
14:29:47 [aphillip]
... in japan most systems don't have many fonts
14:30:20 [aphillip]
... can I confirm who the "customer" is? browser vendor? web authors?
14:30:31 [aphillip]
xiaoqian: digital publishers
14:30:38 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
14:32:10 [aphillip]
koji: different from epub and web
14:32:34 [aphillip]
... only four or five font families
14:32:54 [aphillip]
... epub different: kindle or kobo have different fonts
14:36:28 [r12a]
14:36:39 [r12a]
14:36:53 [r12a]
14:47:35 [aphillip]
action: xiaoqian: ask for more input on the problem of font family names
14:47:35 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-347 - Ask for more input on the problem of font family names [on Xiaoqian Wu - due 2014-10-02].
14:48:14 [aphillip]
xiaoqian: how will webfonts work for east asian languages?
14:49:04 [aphillip]
koji: font subsetting makes them smaller, so not really 10 mb
14:49:16 [aphillip]
... but data plans can be an issue
14:54:04 [aphillip]
14:54:23 [aphillip]
leandro: link to css spec is to wrong place
14:54:37 [aphillip]
richard: will add some questions to the page as well
14:54:46 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 4
14:54:46 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "Plans for Chinese Layout task force" taken up [from aphillip]
14:55:37 [aphillip]
richard: watch for activity
15:01:52 [Zakim]
15:01:54 [Leandro]
Folks, I have to run to another meeting. Talk to you next week.
15:22:56 [Zakim]
15:22:58 [Zakim]
15:22:58 [Zakim]
15:23:03 [aphillip]
Topic: AOB?
15:23:14 [aphillip]
rrsagent, make minutes
15:23:14 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
15:23:18 [r12a]
zakim, drop richard please
15:23:18 [Zakim]
Richard is being disconnected
15:23:19 [Zakim]
I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM has ended
15:23:19 [Zakim]
Attendees were aphillip, Richard, Xiaoqian, Leandro, koji
15:23:40 [aphillip]
Present: Addison, Richard, Xiaoqian, Koji, Leandro
15:23:45 [aphillip]
rrsagent, make minutes
15:23:45 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
15:24:11 [aphillip]
zakim, bye
15:24:11 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #i18n
15:24:17 [aphillip]
rrsagent, make minutes
15:24:17 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
15:24:21 [aphillip]
rrsagent, bye
15:24:21 [RRSAgent]
I see 2 open action items saved in :
15:24:21 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: addison: send email to the group seeking objections from non-attendees [1]
15:24:21 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:24:21 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: xiaoqian: ask for more input on the problem of font family names [2]
15:24:21 [RRSAgent]
recorded in