15:18:35 RRSAgent has joined #coga 15:18:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/09/22-coga-irc 15:18:43 zakim, this will be WAI_CogTF 15:18:43 ok, Lisa_Seeman; I see WAI_CogTF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 42 minutes 15:18:52 regrets: Katherine Deibel,Tim Boland, Elle, Anthony Doran, 15:24:08 agenda: this 15:24:10 agenda+ review of agenda 15:24:11 agenda+ review of actions - including identifying user strategies 15:24:13 and cognitive function table 15:24:14 agenda+ user groups update (ADHD, other) 15:24:16 agenda+ securities review from Jon http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2014Sep/0029.html 15:24:17 agenda+ layered help or role based help 15:24:19 agenda+ approval of other new content, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2014Aug/0045.html, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2014Aug/0044.html 15:24:20 agenda+ editing github 15:24:22 agenda+ Next FTF 15:24:23 agenda+ How will we receive comments? 15:24:25 agenda+ be done 15:52:44 WAI_CogTF()12:00PM has now started 15:52:51 +[IPcaller] 15:59:12 neilmilliken has joined #coga 16:00:43 +neilmilliken 16:00:52 + +1.512.445.aaaa 16:01:02 +Katie_Haritos-Shea 16:01:02 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 16:01:04 +Lisa_Seeman; got it 16:01:30 +Mary_Jo_Mueller 16:02:07 + +1.508.856.aabb 16:02:17 ddahl has joined #coga 16:02:37 MaryJo has joined #coga 16:02:56 JohnRochford has joined #coga 16:02:57 +??P7 16:03:09 zakim, who's here? 16:03:09 On the phone I see Lisa_Seeman, neilmilliken, +1.512.445.aaaa, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Mary_Jo_Mueller, +1.508.856.aabb, Michael_Cooper (muted) 16:03:11 On IRC I see JohnRochford, MaryJo, ddahl, neilmilliken, RRSAgent, Zakim, janina, Lisa_Seeman, MichaelC, trackbot 16:04:09 ack me 16:04:24 +Debbie_Dahl 16:04:28 zakim, aaaa is Susann_Keohane 16:04:28 +Susann_Keohane; got it 16:04:41 Susann_Keohane has joined #coga 16:04:58 zakim, aacc is me 16:04:58 sorry, Susann_Keohane, I do not recognize a party named 'aacc' 16:05:34 scribe: Mary_Jo_Mueller 16:05:42 zakim, next item 16:05:42 agendum 1. "review of agenda" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:07:10 +Janina 16:08:10 zakim, next item 16:08:10 agendum 2. "review of actions - including identifying user strategies" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:08:24 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/track/actions/ 16:08:37 +[IPcaller] 16:09:16 LS: Page on good and bad practice will soon be ready to be populated in the wiki 16:10:06 LS: The URL will be sent to the list when it is ready. 16:10:13 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Techniques_and_Strategies_For_The_Cognitive_and_Learning_Disabilities_Accessibility_Task_Force_(COGA) 16:10:28 ea has joined #coga 16:11:00 -Janina 16:11:12 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #coga 16:11:23 action: all add the access stratgies from our user groups to https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Techniques_and_Strategies_For_The_Cognitive_and_Learning_Disabilities_Accessibility_Task_Force_(COGA) 16:11:23 Error finding 'all'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:11:34 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 16:11:52 ackme 16:11:53 ack me 16:12:15 + +1.804.749.aacc 16:12:19 action: lisa to remind all user groups add the access stratgies from our user groups to https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Techniques_and_Strategies_For_The_Cognitive_and_Learning_Disabilities_Accessibility_Task_Force_(COGA) 16:12:19 Created ACTION-47 - Remind all user groups add the access stratgies from our user groups to https://www.w3.org/wai/pf/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/techniques_and_strategies_for_the_cognitive_and_learning_disabilities_accessibility_task_force_(coga) [on Lisa Seeman - due 2014-09-29]. 16:13:06 +Janina 16:13:21 +Joseph_O´Conno 16:14:07 DD: Emotion markup is in the wiki for the group to review. 16:15:30 LS: For action 46, the cognitive functions table has been set up. 16:15:40 action: lisa to remind all user groups add the thier info to the cognativve tags table 16:15:40 Created ACTION-48 - Remind all user groups add the thier info to the cognativve tags table [on Lisa Seeman - due 2014-09-29]. 16:16:11 LS: Information to go into the table should come from the cognitive disability type analysis pages. 16:16:58 zakim, next item 16:16:58 agendum 3. "user groups update (ADHD, other)" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:17:21 LS: The table should be completed by the time we publish our next group of pages so it can be included. Targeting next week to have the table filled in. 16:17:39 -Janina 16:17:52 LS: We are separating out the background research into a separate document on user research. 16:18:54 +Janina 16:19:42 LS: For the first working draft we'd like to to have the ADHD information and the completed table as well. 16:20:08 -Janina 16:20:25 SK: The ADHD group has not been able to meet and will work on this together via email. 16:21:42 NM: The ADHD is a draft and we could go with it and accept comments on it as such. There is a lot of literature out there so there could be more information added. 16:22:04 LS: We need to get the information into the WIKI, if possible. 16:22:30 NM: Will try to get the draft information into the wiki by the Sept 24 deadline. 16:23:18 zakim, next item 16:23:18 agendum 4. "securities review from Jon http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2014Sep/0029.html" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:23:43 action: Niel to put add contribution in the wiki 16:23:43 Error finding 'Niel'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:24:27 -[IPcaller] 16:24:45 +[IPcaller] 16:25:16 action: maryJo and Susannk to review and identify todo action from ADHA contribution in the wiki 16:25:16 Created ACTION-49 - And susannk to review and identify todo action from adha contribution in the wiki [on Mary Jo Mueller - due 2014-09-29]. 16:25:59 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2014Sep/0029.html" 16:26:18 q+ 16:26:32 can Joseph and I just add that we are meant to be working on tags for non-vocal but all in column could apply or not depending on the individual. 16:26:56 q? 16:26:58 oops sorry missed column one! 16:27:24 JR: Sent note to the cognitive list about the CAPTCHA analysis of cognitive difficulties with CAPTCHAs. Looking for review and suggestions on this draft. 16:27:29 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger 16:28:14 Correction: John is asking for review and suggestions on 2-factor authentiation. See 9/14 email message. 16:28:54 LS: May be better to separate the issues to show which difficulties are associated with what level of cognitive function. Not all of these are applicable to all use cases/cognitive disabilities. 16:29:52 LS: Visual discrimination issues will experience some of these difficulties, while someone with auditory discrimination issues will experience others. 16:30:19 ack lisa 16:31:52 LS: The PF working group is working to update the recommendations on CAPTCHAs so we are hoping this can influence that work. 16:32:54 KH: If you have different cognitive profiles, a different CAPTCHA could be presented based on that profile that would probably better for that user. 16:34:21 LS: CAPTCHA could present a different question depending on the cognitive abilities of the user, like if they have good long-term memory it might be best to ask a question about who is the current president. 16:36:03 LS: A general knowledge question may be good for certain people rather than questions about something that requires good short term memory. 16:38:17 NM: We want to make sure our advice doesn't become too unwieldy, so it is not ignored by web developers. 16:38:48 q+ to say that I think there needs be a way to automatically generate these kinds of questions so that there isn't a finite set that could be circumvented by an algorithm. 16:39:06 q+ 16:39:52 ack me 16:39:52 ddahl, you wanted to say that I think there needs be a way to automatically generate these kinds of questions so that there isn't a finite set that could be circumvented by an 16:39:55 ... algorithm. 16:40:32 KH: We could give examples or choices for what would be the best type of questions for each target group or population. 16:40:53 -Joseph_O´Conno 16:41:44 LS: Today we have visual and auditory CAPTCHAs but both are not very easy. Wonder if the use of generalized questions would also be better for people who are blind. 16:43:45 LS: Don't know if someone capable of using a screen reader or refreshable braille display would have more trouble answering general questions. Since use of these AT's is fairly complex, those users may not have issues with a general question. 16:44:37 JR: The questions would likely have to be tuned per culture or country. 16:44:44 what if the automatic translation of the question Captcha is not 100% 16:45:34 q+ 16:45:36 +??P9 16:45:43 zakim, ??P9 is me 16:45:43 +janina; got it 16:45:49 ack me 16:47:11 ack n 16:47:22 ack k 16:47:25 NM: Biometrics, personal SPI chips, etc. will move the validation forward like what Apple is using for payments. A person's phone can transmit the token quite easily. 16:48:47 KH: The banking industry is taking up this more and more, and with the increase in use of wearables the information could be transmitted and remove the need to use a CAPTCHa. 16:49:44 action: lisa to reach out to james about Biometrics, personal SPI chip token as alterntive to 2 step solutions and capture 16:49:44 Created ACTION-50 - Reach out to james about biometrics, personal spi chip token as alterntive to 2 step solutions and capture [on Lisa Seeman - due 2014-09-29]. 16:51:20 nfcring John McClear 16:51:26 NM: There's also the crypto ring. 16:51:49 Just reading some issues with NFC tags http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/how-secure-is-nfc-tech2.htm 16:52:17 LS: This could be a good long-term solution to CAPTCHA. 16:52:27 zakim, next item 16:52:27 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Lisa_Seeman 16:52:27 zakim, next item 16:52:29 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, MaryJo 16:52:36 q? 16:52:43 ack kat 16:52:46 zakim, next item 16:52:46 agendum 5. "layered help or role based help" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:53:42 LS: On the main PF list there was a discussion on a new ARIA attribute called accessible help. There was a discussion the previous week about somehting similar too. 16:54:02 LS: There is a problem where tooltips are being overloaded with too much information like help. 16:54:41 LS: Would like to change the name to screen reader help, and have the accessible help used for general help, so it is also applicable to people with cognitive disabilities. 16:55:28 LS: Would like to have these be discrete from each other, with separate tags. 16:56:17 LS: Some user groups may need help entering their phone number where others won't. Some users need screen reader help while others would be confused by that type of help information. 16:56:35 q+ 16:57:02 ack jo 16:57:29 I agree 16:57:29 JR: Would like to propose a universal design idea - help would be written so everyone could understand, using plain language and possible helpful imagery. 16:57:35 q+ 16:57:49 ack neil 16:59:22 q+ 16:59:48 Need to go to the ARIA call. Bye, all! 16:59:53 -janina 16:59:53 LS: The currently proposed accessible help was to cover issues where you give instruction that is only relevant to screen reader users - to help users that can't see and is trying to use a UI element that is fairly complex, such as a complex table. 17:00:51 NM: Agree that accessible help should be more general, and if it is specific to a certain user group it should be called out as being specific to that user group. 17:01:52 JR: If there is a profile associated with each user, then the accessible help could be tuned to that user group. 17:03:22 what if the user does not want to have it each time 17:03:26 ack john 17:03:48 ddahl has left #coga 17:04:06 -Debbie_Dahl 17:04:16 KH: Indie UI may be a way to have a preference that you do choose to have provided, like coga help or something with coga attributes and make that available through a profile. 17:04:40 -Michael_Cooper 17:05:12 KH: WAI-ARIA if it moves on to promote attributes and support for ATs used for cognitive disabilities could also help with this situation. 17:05:30 I have to drop off now. 17:05:38 -neilmilliken 17:05:50 q+ 17:06:05 LS: There could be user agent preferences or actions to provide this help, like using F1 to bring up this help on demand rather than all of the time. 17:06:12 -Susann_Keohane 17:06:59 ack katie 17:07:56 EA: There isn't anything on non-vocal in the table yet, and it doesn't have any specific parameters. You can find users for each of the items in the table. 17:08:17 EA: Co-morbidity occurs with 99% of individuals. 17:08:36 - +1.804.749.aacc 17:09:24 - +1.508.856.aabb 17:09:34 zakim, bye 17:09:34 leaving. As of this point the attendees were neilmilliken, +1.512.445.aaaa, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Lisa_Seeman, Mary_Jo_Mueller, +1.508.856.aabb, Michael_Cooper, Debbie_Dahl, 17:09:34 Zakim has left #coga 17:09:37 ... Susann_Keohane, Janina, [IPcaller], Rich_Schwerdtfeger, +1.804.749.aacc, Joseph_O´Conno 17:09:44 rrsagent, make minutes 17:09:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/22-coga-minutes.html MaryJo 17:11:34 thanks maryj 17:16:44 not working for me iether 17:17:07 rrsagent, make logs public 17:17:17 rrsagent, create minutes 17:17:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/22-coga-minutes.html Lisa_Seeman 17:17:30 got it :) 17:17:45 MaryJo, do you want to send them to the list? 17:18:05 tahnsk for scribing