11:37:25 RRSAgent has joined #dacg 11:37:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/09/17-dacg-irc 12:57:23 zakim, this will be dacg 12:57:23 ok, phila; I see DATA_DACG()9:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 12:59:44 phila has changed the topic to: Agenda for today is at https://www.w3.org/2013/data/CG/wiki/Telecon:2014.09.17 13:00:49 DATA_DACG()9:00AM has now started 13:00:56 +Arnaud 13:01:07 Arnaud has joined #dacg 13:01:31 kurzum has joined #dacg 13:01:35 +[IPcaller] 13:01:45 danbri_ has joined #dacg 13:01:55 zakim, ipcaller is me 13:01:55 +phila; got it 13:02:13 zakim, who is here? 13:02:14 On the phone I see Arnaud, phila 13:02:15 On IRC I see danbri_, kurzum, Arnaud, RRSAgent, Zakim, phila, sandro 13:02:20 +Kerstin_Forsberg 13:02:30 +[IPcaller] 13:02:53 ivan has joined #dacg 13:02:58 zakim, ipcaller is kurzum 13:02:58 +kurzum; got it 13:03:04 zakim, dial ivan-aix 13:03:04 ok, ivan; the call is being made 13:03:06 +Ivan 13:03:28 Kerstin has joined #dacg 13:04:15 +David_Wood 13:04:31 barely awake, not up for scribing, sorry 13:05:13 +bhyland 13:06:04 chair: phila 13:06:20 kurzum: (Sebastian Hellmann) introduces himself 13:06:52 ... talked about his PhD on RDF mapping, internationalization format etc. 13:07:05 ... other work relates to legalistic Linked Data cloud 13:07:07 + +44.207.346.aaaa 13:07:14 zakim, aaaa is danbri_ 13:07:14 +danbri_; got it 13:07:25 ... there's a new domain called linguistics - new datasets that I'm involved with. 13:07:39 ... I have 6 PhD students here in Leipzig where Soeren was previously 13:08:26 Kerstin: Works for Astra Zeneca. Involved in Sem Web mostly for clinical trials data. Also more general stuff. have talked with Eric about Shapes etc 13:09:16 http://www.phusewiki.org/wiki/index.php?title=Semantic_Technology 13:09:28 zakim, who is here? 13:09:28 On the phone I see Arnaud, phila, Kerstin_Forsberg, kurzum, Ivan, David_Wood, bhyland, danbri_ 13:09:31 On IRC I see Kerstin, ivan, danbri_, kurzum, Arnaud, RRSAgent, Zakim, phila, sandro 13:09:46 phila: Asks others for quick intros from others 13:09:55 bhyland has joined #dacg 13:09:58 http://www.w3.org/People/Arnaud/ 13:10:19 https://twitter.com/kerfors 13:11:15 chair: PhilA 13:11:23 scribe: bhyland 13:12:10 http://rdfunit.aksw.org/demo/ provides an implementation for reading DSP profiles and also IBM resource shapes 13:12:26 created by one of my colleagues in leipzg 13:13:10 dwood: Asked when the older W3C working group co-chairs should roll out? 13:13:53 phila: Explained he'd like to see some seasoned members remain involved to the tune of 1 hour/mos to join the coordination call, if possible. 13:14:56 Arnaud: Discussed LDP WG updates ... 13:16:04 Option is to stay in CR in perpetuity vs. go to last call again. Issues with getting time commitment for an implementation ... 13:16:12 http://www.w3.org/TR/ldp/#ldpic is the feature at risk in the new LCWD 13:16:59 Arnaud: Just published LDP Paging & went to LC 13:17:09 davidwood has joined #dacg 13:18:36 Arnaud, The Callimachus Project should have an implementation test report to you within 3-4 weeks. Apologies for the delay. 13:18:43 Also, LD Patch, a patch format so you can patch for defining expressing a sequence of ops for LD resources. Used for HTTP PATCH method, see https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/ldpatch/ldpatch.html 13:19:26 odrl? http://www.w3.org/TR/odrl/ 13:19:29 -> http://www.w3.org/community/odrl/ ODRL 13:19:57 Editor's Draft is available for review. Arnaud said it is too early to tell if there will be sufficient public feedback. 13:21:14 Topic: LDP - next generation 13:22:03 Phila: Access Control is anticipated to be a 'charterable' topic for a future LDP Group. 13:22:41 Phila: Is soliciting input from other W3C WG chairs to see if there is synergy / interest. 13:23:22 q+ 13:23:28 ack davidwood 13:24:02 Phila: The bar to starting a new W3C working group is high, so we have to make sure we do sufficient research & make sure there is sufficient interest. 13:25:05 DavidWood: The topic of Access Control is critically important but inextricably linked to a topic where everyone has a 'favorite dog' in the race. 13:25:39 … What I like about the LDP spec(s) is the simplicity of the recommendations, avoiding the Access Control 'hairball'. 13:25:57 ericP has joined #dacg 13:26:00 Zakim, code? 13:26:00 the conference code is 3224 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), ericP 13:26:16 Arnaud: I would prefer to see LDP recommendations be a set of detailed 'modules' that people can select to implement/adopt. 13:26:35 +ericP 13:26:36 Davidwood: So how do you foster interoperability? 13:27:23 Arnaud: Today, people are adopting other means of doing Access Control, yet they are implementing parts of the LDP. 13:28:28 Davidwood: I don't want to take up the time of the DACG's time today to deal with this, but we can offer some concrete input having done an implementation of the real life issues we've faced dealing with Access Control. It is an important issue. 13:28:38 Topic: CSV Working Group 13:29:06 q+ 13:29:19 ack ivan 13:29:30 Kerstin has joined #dacg 13:30:12 danbri_: RE: CSV on the Web WG, see http://www.w3.org/2013/csvw/wiki/Main_Page. 13:30:13 There has been recent discussion is around mapping language for CSV 13:30:42 see also this thread, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-csv-wg/2014Sep/0006.html 13:31:27 -danbri_ 13:32:08 sorry, had to drop off. 13:32:10 there is a mapping wiki with syntax for publicdata.eu 13:32:12 http://wiki.publicdata.eu/wiki/Csv2rdf:0a7c3648-9e7e-4e9c-8647-a0579fe19fed 13:32:23 to annotate publicdata csv files 13:32:33 Topic: Healthcare & Life sciences Interest Group update 13:32:53 RE: Clinical interest group calls, per EricP ... 13:33:09 Group discussing clinical observations ... 13:33:58 Would coordinate with the HCLS Group. Good pairing because people expect respective groups to understand semantic technologies & HL7, respectively. 13:35:20 Topic: Data on the Web Best Practices WG 13:35:30 Has 4 co-chairs but none are on the call today. 13:35:59 Phila: It is going ok, lots of discussion, and working on getting words on paper. We're meeting at TPAC in October 2014. 13:36:12 Topic: Newly forming Data Shapes Working Group 13:36:51 -> http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/charter Data Shapes Charter 13:36:52 (proposed) 13:36:53 EricP: on history of Data Shapes Working Group 13:38:01 Desire for RDF data validation/interface definition on SemWeb ... 13:39:11 How do we balance the social issues that balance the diverse interests of those who have invested in different approaches to address interpretation of shapes or optimize SPARQL queries & create UIs. 13:39:23 -> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2014/registrants TPAC registrants 13:39:45 … If we meet F2F in TPAC and discuss approaches, that would be ideal. 13:40:08 Arnaud: I've been asked to chair & I agreed, but I'm looking for a good strong co-chair 13:40:24 -> http://www.w3.org/2014/11/TPAC/ Main TPAC page 13:41:05 … We were at this workshop last year (2013) and there were concerns about whether standards should lead or lag specifications. 13:41:50 … The members of the workshop generally were in agreement back in 2013. However, when it came time to charter the working group, there was more contention on the public list. 13:44:45 … We'll see how this pans out. There are companies who are quite far down the road with implementations but we feel going through the W3C process would be beneficial long term. 13:44:54 danbri has joined #dacg 13:45:05 + +44.207.346.aabb 13:45:05 -> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2014/ TPAC reg (pasted re: shapes WG registration) 13:45:11 zakim, aabb is danbri 13:45:11 +danbri; got it 13:45:15 kurzum -> Sebastian Hellmann 13:45:40 q+ 13:45:43 q- 13:46:07 zakim, who is on the call? 13:46:07 On the phone I see Arnaud, phila, Kerstin_Forsberg, kurzum, Ivan, David_Wood, bhyland, ericP, danbri 13:46:27 Topic: Graph Normalization 13:46:34 how does this relate to http://json-ld.org/spec/latest/rdf-graph-normalization/ ? 13:46:44 "This document outlines an algorithm for normalizing RDF graphs such that these operations can be performed on the normalized graphs." 13:47:16 Phila: During the formation of the Data Shapes WG Charter, there was much humming & hawing around Graph Normalization. 13:47:34 ManuS has proposed what he believes to be a credible solution. 13:47:56 … that he proposed during his recent SemTech 2014 keynote. 13:48:13 q+ 13:48:19 ack ericP 13:48:34 I have not found a need for graph normalization, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. 13:48:45 Phila: Is graph normalization central to the Shapes Charter? 13:49:00 No, it's not in that charter, bhyland 13:49:20 My opinion is, that this is a research issue. Is there a method to do a diff? and decide equality 13:49:38 Correction: Discussion was whether graph normalization *should* be added to the charter? 13:50:41 q+ to say that shapes can give you the ordered traversal of a graph which can produce a normalized graph. 13:50:44 Shapes is interesting, because it gives an RDF version of the "is this data valid or not?" mechanisms people are familiar from in XML etc. 13:50:51 ack ericP 13:50:51 ericP, you wanted to say that shapes can give you the ordered traversal of a graph which can produce a normalized graph. 13:50:51 RDFS/OWL expressly don't do that. 13:50:59 Kurzum: There are higher priority items to be included in his opinion. Graph normalization may be more suitable as a research topic. 13:51:51 EricP: Described use cases where it would be useful, e.g., ordered traversal of graph. 13:52:03 I've a very practical need: a good way to represent value sets, e.g. the so called controlled terminiligies drawn fromCDISC / NCIt, see http://kerfors.blogspot.se/2013/10/the-future-of-cdisc-cts.html 13:54:13 Topic: SEMANTiCS 13:54:15 Topic: reflections from SemTech, SEMANTiCS 13:54:28 s/Topic: SEMANTiCS// 13:55:16 Kurzum: SEMANTICS is a 10 year old event, started as academic research conference, now moving towards industry engagement. 13:55:45 … Industry is interested in Linked Data, but we need bridges to make it seem more relevant. 13:56:59 bhyland: Dave and I attended SemTech(Biz) in San Jose 13:57:20 ... new owner added Biz to emphasise business application 13:57:45 ... booths with strong Tech had more visitors than the marketing types. Tightly coupled with NoSQL conference 13:58:21 q+ 13:58:26 ... we (3 Round Stones) were next to Cloudera (2 $bn VC funding) and Mongo. Lots of people don't get what a graph is 13:59:18 davidwood: I'be neen to about half the SemTech events. Didn't think it was too useful for business but it was fun. 13:59:48 davidwood: I previously thought SemTech was more of a conference to connect with my peers, but not really to do 'business'. In fact, after attending about 5 over the last 10 years, it was a good conference for our company to conduct business. 13:59:54 ... Can be hard to justify going. This year we decided to sponsor and speak. The crowd has changed. More people interested than used to be the case 14:00:06 … There was more discussion around partnering & commercial work getting done. 14:01:20 -danbri 14:01:50 Phila: We're out of time. Would like to meet once more before TPAC. Next meeting is 15-Oct. Thanks all! 14:01:58 -Kerstin_Forsberg 14:02:12 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:02:15 -Ivan 14:02:19 RRSAgent, generate minutes 14:02:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/17-dacg-minutes.html phila 14:02:21 -Arnaud 14:02:33 -kurzum 14:03:15 -bhyland 14:03:16 -David_Wood 14:03:18 -phila 14:03:22 -ericP 14:03:23 DATA_DACG()9:00AM has ended 14:03:23 Attendees were Arnaud, phila, Kerstin_Forsberg, kurzum, Ivan, David_Wood, bhyland, +44.207.346.aaaa, danbri_, ericP, +44.207.346.aabb, danbri 14:03:26 ivan has left #dacg 14:03:36 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:03:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/17-dacg-minutes.html phila 14:03:48 danbri, register for TPAC 14:03:56 now now now! 14:37:36 davidwood has joined #dacg 14:49:07 bhyland has joined #dacg 16:03:47 davidwood has joined #dacg 16:03:55 davidwood has left #dacg 16:21:57 Zakim has left #dacg 17:22:04 Arnaud has left #dacg