16:20:51 RRSAgent has joined #social 16:20:51 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/09/16-social-irc 16:20:53 RRSAgent, make logs 411 16:20:53 Zakim has joined #social 16:20:55 Zakim, this will be SOCL 16:20:55 ok, trackbot; I see T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM scheduled to start in 40 minutes 16:20:56 Meeting: Social Web Working Group Teleconference 16:20:56 Date: 16 September 2014 16:21:27 does anyone believe their invited expert application is still not accepted? 16:21:32 KevinMarks, I'm talkin to you :) 16:22:17 [not accepted because we haven't received it - again, there was an error in SysTeams when setting up the WG with cc'ing chairs and me with IE applications, so missing things is quite probable right now] 16:22:20 elf-pavlik has joined #social 16:22:55 I am not on my usual machine today, is it fine for me to just stick to IRC for this meeting? 16:23:22 yep, you can lurk in IRC 16:23:29 Shane, I am only on IRC for this meeting 16:23:36 because I'm in a different W3C meeting in person 16:24:03 Excellent :) saves a lot of hassle! 16:29:27 nicolagreco has joined #social 16:30:44 hi Shane, hhalpin, tantek :) 16:31:05 hello elf-pavlik ! 16:31:17 elf-pavlik: Hi :) 16:31:38 hello 16:31:45 hi wilkie! 16:31:58 elf-pavlik: hi! great work on the comparisons wiki pages 16:32:19 I've been following intently 16:33:13 wilkie, thanks! i think of using something like SFW for side to side comparison http://fed.wiki.org/view/welcome-visitors/plugins.fed.wiki.org/about-plugins/plugins.fed.wiki.org/core-plugins 16:33:24 englishm has joined #social 16:35:22 preferably each page could live on a wiki of particular working group, but for now i just need better way to compare things 16:36:57 markus has joined #social 16:37:17 hey, sounds good. I'll follow your lead. If you get a reasonable boilerplate up it will be more obvious where somebody can contribute. 16:37:32 my 2c would be to do what is easiest 16:46:57 and then delegate some tasks to me to fill out stuff because I will gladly do that if I know I won't step on your toes 16:47:36 Zakim, who's on the call? 16:47:36 T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM has not yet started, elf-pavlik 16:47:38 On IRC I see markus, englishm, elf-pavlik, Zakim, RRSAgent, Shane, cmhobbs, tantek, deiu, barnabywalters, melvster, KevinMarks, mattl, tommorris, bryan_, Arnaud, shepazu, rhiaro, 16:47:38 ... oshepherd, Loqi, kylewm, bret, wilkie, rektide, Tsyesika, trackbot, botie, sandro, wseltzer 16:48:33 Hi, I'm also going to have to stick to irc for this one 16:49:40 hi rhiaro :) check out what i worked on during remoteStorage hack day last saturday - http://rshackday.hackdash.org/ :D 16:50:02 the call is in 11mn! 16:50:08 10 now 16:50:20 bblfish has joined #social 16:50:33 elf-pavlick amaaaaaaazing 16:51:11 Don't calm down! 16:51:17 lol 16:51:47 Your intense productivity is inspiring 16:52:01 I watch mailing lists with awe 16:52:09 I agree it's great 16:52:29 my only concern is that you expect everyone else to have as much time to dedicate to this 16:52:41 I hope you realize that it's not going to be the case 16:52:51 And as soon as I stop with having an actual job and go back to PhD I hope to be able to contribute a fraction as much 16:53:02 (2.5 weeks!) 16:53:11 dromasca has joined #social 16:53:21 I don't mean to discourage you, by any means, but know that for most people this is just one of the many things they work on and we can only expect so much from them 16:53:54 Arnaud, I should calibrate my expectations to capacity of everyone else very soon ... 16:53:58 elf-pavlik: what's your personal site? 16:54:17 http://wwelves.org/perpetual-tripper 16:54:51 akuckartz has joined #social 16:55:17 server got offline yesterday thoug :( -- you can try it locally from https://github.com/elf-pavlik/webprofiled 16:55:48 oh dear - yeah was just trying http://wwelves.org/ and not getting any response 16:56:36 i need to contact friends from https://as250.net/ again about fixing it! 16:57:02 akuckartz_ has joined #social 16:57:18 is that your hosting company? 16:57:22 T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM has now started 16:57:29 +??P2 16:57:39 Zakim, who's on the call? 16:57:39 On the phone I see ??P2 16:57:50 Zakim, P2 is me 16:57:50 sorry, elf-pavlik, I do not recognize a party named 'P2' 16:57:57 Zakim, ??P2 is me 16:57:57 +elf-pavlik; got it 16:58:03 Zakim, who's on the call? 16:58:03 On the phone I see elf-pavlik 16:58:16 + +972.3.645.aaaa 16:58:31 Zakim, aaaa is me 16:58:31 +dromasca; got it 16:58:54 trackbot, start meeting 16:58:56 RRSAgent, make logs 411 16:58:58 Zakim, this will be SOCL 16:58:58 ok, trackbot; I see T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 16:58:59 Meeting: Social Web Working Group Teleconference 16:58:59 Date: 16 September 2014 16:59:25 bblfish has joined #social 17:00:01 Zakim, who's on the call? 17:00:01 I notice T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM has restarted 17:00:02 On the phone I see elf-pavlik, dromasca, +1.503.342.aabb, Arnaud 17:00:19 aaronpk_ has joined #social 17:00:29 + +1.559.707.aacc 17:00:32 Zakim, aabb is aaronpk 17:00:32 +aaronpk; got it 17:00:33 jtauber has joined #social 17:01:44 dskiba has joined #social 17:02:37 zakim, what's the code 17:02:37 I don't understand 'what's the code', markus 17:02:42 zakim, code? 17:02:42 the conference code is 7625 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), markus 17:03:02 zakim, who's on the phone? 17:03:02 On the phone I see elf-pavlik, dromasca, aaronpk, Arnaud, +1.559.707.aacc 17:03:05 chair: Arnaud 17:03:15 agenda: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2014-09-16 17:03:18 +??P10 17:03:28 +??P9 17:03:30 +Sandro 17:03:52 I just joined 17:03:55 + +1.412.370.aadd 17:03:58 + +1.303.204.aaee 17:04:01 +??P15 17:04:10 zakim, aacc is jasnell 17:04:10 +jasnell; got it 17:04:13 Zakim, aadd is me 17:04:13 +wilkie; got it 17:04:15 -??P15 17:04:17 zakim, aaee is me 17:04:17 +dskiba; got it 17:04:19 hi 17:04:22 hhalpin has joined #social 17:04:23 +deiu 17:04:39 Zakim, who's on the phone? 17:04:39 On the phone I see elf-pavlik (muted), dromasca, aaronpk, Arnaud, jasnell, ??P10, ??P9, Sandro, wilkie, dskiba, deiu (muted) 17:04:46 zakim, who's making noise? 17:04:49 Apologies, wil have to be in IRC rather than phone. 17:04:56 Arnaud, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: 11 (28%), jasnell (5%), ??P10 (95%) 17:04:59 +??P18 17:05:00 having a separate meeting at same time. 17:05:02 You've got to be kidding. Who plugged in a modem to the call? 17:05:03 zakim, mute ??P10 17:05:03 ??P10 should now be muted 17:05:07 wow such noises 17:05:18 Zakim, mute ??P18 17:05:18 ??P18 should now be muted 17:05:22 That may have been me, sorry 17:05:26 Zakim, unmute ??P18 17:05:26 ??P18 should no longer be muted 17:05:52 bblfish_ has joined #social 17:05:59 +[IPcaller] 17:05:59 huh it might have been me somehow 17:06:05 Zakim, P18 is me 17:06:05 sorry, Shane, I do not recognize a party named 'P18' 17:06:10 Zakim, ?P18 is me 17:06:10 sorry, Shane, I do not recognize a party named '?P18' 17:06:14 zakim, IPcaller is jtauber 17:06:14 +jtauber; got it 17:06:18 Zakim, ??P18 is me 17:06:18 +Shane; got it 17:06:35 zakim, who is on the call? 17:06:35 On the phone I see elf-pavlik (muted), dromasca, aaronpk, Arnaud, jasnell, ??P10 (muted), ??P9, Sandro, wilkie, dskiba, deiu (muted), Shane, jtauber 17:06:46 I will not be able to use microphone but have managed to get onto the call to listen 17:07:26 can anybody hear me 17:07:26 ? 17:07:30 akuckartz_: No 17:07:31 http://www.w3.org/2006/tools/wiki/Zakim_Tips 17:07:35 bblfish__ has joined #social 17:08:05 P9 is me 17:08:17 then P10 seems to be me... 17:08:18 Zakim, ??P9 is me 17:08:18 +barnabywalters; got it 17:08:28 the 41# tip is handy 17:08:32 Zakim, who's on the call? 17:08:32 On the phone I see elf-pavlik (muted), dromasca, aaronpk, Arnaud, jasnell, ??P10 (muted), barnabywalters, Sandro, wilkie, dskiba, deiu (muted), Shane, jtauber 17:08:39 +??P15 17:08:43 zakim, ??P15 is me 17:08:43 +markus; got it 17:08:50 Zakim, ??P10 is akuckartz_ 17:08:50 +akuckartz_; got it 17:09:16 I seem to be muted but I can try to scribe 17:09:43 yes, but I am muted 17:09:45 aaronpk has joined #social 17:10:03 Ok, I will try 17:10:08 scribe: akuckartz_ 17:10:19 scribenick: akuckartz_ 17:10:26 I tend to have SIP drop out 30 mins in, but just requires reconnecting 17:11:07 searching for the tpics 17:11:16 topic: Approval of Minutes of 9 September 2014 Teleconf 17:11:16 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2014-09-16 17:11:24 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2014-09-09-minutes 17:11:29 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2014-09-09-minutes 17:11:48 i made one small edit to minutes today: https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?title=Socialwg/2014-09-09-minutes&diff=prev&oldid=76918 17:12:23 agenda+ TPAC 17:12:27 agenda+ Use-cases 17:12:28 +??P20 17:12:30 -markus 17:12:32 agenda+ Social Syntax 17:12:37 agenda+ AcivityStreams 2.0 17:12:41 agenda+ AOB 17:13:34 zakim, agenda 17:13:34 I don't understand 'agenda', akuckartz_ 17:13:51 topic: Tracking of Actions and Issues 17:13:51 Difficult without beeing able to speak... 17:14:10 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Scribes 17:14:43 action 1 closed. 17:14:43 Error finding '1'. You can review and register nicknames at . 17:15:03 close action 1 17:15:53 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2014-09-16#Social_data_syntax 17:16:00 + +26226234aaff 17:16:05 next action will be closed by end of week. 17:16:47 close action 3. 17:17:15 zakim, next agendum 17:17:15 agendum 1. "TPAC" taken up [from hhalpin] 17:17:16 tiborKatelbach has joined #social 17:18:02 Reminder: Registration required to participate in TPAC 17:18:17 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2014-10-27 17:18:19 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2014-10-28 17:18:46 q+ 17:19:03 See https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2014-09-16#TPAC for details 17:20:20 Note if you reigster quickly you get a discount on price! Register by Oct 1st - 75 USD vs. 150 USD I think.. 17:20:32 Members are asked to provide input for agenda. 17:20:57 I've added myself as a remote (depending on times, I'm UK based) 17:20:58 +??P22 17:21:01 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Talk:Socialwg/2014-10-27 17:21:06 i just joined the call 17:21:11 q? 17:21:17 I propose we use at least 50% of the time of the socialwg TPAC f2f for Barcamp-style sessions. 17:21:33 ack ??P9 17:21:37 ack elf-pavlik 17:22:48 For participants see https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2014-10-27 17:23:00 Zakim, +??P22 is bret 17:23:00 sorry, bret, I do not recognize a party named '+??P22' 17:23:09 Zakim, ??P22 is bret 17:23:11 +bret; got it 17:23:43 zakim, next agendum 17:23:43 agendum 2. "Use-cases" taken up [from hhalpin] 17:25:53 We need to finish the list of use-cases at some point. F2F should be used to finish this. 17:25:55 Zakim, ??P9 is tiborKatelbach 17:25:55 I already had ??P9 as barnabywalters, tiborKatelbach 17:26:08 huh 17:26:12 sorry 17:26:15 I’m actually dropping out in a sec 17:26:23 so you can have my ID :( 17:26:24 :) 17:26:28 -barnabywalters 17:26:29 I don't think " finish the list of use-cases" makes sense 17:26:32 it'll be ok 17:26:37 I'd rather see the list of use-cases grow over time 17:26:38 Zakim, ??P9 is tiborKatelbach 17:26:38 sorry, tiborKatelbach, I do not recognize a party named '??P9' 17:26:56 tiborKatelbach: dial 41# and see what Zakim says 17:27:06 41# 17:27:16 I agree with tantek, we don't want to limit it too much but just make sure we are working within the scope of the charter 17:27:43 tiborKatelbach: was that you that 41#? 17:27:48 Zakim, aaff is tiborKatelbach 17:27:48 +tiborKatelbach; got it 17:27:55 yep 17:28:03 q? 17:28:09 sorry 17:28:10 queue= 17:28:56 wiki down? http://isup.me/https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg 17:28:57 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg#Use_Cases 17:28:58 q? 17:28:59 q+ 17:29:07 please repeat the type of use cases your looking for ? 17:29:17 ack elf-pavlik 17:29:50 I'll work in next days on https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Check-In_Use_Case 17:30:53 I try 17:30:54 q+ 17:31:04 ack tiborKatelbach 17:31:25 elf-pavlik: before working on the use-case I'd suggest getting your site working! 17:32:19 tantek, of course but friends who host it need to fix their server, i'll sort it out in next days! 17:32:37 Question discussed: Will we create a "final" use case document or one in parallel to the work of the WG? 17:32:56 akuckartz_: I don't think any such "final" document makes sense. 17:33:00 dated snapshots maybe 17:33:07 but we should assuming living use-cases documentation 17:34:02 +??P9 17:34:04 +1 to living use case document 17:34:05 Requirements will be based on the use-cases 17:34:30 q+ 17:34:44 Members invited to seriously look at the use cases 17:34:49 -??P9 17:34:52 People find new crazy things to do with social technology all the time [citation needed] 17:34:53 Why is check-in a different page to the other use-cases? 17:35:27 -Shane 17:35:29 Who will take ownership of the use case document ? Should be more than one person. 17:35:32 ack elf-pavlik 17:35:56 +??P9 17:36:04 Zakim, ??9 is me 17:36:04 sorry, Shane, I do not recognize a party named '??9' 17:36:05 with social systems, I believe you are as close to human creativity as possible, so you have to be flexible and use-cases will be surprising and develop as you go 17:36:11 Zakim, ??P9 is me 17:36:11 +Shane; got it 17:36:51 why does there need to be "ownership" of the use case document? 17:37:01 I suggested that for group collaboration use cases we can just make sure that we cover our needs for W3 groups 17:37:04 +1 wilkie 17:37:28 q? 17:38:04 bblfish has joined #social 17:38:06 zakim, next agendum 17:38:06 agendum 3. "Social Syntax" taken up [from hhalpin] 17:38:44 i didn't create it :) i think james? 17:39:01 This page was created: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Social_syntax 17:39:07 +??P15 17:39:12 zakim, ??p15 is me 17:39:12 +markus; got it 17:39:34 q+ 17:40:46 bblfish_ has joined #social 17:41:22 q+ 17:41:26 akuckartz_, did you capture it? 17:41:29 Members should look at that page. Google invited to join this WG. 17:41:31 ack elf-pavlik 17:41:59 especially regarding schema.org 17:42:17 ack tiborKatelbach 17:42:41 -oshepherd 17:42:42 elf-pavlik, and everyone else, feel free to scribe your own words 17:42:56 +??P18 17:43:06 I do like the idea of being interoperable across syntaxes if possible 17:43:33 cmhobbs_ has joined #social 17:43:39 Question discussed: do we need to select one vocabulary or can we be more open ? 17:44:39 q+ 17:44:48 we should document existing vocabularies *in use* with *actual examples* of URLs of usage 17:44:53 Minimum vocabulary subset should be specified 17:44:56 do we have a list of what is currently missing in schema.org? 17:45:08 why frame it as "missing in schema.org"? 17:45:22 why use schema.org as a starting point at all? 17:45:36 because someone just said some things are missing in schema.org 17:45:37 it's shown to be badly overdesigned, e.g. /Volcano has faxmachine 17:45:42 I'm wondering what those things are 17:45:54 tantek, strong incentive for people to use it - Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex supporting it 17:45:57 what's missing in schema.org is any sense of minimal design 17:46:06 I agree with having a standard and reasonable subset and then allow graceful extensibility of vocab. 17:46:15 elf-pavlik: they claim to use it - actual support is unknown 17:46:19 a minimal base that is 17:46:25 q? 17:46:27 schema.org is a horrible starting point 17:46:48 elf-pavlik: could you document actual evidence of Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex supporting it beyond validation tools? 17:46:55 which objects? which properties? 17:47:11 not only do I think that's futile, but a waste of time 17:47:20 why tantek? bad design? too complex? ...? 17:47:24 both 17:47:27 tantek, http://blog.sgo.to/2014/09/schemaorg-actions-implementations.html 17:47:31 There is no consensus regarding schema.org 17:47:32 ack elf-pavlik 17:47:34 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Collection_Comparison 17:47:37 and frankly, out of order for this working group, since we're working on *openly developed* vocabularies 17:47:48 and schema has been developed by an oligopoly at best 17:48:33 q+ 17:48:37 what hasn't? :-) 17:49:00 markus - nearly everything else 17:49:15 e.g. vCard, hCard, h-card etc. 17:49:27 everything in microformats, ActivityStreams etc. was developed fully openly 17:49:31 as James said it is important to try to pull someone from schema.org into our discussions 17:49:37 Arnaud, -- suggests to fucs on what we need and then based on that look at vocabularies 17:49:39 ack oshepherd 17:49:52 so no, I see no reason to include any use of schema unless there is a member here who feels they need it 17:49:59 We first need to identify and define the information we want to exchange. Then we have a basis for the vocabularies. 17:50:16 how about documenting the information we *are* exchanging? 17:50:20 oshepherd, can you add you point to https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Collection_Comparison 17:50:21 as opposed to *want to* 17:50:33 +1 tantek 17:50:38 I'd rather make this *real world usage* based 17:50:39 sandro thats a nice list, but its search centric. any use in a social applicaiton? 17:50:46 rather than *arm chair wishlist* based 17:50:47 I've looked at schema.org wrt connecting humans with creative media they publish in the web (which is in scope for social I reckon) and found it hit and miss, generally not a lot of use 17:50:59 i guess the email thing is social, but limited to gmail 17:51:10 right 17:51:19 microformats and activitystreams > schema.org for everything tantek has said about openness in particular 17:51:24 +1000 to start with use cases and requirements 17:51:33 Arnaud, -- emphasizes importance of gathering USE CASES and agreeing on them 17:51:47 real world usage and use cases should drive the minimal base vocab/actions 17:51:54 bret, I have no idea, sorry. I just was handed that list this morning, when I asked someone at Google about this work. 17:52:06 ill keep my eyes out too 17:52:18 zakim, next agendum 17:52:18 agendum 4. "AcivityStreams 2.0" taken up [from hhalpin] 17:52:50 Zakim, who's on the call? 17:52:50 On the phone I see elf-pavlik (muted), dromasca, aaronpk, Arnaud, jasnell, akuckartz_ (muted), Sandro, wilkie, dskiba, deiu (muted), jtauber, tiborKatelbach, bret, Shane, markus, 17:52:53 ... oshepherd 17:53:09 I'm going to point out that "search" and "email" and "app linking" are not among the use-cases / scope that we're looking at in this WG - so EVERY example shown in http://blog.sgo.to/2014/09/schemaorg-actions-implementations.html is out of scope for this working group 17:53:13 ack! sorry 17:53:14 NONE of those are social 17:53:27 Where do we stand? Are there any issues? 17:53:44 the only example there that's social is the RSVP example in gmail 17:53:54 so yes, there is a thing called schema, created by an oligopoly, used for use-cases *specific* to those in the oligopoly, and *none* of it related to anything social (person to person) 17:54:28 Zakim, mute me 17:54:28 bret should now be muted 17:54:41 I'm going to keep pushing back on this - I see no actual *social* use of schema on the *web* from any of the examples given. 17:55:00 Members asked to look at the document and provide feedback. Use GitHub issue tracker. 17:55:01 gmail-specific proprietary extensions does not count as social web, sorry to say. 17:55:18 q? 17:55:27 +1 tantek 17:55:33 zakim, next agendum 17:55:33 agendum 5. "AOB" taken up [from hhalpin] 17:55:38 +1 tantek 17:55:43 also as noted in the comments on that page: "confusing that the screenshots don't match the examples" 17:55:53 I have to head out now, sorry. I agree with the points tantek is making. 17:55:56 so basically, I don't believe that "schemaorg-actions-implementations" page at all 17:56:24 -Shane 17:56:34 +1 tantek 17:56:46 schema, from that list especially, seems to not have social-web implementations but rather corporate opportunistic uses that will likely be thrown away 17:57:01 we can safely ignore schema 17:57:24 for purposes of this wg 17:57:25 We should clarifiy the role of WG, IG and CG. Volunteer? 17:57:30 all this should be shared outside of this group, unless I missed them out there 17:57:41 akuckartz_: please rephrase that as a question about the charter 17:57:46 s/charter/charters 17:57:47 tantek meant to say: akuckartz_: please rephrase that as a question about the charters 17:57:53 of WG and IG 17:58:03 roles are defined in the charters 17:58:03 Arnaud: community groups - free form, can produce documents but binding only to members of group 17:58:10 bblfish has joined #social 17:58:22 Rephrased as suggested by elf-pavlk and others 17:59:01 Arnaud: working groups - in charge of producing actual specifications and have set time to deliver 17:59:24 Arnaud: overlap in WG and IG and we rely on it 17:59:38 -dromasca 17:59:41 overlap in membership 18:00:17 -dskiba 18:00:31 WG is limited in time, Chairs of WG and IG are in contact 18:00:42 -jasnell 18:00:47 -jtauber 18:01:06 I will do the rest tomorrow! 18:01:15 -aaronpk 18:01:15 bye 18:01:15 ACTION Arnaud: Add "What is the role of Social WG, IG and CG?" as an FAQ to https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg#FAQ 18:01:15 Created ACTION-4 - Add "what is the role of social wg, ig and cg?" as an faq to https://www.w3.org/wiki/socialwg#faq [on Arnaud Le Hors - due 2014-09-23]. 18:01:16 -Sandro 18:01:16 -deiu 18:01:18 -elf-pavlik 18:01:20 -Arnaud 18:01:22 -wilkie 18:01:22 -markus 18:01:24 -tiborKatelbach 18:01:25 -bret 18:01:30 -oshepherd 18:02:20 -akuckartz_ 18:02:21 T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM has ended 18:02:21 Attendees were elf-pavlik, +972.3.645.aaaa, dromasca, +1.503.342.aabb, Arnaud, +1.559.707.aacc, aaronpk, Sandro, +1.412.370.aadd, +1.303.204.aaee, jasnell, wilkie, dskiba, deiu, 18:02:21 ... jtauber, Shane, barnabywalters, markus, akuckartz_, oshepherd, +26226234aaff, bret, tiborKatelbach 18:02:30 http://blog.sgo.to/2014/09/schemaorg-actions-implementations.html 18:02:34 sorry about the noise 18:02:48 sandro, what about this post? 18:03:12 tantek I think you should write and share your thoughts about comparing the 2 vocabularies , it could be usefull for newcommers out there 18:03:34 tiborKatelbach: there are too many secondary vocabularies to bother with 18:03:53 schema is a non-openly developed bloated vocabulary used for very specific big-company vertical uses 18:04:14 at least to put away the ones from an oligopoly 18:04:31 tantek, i don't disagree but at the same time has some advantages - eg. learning materials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB94dIamAQc 18:04:48 I'm going to ignore it until someone in this WG actually decides to publish it on their own site (in all seriousness, not just as a test) 18:05:01 I'm undersstanding this now but was looking for such info a while back and found nothing of the kind 18:05:12 tiborKatelbach: what info are you looking for? 18:05:19 bblfish_ has joined #social 18:05:40 tantek, my website ATM uses mostly schema.org + others when needed https://github.com/elf-pavlik/webprofiled/blob/master/test/fixtures/perpetual-tripper/index.json 18:05:54 before starting working I was looking around 18:06:01 i know, i know i need to ask friendly hosts to fix their service ASAP ;) 18:06:05 elf-pavlik: your home page is a JSON file? 18:06:17 Not looked into it deeply, but would publish schema.org for seo purposes.. That's all though 18:06:20 for critics about schema being oushed by the big players 18:06:27 trackbot, end meeting 18:06:27 Zakim, list attendees 18:06:27 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 18:06:30 elf-pavlik: for testing or ? 18:06:31 I wanted to know why I shouldn't use it 18:06:35 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:06:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/16-social-minutes.html trackbot 18:06:36 RRSAgent, bye 18:06:38 what actual use-case are you solving with it? 18:06:53 rrsagent, make log public 18:07:58 i would prefer use other web search engines but for now most people uses big ones, so them understanding data i publish seems to me an advantage 18:08:11 I build for example a event ticketing system , Json-ld based on schema.org 18:08:16 elf-pavlik: those search engines also all support open microformats 18:08:24 so there is no need to do the extra work for schema 18:08:29 tantek: for the record, I don't think it's very polite to give people actions without their consent :) 18:08:41 what ever I'm building from now on, I'm structuring based on a common vocab 18:08:49 Arnaud: I gave you a clerical action - you already answered the question in the minutes :) 18:08:57 which I thought was schema untill I joined SWG 18:08:58 or stuff like: Getting your events into the Knowledge Graph http://youtu.be/XXw8g-FbemI 18:08:58 I figured since you were chair that wasn't too much of an ask :) 18:09:35 so a lot of this is "how to get your stuff into Google's proprietary aggregation" 18:09:39 none of it is social 18:09:48 SEO is not a social use case 18:10:01 +1 Arnaud (on not assigning tasks to others!) 18:10:03 right, we should document that explicitly as a non-use-case for the WG 18:10:40 tiborKatelbach: are you officially a member of the WG? 18:10:55 tantek, how about self hosted community hubs aggregating events 18:11:13 elf-pavlik: URL? 18:11:22 and why to force people to - you either show up in indie hub OR google/yahoo/bing/yandex results 18:11:27 only requested for the moment 18:11:42 elf-pavlik: not true - as google/yahoo/bing/yandex results support indexing microformats as well 18:11:56 next 3 days we will work on http://directory.open-steps.org/ 18:12:13 you requested an Invited Expert status? 18:12:20 I made the request but got no responses 18:12:27 we already have prove of concept where people can publish their profiles for examle using http://remotestorage.io instead of filling up google form 18:12:44 yeah, something went wrong with the Invited Expert application system 18:12:45 I follow the form 18:13:04 oh ok 18:13:11 are you affiliated with a W3C member organization? 18:13:12 http://calagator.org/ is a community event aggregator, all events are marked up with the h-event microformats2 vocab 18:13:13 should I try again ? 18:13:21 yes 18:13:29 tiborKatelbach: I see your entry here https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg#Applied_for_Membership 18:13:35 which organization? 18:13:37 aaronpk, do the #social loqi logs have a homescreen shortcut? 18:13:46 tantek, can you maybe add links to support of microformats by 'big players' to https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Vocabulary_Comparison 18:13:57 NGO Open Atlas, or company O.R.D 18:14:02 bret: yes http://socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/today?bookmark 18:14:08 elf-pavlik: see http://microformats.org/wiki/search 18:14:32 tantek, thx! 18:14:57 wait, open atla isn't a member of w3c, is it? 18:15:39 we are a small NGO 18:15:43 tiborKatelbach, http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Member/List 18:16:28 I'm registered personnaly and represent them , I didn't think it was necessary , but I can go ahead if yo like 18:16:46 the W3C is a member organization 18:16:59 organizations that want to participate have to become a member 18:17:10 and pay the associated membership due 18:17:48 it's non profit and doesnt have much funds for the moment 18:18:00 as an effort to be as inclusive as possible the w3c also allows limited participation of invited experts 18:18:04 when it will , we'll suport 18:18:20 for the latter, you need to apply - which I guess you did 18:18:35 yes I did 18:18:44 invited expert status is granted at the discretion of the chairs and w3c staff 18:18:47 and I'm registered in several groups 18:19:01 well, you're not registered on this group :) 18:19:31 does that mean I wont be ? 18:19:50 I don't undestand ? 18:20:02 what do you not understand? I'm happy to explain 18:20:39 jasnell has joined #social 18:20:53 tiborKatelbach: you can only participate in this group if you are either a member of an affiliated organization (with W3C membership) or you have been approved as an invited expert 18:20:53 as I received no response I don't know the status of the registration , will it be discussed ? 18:21:23 ok, I understand 18:21:27 your application is pending 18:21:38 ok that's fine 18:21:42 thanks 18:22:07 as I said, it's a bit messy unfortunately because we have had problems with the invited expert application system 18:22:18 normally the chairs are notified automatically, we haven't been 18:22:49 so now you've found my lost request , right ? 18:22:56 yes :) 18:23:01 :) 18:23:12 that's the begining of the good news 18:23:17 ok, gotta go 18:23:18 ttyl 18:24:31 good night! 18:25:00 bye everyone ! 18:28:09 Arnaud has joined #social 18:28:21 bblfish has joined #social 18:28:57 Arnaud1 has joined #social 18:29:01 bblfish_ has joined #social 18:30:21 hhalpin has joined #social 18:30:36 RRSAgent, generate minutes 18:30:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/16-social-minutes.html hhalpin 18:53:32 barnabywalters has joined #social 18:54:37 bblfish has joined #social 19:48:29 barnabywalters has joined #social 19:49:45 markus_ has joined #social 19:51:27 jasnell has joined #social 19:56:39 barnabywalters has joined #social 20:01:37 markus_ has joined #social 20:09:02 barnabywalters has joined #social 20:16:02 Arnaud has joined #social 20:32:47 jasnell has joined #social 20:39:57 nicolagreco has joined #social 20:47:39 bblfish has joined #social 20:50:34 Arnaud1 has joined #social 21:59:12 markus has joined #social 22:47:23 bblfish has joined #social 23:05:49 barnabywalters has joined #social