14:09:59 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 14:09:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/09/09-w3process-irc 14:10:01 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:10:03 Zakim, this will be 14:10:03 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:10:04 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference 14:10:04 Date: 09 September 2014 14:10:20 Zakim, this will be w3process 14:10:20 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, Dsinger_ 14:10:41 Zakim, this will be w3cprocess 14:10:41 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, Dsinger_ 14:11:11 Unless Chaals is on the call, there does not seem to be much point in having a meeting because the open actions are primarly his 14:12:06 Jeff said he may miss the meeting 14:12:46 Zakim, who is here? 14:12:46 sorry, Dsinger_, I don't know what conference this is 14:12:48 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, SteveZ_, Dsinger_, chaals, timeless, cwilso, trackbot 14:12:56 I will wait for 2.5 minutes more than quit 14:13:23 Ok, Steve and Dave on the phone, who else? Do we have an effective call? 14:13:32 [Some idiot from Iberdrola thought they have the right to visit a house and demand documents from anyone they find there, and needed disabusing of the notion] 14:13:54 3 is very small 14:14:14 zakim, code? 14:14:14 sorry, chaals, I don't know what conference this is 14:14:38 zakim, this is w3p 14:14:38 sorry, chaals, I do not see a conference named 'w3p' in progress or scheduled at this time 14:14:45 trackbot, start meeting 14:14:47 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:14:49 Zakim, this will be 14:14:50 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference 14:14:50 Date: 09 September 2014 14:14:50 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:15:53 zakim, this is proc 14:15:53 ok, chaals; that matches AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM 14:16:07 +[IPcaller] 14:16:15 zakim, [ip is me 14:16:15 +chaals; got it 14:16:21 zakim, who is here? 14:16:21 On the phone I see dsinger, SteveZ, chaals 14:16:23 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, SteveZ_, Dsinger_, chaals, timeless, cwilso, trackbot 14:17:20 +timeless 14:20:59 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:20:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/09-w3process-minutes.html timeless 14:21:24 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:21:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/09-w3process-minutes.html timeless 14:21:28 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:21:43 chair: SteveZ 14:22:03 scribe: timeless 14:22:15 [ Discussion about chaals needing to review the previous two meetings' minutes ] 14:22:40 CMN: I will review the minutes and my Action items. I hope to produce a new draft later tonight. 14:22:48 s/chaals/scribe/ 14:23:12 ... want to remove coordination-groups 14:23:22 … I will then propose removing "Good Standing requirements", "Coordination Groups" (since I believe they are redundant with working groups) from the document. 14:23:27 s/chaals/scribe/ 14:23:54 Zakim, who is speaking? 14:24:05 timeless, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: dsinger (100%) 14:24:12 Dsinger_: when is good standing used? 14:24:20 SteveZ_: it's used for voting and attendance 14:24:29 Dsinger_: is it ever used? 14:24:32 s/SteveZ_/chaals/ 14:24:34 SteveZ_: history on good standing 14:24:54 ... we were told by Oracle 14:25:00 ... Oracle bought SUN 14:25:06 ... unless you had a rule for 14:25:12 ... people who don't stay up on issues 14:25:17 ... cause discussion on issues to bog down 14:25:24 ... because you'd redo the conversations you already had 14:25:28 q+ timeless 14:25:31 q+ 14:25:40 ... so unless you had been involved in the discussions leading up to vote 14:25:49 ... you shouldn't be involved in the vote 14:25:55 ... It was used in XSL discussions / votes 14:26:05 ... but XSL used Consensus voting instead of majority voting 14:26:16 ... it's not clear to me that it served a useful purpose 14:26:25 ... it might have served a useful purpose in HTML discussions 14:26:28 ... but that's another ball game 14:26:30 ack me 14:27:37 Timeless: I was involved in a recent mobile group which suffered from people coming in and revisiting issues because people hadn't attended meetings where issues were discussed. I wished we had enforced a good standing policy. 14:28:12 … A process is useful but it requires someone to actively ensure that it is used. When it is rarely used people are not aware of it or how it works. 14:28:33 … If we were to keep it we should encourage chairs to be aware of the when/how/why and encourage them to use it. Otherwise we should drop it. 14:29:01 Zakim, mute me 14:29:01 timeless should now be muted 14:29:05 Dsinger_ has joined #w3process 14:29:05 … The group I talked about had many attendees and significant churn, so people would come in and talk about old issues that had already been closed (more than once) 14:29:14 q? 14:29:18 SteveZ_: one reason to drop it is 14:29:23 ... too few chairs wanted to enforce it 14:29:33 ... some of the User Members couldn't participate on a regular basis 14:29:45 ... and didn't want their managers to see them as not-in-good-standing in the working group 14:29:50 ... the term became a perjorative 14:30:01 q? 14:30:04 ... the main value of user members is they gave you actual feedback of whether they're working or not 14:30:21 XX: i think it's fine to enforce it if 14:30:36 YY: we can enforce it if we give people time to get into good standing 14:30:40 s/XX/Dsinger_/ 14:30:50 s/YY/DSinger 14:30:56 ZZ: we could change the wording "voting status" 14:31:02 Q? 14:31:05 -chaals 14:31:07 SteveZ_: a lot of groups have gone away from decisions by voting 14:31:27 +[IPcaller] 14:31:51 Zakim, [ip is chaals 14:31:51 +chaals; got it 14:32:09 chaals: there are groups like webapps that explicitly refuse to use good-standing 14:32:15 ... but there are groups that are/could 14:32:23 ... choose to insert it into their charter 14:32:26 I can certainly think of fields where uninformed people could be problematic 14:32:30 ... but they should enforce it 14:32:40 SteveZ_: i agree with you 14:32:53 ... i hear you saying that we could define something /like/ good standing in the process document 14:32:54 s/enforce it/enforce it both fairly and uniformly/ 14:33:05 ... and say "there's an option to include this in the charter", but it's not a requirement 14:33:10 chaals: no. that's not what i'm saying 14:33:37 ... i'm saying "groups may in their charter have additional rules for eligibility to vote/attend meetings/and the like" 14:33:48 ... "... such rules should be uniformly enforced." 14:34:02 SteveZ_: we have "the charters may include additional material not in conflict with this document" 14:34:06 ... we have examples there 14:34:09 I think it would be more helpful to document it and make it optional 14:34:14 q+ 14:34:26 Q+ 14:34:38 ... we could say that "if you have such rules, they should be as if they are in this document" 14:34:48 chaals: documenting rules effectively is a fools errand 14:35:04 Dsinger_: we should provide enough text that if a group wants to have one 14:35:17 ... i think we should have more than a couple of sentences 14:35:21 chaals: i'll make a proposal to the ML 14:35:31 SteveZ_: i want to repeat one thing timeless said 14:35:35 ... the problem he's concerned about 14:35:46 ... and the problem that originally prompted it 14:35:50 ... was note voting 14:35:58 q+ 14:36:02 ... but people distracting discussion because they weren't paying attention 14:36:05 q- later 14:36:06 timeless: yes 14:36:20 SteveZ_: having rules to allow the chair to declare out-of-order 14:36:25 ... for discussion would make more sense 14:36:27 ack Dsinger_ 14:36:32 Q- 14:36:39 ack chaals 14:36:49 chaals: the problem that timeless identified 14:36:57 ... is that new people come into a group and raise an issue 14:37:00 ... this is tricky because 14:37:07 ... there are a number of cases, where one person raises an issue 14:37:10 ... they're shouted down 14:37:16 ... they leave the group in discust 14:37:31 ... another person joins the group, raises the issue, they're shouted down, they leave the group in discust 14:37:40 ... there are a number of examples of this 14:37:44 Q+ 14:37:48 ... good-standing isn't the right tool 14:37:54 ... an issue tracker is a better tool 14:38:09 ack ds 14:38:10 q+ to say that there were minutes and resolutions and iirc an issue tracker 14:38:17 Dsinger_: i agree 14:38:24 SteveZ_: it isn't immediately clear to me that good standing is needed 14:38:53 Dsinger_: good standing is trying to avoid the issue where you have a number of people who aren't up to speed on the group, they don't understand the history/context 14:39:09 ... the other example is technical groups where you don't want people who don't understand the subject-matter 14:39:14 ... security/crypto groups 14:39:26 ... but people can maintain good standing, and it doesn't help you there 14:39:38 ... people can be disruptive 14:39:44 ... the solution is firm chairing and issue tracking 14:39:50 ack me 14:39:51 timeless, you wanted to say that there were minutes and resolutions and iirc an issue tracker 14:39:55 SteveZ_: chaals is working on his action items 14:39:59 ... i'm working on mine 14:40:09 Topic: AOB 14:40:21 chaals: should we have had the whatwg flare up on the w3process list 14:40:25 s/chaals/Dsinger_/ 14:40:38 chaals: unless someone wants to blacklist whatwg specs a-priori 14:40:45 ... i don't think there's anything to do 14:40:46 -chaals 14:40:49 SteveZ_: Dsinger_, i agree with you 14:41:02 ... chaals has twice said he didn't think this was the right place 14:41:13 Dsinger_: i raised the same question "i'm not sure what this discussion is doing here" 14:41:15 timeless: +1 14:41:18 +[IPcaller] 14:41:22 SteveZ_: i don't know what ArtB wanted 14:41:25 zakim, mute me 14:41:25 sorry, chaals, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 14:41:29 ... i read through the messages, i still don't know 14:41:36 Zakim, [ is chaals 14:41:36 +chaals; got it 14:41:43 Q- 14:41:53 q+ 14:41:58 SteveZ_: chaals, is it ok for me to say "i don't know why this discussion is going on here" 14:42:06 ... the problem is that i don't think there's another list 14:42:15 q+ to say i think the concern is that it was in private 14:42:15 ack me 14:42:40 chaals: i was at a loss to find any relevance to the continuation of the thread 14:42:59 SteveZ_: do we run the risk of closing issue-134 at this meeting 14:43:00 Issue-124? 14:43:01 Issue-124 -- Normative Reference policy should explicitly black list WHATWG specs -- raised 14:43:01 http://www.w3.org/community/w3process/track/issues/124 14:43:10 ... that ArtB gets upset? 14:43:22 s/134/124/ 14:43:32 SteveZ_: i'd like to close it as irrelevant to the process 14:43:34 q? 14:43:36 ack me 14:43:36 timeless, you wanted to say i think the concern is that it was in private 14:43:47 chaals: you can say that the group won't address this 14:43:52 SteveZ_: i'll wait until next week 14:44:10 chaals: raising inflammatory issues isn't helpful 14:44:14 SteveZ_: no action 14:44:20 ... unless there's something else 14:44:21 s/chaals/DSinger/ 14:44:25 ... i'd propose we adjourn 14:44:59 [ thanks to timeless for scribing ] 14:45:15 [ There is no process call next week due to a conflict with QQ ] 14:45:16 trackbot, end meeting 14:45:16 Zakim, list attendees 14:45:16 As of this point the attendees have been dsinger, SteveZ, [IPcaller], chaals, timeless 14:45:19 -chaals 14:45:22 -dsinger 14:45:23 s/QQ/AB meeting 14:45:24 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:45:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/09/09-w3process-minutes.html trackbot 14:45:25 RRSAgent, bye 14:45:25 I see no action items 14:45:26 -SteveZ