13:56:28 RRSAgent has joined #ldp 13:56:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/08/25-ldp-irc 13:56:30 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:56:30 Zakim has joined #ldp 13:56:32 Zakim, this will be LDP 13:56:32 ok, trackbot; I see SW_LDP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 4 minutes 13:56:33 Meeting: Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference 13:56:33 Date: 25 August 2014 13:56:37 pchampin has joined #ldp 13:57:30 Ashok has joined #ldp 13:58:48 codyburleson has joined #ldp 13:59:03 SW_LDP()10:00AM has now started 13:59:10 +Arnaud 13:59:59 +Matt 14:00:00 +Ashok_Malhotra 14:00:06 Zakim, Matt is me 14:00:06 +deiu; got it 14:00:19 nmihindu has joined #ldp 14:00:29 Zakim, mute me please 14:00:29 deiu should now be muted 14:00:32 +??P12 14:00:38 zakim, ??P12 is me 14:00:38 +pchampin; got it 14:00:41 +Alexandre 14:00:44 +JohnArwe 14:00:45 +[IPcaller] 14:00:49 sergio has joined #ldp 14:00:51 hi 14:00:53 Zakim, IPcaller is me. 14:00:53 +codyburleson; got it 14:01:03 +[IPcaller] 14:01:25 +[IBM] 14:01:25 Zakim, [IBM] is me 14:01:26 +SteveS; got it 14:01:26 +OpenLink_Software 14:01:30 JohnArwe has joined #ldp 14:01:33 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 14:01:33 +TallTed; got it 14:01:39 zakim, who's on the phone? 14:01:39 On the phone I see Arnaud, deiu (muted), Ashok_Malhotra, pchampin, JohnArwe, Alexandre, codyburleson, [IPcaller], SteveS, TallTed 14:01:42 Zakim, mute me 14:01:42 TallTed should now be muted 14:01:58 Zakim, who is noisy? 14:02:01 MiguelAraCo has joined #ldp 14:02:08 betehess, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Arnaud (4%), codyburleson (9%) 14:02:14 +Sandro 14:02:24 +??P20 14:03:14 zakim, who is noisy? 14:03:15 Henry maybe? 14:03:24 betehess, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Arnaud (36%), ??P20 (4%) 14:03:27 I may be IPCaller 14:03:49 +??P0 14:03:57 Zakim, IPcaller is sergio 14:03:57 +sergio; got it 14:03:59 Zakim, ??P0 is me 14:03:59 +nmihindu; got it 14:04:08 Zakim, mute me 14:04:08 Zakim, P20 is bblfish 14:04:08 nmihindu should now be muted 14:04:09 sorry, deiu, I do not recognize a party named 'P20' 14:04:13 Zakim, ??P20 is bblfish 14:04:13 +bblfish; got it 14:04:14 +??P1 14:04:39 Zakim, who is on the phone? 14:04:39 On the phone I see Arnaud, deiu (muted), Ashok_Malhotra, pchampin, JohnArwe, Alexandre, codyburleson, sergio, SteveS, TallTed (muted), Sandro, bblfish, nmihindu (muted), ??P1 14:05:00 I used to have a telephone number. Perhaps I forgot to pay for it 14:05:17 Zakim, ??P1 is me 14:05:17 +ericP; got it 14:06:55 scribe: pchampin 14:07:12 http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/ldp/2014-08-18 14:07:12 topic: minutes of the last meeting 14:07:24 minutes look ok 14:07:29 PROPOSED: approve the minutes of last week 14:07:31 looks good to me as well :-) 14:07:34 RESOLVED: approve the minutes of last week 14:07:39 topic: next meeting 14:07:51 Arnaud: next monday is Liberate day in the US, 14:07:52 +1 skipping next week 14:07:56 +1 14:07:57 ... so suggest to skip next week, 14:08:07 ok 14:08:19 s/Liberate/Labor/ 14:08:20 ... and have our next meeting on Sept. 8 14:08:25 fine 14:09:05 Arnaud: no objection, so we will have our next meeting in 2 weeks. 14:09:17 Topic: Tracking of actions and issues 14:09:54 Eric: sent a mail to the chair of the HTTPbis working group 14:13:46 -bblfish 14:14:56 Eric: (some things about IETF application that I didn't quite get, sorry) 14:15:02 (skype, the network, has died, I'll be back asap) 14:15:24 Sandro: we are in a hurry, because we can't get implementation until this goes to IETF, 14:15:34 ... and we are supposed to go to CR in a few weeks 14:15:43 action-149 discussion ... how to handle attempting to get a real value for 2NN. The circular problem being that IETF requires impl experience in order to progress Eric's draft on 2NN, and no one can implement paging with 2nn without knowing the value. 14:15:47 sandro: we want to go to CR in about a month, and we need NN for that. 14:16:04 we are dependent on ietf for the value. 14:19:28 close ACTION-149 14:19:28 Closed ACTION-149. 14:20:45 Arnaud: I think we should open ISSUE-100 14:20:56 ... no objection, so let's open it 14:20:59 open ISSUE-100 14:21:00 /me notes ISSUE-100 was added in the draft 14:21:07 JohnArwe, re impl experience, perhaps i should document this and sign the message "Jospeh Heller" 14:21:24 topic: LDP spec implementation 14:21:34 Arnaud: the implementation report is progressing nicely 14:21:46 ... but nobody seems to be implementing indirect containers. 14:21:57 Reported planned or done implementations: https://www.w3.org/wiki/LDP_Implementations 14:22:01 ... So should we remove it from the spec and move it to another document 14:22:07 ... (as we did for paging) 14:22:16 question: can someone point me what's the user story behind IC? 14:22:19 We implemented indirect containers (but haven't seen a real use case) 14:22:21 ... so that the main REC can progress at its own pace. 14:22:42 in Marmotta we plan too resume our implementation of the remaining things next week, but I do find the use case 14:22:52 The scenario for IC was lists of "things that are not documents", primarily from Henry and Roger 14:23:05 Reported server comformance reports: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/tests/reports/ldp.html 14:23:06 ... Unless somebody tells us they are worling on an implementation that would be ready in a few weeks? 14:23:29 (sorry, I can't connect via skype) 14:23:43 q+ 14:24:02 sergio, are you planning to implement indirect containers? 14:24:06 q+ 14:24:17 ack ??P1 14:24:27 ack MiguelAraCo 14:25:17 MiguelAraCo: we have implemented them, but have not reported it yet 14:25:27 ... How can we report it? 14:25:41 ack Ashok 14:25:47 Arnaud: send a file to the mailing list; it will be taken care of. 14:26:12 Ashok: why not mark it "at risk" instead of removing it? 14:26:29 Here’s a section summarizing how to submit, just basically sending the EARL file to list (suggested comments list) https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/tip/tests/ldp-testsuite.html#submitting-results 14:26:37 Arnaud: it is too late to mark it "at risk"; 14:26:39 sergio has joined #ldp 14:26:49 Thanks SteveS! 14:26:55 We (LDP4J) were mostly on holidays this month and we plan to report soon (early Sept). We will NOT have Indirect containers at the moment. 14:27:00 q+ to ask about having a straw poll to see how many people plan on implementing IC 14:27:06 q? 14:27:14 ... removing it would force us to go back to LC, but we could then move directly to PR as we already have the implementations 14:27:17 ack me 14:27:18 deiu, you wanted to ask about having a straw poll to see how many people plan on implementing IC 14:27:20 ack deiu 14:27:37 q+ 14:27:44 deiu: how many people are actually interested in having IC in the spec and implementing it? 14:27:49 Zakim, mute me please 14:27:49 deiu should now be muted 14:27:52 ack bblfish 14:27:53 I don’t plan to implement (I have 2 impls reported already) 14:28:03 I think the use cases for indirect container are ultimately inevitable. 14:28:12 ... Even if we have one pending implementation, if too few people are interested in it, we might as well move it to another doc. 14:28:21 Marmotta is not planning most likely, since it does not fit with any need / use case 14:28:29 We haven't "used" them because we're busy building platform - not solutions. 14:28:33 Solutions will use them. 14:28:34 bblfish: we are interested and we have an implementation, 14:28:47 q+ 14:28:47 q+ 14:28:58 ... but I have no objection to moving Indirect Containers *and* Direct Containers in a separate document, 14:29:11 Please don't 14:29:11 ... as I find they are not very well explained in the current spec. 14:29:20 I’m not for moving Direct Container to separate spec with Indirect Container 14:29:44 +1 SteveS 14:29:58 ack sandro 14:30:28 Arnaud: Henry, I hear your point, but I disagree; I explain LDP to many people, including Direct Containers. 14:30:37 q- (sharing sandro's thoughts) 14:30:51 Sandro: we should not implement things just to get them standardized. 14:30:51 q- 14:31:12 ... we must standardize what people are willing to implement and use. 14:31:15 Zakim, unmute me 14:31:15 TallTed should no longer be muted 14:31:17 q+ 14:32:19 maybe we can just vote and see if we have any strong -1... 14:32:24 Arnaud: the point is not re-opening the discussion on the use-cases of every container type; 14:32:39 betehess: that's what I suggested in the first place :) 14:32:45 ... in the spec, each type is provided with a use-case (even if not everyone agrees with them). 14:33:12 ack TallTed 14:33:46 TallTed: I partially agree and disagree with Sandro. 14:34:28 ... Implementing it to prove that it can be implemented validates the spec. 14:34:44 there is one group who implemented it 14:34:58 ... We have used cases; the fact that nobody is using them for the moment does not invalidates them. 14:34:59 Implementations are, at least partially, to validate the spec ... +1 to Ted 14:35:21 MiguelAraCo: we implemented it because we believe in the use case. 14:35:28 PROPOSAL: Move IndirectContainer to a separate spec to allow LDP 1.0 to move forward 14:35:34 +1 14:35:41 +1 14:35:41 +1 14:35:42 +0 14:35:42 +1 14:35:44 +.9 as I agree but hear the concerns 14:35:44 -1 14:35:46 +1 14:35:47 +0 14:35:48 0 14:35:51 +0 14:35:53 +1 14:35:54 +0.5 14:35:57 +0 14:36:44 bblfish: if we move Indirect Container, we should also move Direct Container. 14:36:46 It is a clean spec 14:36:54 q+ to ask about this 14:37:12 ack sandro 14:37:12 sandro, you wanted to ask about this 14:37:30 /me is soooo conflicted with bblfish's proposal as I always wanted just the BasicContainer, still thinks it might be too much :-) 14:38:15 Sandro: Indirect Containers are about adding Non-Information Resource. is a big leap 14:38:17 jmvanel has joined #ldp 14:38:19 What would be too much, Alex? 14:38:35 ... This is a big leap. I'm not sure we are ready for that, 14:38:47 ... although I see the interest for the SemWeb. 14:38:47 Ashok: moving the two at the same time, as it's been implemented already 14:39:07 Ah, yes! 14:39:25 Ashok: still I agree with bblfish's view, but that's not enough for me to block 14:39:53 bblfish: in Indirect Container, when you create a relation between the document and the container, 14:40:06 ... you create one additional relation (between NIRs). 14:40:16 ... But why not two or more additional relations? 14:40:25 not sure this is answering Sandro’s question 14:40:57 ... If we keep Direct Container and move out Indirect Container, 14:41:35 ... this will lead people to confuse Document and Non-Information resources. 14:42:16 PROPOSAL: Move DirectContainer and IndirectContainer to separate specs (one each) 14:42:21 -1 (this is motivated by an academic argument rather than existent use cases) 14:42:25 -1 14:42:45 -1 it confuses things 14:42:54 +1 (I love it personally) 14:42:57 +0 14:43:01 +1 14:43:05 +1 14:43:07 +0.5 14:43:08 (I think direct container is the only one that's really simple.) 14:43:13 +0 14:43:13 +1 14:43:33 (I think BASIC container is the only one that's really simple.) 14:43:36 q+ 14:43:42 Arnaud: if we move Direct Container out of the spec, we should not put it together with Indirect Container, 14:43:51 ... as we already have implementation for it, 14:43:59 ack deiu 14:44:04 Henry DID offer to do the second impl before. 14:44:07 ... so we should not hinder the progress of Direct Container with Indirect Container 14:44:38 Zakim, mute me please 14:44:38 deiu should now be muted 14:44:51 sandro, I cannot miss this occasion for a +1 with you :-) re: I think BASIC container is the only one that's really simple 14:45:51 q+ 14:47:18 Arnaud: Henry, can you provide a 2nd implementation of Indirect Containers within 2 weeks? 14:47:18 I do agree with betehess 14:47:32 bblfish: ok 14:47:36 ack pchampin 14:48:24 pchampin, I can't understand with all the choppy audio 14:48:27 +1 pchampin 14:48:33 fwiw, looking at impl report, for indirect there are 37 must tests, 18 should, 4 may 14:48:52 pchampin: if we have implementation of everything, we can split the spec and keep Direct Container and Indirect Container together 14:49:03 Arnaud: yes, but I don't think it is worth the trouble 14:49:04 …4 of which haven’t been implmented (Indirect-specific) 14:49:20 ... so if Henry provides an implementation in time, we keep Indirect Containers in the spec, 14:49:31 ... y certainly bulk of must tests appear to apply to all container types 14:49:36 ... else we split Indirect Containers (only) in a separate document 14:50:20 http://w3c.github.io/ldp-testsuite/report/ldp-testsuite-coverage-report.html#tobeapproved 14:50:47 Arnaud: above is the list of tests that need to be approved to be included in the test suite 14:50:54 ... they need people to confirm them 14:51:15 Zakim, unmute me 14:51:15 deiu should no longer be muted 14:51:35 Zakim, mute me 14:51:35 deiu should now be muted 14:52:02 q+ 14:52:05 Arnaud: please have a look; we should not have pending tests like this; 14:52:08 ack me 14:52:19 ... either they have no problem and we include them, or they have a problem and we reject them. 14:52:56 deiu: is there an easy way to test only those tests? (those waiting for approval) 14:52:58 q+ to relay question on paging spec normative intent 14:53:16 Zakim, mute me 14:53:16 deiu should now be muted 14:53:45 Arnaud: yes, it would make them to have them in the test suite, but flagged as "not approved" 14:53:50 topic: status update 14:54:13 Arnaud: access-control 14:54:53 cody: I updated the document, but don't know what to do now 14:55:54 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/e71496d5076f/LDP%20Access%20ControlNoRespec.htm 14:56:36 ashok: I had some problems with Respec 14:57:25 Arnaud: I think this is a known problem with Respec; I'll follow up with you guys 14:58:29 Arnaud: LD-Patch 14:58:42 ... we agreed to publish it with some modifications. How do we stand? 14:59:01 betehess: I believe I have handled all the comments from last week; 14:59:10 ... I sent an e-mail sumarizing everything. 14:59:26 ... It's up to other (esp. Sandro & Erik) to review it. 15:00:03 q? 15:00:53 ... Still waiting for a link for Eric's proposal. 15:01:05 ack JohnArwe 15:01:05 JohnArwe, you wanted to relay question on paging spec normative intent 15:01:15 Eric: I have a link to a grammar. Still need to put some explanations around it. 15:01:15 "LDP Paging servers must support the max-kbyte-count client preference parameter, which expresses a page size limit as kilobytes of representation size." 15:01:15 Just to be clear I understand this, if my server receives a request with count=1k and my server sends back page>1k, then I fail compliance? As the preference is optional, or is this making it NOT optional. 15:01:22 Alexandre: ericP, please set up a document on the Web and provide me the link 15:01:55 -Alexandre 15:01:57 from 7240: A server that does not recognize or is unable to comply with 15:01:57 particular preference tokens in the Prefer header field of a request 15:01:57 MUST ignore those tokens and continue processing instead of signaling 15:01:57 an error. 15:03:29 -codyburleson 15:03:33 codyburleson has left #ldp 15:04:13 Arnaud: MUST would mean here: *if* you take the option into account, that's what you must do 15:04:22 +1 yeah, soften to SHOULD since that PREFER can ever be, unhappily....... 15:04:34 ... but the optional nature of Prefer makes any compliance test moot 15:04:53 Steve: so we should soften the MUST to a SHOULD 15:05:31 PROPOSAL: change MUST to SHOULD on enforcing page size to match the Prefer header RFC 15:05:43 +1 15:05:44 +1 15:05:44 +1 15:05:45 +1 15:05:46 +1 15:05:51 +1 15:05:52 +1 15:05:52 1 15:05:53 +1 15:06:05 RESOLVED: change MUST to SHOULD on enforcing page size to match the Prefer header RFC 15:06:19 -Ashok_Malhotra 15:06:31 -JohnArwe 15:06:34 -Arnaud 15:06:39 -deiu 15:06:45 -SteveS 15:06:48 -pchampin 15:07:00 -TallTed 15:08:38 -nmihindu 15:08:47 -sergio 15:09:18 -Sandro 15:09:19 SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended 15:09:19 Attendees were Arnaud, Ashok_Malhotra, deiu, pchampin, Alexandre, JohnArwe, codyburleson, SteveS, TallTed, Sandro, sergio, nmihindu, bblfish, ericP 15:21:23 JohnArwe, would it make sense to implement 2NN with an obviously inappropriate placeholder like 999? 15:22:18 of course it would have to be inappropriate enough to make everyone who implemented it anxious to fix it when the real code was assigned 15:27:24 heh 15:29:56 if you go outside the bounds of valid http status codes, you run certain risks ... IPS systems and firewalls would be my top dragons; next would be the major frameworks ... odds are they ALLOW any decimal value, but if they have any defensive coding you might well end up with log entries and even exceptions pointing fingers at what you're doing. 17:04:32 Zakim has left #ldp 17:40:41 deiu has joined #ldp 17:56:43 betehess has joined #ldp 18:00:12 TallTed has joined #ldp 18:07:12 deiu has joined #ldp 19:18:41 SteveS has joined #ldp 20:18:59 bblfish has joined #ldp 20:28:21 deiu has joined #ldp 20:50:53 jmvanel has joined #ldp 20:54:07 bblfish has joined #ldp 21:53:58 bblfish has joined #ldp 22:27:46 bblfish has joined #ldp