IRC log of dap on 2014-08-07
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:25:48 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #dap
- 13:25:48 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:25:50 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 13:25:50 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #dap
- 13:25:52 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be DAP
- 13:25:52 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see UW_DAP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 35 minutes
- 13:25:53 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Device APIs Working Group Teleconference
- 13:25:53 [trackbot]
- Date: 07 August 2014
- 13:26:12 [fjh]
- fjh has changed the topic to: dap 3279 ; agenda
- 13:26:17 [fjh]
- Agenda:
- 13:26:38 [fjh]
- Chair: Frederick_Hirsch
- 13:26:43 [fjh]
- Present+ Frederick_Hirsch
- 13:27:19 [fjh]
- Topic: Welcome, agenda review, scribe selection, announcements
- 13:58:32 [Zakim]
- UW_DAP()10:00AM has now started
- 13:58:39 [Zakim]
- +Lisa_DeLuca
- 13:58:40 [mats]
- Present+ Mars_Wichmann
- 13:58:50 [mats]
- Present+ Mays_Wichmann
- 13:58:51 [LisaDeLuca_IBM]
- LisaDeLuca_IBM has joined #dap
- 13:59:39 [Zakim]
- +??P9
- 13:59:46 [anssik_]
- anssik_ has joined #dap
- 13:59:59 [mats]
- Zakim, ??P9 is mats
- 14:00:00 [Zakim]
- +mats; got it
- 14:00:03 [anssik_]
- Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen
- 14:00:25 [LisaDeLuca_IBM]
- Present+ Lisa_DeLuca
- 14:00:51 [Zakim]
- +??P14
- 14:01:08 [anssik_]
- zakim, ??P14 isme
- 14:01:08 [Zakim]
- I don't understand '??P14 isme', anssik_
- 14:01:10 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 14:01:11 [fjh]
- zakim, ipcaller is me
- 14:01:11 [Zakim]
- +fjh; got it
- 14:01:28 [Zakim]
- +gmandyam
- 14:01:34 [anssik_]
- zakim, ??P14 is me
- 14:01:35 [Zakim]
- +anssik_; got it
- 14:01:49 [gmandyam]
- gmandyam has joined #dap
- 14:01:55 [fjh]
- zakim, who is here?
- 14:01:55 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Lisa_DeLuca, mats, anssik_, fjh, gmandyam
- 14:01:57 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see gmandyam, anssik_, LisaDeLuca_IBM, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, marcosc_, mats, richt, Josh_Soref___, mounir, slightlyoff, tobie, trackbot
- 14:02:24 [fjh]
- Present- Mays_Wichmann
- 14:02:34 [fjh]
- Present+ Mats_Wichmann
- 14:02:57 [fjh]
- Present+ Giri_Mandyam
- 14:03:01 [fjh]
- ScribeNick: fjh
- 14:03:29 [fjh]
- Media Capture TF update on list (2 July):
- 14:03:41 [fjh]
- TPAC (27-31 Oct, Santa Clara) Registration now open,
- 14:03:45 [Cathy_]
- Cathy_ has joined #dap
- 14:03:58 [fjh]
- Topic: Minutes approval
- 14:04:25 [fjh]
- Approve minutes from 26 June 2014
- 14:04:25 [fjh]
- 14:04:32 [fjh]
- RESOLUTION: Minutes from 26 June 2014 are approved
- 14:04:41 [fjh]
- Topic: Last Call conclusion and CR publication of HTML Media Capture, Light, Vibration
- 14:04:56 [fjh]
- Last Call drafts of HTML Media Capture, Light, Vibration published, LC ended 24 July 2014
- 14:05:03 [fjh]
- No last call comments on HTML Media Capture.
- 14:05:04 [fjh]
- No last call comments on Light Events.
- 14:05:12 [fjh]
- One Last Call Comment on Vibration API, see
- 14:05:13 [fjh]
- Proposed resolution:
- 14:05:43 [fjh]
- Proposed RESOLUTION: Adopt proposed resolution for LC-2945,
- 14:06:11 [fjh]
- RESOLUTION: Adopt proposed resolution for LC-2945,
- 14:06:33 [fjh]
- action: anssik to add resolution to LC-2945 to draft
- 14:06:34 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-706 - Add resolution to lc-2945 to draft [on Anssi Kostiainen - due 2014-08-14].
- 14:06:49 [fjh]
- anssik: should it be a note
- 14:06:53 [fjh]
- fjh: normative is better
- 14:06:55 [Zakim]
- +Cathy
- 14:07:50 [fjh]
- fjh: here is response from Microsoft re Lisa comment
- 14:08:47 [fjh]
- anssi: assume you aligning implementation with W3C
- 14:09:05 [fjh]
- lisa: updated javascript bridge so shoud affect all across platform
- 14:09:26 [fjh]
- … should be good for all realeases should go into Cordova 3.6, next month
- 14:09:35 [fjh]
- s/releases/realeases/
- 14:09:55 [fjh]
- lisa: which should we tackle next
- 14:11:43 [LisaDeLuca_IBM]
- 14:11:45 [fjh]
- fjh: think you might want to consider HTML Media Capture or Light Events, since stable and moving forward
- 14:11:57 [fjh]
- lisa: HTML Media Capture would make sense, don’t have anything for Light
- 14:12:08 [fjh]
- fjh: right, and we of course welcome feedback on battery
- 14:12:17 [fjh]
- lisa: we have some concern about battery, here is link
- 14:12:19 [anssik_]
- 14:13:19 [fjh]
- fjh: Plan and changes for CR publications:
- 14:14:57 [fjh]
- RESOLUTION: Start 2 week CfC ending 21 August to publish CR drafts of HTML Media Capture, Ambient Light Events, and the Vibration API on 28 August, with details as noted in
- 14:15:18 [fjh]
- action: fjh to send CfC for CR for HTML Media Capture, Ambient Light Events, Vibration API
- 14:15:18 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-707 - Send cfc for cr for html media capture, ambient light events, vibration api [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2014-08-14].
- 14:15:26 [fjh]
- fjh: suggest we stay with old process for now
- 14:17:00 [fjh]
- zakim, who is here?
- 14:17:00 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Lisa_DeLuca, mats, anssik_, fjh, gmandyam, Cathy
- 14:17:03 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see Cathy_, gmandyam, anssik, LisaDeLuca_IBM, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, marcosc_, mats, richt, Josh_Soref___, mounir, slightlyoff, tobie, trackbot
- 14:17:15 [fjh]
- Present+ Cathy_Chan
- 14:19:32 [fjh]
- 14:20:15 [fjh]
- Topic: Vibration Test updates
- 14:20:26 [fjh]
- 14:20:52 [fjh]
- some vibration tests are stil missing
- 14:21:14 [fjh]
- 14:21:20 [Zakim]
- -gmandyam
- 14:21:48 [fjh]
- anssik: I think we agreed he can write tests even though test facilitator as long as we get review, so I can ask him to write tests for those that are missing
- 14:21:53 [fjh]
- fjh: yes, that is right
- 14:22:02 [fjh]
- fjh: please ask him to do this
- 14:22:10 [fjh]
- anssik: only three missing, one no longer relevant
- 14:22:32 [fjh]
- anssik: I can review the tests
- 14:23:02 [fjh]
- anssik: anssik to ask zhiqiang to complete vibration tests
- 14:23:18 [fjh]
- action: anssik to ask zhiqiang to complete vibration tests
- 14:23:18 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-708 - to ask zhiqiang to complete vibration tests [on Anssi Kostiainen - due 2014-08-14].
- 14:23:38 [fjh]
- anssik: firefox bug fixed as part of this test
- 14:23:56 [fjh]
- fjh: yes, that was good
- 14:24:17 [fjh]
- Topic: Charter Update
- 14:24:23 [fjh]
- fjh: I think we need Dom for this discussion
- 14:24:31 [fjh]
- proposed Wake Lock addition:
- 14:24:39 [fjh]
- WebIntents, (Paul Kinlan)
- 14:24:57 [fjh]
- fjh: not sure what we can do now on this call, please review
- 14:25:23 [fjh]
- anssik: webintents removed from WebApps charter in latest update
- 14:26:26 [lgombos]
- lgombos has joined #dap
- 14:28:19 [fjh]
- anssik: what does this mean with respect to the Task Force
- 14:30:47 [fjh]
- anssik: if it is not in the WebApps charter then I do not believe it makes sense to continue a joint task force, since there could be associated IPR obligations
- 14:30:54 [fjh]
- s/anssik/fjh/
- 14:31:15 [fjh]
- fjh: that said, I think we can keep the Task Force list and have a Task force for the DAP WG if useful
- 14:31:35 [fjh]
- fjh: we should involve Dom in discussions, he understands bigger chartering picture
- 14:31:42 [fjh]
- fjh: across the groups
- 14:32:50 [fjh]
- fjh: we already have WebIntents work in the DAP charter, given the interest probably makes sense to keep, maybe with some modifications
- 14:33:11 [fjh]
- fjh: presumable we will review a draft charter before formally progressing to recharter
- 14:33:32 [fjh]
- fjh: lets defer discussion until we have Dom on the call with more facts
- 14:34:00 [fjh]
- Topic: Battery - Cordova Feedback
- 14:34:13 [LisaDeLuca_IBM]
- 14:34:21 [fjh]
- lisa: we have some concern about battery, here is link
- 14:34:42 [fjh]
- “The spec is flawed in that there's no way we could implement it as it
- 14:34:43 [fjh]
- stands. The spec needs to be reworked to be more event driven and
- 14:34:44 [fjh]
- asynchronous. Right now it's too much like device with everything up
- 14:34:44 [fjh]
- front."
- 14:35:43 [fjh]
- lisa: will follow up
- 14:35:59 [fjh]
- fjh: a concrete proposal would be helpful
- 14:36:12 [fjh]
- anssi: not sure what this means to be “more event driven"
- 14:36:52 [fjh]
- anssi: we already have events in the spec
- 14:37:01 [fjh]
- anssi: too high level comment, need concrete feedback
- 14:37:06 [fjh]
- lisa: yes, will ask
- 14:37:55 [fjh]
- fjh: this is the only remaining Cordova issue/feedback, correct?
- 14:37:57 [fjh]
- lisa: yes
- 14:38:19 [fjh]
- fjh: will raise issue on this one to track it
- 14:38:30 [fjh]
- Topic: Open Battery Issues
- 14:38:56 [fjh]
- review issues and status noted in
- 14:39:13 [fjh]
- ISSUE-164?
- 14:39:14 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-164 -- Correct default for charging time if unknown in battery -- open
- 14:39:14 [trackbot]
- 14:39:43 [fjh]
- fjh: can we close
- 14:39:49 [fjh]
- anssik: ok
- 14:39:53 [fjh]
- cathy: ok
- 14:39:58 [fjh]
- close ISSUE-164
- 14:39:58 [trackbot]
- Closed ISSUE-164.
- 14:40:09 [fjh]
- ISSUE-165?
- 14:40:09 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-165 -- Clarify language around multiple batteries -- open
- 14:40:09 [trackbot]
- 14:40:25 [fjh]
- fjh: can we close
- 14:40:28 [fjh]
- anssik: yes
- 14:40:39 [fjh]
- cathy: yes
- 14:40:44 [fjh]
- close ISSUE=165
- 14:40:52 [fjh]
- close ISSUE-165
- 14:40:52 [trackbot]
- Closed ISSUE-165.
- 14:40:58 [fjh]
- ISSUE-166?
- 14:40:58 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-166 -- Should getBattery() always return the same promise? -- open
- 14:40:58 [trackbot]
- 14:42:02 [fjh]
- mounir’s answer
- 14:42:38 [fjh]
- fjh: we are treating as one virtual battery, so why would you ever have more than one battery manager?
- 14:43:33 [fjh]
- fjh: this should stay open, no resolution
- 14:43:42 [fjh]
- anssik: spec has not been updated
- 14:45:07 [fjh]
- anssik: I will check and respond to mounir on the list
- 14:45:47 [fjh]
- anssik: to follow upon on ISSUE-166 and
- 14:46:05 [fjh]
- action: anssik to follow upon on ISSUE-166 and
- 14:46:05 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-709 - Follow upon on issue-166 and [on Anssi Kostiainen - due 2014-08-14].
- 14:47:10 [fjh]
- fjh: we need a concrete proposal so we can be clear on what we agree to. One Promise, one BatteryManager?
- 14:47:39 [fjh]
- anssik: no argument that BatteryManager should be same instance
- 14:48:10 [fjh]
- fjh: why does it matter whether promise is same or not?
- 14:48:14 [fjh]
- anssi: comparision?
- 14:48:29 [fjh]
- anssi: this may be a minor issue
- 14:48:33 [fjh]
- fjh: need to resolve it
- 14:49:06 [fjh]
- ISSUE-167?
- 14:49:06 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-167 -- Should Promises be used in Battery API -- open
- 14:49:06 [trackbot]
- 14:50:04 [fjh]
- fjh: we were accomodating the feedback to use promises uniformly, but maybe that was a mistake
- 14:50:52 [fjh]
- anssik: need opportunity to prompt user before getting battery - advantage of promises
- 14:51:10 [fjh]
- anssik: but slight advantage of having data avaialble syncnronouslly
- 14:51:28 [fjh]
- anssik: first access to battery manager slower than subsequent times
- 14:51:49 [anssik]
- 14:51:50 [fjh]
- fjh: I thought advantage was usability for code writing, given potential complexity of nested call backs
- 14:52:59 [fjh]
- anssik: true but not used that way in this API so not relevant, since only giving battery manager handler instance, not for the events
- 14:53:10 [fjh]
- anssik: not used here as they are primarily designed
- 14:55:03 [fjh]
- anssik: google concern is performance
- 14:55:17 [fjh]
- fjh: what about web components?
- 14:55:26 [anssik]
- 14:57:11 [fjh]
- anssi: have an implementation for old implementation and for the new
- 14:57:24 [fjh]
- fjh: do we have measurements for the old implementation?
- 14:57:29 [anssik]
- 14:57:44 [lgombos]
- lgombos has joined #dap
- 14:58:31 [fjh]
- fjh: look there is long startup time on old design as well as new for desktop
- 14:58:45 [fjh]
- fjh: something like object instantiation
- 14:58:56 [fjh]
- fjh: not sure it makes sense for us to analyzie in real time
- 15:01:04 [fjh]
- anssik: should we publish
- 15:01:18 [fjh]
- fjh: think we need to look at some of the bigger issues first
- 15:02:08 [fjh]
- ISSUE-168?
- 15:02:08 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-168 -- getBattery() vs. requestBattery() pattern -- open
- 15:02:08 [trackbot]
- 15:03:14 [fjh]
- anssik: I can summarize issues on the list
- 15:04:28 [fjh]
- fjh: first api was simpler so why not use that? what is the real problem at issue?
- 15:05:43 [fjh]
- anssik: multiprocess but we’ve heard both ways
- 15:09:39 [Zakim]
- -anssik_
- 15:10:06 [Zakim]
- +??P14
- 15:10:08 [fjh]
- anssik: will send summary to list of technical issues and key points
- 15:10:27 [anssik]
- I can try to summarize on the list what I gather as pros and cons for both the designs
- 15:10:50 [fjh]
- fjh: will suggest going back to original design, ask why not, simplest
- 15:11:48 [fjh]
- anssik: issue of dealing with conflicting implementations, google shipping behind run time flag in canary
- 15:12:01 [fjh]
- fjh: ok so lets take this to the list
- 15:12:36 [fjh]
- 15:14:10 [fjh]
- fjh: anssi, I think you need to look at this offline and talk to mounir
- 15:14:32 [fjh]
- action: anssik to look at ISSUE-168
- 15:14:33 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-710 - Look at issue-168 [on Anssi Kostiainen - due 2014-08-14].
- 15:15:54 [fjh]
- Topic: Action Review
- 15:16:05 [fjh]
- ACTION-704?
- 15:16:05 [trackbot]
- ACTION-704 -- Lisa Seacat DeLuca to Follow up re closing january cordova feedback -- due 2014-07-03 -- OPEN
- 15:16:05 [trackbot]
- 15:16:14 [fjh]
- close ACTION-704
- 15:16:14 [trackbot]
- Closed ACTION-704.
- 15:16:24 [fjh]
- ACTION-705?
- 15:16:24 [trackbot]
- ACTION-705 -- Anssi Kostiainen to Add warning to Battery API that (naive) implementation of API could negatively affect battery life -- due 2014-08-11 -- OPEN
- 15:16:24 [trackbot]
- 15:18:12 [fjh]
- fjh: can defer, will leave open for now, will probably be resolved with other fixes
- 15:18:33 [fjh]
- close ACTION-700
- 15:18:33 [trackbot]
- Closed ACTION-700.
- 15:18:55 [fjh]
- close ACTION-702
- 15:18:55 [trackbot]
- Closed ACTION-702.
- 15:19:02 [fjh]
- Topic: Cordova next steps
- 15:19:14 [fjh]
- lisa: HTML Media Capture makes sense, even if it is stable
- 15:19:30 [fjh]
- anssik: might be different than plugins
- 15:19:42 [fjh]
- anssik: might be a challenge
- 15:24:05 [Zakim]
- -Cathy
- 15:24:07 [Zakim]
- -Lisa_DeLuca
- 15:24:07 [Zakim]
- -mats
- 15:24:12 [Zakim]
- -??P14
- 15:24:32 [fjh]
- lisa: can look at it, will send a message to the list about any difficulties
- 15:24:46 [fjh]
- fjh: good to get an idea, can then decide what to do next
- 15:24:52 [fjh]
- Topic: Other Business
- 15:25:18 [fjh]
- fjh: Anssik can you please talk to mounir, let’s see if we can understand the core issues, get concrete proposals for battery
- 15:25:43 [fjh]
- fjh: what can we simplify
- 15:25:56 [anssik]
- mounir, if you are lurking on the IRC feel free to participate in the discussion
- 15:26:10 [fjh]
- fjh: next call scheduled for 21 August expect we will discuss the charter if Dom is back
- 15:26:18 [fjh]
- s/mounir, if you are lurking on the IRC feel free to participate in the discussion//
- 15:26:26 [fjh]
- Topic: Adjourn
- 15:26:30 [fjh]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 15:26:30 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate fjh
- 15:27:39 [Zakim]
- -fjh
- 15:27:40 [Zakim]
- UW_DAP()10:00AM has ended
- 15:27:40 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Lisa_DeLuca, mats, fjh, gmandyam, anssik_, Cathy
- 16:06:40 [fjh]
- Present- Mars_Wichmann
- 16:07:58 [fjh]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 16:07:58 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate fjh
- 16:08:34 [fjh]
- s/realeases/releases/
- 16:08:51 [fjh]
- s/all realeases/all releases/
- 16:09:08 [fjh]
- s;s/releases/*;;
- 16:10:01 [fjh]
- s/close ISSUE=165//
- 16:10:23 [fjh]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 16:10:23 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate fjh
- 16:37:45 [lgombos]
- lgombos has joined #dap
- 16:39:26 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #dap
- 17:08:40 [lgombos]
- lgombos has joined #dap