15:34:57 RRSAgent has joined #coga 15:34:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/07/28-coga-irc 15:35:06 zakim, this will be WAI_CogTF 15:35:06 ok, Lisa_Seeman; I see WAI_CogTF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 25 minutes 15:35:16 chair: Lisa_Seeman 15:36:58 regrets: Katie Haritos Shea, , Debra Ruh,Deborah Dahl, John Rochford 15:38:17 agenda: this 15:38:19 agenda+ set scribe 15:38:20 agenda+ user group for chunk 1 15:38:22 agenda+ technologies for chunk 1 15:38:24 agenda+ schedules for drafts 15:38:25 agenda+ be done 15:51:00 WAI_CogTF()12:00PM has now started 15:51:07 +??P1 15:52:16 zakim, ??P1 is Lisa_Seeman 15:52:16 +Lisa_Seeman; got it 15:57:33 +??P2 15:57:38 zakim, ??P2 is me 15:57:38 +janina; got it 15:59:06 KateDeibel has joined #coga 15:59:53 +??P0 16:00:08 zakim, ??P0 is me 16:00:08 +KateDeibel; got it 16:00:58 Susann_Keohane has joined #coga 16:01:32 +Susann_Keohane 16:02:36 zakim, who is here? 16:02:36 On the phone I see Lisa_Seeman, janina, KateDeibel, Susann_Keohane 16:02:38 On IRC I see Susann_Keohane, KateDeibel, RRSAgent, Zakim, Lisa_Seeman, richardschwerdtfeger, slee, janina, MichaelC, trackbot 16:04:12 +NeilMilliken 16:04:25 +Mary_Jo_Mueller 16:04:55 neilmilliken has joined #coga 16:05:03 zakim, next item 16:05:03 agendum 1. "set scribe" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:05:06 MaryJo has joined #coga 16:05:09 Tony_Doran has joined #coga 16:05:41 scribe: NeilMilliken 16:05:48 Zakim, close item 16:05:48 I don't understand 'close item', Lisa_Seeman 16:05:56 Zakim, next item 16:05:56 agendum 1 was just opened, Lisa_Seeman 16:06:04 +Tony_Doran 16:06:19 Zakim, close item 1 16:06:19 agendum 1, set scribe, closed 16:06:20 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:06:20 2. user group for chunk 1 [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:06:33 +??P7 16:06:54 zakim +44 203 618 is neilmilliken 16:07:04 zakim, ??P7 is me 16:07:04 +slee; got it 16:07:59 LS first item is which user groups go into chunk 1 16:08:01 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Gap_Analysis/ADHD 16:09:06 Mary Jo - Susanne & I have been concentrating on Aging & dementia 16:09:22 LS suggest we leave for chunk 2? 16:09:37 NM - Put in chunk 2 16:10:32 Kate Deibel asking for timelines on chunk 2? 16:10:51 q? 16:10:52 LS or could we leave it out altogether? 16:11:27 KD - Keeping on task is important 16:11:38 ack t 16:11:39 TD agrees it needs to remain in 16:12:02 Consensus that it should stay 16:12:10 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Gap_Analysis/Aging_and_Dementia#Summary_of_Existing_Research_and_Guidelines_-_Research_Sources 16:12:48 LS thanks Susanne & Mary Jo for the work done 16:13:58 Susann we still have a "to do" to list articles if they are relevant over the next week. Goal is to be ready for next Monday 16:14:26 SK kate sent articles we just need to do the review and pull in data 16:15:41 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 16:15:53 LS the stuff I found most useful from the recent conference was the stuff on people using tablets an I have been trough the journals and added stuff into the guidelines and characteristics section 16:16:02 LS I know that Steve also added a section 16:16:19 my section https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Gap_Analysis/Aging_and_Dementia#Characteristics_of_Content_Optimized_for_Aging_and_Dementia 16:16:37 SL I contacted a number of people working in the area one of them came back with info 16:17:26 SL I put the abstracts from the Peter Cudd work into the wiki but we need to look at all of the literature listed in the academic reviews 16:17:48 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Gap_Analysis/Aging_and_Dementia#References_from_literature_reviews_on_Dementia_and_ICT_from_Peter_Cudd 16:17:58 KD I work at an academic library so I can probably get access for you 16:19:25 SL I kept in the stuff that specifically referenced technology 16:20:15 http://www.aaate.net/ 16:20:25 KD most of these Journals I should have access to I will take a look at lunch time 16:21:09 LS this is very useful - because so much information is stuck behind paywalls 16:22:20 LS lets see how far we get over the next week with this - but even with how it is now I think that it is ready to include in chunk 1 16:22:45 SK give us one more week before we freeze it and we should then send it. 16:23:41 LS agree to freeze at the end of next week 16:24:08 SL when you say frozen do you mean a snapshot 16:24:12 LS yes 16:24:57 LS what is going to happen is the content will be ported into an editors draft on GiThub 16:25:44 The aim is to edit slightly for consistency - does any one object? 16:26:09 LS feel free to tell us if there are things we change that you are not happy with 16:26:23 zakim, next item 16:26:23 agendum 2. "user group for chunk 1" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:26:41 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Non_W3C#IMS 16:26:41 LS Next up Technology Reviews 16:26:57 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Non_W3C 16:27:52 LS I am happy we have a review of APIP GPII and Flow 16:28:08 LS can we approve putting that into chunk one? 16:29:19 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Non_W3C 16:30:17 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Adaptive_technologies_for_learning 16:31:04 LS trying to find the adaptive technologies page 16:32:24 KD the idea of the independent learner is pretty much discounted in current education theory 16:33:03 NM I think it is too generic, needs more detail and some discussion 16:33:19 LS consensus not to include in chunk one 16:33:22 http://accessibility.athena-ict.com/cognitive/VisionCoga1.html 16:33:31 LS Kate can you start a discussion on the list 16:34:45 LS the more abstract you make the suggestions the better 16:35:22 LS when you are writing up a technique 16:35:41 LS this means it stays relevant as technologoes change over time 16:36:35 LS so it should be techniques and abstractions 16:37:01 LS perhaps it should be placed in the topic "potential for Inclusion" 16:37:06 Does anyone object? 16:38:47 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Section_3 16:39:23 Tim has joined #coga 16:39:46 NM I think thatthis should be in the suggestions section 16:41:11 LS this now poses the question do we want to include in suggestio the content that is now in "a vision for the roadmap" 16:41:47 LS that area is currently nice and empty....are we comfortable with that? 16:41:53 +Tim_Boland 16:42:10 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Gap_Analysis#Section_5:_Suggestions 16:42:27 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Gap_Analysis#Section_5:_Suggestions 16:42:57 Minor system crisis. Have to run. 16:43:00 -KateDeibel 16:43:30 http://accessibility.athena-ict.com/cognitive/VisionCoga1.html 16:43:54 Are people comfortable with putting the vision document into the Suggestions Section 5 of the gap analysis? 16:43:58 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Section_3 16:44:27 LS plus a short introduction into the ideas for inclusion 16:44:35 NM I would support putting it in 16:44:51 +1 16:44:51 +1 16:44:57 +1 16:45:45 Not sure if I have a vote yet as not a proper member yet but +1! 16:45:50 zakim, next item 16:45:50 agendum 3. "technologies for chunk 1" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:46:14 LS that motion is Passed --- this brings us to the next item timelines and agenda? 16:47:28 LS Janina and Michael would like us to submit the work so far as an editors draft 16:48:04 +[IPcaller] 16:48:08 LS we can then do some more tweaks and put out the next iteration as a working draft which is more likely to attract feedback 16:48:25 EA has joined #coga 16:48:59 LS idea is to get a working draft ready for October in time for TPAC for the face to face sessions 16:50:37 Tim Bolland What does the W3C processes say about this approach> 16:51:06 make snapshot - auges t 6th 16:51:07 when are people ok, Resolution: next week 16:51:09 chairs to review aim for augest 18 16:51:10 next editors draft: 24 September 2nd editors draft. 16:51:12 when are people ok with it pass Resolution: next week 16:51:13 send to parent groups 16:51:15 get approval a week later end of 6th oct 16:51:16 transition request 16:53:47 LS because we are not a working group we are a taskforce we need both WCAG and PF to be happy 16:55:59 EA worried that we have divergent templates - if TPAC has input from security can we reference other WG's that we should perhaps address as part of the process of cross referenceing and discussion 16:56:27 Janina creating that kind of analysis is the Ultimate goal 16:56:55 q? 16:58:10 LS we are nearly at the hour so does anyone have any objections to the time line 16:58:31 LS I will post to the list to make sure people are comfortable 16:58:46 NM the enemy of good is great 16:58:57 NM we need the feedback 16:59:16 LS we can state that this is an EARLY draft 16:59:31 -janina 17:00:15 LS AOB?? 17:00:35 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger 17:00:43 -Susann_Keohane 17:01:20 Susann_Keohane has left #coga 17:01:32 -Tony_Doran 17:01:48 NM Elle and I met last week to discuss the Usability / Cog accessibility crossover 17:01:51 -Tim_Boland 17:01:56 -Mary_Jo_Mueller 17:01:58 -[IPcaller] 17:02:01 -slee 17:02:32 action: lisa post schedules to the list 17:02:33 Created ACTION-30 - Post schedules to the list [on Lisa Seeman - due 2014-08-04]. 17:02:34 action: Susann Keohane and aging subgroup to add content about rearch before snapshot 17:02:34 Created ACTION-31 - Keohane and aging subgroup to add content about rearch before snapshot [on Susann Keohane - due 2014-08-04]. 17:03:06 rrsagent, make logs public 17:03:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:03:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/07/28-coga-minutes.html Lisa_Seeman 17:03:22 zakim, please part 17:03:22 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Lisa_Seeman, janina, KateDeibel, Susann_Keohane, NeilMilliken, Mary_Jo_Mueller, Tony_Doran, slee, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Tim_Boland, 17:03:22 Zakim has left #coga 17:03:25 ... [IPcaller] 17:03:31 rrsagent, please part 17:03:31 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2014/07/28-coga-actions.rdf : 17:03:31 ACTION: lisa post schedules to the list [1] 17:03:31 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/07/28-coga-irc#T17-02-32 17:03:31 ACTION: Susann Keohane and aging subgroup to add content about rearch before snapshot [2] 17:03:31 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/07/28-coga-irc#T17-02-34