02:20:16 kotsuka has joined #wot 07:05:46 RRSAgent has joined #wot 07:05:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/06/26-wot-irc 07:05:58 meeting: Workshop on the Web of Things - day 2 07:06:17 chair: jörg, dave 07:06:22 dsr has joined #wot 07:06:23 present: many, many, people 07:06:43 agenda: http://www.w3.org/2014/02/wot/agenda.html 07:06:55 saka has joined #wot 07:07:13 topic: Semantics, linked data, vocabularies and best practices 07:07:36 introduction of session 07:07:38 topic: Roger Menday & Neil Benn, Fujitsu -- The Linked Data Platform to Address, Describe and Interact with Things 07:07:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/26-wot-minutes.html fsasaki 07:08:41 roger: LDP as beomce Candidate Rec recently 07:08:50 .. purpose: read / write of linked data 07:09:11 .. based on needs for cloud mgmt APIs 07:09:33 .. at the time a lot of discussion on XML vs. JSON 07:09:35 jeff has joined #wot 07:10:22 .. thought about REST + linked data 07:10:57 kaz has joined #wot 07:11:05 .. linked data = web friendly way of data which you can store as xml, json etc. 07:11:44 .. other people in the community thought the same, IBM propsed LDP group & we joined 07:12:32 .. application area e.g. health care 07:13:10 .. overview of what LDP tries to achieve 07:13:38 .. read situation: system has a network, virtual machines, joined to networks 07:14:01 .. addresses for every thing / concept + a description you can retrieve via HTTP GET 07:14:09 .. uniform way of processing 07:14:35 .. in cloud mgmt area queries to the cloud to ask questions become possible 07:14:57 .. next: writing. one aspect is update. e.g. use HTTP to delete resource 07:15:15 .. then: creation of a resource. How do I add a new virtual machine 07:18:16 .. benefits: everything is addressable. benefit of LD: description, interaction. linking between APIs and SPARL'ling the cloud 07:19:11 JonathanJ has joined #wot 07:19:49 .. LDP and health care now a topic. 07:20:07 .. need to pair a sensor to a patient and retrieve information 07:20:17 .. connection between sensor and patient is important 07:21:36 .. LDP next: form language? RDF constraints 07:21:43 .. using web sockets etc.? 07:22:09 .. RDF is great but for dealing with streams of data there may be a lot of repetition. Looking e.g. in CSV LD 07:22:14 .. to remove repeated elements 07:22:39 topic: Phil Archer, W3C -- Building the Web of Data 07:22:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/26-wot-minutes.html fsasaki 07:23:38 zorg has joined #wot 07:24:21 phil: I am also here to represent other areas in W3C related to data 07:24:25 aroso has joined #wot 07:24:41 .. happy to just heard the LDP presentation - it shows how we think about data: it is not in silos 07:25:00 .. what concerns me most: issue is not division of technologies but of technologists 07:25:17 .. some people will laugh at you if you say "you can write a SPARQL query" 07:25:34 .. we are trying to bring divided community together 07:26:11 .. most people don't think of LD but of CSV or other types of data 07:26:39 .. started data activity to bring the linked data and other data areas together 07:27:08 .. the whole activity is about: use HTTP URIS to identify things, places, ideas, sensors, ... 07:27:14 .. that is 90% of the story! 07:27:48 .. Share-PSI 2.0 project, doing a lot of work with public data 07:28:34 .. e.g. life science: every protein has a URI 07:28:44 kotsuka has joined #wot 07:28:47 .. or: schema.org - not owned by us but developed at w3c 07:29:07 .. CSV on the web working group 07:29:22 .. doing CSV with extra metadata that allows conversion to json-ld etc. 07:29:39 .. data on the web best practices: about buidling ecosystem of open + closed data on the web 07:30:20 .. rdf constraint language: rdf data shapes, about validation - charter being put together 07:30:39 .. similar to XML Schema in the XML world 07:31:16 .. and joint W3C/OGC WG coming soon: spatial data on the web 07:32:41 .. too many standards for spatial data - need to describe best practices on how to use these 07:33:18 .. owl time ontology, only working draft, but used a lot - want to bring that to REC 07:33:41 .. semantic sensor network, also will be brought to REC 07:34:53 .. important to have your use cases on the table, otherwise people won't care - all these groups are open to use cases 07:35:28 http://www.w3.org/2014/Talks/0626_phila_wot/#%2813%29 07:35:34 .. please let us know what you need! 07:35:47 bernard: do you see a strong relation between web of things and data area? 07:36:19 phi: sensors, smart services, ... - public services will apply to an area. if items in that are moving the information generated will be based on OGC standards 07:36:40 .. location is crucial to many things - in web of things it matters a lot, so I hope that many people in this room will join the group 07:36:59 .. chairs will be xxx from ciscro and yyy from Google 07:37:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/26-wot-minutes.html fsasaki 07:38:22 phil: want to be able to compare multiple analysis of data 07:38:46 delic: seeing huge commercial interest - how do you think security will be solved? 07:38:58 .. once you see my location it becomes important 07:39:11 phil: a lot of related discussion in automotive group 07:39:26 .. you are right, privacy implications are serious 07:39:45 i/phil: want to/delic: do those big companies participate?/ 07:40:02 s/ciscro/cisco/ 07:40:07 .. we are very concerned on these areas (I am not directly involved) and all upcoming standards get through a privacy + security check 07:40:28 topic: Michael Koster, ARM -- Information Models for an Interoperable Web of Things 07:41:08 michael: will present from an information model point of view 07:41:33 .. application interop: linking resource endpoints to application software components 07:41:49 .. want to have interop no matter where the application runs 07:42:19 .. web of people and documents is based on human understandable hyperlinks 07:42:42 .. relies on visual metaphor and human cognitive processing 07:42:54 .. machines have limited capabilities to do that 07:43:18 .. hyperlink example. a triple with subject, predicate, object 07:43:35 .. example with sensor that has an opaque meeting + descriptors 07:43:49 .. subset of web linking and semantic web 07:44:07 .. information model = collection of such links that describe a resource 07:44:33 .. we are not using a lot of semantic web higher level functionality 07:44:44 .. but it nicely maps to SM 07:45:02 .. our software can map to XML, JSON, RDF; ... 07:45:54 .. web objects and REST APIs 07:46:17 .. once you resolve the link with HTTP GET and PUT things get really simple 07:47:50 .. CoRE RD and Hypercat - examples of resource directories for discovery 07:48:15 .. interoperabilty requirements: data model represenation + format 07:48:28 .. information model: vocabulary + concept 07:48:36 .. levels of interop overview 07:48:51 .. protocol, representation, data / object models, information model 07:49:17 .. need to focus on information model 07:49:28 .. what W3C could do: have information standards 07:49:42 .. like HTML for web of people, have hypermedia for machines 07:50:29 .. lightweight + compatible with the semantic web 07:50:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/26-wot-minutes.html fsasaki 07:51:28 @@@: relation between existing metadata in files (e.g. image metadata) + the metadata you are talking about? 07:51:52 michael: interesting aspect - it is a conversion process of scraping + extracting 07:52:02 s/@@@/michaelBergman(CEA)/ 07:52:10 topic: Amelie Gyrard et al. EURECOM -- Domain knowledge Interoperability to build the Semantic Web of Things 07:52:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/26-wot-minutes.html fsasaki 07:53:10 amelie: main goal is to reason on sensor data 07:53:25 .. example temperature measurement 07:53:42 .. depends on domain, e.g. in health care fever measurement 07:53:59 .. M3 ontology: machine to machine measurement 07:54:45 .. SenML protocol http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jennings-senml-10 07:54:58 carlos has joined #wot 07:55:25 .. extension of w3c semantic networks ontology 07:55:39 .. .. our ontology: provides all concepts in the machine-to-machine ontology (M3) 07:56:01 .. rules example, e.g. if domain = health care -> you have a fever 07:56:40 .. looking into various vocabularies like Schema.org as well 07:56:53 .. example intelligent transport systems area 07:57:28 .. our proposal of "linked open rules" 07:57:41 .. sensor measurement rule 07:58:18 .. we can deduce new information via the rule 07:58:29 .. via linking to linked open data we can ever infere more info 07:59:13 Georg has joined #wot 07:59:38 .. help to build IoT applications: reason on sensor data, combine domains, reuse domain knowledge 08:00:21 .. various standardization suggestions 08:00:52 michaelKoster: did you create a way to relate sensors like SSN? 08:01:01 amelie: yes 08:01:11 michaelKoster: need to be simplified maybe 08:01:23 @@@; what are the rule engines being used? 08:01:42 amelie: using an extension of SPARQL for processing 08:01:48 .. not easy to use existing rules 08:02:06 @@@: you are proposing a new rule format? 08:02:17 amelie: one should standardize one rule format 08:02:25 phil: there is N3 rules and RIF 08:02:51 .. it is a subject we are open to, if we work out how to do it - SandroH from W3C has looked into this a lot 08:03:17 .. in the W3C tech stack rules have not been addressed a lot - if we go into that direction that would be interesting if we get enough support 08:03:30 adrianPaschke(FU-Berlin): look also in RuleML 08:03:44 .. in RIF we did not get into reactive rules but there was not enough time to finish it 08:03:49 .. in RuleML you have reaction rules 08:04:07 topic: Milan Milenkovic, Intel -- Towards a Case for Interoperable Sensor Data and Meta-data Formats 08:05:28 milan: WoT is internet + new dimension = physical world interface 08:06:51 .. IoT overview 08:07:10 shadi has joined #wot 08:07:31 s/@@@;/monika:/ 08:07:36 s/@@@:/monika:/ 08:08:06 milan: various applications - people are quite important 08:08:14 .. I don't think of them in context of social networks 08:08:20 .. but as endpoint in web of things 08:09:16 .. there are legacy systems, important to be able to make use of that 08:09:44 .. mobile phones: billions of sensors connected 08:10:56 .. now services level: application across devices / domains / people 08:11:04 .. e.g. smart cities: air quality sensors 08:11:20 .. if you walk through city you want to know: what is the air quality in my location? 08:11:33 .. you care about it now, no permanent configuration 08:15:13 .. need universal sensing platform 08:15:33 .. support variety of sensors + sources 08:17:20 .. a possible path: define service-level system functions 08:17:49 scottwalsh has joined #wot 08:18:17 .. needed: reading value, unit, time, location, owner, association, vendor, reputation 08:19:55 .. mandatory fields + structured extensions 08:21:04 .. also data posting methods 08:21:35 topic: Alessandra Mileo, Ericsson -- Semantic Modelling of Smart City Data 08:21:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/26-wot-minutes.html fsasaki 08:22:26 alessandra: challenges in smart city context & how semantic modeling can help and what W3C can do in the space 08:22:49 rferraz has joined #wot 08:23:23 .. smart city driver of change will be data. need to have services on top of the data 08:23:31 .. people want answers, not numbers 08:23:45 .. going from data to smart data 08:24:25 .. perception and intelligence pipeline: raw sensor data, structured data, abstraction / perception, actionable intelligence 08:24:40 .. first two steps are about modelling, rest about processing 08:24:44 .. we need to focus on modeling 08:25:43 .. cityPulse project 08:26:00 .. connect data to go from data to information 08:27:41 .. related to data model: heterogenity, quality, context, privacy 08:27:51 .. related to processing: data dynamicity 08:28:02 .. key concept of the model: reuse! 08:28:19 .. challenges: how to connect SSN with open streetmaps 08:28:31 .. how to connect measurement - there is no unit in SSN 08:29:02 .. vocabularies to use: W3C provenance, also related to quality / context / event streams 08:29:24 .. question: how do we create links in the semantic model? 08:29:31 .. is rules the right approach? 08:29:37 .. this is what we ask w3c 08:29:56 .. modeling is just one aspect - we need processing 08:30:16 .. linked stream processing. web of things / web of devices / web of data 08:31:18 .. keep it simple. sensors are just another form of linked data 08:31:43 .. CQELS = query of sensor data. SPARQL for querying linked data 08:32:13 .. linked stream middleware http://lsm.deri.ie 08:33:54 .. how do we create links? we need semantic aspects for quality / privacy / provenance? 08:34:18 .. contextualization from SSN lower level to event level 08:34:25 .. RDF stream processing WG 08:34:55 s/WG/community group/ 08:35:04 .. working in that area 08:35:20 monika: question on linking between vocabularies 08:35:25 .. how could w3c contribute here? 08:35:36 .. how you want to link will depend on your application scenario? 08:35:46 .. for a general linking mechanism, what will be the basis? 08:36:01 alessandra: I was thinking of a best practice 08:36:11 .. rules were mentioned, I have not done that yet 08:36:20 .. I am looking for such best practices 08:36:31 phil: maybe work on RDF data shapes will help 08:36:43 alessandra: agree 08:37:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/26-wot-minutes.html fsasaki 08:37:19 break 09:12:30 scribenick: dsr 09:13:08 Topic: Panelsession on who is doing what 09:14:10 s/Panelsession/Panel session/ 09:15:12 Moderator - Claes Nilsson. Claes introduces the panel. Some main questions: what standards are needed and how to drive them, which organization is doing what and how to collaborate. 09:16:34 phila has joined #wot 09:17:19 Johannes_Hund has joined #wot 09:17:31 Claes introduces the panelists. Richard Soley (OMG), Eric Kauz (GS1), Mike Bergmann (CEA), Ingo Friese (DT), Istvan Lajtos (GSMA), Nick Allot (UbiApps). 09:19:37 Each panelist to present a slide introducing their position. 09:20:57 mbruss has joined #wot 09:21:01 Richard's slide lists the many organizations involved from the AllSeen alliance to the TMForum. 09:21:32 He cites a recently announced group to focus interoperability. 09:22:28 ... via developing testbeds and to identify requirements for new standards. 09:23:12 Richard mentions use cases such as reducing food waste in supply chains, and energy use in transport, and so forth. 09:23:37 This was in relation to the The industrial Internet Forum. 09:24:47 Eric introduces GS1, a non profit organization on standards and solutions relating to supply and demand chains globally and across sectors. 09:25:43 We have a very large data model and are establishing an ontology and hope use that for semantic markup and using URIs for our product keys. 09:26:04 We are involved in the W3C around data on the web best practices. 09:27:04 Mike introduces the CEA (Consumer Electronics Association) which focuses on devices in the home and other consumer specific locations. 09:28:35 ... We work at the device level not at the cloud level. As an example, we are working on sleep monitoring wearables. We are also looking at XML and EXI as a starting point as it is so well supported. 09:29:49 We have agreat interest in cyber security for IoT devices. We're active in IPv6 deployment including profiles of hosts and routers. We are primarily US based but expanding globally. 09:30:51 We are interested in the meeting zone between devices and the web of things. 09:31:37 Ingo introduces the Kantara initiative which focuses on identity management for things. 09:33:29 Different kinds of devices have different kinds of identifiers. We've set up a identities of things discussion group as part of Kantara, which it self grew out of the Liberty Alliance and work on single signon. 09:34:19 His slide has three levels from discovery at the bottom, then control and finally at the top, coordination. 09:35:23 This is mirrored with object identifiers, discovery, authentication, authorization, policies and identity management. 09:35:59 Ingo discusses the relation to OAuth. 09:36:18 stepsteg has joined #wot 09:37:52 We're looking at possibilities for registries, etc. We intend to feed our ideas into existing standards organizations. The Kantara initiative is open to companies and individual membership. 09:39:06 Istvan introduces the relationship of the GSMA to the web of things, including what we're calling connected living, which focuses on helping network operators to get the best out of M2M. 09:42:00 ... Recent meeting in Shanhai on a number of application areas. The GSMA is focusing on 4 main topics: connection efficiency, future IoT what does this mean to operators, remote M2M provisioning, and business enablers. 09:43:12 Concrete discussions around SIMs for M2M and how operators can create new ecosystems and business. 09:43:39 ... G&D and Gemalto have a big interest. 09:44:14 Standardization around storage, security, and embedded SIM. 09:44:29 rferraz has joined #wot 09:45:28 Nick: I've been involved in a number of industry associations and research projects. A couple of observations - we should use existing standards where possible (assuming they are royalty free). 09:46:38 Second, there are 2 camps with data and functional perspectives. We need to define a way to name objects that will be applicable to devices with and without IP addresses. 09:47:06 ... This impacts on URI naming. 09:47:56 In regards to security, we need focus on explicit consumer centric models, and a hub/gateway is a natural way to approach this. 09:48:29 I very much support open source implementations that precede standardization. 09:49:40 Specific suggestions: URI schema that can resolve to non IP devices; discovery API; sensor APIs that embed the domain semantics for use cases; and a data base API for storing data. 09:50:08 ... for access to historical values. 09:50:34 We need good enough security appropriate to the distributed model. 09:52:00 Nick shows a slide (Wot is the Scope?) that has a script that receives IoT data. What is the context in which this executes? 09:53:11 We need to support legacy devices, so drivers are key and can run on the hub. What is in scope for W3C, e.g.the details of how devices can talk to one another. 09:53:57 Claes: I would like to ask a few questions, starting with the roles of different standardization organizations. 09:54:51 ...W3C focuses on the application layer and web technologies. Any ready to give a view? 09:55:32 Richard cites a number of pub-sub protocols. Which of these are likely to win - the answer is all of them in their respective niches. 09:56:52 We can't expect clean hierarchical arrangements of standards, and our job is rather to bridge the gaps. 09:58:28 ... GS1 does a great job with the identity problem for product codes. ISO's work on legal identifiers for organizations by contrast looks likely to fail. 09:59:15 I listen particularly to work on standards that is solidly build on real world implementation experience. 10:00:05 Eric: interoperability is an area where different orgs have a shared interest to collaborate. 10:01:01 Mike: Everything is getting connected, and the IoT is encroaching on everyone's domains. We're looking at how to partner. 10:02:09 Thomas: the question is also about acceptance by the target communities. If standards are perceived as too heavy they won't be accepted. 10:02:49 Istvan: it is all about collaboration with other SDO's. We've recently signed a liaison agreement with W3C and are proud about that. 10:03:22 ... We want to bridge SIMs to web services and applications. 10:04:11 Nick: Anything W3C does needs to work with existing and well established standards, e.g. MQTT. 10:04:38 s/MQTT/MQTT and CoAP/ 10:05:02 ... Not sure that W3C can help much with device managment. 10:05:34 Claes invites questions from the audience. 10:06:31 He asks a question about the architecture and what we can standardize. For example the role of gateway/hub to proxy for the actual device. 10:07:10 ... This avoids the need for W3C to deal with constrained devices, right or wrong? 10:08:56 Mike: Zigbee, Z-wave or Bluetooth have well defined profiles, enabling higher level abstractions involving simple data models. One of the challenges is moving away from the few really large companies who currently deal with this and opening it up. 10:09:26 Richard: the reality is that there will be multiple architectures that address different needs. 10:10:23 Question from the audience: will standardization succeed? 10:10:33 s/audience/delic/ 10:10:55 s/the delic/delic/ 10:10:59 Richard: standards have succeeded e.g. the number power connectors across the world is relatively few. 10:11:33 Claes asks Eric to elaborate about how interoperability relates to semantics? 10:11:36 s/will standardization/there are billions of devices. will standardization/ 10:12:22 Eric: some guidelines will help to encourage interoperability. 10:12:35 Richard: this will help but won't make the problem go away. 10:12:52 ArtB has joined #wot 10:13:30 Claes: the challenge of identifiers and authentication. Nick's proposal that URIs be extended to support non IP devices. Any suggestions? 10:14:39 Nick: practically, if I want to address something in my house, the closest is my router's IP adress which changes regularly. We need a scheme that is persitent. 10:14:52 s/persitent/persistent/ 10:15:40 Mike: privacy always comes up in regards to this subject. Nick where do you see this fitting in? 10:16:20 Nick: it is a matter of how can obtain these URIs and gain access to them. Having the address isn't enough to get the data. 10:16:52 Richard: there may be devices that you don't want the rest of the world to know about. 10:17:18 JonathanJ has joined #wot 10:17:27 ... This is a very hard problem particulary in regions like the EU with strong privacy laws. 10:18:23 ... Concern about identifiers being handed off to 3rd parties with a resulting loss of privacy. 10:19:00 Nick: it is essential that there be role based access control in place. 10:19:52 Thomas: XRIs are cool as you can embed domains within them (talks about books and libraries). 10:20:53 Eric: we're looking at the URI approach with G10+. I assume Nick is talking about a specific instance of a TV, right [yes] 10:22:10 Jeff Jaffe (W3C): I'm familiar with the problem of forum shopping. There are real challenges for interoperability. I see a lot of technical clutter getting in the way. 10:22:36 ... How do we stop the competing so called standards with an answer other than you don't? 10:23:21 Richard: that is only possible within a single company. We should address this by focusing on bridges and cross SDO coordination. 10:23:57 ... We've been successfully doing this for cloud related standards, but it is a significant effort. 10:25:13 Nick: SDO staff may be rewarded for covering new areas, which is a potential problem. The way to stop this is to move forward quickly. 10:25:51 rrsagent, draft minutes 10:25:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/26-wot-minutes.html JonathanJ 10:26:02 ??: Common to see companies coming together to promote something rather than actually working on standards. 10:27:07 Richard: companies want to promote their own approach to reduce their costs. 10:27:30 Charalampos: ?? 10:28:01 Nick: I want to be able to ask which of the devices in my house support a given service. 10:29:24 s/??/Public URIs are subject to DDOS/ 10:30:07 Phil: Whether a URI is for a product or a service is a matter of design. There are good and bad identifiers. Is the cultural expectation that a URI is a web page a barrier? 10:30:16 Richard: no. 10:30:46 ... most people aren't even aware of the term. 10:31:13 Claes thanks the panelists. 10:31:44 Joerg asks if we can defer lunch a few minutes to get a show of hands for the day 2 breakouts. 10:32:25 Scripting on the web of things - Andreas Harth 10:32:44 [ not in the room right now] 10:33:00 The web of data you want - Phil Archer. 10:33:36 Phil want's to know if W3C is doing the right things and what else is needed, especially in regards to the WoT. 10:34:02 Application Layer Protocols and Data Encoding for Constrained Devices, Hauke Petersen 10:34:40 Hauke: we want to have an open discussion on what protocols we need and what further work is required. 10:34:52 Think Robot, the next smart object, Redouane Boumghar 10:35:51 Objects look pretty stupid to me. Robots can be considered as smart objects. I would like to share my vision of robots asobjects and the lessons that can learnde from Robotics World. 10:36:11 ... decomposition is key 10:36:54 Application runtime for “things,” Ricardo Morin 10:37:49 I want to have a discussion on common application execution engine standard, utilizing Web programming languages such as ECMAScript, and a set of standardized APIs, where I would like W3C to take on thiis challenge. 10:38:02 Joerg: we could perhaps combib 10:38:23 s/combib/combine some of these sessions/ 10:41:34 rrsagent, make minutes 10:41:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/26-wot-minutes.html dsr 12:01:55 arno has joined #wot 12:01:56 jhund has joined #wot 12:04:06 JonathanJ_ has joined #wot 13:25:38 mkovatsc has joined #wot 13:27:29 [Scripting breakout group] Link to the Actinium RESTful runtime: http://www.vs.inf.ethz.ch/publ/papers/mkovatsc-2012-iot-actinium.pdf 13:28:08 mkovatsc_ has joined #wot 13:37:36 scribenick: dsr 13:37:42 Topic: breakout summary 13:39:01 Phil Archer summarises the web of data we want breakout -- we discussed work that is already underway either in working groups or community groups, and came up with a short list of new work. 13:40:24 One of these is URIs for non IP devices. We need some sort of conventions and best practices for naming devices, and this would facilitate large scale discovery. How do we get semantics for data sent by very constrained devices. 13:40:35 kaz has joined #wot 13:41:22 This may lead to a lightweight rule language, we shall see. Standardization will depend on getting a critical mass of companies engaged to drive it forward. 13:42:29 The next breakout is Application Layer Protocols and Data Encoding for Constrained Devices. Hauke Petersen summarises. We started by characterising what kind of devices we were talking about. 13:43:07 jhund has joined #wot 13:43:51 ... The next is how to bridge small devices to the web. Some use cases will demand end to end connectivity, but others permit some kind of gateway. 13:45:03 ... Some relevant protocols e.g. EXI, MQTT and CoAP. We can't rely on all devices supporting these and we need to also support legacy devices with hard coded behavior. 13:45:49 Preshared keys demand less on the device and have a role to play for encryption and access control. 13:48:37 Ricardo summarises the scripting/runtime breakout. Philipp Hoschka took extensive notes. 13:49:46 In a nutshell we want to pursue beginning the process of a JavaScript runtime. Node.js is a promising starting point, but there are a number of other companies with equivalent platforms. 13:51:29 Think Robot, the next smart object breakout -- Kazuyuki Ashimura summarises -- we identified several requirements, e.g. handling lifecyle processes, including perception, decision making and actuation. 13:53:56 Joerg invites demo folks to provide a short elevator pitches for day 2 demos. 13:55:22 Dominique Guinard (table 2) 13:55:36 Andreas Harth (table 3) 13:55:44 Robert Kleinfeld (table 4) 13:55:57 Scott Walsh (table 5) 13:56:12 Jens Schmutzler (table 6) 13:56:32 Sebastian Kaebish (table 7) 13:56:44 Charalampos Doukas (table 8) 13:58:13 Thomas Ambberg (Yaler.net) 14:03:06 Dominique Guinard gives a short pitch for the 5th International Workshop on the Web of Things, to be held in conjunction with IoT2014, Cambridge MA, USA, 6-8 October 2014. See http://www.webofthings.org/wot 14:03:14 rrsagent, make minutes 14:03:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/26-wot-minutes.html dsr 14:33:43 ryuichi has joined #wot 14:40:57 phila has joined #wot 14:41:06 topic: Wrap up 14:41:37 Slide show... 14:42:02 scribe:phila 14:42:09 scribeNick: phila 14:43:00 knagano_ has joined #wot 14:44:20 Topic: W3C Mechanics 14:44:35 ph: describes how W3C works, differnet group types etc. 14:46:15 ph: Suggests setting up a Web of Things Interest Group (cf. Web and TV IG) 14:46:23 ... they are free to do quite a lot 14:46:39 ...establish reqs for other WGs, or lead to creation of WGs 14:46:46 ... may have differnet task forces 14:48:27 ... emphasises need for chairs, charter etc. 14:48:51 Topic: Panel on conclusions and next steps 14:49:54 moderator is dsr, plus Milan Milenkovic, Ryuichi Matskura, Milan Patel, Dominique Guinard, Laurent Walter Goix, Philipp Hoschka 14:50:24 dsr: What is the key to breaking for of silos... creating Web of Services etc. 14:50:38 Dominique: Make it as simple as possible but not too simple 14:51:04 ... need to make things simple to use, select the right tools etc. 14:52:02 dsr: How to bridge the gap between diff cultures, e.g. Web hackers, linked data community etc. 14:52:15 Laurent: JSON-LD? 14:52:28 dsr: There's more to it than that I think. Maybe diff task forces? 14:52:52 MilanP: Identify the use cases where the communities need to interact withh them 14:53:22 MilanM: Need a view of test beds, to inform the standards, what works etc. 14:53:37 MilanM: Maybe start with academics 14:54:02 Ryuichi: We should collect opinions from device manufacturers 14:54:39 dsr: What are your priorities for W3C to tackle the WoT? 14:54:59 MilanM: This workshop has met my expectations, what seems to be needed etc. 14:55:17 ... I am trying to practice what I preach, deploy some actual prototypes etc 14:55:26 ... informing the thinking as you go. 14:55:36 ... the field is so broad, defining the standards is really hard 14:56:23 MilanP: Identify some use cases where you can understand the commonalities between industries 14:56:40 ... identify what we already have that can be used is more important than new standards 14:56:55 ... Yesterday we emphasised that whatever we do we need to do it fast 14:57:20 ... the Consortium should issue some Best Practices. These are the techs that can be used for the WoT, this is how they might be used 14:57:28 Laurent: +1 to previous 14:57:38 ... What is the real focus of the community - that needs to be found 14:57:50 ... scout what is already there 14:58:07 ... a Task Force might work on data modellinbg, service modelling etc. 14:58:15 ... I'd also like the ensure that the user is in the loop 14:58:29 ... we shouldn't forget that we have machine to person communication 14:58:59 ... Should link worlds. including security and privacy 14:59:52 Ryuichi: Definition of the themes is important 15:00:07 ... next step we must share the acrhitecture 15:00:23 s/themes/"Things"/ 15:00:35 ... we should discuss the whole acrhitecture 15:00:50 Dominique: I'd like to see a mix of what everyone has said. A set of guidelines and BPs would be useful 15:00:57 ... we published a White paper on that in 2008 15:01:02 ... it got downloaded many times 15:01:13 ... there is a need for something simple to explain the core 15:01:30 ... we haev a lot of people in the room who could do that 15:01:43 ... we need to react very quickly as it will happen with or without W3C 15:02:00 ... the standardisation method is more for going beyond the current, into sustainable future 15:02:18 dsr: Any more opinions from the audience? 15:03:05 ???: I lead a session on robots. We didn't talk too much about modelling actuators, only services 15:03:39 s/???/Red Boumghar/ 15:03:58 Shadi: Excellent workshop, congratulations. 15:04:02 fsasaki has joined #wot 15:04:21 ... I do think that the work should be at W3C for its high commitment to accessibility, internationalisation etc. 15:04:38 ... we're here to help you create the data, the vocabs, the services etc including a11y use cases 15:04:57 ... helping establish requirements to make sure Web is available to everyone 15:05:09 I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'where amI' 15:05:27 Jorg: The diversity of people here is amazing 15:05:53 ... there are a lot of perspectives. Need to pay attention to structure to talk about the same topic 15:06:12 ... it's important to structure the different backgrounds and applications to make sure we're talking about the same thing 15:06:58 dsr: I'd like to thank everyone for coming and participating. 15:07:13 ... we'll make sure all the material will be available 15:07:28 ... Thanks to Siemens and Jorg for hosting us 15:07:49 Workshop adjourned 15:07:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:07:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/26-wot-minutes.html phila 15:13:28 I hope we can host the next WoT workshop in Asia if we can 16:05:52 ArtB has left #wot