12:56:33 RRSAgent has joined #svg 12:56:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/06/19-svg-irc 12:56:35 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:56:35 Zakim has joined #svg 12:56:37 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 12:56:37 ok, trackbot, I see GA_SVGWG()9:00AM already started 12:56:38 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 12:56:38 Date: 19 June 2014 12:57:11 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2014Jun/0062.html 12:59:24 +[IPcaller] 12:59:38 Zakim, [IP is me 12:59:38 +ed; got it 12:59:55 ThomasSmailus has joined #svg 13:00:04 +[IPcaller] 13:00:17 Zakim, [ is me 13:00:17 +birtles; got it 13:00:37 ChrisL has joined #svg 13:00:38 +??P3 13:00:42 Zakim, ??P3 is me 13:00:42 +nikos_; got it 13:00:44 chair: ed 13:00:53 +[IPcaller] 13:00:58 Zakim: [ is me 13:00:58 +Doug_Schepers 13:01:18 +??P6 13:01:30 zakim, ??P6 is me 13:01:30 +stakagi; got it 13:01:43 +[IPcaller.a] 13:02:07 zakim, [IPcalles is me 13:02:07 sorry, cabanier, I do not recognize a party named '[IPcalles' 13:02:12 +ChrisL 13:02:15 zakim, [IPcaller is me 13:02:15 sorry, cabanier, I do not recognize a party named '[IPcaller' 13:02:37 zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me 13:02:37 +cabanier; got it 13:03:02 scribenick: nikos_ 13:03:05 scribe: Nikos 13:03:17 Zakim, who is on the call? 13:03:17 On the phone I see krit, ed, birtles, nikos_, [IPcaller], Doug_Schepers, stakagi, cabanier, ChrisL 13:03:25 Topic: Describe in terms of cursor property, similar as HTML does for ? 13:03:35 ed: Dirk you got a response on the ml. does it address the question? 13:03:38 krit: I think it does 13:04:54 ChrisL: url form wasn't widely implemented and tended to be platform specific. We wanted to support standard graphics format. At the time there wasn't an x and y on the cursor property. So we added an element that allowed x and y to be specified 13:04:59 +Tav 13:05:10 ChrisL: since then x and y was added to the property, but spec wasn't updated 13:05:20 ... picked up recently 13:05:41 ... current definition in CSS means we probably don't need cursor element in SVG 13:05:54 ... I was making tests today 13:06:07 ... from my testing IE still only supports .cur files and nothing else 13:06:18 ... FF supports png with x and y but x and y must be < 32 13:06:23 ... which isn't in the spec 13:06:32 ... and there needs to be a fall back or image won't be displaed 13:06:37 ... need to test on other browsers 13:06:49 ... I sent to the zip to the mailing list 13:07:01 ... I'm hoping that we can drop the element from SVG 13:07:11 heycam: Do you know what implementation status is of cursor element? 13:07:20 ChrisL: you'd need to look at the 1.1 test suite 13:07:24 ... we did have tests for that 13:07:32 ... including a test for a raster file 13:07:53 ... we have a direction here but not enough data to make a decision right now 13:08:02 krit: webkit do support property and the element 13:08:12 ... and are using kind of the same code path with the exception of the SVG DOM 13:08:27 s/webkit do support/webkit and blink do support/ 13:08:53 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2014Jun/0079.html <-- tests are attached to here 13:09:22 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20110816/harness/htmlObjectApproved/interact-cursor-01-f.html 13:09:29 FYI, I'm on chat only. 13:09:35 heycam: I just dropped a link to test in 1.1 test suite 13:09:44 ... the relevant one is the bottom right rectangle 13:09:54 ... just tried in FF and Chrome and it's showing the fallback 13:10:00 krit: does work in webkit 13:10:25 ... not sure why it doesn't work in Chrome 13:11:14 ChrisL: I think it disappears on the middle spot because it's an anchor 13:11:42 ... probably not a great test because the image looks like a standard cursor 13:11:57 krit: a crosshair means the test is not passing 13:12:00 ... the image is something else 13:12:10 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #svg 13:12:18 ... should be a magnifying glass 13:12:25 krit: I don't think the cursor element is very popular anyway 13:12:33 ed: do we want to resolve on anything now? 13:12:39 ... or wait for more testing? 13:12:56 krit: I don't want to deprecate it, I just want it to be the same as the cursor property 13:13:17 ChrisL: I don't see anything to change in the spec unless we decide to delete the whole element 13:13:23 ... which might be a long term goal 13:13:37 shepazu: one thing we could change - cursor property requires you point to a cursor element 13:13:45 ... we could allow it to point to an arbitrary element in svg 13:13:50 ChrisL: how would that help? 13:14:04 heycam: currently the cursor element doesn't allow graphical elements inside it 13:14:06 ... requires href 13:14:36 ChrisL: given property allows the hotspot to be set I don't think we need this element at all 13:14:38 ed: I agree 13:14:48 ChrisL: and it should be possible to point to some svg fragment 13:15:24 krit: css3 ui spec I think only allows images 13:15:33 ChrisL: it's a uri and svg is an image 13:15:51 krit: I'm saying the css 3 ui spec doesn't allow a cursor property to reference a cursor element 13:15:56 ChrisL: can you give a reference in the spec? 13:16:04 ChrisL: 13:16:24 ChrisL: seems to allow referencing the cursor element 13:16:33 heycam: it's a bit wishy washy though 13:17:00 ChrisL: it just mentions resource... doesn't have to be a raster 13:17:33 ... so do people agree we should do more testing and long term remove the element? 13:17:35 krit: yes and yes 13:17:45 remove which element? 13:17:51 ChrisL: I also think we should be pushing for png to be used more widely as the raster format 13:18:36 and svg as the vector format 13:18:59 Topic: Last Call for Geometry Interfaces 13:19:06 http://dev.w3.org/fxtf/geometry/ 13:19:17 krit: This spec is mostly unchanged 13:19:21 has there been much review? 13:19:26 If the cursor property completely replicates the cursor element, then its ok with me; we (for techincal diagram applications) need the ability to change the cursor in the image, to reflect a 'state' the SVG diagram is in. 13:19:28 ... there were some changes in the naming translateBy -> translateSelf 13:19:31 implementations? 13:19:33 ... it's more descriptive 13:19:39 ... changes in is2D() 13:19:49 ... the rest stayed unchanged with some bug fixes 13:19:54 ... the editors think it's ready for LC 13:19:58 ThomasSmailus, yes, the cursor property should be able to do everything you need without the need for the element as well 13:20:02 ChrisL: is there any implementation and have you had much review? 13:20:15 ... I saw fantasai say it was going to fast 13:20:34 ... so have people looked at it ? 13:20:42 krit: FireFox implements most parts of it 13:20:50 ... and source code was reviewed 13:20:57 ... I'm looking at implementing in WebKit 13:21:11 ... we've created a test suite and published initial tests 13:21:12 in that case, +1 to LastCall now 13:21:15 ... will publish more tomorrow 13:21:41 heycam: I haven't looked since last week 13:21:48 ... but I assume you made changes we discussed? 13:21:50 krit: I did 13:22:02 ed: I sent one comment which needs to be addressed. But not opposed to going to LC 13:22:21 krit: I think your comment needs to be addressed more in the context of SVG 13:22:27 ... we can talk about it next week 13:22:52 heycam: in IDL for DomRectList I think you shouldn't use Array class there 13:23:16 ... we need to overhaul how they will work in the DOM 13:23:21 ... so you should hold of using for the moment 13:23:35 krit: what are the issues? 13:23:41 heycam: makes an object that is kind of like an array but not quite 13:23:49 ... and I think most are opposed to the idea 13:24:39 ... so just remove [Array Class] on DOMRectList interface for now 13:24:56 krit: I'll do that before publishing then 13:25:50 ... Mozilla currently implements with [Array Class] 13:25:55 ... hopefully they can change 13:27:23 RESOLUTION: Publish Geometry Interfaces Last Call pending removal of [Array Class] 13:27:46 ChrisL: we also need CSS WG to make a decision as well right? 13:27:48 krit: yes 13:27:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2014Jun/0233.html 13:28:05 Topic: Should altGlyph's xlink:href be restricted to document-local references? 13:28:17 ed: this came up in a discussion about referencing 13:28:25 ... and going over which svg elements can reference external content 13:28:38 ... Anne is fixing up some fetching stuff 13:28:44 ... we weren't sure about this element 13:29:07 krit: working on fetching model for svg that can be used on all elements. 13:29:15 s/stuff/spec hooks for svg/ 13:29:37 ... Erik noted that he wants to be able to select an element from a document using a url fragment 13:29:46 ... and wants to support this for css image 13:30:05 ... there is the question of what security model do you have in place of objects referencing outside the document 13:30:29 ... we want to have the same model for resources of image 13:30:46 ... elements could cross reference other elements from other documents. FF does this already. 13:30:58 ... as Erik pointed out some elements can only reference within the document 13:31:13 ... this restriction does not apply in FireFox 13:31:24 ... we think we can do the same fetching model for resources and images for all elements 13:31:32 ... so all elements could reference outside of the current document 13:31:38 ... would make spec much simpler and unify implementations 13:31:55 ... my point is that we should not force elements to just reference within the same doc 13:32:05 ChrisL: I agree that's a good idea 13:32:16 ... in svg we didn't use bare fragment identifiers 13:32:28 ... we made it a uri so if it was restricted in one version it was easy to update 13:32:45 ... overall I think the decision of whether it points inside a doc or not was a bit arbitrary 13:32:56 ... so in general I think your plan is a good one 13:33:11 ed: my question about altGlyph in particular is because we removed SVG fonts from SVG 2 13:33:16 ... makes it a bit difficult to use altGlyph 13:33:31 ... multiple steps will be required to do what you want 13:33:35 ... doesn't seem like good design 13:33:41 heycam: do we want to keep altGlyph around? 13:33:45 ... does anyone implement it ? 13:33:59 ChrisL: in some sense CSS fonts has replaced it 13:34:06 ... think that's a better way to go than altGlyph 13:34:08 heycam: I agree 13:34:25 ... we had a discussion in Sydney talking about a replacement feature for specific glyphs of a font 13:34:33 ... and all the issues you'd have with the x and y list of numbers 13:34:43 ... if we had that feature at some point in the future 13:34:53 ... then I think that would be the way to go 13:35:04 shepazu: some people are using altGlyph - we got an email from decotype 13:35:18 ... who are using it to render arabic glyphs in a way that is combinatorial in arabic 13:35:25 ... which you can't do in the font file 13:35:31 ChrisL: yeah 13:35:37 ... the way they're doing it you can't do in opentype 13:36:08 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2014Jan/0039.html 13:36:52 ChrisL: there does need to be a way to say use glyph index xxx 13:36:59 ... it's not clear that CSS3 lets you do that 13:37:13 ... say this particular span of text uses these specific glyphs 13:37:56 heycam: going back to the external reference. I think it makes sense to allow most of those things to load up an external document 13:38:01 ... but I'm wondering about the animation element? 13:38:10 ... should that be allowed to target a resource document? 13:38:18 krit: they could. the question is what happens? 13:38:32 ... we'd need to specify what happens when an external document is referenced 13:38:36 ... could just make it have no effect 13:38:45 heycam: but you'd still need to fetch which is the important thing 13:38:58 ... I think it would be ok to do that 13:39:43 ed: I'm not against allowing altGlyph to reference externally but I think we should consider a better method of supporting that functionality 13:39:55 heycam: I don't think anyone implements it 13:39:56 opera presto did. Not the blink based one though 13:40:09 ed: Opera Presto did but only for SVG glyphs 13:40:27 ... I'm happy to create some tests to verify 13:40:47 heycam: if we think it's the right thing to do then it would be good to demonstrate that it's not implmement 13:41:02 ... I think we want a replacement for altGlyph at some piont 13:41:06 s/piont/point 13:41:39 action: Erik to write tests to determine whether altGlyph is implemented 13:41:39 Created ACTION-3631 - Write tests to determine whether altglyph is implemented [on Erik Dahlström - due 2014-06-26]. 13:41:58 Topic: How should the following two SVGPathElement methods work when there's no path data? 13:42:16 ed: these methods don't describe what to do if there is no path data 13:42:24 ChrisL: is it feasible to raise an exception or return NaN? 13:42:43 ed: it's possible but not spec'ed. THe methods don't currently throw 13:42:58 404 Path Not Found 13:43:29 null or NaN? 13:43:35 krit: were there concerns on the mailing list about returning NaN? 13:43:36 new DOMPoint(NaN, NaN) 13:44:14 heycam: some people like NaN because the function can keep going 13:44:24 ... others prefer it to stop working immediately and not continue with arithmetic 13:44:27 new NyanCat (Nan, Nan, Nan, Nan, Nan, Nan, Nan, Nan, Nan, Nan, Nan) 13:44:31 krit: alternative is to throw an exception 13:45:02 heycam: I think throwing exception and returning null are pretty similar in terms of the function stopping because most won't check for null return values 13:45:42 for reference, the two methods being discussed: getPointAtLength and getPathSegAtLength 13:46:04 heycam: I'm talking about the one that returns a DomPoint 13:46:13 ... getPointAtLength 13:46:33 ... Erik did you check what implementations do at the moment? 13:46:35 ed: no 13:47:20 cabanier: getPathSegAtLength should return a number and getPointAtLength should return null 13:47:32 s/return a number/return NaN 13:48:22 krit: In WebKit we return 0 for getPathSegAtLength and (0,0) for getPointAtLength 13:48:27 ... think Blink would be the same 13:48:52 heycam: we were talking about bounding boxes recently and for elements with no geometry did we decide to return a (0,0,0,0) bounding box? 13:48:55 nikos: we did 13:49:11 heycam: so maybe we should be consistent with that? 13:49:17 cabanier: it feels different to that 13:49:45 -krit 13:50:01 heycam: I don't have a strong opinion on this but would like to know if there's consensus among implementations 13:50:27 cabanier: Mozilla throws an exception I think 13:50:43 +krit 13:51:39 krit: that should change 13:51:50 http://mcc.id.au/temp/p.svg 13:51:51 krit: would getPathSegAtLength throw? 13:52:07 heycam: here's a test 13:52:58 Firefox - exception, 2**32-1 13:53:47 krit: it seems we have different behaviour across browsers 13:53:50 ... can someone test IE? 13:54:40 opera presto says "undefined" for getPathSegAtLength 13:55:05 nikos: unexpected call to property or method on IE10 13:55:22 krit: getPathSegAtLength returns 0 on IE 13:55:39 heycam: so everyone is slightly different 13:55:47 ed: I think returning DomPoint(0,0) and 0 would be fine 13:55:51 krit: I don't mind 13:56:19 ChrisL: if you return that how can you tell the difference missing path data or a valid index? 13:56:29 heycam: you could try to index into the pathSegList 13:56:40 ... is it a common enough that that we need to worry about it? 13:57:24 ed: is there an agreement on what should happen? should we take it to the list? 13:57:30 krit: take it to the list and pick it up next week? 13:57:32 http://www.w3.org/TR/css-masking-1/ 13:57:36 Topic: Publish CR for CSS Masking 13:57:46 krit: there hasn't been feedback for four weeks and LC period ended today 13:57:50 ChrisL: no comments at all? 13:57:56 ... was there actually a review? 13:58:08 krit: we got a lot of comments in the first LC and on the working draft 13:58:12 ... but no comments on recent LC 13:58:21 ChrisL: sounds fine then. You can go to CR in that case 13:58:49 RESOLUTION: Publish CSS Masking CR 13:59:14 -birtles 13:59:21 RRSAgent, make minutes 13:59:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/19-svg-minutes.html nikos_ 13:59:24 -krit 13:59:27 -ed 13:59:31 zakim, list attendees 13:59:31 As of this point the attendees have been krit, [IPcaller], ed, birtles, nikos_, Doug_Schepers, stakagi, ChrisL, cabanier, Tav 13:59:35 -Tav 13:59:36 -stakagi 13:59:37 -Doug_Schepers 13:59:40 -cabanier 13:59:41 -[IPcaller] 13:59:42 -ChrisL 13:59:52 rrsagent, make minutes 13:59:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/19-svg-minutes.html ChrisL 14:05:00 disconnecting the lone participant, nikos_, in GA_SVGWG()9:00AM 14:05:02 GA_SVGWG()9:00AM has ended 14:05:02 Attendees were krit, [IPcaller], ed, birtles, nikos_, Doug_Schepers, stakagi, ChrisL, cabanier, Tav 14:08:35 heycam|away: could you reply to Anne please? Especially, about the GitHub part ;) 14:08:52 heycam|away: (actually mostly about the GitHub part :P) 14:43:26 http://hgtip.com/tips/advanced/2009-11-09-create-a-git-mirror/ seems like something we could potentially setup 14:44:58 ed++ 14:47:18 ed: does that mirror GitHub or the other way around?? 14:49:39 krit: it mirrors a hg repo to git(hub), it assumes users of hg has hg-git installed I think, so we would need that on svgwg.org 14:54:16 ed: but pull requests won't work? 14:56:41 pull requests will work, but they need some manual work on our side to pull them in AFAICT (see "Accepting contributions" at the bottom of that article) 14:57:55 ed: we would need to add every contributor manually? 14:59:17 krit: yeah, looks that way... though the article is a few years old :) 15:00:27 ed: indeed 16:07:55 Zakim has left #svg 17:03:15 richardschwerdtfeger has left #svg 18:23:03 thorton has joined #svg