11:52:31 RRSAgent has joined #i18nits 11:52:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/06/18-i18nits-irc 11:52:35 meeting: ITS IG 11:52:36 chair: felix 11:52:43 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Jun/0016.html 11:52:54 regrets: david, christian 11:52:57 present+ felix 11:54:22 topic: roll call 11:54:27 checking attendees ... 11:54:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/18-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 11:58:04 Arle has joined #i18nits 11:58:23 camille has joined #i18nits 12:00:40 Yves_ has joined #i18nits 12:01:10 present+ arle, yves 12:02:27 daveL has joined #i18nits 12:03:25 present+ daveL 12:03:34 present+ DaveLewis 12:03:50 present- daveL 12:03:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/18-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 12:04:34 topic: Open Data Management position statement 12:04:42 https://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/Open_Data_Management_for_Public_Automated_Translation_Services 12:05:43 dave: have a tbd section - one area is licensing 12:05:52 .. that would take up e.g. work done in META-SHARE and tda 12:06:03 yves: I have read the doc, didn't see any issues 12:06:25 "tbd: purpose help to formulate reqdocs. then: mention projects." 12:09:06 dave: trying to attract other projects - would be good to run this pass @@@ 12:09:28 .. there is not in the way of terminology integration 12:09:39 s/@@@/chris wendt/ 12:09:45 .. also may be relevant for alolita 12:10:17 .. from wikimedia 12:10:44 "tbd: cef out of focus." 12:11:01 " tbd: mention other standards explicitly? what is a standard? " 12:11:13 dave: point to current projects - there is also ongoing work that we can point to 12:11:28 .. e.g. bitext access on the web, we are doing that in the bpmlod group 12:11:38 ... there is licensing work in the ld4lt group 12:12:04 .. need to have a way to point to these group 12:12:56 felix: raise awareness in above groups and make them aware that we'd like their input 12:13:10 dave: also ontolex and the tbx / RDF work, need input from Philipp here 12:13:34 .. I will present this in the MLi panel at the LT-Innovate event in brussels next week 12:13:50 .. maybe have a little questionnaire that people can pick up to follow 12:13:55 s/follow/follow up/ 12:14:17 "Open standards. Open standards are standards that can be implemented on a royalty-free basis, that is, without any licensing requirements." 12:14:34 arle: need to add to the above: there needs to be a policy for maintaining them in an open way as well 12:15:39 dave: bring up this week bpmlod call; had raised it at ld4lt last week. 12:16:02 felix: I'll contact ontolex and alolita 12:17:49 dave: if any of this feeds into the CEF call, that would help 12:18:04 .. would help to get the right people on board here 12:18:32 .. might help to talk to EU people to see if they have guidance 12:19:30 "tbd: mention other standards explicitly? what is a standard?" 12:20:30 dave: two elements of this: 12:20:37 .. listing things that are already availabe 12:20:56 .. you can say: relevant existing standards, and standards that are worked on: lemon, XLIFF 2.0, ... 12:21:05 .. and then saying: where are the gaps? 12:21:33 .. one objective is: we don't know the answers always - there are some areas in which gaps need to be filled and there may be new work to be done 12:21:42 .. that may also help e.g. EU to decide what to support 12:21:59 .. put in DCAT 12:22:03 felix: MQM? 12:22:15 arle: it is not a standard yet, but moving into that direction 12:22:52 dave: so one could have several categories: final standard, draft standard, technology areas that need standardaration 12:24:30 "Bitext Data Management Requirements" - here MQM would fit very well as s.t. being prepared 12:25:03 .. e.g. lemon would very well 12:25:16 .. in that way too 12:25:50 .. section at the end - "gap analysis" 12:27:38 .. table . we now have numbered requirements. we tick of maturity of avail. solutions 12:28:23 felix will add at the beginning about intention to do an IG draft (to be discussed) 12:28:31 dave: also have a contributors section 12:29:47 arle: get feedback from gala too, contacting several people 12:32:48 felix: have a section for mentioning meta-net and other efforts those community, who would benefit from this 12:32:51 dave: good idea 12:33:11 s/community, who /those communities/ 12:34:03 dave: lot of mt researchers are now using wikipedia for mt training, maybe a good collab. point with meta-net, e.g. experience in a particular country 12:34:11 felix: I'll check with the meta-net guys 12:35:43 arle: josef v.g. may be the right person to check that 12:39:23 topic: xliff web IDL 12:41:21 felix describing web IDL choice options - web IDL for defining interfaces, plain json for serializing the current XML - XLIFF 12:41:38 yves: web IDL relation is confusing (CR versus other draft) 12:42:00 .. in XLIFF we need two things, both API and data format aspect 12:42:40 .. API is not useful if you don't have a clear object definition 12:42:50 dave: your existing API - is that a good model? 12:42:56 yves: needs to be more generic 12:43:10 .. main problem is data format - depends on what you want to represent 12:43:24 .. e.g. how to represent inline code is quite complex, you have distinct solutions 12:43:29 .. not sure on how to proceed 12:43:50 dave: talked to david about this - general feeling is: inline codes dealing with overlapping annotations is in the heart of this 12:44:19 yves: if this is then not XML people would see things differently 12:44:23 .. inline representation is key 12:44:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/18-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 12:46:19 .. will talk to david about this again e.g. on the next call 12:46:59 arle: worth looping in linport in this, they are discussing APIs right now, trying to clarify relationsships to others 12:47:16 topic: MQM + ITS 12:47:52 dave: we had discussion in FEISGILTT about MQM and relationship to ITS "localization quality issue" types 12:48:05 .. there then was exchange on the list about this, Arle clarifying things 12:48:16 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Jun/0000.html 12:48:51 dave: arle saying how to map MQM into ITS or into other things - is that correct? 12:49:06 arle: to some extend. MQM allows you to declare that you check 12:49:15 .. ITS can be more or less of what you check 12:49:34 .. so you could declare an MQM model that is ITS 12:49:59 .. the idea: ITS provides broad interop, if people map their categories they know what is there 12:50:20 .. MQM would not know in advance what is in a metrics 12:50:29 dave: in ITS you have the loc quality profile ref 12:50:42 .. in the MQM doc you could put the reference to the precise MQM type 12:51:00 .. so the mapping will be definitive 12:51:30 .. MQM structure details would be lost or would need to be in the string of ITS locProfileRef 12:52:03 arle: you would define a mapping and point to a file that has the mappings 12:52:44 yves: I think in ITS you cannot declare things at the top 12:52:49 Arle: ok 12:53:03 .. the reference could point to an MQM declaration 12:53:19 .. that looses the ability of what the overall profile is 12:53:35 .. one could use MQM without having MQM specific markup in ITS 12:53:50 dave: you hit all problems if you start with an XML vocabulary 12:54:36 arle: felix had said a while ago if we should use RDF instead of XML - we may end up doing that for MQM (or have both) 12:54:49 dave: sometimes people have a vocabulary and a document in parallel 12:55:09 .. but you can put definitions into RDF and then generate an HTML document which is human readable 12:55:54 dave: what is your timeline on this, Arle? 12:56:16 arle: development is planned to continue in qt21 and potentially in other projects 12:57:53 dave: in ld4lt it works quite well to team up with people to do some specific work items, e.g. taking an existing model, do rdf related things - but the group who brings in the topic still owns it 12:58:59 .. the benefit for the group who bring in the topic is more feedback and visibility, but they don't loose ownership 12:59:11 .. good example is meta-share schema discussion 13:00:48 .. I am one of the ld4lt co-chairs, we could bring it up on the ld4lt call next week (Thursday 3 p.m.) 13:03:01 felix: arle could bring his material to the call and we'd see what the ontology engineers can do with that 13:03:47 dave: agree. one reasons also why the MQM / RDF disucssion is interesting: they are opportunistics, using what is avail. from wikipedia or babelnet 13:04:12 .. many resources are under active curation. being avail. to report such things back in an open way would be a great use case for MQM 13:04:30 .. MQM would have a lot of the semantics for such error reporting 13:04:56 arle: perfect, that is exactly what we want to do 13:05:50 dave: great - I will email ld4lt group and CC Arle, saying we are planning to put it on the agenda 13:05:51 arle: ok 13:06:04 dave: and you can reply to that providing more info 13:06:07 arle: ok 13:09:53 topic: aob 13:09:56 adjourned 13:10:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/18-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 13:18:50 fsasaki has joined #i18nits