12:25:38 RRSAgent has joined #er 12:25:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/06/18-er-irc 12:25:40 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:25:40 Zakim has joined #er 12:25:42 Zakim, this will be 3794 12:25:42 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_ERTWG()8:30AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 12:25:43 Meeting: Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group Teleconference 12:25:43 Date: 18 June 2014 12:26:40 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert/2014Jun/0002.html 12:26:46 chair: shadi 12:27:12 agenda+ WCAG-EM document update 12:27:30 agenda+ WCAG-EM Reporting Tool 12:27:32 agenda+ Accessibility Support Database 12:27:54 agenda+ Comments on WAET 12:28:38 zakim, call shadi-617 12:28:38 ok, shadi; the call is being made 12:28:39 WAI_ERTWG()8:30AM has now started 12:28:40 +Shadi 12:33:20 carlos has joined #er 12:33:58 +??P0 12:35:29 zakim, ??p0 is carlos 12:35:29 +carlos; got it 12:38:06 samuelm has joined #er 12:39:30 +??P2 12:39:42 zakim, ??P2 is me 12:39:42 +samuelm; got it 12:39:51 agendAß 12:39:55 agenda? 12:40:17 scribe: shadi 12:40:38 zakim, take up agendum 1 12:40:38 agendum 1. "WCAG-EM document update" taken up [from shadi] 12:40:50 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/methodology/ 12:41:29 saz: putting together the final editor draft 12:42:00 ...expect to have it ready by Monday 23 June for WG review 12:42:08 ...this includes ERT WG review 12:44:02 ...want to publish this as final WG Note 12:44:56 ...would like comments by 1st July 12:45:10 ...did some re-organization and many editorial improvements 12:45:30 ...but to our understanding not many substantial changes 12:45:40 ...think we closed all comments raised over the previous rounds 12:45:51 cv: will try to get someone to review 12:46:38 sm: if not many substantial changes as said, then could do the quick review 12:49:33 saz: will let you know the outcomes of the review on 2nd July call 12:49:38 zakim, take up next 12:49:38 agendum 2. "WCAG-EM Reporting Tool" taken up [from shadi] 12:50:10 http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Feature_requirements_for_Interactive_Guide_to_Assist_Managing_Web_Accessibility_Evaluations 12:50:46 https://github.com/w3c/wcag-em-report-tool/ 12:52:39 saz: tool to support users of WCAG-EM 12:52:55 ...helps generate reports based on WCAG-EM 12:53:29 cv: seems useful 12:55:46 saz: uses EARL to record the data 12:56:37 ...also extends it with WCAG-EM specific concepts like "structured sample" 12:56:51 ...uses JSON serialization to export and import 12:57:30 cv: issue that we do not know of a good JavaScript library for RDF 12:57:43 ...curious how the developers handle this 13:00:38 saz: EC-project called EIII interested in extending this tool by allowing evaluation tools to populate the reports 13:00:59 zakim, take up next 13:00:59 agendum 3. "Accessibility Support Database" taken up [from shadi] 13:01:14 http://www.w3.org/WAI/accessibility-support/ 13:03:31 https://github.com/w3c/wai-axsdb-web/issues 13:06:17 zakim, take up next 13:06:17 agendum 4. "Comments on WAET" taken up [from shadi] 13:06:34 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert/2014Jun/0001.html 13:09:30 saz: think main point is (1) positioning and explaining what the document does, and (2) using clearer language to make it easier to understand 13:09:42 cv: are these show-stoppers? can we address during review? 13:10:09 -carlos 13:12:18 saz: concerned that if the purpose and contents of the document is not clearly explained upfront, then people may not realize that it is relevant to them and we may not get any comments 13:12:46 sm: need to target tool developers as these are our primary target audience 13:13:14 ...comments make sense, especially on clarifying the target 13:13:38 ...not sure the proposed suggestions are the correct ones though 13:14:46 +??P0 13:15:18 ...need to reach out to tool developers and make sure the document gets to them 13:16:10 [[the purpose is to *encourage the development* of more of the features that you describe, rather than just naming and describing potential features]] 13:17:01 saz: do we agree with this? 13:18:58 cv: not sure why this is an issue 13:20:16 ...not mutually exclusive 13:20:50 sm: to help developers make informed decisions, rather than to encourage the development of features 13:21:17 ...want developers to understand why they are implementing certain features 13:24:59 "content that can tested"? 13:26:31 "supported content" 13:26:35 "resources under testing"? 13:27:17 "traversing content" 13:27:30 "fvetching content" 13:28:38 action: carlos to brainstrom alternatives for "test subject and its environment" 13:28:38 Error finding 'carlos'. You can review and register nicknames at . 13:29:42 Topic: Next meeting 13:29:46 2nd July 13:29:51 -Shadi 13:29:55 -??P0 13:30:02 -samuelm 13:30:03 WAI_ERTWG()8:30AM has ended 13:30:03 Attendees were Shadi, carlos, samuelm 13:36:00 trackbot, end meeting 13:36:00 Zakim, list attendees 13:36:00 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 13:36:08 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 13:36:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/18-er-minutes.html trackbot 13:36:09 RRSAgent, bye 13:36:09 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2014/06/18-er-actions.rdf : 13:36:09 ACTION: carlos to brainstrom alternatives for "test subject and its environment" [1] 13:36:09 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/06/18-er-irc#T13-28-38