IRC log of dwbp on 2014-06-13

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:59:55 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #dwbp
12:59:56 [RRSAgent]
logging to
12:59:57 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs 351
12:59:57 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #dwbp
12:59:59 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be DWBP
12:59:59 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot, I see DATA_DWBP()9:00AM already started
13:00:00 [trackbot]
Meeting: Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference
13:00:00 [trackbot]
Date: 13 June 2014
13:00:05 [Zakim]
13:00:28 [HadleyBeeman]
zakim, who is here?
13:00:30 [Zakim]
On the phone I see ??P0, HadleyBeeman
13:00:30 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, trackbot, gatemezi, BernadetteLoscio, HadleyBeeman, newton, MTCarrasco, ivan, cgueret
13:01:00 [Zakim]
13:01:08 [cgueret]
zakim, ??P13 is me
13:01:09 [Zakim]
+cgueret; got it
13:01:19 [HadleyBeeman]
HadleyBeeman has changed the topic to: agenda:
13:01:27 [cgueret]
Bonjour tout le monde!
13:01:29 [MTCarrasco]
zakim, ??P0 is me
13:01:30 [Zakim]
+MTCarrasco; got it
13:01:34 [cgueret]
zakim, mute me
13:01:34 [Zakim]
cgueret should now be muted
13:01:36 [cgueret]
13:01:36 [BernadetteLoscio]
13:01:37 [Zakim]
+ +
13:01:58 [Yaso]
Yaso has joined #dwbp
13:02:10 [BernadetteLoscio]
13:02:17 [markharrison]
markharrison has joined #dwbp
13:02:21 [cgueret]
already scribbed last time, sorry
13:02:32 [adler1]
adler1 has joined #DWBP
13:02:33 [Zakim]
+ +1.516.944.aabb
13:02:42 [gatemezi]
scribe: gatemezi
13:02:51 [adler1]
zakim, aabb is me
13:02:52 [Zakim]
+adler1; got it
13:02:53 [Zakim]
13:03:08 [ivan]
zakim, dial ivan-voip
13:03:08 [Zakim]
ok, ivan; the call is being made
13:03:10 [Zakim]
13:03:16 [Yaso]
Zakim, +??P19 is Yaso
13:03:17 [Zakim]
sorry, Yaso, I do not recognize a party named '+??P19'
13:03:21 [laufer]
laufer has joined #DWBP
13:03:28 [Yaso]
Zakim, P19 is Yaso
13:03:29 [Zakim]
sorry, Yaso, I do not recognize a party named 'P19'
13:03:31 [gatemezi]
chair: HadleyBeeman
13:03:42 [gatemezi]
13:04:23 [gatemezi]
Minutes of the last meeting:
13:04:55 [Zakim]
13:05:01 [Zakim]
13:05:03 [BernadetteLoscio]
zakim, ipcaller is BernadetteLoscio
13:05:04 [Zakim]
+BernadetteLoscio; got it
13:05:14 [HadleyBeeman]
PROPOSED: accept minutes of last meeting
13:05:22 [Zakim]
13:05:22 [BernadetteLoscio]
zakim, mute BernadetteLoscio
13:05:23 [EricKauz]
EricKauz has joined #DWBP
13:05:23 [cgueret]
13:05:24 [gatemezi]
PROPOSED: accept minutes of last meeting
13:05:24 [Zakim]
BernadetteLoscio should now be muted
13:05:30 [Yaso]
: zakim, +??P19 is Yaso
13:05:31 [BernadetteLoscio]
13:05:31 [Zakim]
13:05:31 [Yaso]
13:05:31 [HadleyBeeman]
13:05:34 [newton]
13:05:35 [BernadetteLoscio]
13:06:02 [markharrison]
0 - was absent
13:06:04 [gatemezi]
APPROVED: last meeting Minutes
13:06:06 [Zakim]
13:06:15 [laufer]
zakim, ipcaller is me
13:06:16 [Zakim]
+laufer; got it
13:06:20 [Yaso]
zakim, +??P19 is Yaso
13:06:20 [Zakim]
sorry, Yaso, I do not recognize a party named '+??P19'
13:06:28 [gatemezi]
RESOLVED: last meeting minutes
13:06:29 [MTCarrasco]
13:06:33 [laufer]
zakim, mute me
13:06:34 [Zakim]
laufer should now be muted
13:06:50 [gatemezi]
Topic: TPAC
13:06:54 [HadleyBeeman]
13:07:14 [BernadetteLoscio]
13:07:34 [gatemezi]
HadleyBeeman: This year celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Web in TPAC
13:08:21 [BernadetteLoscio]
its true!
13:08:32 [cgueret]
13:09:01 [gatemezi]
Ivan It is difficult to follow TimBL's talk if you are not English Native
13:09:31 [gatemezi]
HadleyBeeman: We have to plan our 2F2F, and plan to meet there
13:09:49 [ivan]
13:10:04 [gatemezi]
...recommend going and participate
13:10:07 [adler1]
13:10:10 [adler1]
not doing it
13:11:16 [gatemezi]
adler1: Realize that maybe in Thursday it will not be so excited
13:11:56 [vagner]
vagner has joined #dwbp
13:11:59 [Zakim]
+ +1.609.947.aacc
13:12:24 [gatemezi]
...and will be somewhere else in the World. He feels people will be tired on Thursday, ending up not doing well
13:13:07 [Yaso]
13:13:13 [gatemezi]
adler1: proposes to find another venue than TPAC
13:13:20 [HadleyBeeman]
ack ivan
13:13:30 [ivan]
13:13:59 [gatemezi]
ivan: there are various groups having meeting those days at
13:14:41 [gatemezi]
...generally there are very informal events, CSV on the Web will have meetings during that week as well, and those interested are welcome to attend
13:14:51 [ivan]
13:15:17 [gatemezi]
...people should register ASAP, with a registration fees as well to pay
13:15:19 [nathalia]
nathalia has joined #dwbp
13:15:32 [BernadetteLoscio]
me too
13:16:03 [Yaso]
zakim, mute me
13:16:04 [Zakim]
sorry, Yaso, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
13:16:09 [gatemezi]
...It is good to register for the organizers to manage the attendees
13:16:15 [Zakim]
13:16:54 [gatemezi]
HadleyBeeman: Attending at TPAC is also an opportunity to see how other groups work together, team group, etc.
13:16:54 [ivan]
zakim, code?
13:16:54 [Zakim]
the conference code is 3927 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, ivan
13:17:08 [gatemezi]
HadleyBeeman: Any question on TPAC?
13:17:13 [Yaso]
13:17:15 [Zakim]
13:17:41 [ivan]
13:18:03 [Zakim]
13:18:32 [ivan]
13:18:41 [gatemezi]
ivan: registration earlier enough through the page
13:19:28 [gatemezi]
...People can attend informally to the discussion
13:19:47 [Yaso]
Can you hear me?
13:19:50 [gatemezi]
13:19:56 [HadleyBeeman]
ack yaso
13:20:02 [HadleyBeeman]
zakim, who is here?
13:20:03 [Zakim]
On the phone I see MTCarrasco, HadleyBeeman, cgueret (muted), +, adler1, ??P19, markharrison, BernadetteLoscio (muted), laufer (muted), +1.609.947.aacc, Ivan,
13:20:03 [Zakim]
... Caroline
13:20:03 [Yaso]
I’m gonna call again
13:20:04 [Zakim]
On IRC I see nathalia, Vagner_BR, EricKauz, laufer, adler1, markharrison, Yaso, Zakim, RRSAgent, trackbot, gatemezi, BernadetteLoscio, HadleyBeeman, newton, MTCarrasco, ivan,
13:20:04 [Zakim]
... cgueret
13:20:10 [Zakim]
13:20:16 [JoaoPauloAlmeida]
JoaoPauloAlmeida has joined #dwbp
13:20:21 [gatemezi]
Zakim, + is me
13:20:21 [Zakim]
+gatemezi; got it
13:20:25 [Zakim]
13:20:34 [BernadetteLoscio]
zakim, unmute BernadetteLoscio
13:20:34 [Zakim]
BernadetteLoscio should no longer be muted
13:20:36 [gatemezi]
Topic: report from the first vocabularies call
13:20:37 [Yaso]
Zakim, +??P8 is yaso
13:20:38 [Zakim]
sorry, Yaso, I do not recognize a party named '+??P8'
13:20:47 [HadleyBeeman]
zakim, ??P8 is Yaso
13:20:49 [Zakim]
+Yaso; got it
13:20:49 [Vagner_BR]
Zakim, +Caroline is Vagner_BR
13:20:50 [Zakim]
sorry, Vagner_BR, I do not recognize a party named '+Caroline'
13:21:01 [Zakim]
13:21:01 [Yaso]
\o/ tks HadleyBeeman
13:21:02 [HadleyBeeman]
zakim, Caroline has vagner_br
13:21:02 [Zakim]
+vagner_br; got it
13:21:12 [gatemezi]
BernadetteLoscio: Group meeting on vocab call ..It was the first call
13:21:23 [JoaoPauloAlmeida]
Zakim, IPcaller is me
13:21:24 [Zakim]
+JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it
13:21:32 [gatemezi]
...the mail list will be use for the records
13:21:45 [HadleyBeeman]
s/the mail list/the main working group mailing list
13:22:58 [adler1]
13:23:11 [gatemezi]
...shows a wiki page pointing the relations between the requirements and the vocabularies
13:23:33 [BernadetteLoscio]
13:23:44 [gatemezi]
HadleyBeeman: It was a good start
13:24:36 [HadleyBeeman]
13:24:52 [HadleyBeeman]
13:24:54 [gatemezi]
Topic: Reviewing actions
13:25:03 [HadleyBeeman]
13:25:03 [trackbot]
action-20 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Document the situations/scenarios for the data usage vocab in the ucr -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN
13:25:03 [trackbot]
13:25:38 [gatemezi]
BernadetteLoscio: We have to wait a little more.. not sure how to do it now
13:26:28 [gatemezi]
...Need to clarify about Data usage, what it means for us ..She is working with ??? on that
13:27:20 [gatemezi]
...It's not still clear the meaning of data usage
13:27:20 [Yaso]
zakim, mute me
13:27:20 [Zakim]
Yaso should now be muted
13:27:33 [gatemezi]
13:28:20 [BartvanLeeuwen]
BartvanLeeuwen has joined #dwbp
13:28:35 [HadleyBeeman]
action: Bernadette to discuss with Eric data usage meaning for the use case requirements, and for the vocabulary and finding consensus in the group
13:28:35 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-47 - Discuss with eric data usage meaning for the use case requirements, and for the vocabulary and finding consensus in the group [on Bernadette Farias Loscio - due 2014-06-20].
13:28:46 [HadleyBeeman]
close action-20
13:28:46 [trackbot]
Closed action-20.
13:28:57 [HadleyBeeman]
13:28:57 [trackbot]
action-23 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Look up requirements documents for vocabularies such as prov-o, data cube, skos -- due 2014-04-08 -- OPEN
13:28:57 [trackbot]
13:30:35 [JoaoPauloAlmeida]
Zakim, mute me
13:30:37 [HadleyBeeman]
13:30:37 [Zakim]
JoaoPauloAlmeida should now be muted
13:30:40 [gatemezi]
BernadetteLoscio: it is something to work continuously . We will need this to see how to implement the best practices
13:30:40 [HadleyBeeman]
13:30:40 [trackbot]
issue-27 -- Review requirements for metadata, license, provenance and vocabularies -- raised
13:30:40 [trackbot]
13:31:30 [Zakim]
13:31:45 [HadleyBeeman]
issue: Bernadette to review existing vocabularies (like to learn from them for our vocabularies
13:31:45 [trackbot]
Created ISSUE-44 - Bernadette to review existing vocabularies (like to learn from them for our vocabularies. Please complete additional details at <>.
13:31:59 [HadleyBeeman]
close action-23
13:31:59 [trackbot]
Closed action-23.
13:32:07 [HadleyBeeman]
13:32:07 [trackbot]
action-30 -- Bernadette Farias Loscio to Come back with schedule to the wg -- due 2014-05-09 -- OPEN
13:32:07 [trackbot]
13:32:15 [adler1]
I have to drop
13:32:20 [HadleyBeeman]
close action-30
13:32:20 [trackbot]
Closed action-30.
13:32:23 [Zakim]
13:32:30 [HadleyBeeman]
13:32:30 [trackbot]
action-32 -- Hadley Beeman to Write email on discoverable data vs data catalogues -- due 2014-05-16 -- OPEN
13:32:30 [trackbot]
13:32:47 [HadleyBeeman]
13:32:47 [trackbot]
action-40 -- Flavio Yanai to Start the versioning document/research with newton -- due 2014-05-23 -- OPEN
13:32:47 [trackbot]
13:32:54 [newton]
Hi Hadley
13:32:56 [newton]
I'm not on the phone
13:33:02 [newton]
So, about the action-40
13:33:04 [HadleyBeeman]
Hi newton!
13:33:08 [newton]
It can be closed
13:33:11 [newton]
It's done
13:33:16 [HadleyBeeman]
close action-40
13:33:16 [trackbot]
Closed action-40.
13:33:18 [Zakim]
13:33:22 [HadleyBeeman]
newton, what is next with that?
13:33:32 [newton]
13:33:37 [Zakim]
13:33:47 [Yaso]
Zakim, ??P8 is Yaso
13:33:47 [Zakim]
+Yaso; got it
13:33:49 [BernadetteLoscio]
zakim, mute BernadetteLoscio
13:33:50 [Zakim]
BernadetteLoscio should now be muted
13:33:58 [newton]
We will talk with other members to improve this doc. In the next week I'll meet with Flavio to discuss about it
13:34:21 [HadleyBeeman]
action: newton will talk with other members to improve this versioning doc. In the next week I'll meet with Flavio to discuss about it
13:34:22 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-48 - Will talk with other members to improve this versioning doc. in the next week i'll meet with flavio to discuss about it [on Newton Calegari - due 2014-06-20].
13:34:41 [HadleyBeeman]
13:34:41 [trackbot]
action-41 -- Mark Harrison to Add skos recommendations into controlled vocabularies -- due 2014-05-23 -- OPEN
13:34:41 [trackbot]
13:35:07 [gatemezi]
markharrison: starts the document but not finished
13:35:15 [HadleyBeeman]
13:35:15 [trackbot]
action-42 -- Newton Calegari to Improve bp - uri document with new references -- due 2014-05-30 -- OPEN
13:35:15 [trackbot]
13:35:23 [newton]
It's done
13:35:29 [HadleyBeeman]
close action-42
13:35:29 [trackbot]
Closed action-42.
13:35:36 [HadleyBeeman]
what's next on that, newton?
13:35:53 [newton]
For next, I'll just follow the DARUP doc proposed by Tomas
13:36:02 [gatemezi]
RSSAgent, make logs public
13:36:13 [HadleyBeeman]
action: newton to follow the DARUP doc proposed by Tomas (BP - URI doc)
13:36:14 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-49 - Follow the darup doc proposed by tomas (bp - uri doc) [on Newton Calegari - due 2014-06-20].
13:36:18 [HadleyBeeman]
13:36:18 [trackbot]
action-45 -- Eric Stephan to Review ucr with closed data in mind -- due 2014-06-13 -- OPEN
13:36:18 [trackbot]
13:36:31 [BernadetteLoscio]
zakim, unmute BernadetteLoscio
13:36:32 [Zakim]
BernadetteLoscio should no longer be muted
13:36:47 [HadleyBeeman]
13:36:47 [trackbot]
action-46 -- Yaso Córdova to Generate/collate further use cases concerning iot, transport, privacy -- due 2014-06-13 -- OPEN
13:36:47 [trackbot]
13:37:05 [JoaoPauloAlmeida]
Zakim, who is making noise?
13:37:10 [Yaso]
Can you hear me?
13:37:10 [BernadetteLoscio]
zakim, mute BernadetteLoscio
13:37:11 [Zakim]
BernadetteLoscio should now be muted
13:37:17 [Zakim]
JoaoPauloAlmeida, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: HadleyBeeman (67%), gatemezi (9%), BernadetteLoscio (33%)
13:37:18 [Yaso]
13:37:31 [HadleyBeeman]
13:37:31 [trackbot]
action-46 -- Yaso Córdova to Generate/collate further use cases concerning iot, transport, privacy -- due 2014-06-13 -- OPEN
13:37:31 [trackbot]
13:37:40 [Yaso]
did you hear me?
13:37:45 [Yaso]
I'm still working on it, not finished. But, for sure, next week I will have finished this action.
13:37:47 [gatemezi]
Zakim, who is here?
13:37:49 [Zakim]
On the phone I see MTCarrasco, HadleyBeeman, cgueret (muted), gatemezi, markharrison, BernadetteLoscio (muted), laufer (muted), +1.609.947.aacc, Ivan, JoaoPauloAlmeida (muted),
13:37:49 [Zakim]
... Yaso
13:37:49 [Zakim]
On IRC I see BartvanLeeuwen, JoaoPauloAlmeida, nathalia, EricKauz, laufer, markharrison, Yaso, Zakim, RRSAgent, trackbot, gatemezi, BernadetteLoscio, HadleyBeeman, newton,
13:37:50 [Zakim]
... MTCarrasco, ivan, cgueret
13:37:50 [Yaso]
:-/ bad connection
13:38:20 [HadleyBeeman]
13:38:33 [gatemezi]
Topic: Issues raised
13:38:43 [gatemezi]
13:38:51 [EricKauz]
zakim, aacc is me
13:38:52 [Zakim]
+EricKauz; got it
13:38:58 [MTCarrasco]
13:39:06 [BernadetteLoscio]
13:39:39 [gatemezi]
subtopic: URI
13:39:53 [BernadetteLoscio]
zakim, unmute BernadetteLoscio
13:39:55 [Zakim]
BernadetteLoscio should no longer be muted
13:39:55 [HadleyBeeman]
ack bern
13:39:55 [gatemezi]
MTCarrasco: Do we need a separate document to talk about URI?
13:40:57 [gatemezi]
BernadetteLoscio: It is difficult and/or early to decide
13:41:11 [JoaoPauloAlmeida]
Who is leading the URI part of the best practices document?
13:41:18 [JoaoPauloAlmeida]
This is not clear in
13:41:58 [gatemezi]
MTCarrasco: It is better to start writing now than later. It's also better to have a document to crystalize the discussion
13:43:03 [laufer]
tomas, I have problems with the access to the link...
13:43:03 [gatemezi]
BernadetteLoscio: maybe you need folks to send feedback from the BP doc
13:44:02 [gatemezi]
MTCarrasco: We need to start to write proper recommendation now
13:44:22 [newton]
I'm having troubles with the link too
13:45:10 [JoaoPauloAlmeida]
But then, it could be a single "Best Practices for Data on the Web" instead of one for each section
13:45:15 [laufer]
yes, ghislain. I got a connection timeout.
13:45:24 [ivan]
+1 to manuel
13:46:00 [gatemezi]
13:47:23 [gatemezi]
MTCarrasco: worried about the workload in formatting document in W3C document
13:49:23 [HadleyBeeman]
13:49:23 [trackbot]
issue-4 -- Add a matrix table to summarize UCs vs challenges/requirements -- raised
13:49:23 [trackbot]
13:49:24 [gatemezi]
...The document is there and the group will decide if it's a separate doc or inside bp doc
13:50:27 [gatemezi]
BernadetteLoscio: The table is similar to the one in the Wiki page..But not clear how to apply in document
13:50:38 [laufer]
tomas, has connection problems...
13:50:56 [gatemezi]
...still work on progress
13:52:36 [MTCarrasco]
Laufer, both work for me:
13:52:48 [gatemezi]
BernadetteLoscio: all the issues in the UCs are still open
13:52:54 [HadleyBeeman]
13:52:59 [gatemezi]
13:53:10 [HadleyBeeman]
13:53:11 [trackbot]
issue-14 -- Improve Use case "Feedback Loop for Corrections" -- open
13:53:11 [trackbot]
13:53:14 [vagner]
vagner has joined #dwbp
13:53:14 [HadleyBeeman]
13:53:14 [trackbot]
issue-41 -- Update Use Case #4 - OKFN Tranport WG -- open
13:53:14 [trackbot]
13:54:06 [laufer]
tomas, ok. maybe a problem from the access here in brazil. I will access it later. thank you.
13:54:42 [newton]
I'm with the same problem here, laufer
13:54:54 [nathalia]
I'm with the same problem here
13:55:02 [gatemezi]
BernadetteLoscio: Issues 14 and 41 are still open
13:55:28 [BernadetteLoscio]
13:55:35 [HadleyBeeman]
ack bernadette
13:55:36 [gatemezi]
Topic: Any discussion
13:55:54 [BernadetteLoscio]
13:56:08 [gatemezi]
BernadetteLoscio: Need to have feedback from BP guidelines at
13:56:20 [gatemezi] start the discussion
13:57:01 [JoaoPauloAlmeida]
nice work
13:57:20 [gatemezi]
+1 to the effort of BernadetteLoscio
13:57:36 [Yaso]
13:57:42 [vagner]
+1 to Bernadette great work as usual
13:57:51 [HadleyBeeman]
13:57:59 [gatemezi]
Zakim, who is here?
13:58:01 [Zakim]
On the phone I see MTCarrasco, HadleyBeeman, cgueret (muted), gatemezi, markharrison, BernadetteLoscio, laufer (muted), EricKauz, Ivan, JoaoPauloAlmeida (muted), Yaso
13:58:01 [Zakim]
On IRC I see vagner, BartvanLeeuwen, JoaoPauloAlmeida, nathalia, EricKauz, laufer, markharrison, Yaso, Zakim, RRSAgent, trackbot, gatemezi, BernadetteLoscio, HadleyBeeman, newton,
13:58:01 [Zakim]
... MTCarrasco, ivan, cgueret
13:58:11 [BernadetteLoscio]
thanks vagner!
13:58:17 [Zakim]
13:58:29 [Zakim]
13:58:41 [Zakim]
13:58:42 [Yaso]
Zakim, ??P8 is yaso
13:58:43 [Zakim]
+yaso; got it
13:59:00 [JoaoPauloAlmeida]
JoaoPauloAlmeida has joined #dwbp
13:59:32 [gatemezi]
HadleyBeeman: It could be helpful to come with a specific question to the group in the next meeting
13:59:34 [HadleyBeeman]
action: bernadette to organise a discussion by email on
13:59:34 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-50 - Organise a discussion by email on [on Bernadette Farias Loscio - due 2014-06-20].
13:59:49 [Yaso]
13:59:53 [ivan]
rrsagent, draft minutes
13:59:53 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ivan
14:00:03 [Zakim]
14:00:04 [Yaso]
14:00:04 [BernadetteLoscio]
thank you!!!
14:00:12 [newton]
Bye everyone
14:00:14 [markharrison]
14:00:17 [HadleyBeeman]
rrsagent, make logs public
14:00:19 [nathalia]
14:00:27 [Zakim]
14:00:30 [nathalia]
nathalia has left #dwbp
14:00:46 [HadleyBeeman]
14:00:57 [HadleyBeeman]
14:01:02 [laufer]
bye all, nice weekend.
14:01:06 [EricKauz]
EricKauz has left #dwbp
14:01:19 [Zakim]
14:01:45 [BernadetteLoscio]
14:01:56 [Zakim]
14:02:30 [Zakim]
14:03:45 [Zakim]
14:03:50 [Zakim]
14:04:00 [Zakim]
14:04:05 [Yaso]
Yaso has left #dwbp
14:07:26 [Zakim]
14:07:38 [vagner]
vagner has joined #dwbp
14:12:25 [Zakim]
disconnecting the lone participant, gatemezi, in DATA_DWBP()9:00AM
14:12:26 [Zakim]
DATA_DWBP()9:00AM has ended
14:12:26 [Zakim]
Attendees were HadleyBeeman, cgueret, MTCarrasco, +1.516.944.aabb, adler1, Ivan, markharrison, BernadetteLoscio, laufer, +1.609.947.aacc, gatemezi, Yaso, vagner_br,
14:12:26 [Zakim]
... JoaoPauloAlmeida, EricKauz
15:00:53 [vagner]
vagner has joined #dwbp
15:28:13 [vagner]
vagner has joined #dwbp
16:00:10 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #dwbp