IRC log of tt on 2014-06-12

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:59:15 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #tt
13:59:15 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:59:17 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
13:59:17 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #tt
13:59:19 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be TTML
13:59:19 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute
13:59:20 [trackbot]
Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference
13:59:20 [trackbot]
Date: 12 June 2014
14:00:00 [Zakim]
SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has now started
14:00:06 [nigel]
chair: nigel
14:00:08 [Zakim]
+ +44.192.341.aaaa
14:00:15 [nigel]
zakim, aaaa is me
14:00:15 [Zakim]
+nigel; got it
14:00:24 [nigel]
Present: nigel
14:00:31 [jdsmith]
jdsmith has joined #tt
14:00:32 [Zakim]
14:00:32 [nigel]
scribeNick: nigel
14:00:42 [nigel]
Present+ jdsmith
14:00:52 [nigel]
zakim, [Microsoft] is jdsmith
14:00:52 [Zakim]
+jdsmith; got it
14:01:11 [Zakim]
+ +1.720.897.aabb
14:01:21 [glenn]
zakim, aabb is me
14:01:22 [Zakim]
+glenn; got it
14:01:58 [nigel]
Present+ glenn
14:02:27 [Zakim]
14:02:33 [nigel]
Present+ pal
14:03:27 [plh]
plh has joined #tt
14:03:34 [Zakim]
14:03:38 [nigel]
Present+ plh
14:04:26 [Frans_EBU]
Frans_EBU has joined #tt
14:05:24 [nigel]
Topic: TPAC
14:05:54 [Zakim]
+ +41.22.717.aacc
14:06:01 [nigel]
scribeNick: nigel
14:06:20 [nigel]
plh: Last week thierry was right that Tuesday is available as well as Monday and Thursday.
14:06:21 [tmichel]
tmichel has joined #tt
14:06:57 [nigel]
14:07:08 [nigel]
zakim, aacc is Frans_EBU
14:07:08 [Zakim]
+Frans_EBU; got it
14:07:26 [tmichel]
trying to get in ...
14:07:52 [nigel]
nigel: the wbs survey results show we prefer Tuesday to Thursday.
14:08:02 [nigel]
plh: Sorry about that!
14:08:25 [nigel]
RESOLUTION: We will change to meet on Monday and Tuesday at TPAC 2014.
14:08:49 [Zakim]
14:08:53 [nigel]
topic: Prioritise discussion for meeting
14:09:04 [nigel]
zakim, ??P31 is tmichel
14:09:04 [Zakim]
+tmichel; got it
14:09:06 [tmichel]
zakim, ??P31 is me
14:09:06 [Zakim]
I already had ??P31 as tmichel, tmichel
14:12:02 [nigel]
nigel: In order to make progress on both IMSC and TTML2 we could arrange a separate call to ensure we go through the issues.
14:12:27 [nigel]
pal: If we need more time then we should schedule that.
14:14:45 [nigel]
nigel: We can also review issues offline but I try to keep state changes on issues to meetings so there's a clear place where resolutions are minuted.
14:15:47 [nigel]
glenn: In the recent past we have had 2 hour meetings. It may be useful to have 2 hour meetings on an occasional basis to handle overflow.
14:17:51 [nigel]
nigel: We'll schedule next week's meeting (the 19th) for 2 hours. I'll be absent for the next two weeks after that.
14:18:38 [nigel]
topic: SMPTE liaison
14:19:03 [nigel]
Proposed response at
14:20:48 [nigel]
nigel: I'll make the change proposed to request for notification of changes to ST2052
14:21:34 [nigel]
glenn: I'll review the response - give me until the end of the day.
14:21:58 [nigel]
nigel: I will aim to send this on Monday next week if there are no further amendments.
14:22:21 [nigel]
topic: Change Proposal 2
14:22:33 [nigel]
14:23:51 [nigel]
jdsmith: We don't need to make the change to step 6 described in the CP because of the way that Glenn has implemented this.
14:24:06 [nigel]
... I think there's some editorial note to elaborate too.
14:25:05 [nigel]
glenn: I'm in the process of elaborating that editorial note. The final hook is the semantics of inline regions, in particular how the associate region algorithm works in the context of inline regions.
14:25:15 [nigel]
... I think we can go ahead and close the CP.
14:25:47 [nigel]
jdsmith: Is there another CP that drives the editorial notes?
14:26:13 [nigel]
glenn: Inline regions was a general solution and then this particular proposal formulated it in terms of a syntactic shorthand.
14:26:22 [nigel]
jdsmith: I agree the syntactic element is taken care of.
14:26:42 [nigel]
14:26:42 [trackbot]
issue-176 -- Adding support for extent and origin attributes on block elements -- closed
14:26:42 [trackbot]
14:26:54 [nigel]
nigel: Issue 176 is closed at the moment.
14:27:24 [nigel]
jdsmith: The substance of the change proposal is already implemented.
14:28:36 [nigel]
ACTION jdsmith Fix up change proposal 2 to reflect decision on how to implement and edit out now unnecessary sections.
14:28:36 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-299 - Fix up change proposal 2 to reflect decision on how to implement and edit out now unnecessary sections. [on Jerry Smith - due 2014-06-19].
14:29:12 [nigel]
RESOLUTION: Close change proposal 2 following completion of ACTION-299
14:29:34 [nigel]
topic: Pending Review actions and issues
14:29:53 [nigel]
14:29:53 [trackbot]
action-293 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Research appropriate namespace for forceddisplay feature in imsc 1 for issue-312 -- due 2014-06-05 -- PENDINGREVIEW
14:29:53 [trackbot]
14:30:42 [nigel]
pal: I completed this action by moving the new attributes introduced by IMSC to an IMSC-specific namespace as proposed by glenn.
14:30:56 [pal]
pal has joined #tt
14:31:05 [nigel]
pal: the prefixes used are ittp: and itts:
14:31:26 [nigel]
close action-293
14:31:26 [trackbot]
Closed action-293.
14:31:50 [nigel]
14:31:50 [trackbot]
issue-263 -- profile feature set may not match intended feature constraints -- pending review
14:31:50 [trackbot]
14:33:07 [nigel]
nigel: mike has specifically mentioned this before so I'm minded to hold off closing this until he has had a chance to comment.
14:33:50 [nigel]
glenn: Do we need to go back and amend SDP-US to use the extension and restriction of features. We don't normally update notes post-publication.
14:34:36 [nigel]
nigel: I think we may need to consider a new version of SDP-US based on TTML2 later in our process.
14:35:40 [nigel]
plh: It is not covered by the charter to put SDP-US on a Rec track.
14:35:55 [nigel]
nigel: An alternative is to consider IMSC (1 or 2) as superseding SDP-US.
14:36:21 [nigel]
plh: If we make it a sub-profile of IMSC and update the SDP-US note to point to IMSC that might do the trick.
14:37:26 [nigel]
nigel: Do we need to make a decision on SDP-US to close this issue?
14:38:28 [nigel]
glenn: It would be worth adding a note to the issue.
14:39:34 [glenn]
ACTION glenn to add note to Issue 263 explaining how TTML2 additions for @{extends,restricts} (partially) addresses this issue
14:39:35 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-300 - Add note to issue 263 explaining how ttml2 additions for @{extends,restricts} (partially) addresses this issue [on Glenn Adams - due 2014-06-19].
14:39:37 [nigel]
nigel: After these edits and when Mike has had the opportunity to verify that this meets the requirements he has previously mentioned we can close this off, assuming no objections.
14:39:57 [nigel]
14:40:02 [trackbot]
issue-312 -- forcedDisplay attribute is metadata so should be in ttm not tts namespace -- pending review
14:40:02 [trackbot]
14:41:19 [nigel]
pal: In addition to fixing the bug and changing the namespace I added a specific recommended processor behaviour.
14:49:43 [nigel]
nigel: Expresses concern that the approach to conditional content is different to the approach for issue-309
14:50:46 [nigel]
nigel: We also have change proposal 16 to provide for this requirement.
14:52:04 [nigel]
glenn: When we get around to defining something like this in TTML2 I would want to address this not as a special case so I doubt that we will end up with a forcedDisplay style property in TTML2.
14:53:33 [nigel]
nigel: Our options are to omit the feature, add a note in IMSC saying that this is IMSC1 specific, or specify this feature 'properly' and carry forward into TTML2.
14:54:22 [nigel]
pal: I'd propose to do the second option and add a new issue for IMSC 2 to log this.
14:57:40 [nigel]
glenn: By publishing this from this group it will add legitimacy to the feature and possibly people will try to make us carry it into TTML2.
14:58:07 [nigel]
... I think we should put a note in, if we include it in IMSC1, to the effect that it may not be specified in the same way in TTML2 to cover our tracks and prevent future complaints.
14:59:01 [nigel]
... I understand that we can't predict the future but it's useful to the reader that they can not expect backward compatibility in a future version. Notes are lightweight anyway.
14:59:58 [nigel]
pal: Entering an issue against IMSC 2 is powerful too.
15:00:05 [nigel]
nigel: Let's do both things.
15:00:39 [nigel]
... I will add a note to the issue and re-open it immediately after this meeting.
15:02:45 [Zakim]
15:02:48 [Zakim]
15:02:49 [Zakim]
15:02:49 [Zakim]
15:02:51 [Zakim]
15:02:51 [nigel]
rrsagent, make logs public
15:02:59 [Zakim]
15:02:59 [nigel]
Regrets: mdolan
15:03:05 [nigel]
rrsagent, generate minutes
15:03:05 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate nigel
15:03:49 [Zakim]
15:03:50 [Zakim]
SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has ended
15:03:50 [Zakim]
Attendees were +44.192.341.aaaa, nigel, jdsmith, +1.720.897.aabb, glenn, pal, Plh, +41.22.717.aacc, Frans_EBU, tmichel
15:45:13 [glenn]
glenn has joined #tt
16:27:57 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #tt