19:15:03 RRSAgent has joined &ac163 19:15:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/06/10-ac163-irc 19:15:19 RRSAgent has joined #ac163 19:15:19 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/06/10-ac163-irc 19:15:38 zakim, this is AC breakout 19:15:38 sorry, Angel, I do not see a conference named 'AC breakout' in progress or scheduled at this time 19:15:40 rayd has joined #AC163 19:16:02 Tomohiro has joined #AC163 19:16:09 Meeting: AC break out - Build Mobile Experience 19:16:29 Chair: Hong Liu from China Mobile 19:16:33 Scirbe: Angel 19:16:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 19:16:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/10-ac163-minutes.html Angel 19:16:54 rrsagent, make log public 19:17:12 Liu Hong: W3C has been successful in web standards today 19:17:33 ...and it needs more work on user experience on mobile 19:18:01 ...in this break our session, I would like to dicusss with you how we could imvprove that 19:18:35 ...we can start with the difference between mobile devices and the fixed devices 19:19:03 jeanne has joined #ac163 19:19:13 ...let's find the list of possible reqirements for improvement 19:19:38 ...1st, the difference between mobile devices and desktop computers 19:20:13 ...my point views, the first screen of mobile devices is smaller than the desktop computers 19:20:46 J: the accessibility experience is different on a mobile device than on the desktop computer 19:21:15 @: /join &w3c 19:21:21 Arnaud has joined #ac163 19:21:35 Tomohiro: @@ 19:21:57 s/J/Jeanne 19:22:42 RayD: some webpages adapts to the contects in the way you can not read it 19:23:19 HongLiu: mobile devices are closer to our human bodies, we carry them all day long 19:24:08 Arnaud: some certain percentage people carried them phones with them 24 hours 19:24:34 Chunming Hu: when I use apps on the phone, I think more about the traffic it uses 19:25:10 s/traffic it uses/ traffic costs 19:25:16 s/some certain percentage people/the vast majority of people (80-90%)/ 19:25:37 Ruinan: tablets and smart watches should be taken into consideration too 19:25:59 Jeanne: the offline usage too 19:26:36 Arnaud: when you dont have network connection, the user experience can be very bad 19:26:41 [offline usage experience is equally important] 19:28:08 [if we have several mobile devices, say, phone, pad, and watch, we may need a kind of interconnection, and smooth transfer of content between difference screen/devices. 19:28:15 RayD: when you lose the network connection, you can not access the web page you downloaded before, that's bad 19:28:48 HongLiu: I'm new to W3C, I relay on you to brief me the current work done by W3C to improve these 19:28:50 wuwei has joined #ac163 19:29:09 RayD: some webpages are designed to adapt for mobile devices 19:29:54 Jeanne: the responsive design is one option for that 19:30:38 http://www.w3.org/standards/webdesign/mobilweb 19:32:10 Mohammed:it is from the mobile web initiative, some guidelines there; this is a bit confusing since different groups focusing the same things 19:33:06 ChunmingHu: what about the 2nd screen WG? 19:33:13 kawada has joined #ac163 19:33:22 Mohammed: not usre if it is for the mobile devices 19:33:46 http://www.w3.org/wiki/Mobile/Work 19:34:30 HongLiu: when we try to reivew the video streaming, we find it difficult to transcode 19:34:50 s/review/view 19:35:08 Quarterly Report on all the W3C work pertaining to mobile <- http://www.w3.org/Mobile/mobile-web-app-state/ 19:35:12 Mohammed: if you want to stream your content to the mobile deivces, it is not the devices but the resources that works 19:36:05 s/works/matters 19:36:30 Jeanne: there is a quaterly report on the progress of W3C's work on mobile 19:37:07 also a chinese version news: http://www.chinaw3c.org/archives/502/ 19:37:10 terada has joined #ac163 19:37:10 ... suggest you to read it 19:38:11 media source extension 19:38:41 DongYoung: about the adapting streaming, so media resources extention can help 19:39:05 HongLiu: so we get back to the obstacles of daily use of mobile devices,why you prefer native apps than web apps 19:39:14 Ruinan: sometimes web apps can be slow 19:39:52 mdadas has joined #ac163 19:39:53 ChunmingHu: offline experience is not good, as mentioned 19:40:10 s/so media resources/media source extensions (MSE)/ 19:40:34 SHinitrou: web app has limited features 19:41:10 ...native apps have features that web apps dont have. I dont know which features the web has 19:41:55 Mohammed: in the mobile group, W3C is trying to indentify the difference between the web app and native app 19:42:16 HongLiu: we do thing the combination of web app and native app can be the best solution for today 19:42:25 ...from the user point of view 19:42:43 ...we dont what to adapt to different devices and platforms 19:43:31 Arnaud: I would like to set up a prefernece on my browser to avoid @@ 19:43:46 ...that's something should be designed by the browser vendors 19:44:01 Mohammed: should focusing the topcis that can be worked 19:44:18 s/@@/ annoying the Ads 19:44:32 s/@@/annoying ads 19:45:17 actually I said to avoid advertisement for native apps 19:45:27 Jeanne: touch experience id different that mouse experience, there is not hover 19:45:28 but it can be extended to ads in general 19:45:54 s/id/is 19:46:55 HongLiu: now we work on the requirements for improvement 19:47:18 ...1st.for the adaption of the web page 19:48:43 RayD: W3C should be more proactive to provide options for developers 19:49:03 Dong-Young: there was mobile ok validator for web content that can help 19:49:16 http://www.w3.org/Mobile/mobile-web-app-state/ 19:49:31 Jeanne: there are mobile best practices 19:49:33 http://www.w3.org/Mobile/mobile-web-app-state/ 19:49:48 RayD: to what extend do we know if the developers are paying attention to it? 19:50:06 Mobile OK checker -> http://validator.w3.org/mobile/ 19:50:10 related to difference between native and web apps : http://www.w3.org/wiki/Closing_the_gap_with_native 19:50:11 HongLiu: anything the browsers can do to make the web pages dispalyed in a better way 19:51:05 mobile ok is a little bit old -- not for smart phones. 19:51:34 ... a few years ago, the web pages were not displyed well on mobile devices, some browsers did something to improve the display on the mobile devices, e.g.UCweb 19:51:55 Ruinan: they transcode the webpage for mobile devices 19:52:17 HongLiu: do we need to standardize them? 19:52:42 RayD: should the burden be on HTML or on the browser? 19:53:59 Chunming: one of the approach is to ask the page developer to have the responsive design to think of the mobile device, another approach is to find some simple rules, e.g. JS libarary, and embed them to the page 19:54:23 ...some of the browsers are doing the similar job so find the rules do to the transcode 19:54:32 ...there is not a standard on this 19:55:24 HongLiu: for most app break when connection lose, do we have any solution or efforts on that from W3C? 19:55:39 rrsagent,draft minutes 19:55:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/10-ac163-minutes.html Angel 19:56:30 @@@: service worker might be an option in terms of @@@ 19:57:26 s/@@@/kawada 19:57:33 HongLiu: do we have any documents define the best practices? 19:57:47 ...if we do, we can have the info available for the develpers 19:57:52 Jeanne: yes, we do 19:58:04 the mobile web best practice 19:58:34 RayD: does it address the behavior of the browser or the authors? 19:58:42 Jeanne: for the authors 19:59:17 The item 2 is I think being discussed as "Offline" in web & mobile IG. https://github.com/w3c-webmob/offline 19:59:34 http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/uaag.php 19:59:46 i found a group note on offline web applications, http://dev.w3.org/html5/offline-webapps/ 19:59:59 but i am not sure if what happened after that. 20:00:00 HongLiu: the best practices can also be shared with web app developers 20:00:28 User AGent Accessibility Guidelines addresses accessibility of browsers 20:00:28 ...some of the web apps do not work well when netword connection loses 20:02:14 HongLiu: we have different proforamces for wep apps and, since the OS is not open to the developers. 20:02:19 is there a repository about online-webapps? 20:02:33 Jeff: we have some web and mobile activity in W3C 20:02:38 i know there's some W3C work on Web Cache, in which, the programmer will define which part of the web application could be cached, and which part should not. this should be the approach W3C has done to improve the offline experiences. 20:02:39 ...web & Mobile IG 20:03:11 Jeff: it would be sensible to bring these to the IG 20:03:21 ...to see if they have addressed that 20:03:28 ...if not, maybe a CG to solve it? 20:04:34 Kawada: Natasha from GSMA wants people to work on TF on @@ 20:05:10 Muhammed: good idea to bring these ideas to the related groups 20:05:16 HongLiu: agreed 20:05:19 W3C CR for application cache: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/browsers.html#appcache 20:05:29 ...the reason we meet here is to try to find the work that can help them 20:05:39 ...we do list some new issues here, e.g. mobile ads 20:06:19 ...mobile ads can be a big market. but sometimes they can be annoying to the uers, due to the small screen or other facts 20:06:58 ... Arnaud just proposed to have a preference on the browsers to avoid this king of annoying experience 20:07:25 ... on PCs, we do have hover support, on mobile devices, we do not have that 20:07:47 http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/indieui 20:08:25 Jeanne: the indie-Ui WG of W3C is working on that 20:08:53 Web Mobile IG has a github https://github.com/w3c-webmob 20:10:41 http://www.w3.org/TR/indie-ui-events/ 20:10:45 ChunmingHu: indie_UI is trying to extract events and make the physical events linked to the screw events 20:11:16 Jeanne: pointer event might also relate to it 20:11:59 HongLiu: to sum up this session 20:12:27 s/screw/high level semantic 20:12:43 ...we have defined some different requirements for better user experience on the mobile devices, 20:12:45 Pointer Events -> http://www.w3.org/TR/pointerevents/ 20:13:07 ...we do have a review what W3C has done to improve the mobile user experience 20:13:24 ... and found W3C have a IG called web&mobile IG 20:13:24 but I am not sure if IndieUI could solve the problem of "lack of hover support" 20:13:49 Jeanne: dont think it came from the IG but W3C staff 20:14:16 HongLiu: we try to describe the personal usage of mobile devices, e.g. the use of web app and web TV 20:14:39 ...5 or 6 problems have been indentified by the iG 20:14:50 ...need to take a closer look of the work of this IG 20:15:01 ...there are a few new topics we can contricbute to the IG 20:15:37 ...including page reformating for old web pages 20:16:12 +1 to transcode on the old pages to adapt displaying pages on mobile devices 20:18:11 ...mobile ads should be taken into consideration too 20:18:38 Jeanne: the mobile accessibility TF working on creating new techniques for mobile accessibility 20:18:53 RayD: any certificaiton program? 20:19:22 ... groups come up with guidelines, certificaiton? 20:19:35 ...companies with products can use that 20:19:59 Muhammed: maybe mobile checker for webpages 20:20:45 ...is it the overall rule of W3C to certify that? 20:21:16 ...maybe this should be dicussed with the ac 20:21:37 HongLiu: do we have the workshop on web&mobile? 20:21:56 Mobile Accessibility Task Force -> http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/ 20:22:11 RadD: there was one a few years ago 20:22:12 Dans_ has joined #ac163 20:22:46 Kawada: there was one in GSMA, Natasha organized that one, called workshop for telecommunicaiton for @@ 20:23:01 wwu has joined #ac163 20:23:38 Muhammed: this IG is not come from a workshop. years ago, the core mobile IG started to talk about mobile and the web. the core component for HTML5 to be used on the mobile devices 20:23:56 ...and this IG comes from that CG 20:24:20 s/core mobile IG/ core mobile CG 20:24:32 RayD: there was a workshop in 2006 20:24:48 Wendy: we have been approached to do a workshop on mobile web privacy 20:25:06 ...I would be interested to know if any one this room is interested in that workshop? 20:25:36 GSMA W3C Workshop on Prioritising Web Developments for the Telecommunications' Industry , was held last March in London GSMA. 20:26:22 Jeanne: The W3C courses recently offered a course in Responsive Design -> http://www.w3devcampus.com/responsive-web-design-w3c/ 20:27:01 s/Jeanne: dont think it came from the IG but W3C staff// 20:27:06 Muhammed: how do we decide if we should organize a workshop? 20:27:14 rrsagent, make minutes 20:27:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/10-ac163-minutes.html jeanne 20:27:15 Wendy: it needs W3M discussion 20:27:26 ...to see if it worths the efforts 20:27:35 ... if so, we set up the PC 20:27:41 ...can call for participaiton 20:28:24 HongLiu: I think mobile privacy is important 20:28:55 ...mobile operators are realizing that privacy is a important topic for them 20:29:12 ...so we will take a closer look of what W3C has done on that 20:29:36 wseltzer has joined #ac163 20:30:10 HongLiu: can we send this requirements/proposal to AC? 20:30:21 Dans_ has joined #ac163 20:30:24 RayD: just send the proposal in the minutes to the team 20:31:27 Angel: HongLiu, maybe CHina Mobile can sponsor a workshop on mobile experience :-) 20:31:53 Wendy: from W3C, we need to find some team members to help with the organizaiton 20:32:13 RayD: I have the page of the last workshop for mobile 20:33:43 http://www.w3.org/2003/08/Workshops/archive past workshops 20:34:13 rrsagent, draft the minutes 20:34:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/10-ac163-minutes.html Angel 20:47:07 Arnaud has left #ac163 20:51:38 jeanne has joined #ac163 20:57:52 wuwei has joined #ac163 20:57:55 kawada has joined #ac163 22:24:10 Zakim has left #ac163