14:55:49 RRSAgent has joined #html-media 14:55:49 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-irc 14:55:51 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:55:51 Zakim has joined #html-media 14:55:53 Zakim, this will be 63342 14:55:53 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_WG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 14:55:54 Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference 14:55:54 Date: 03 June 2014 14:56:18 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2014Jun/0000.html 14:57:22 HTML_WG()11:00AM has now started 14:57:29 + +1.781.221.aaaa 14:58:22 +[Microsoft] 14:58:33 zakim, [Microsoft] is me 14:58:33 +paulc; got it 14:58:47 scribe: joesteele 14:58:57 chair: paulc 14:59:54 markw has joined #html-media 15:00:07 +MarkW 15:00:11 +[IPcaller] 15:00:19 Zakim, MarkW is markw 15:00:19 +markw; got it 15:01:16 Zakim, who is here? 15:01:16 On the phone I see +1.781.221.aaaa, paulc, markw, [IPcaller] 15:01:18 On IRC I see markw, Zakim, RRSAgent, paulc, joesteele, cpearce, trackbot, wseltzer 15:01:28 Zakim, aaaa is me 15:01:29 +joesteele; got it 15:01:35 Zakim, who is here? 15:01:36 On the phone I see joesteele, paulc, markw, [IPcaller] 15:01:38 On IRC I see markw, Zakim, RRSAgent, paulc, joesteele, cpearce, trackbot, wseltzer 15:02:07 niels_t has joined #html-media 15:02:22 zakim, [IPcaller] is cpearce 15:02:22 +cpearce; got it 15:02:23 pladd has joined #html-media 15:02:29 ddorwin has joined #html-media 15:03:12 + +1.425.936.aabb 15:03:19 zakim, this is aabb 15:03:19 sorry, ddorwin, I do not see a conference named 'aabb' in progress or scheduled at this time 15:03:32 zakim, aabb is me 15:03:32 +ddorwin; got it 15:03:40 +Niels_Thorwirth 15:03:44 Topic: Agenda 15:04:07 Agenda -- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2014Jun/0000.html 15:04:14 Topic: Role Call 15:04:17 Zakim, who is here? 15:04:17 On the phone I see joesteele, paulc, markw, cpearce, ddorwin, Niels_Thorwirth 15:04:19 On IRC I see ddorwin, pladd, niels_t, markw, Zakim, RRSAgent, paulc, joesteele, cpearce, trackbot, wseltzer 15:04:24 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:04:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 15:05:23 paulc: welcome Chris Pearce! 15:06:06 jdsmith has joined #html-media 15:06:09 ... (discussion of procedure) 15:06:26 +[Microsoft] 15:06:38 Topic: EME status and bugs 15:07:01 paulc: editors draft available. Let's speka to email David sent yesterday 15:07:06 Recent changes: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2014Jun/0002.html 15:07:10 s/speka/speak/ 15:07:28 paulc: anything in particular we should be looking at? 15:07:41 BobLund has joined #html-media 15:07:46 ddorwin: nothing in particular - just wanted to make folks aware 15:07:56 ... (breaking up) 15:08:09 My microphone is muted 15:08:27 +BobLund 15:08:48 ddorwin: ClearKey is no implementable, common key is available, generic PSSH 15:09:04 paulc: PSSH was bug 24027 15:09:16 ddorwin: Mark sent an email about this 15:09:43 paulc: got it. 15:09:54 paulc: remember silence is assent -- please review changes 15:10:07 ... closing bugs but new bugs have been filed 15:10:14 Topic: New EME bugs 15:10:48 Topic: Bug 25595 15:10:55 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25595 15:11:16 + +1.425.605.aacc 15:11:19 ddorwin: dropping off to rejoin 15:11:27 -ddorwin 15:11:44 ... most of these were files by Mozilla and are clarifications 15:11:51 s/were files/were filed/ 15:12:14 ... first one does not follow that model 15:13:21 joesteele: think the text is pretty clear here 15:13:34 ddorwin: think this bugs needs to be addressed after use cases 15:13:54 paulc: use case sare at agneda #7 we will pick uyp after that 15:14:03 Topic: Bug 25866 15:14:08 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25866 15:14:21 Bug 25866 - "needkey" event name is misleading 15:14:53 paulc: what is the status? 15:15:00 ddorwin: need feedback on other names 15:15:14 ... needkey is confusing since it is just providing initData 15:15:16 adrianba has joined #html-media 15:15:18 q+ 15:15:36 ack joe 15:15:56 +[Microsoft.a] 15:16:06 zakim, [Microsoft.a] is me 15:16:06 +adrianba; got it 15:16:15 zakim, aacc is me 15:16:15 +ddorwin; got it 15:16:59 joesteele: I think this is OK for now. Unless we change what the initData actually is -- I would leave this as-is 15:17:11 rrsagent, pointer 15:17:11 See http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-irc#T15-17-11 15:17:16 ... I will respond on the bug 15:17:33 Topic: [NEW] Bug 25896 - Why is EME creating new DOMException subclasses? 15:17:38 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25896 15:18:02 paulc: believe this may be related to the next bug as well 15:18:13 ... Bug 25899 15:18:19 ... have we discussed this before? 15:18:42 ddorwin: That is not an EME bug -- it is a WebApps bugs 15:18:58 ... indicates we are violating the intent by subclassing 15:19:08 ... we are going to lose system code in our exceptions and errors 15:19:09 q+ 15:19:24 ... still put that in messages if desired 15:19:41 ack jdsmith 15:19:45 jdsmith: we were talking about DOMException before when we suggested this approach 15:19:58 ... David you had a proposal? 15:20:19 ddorwin: that is in the next bug, messages can be customized by the user event. System code could be put in the message somehow 15:20:33 ... main concern was that you could not respond or log them unless they were their own integer 15:20:54 ... original proposal was to go with DOMException and if experience shows we need it we could add a new member 15:21:01 ... now TAG is telling us to get rid of it 15:21:16 ... still think if we do need a system code we could consider other options - like a method 15:21:30 ... still have an error attribute - just would not be in what is fired 15:21:45 jdsmith: answers my question. we were concerned about being able to log 15:21:47 q+ 15:22:07 joesteele: I will ad a comment as well 15:22:40 ack joe 15:22:56 jdsmith is going to add a comment to 25896 15:23:08 Topic: [NEW] Bug 25899 - Do not specify messages for DOMExceptions 15:23:29 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25899 15:23:41 paulc: was this covered by previous discussion? 15:24:07 ddorwin: no -- need to delete the spec text and the table 15:24:19 paulc: assigned to David and he will withdraw the change 15:24:28 Topic: [NEW] Bug 25900 - [EME] MediaKeys.loadSession(sessionId) should specify what happens if a loaded sessionId is passed 15:24:32 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25900 15:24:51 cpearce: might be my 2nd bug. Something I picked up while implementing - something not handled 15:25:00 ... when you try to load session already loaded - what happens? 15:25:09 paulc: comment from David in bug 15:25:11 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25900#c1 15:25:16 ... could return NULL 15:25:24 ... that was acceptable? 15:25:32 cpearce: yes that is fine -- just needs to be consistent 15:25:46 paulc: assigned to David. 15:25:55 ddorwin: yes I will return NULL 15:26:03 Topic: [NEW] Bug 25901 - [EME] HTMLMediaElement.mediaKeys should be nullable 15:26:16 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25901 15:26:25 ddorinw: just a syntax thing I will fix 15:26:41 Topic: [NEW] Bug 25902 - [EME] Don't use Date for MediaKeySession.expiration 15:26:53 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25902 15:27:00 cpearce: our DOM experts picked up on this 15:27:18 ... they say that Date is bad and should use unrestricted double 15:27:22 paulc: Boris agreed 15:27:31 ddorwin: agreed we should change 15:27:36 ... I will change 15:27:57 Topic: [NEW] Bug 25903 - [EME] Tighten up MediaKey Events definitions 15:28:08 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25903 15:29:15 cpearce: we noticied ambiguity in the spec when initializing MediaKey message. Think we need to define the initData and message attrobutes are copied into the message keys event from the original struct. Otherwise if a reference is copied the array may change which is bad 15:29:32 paulc: 3 things in here - David have you looked? 15:29:45 ddorwin: not in detail yet -- makes sense but not sure what the text should be 15:29:53 cpearce: I will add recommended text to the bug 15:30:21 ddorwin: for array copies we did that for the params, not sure we need spec text since theses are coming from the browser 15:30:40 cpearce: we have IDL interfaces in Javascript - could be defined by application 15:31:23 Topic: [NEW] Bug 25911 - HTMLSourceElement's IDL keysystem attribute should reflect the keysystem content attribute 15:31:33 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25911 15:31:55 paulc: no responses - but exact proposal from Chris 15:32:08 ddorwin: he is adding the last sentence 15:32:15 Proposing to add: The keySystem IDL attribute must reflect the keysystem content attribute." 15:32:27 paulc: any comments? 15:32:34 ddorwin: I will take this 15:32:45 Topic: [NEW] Bug 25918 - Remove keySystem attribute from MediaKeySession 15:32:51 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25918 15:33:05 ddorwin: this is a dup of what is on MediaKeys -- sugest we remove 15:33:11 paulc: any comments? 15:33:22 Topic: [NEW] Bug 25920 - Remove extraction of default URL from createSession() algorithm 15:33:26 +q 15:33:37 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25920 15:33:58 ack joe 15:34:27 See Joe's response: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25920#c1 15:35:07 joesteele: my response was probably a bit strong - but would like more information 15:35:38 ddorwin: putting information in the PSSH and relying on it is one of the interop issues we have discussed here and elsewhere 15:35:58 ... folks that do not want to rely on the PSSH will need to know the URL anyway 15:36:22 ... I am also concerned about the media data telling the application which servers to ping 15:36:26 q+ 15:36:44 paulc: what is the interop bug you are thinking of? 15:37:07 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=20944#c44 15:37:41 ack joe 15:38:03 q+ 15:39:38 joesteele: don't think that removing the URL adds anything to the security and privacy since origin rules apply 15:39:48 ack jdsmith 15:40:11 jdsmith: think that MS actually proposed this in the beginning -- may actually needs it as well 15:40:20 s/needs it/need it/ 15:40:35 Topic: [NEW] Bug 25923 - isTypeSupported should be asynchronous 15:40:43 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25923 15:40:56 paulc: This comes from Ana 15:41:11 ... fair amount of discussion 15:41:20 ddorwin: I am looking for feedback from app developers 15:41:32 ... major change in how this works 15:41:49 paulc: filed on May 30th - already 6 comments 15:42:02 ... encourage folks to look at this and will be on next weeks agenda 15:42:20 Topic: Other EME bugs for discussion 15:42:30 Topic: Bug 18515: HTMLMedieElement behavior and possibly replacing waitingFor with a promise 15:42:34 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=18515#c28 15:43:03 paulc: this is your comment 15:43:12 ddorwin: that is mostly how MediaElement should work 15:43:24 ... looking for feedback (from Jerry and others) 15:43:34 ... #29 is another option but not a clear win 15:43:40 jdsmith: I will give feedback 15:43:48 Topic: Bug 25594: getUsablekeyIds() - synchronous vs promise 15:43:56 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25594 15:44:08 ddorwin: we discussed this briefly before 15:44:17 ... need a Promise or a method 15:44:27 ... I proposed to use Array, but that is going away 15:44:31 ... now proposing an Objedct 15:44:39 s/Objedct/Object/ 15:44:53 ... don't think there is much debate except for whether a method or a Promise 15:45:01 ... I have no real opinion 15:45:07 ... pros and cons 15:45:23 paulc: one of the editors must assign this 15:45:40 ... any comments on this? 15:46:32 paulc: will someone volunteer to look at this? 15:46:39 Topic: EME Use cases Wiki 15:47:09 See Joe's promise: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2014May/0044.html 15:47:10 paulc: joe promised to look at this but has not 15:47:13 Not done yet. 15:49:05 joesteele:will provide some initial input this week but will not be able to make next week most likely 15:49:17 paulc: any objections to convening in 2 weeks? 15:49:30 ... ok next meeting will be on the June 17th 15:49:51 s/joesteele:will/joesteele: will/ 15:49:58 paulc: how should we discuss this? 15:49:59 q+ 15:50:35 ddorwin: hoping folks would add detailed application models - has only been discussed in the abstract so far 15:50:46 ... want to know what we need to do and then discuss the how 15:51:00 ... then we could discuss new APIs etc. 15:51:14 ... that is one of the reasons I changed the format to be more specifc 15:51:14 ack joe 15:52:40 q+ 15:52:43 ack dd 15:52:56 joesteele: would like to see these use cases rferred to speicfically in the bugs 15:53:20 ddorwin: Niels sent an email which referrenced to CDM -user agent interaction 15:53:29 ... don't think we need to cover that 15:53:58 niels_t: It does relate to some of the functionality that CDMs have 15:54:10 ... does not directly impact the specifiction we are talking about 15:54:18 ... but will affect it -- that is why I put it in 15:54:36 ddorwin: we may need another section of informative stuff 15:54:38 Neils email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2014May/0040.html 15:54:59 niels_t: did not see a single hierarchy with one view of the system -- we have multiple views of the system 15:55:03 s/Neils/Niels/ 15:55:07 ... none of these cover all of the cases 15:55:21 paulc: almost out of time 15:55:28 ... more work on wiki coming 15:55:45 ... Joe is you make the changes please send a note to the list to let people know 15:55:51 s/is you/if you/ 15:56:04 paulc: you can track changes via your W3C ID 15:56:17 Topic: [EME] Reuse of session 15:56:19 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2014May/0070.html 15:56:58 paulc: is there a cluster of bugs here? or just related to one bug? 15:57:14 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25268 15:57:23 ... Shinya pointed to a bug not being resolved appropriately 15:57:36 ddorwin: this thread is a month old and touched on a bunch of issues 15:57:47 ... mostly talking about needkey causing session creation 15:57:54 ... I think key rotation is the issue 15:58:00 ... need to recall this 15:58:15 paulc: think we are through the agenda now -- no time for more bugs 15:58:27 ... REMINDER -- we will meet in 2 weeks (June 27th) 15:58:37 s/(June 27th)/June 17th/ 15:58:41 -adrianba 15:58:49 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:58:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 15:58:54 Zakim, who is here? 15:58:54 On the phone I see joesteele, paulc, markw, cpearce, Niels_Thorwirth, [Microsoft], BobLund, ddorwin 15:58:56 On IRC I see BobLund, jdsmith, ddorwin, pladd, niels_t, markw, Zakim, RRSAgent, paulc, joesteele, cpearce, trackbot, wseltzer 15:59:15 paulc: Thanks all and welcome again to Chris 15:59:28 .. .appreciate you getting up at this early hour ;-) 15:59:39 s/.. ./... / 15:59:46 -BobLund 15:59:47 paulc: bye 15:59:49 -[Microsoft] 15:59:50 -markw 15:59:50 -joesteele 15:59:52 -ddorwin 15:59:52 -Niels_Thorwirth 15:59:53 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:59:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 15:59:54 -cpearce 16:01:02 s/Bug 25595/[NEW] Bug 25595 - Better definitions needed for session, keys and license/ 16:01:05 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:01:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:01:28 s/Bug 25866/[NEW] Bug 25866 - "needkey" event name is misleading/ 16:01:30 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:01:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:02:05 s/Bug 25866/[NEW] Bug 25866 - \"needkey\" event name is misleading/ 16:02:07 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:02:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:03:00 s/use case sare at agneda/use cases are at agenda/ 16:03:01 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:03:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:04:02 s/to lose/to loose/ 16:04:16 s/to loose/to lose/ 16:04:18 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:04:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:04:44 s/ad a comment/add a comment/ 16:04:45 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:04:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:05:00 disconnecting the lone participant, paulc, in HTML_WG()11:00AM 16:05:02 HTML_WG()11:00AM has ended 16:05:02 Attendees were +1.781.221.aaaa, paulc, markw, joesteele, cpearce, +1.425.936.aabb, ddorwin, Niels_Thorwirth, [Microsoft], BobLund, +1.425.605.aacc, adrianba 16:05:12 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:05:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:05:59 s/this is your comment/David, this is your comment/ 16:06:00 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:06:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:06:48 s/rferred to speicfically/referred to specifically/ 16:06:50 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:06:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:07:05 s/referrenced/referenced/ 16:07:06 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:07:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/03-html-media-minutes.html joesteele 16:07:38 Zakim, bye 16:07:38 Zakim has left #html-media 16:07:44 rrsagent, bye 16:07:44 I see no action items