15:13:37 RRSAgent has joined #coga 15:13:37 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/06/02-coga-irc 15:13:48 zakim, this will be WAI_CogTF 15:13:48 ok, Lisa_Seeman; I see WAI_CogTF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 47 minutes 15:14:07 chair: Lisa_Seeman 15:23:12 regrets: Deborah Dahl, Steve Lee 15:23:42 agenda: this 15:23:43 agenda+ preview agenda 15:23:45 agenda+ set scribe 15:23:46 agenda+ review actions, groups 15:23:48 agenda+ security protocols review 15:23:49 agenda+ brainstorming techniques 15:23:51 agenda+ what other technologies and approaches should we be reviewing 15:23:52 agenda+ user group findings 15:23:54 15:23:55 agenda+ be done 15:44:43 JohnRochford has joined #coga 15:52:01 janina has joined #coga 15:53:24 KateDeibel has joined #coga 15:54:26 WAI_CogTF()12:00PM has now started 15:54:33 +??P3 15:56:18 zakim, ??P3 is Lisa_Seeman 15:56:18 +Lisa_Seeman; got it 15:58:26 +??P18 15:58:39 + +1.804.986.aaaa 15:58:43 +JohnRochford 15:59:23 P18 is KateDeibel 15:59:34 +Suzann_Keohane 15:59:46 zakim, P18 is KateDeibel 15:59:46 sorry, KateDeibel, I do not recognize a party named 'P18' 15:59:58 zakim, ??P18 is KateDeibel 15:59:58 +KateDeibel; got it 16:00:13 Tony_Doran has joined #coga 16:00:34 Susann_Keohane has joined #coga 16:00:37 I am hearing a significant echo. 16:00:45 me too 16:01:17 +Tony_Doran 16:01:24 slee has joined #coga 16:01:35 No more echo. 16:01:47 zakim, +1.804.986.aaaa is Suzann_Keohane 16:01:47 +Suzann_Keohane; got it 16:02:11 zakim, who's here? 16:02:11 On the phone I see Lisa_Seeman, KateDeibel, Suzann_Keohane.a, JohnRochford, Suzann_Keohane, Tony_Doran 16:02:13 On IRC I see slee, Susann_Keohane, Tony_Doran, KateDeibel, janina, JohnRochford, RRSAgent, Zakim, Lisa_Seeman, MichaelC, trackbot 16:02:17 neilmilliken has joined #coga 16:02:32 zakin, +1.512.445.5989 is Susann Keohane 16:02:46 zakim, 1.512.445.5989 is Susann Keohane 16:02:46 I don't understand '1.512.445.5989 is Susann Keohane', Susann_Keohane 16:03:08 zakim, 1.512.445.5989 is Susann_Keohane 16:03:08 sorry, Susann_Keohane, I do not recognize a party named '1.512.445.5989' 16:03:08 zakim, not zakin 16:03:10 I don't understand 'not zakin', JohnRochford 16:03:18 Liddy has joined #coga 16:04:06 running a few mins late due to public transport 16:04:38 will dial in shortly 16:05:05 +??P9 16:05:26 significant call degradation happening 16:05:31 -??P9 16:05:32 is this just me? 16:05:41 Echo again 16:05:44 allanj has joined #coga 16:06:13 +??P2 16:06:27 +Jim_Allan 16:06:40 echo and degradation 16:07:30 +[IPcaller] 16:08:11 Yes! 16:08:18 very bad breakup 16:08:21 i just switched to headset mike 16:08:24 all ok here 16:08:32 Ok will rejoin 16:08:38 stuck on voip though :( 16:08:48 -Tony_Doran 16:08:59 scribe: allanj 16:09:04 scribe: allanj 16:09:16 problem with line 16:09:22 zakim, next item 16:09:22 agendum 1. "preview agenda" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:09:23 zakim, IPcaller is Liddy_Nevile 16:09:23 +Liddy_Nevile; got it 16:09:39 +Tony_Doran 16:09:42 zakim, Suzann_Keohane.a is Debra_Ruh 16:09:42 +Debra_Ruh; got it 16:09:47 Just rejoined 16:09:58 agenda? 16:10:09 Liddy just joined 16:10:14 -Liddy_Nevile 16:10:21 seems better :) 16:10:41 Nope - gone to pot again. Will stick it out 16:10:50 zakim, next item 16:10:50 agendum 2. "set scribe" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:10:51 JohnRochford_ has joined #coga 16:11:11 open item 3 16:11:13 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/track/actions/ 16:13:54 ea has joined #coga 16:14:22 dr: Down's review. going to send to Lisa. included 3 case studies. will put on wiki shortly after private review 16:14:30 zakim, unmute me 16:14:32 KateDeibel should no longer be muted 16:15:51 close action-9 16:15:51 Closed action-9. 16:16:21 close action-4 16:16:21 Closed action-4. 16:16:23 close action-4 16:16:23 Closed action-4. 16:16:32 Action 4 should be removed, because Dr. Kinshuk is responsible for it, not I. 16:16:32 Error finding '4'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:16:47 +[IPcaller] 16:17:10 call quality is awful here, only getting 50% of what is being said. Going to reconnect. 16:17:16 zakim, +[IPcaller] is EA 16:17:16 sorry, Lisa_Seeman, I do not recognize a party named '+[IPcaller]' 16:17:26 -Tony_Doran 16:17:28 zakim, [IPcaller] is EA 16:17:28 +EA; got it 16:17:36 zakim, next item 16:17:36 agendum 2. "set scribe" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:17:41 close item 3 16:17:49 open item 4 16:18:21 http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/WD-UISecurity-20140318/ 16:18:44 +Tony_Doran 16:18:49 http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/WD-UISecurity-20140318/ 16:19:11 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2014May/0028.html 16:19:19 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2014May/0029.html 16:19:35 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2014Jun/0001.html 16:20:17 from Lisa: Specifically we should look at section 15 16:20:18 Implementation Considerations for Resource Authors 16:20:20 This section is non-normative. 16:20:21 When possible, resource authors SHOULD make use of violation reports and the unsafe attribute to apply additional security measures in the application or during back-end processing. Real-time measures in the application might include requiring completion of a CAPTCHA [CAPTCHA-Wikipedia] or responding to an out-of-band confirmation when the UI Security heuristic is triggered. Example... 16:20:23 ...back-end measures might include increasing a fraud risk score for individual actions that trigger or targets accounts/resources that frequently trigger UI Security heuristics. To be able to do this effectively, it is likely necessary to encode into the report-uri a unique identifier that can be correlated to the authenticated user and the action they are taking. 16:20:28 background noise 16:20:37 +neil 16:21:14 I would suggest changes to section 14 that, 16:21:16 User agents SHOULD provide a means for the user to manually disable enforcement of the Input Protection Heuristic if it interferes with their chosen accessibility technologies. 16:21:17 1. SHOULD should be changed to MUST 16:21:19 2. Add a sentence that the mechanism for manually disable enforcement of the Input Protection Heuristic MUST be operable by assistive technolgies and by people with cognative disabilities who are able to understand the security risk. 16:21:20 In section 14 I would add: 16:21:22 2. Mechanisms for CAPTCHA and user verification should included options for people with different disabilities, including cognitive disabilities, people with impaired visual and auditory discrimination skills and for different modalities. For example, if CAPTCHA or user verification require biometrics a choice should be offered of what biometrics to use, as people with different... 16:21:23 ...disabilities may be precluded from one or more specific biometric mechanism. 16:21:56 neilmilliken_ has joined #coga 16:22:38 jr: in Section 15should focus on CAPTCHA, the rest of 15 is back end features, that users would not see 16:22:53 s/15should/15 should 16:23:30 I agree with your comments 16:23:57 +[IPcaller] 16:23:58 q? 16:24:02 dr: +1 to jr comments 16:24:31 2 factor authenitcation 16:24:57 kd: 'real time measures' - there are new security measures that require time tokens, that can expire. folks may have issues with them 16:25:04 its a real problem for me 16:25:31 my bank has just rolled this out and I am now considering changing bank 16:25:34 Agree on the captcha stuff 16:25:36 ... the time limit can be very short, there is a need for alternative usage, timing, which window has the code 16:25:46 ... can I remember the 6 digits, etc 16:26:02 kd: is that 'real time measure'? 16:26:49 ls: 2 step verification is a problem, as is a dependency on short-term memory 16:27:21 add 2 step verification - time limit is problem, as is any dependency on short term memory or ability to copy accurately 16:27:25 -[IPcaller] 16:28:05 q? 16:28:12 zakim, next item 16:28:12 agendum 2. "set scribe" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:28:14 close item 4 16:28:24 close item 2 16:28:27 Tim has joined #coga 16:28:54 open item 5 16:28:55 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/index.php?title=Good_and_bad_practices 16:29:10 Captchas have issues with screen readers and mild visual impairment depending on implementation of captcha etc 16:29:16 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Section_3#Current_proposals 16:31:25 ls: document all practices. some are good for some groups and may conflict 16:31:57 action: lisa to contact webAim on their user studies on cognitive disabilities 16:31:57 Error finding 'lisa'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:32:14 action: lisa_S to contact webAim on their user studies on cognitive disabilities 16:32:14 Error finding 'lisa_S'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:32:23 action: lisa_Seeman to contact webAim on their user studies on cognitive disabilities 16:32:23 Error finding 'lisa_Seeman'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:32:36 action: Seeman to contact webAim on their user studies on cognitive disabilities 16:32:36 Error finding 'Seeman'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:33:05 ack me 16:33:39 https://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=67703&public=1 16:34:06 action: Seeman to contact webAim on their user studies on cognitive disabilities 16:34:07 Created ACTION-11 - Contact webaim on their user studies on cognitive disabilities [on Lisa Seeman - due 2014-06-09]. 16:34:19 +??P12 16:34:30 akim, ??P12 is me 16:34:41 zakim, ??P12 is me 16:34:41 +janina; got it 16:35:25 +??P13 16:35:48 ls: need good practice for any user group, not that cross all of them. 16:36:04 zakim, ??P13 is Tim_Boland 16:36:04 +Tim_Boland; got it 16:36:56 Have worked with Widgit 16:37:14 dr: interoperability between symbols, have been looking at symbols from different symbol sets (prc, widget, others) 16:38:18 ...also sclera. have a voting system in symbols with arabic symbols. can show if you want - 4 symbol sets for the same word 16:38:43 I would like to see that page with the symbol sets. 16:38:59 ... important for AAC user 16:39:29 -Debra_Ruh 16:39:44 ... PRC Prenke Romich Corp 16:40:01 http://access.ecs.soton.ac.uk/blog/symboldictionary/ 16:40:02 s/Prenke/Prentke 16:40:39 This is a blog for the Arabic Symbol Dictionary Project 16:41:05 ls: ?colman instutute. when they design page for folks with Cog. don't use title or alt. 16:41:48 ja: or have UA provide a switch to turn off title and alt to prevent distraction 16:42:22 The Mencap web site has alt tags so it would be interesting if they know about this research http://www.mencap.org.uk/ 16:44:14 q+ 16:44:23 ls: idioms, metaphors are also issues, perhaps an abbr tag with a translation into "english" 16:44:50 Interestingly many of your points were ones we found useful for localisation projects - different languages and cultures. http://localisation.atbar.org/ 16:45:23 ls: standard design metaphors are easier to use. 16:45:30 q+ 16:45:38 Q? 16:45:58 jr: curious...core set of guidelines for all cogdis, then branch out? 16:46:36 kd: huge crossovers, dyslexia, acquired dyslexia, aphasia 16:46:43 Agree with idioms, metaphors. Anything where meaning is abstracted 16:47:14 ls: loss of data because session ended is a cross over for all cogdis 16:48:02 -Suzann_Keohane 16:48:14 justification is also an issue for other languages (RTL, LTR, vertical), and spacing 16:49:14 content differences are also important 16:49:47 ls: localization crossover with cogdis. 16:50:01 q+ 16:50:31 localization can impact on design, languages with long sentence length, and white space on page 16:50:49 jr: need a core set 16:51:53 We have ATbar that does what the toolbar on the BDA site does and as you say you only load it when you want it. 16:51:55 kd: dyslexia sites - text presentation - foreground/background color size. have a setting for the site, but not widgets on every page 16:52:34 Follow-up: I'm suggesting we develop a core set of guidelines for all people with cognitive disabilities, then branch out with guidelines specific to disability and to localization. 16:52:34 atbar.org 16:52:57 sorry https://www.atbar.org/ 16:53:50 ja: infinite scroll is an issue for everyone 16:54:21 Q? 16:54:29 ack john 16:54:32 ls: add scroll issues to the list 16:55:04 there is also Option overload, presenting all the fonts, or all the colors 16:55:31 ... color overlays for stress syndrome...only 8 choices 16:56:07 q? 16:56:11 I agree with option overload in theory but I really dislike all 8 choices 16:56:12 -q 16:56:15 is ATBar windows only? 16:56:18 q+ 16:57:25 nm: agree with limiting choice, but choice must be palatable. no answer - but user still needs override 16:57:35 aah but doesn't the research say you get used to your mint green colour Neil and then you need to change it because the brain gets used to it!!! ;>)) 16:58:01 I agree as well personal preferences win my vote! 16:58:17 ack ne 16:58:20 ATBar is cross browser plugin not windows 16:58:39 Thanks! 16:59:41 I am not sure exactly what I have been tasked to do - sorry! 17:00:34 Did you give each of us a user group 17:00:44 ls: need more ideas, so we can test 17:01:02 jr: ideas? based on research or real experience 17:01:08 ls: any 17:01:43 ls: gather, document, test 17:02:06 ja: send to the list? 17:02:32 ls: talking with kids with Autism... 17:02:46 -Michael_Cooper 17:02:48 nm: what are things that prevent you from doing a task 17:03:02 ... what things do you avoid doing on the web? 17:03:34 ... avoidance is as important as they do 17:04:47 ls: started using travel agent again...websites are too difficult/painful 17:05:01 ... data loss is annoying 17:05:49 Q? 17:06:21 ea: when I joined, was assigned to a group. are we to look for ideas for a particular group? 17:06:39 ls: any ideas for any grou 17:06:52 ea: this is huge 17:07:22 ea: need a frame work for creating ideas 17:07:41 -janina 17:07:44 jr: agree, what's the mechanism for dumping ideas? 17:08:30 yes 17:08:48 ls: this brainstorming. don't want to restrict flow. do we need a mechanism. 17:09:19 ea: teach web a11y, have massive amounts of info to provide to taskforce 17:10:07 ... for each element, need research, to document. 17:10:42 ... perhaps divide into groups and find ideas for ... 17:11:14 ea: are we categorizing by disability, functionality, others 17:11:29 ja: prefer functionality 17:12:29 ea: looking for direction, how do you want it done 17:12:34 -Tim_Boland 17:13:16 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/index.php?title=Good_and_bad_practices&action=submit 17:13:19 ea: where is the structure, what is the link, where can I fill in the gaps 17:14:03 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Section_3#Current_proposals 17:14:10 Thank you 17:15:30 ls: flat design, boundaries for clickable items 17:16:26 ls: hearing that Practice page is too broad. perhaps sub-headings (layouts, design paradigms, using symbols) 17:16:48 ea: functionality vs disability to list the ideas 17:17:45 rrsagent, make minutes 17:17:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/02-coga-minutes.html allanj 17:20:20 rrsagent, set logs public 17:20:47 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Gap_Analysis 17:21:14 I have to drop off now 17:21:17 -neil 17:21:41 -Jim_Allan 17:21:52 i'm out as well 17:22:02 -KateDeibel 17:27:35 Sorry I need to drop out 17:27:39 thanks 17:27:46 -Tony_Doran 17:29:00 -JohnRochford 17:35:56 zakim, who's here? 17:35:56 On the phone I see Lisa_Seeman, EA 17:35:58 On IRC I see ea, allanj, Tony_Doran, janina, RRSAgent, Zakim, Lisa_Seeman, MichaelC, trackbot 17:45:11 -Lisa_Seeman 17:45:15 -EA 17:45:16 WAI_CogTF()12:00PM has ended 17:45:16 Attendees were Lisa_Seeman, JohnRochford, Suzann_Keohane, KateDeibel, Tony_Doran, Michael_Cooper, Jim_Allan, Liddy_Nevile, Debra_Ruh, EA, neil, [IPcaller], janina, Tim_Boland