16:59:58 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:59:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/06/02-aria-irc 17:00:00 RRSAgent, make logs member 17:00:00 Zakim has joined #aria 17:00:02 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 17:00:02 WAI_PF matches both WAI_PFWG(ARIA)1:00PM and WAI_PFWG(HTML_TF)1:00PM 17:00:02 chair: Rich 17:00:03 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 17:00:03 Date: 02 June 2014 17:00:12 meeting: W3C WAI-PF ARIA Caucus 17:00:53 zakim, [IPcaller] is LJWatson 17:00:53 sorry, LJWatson, I do not recognize a party named '[IPcaller]' 17:00:55 meeting: make log public 17:01:01 zakim, who is on the phone 17:01:01 I don't understand 'who is on the phone', LJWatson 17:01:26 zakim, who is on the call 17:01:26 I don't understand 'who is on the call', richardschwerdtfeger 17:01:37 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:01:37 sorry, richardschwerdtfeger, I don't know what conference this is 17:01:39 On IRC I see RRSAgent, richardschwerdtfeger, jongund, clown, Stefan, LJWatson, jnurthen, joanie, MichaelC, janina, trackbot 17:01:43 zakim, whois 17:01:44 I don't understand 'whois', Stefan 17:03:11 zakim, this is WAI_PFWG(ARIA) 17:03:11 ok, clown; that matches WAI_PFWG(ARIA)1:00PM 17:03:36 +??P29 17:03:42 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2014Jun/0001.html 17:03:43 zakim, GVoice is Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:03:43 +Joseph_Scheuhammer; got it 17:03:51 zakim, I am Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:03:51 ok, clown, I now associate you with Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:03:54 zakim, [IPcaller] is LJWatson 17:03:54 +LJWatson; got it 17:04:00 zakim, who's here? 17:04:00 On the phone I see Stefan_Schnabel, susannK, LJWatson, rich, Jon_Gunderson, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Joanmarie_Diggs, Michael_Cooper, Matt_King 17:04:02 On IRC I see RRSAgent, richardschwerdtfeger, jongund, clown, Stefan, LJWatson, jnurthen, joanie, MichaelC, janina, trackbot 17:04:31 +James_Nurthen 17:05:32 zakiim scribe, jongund 17:05:50 RS: Do we need more test cases for HTML5 17:06:04 RS: More for ARIA 1.1 17:06:23 RS: We have native host language semantics in ARIA 1.1 17:06:37 RS: TR has the same as role=row 17:06:49 MC: We were talking about this earlier 17:07:12 MC: the strong native sematics needs testing, if not implemented it would need to be removed 17:07:40 RS: Fundamental difference 17:07:55 MC: Does the HTML working group need to testing 17:07:58 +??P12 17:08:06 zakim, ??P12 is me 17:08:06 +janina; got it 17:08:12 RS: If they say will not be able to over right .... 17:08:27 RS: I think we need additional test cases or take it out 17:08:51 MC: We did accommodate, as they progress they will need to test 17:09:29 RS: As the host language has the native semantics we may need to test 17:09:37 MC: We will need to test 17:09:50 RS: They don't have such a document, do they need to test 17:10:28 JS: They seem have a permissive approach to testing, they test some things and not others 17:10:35 JS: they need to chow implementatino 17:10:47 RS: We are in better shape for 5.1 17:11:14 JS: they will say it is an edge case 17:11:48 JS: they are trying to get to last call, met with TBL last week 17:12:03 JS: TBL may be asking about accessibility 17:12:14 JS: We are OK with most stuff in 5.0 17:12:55 RS: RS: The need an API, almost like it is not testable since no mapping guide 17:13:10 q+ to ask: what is this, if not a mapping guide: http://rawgit.com/w3c/html-api-map/master/index.html#html-element-to-accessibility-api-role-mapping-matrix 17:13:12 MC: I think it is possible to test, without guide it is more difficult 17:13:38 MC: It will be better with the mapping guide 17:13:58 RS: You could a validator for testing that stuff? 17:14:16 RS: What will HTML validator do for conflicting information 17:14:21 MC: You can test it 17:14:34 JS: What will happen in the accessibility API 17:14:42 zakim, ack me 17:14:42 Joseph_Scheuhammer, you wanted to ask: what is this, if not a mapping guide: 17:14:44 ... http://rawgit.com/w3c/html-api-map/master/index.html#html-element-to-accessibility-api-role-mapping-matrix 17:14:44 I see no one on the speaker queue 17:14:48 RS: Better question, but they don't have a mapping guide 17:15:25 +Bryan_Garaventa 17:15:28 MC: If it is a user agent requirement, using the validator helps identify that is a condition, validator probably cannot be used for CR requirements 17:15:41 RS: I beleive thats the best they can do 17:15:52 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aria 17:16:31 zakim, I am Bryan_Garaventa 17:16:31 ok, bgaraventa1979, I now associate you with Bryan_Garaventa 17:16:37 JS: Do we prefer the section be removed? 17:16:44 RS: I care about ARIA 1.1 17:16:50 MC: I don't have a preference 17:16:59 MC: they made a big deal to add it 17:17:41 JS: Here is the problem, then we need to renegociate, if its there it will be there in 5.1 17:17:56 JS: If we like it we develop the mapping guide and file bugs 17:18:06 RS: they could make the session non-normative 17:18:41 RS: They could say "This could be normative in a future spec" 17:18:47 MC: YI think that is viable 17:19:05 RS: We could have them test it 17:19:41 RS: aria-checked would trump checked in FF 17:20:05 Clown: I agree that it is a possibility, not consistent 17:20:12 RS: make it non-normative 17:20:27 MC: We say that the section needs testing, it is expected to have problems 17:20:46 MC: Do we say up front that it should be non-nromative or wait until they have problems 17:21:14 RS: We should probalbt say it up front it is not testable 17:21:17 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/dom.html#wai-aria 17:21:35 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 17:21:49 MC: We are talking about strong native semantics 17:22:03 RS: I don't know how they test without an API 17:22:16 Clown: they need to test on 4 plateforms 17:22:50 s/they need to test on 4 plateforms/they need to create test files and test them on 4 platforms/ 17:22:57 MC: This was tested in our ARIA testing 17:23:08 MC: Give them a couple of tick marks 17:23:31 JS: i want to keep our working relationships, and so be straight forward with them 17:23:50 MC: Say some sections are not normative 17:24:08 JS: That will change as we develop the mapping guide 17:24:52 MC: We have consensus for HTML 17:25:10 JS: Joseph can you take this up on the tuesday call 17:25:21 Clown: That is not in code? 17:25:34 JS: You should start calling it core 17:25:49 JS: You can decide how often to talk about the HTML mapping 17:26:14 JS: On the HTML side we need to editors which tree it should be in 17:26:29 JS: need to ask the editors 17:26:34 JS: I have what we need 17:27:09 JS: We are basically happy with 5.0, we do have a few problems, we just talked abotu some of them 17:27:42 RS: I want to keep the relationship good, like with the canvas work 17:28:05 JS: We will not have everything in the 5.0 time frame 17:28:09 RS: OK 17:28:29 RS: What does that do for the rest? 17:28:36 MC: I don't think it does 17:28:58 RS: Do they define role computation? 17:29:01 MC: no 17:29:08 RS: we are good 17:29:18 RS: Is chris G on today? 17:29:29 +[Microsoft] 17:29:32 MC: I would liek to talk about publishing, before other topics 17:29:40 RS: Righ the heart beat draft 17:30:02 cyns has joined #aria 17:30:11 MC: I have been working on publication, I am not sure it is ready to go and we need a resolution to publish 17:30:25 RS: I had some problem with the status section 17:30:51 MC: That's because it is old content, i will be updating it 17:31:12 MC: I updatied with editors draft 17:31:36 RS: I think they need to fix 5.5.3 17:31:45 Clown: I see it in the list 17:31:51 RS: OK, good 17:32:22 RS: Abstract stuff, I think you saw that, RDF stuff is still there 17:32:40 MC: I don't think it needs to be in the spec, some people might be using it 17:33:04 RS: We need to link to HTML5, not HTML 4 17:33:09 JS: I agree 17:33:21 JS: Doesn't sound like publication this week 17:33:32 MC: Need to sort out who will make the edits 17:33:48 MC: The user agent implementation guide needs some more work 17:33:57 Clown: Not called that anymore 17:34:09 MC: thats one of the issues 17:34:26 RS: Mark as a defect and fix in next release 17:34:45 MC: I think it can wait, but we hope to get public feedback 17:34:52 JS: I think we should drop the RDF 17:34:59 Clown: What does that mean? 17:35:07 MC: Dropping the appendix 17:35:13 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/spec/aria.html 17:35:14 RS: not quite 17:35:30 RS: Let me find you an example 17:36:09 RS: We have related concepts ...., a whole section on RDF in here 17:36:55 RS: We have RDF properties, in section 5.1 17:37:13 MC: That section might not be ... 17:37:36 RS: You might want to save taking RDF out for next release 17:37:45 RS: Don't we have an issue on this 17:37:55 RS: Have we moved to bugzilla? 17:38:09 MC: We are in transition 17:38:27 JS: We are going to get some bugzilla to IRC support 17:38:41 RS: We talked about it at FTF meeting 17:39:22 MC: Creating an action item 17:40:09 MC: Section 5 needs major edits 17:40:21 RS: Also appednix 17:42:00 MC: Plan was to use the side by side until tracker issues are closed 17:42:13 MC: Other groups need to look at both 17:42:33 MC: We won't worry about RDF for publication, just your comments 17:42:59 MC: Current editors will be credited as a former editor 17:43:08 JS: Editor emartitus 17:43:25 RS: There are other people who should be included 17:44:14 RS: need to be pointing to SVG 2, where aria-describedat will be 17:44:27 MC: I am going to redo status 17:44:50 MC: will add a new status and check with at least RS and JC 17:45:42 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/implementation/aria-implementation.html 17:45:54 Clown: This is what I am looking at it 17:46:10 Clown: How user agents should support keyboard... 17:46:24 RS: I am finding stuff we need to delete 17:46:33 MC: Mapping guide does need an edit 17:46:58 RS: There is a lot of stuff that is not interesting anymore 17:47:55 RS: The whole introductions need to be synchornoized 17:48:25 RS: I should put the SVG thing in github, but it is ugly 17:48:47 Clown: Send me an e-mail with what you want changed 17:48:56 RS: What time is your meeting tomorrow? 17:49:02 Clown: 3:00pm eastern 17:49:21 RS: Michael do have enough to get this published? 17:49:40 MC: I have to go over some things in the mapping guide, will not get done this week 17:49:55 MC: The title "Core accessibility API mapping"? 17:50:02 MarkS has joined #aria 17:50:11 MC: That is not in the document yet 17:50:17 Clown: i will change it 17:50:27 Clown: Change to "Core.... 17:50:29 " 17:50:46 MC: Do we want the 1.1? Started drafting .... 17:51:00 MC: I think we still want to have 1.1 17:51:04 Clown: Fine with me 17:51:08 JS: Correct 17:51:17 MC: I have a whole para in the status.... 17:51:28 MC: I will need a summary of what is new 17:52:02 MC: If you have the changes that will be helpful 17:52:18 MC: What do we want to ask the public about? 17:52:31 MC: I always what to help people focus their reviews 17:52:35 -Joanmarie_Diggs 17:52:36 MichaelC: https://github.com/w3c/aria/commits/master/implementation ? 17:52:45 RS: There is not a huge about a stuff we want comments on 17:52:55 +Joanmarie_Diggs 17:52:55 RS: What about role=none? 17:53:11 RS: Alot of role=presentation out there 17:53:23 RS: TABINDEX on tabs 17:53:34 RS: ANy other thoughts? 17:53:46 q? 17:54:43 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2014Jun/0000.html 17:54:45 Clown: the ORCA people want updated API mappings, we can ask if I got it right 17:55:09 RS: Editorial, number 4, why gird shows up as "red", some other elements are red 17:55:23 Clown: If you mark them as code they come out red 17:55:37 Clown: it might be the code tag or class name 17:55:42 RS: Section 5.4 17:55:44 s/the ORCA people/the GNOME a11y team/ 17:56:08 MC: Code element 17:56:25 MC: We can over write the style... 17:56:32 more styling discussion.... 17:56:53 MC: Might take a careful code review 17:58:39 MC: The short name shows up in the URL 17:58:47 RS: Is it all caps 17:58:57 MC: I forgot what we decided 17:59:13 RS: What is that section called... 17:59:46 MC: Reference within the document and short name for the W3C, not rules, my pref is lowercase, but we can do upper case 17:59:52 RS: You mean in the short name 17:59:54 +1 for lower case in W3C url. 18:00:35 RS: I am with Joseph 18:00:36 +1 for URL’s as lower case 18:00:51 MC: I will make a note, to use upper case for biblo.. 18:00:59 -susannK 18:02:10 MC: For the mapping specification, we need to send a transition request, we need to get it on record, it might be hard to do this week, next thursday is more likely 18:02:15 -Matt_King 18:02:23 RS: its fine with me for next thursday 18:02:38 MC: I am wokring in a branch right now 18:02:57 RS: Any objections for publishing next thursday? 18:03:19 RS: Do we need to discuss next week? 18:03:43 MC: I will be at the advisory meeting next week, so I don't have anything specific 18:03:52 RS: What changes will be done by wednesday 18:04:15 MC: title, status section, short name.... 18:04:46 MC: I am working on a branch, you can also work on it 18:05:29 MC: Thats it for the spec 18:06:05 MC: Ratify on wednesday 18:06:18 JS: Confirm on wednesday for pub on 12th 18:06:28 MC: Can we get the confirmation now? 18:07:20 MC: Want to to confirm by 5th 18:08:10 +1 18:08:38 RESOLUTION: Request to transition Core Accessibility API Mappings 1.1 to FPWD and WAI-ARIA 1.1 for updated Working Draft 18:08:39 yes! 18:08:42 +1 18:08:45 +1 18:08:55 RS: Next 18:08:55 +1 18:09:01 Issue 587 18:09:08 issue-587? 18:09:08 issue-587 -- Consider allowing the aria-selected state on any focusable element, or add a new attr like aria-active or aria-current -- open 18:09:08 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/587 18:09:53 RS: We are looking at aria-current and not use aria-select 18:10:07 RS: ATs don't want to hunt for these 18:10:23 RS: The discussion is how to move forward 18:10:44 RS: This will take an ID, and ..... shadow DOM 18:11:18 RS: aria-current is on a container... 18:11:37 Joanie: question 18:11:59 RS: you could have an aria-owns and it could be outisde the container 18:12:33 Joanie: Something other than explicit relationship 18:12:59 RS: It would be on a container and then there would need to be a reverse 18:13:10 RS: this seems like a new relationship 18:13:24 jongund: aha. That's Cynthia talking; not me 18:13:53 s/Joanie: question/CS: question/ 18:13:56
18:14:01 Cynthia: I want something other that an ID ref, like ... 18:14:03
18:14:09 s/Joanie: Something other than explicit relationship/CS: Something other than explicit relationship/ 18:14:13
18:15:05 CS: If you have a progress diagram, the container is a progress, ... 18:15:49 RS: That was a step within a progress, the role=step is a descendant of role=progress, it is in a progress container 18:16:09 q+ to note that Bryan G. wrote spec text for aria-current in ACTION-1442. 18:16:15 Joanie: I am not sure I understand it, it is preferable than hunting 18:16:33 RS: Given this type of role there can only be one type of container 18:16:47 RS: A good example is listbox, it can only have options 18:17:23 RS: Option can only be inside of a listbox, so the container is known 18:17:30 RS: Is that enough 18:18:00 Joanie: I am not trying to be difficult, ...., steps along a process, it may be hard to find where it says 18:18:18 RS: We don't have one of those left, like "breadcrumb" 18:18:20 +q 18:18:55 RS: navigation region is a good example, in that case you would need a relationship 18:19:11 RS: Is there anywhere we can just use aria-current? 18:19:31 RS: I have seen navigation with tree widgets.... 18:19:42 CS: What is more common, a column with 12 links.... 18:20:05 RS: In that case you can go back to the container, is that OK Joanie? 18:20:21 Joanie: What I need to know what is the current for? 18:20:43 Joanie: Can we provide an ROLE, go from the current object .... 18:21:01 CS: There can be several roles that can have a current 18:21:13 Joanie: I go up until I find the role 18:21:26
? 18:21:45 where aria-navigation takes a role value. 18:21:47 RS: The definition of aria-current, would it be better to say it only applies to specific roles 18:22:02 Jaonie: as long as it is not on too many roles 18:22:17 BG: There is also pagination...... 18:22:32 rrsagent, make minutes 18:22:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/02-aria-minutes.html janina 18:22:37 BG: Have essentially images are being used as part of authentication 18:23:11 BG: There are many scenarios that current could help, outside of navigation 18:23:46 RS: The current should look for container elements, do we need currentfor? 18:23:55 CS: I think they are different use cases 18:24:24 RS: I think we will need to expand on the use cases, it will require some API changes in the platforms 18:24:45 RS: 1. we have an aria-current which applies to an element in a navigation container 18:25:14 RS: 2. aria-currentfor that would apply to any container, takes a single idref 18:25:19 CS: Makes sense to me 18:25:37 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1442 18:25:37 Clown: Look at Issue-1442 18:25:50 Clown: Look at action-1442 18:25:53 zakim, ack me 18:25:53 Joseph_Scheuhammer, you wanted to note that Bryan G. wrote spec text for aria-current in ACTION-1442. 18:25:55 I see Bryan_Garaventa on the speaker queue 18:26:33 RS: should it be called called aria-currentfor? 18:26:54 RS: What about context.... 18:27:16 BG: What if there is nesting 18:27:39 We need to have similar names 18:27:54 Clown: owns is for parent child relationships 18:28:23 BG: If you are referencing a parent element from ... 18:28:38 RS: that is a different use case, new action item? 18:28:53 RS: mixing two different things in the same action 18:29:12 RS: Can we change this one to currentfor and then create a new action 18:29:35 RS: I think we have enough for JC to write spec text, 18:29:46 CS: As long as the action item.... 18:29:54 RS: Can I edit the cation BG 18:29:57 BG: yes 18:30:12 BG: I think JC was on the callw e assigned the action item 18:30:13 -Michael_Cooper 18:30:26 RS: I think we changed it to currentfor... 18:30:35 RS: Let me put this text in heere 18:30:43 RS: We are at the end of time 18:31:54 RS: Assign to LW? 18:32:03 LW: I would be happy to give it a shot 18:32:23 RS: I could do it, but I am swamped, I know everyone else is too 18:32:48 RS: I will see if you are in the list, I will assign to LW 18:33:56 zakim scribe 18:34:01 -James_Nurthen 18:34:02 zakim, scribe 18:34:03 I don't understand 'scribe', jongund 18:34:57 scribe: jongund 18:35:12 +1 to having the text first before trying to map it 18:35:38 rrsagent, scribe: jongund 18:35:38 I'm logging. I don't understand 'scribe: jongund', jongund. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:36:08 RRSAgent, make log public 18:36:13 zakim, bye 18:36:13 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Stefan_Schnabel, susannK, rich, Jon_Gunderson, Joanmarie_Diggs, Michael_Cooper, Joseph_Scheuhammer, LJWatson, Matt_King, 18:36:13 Zakim has left #aria 18:36:16 ... James_Nurthen, janina, Bryan_Garaventa, [Microsoft] 18:36:17 RRSAgent, make minutes 18:36:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/06/02-aria-minutes.html richardschwerdtfeger 18:36:22 scribe; jongund 18:36:28 scribe: jongund 18:36:31 my phone died 18:36:43 I can send the minues 18:36:46 I can send the minutes 18:37:04 ok. you send them thanks! 18:41:30 jongund has joined #aria 18:42:08 jongund has joined #aria 18:57:50 clown has joined #aria 19:04:31 zakim, who's here? 19:05:00 janina has changed the topic to: ARIA Teleconference; Monday 9 June at 17:00Z for 90 minutes; Zakim 92473# 19:05:07 zakim, who's here? 19:58:05 jongund has joined #aria 19:59:41 jongund has joined #aria 20:54:09 clown has left #aria 21:32:56 janina has joined #aria 21:47:30 joanie has joined #aria 21:59:42 joanie has joined #aria 22:38:38 janina has joined #aria