16:57:23 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 16:57:23 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/05/29-tagmem-irc 16:57:25 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:57:25 Zakim has joined #tagmem 16:57:27 Zakim, this will be TAG 16:57:27 ok, trackbot; I see TAG_Weekly()1:00PM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 16:57:28 Meeting: Technical Architecture Group Teleconference 16:57:28 Date: 29 May 2014 16:58:06 TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has now started 16:58:14 + +44.773.051.aaaa 16:58:37 zakim, aaaa is me 16:58:37 +dka; got it 16:58:55 agenda: https://www.w3.org/wiki/TAG/Planning/2014-05-29-TC 16:59:54 +[IPcaller] 17:02:04 twirl has joined #tagmem 17:02:39 +??P14 17:03:10 Regrets: Peter, Domenic 17:03:28 OMW 17:03:42 Topic: Capability URL Feedback 17:05:16 + +1.650.253.aabb 17:05:26 that's me 17:05:52 https://twitter.com/mikewest/status/470053687050899456 17:06:09 https://twitter.com/frgx/status/469976128795332608 17:08:05 https://twitter.com/w3ctag/status/469830945496113152 17:08:15 (and the replies to that) 17:09:14 action Jeni to respond to feedback on Capability URLs on www-tag list… 17:09:14 Created ACTION-867 - Respond to feedback on capability urls on www-tag list… [on Jeni Tennison - due 2014-06-05]. 17:10:09 Jeni: I would like to hear opinions - John’s question on whether it makes sense to have different URLs for e.g. read-only calendar, read-write calendar, calendar shared with specific person, etc… as being seperate resources… 17:10:31 Sergey: it seems reasonable since the capabiltity URL encodes the resource and the access rights to it... 17:10:40 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2014May/0042.html 17:10:45 Jeni: his argument is that it doesn't... 17:11:25 Jeni: the framing in the document is that a capability URL is a resource + access privelages for that resource. 17:11:49 Jeni: John’s argument is that they are actually different resources. 17:11:56 this seems like hair-splitting 17:12:02 Dan: Is that a meaningful difference? 17:12:13 Sergey: it seems philosophical. 17:12:29 once you've vended a capability URL, is that revokable? what does it mean to vend a new one for the "same thing"? 17:12:55 ISTM that it's reasonable to say "this is a way to achieve X" and leave it at that 17:13:12 I know people want us to be the church of URL True Meaning (TM) 17:13:36 +1 17:13:39 Jeni: we might want to take the relevant paragraph out then… 17:13:42 http://www.w3.org/TR/capability-urls/#web-architecture 17:14:43 Jeni: the impact is - I can’t share with somebody else the URL for that particular calendar without also giving them the same permissions - that decreases the value of sharing URLs. 17:14:45 Dan: ? 17:15:13 Jeni: the fact that we can give different people links to information and they can get that info too is part of what makes the web a useful platform. 17:16:18 I focus on "what are developers trying to achieve by vending these?" 17:16:24 and it seems to be what dka is saying 17:17:26 at some level we're blessing a scheme of "views", but those views are all the web knows about since we don't have multi-level access in our access protocol (HTTP) 17:19:26 twirl: right, and I think everyone goes "wait, what?" when they encounter it 17:19:43 Dan: I think for example if you have a calendar on a server somewhere which is actually database records and presents itself through a URL to some end user then the question of whether a Read-only vs a read-write version of that calendar are different resources is academic - and employs too etherial a concept of what a resource is. 17:19:47 twirl: much easier to fold it into the location but make the location itself less meaningful since ",access" isn't personal/specific 17:20:05 great! 17:20:11 enjoy the debate this has sparked 17:20:32 Topic: Alex’s update 17:20:52 Alex: I’ve gone another round witht he EME folks - we will have a representative from EME at our f2f in boston. 17:21:03 … he can share some light on the state of the spec and the goals. 17:21:12 … I’m hopeful that we’ll have a requirements doc. 17:21:23 … I will share it with this group as soon as I have it. 17:21:36 Sergey: in your opinion does it make sense to write the “good nice clean” spec? 17:22:13 Alex: I think we should talk to David about the goals that the EME group has - there is tension between compatability and preseving current systems in the world. Several of the wg participants have large and widely deployed systems. 17:22:33 … I think there is some interest in creating a more web platform friendly [eme] by some others at the group. 17:22:38 … for discussion at the f2f. 17:23:01 +TimBL 17:23:08 Dan: I will be at the httpbis f2f next week. 17:23:37 Alex: I’ve been having conversation with folks involved in http2 - one thing that has changed is priotization of resources - moved from integer to dependency based model. 17:23:49 … may be difficult to model ... 17:24:10 … it would be good from web platform perspective if we had a thought on which of those two styles we like better ... 17:24:14 timbl has joined #tagmem 17:24:33 Dan: do you have a pointer to the most relevant part of that discussion? 17:25:27 here's the current dependency-based model: http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#pri-depend 17:26:01 the previous version used integers: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-04#section-5.3 17:28:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-http-wg/2014AprJun/0833.html 17:29:12 there's no data in this post 17:29:35 I'm happy to have an argument about what is "enough" good for web and server developers 17:30:11 but I'd rather we take the stance that if there are substantive technical issues, they be raised and discussed. If there aren't, then we should move on. 17:30:24 Sergey: I’ve read both the capability URLs draft and discussion and the web crypto and I’m quite satisfied with both… 17:30:54 +1 to alex 17:30:58 https://github.com/w3ctag/spec-reviews/issues/3 17:33:09 If people can take a look at this https://www.w3.org/wiki/TAG/Reviews and update as approproate before end of next week that would be great. 17:34:09 Autumn f2f plans solidified september 29 - oct 1 in London. 17:36:37 Sergey: plan for Yandex conference - we could organize for anyone able to make a speech at the conference and if there are enough TAG members who can make it we can organize a panel. 17:38:22 Topic: IE feature roadmap... 17:38:34 Dan: I note that promises are on the roadmap for IE - good news. 17:38:56 adjourned 17:39:01 - +1.650.253.aabb 17:39:03 -JeniT 17:39:07 -dka 17:39:08 -twirl 17:39:11 -TimBL 17:39:13 TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has ended 17:39:13 Attendees were +44.773.051.aaaa, dka, JeniT, twirl, +1.650.253.aabb, TimBL 17:39:14 rrsagent, make minutes 17:39:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/05/29-tagmem-minutes.html dka 17:39:23 rrsagent, make logs public 18:55:02 dka has joined #tagmem 19:04:05 timbl has joined #tagmem 19:08:52 Zakim has left #tagmem 19:57:23 dka has joined #tagmem 20:18:24 darobin has joined #tagmem 21:22:19 darobin has joined #tagmem