16:59:10 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 16:59:10 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/05/15-tagmem-irc 16:59:12 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:59:12 Zakim has joined #tagmem 16:59:14 Zakim, this will be TAG 16:59:14 ok, trackbot, I see TAG_Weekly()1:00PM already started 16:59:15 Meeting: Technical Architecture Group Teleconference 16:59:15 Date: 15 May 2014 16:59:52 +dka 17:00:27 zakim, code? 17:00:27 the conference code is 0824 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), Domenic_ 17:00:54 + +1.408.355.aaaa 17:01:02 Zakim: aaaa is me 17:01:09 twirl has joined #tagmem 17:01:18 Zakim, aaa is me 17:01:18 sorry, Domenic_, I do not recognize a party named 'aaa' 17:01:24 Zakim, aaaa is me 17:01:24 +Domenic_; got it 17:01:36 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/wiki/TAG/Planning/2014-05-15-TC 17:01:38 +??P8 17:02:47 JeniT has joined #tagmem 17:05:30 Next f2f dates, 21-23 of July in Cambridge Mass (MIT). 17:06:34 Topic: f2f’s 17:06:56 am I the only one who's entertained by the Web Components award going to the W3C? ;-) 17:07:49 October f2f - currently on the books for Sept 29- Oct 1 in London. 17:08:06 I was similarly entertained. 17:08:32 FYI I’ve just sent the actual award in a package off to Dimitri. 17:08:58 + +1.650.253.aabb 17:09:03 that's me 17:10:15 bkardell_ has joined #tagmem 17:10:53 Topic: EME 17:11:27 https://gist.github.com/twirl/9483deeb93d134ad2aa8 17:11:48 I produced some editorial feedback... 17:12:16 I’m happy with it but I think it needs more +1’s… 17:12:28 ScribeNick: dka 17:12:42 Domenic: Mozilla’s approach to sandboxing the CDM seems good. 17:13:04 Alex: It’s important to distinguish classes of conformance. Mozilla may not be shooting for highest class of conformance. 17:13:26 … for non-firefox os devices they won’t be able to do verified boot, etc… (required for conformance). 17:13:38 … I think it’s a good architecture. 17:14:05 … but we shouldn’t kid ourselves about how far the studios are willing to let that go. 17:14:18 … studios will still have onerous requirements. 17:14:54 Domenic: it seems like it’s possible to have a CDM that doesn’t have complete control over your system. 17:16:02 Alex: let’s sat I have a non-first-run, non-big-budget movie in SD - for that pretty much anything will do. As you go up the tiers, get closer to release date, higher-bit-rate, more audio channels, they [will require higher levels of conformance] 17:16:47 Domenic: It seems - according to the EME spec there are well defined interfaces. Could we turn that into a more formal sandbox? Even for the highest quality content are there stillr restrictions you could make? 17:17:09 Alex: From the perspective of studios this will be a sandbox they control… 17:17:20 Domenic: can we restrict what hardware that code has access to? 17:17:44 Alex: It isn’t about have a particular strategy - you have to do something that meets some particular conformance goal. 17:18:43 Dan: could we feed some of this into Sergey’s draft? 17:21:19 Alex: Additional restrictions by user agents could try to guarantee code running in the sandbox meets some criteria… 17:22:26 Domenic: Because it’s in a secure worker that’s written in javascript it couldn’t crash your cpu, etc… 17:25:02 Dan: we need to get this feedback out. 17:25:05 Topic: Web Animations 17:25:18 Domenic: I took a look at Sergey’s feedback - I approved. Good stuff. 17:25:37 … but the urgent thing si that Chrome wants to implement a subset of the animations spec. 17:25:45 … doesn’t touch on the issues we need Alex’s feedback on. 17:26:05 … only think I want to add to Sergey’s dratf - around the finish event. It could be a promise. 17:26:21 … the argument for not being a promise is that you can restart the animation… 17:26:36 Alex: I am swayed by that argument. I think a promise feels odd here. 17:26:57 Domenic: but consider the image.loaded case. I put an issue on the promises guide to potentially add it. 17:27:13 https://github.com/w3ctag/promises-guide/issues/25 17:27:53 Alex: I see a duality between having an event handler and a promise for each discrete operation. 17:28:01 … we should pick one and recommend it broadly. 17:28:18 Domenic: I think there is momentum behind promise methods for state transitions. 17:29:09 note: it's somewhat troubling if the state can happen more than once 17:29:35 Domenic: I will put it in the promises guide and get feedback and then add a section in the web animations review that [reflects this]. 17:29:55 Sergey: in my opinion we should have both. Finish event might be useful for syncronization. 17:29:56 I love the idea of a loaded promise, for example, until someone changes the src - then what? 17:30:35 Alex: we should have language that talks about considering the cases of how and when a developer might want to add an event handler. 17:31:17 Alex: internally there will be a queue of handlers - stuff you call when things finish - one of them will resolve the promise and one will make calls to event handlers... 17:31:45 Domenic: is that black box distinguishable from just registering a promise and registering an event at the same time? 17:31:52 [some discussion on this point] 17:32:08 Topic: Applinks 17:32:27 I formulated some feedback: https://gist.github.com/torgo/e3396b8d0519d21b8600 17:32:46 was there any conclusion or action items on the promises/animations thing? 17:33:22 https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ChrisMessina/posts/QC4PuXHyx3C 17:33:50 Alex: I think you’re right they’re over-complicating. 17:34:12 … we should note that their odds of success for globally mediating the URL space are quite low. 17:34:36 … users of applinks should understand that the economics don’t favor long-term agreement… will cause problems down the road. 17:34:52 Domenic: My perspective on the feedback - says the right things in the wrong order. 17:35:37 … what we should make a driving point in terms of action item - the point of the document should say “why can’t you do this? [use regular URLs]”. 17:35:49 Alex: it’s clear why they can’t. 17:36:09 … on IOS there is no simple way to register with the OS that “my app is the owner of this namespace." 17:36:25 Domenic: so they redirect from the web page to the app... 17:36:57 Alex: the feedback needs to be directed to Android and IOS. 17:37:06 … the applinks guys are hacking with what tools they have. 17:37:27 … their applications would be better off on the web. 17:37:46 … the TAG should say - it would be better if the app envirnments allowed us to run webapps… 17:37:52 [as first class citizens] 17:38:20 apologies...have to run...like your feedback DKA, and I think it's in the right direction 17:38:49 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzRBgj1AJYA 17:38:53 - +1.650.253.aabb 17:39:04 "get yerself a real website, boy" is, I think, our best response 17:39:08 ok, really have to go = ( 17:39:09 sorry 17:39:39 Dan: I wonder if there’s a middle way - some feedback other than “this is because Android and IOS suck.” :) 17:40:09 Domenic: I think we should say “we don’t like this - it’s bad for the web” but also being [pragmantic]. 17:40:44 Topic: Webapps Rechartering 17:40:52 http://afbarstow.github.io/WebApps/charter.html 17:41:05 Peter: they have the URL spec in there and are working on adding the packaging spec. 17:41:12 … regrets for next week. 17:41:25 Dan: on URL spec, been speaking to various people... 17:44:07 Adjourned 17:44:33 -dka 17:44:35 -Domenic_ 17:44:38 -plinss 17:44:39 -twirl 17:44:40 TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has ended 17:44:40 Attendees were plinss, dka, +1.408.355.aaaa, Domenic_, twirl, +1.650.253.aabb 17:44:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:44:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/05/15-tagmem-minutes.html dka 17:44:51 rrsagent, make logs public 18:19:01 timbl has joined #tagmem 19:15:28 timbl has joined #tagmem 19:24:36 Zakim has left #tagmem 21:21:47 Domenic has joined #tagmem 21:25:18 dglazkov_ has joined #tagmem 21:27:25 wycats___ has joined #tagmem 21:27:50 slightlyoff__ has joined #tagmem 22:32:08 timbl has joined #tagmem