13:44:30 RRSAgent has joined #nfc 13:44:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/04/30-nfc-irc 14:00:24 zakim, agenda? 14:00:24 I see nothing on the agenda 14:00:51 dsr has joined #nfc 14:00:59 don has joined #nfc 14:01:00 lyriarte has joined #nfc 14:01:04 jack has joined #nfc 14:01:12 UW_NFC_WG()10:00AM has now started 14:01:13 +Dsr 14:01:16 zakim, call jinsong-mobile 14:01:16 ok, jinsong; the call is being made 14:01:18 +Jinsong 14:02:10 Hello 14:02:18 hi 14:02:20 Trying to retrieve the phone number 14:02:20 + +1.610.247.aaaa 14:04:49 zakim, who is on the call? 14:04:49 On the phone I see Dsr, Jinsong, +1.610.247.aaaa 14:05:35 what is aaaa? 14:05:40 zakim, what's the code? 14:05:40 the conference code is 26633 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), jinsong 14:06:24 + + 14:08:11 Present+ Dave, Jacques, Luc, Jinsong, Don 14:10:34 scribenick: dsr 14:11:01 Don: I've made a few changes to bring the API a little closer to the NFC Forum specs 14:11:32 Luc: regarding where we want to go next, we can discuss that on the mailing list. 14:11:32 Don: ok 14:12:12 Luc: I was contacted by someone who wanted to document ?? and forwarded you her email. 14:12:21 Don: I will reread the email and get back to you 14:13:56 Jacques: are there plans for a cross-walk implementation? 14:14:11 Luc: this is an Intel module for webkit 14:14:24 Jacques: I will contact the Intel team to ask them 14:14:54 Luc: is there a phonegap branded spec aligned to the our work? 14:15:32 Don: at this point we are waiting for greater interest from developers. 14:16:08 ... I want to talk to phonegap guys working on chrome to see if we can get a beta implementation 14:16:38 ... I will keep pushing this with the phonegap and cordova teams to see if we can get more interest. 14:17:04 Jacques: our main interest at this point is to get broader implementations and associated feedback 14:17:49 http://w3c.github.io/nfc/proposals/common/nfc.html 14:17:58 Luc: the latest changes are now on the W3C github. Is this reflected on the W3C NFC WG site? 14:18:09 Dave: the link from the W3C site should be automatic 14:18:36 Are we ready to publish an updated working draft? 14:22:24 Luc: not yet, I want to do a little more first. What's the process? 14:22:24 Dave: when the editor's have resolved all outstanding issues, they can ask the chair to issue a CfC 14:22:29 ... the CfC typically takes a week and if there are no objections, the chair can resolve to publish the updated draft. The staff contacts can then help with the actual publication. 14:22:29 Topic: TPAC 2014 14:22:29 Jacques: do we want a face to face meeting in Santa Clara? 14:22:37 Don: I am for a face to face meeting if I can make the logistics work, when /where ? 14:22:52 Dave: http://www.w3.org/2014/11/TPAC/ 28-31 Oct in Santa Clara, CA 14:23:03 Jacques: we got good feedback last year 14:23:21 Don: I could make that if you guys are willing to 14:24:06 Jacques: last time we had one day for the NFC WG, and this time we could do the same. 14:24:19 ... this time the Cross-Walk team could attend 14:24:24 Luc: that would be nice 14:24:45 q+ 14:25:03 Jacques: any other business? 14:25:36 Jinsong: is there any progress on attracting other companies to the group? 14:25:48 Jacques: no, not at this time, I am not sure why 14:26:24 ... I did talk to people, but no positive feedback right now 14:27:30 Dave: we could use TPAC to decide on extending/rechartering the group. 14:28:15 Jacques: yes that sounds reasonable. We will need to figure out how to attract more people as this group is a little too small to be viable long term. We need to get more people involved from the developer community 14:29:53 ... Except for Don, most of the work has been done by Intel 14:30:32 Dave: I am thinking about reaching out to the broader developer community to gauge their interest in NFC and other APIs. 14:31:02 Don: that is hard to do, but I am seeing interest in NFC and also in BLE. 14:31:22 Jacques: okay lets discuss this further at TPAC. 14:31:28 - + 14:31:29 - +1.610.247.aaaa 14:31:36 rrsagent, set logs public 14:31:36 -Jinsong 14:31:39 -Dsr 14:31:40 UW_NFC_WG()10:00AM has ended 14:31:40 Attendees were Dsr, Jinsong, +1.610.247.aaaa, + 14:31:42 chair: Jacques 14:31:46 scribe: Dave 14:32:02 meeting: NFC Working Group teleconference 14:32:14 rrsagent, make minutes 14:32:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/30-nfc-minutes.html dsr 16:37:43 Zakim has left #nfc