15:59:30 RRSAgent has joined #coga 15:59:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/04/14-coga-irc 15:59:33 rrsagent, make log world 15:59:49 meeting: Cognitive Accessibility Task Force 16:00:14 +??P3 16:00:33 zakim, aacc is Suzann_Keohane 16:00:33 +Suzann_Keohane; got it 16:00:35 Susann_Keohane has joined #coga 16:00:38 zakim, aaaa is Neil_Milliken 16:00:39 +Neil_Milliken; got it 16:00:52 +Joseph_O´Conno 16:01:06 zakim, aabb is Debra_Ruh 16:01:06 +Debra_Ruh; got it 16:01:16 Liddy has joined #coga 16:01:33 +John_Foliot 16:01:43 +??P5 16:01:54 zakim, ??P11 is John_Rochford 16:01:54 +John_Rochford; got it 16:01:56 zakim, ??P5 is me 16:01:56 +janina; got it 16:02:10 +Suzanne_Taylor 16:02:21 JF has joined #coga 16:03:02 +[IPcaller] 16:03:33 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2014Apr/0014.html 16:03:45 agenda+ Set scribe 16:03:45 agenda+ User group findings: aging and dementia 16:03:45 agenda+ Follow up on cognitive tags by Jim Allen 16:03:45 agenda+ Review of APPL by Suzanne Taylor 16:03:45 agenda+ User group findings: ADD / ADHD 16:03:49 +Mary_Jo_Mueller 16:03:58 zakim, Ipcaller is Liddy_Nevile 16:03:58 +Liddy_Nevile; got it 16:04:01 agenda? 16:04:20 MaryJo has joined #coga 16:04:28 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:04:28 On the phone I see John_Rochford (muted), Neil_Milliken, Debra_Ruh, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Suzann_Keohane, Michael_Cooper, Joseph_O´Conno, John_Foliot, janina, Suzanne_Taylor, 16:04:31 ... Liddy_Nevile, Mary_Jo_Mueller 16:04:51 scribe: Liddy 16:04:58 zakim, close item 1 16:04:58 agendum 1, Set scribe, closed 16:04:59 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:04:59 2. User group findings: aging and dementia [from MichaelC] 16:05:15 +Jim_Allan 16:05:23 allanj has joined #coga 16:05:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/14-coga-minutes.html MichaelC 16:05:58 zakim, take up item 2 16:05:58 agendum 2. "User group findings: aging and dementia" taken up [from MichaelC] 16:06:06 chair: Neil_Milliken 16:06:08 regrets: Lisa_Seeman 16:06:23 + +1.303.349.aadd 16:06:24 KHS presenting aging etc postponed to next week after edits suggested by Lisa 16:06:50 - +1.303.349.aadd 16:07:18 +??P17 16:07:20 + +1.303.349.aaee 16:07:30 zakim, set logs public 16:07:30 I don't understand 'set logs public', allanj 16:07:35 Jim: cognitive tags 16:07:38 people joining 16:07:38 zakim, aaee is Clayton_Lewis 16:07:38 +Clayton_Lewis; got it 16:07:39 rrsagent, set logs public 16:08:25 zakim, next item 16:08:25 agendum 3. "Follow up on cognitive tags by Jim Allen" taken up [from MichaelC] 16:08:38 s/Allen/Allan 16:08:55 +Cooper 16:09:01 Jim: Clayton can help - task to look at exec function 16:09:15 Jim: a construct for thinking about how brain works 16:09:50 Jim: sometimes things very medical but not clear where everything happens 16:10:12 Kate_Deibel has joined #coga 16:10:44 Jim: 16:11:01 cognitive abilities of cog function grouped . 16:11:19 Loosely group into the following areas: goal formation, planning, goal-directed action, self-monitoring, attention, response inhibition, and coordination of complex cognition and motor control for effective performance. 16:11:29 Jim: this will go in wiki 16:11:56 Jim: I have definitions... 16:12:07 1. Inhibition - The ability to stop one's own behavior at the appropriate time, including stopping actions and thoughts. The flip side of inhibition is impulsivity; if you have weak ability to stop yourself from acting on your impulses, then you are "impulsive." 16:13:05 1. Inhibition - The ability to stop one's own behavior at the appropriate time, including stopping actions and thoughts. The flip side of inhibition is impulsivity; if you have weak ability to stop yourself from acting on your impulses, then you are "impulsive." 16:13:06 2. Shift - The ability to move freely from one situation to another and to think flexibly in order to respond appropriately to the situation ( 16:13:08 3. Emotional Control - The ability to modulate emotional responses by bringing rational thought to bear on feelings. (tolerate frustration) 16:13:09 4. Initiation - The ability to begin a task or activity and to independently generate ideas, responses, or problem-solving strategies (also, ability to finish) 16:13:11 5. Working memory - The capacity to hold information in mind for the purpose of completing(/performing) a task 16:13:12 6. Planning/Organization - The ability to manage current and future- oriented task demands. 16:13:14 7. Organization of Materials - The ability to impose order on work, play, and storage spaces. 16:13:15 8. Self-Monitoring - The ability to monitor one's own performance and to measure it against some standard of what is needed or expected. 16:13:19 Jim: many abilities in many articles 16:14:14 Jim: these lead to many functional problems 16:15:23 all 8 of these exist on a continuum, if each is on a slider, depending where you put the sliders, you come up with various disabilities 16:15:23 KateDeibel has joined #coga 16:15:53 Neil: there are many things that lead to problems with people not aware of them, how to we formulate solutions 16:16:02 Jim: many have to do with user settings 16:16:26 Jim: eg linearise the page, stop movement on page, ... 16:16:50 clayton has joined #coga 16:17:07 Jim: but there will be server-based things - eg for Siri - augmented page eg 16:17:51 Neil: we've seen govt with easy-read docs - maybe more poeple affected than we realise 16:18:02 Jim: I will finish now and put this in wiki 16:19:16 akim, next item 16:19:21 zakim, next item 16:19:21 agendum 4. "Review of APPL by Suzanne Taylor" taken up [from MichaelC] 16:19:42 s/appl/apip/ 16:19:46 ST: should this be review of something else? not able to do this now 16:19:57 zakim, close item 4 16:19:57 agendum 4, Review of APPL by Suzanne Taylor, closed 16:19:58 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 16:19:58 5. User group findings: ADD / ADHD [from MichaelC] 16:20:09 zakim, next item 16:20:09 agendum 5. "User group findings: ADD / ADHD" taken up [from MichaelC] 16:20:42 MC: is anyone working on this? 16:20:56 -John_Rochford 16:21:35 MC: is this Barry Johnson's work - he is not here? 16:22:02 -Cooper 16:22:04 topic: other items 16:22:09 MC: anyone have anything else? 16:22:22 ST: review ready but April 5 16:22:42 DR: prsonal problems so reporting next week .. 16:23:19 JF: to help DR this week 16:24:17 Joseph: my daughter needs help getting ready for the day - done work on non-vocal section and so maybe report ready next Monday 16:25:11 Joseph: exec function very helpful and excellent 16:26:18 KD: I just joined group so this is first meeting - sectioning requirements have a lot to do with exec functions - past experience supports this 16:26:32 KD: eg headings etc break up the page effectively 16:26:58 Neil: I agree 16:28:05 MC: whip is cracking on all task group members!! 16:28:44 zakim, unmute me 16:28:44 Michael_Cooper should no longer be muted 16:28:46 MC: anything else? 16:29:11 MC: what are timelines? 16:29:29 yes, I see, sorry - how can it be fixed? 16:29:41 s/MC:/NM:/g 16:30:01 MC: note that chair has been Neil not Michael - correct re whip especially! 16:30:19 NM: any more? 16:31:11 NM: autism is next on list - who is that? 16:31:24 ack me 16:31:41 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page 16:32:05 MC: Lisa has assignees listed in wiki - they are not here 16:34:12 LN: talking about constrained languages 16:36:55 -Suzanne_Taylor 16:37:29 http://www.globish.com/ 16:37:39 +Suzanne_Taylor 16:38:08 thank you! 16:38:42 Who would we ask about the prospect of an internationally agreed constrained vocabulary? Seems it would beyond scope for W3C to establish such a thing. 16:38:45 Liddy: www.globishfoundation.org 16:39:48 Janina: tricky to get this adopted - by whom? 16:41:41 Liddy: maybe we can do this in ISO with education tech group because it is a practice known in education 16:41:55 Janina: all for this - yes, let's push for this 16:42:43 Janina: seems like a worthy goal - association of ESL people could help too 16:43:44 LN: many lists exist and there are something like 200 of the 1500 words that are contentious 16:44:10 NM: good idea - let's keep this going 16:46:38 LN: human translation etc very much more accurate 16:46:50 Janina: copyright can be a problem... 16:46:55 NM: yes 16:47:01 q+ 16:47:42 LN: copyright can be triacky 16:48:33 ST: with a constrained vocab, you could just translate sections so automated translation of bits could be done - eg if complicated section 16:49:10 Janina: need to get copyright owners on side but dictionaries from standard to constrained language would be helpful 16:49:21 ST; constrained vocab checker good 16:49:30 LN: this is available already 16:50:09 LN: I will wrtie this up for wiki 16:50:15 Janina: I will follow it 16:50:39 NM: Lisa would like vendors involved in this task force 16:51:02 NM: eg getting Dragon etc people involved 16:51:49 NM: impoartant to not set up standards that vendors might not want - better for all to work together 16:52:44 ack me 16:52:54 ack s 16:52:56 q- 16:52:57 ack p 16:52:59 NM: all done, thank you! 16:53:03 ack ??P17 16:53:11 Janina: wonderful chairing - applause!! 16:53:17 -Clayton_Lewis 16:53:19 -Debra_Ruh 16:53:21 -Suzann_Keohane 16:53:23 -Suzanne_Taylor 16:53:24 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 16:53:47 -Mary_Jo_Mueller 16:53:54 -Jim_Allan 16:54:00 -John_Foliot 16:54:02 -Michael_Cooper 16:54:25 zakim bye 16:54:28 zakim, bye 16:54:28 leaving. As of this point the attendees were +44.203.618.aaaa, +1.804.749.aabb, Katie_Haritos-Shea, +1.512.445.aacc, Michael_Cooper, Suzann_Keohane, Neil_Milliken, 16:54:28 Zakim has left #coga 16:54:31 ... Joseph_O´Conno, Debra_Ruh, John_Foliot, John_Rochford, janina, Suzanne_Taylor, Mary_Jo_Mueller, Liddy_Nevile, Jim_Allan, +1.303.349.aadd, +1.303.349.aaee, Clayton_Lewis, 16:54:31 ... Cooper 16:55:04 zakim, bye 16:55:11 rrsagent, make minutes 16:55:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/14-coga-minutes.html Liddy