IRC log of webtv on 2014-04-02

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:49:27 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #webtv
12:49:27 [RRSAgent]
logging to
12:49:33 [kaz]
zakim, this will be webtv
12:49:33 [Zakim]
ok, kaz; I see UW_WebTVIG()9:00AM scheduled to start in 11 minutes
12:49:57 [kaz]
zakim, call kazuyuki-617
12:49:57 [Zakim]
ok, kaz; the call is being made
12:50:13 [kaz]
zakim, call kazuyuki-617
12:50:13 [Zakim]
ok, kaz; the call is being made
12:50:14 [Zakim]
UW_WebTVIG()9:00AM has now started
12:50:16 [Zakim]
12:58:30 [ddavis]
ddavis has joined #webtv
13:00:19 [kaz]
zakim, who is here?
13:00:19 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Kazuyuki
13:00:21 [Zakim]
On IRC I see ddavis, RRSAgent, Zakim, kaz, aldafu, jcverdie, schuki, MarkS, timeless_, tobie__, trackbot
13:00:25 [Zakim]
+ +49.303.aaaa
13:00:39 [Zakim]
13:00:41 [Zakim]
13:00:52 [kaz]
zakim, aaaa is Alex
13:00:52 [Zakim]
+Alex; got it
13:00:56 [Zakim]
13:00:57 [Zakim]
13:01:04 [kaz]
zakim, who is here?
13:01:04 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Kazuyuki, Alex
13:01:06 [Zakim]
On IRC I see ddavis, RRSAgent, Zakim, kaz, aldafu, jcverdie, schuki, MarkS, timeless_, tobie__, trackbot
13:01:11 [gmandyam]
gmandyam has joined #webtv
13:01:16 [aldafu]
13:01:21 [Zakim]
13:01:24 [Zakim]
13:01:26 [ddavis]
zakim, ??P12 is me
13:01:27 [Zakim]
+ddavis; got it
13:01:30 [Zakim]
13:01:35 [whyun]
whyun has joined #webtv
13:01:41 [Zakim]
13:03:02 [kaz]
zakim, Alex is aldafu
13:03:02 [Zakim]
+aldafu; got it
13:03:21 [Zakim]
13:03:55 [kaz]
zakim, ??P16 is whyun
13:03:55 [Zakim]
+whyun; got it
13:04:05 [kaz]
zakim, who is here?
13:04:05 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Kazuyuki, ddavis, gmandyam, aldafu, whyun
13:04:07 [Zakim]
On IRC I see whyun, gmandyam, ddavis, RRSAgent, Zakim, kaz, aldafu, jcverdie, schuki, MarkS, timeless_, tobie__, trackbot
13:04:18 [kaz]
Present: Kaz, Daniel, Giri, Alexander, Wook
13:04:59 [kaz]
13:05:13 [kaz]
Meeting: Web and TV IG - Media APIs TF
13:07:32 [Zakim]
13:08:22 [Bin_Hu]
Bin_Hu has joined #webtv
13:08:35 [kaz]
zakim, call kazuyuki-617
13:08:35 [Zakim]
ok, kaz; the call is being made
13:08:37 [Zakim]
13:09:19 [Zakim]
+ +1.650.946.aabb
13:09:22 [Bin_Hu]
Hi, sorry I am late
13:09:33 [kaz]
zakim, aabb is Bin
13:09:33 [Zakim]
+Bin; got it
13:09:40 [Bin_Hu]
zakim, aabb is me
13:09:40 [Zakim]
sorry, Bin_Hu, I do not recognize a party named 'aabb'
13:09:45 [kaz]
Present+ Bin
13:09:55 [kaz]
zakim, Bin is Bin_Hu
13:09:55 [Zakim]
+Bin_Hu; got it
13:10:13 [kaz]
13:10:22 [kaz]
zakim, who is here?
13:10:22 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Kazuyuki, ddavis, gmandyam, aldafu, whyun, Bin_Hu
13:10:24 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Bin_Hu, whyun, gmandyam, ddavis, RRSAgent, Zakim, kaz, aldafu, jcverdie, schuki, MarkS, timeless_, tobie__, trackbot
13:11:06 [ddavis]
Scribe: Daniel
13:11:10 [ddavis]
scribenick: ddavis
13:12:03 [ddavis]
Topic: Review action item and issues
13:12:49 [ddavis]
Kaz: There's been a problem with the tracker (access is blocked). The sysadmins are looking into it but it's not fixed yet.
13:12:57 [kaz]
-> Feb. 19 minutes
13:13:17 [ddavis]
kaz: We can try to look at the action items recorded in the Feb 19 call minutes.
13:14:26 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: We can close issue 187
13:14:55 [jcverdie]
jcverdie has joined #webtv
13:14:56 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Next is issue 189 - accessibility guidelines. This is also closed as I added a general requirement
13:15:43 [ddavis]
kaz: Daniel and I had actions to create wiki pages.
13:16:19 [ddavis]
kaz: Maybe mine was 184 and Daniel's was 185
13:16:26 [aldafu]
13:16:57 [ddavis]
aldafu: I can see the action items.
13:17:22 [ddavis]
ddavis: It's visible if you log out (or open in another browser)
13:17:34 [kaz]
[ interesting situation... ]
13:17:51 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Issue 182: Discuss with jc, bin about the details of how to create the cg
13:18:13 [ddavis]
kaz: We discussed this and we can go ahead by proposing a new community group (CG)
13:18:24 [ddavis]
kaz: The question is who would be the chair and what would be the name of the group
13:18:33 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Can we close it?
13:18:47 [kaz]
close action 182
13:18:51 [kaz]
close action-182
13:18:51 [trackbot]
Error closing: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail <> with details about what happened.
13:19:11 [CyrilRA]
CyrilRA has joined #webtv
13:20:13 [kaz]
[ we'll cloe action 182, 184, 185, 187, 189 latter ]
13:20:28 [ddavis]
13:20:34 [ddavis]
13:21:26 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Outstanding issues are 186 and 188 which are assigned to Giuseppe (not here) so we'll leave these open.
13:22:00 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: So the wiki page Kaz created is just a place holder? No input or use cases yet?
13:22:31 [kaz]
-> new idea wiki
13:22:41 [ddavis]
kaz: right. I thought we could add one topic - audio fingerprinting - which was discussed on the mailing list a while ago.
13:23:16 [ddavis]
kaz: The page itself is a placeholder and I've added a template.
13:23:36 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Is this a standalone page?
13:23:41 [ddavis]
kaz: It's linked from the main page.
13:23:52 [ddavis]
kaz: If you prefer, I can link to it from the Media TF page.
13:24:40 [ddavis]
13:24:58 [ddavis]
ddavis: This page is linked to from the Media APIs TF page.
13:25:23 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Let's leave it there for now.
13:26:08 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Next is to look at and approve the gap analysis note.
13:26:16 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: I asked Giuseppe to create a page which he has done.
13:26:19 [kaz]
-> Media API requirements
13:26:36 [kaz]
i/Next is/topic: Media APIs requirements/
13:26:56 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: We haven't seen any comments on the mailing list so can we approve this or do we need more time?
13:26:59 [kaz]
zakim, who is here?
13:27:01 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Kazuyuki, ddavis, gmandyam, aldafu, whyun, Bin_Hu
13:27:01 [Zakim]
On IRC I see CyrilRA, jcverdie, Bin_Hu, whyun, gmandyam, ddavis, RRSAgent, Zakim, kaz, aldafu, schuki, MarkS, timeless_, tobie__, trackbot
13:27:05 [kaz]
13:27:17 [kaz]
ack k
13:27:29 [ddavis]
ddavis: We did have some feedback a while ago, I think?
13:27:50 [ddavis]
kaz: Maybe we can record our approval in this call and the see what the remaining people think through mail.
13:28:08 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Yes, if we approve it then allow another one or two weeks to see if there are further comments by mail.
13:28:14 [ddavis]
ddavis: +1
13:28:53 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: So I'll write a mail to see what people on the mailing list think.
13:29:02 [ddavis]
ddavis: Any comments about this note?
13:29:24 [ddavis]
resolution: "Requirements from the Media API TF" note approved by meeting attendees.
13:29:38 [kaz]
rrsagent, make log public
13:29:48 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
13:29:48 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
13:30:08 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: So I think we've finished the administrative bits.
13:30:25 [kaz]
13:30:26 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
13:30:26 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
13:30:38 [ddavis]
Topic: 2nd iteration of use-cases/requirements
13:30:58 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: In the coming schedule we have the end of this month (April) as the last chance to submit a use-case.
13:31:09 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: We have no use-cases so I wonder if the schedule is too tight.
13:31:26 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Maybe we can adjust the date from end of April to end of May.
13:31:48 [ddavis]
... Then we'll have another two conference calls before the end of June to finalise the list.
13:32:43 [ddavis]
ddavis: Maybe we can make it clearer to all people in the TV IG that we're looking for more use cases.
13:33:10 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Yes, the chairs told me they want to make the Media API calls open to more people in the group.
13:33:56 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: So we can give more time and higher quality use cases.
13:34:26 [ddavis]
ddavis: It might be good to also clarify how to submit use cases (e.g. by email, through a web form, etc.)
13:34:39 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Ideally people should use the template that Kaz has maade.
13:34:45 [ddavis]
13:35:08 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: But if it's just a one-liner then we can add it for consideration in the conference call.
13:35:24 [aldafu]
13:35:32 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
13:35:32 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
13:35:41 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: We can then decide whether to write a more detailed description of the use case or if it's out of scope.
13:36:27 [ddavis]
ACTION: Bin Hu to add information in the wiki about submitting use cases
13:36:27 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-190 - Hu to add information in the wiki about submitting use cases [on Bin Hu - due 2014-04-09].
13:36:36 [kaz]
zakim, who is noisy?
13:36:47 [Zakim]
kaz, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ddavis (4%), aldafu (15%), whyun (9%), Bin_Hu (45%)
13:36:48 [ddavis]
ACTION: Bin Hu to send mail about submitting a new use case
13:36:48 [trackbot]
Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail <> with details about what happened.
13:36:49 [ddavis]
zakim, mute me
13:36:49 [Zakim]
ddavis should now be muted
13:36:59 [kaz]
zakim, mute aldafu
13:36:59 [Zakim]
aldafu should now be muted
13:37:14 [ddavis]
zakim, who is noise?
13:37:14 [Zakim]
I don't understand your question, ddavis.
13:37:18 [ddavis]
zakim, who is noisy?
13:37:21 [kaz]
zakim, mute whyun
13:37:22 [Zakim]
whyun should now be muted
13:37:29 [Zakim]
ddavis, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Bin_Hu (23%)
13:37:34 [aldafu]
i can
13:38:05 [ddavis]
zakim, unmute me
13:38:05 [Zakim]
ddavis should no longer be muted
13:38:20 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: So we can accept use cases in two formats
13:38:25 [kaz]
zakim, unmute aldafu
13:38:25 [Zakim]
aldafu should no longer be muted
13:38:40 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: And I'll change the deadline from end of April to end of May
13:39:18 [ddavis]
Topic: Possible "Tuner API" CG
13:39:31 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: How many people do you need for a Community Group, Kaz?
13:39:34 [ddavis]
kaz: 5
13:39:56 [ddavis]
... Theoretically you don't need a detailed charter but it's better to have a good description.
13:40:15 [kaz]
zakim, who is here?
13:40:15 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Kazuyuki, ddavis, gmandyam, aldafu, whyun (muted), Bin_Hu
13:40:18 [Zakim]
On IRC I see jcverdie, Bin_Hu, whyun, gmandyam, ddavis, RRSAgent, Zakim, kaz, aldafu, schuki, MarkS, timeless_, tobie__, trackbot
13:40:18 [ddavis]
aldafu: Can we see how many companies are interested already?
13:40:37 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: It depends on the level of support.
13:41:08 [gmandyam]
13:41:13 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: AT&T and Opera seem to be interested. Maybe Qualcomm and ETRI as well.
13:41:26 [kaz]
ack g
13:41:57 [ddavis]
gmandyam: Qualcomm Innovation Center would be interested in this. One concern is that whatever comes out of this group could be too light to make it into tech such as HbbTV.
13:42:24 [ddavis]
gmandyam: Can we get some commitment from the other SDOs to support the output of this CG?
13:42:32 [ddavis]
kaz: So we should create the CG?
13:42:52 [ddavis]
gmandyam: Yes, but you don't have a lot of time.
13:42:56 [kaz]
s/we should create the CG?/we need a WG instead at some point?/
13:43:14 [ddavis]
13:43:35 [ddavis]
gmandyam: HbbTV, for example, have progressed well with their own spec.
13:43:50 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: We need to move quickly if we want it to be adopted.
13:44:07 [kaz]
q+ to suggest we ask HbbTV guys to join the CG
13:44:10 [ddavis]
aldafu: As I understand it, the HbbTV spec is based on the OIPF spec, right?
13:44:22 [ddavis]
gmandyam: Yes, but it also leverages some tech from W3C.
13:44:33 [kaz]
13:44:37 [ddavis]
gmandyam: But the Tuner API is more specific so they may not be expecting much from W3C.
13:44:59 [ddavis]
aldafu: Mozilla also has an interest to bring Firefox OS to TV so they would need something like this.
13:45:03 [kaz]
ack k
13:45:03 [Zakim]
kaz, you wanted to suggest we ask HbbTV guys to join the CG
13:45:30 [ddavis]
kaz: I think we should invite HbbTV guys and other SDOs to the community group. It doesn't require W3C membership, by the way.
13:45:40 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: That's a good idea.
13:45:53 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Who would be able to contact the HbbTV participants?
13:46:04 [ddavis]
aldafu: I can ask a colleague who's involved with this.
13:46:53 [ddavis]
kaz: So you could start with Louay and Stephan. We could also ask Jon Piesing.
13:47:19 [ddavis]
ddavis: For the record, they're already aware of our interest in this as it was discussed in the TV workshop.
13:47:33 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: From our perspective, which company is willing to drive this?
13:47:57 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Or should we wait until the next call when we have a wider group of people involved?
13:49:24 [ddavis]
ddavis: We could send a mail quickly asking for people who are willing to drive it and then see if there are others in the next call when we can decide.
13:49:47 [ddavis]
ACTION: Bin Hu to send mail to TV IG asking for volunteers to drive the "Tuner API" initiative.
13:49:47 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-191 - Hu to send mail to tv ig asking for volunteers to drive the "tuner api" initiative. [on Bin Hu - due 2014-04-09].
13:50:18 [ddavis]
ddavis: We should make it clear that "Tuner API" is just a placeholder name - not decided yet.
13:50:50 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: I think there are three issues: Name, Scope, Chair
13:51:39 [ddavis]
aldafu: Let me add some name ideas: TV Control API, TV Channel API, Channel Control API
13:51:49 [ddavis]
aldafu: I agree, Tuner API doesn't really make sense
13:52:51 [ddavis]
ddavis: Some people may not like having "TV" in the name, so that it's for the wider web and not TV specifically.
13:53:13 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Maybe "Channel Control API" is a more logical concept.
13:53:42 [ddavis]
kaz: Also "Media Selection" is possible
13:54:17 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Anything else to add?
13:54:31 [skim13]
skim13 has joined #webtv
13:54:41 [ddavis]
13:54:58 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: OK, we're done for today, ahead of schedule.
13:55:37 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: The next meeting could be at a wider level for more participation hopefully.
13:55:51 [ddavis]
Bin_Hu: Thank you for your help and support. See you next time.
13:55:53 [Zakim]
13:55:54 [Zakim]
13:55:57 [Zakim]
13:55:59 [Zakim]
13:56:01 [Zakim]
13:56:01 [Zakim]
UW_WebTVIG()9:00AM has ended
13:56:01 [Zakim]
Attendees were Kazuyuki, +49.303.aaaa, ddavis, gmandyam, aldafu, whyun, +1.650.946.aabb, Bin_Hu
13:56:08 [ddavis]
rrsagent, generate minutes
13:56:08 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ddavis
13:56:25 [kaz]
[ adjourned ]
13:56:29 [ddavis]
ACTION: Bin Hu to send mail about submitting a new use case
13:56:29 [trackbot]
Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail <> with details about what happened.
13:56:29 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
13:56:29 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
13:58:32 [skim13]
skim13 has left #webtv
15:59:57 [glenn]
glenn has joined #webtv
16:01:07 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #webtv