20:58:27 RRSAgent has joined #indie-ui 20:58:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/04/02-indie-ui-irc 20:58:29 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:58:29 Zakim has joined #indie-ui 20:58:31 Zakim, this will be INDIE 20:58:32 Meeting: Independent User Interface Task Force Teleconference 20:58:32 Date: 02 April 2014 20:58:36 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_Indie()5:00PM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 20:58:37 WAI_Indie()5:00PM has now started 20:58:40 +??P1 20:58:47 +??P0 20:58:54 +??P2 20:59:04 jcraig has joined #indie-ui 20:59:50 zakimMeeting: IndieUI Task Force Teleconference 20:59:50 Chair: Janina_Sajka 20:59:50 agenda+ preview agenda with items from two minutes 20:59:50 agenda+ Teleconference Scheduling through April & Remaining Clock Adjustments 20:59:50 agenda+ Editor's Report 20:59:53 agenda+ Events Module Updates 20:59:55 agenda+ Events Requirements Status & Actions 20:59:58 agenda+ Events Testing Update 20:59:59 + +1.215.518.aaaa 21:00:00 agenda+ User Context Update; FPWD Criteria Discussion 21:00:03 agenda+ User Context Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/3 21:00:06 agenda+ Events Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/2 21:00:09 agenda+ Scribe for our Next Teleconference 21:00:11 agenda+ Be Done 21:00:56 zakim, who's here? 21:00:56 On the phone I see ??P1, ??P0, ??P2, +1.215.518.aaaa 21:00:58 On IRC I see jcraig, Zakim, RRSAgent, jasonjgw, taken, janina, smaug, MichaelC, hober, eeejay, trackbot 21:01:54 +[Apple] 21:02:07 - +1.215.518.aaaa 21:02:24 Zakim, Apple has jcraig 21:02:24 +jcraig; got it 21:02:42 + +1.215.518.aabb 21:02:43 zakim, ??P2 is me 21:02:43 +janina; got it 21:02:48 zakim, ??p1 is me 21:02:48 +jasonjgw; got it 21:03:07 - +1.215.518.aabb 21:03:12 Zakim, who is on the phone? 21:03:12 On the phone I see jasonjgw, ??P0, janina, [Apple] 21:03:13 [Apple] has jcraig 21:03:18 + +1.215.518.aacc 21:03:32 Zakim, ??P0 is kurosawa 21:03:33 I already had ??P0 as kurosawa, jcraig 21:04:16 zakim, who's on the phone? 21:04:16 On the phone I see jasonjgw, kurosawa, janina, [Apple], +1.215.518.aacc 21:04:18 [Apple] has jcraig 21:04:18 +??P5 21:04:57 zakim, aacc is Andrew_Larkin 21:04:57 +Andrew_Larkin; got it 21:05:50 kurosawa has joined #indie-ui 21:05:51 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #indie-ui 21:06:37 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 21:08:20 zakim, next item 21:08:20 agendum 1. "preview agenda with items from two minutes" taken up [from janina] 21:09:32 zakim, who's here? 21:09:32 On the phone I see jasonjgw, kurosawa, janina, [Apple], Andrew_Larkin, Michael_Cooper, Rich_Schwerdtfeger 21:09:34 [Apple] has jcraig 21:09:34 On IRC I see richardschwerdtfeger, kurosawa, jcraig, Zakim, RRSAgent, jasonjgw, janina, smaug, MichaelC, hober, eeejay, trackbot 21:11:13 Participants introduce themselves, with details of backgrounds (see previous minutes for most of these). 21:14:02 Andrew Larkin (accessibility at Comcast) gives his introduction, with particular interest in UI frameworks and Web design patterns in use at Comcast in relation with accessibility. 21:15:57 There's an open-source interaction framework under development and available in Github. 21:17:35 Andrew also has a background in writing polyfills. 21:18:32 github.com/comcast/xooie 21:18:51 https://github.com/comcast/xooie 21:19:24 zakim, next item 21:19:24 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, janina 21:19:31 q? 21:19:39 ack ??P1 21:19:44 next item 21:20:17 zakim, close this item 21:20:17 agendum 2 closed 21:20:18 I see 9 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 21:20:18 3. Editor's Report [from janina] 21:20:21 Janina notes Australian eastern standard time will be in effect in two weeks, per regular meeting schedule. 21:20:23 zakim, next item 21:20:23 agendum 3. "Editor's Report" taken up [from janina] 21:21:48 regrets: Rich_Simpson 21:22:15 James: added some editorial changes clarifying goals for Events - mentioning polyfills as a transitional arrangement. While working on UI controller/trigger ideas, UIValueChangeRequest has been temporarily removed. 21:23:32 Based on work undertaken in ARIA, syntax highlighting has been introduced into the spec. Comments from screen reader users are solicited, for example, some samples are divided into separate elements. James plans to introduce CSS 3 speech properties for speaking punctuation. 21:24:04 The main normative edit is to include media playback request events (play/pause/toggle/stop/next and previous track). 21:25:02 James notes that this capability is not accessibility-specific, but will be useful to a range of users (including those with access needs) while attracting wider interest. 21:26:45 Additional events may be wanted for forward/rewind cases as continuous events. 21:27:51 These media events could be candidates for polyfill creation. 21:28:45 No one in the working group finds these changes objectionable. 21:29:21 zakim, next item 21:29:21 agendum 4. "Events Module Updates" taken up [from janina] 21:31:29 Andrew notes that he is reviewing the spec in relation to his use cases and will identify any additions/changes that may be desired. 21:31:59 zakim, close this item 21:31:59 agendum 4 closed 21:32:00 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 21:32:00 5. Events Requirements Status & Actions [from janina] 21:32:26 next item 21:33:13 ack me 21:33:21 ack me 21:34:50 Michael regards the requirements as incomplete at present. Use cases and corresponding requirements need to be documented, and requirements not so far identified need to be added. 21:35:56 Responding to Janina, Michael considers the material nearly ready for publication to obtain public review, but an additional (complete) draft would need to be published before the Events spec advances. 21:36:31 Michael clarifies that a purportedly final requirements draft should be published prior to Last CAll. 21:37:45 James notes that it would be helpful (but not necessary) to have polyfills available prior to Last Call. He notes that polyfills are effective in detecting bugs in the spec. 21:39:05 Michael: if Last Call is 4 months away or longer, there is time for two rounds of Requirements review, otherwise not. 21:40:59 James would like to have at least one more public working draft before Last Call (to be released during the next few months). James thinks we should wait for real implementations before Last Call, in order to avoid returning to Last Call a second time. 21:41:49 Michael: proposes to publish Requirements in the near future, including requests for review of specific components, then turn attention to testing and implementations while preparing a further draft of Requirements. 21:44:20 Michael thinks there is only minor work required to prepare it for publication and there are already useful editorial notes in place. 21:45:58 Michael: suggests publishing a first working draft of Requirements sooner rather than later. 21:48:24 Janina proposes to send out a call for consensus to publish the draft, giving wg participants a week during which to review it in case of any issues that would delay publication. 21:51:49 Substantive changes requiring further discussion may be considered at the next meeting, subject to extending the call for consensus if necessary. 21:55:02 Janina inquires about the possibility of changing the meeting day (but not the time). Given the time zones involved and the availability of participants, this seems unlikely to be feasible, except a last resort possibility for Friday afternoon Boston time. 21:59:11 Janina notes TPAC 2014 and the possibility of scheduling a face to face meeting there. 22:00:01 Proposed week of 27 October, leaving IndieUI available to meet on Thursday/Friday. 22:01:31 Meeting concludes. 22:01:34 -[Apple] 22:01:42 rrsagent, list participants 22:01:42 I'm logging. I don't understand 'list participants', jasonjgw. Try /msg RRSAgent help 22:01:44 -Michael_Cooper 22:01:49 -kurosawa 22:02:07 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger 22:02:13 -Andrew_Larkin 22:02:14 zakim, list participants 22:02:15 As of this point the attendees have been +1.215.518.aaaa, jcraig, +1.215.518.aabb, janina, jasonjgw, +1.215.518.aacc, kurosawa, Michael_Cooper, Andrew_Larkin, Rich_Schwerdtfeger 22:02:27 rrsagent, make minutes 22:02:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/04/02-indie-ui-minutes.html jasonjgw 22:03:55 -janina 22:03:57 WAI_Indie()5:00PM has ended 22:03:57 Attendees were +1.215.518.aaaa, jcraig, +1.215.518.aabb, janina, jasonjgw, +1.215.518.aacc, kurosawa, Michael_Cooper, Andrew_Larkin, Rich_Schwerdtfeger