IRC log of webperf on 2014-03-26
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 19:01:35 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #webperf
- 19:01:35 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 19:01:37 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 19:01:37 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #webperf
- 19:01:39 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be WPWG
- 19:01:39 [Zakim]
- I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot
- 19:01:40 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Web Performance Working Group Teleconference
- 19:01:40 [trackbot]
- Date: 26 March 2014
- 19:01:49 [plh]
- zakim, this will be per
- 19:01:49 [Zakim]
- ok, plh, I see RWC_web-per()3:00PM already started
- 19:01:56 [Zakim]
- +Plh
- 19:02:00 [MikeM]
- MikeM has joined #webperf
- 19:02:10 [tobint_]
- +tobint
- 19:02:14 [Rob_from_Dell]
- Rob_from_Dell has joined #webperf
- 19:04:01 [tobint_]
- present+ tobint
- 19:04:06 [plh]
- scribe: plh
- 19:04:30 [plh]
- agenda+ resource priorities
- 19:04:34 [plh]
- agenda+ HRT2
- 19:04:43 [plh]
- agenda+ Beacon
- 19:04:56 [plh]
- agenda+ RAF
- 19:05:33 [plh]
- agenda+ Other issues
- 19:06:39 [plh]
- zakim, aaaa is Mike
- 19:06:39 [Zakim]
- +Mike; got it
- 19:07:04 [plh]
- agenda?
- 19:07:06 [tobint]
- present+ tobint
- 19:07:10 [tobint]
- +tobint
- 19:07:30 [plh]
- zakim, Microsoft is Tobin
- 19:07:30 [Zakim]
- +Tobin; got it
- 19:07:33 [plh]
- zakim, move to next agendum
- 19:07:33 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "resource priorities" taken up [from plh]
- 19:07:57 [plh]
- Tobin: last week, we were wondering if the HTML WG was still up-to-date with resource priorities. talked to Travis.
- 19:08:01 [tobint]
- 19:08:07 [plh]
- ... also joined the conference call for the html wg
- 19:08:18 [plh]
- ... and bring them in sync
- 19:08:41 [plh]
- ... they did tell us that we can bring things in the spec, once we're ready
- 19:08:57 [plh]
- ... two items
- 19:09:12 [plh]
- ... wanted to scope down resource priorities
- 19:09:18 [plh]
- ... ie remove postpone for now
- 19:09:25 [plh]
- ... until we have a good handle on the rest
- 19:09:36 [plh]
- ... is there something we still want to do?
- 19:09:56 [plh]
- plh: seems so, from the list
- 19:10:36 [plh]
- 19:10:53 [plh]
- ACTION: Tobin to remove postpone from Resource Priorities
- 19:10:53 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-130 - Remove postpone from resource priorities [on Tobin Titus - due 2014-04-02].
- 19:11:02 [plh]
- close action-129
- 19:11:02 [trackbot]
- Closed action-129.
- 19:11:31 [plh]
- Tobin: once we scope down, we'll push an update
- 19:12:08 [plh]
- zakim, move to next agendum
- 19:12:08 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "HRT2" taken up [from plh]
- 19:12:25 [plh]
- 19:12:37 [plh]
- plh: this is a last call issue
- 19:13:13 [plh]
- 19:13:24 [plh]
- plh: there is a timeStamp there
- 19:13:34 [plh]
- ... of DOMTimeStamp
- 19:13:44 [plh]
- ... and doesn't use DOMHighResStamp
- 19:14:20 [plh]
- ... so, is it DOM or HR2 issue?
- 19:15:05 [plh]
- 19:16:19 [plh]
- Tobin: I'll need to check with Jatinder on this one
- 19:16:31 [plh]
- ACTION: Tobin to follow with Jatinder on HRT2 and DOM Events
- 19:16:31 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-131 - Follow with jatinder on hrt2 and dom events [on Tobin Titus - due 2014-04-02].
- 19:16:52 [plh]
- plh: you may also want to talk to Travis as well
- 19:16:59 [plh]
- ... since he is doing D3E
- 19:17:43 [plh]
- zakim, move to next agendum
- 19:17:43 [Zakim]
- agendum 3. "Beacon" taken up [from plh]
- 19:17:59 [plh]
- action-113?
- 19:17:59 [trackbot]
- action-113 -- Tobin Titus to Update beacon use cases to just be the asynchronous data sending case -- due 2013-11-21 -- OPEN
- 19:17:59 [trackbot]
- 19:19:07 [plh]
- issue-12?
- 19:19:07 [trackbot]
- issue-12 -- Determine appropriate size limit for beacon data based on current usage patterns -- raised
- 19:19:07 [trackbot]
- 19:20:32 [plh]
- plh: Mike, any idea of what Akamai would like on this?
- 19:21:32 [plh]
- Mike: it depends on the data. resource timing is bigger than navigation timing
- 19:21:37 [plh]
- ... could look into it
- 19:21:56 [plh]
- tobin: should it be on an individual request or on the queue?
- 19:22:21 [plh]
- ... trying to make a guarantee could be a disaster
- 19:23:11 [plh]
- plh: beacon doesn't return errors, so you don't know
- 19:23:20 [plh]
- tobin: it could be per implementation
- 19:23:38 [plh]
- ... so not sure that specifying is a good thing
- 19:24:35 [plh]
- ... I'm for a size per message, but not for a queue
- 19:25:49 [plh]
- mike: i'll look at the sizes we're sending
- 19:26:10 [plh]
- ACTION: Mike to provide on data size for beacon
- 19:26:10 [trackbot]
- 'Mike' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., mmccall, mike).
- 19:26:36 [plh]
- ACTION: mmcall to provide on data size for beacon
- 19:26:36 [trackbot]
- Error finding 'mmcall'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 19:26:51 [plh]
- ACTION: mmccall to provide on data size for beacon
- 19:26:51 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-132 - Provide on data size for beacon [on Mike McCall - due 2014-04-02].
- 19:26:58 [plh]
- zakim, move to next agendum
- 19:26:58 [Zakim]
- agendum 4. "RAF" taken up [from plh]
- 19:27:31 [plh]
- 19:27:36 [plh]
- plh: we'
- 19:27:40 [plh]
- 're missing tests
- 19:27:49 [plh]
- 19:28:32 [plh]
- ACTION: Tobin to look at
- 19:28:32 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-133 - Look at [on Tobin Titus - due 2014-04-02].
- 19:29:02 [plh]
- plh: this generates inconsistent results for the tests
- 19:29:44 [plh]
- plh: once we have the tests, we could move it to proposed recommendation
- 19:30:29 [plh]
- 19:31:15 [plh]
- zakim, move to next agendum
- 19:31:15 [Zakim]
- agendum 5. "Other issues" taken up [from plh]
- 19:31:34 [plh]
- Mike: adding protocol and size in resource timing
- 19:31:34 [plh]
- ... what's the status?
- 19:32:42 [plh]
- ACTION: plh to find the status of protocol and size in resource timing
- 19:32:42 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-134 - Find the status of protocol and size in resource timing [on Philippe Le Hégaret - due 2014-04-02].
- 19:32:55 [plh]
- 19:34:23 [plh]
- [adjourned]
- 19:34:38 [Zakim]
- -Tobin
- 19:34:39 [Zakim]
- -Rob
- 19:34:39 [Zakim]
- -Mike
- 19:34:41 [Zakim]
- RWC_web-per()3:00PM has ended
- 19:34:41 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Rob, +1.617.444.aaaa, Plh, Mike, Tobin
- 19:35:36 [Zakim]
- RWC_web-per()3:00PM has now started
- 19:35:43 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft]
- 19:35:55 [Zakim]
- -[Microsoft]
- 19:35:56 [Zakim]
- RWC_web-per()3:00PM has ended
- 19:35:56 [Zakim]
- Attendees were [Microsoft]
- 19:36:54 [plh]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 19:36:54 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate plh
- 19:37:34 [plh]
- Present+ Tobin
- 19:37:37 [plh]
- Present+ Mike
- 19:37:39 [plh]
- Present+ Philippe
- 19:37:42 [plh]
- Present+ Rob
- 19:37:46 [plh]
- Chair: Tobin
- 19:37:51 [plh]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 19:37:51 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate plh
- 19:42:22 [plh]
- close action-119
- 19:42:22 [trackbot]
- Closed action-119.