13:59:08 RRSAgent has joined #tt 13:59:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/03/13-tt-irc 13:59:10 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:59:10 Zakim has joined #tt 13:59:12 Zakim, this will be TTML 13:59:13 ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 13:59:13 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 13:59:13 Date: 13 March 2014 13:59:14 SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has now started 13:59:22 +pal 13:59:35 tmichel has joined #tt 14:00:28 +??P4 14:00:36 zakim, ??P4 is me 14:00:36 +nigel; got it 14:00:37 +glenn 14:01:52 Present: pal, glenn, nigel 14:01:57 chair: nigel 14:02:13 +??P11 14:02:26 zakim, ??P11 is me 14:02:26 +tmichel; got it 14:02:29 zakim, ??P11 is tmichel 14:02:29 I already had ??P11 as tmichel, nigel 14:02:29 plh has joined #tt 14:03:07 Present+ tmichel 14:03:46 scribeNick: nigel 14:04:03 Regrets: none 14:04:23 topic: Charter 14:04:37 +Plh 14:04:46 Present+ plh 14:05:53 plh: 6 responses to AC review so far. One comment from silvia 14:06:25 plh: no response from Movielab 14:06:41 plh: AC rep for Movielab is Jim Helman 14:07:22 s/plh: no response from Movielab// 14:07:40 s/plh: AC rep for Movielab is Jim Helman// 14:07:50 s/plh: 6 responses to AC review so far. One comment from silvia// 14:08:29 topic: Action Items 14:09:09 action-268? 14:09:09 action-268 -- Nigel Megitt to Estimate timelines for ttml 2 deliberables with glenn -- due 2014-02-27 -- OPEN 14:09:09 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/268 14:09:49 TTML2 August 2014 LC, Oct 2014 CR, Jan 2015 PR, Feb 2015 Rec. 14:10:09 nigel: we discussed this on the call last week - see above. Any comments? 14:10:55 plh: PR to Rec could take longer: a minimum of 4 weeks for PR review and then 2 further weeks. No change needed in proposed timeline. Early Jan PR -> late Feb Rec 14:11:18 nigel: any objections to adopting this proposal? 14:11:25 group: no objections 14:11:30 jdsmith has joined #tt 14:11:31 +[Microsoft] 14:11:41 Present+ jdsmith 14:13:39 plh: CR->PR is a bit short because implementations are needed. 14:14:27 glenn: I anticipate at least one implementation, namely the TTV verifier to test all the features of TTML2 to be completed quite early in the process. I'll be updating it to verify the spec. 14:15:00 ... then there's the issue of other implementations supporting it. TTML2 is a delta on TTML1 so it doesn't entail as many new features as we had with TTML1 so I suspect it will 14:15:12 ... be less time consuming. 14:16:03 plh: we used Flash, Silverlight and JS implementations for TTML1. I don't know if we can rely on Flash or Silverlight this time around. 14:16:41 jdsmith: Silverlight is not under active development. We're transitioning to HTML5 so it's not likely that we'll enhance TTML in Silverlight. 14:16:57 plh: Will there be any TTML implementation in IE? 14:17:14 jdsmith: we're not ready to make any announcements about this. 14:18:29 nigel: what about the JS implementation? 14:18:48 plh: I would expect that implementation to be easily upgradeable to TTML2 14:19:14 tmichel: to clarify, what kind of implementation are we expecting? Within browsers? 14:19:48 plh: I don't know. For instance Glenn was mentioning a validator - is that a valid implementation? These things are debatable. 14:20:18 glenn: formally because TTML defines both a presentation and transformation profile any kind of transformation process is a valid implementation so it should count. 14:20:29 plh: I'm biased as author of the JS implementation. 14:21:11 glenn: I'm also working with folks in Opera for implementation of TTML in Chromium so I expect that to move forward and be able to implement the TTML2 features, particularly through the HTML/CSS mapping process. 14:21:13 https://github.com/plehegar/ttml-js 14:21:34 plh: by the way I put the JS implementation on github for those who are new - I did that 4-5 years ago. It's not maintained. 14:22:41 action-268: Proposed new timeline for TTML2 is August 2014 LC, Oct 2014 CR, Jan 2015 PR, Feb 2015 Rec. 14:22:41 Notes added to action-268 Estimate timelines for ttml 2 deliberables with glenn. 14:23:42 plh: after March 20 I will copy the charter and edit the timeline. I will also make Silvia's requested edit. 14:24:51 close action-268 14:24:51 Closed action-268. 14:25:01 action-265? 14:25:01 action-265 -- Glenn Adams to Take algorithm from ttml2 ed 8.2.13 tts:lineheight to css wg for review and potential adoption. -- due 2014-03-13 -- PENDINGREVIEW 14:25:01 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/265 14:27:07 glenn: we're not finalised on our thinking in this process and I'm still researching this so want to close this 14:27:18 action-265: is related to issue-284 14:27:18 Notes added to action-265 Take algorithm from ttml2 ed 8.2.13 tts:lineheight to css wg for review and potential adoption.. 14:27:33 close action-265 14:27:33 Closed action-265. 14:27:47 action-272? 14:27:47 action-272 -- Glenn Adams to Add notes to cp15 for those items that have already been implemented, where notes point at relevant change set -- due 2014-03-13 -- PENDINGREVIEW 14:27:47 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/272 14:28:41 close action-272 14:28:41 Closed action-272. 14:28:54 action-273 14:28:54 action-273 -- Nigel Megitt to Add dst note to next agenda -- due 2014-03-13 -- OPEN 14:28:54 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/273 14:29:09 close action-273 14:29:09 Closed action-273. 14:29:42 topic: Change Proposals 14:30:32 topic: AOB 14:31:53 jdsmith: Change Proposals - lots are OPEN. What's the timeline? 14:32:12 nigel: Good question - since we've just changed LC from April to August that now gives us until July to complete the change proposal issues 14:33:09 -glenn 14:33:13 -Plh 14:33:14 -[Microsoft] 14:33:14 -pal 14:33:21 rrsagent, make logs public 14:33:26 -tmichel 14:33:28 -nigel 14:33:28 SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has ended 14:33:28 Attendees were pal, nigel, glenn, tmichel, Plh, [Microsoft] 14:33:39 rrsagent, generate minutes 14:33:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/13-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:06:26 Zakim has left #tt