11:03:00 RRSAgent has joined #bpmlod 11:03:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/03/07-bpmlod-irc 11:03:07 meeting: BPMLOD call 11:03:14 chair: jorge_jose 11:03:24 agenda: https://www.w3.org/community/bpmlod/wiki/Teleconference,_7/03/2014#Agenda 11:03:44 present: maud, john, gary, jorge, jose, felix 11:03:45 + +3531416aacc 11:03:47 + +3531896aadd 11:03:47 +[IPcaller] 11:05:21 philr has joined #bpmlod 11:05:23 present+ philr 11:05:36 jmccrae has joined #bpmlod 11:06:36 AlexOConnorTCD has joined #bpmlod 11:06:44 Hello? 11:06:45 scribe: fsasaki 11:07:01 topic: introduction to its2 11:07:09 http://de.slideshare.net/atcfsenzoku/its2-ontologylocalization 11:14:55 felix presenting slides, thanks for the presentation 11:14:57 Thanks Felix, that was a very clear presentation 11:15:28 Could I ask a question? 11:15:48 sure, just go on, check with the chairs 11:16:43 jorge: details on NIF conversion? and on slide 12: that is effect of adding rules in ontology defiinitno? 11:16:46 http://www.w3.org/TR/its20/#conversion-to-nif 11:17:35 http://www.w3.org/TR/its20/examples/nif/EX-nif-conversion-output.ttl 11:18:12 http://www.w3.org/TR/its20/#nif-backconversion 11:19:33 some difficulty hearing you, felix 11:21:13 My question has two parts: I have some data which covers mediaeval documents, which can have several languages and character sets in them. Does ITS help with this? 11:22:01 they are generally xml marked up 11:23:01 that's very useful to know! 11:23:21 allowed characters checking for validating the results of tools 11:23:24 ok thanks 11:23:29 example description : Old Church Slavonic may be written in either Cyrillic or Glagolitic scripts, and even occasionally in both within the same manuscript 11:24:05 thank you Felix, we might discuss this somewhat more in person, but I think it might make an intriguing use case 11:24:27 cool. thank you! 11:24:41 thanks a lot for the opportunity to present this here! 11:24:52 topic: new co-chair 11:25:16 jorge: at the beginning of the week we asked for volunteers 11:26:32 .. anybody wants to step up? 11:26:44 .. john is volunteering, so welcome john! 11:26:49 congrats to john! 11:26:53 welcome john! 11:26:54 +1 john :) 11:26:54 May your reign of terror be a happy one :) 11:27:08 topic: review of actions 11:27:14 http://www.w3.org/2014/02/21-bpmlod-minutes.htm 11:27:28 http://www.w3.org/2014/02/21-bpmlod-minutes.html 11:28:04 new subpattern - done by john 11:28:27 https://www.w3.org/community/bpmlod/wiki/Best_practises_-_previous_notes 11:28:45 going through other actions 11:29:00 [have to stop scribing for 5 min, can somebody jump in?] 11:29:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/07-bpmlod-minutes.html fsasaki 11:29:40 how does this pattern interact with country variants? 11:29:44 present: fsasaki, john, Maud, alex, jose, jorge, phil 11:29:45 like en-GB 11:29:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/07-bpmlod-minutes.html fsasaki 11:31:43 https://www.w3.org/community/bpmlod/wiki/Best_practises_-_previous_notes#Patterns_for_Dereferencing 11:35:00 New pattern P1.8 11:35:18 [back, will continue scribing] 11:35:19 Anyone aware of a real usage of p1.8 for rdf? 11:36:14 nope, DBpedia does not seem to do this either 11:36:33 jose: pattern can be used to separate the representation of a resource from teh language details of the pattern 11:36:54 .. e.g. representation of a hammer - it is the concept of a hammer, distinct from specific labels in spanish etc. 11:37:06 .. could be done in this way, for ontologies etc. 11:37:19 http://bpmlod.github.io/report 11:38:12 report looks already very good! 11:38:30 jose: can motivate people to contribute with a report about what we are doing here 11:38:58 .. above link shows the report draft 11:39:22 looks nice! 11:39:23 jorge: looks very nice 11:39:34 jose: maybe felix can help us to move the report forward 11:39:44 .. currently this is on gitub 11:39:49 .. not sure how to do that in the CG 11:39:57 felix: will look at this 11:40:09 action: felix to check out publicatino process for CG report 11:40:49 john: you can publish through the CG portal 11:41:55 jose: is it possible to have issues in github? 11:42:02 https://github.com/bpmlod/report 11:42:08 .. source code for report is in HTML 11:42:18 https://github.com/bpmlod/report/issues 11:42:25 .. there is an issue tracker for git hub 11:42:31 .. we don't use it 11:42:40 action: felix to install issue tracking for bpmlod 11:42:44 there are is also a W3C tracker 11:42:54 https://github.com/json-ld/json-ld.org 11:43:05 john: we can use the github tracker 11:43:16 ok, so felix won't install the w3c one, to avoid duplication 11:44:00 jorge: the issue tracker in github is for the report - the w3c one for general things 11:44:08 jose: not sure what the best approach is 11:44:22 does anyone have xperience with both? 11:44:31 .. one tracker for the report, or both 11:44:42 [I have experience only with the w3c one] 11:45:00 [some rudimentary experience with the github issues] 11:45:38 jorge: in principle I am in favour of w3c tracker, it can help to record various kinds of information 11:45:49 Alex.OConnor@scss.tcd.ie is my github email 11:45:58 fsasaki@w3.org 11:46:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/07-bpmlod-minutes.html fsasaki 11:46:27 jorge: send a mail to the group, asking for the github ID 11:47:16 topic: discussing patterns 11:47:38 https://www.w3.org/community/bpmlod/wiki/Best_practises_-_previous_notes#Patterns_for_Textual_information 11:48:50 jorge: goal is to understand the patterns and arguments pro / con 11:49:02 jose going through patterns 11:50:36 P2.1 Label Everything 11:51:35 http://www.weso.es/MLODPatterns/Multilingual_labels.html 11:52:58 P2.2 Multilingual labels, P2.3 Labels without language tags 11:54:30 Could I ask a related question to my previous? en-gb or 'old slavonic with cyrillic script' as examples? 11:55:01 chu-Cyrl? 11:55:53 one technical issue: does the '-' character make trouble for IRIs? 11:56:08 http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47 is the answer? 11:56:13 brilliant, thank you! 11:56:26 yep 11:57:02 here is a language tags validator, that may help: http://schneegans.de/lv/?tags=chu-Cyrl&format=text 11:57:19 http://www.weso.es/MLODPatterns/Divide_long_descriptions.html 11:57:30 P2.4 Divide longer descriptions P2.5 Provide lexical information P2.6 Structured literals 11:57:59 [sorry, have to leave now for a different call - talk to you again in two weeks - cheers] 11:58:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/07-bpmlod-minutes.html fsasaki 11:58:25 http://www.weso.es/MLODPatterns/Lexical_information.html 11:58:25 that tag is valid http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/chu 11:58:28 -fsasaki 11:58:35 but the validator says not 11:58:40 ah, so the validation tool is out of date 11:59:00 -jose 11:59:02 the w3c HTML validator fetches the subtag registry regularly, so it should understand "chu" 11:59:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/07-bpmlod-minutes.html fsasaki 11:59:45 Does it have any sense to add the use of ITS related tags for translation purposes as a pattern? 12:01:05 -[IPcaller] 12:01:07 -jorge 12:01:08 -john 12:01:11 -alex 12:01:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:01:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/07-bpmlod-minutes.html jorge 12:01:17 bye 12:01:26 -Maud 12:01:27 I18N_BPMLOD()6:00AM has ended 12:01:27 Attendees were [IPcaller], fsasaki, +49.521.106.1.aaaa, john, Maud, +34.66.051.aabb, +3531416aacc, +3531896aadd, jose, jorge, alex 12:01:38 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:01:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/07-bpmlod-minutes.html jorge 13:33:57 Zakim has left #bpmlod