17:59:34 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 17:59:34 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/03/06-tagmem-irc 17:59:36 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:59:36 Zakim has joined #tagmem 17:59:38 Zakim, this will be TAG 17:59:38 ok, trackbot, I see TAG_Weekly()1:00PM already started 17:59:39 Meeting: Technical Architecture Group Teleconference 17:59:39 Date: 06 March 2014 18:00:17 Zakim, code? 18:00:17 the conference code is 0824 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), Domenic__ 18:00:43 Regrets: Jeni 18:00:45 +Domenic__ 18:00:46 Chair: Dan 18:01:02 zakim, who is here? 18:01:02 On the phone I see +1.858.354.aaaa, dka, Domenic__ 18:01:03 On IRC I see RRSAgent, dka, twirl, marcosc, plinss, trackbot, slightlyoff, Domenic__, wycats__, Yves 18:01:06 zakim, aaaa is me 18:01:06 +plinss; got it 18:01:46 +TimBL 18:01:50 +Yves 18:01:53 +??P7 18:02:37 +dherman 18:03:39 dherman has joined #tagmem 18:03:48 +[Google] 18:03:59 how do I ask Zakim about my background noise? 18:04:10 lemme find it 18:04:15 scribe: slightlyoff 18:04:22 scribenick: slightlyoff 18:05:08 timbl has joined #tagmem 18:07:11 http://url.spec.whatwg.org 18:10:56 (can I start minuting yet?) 18:12:30 JeniT has joined #tagmem 18:12:54 stand-ups 18:13:15 dka: EW Summit: working with folks about invites. Working with Marcos and Annevk 18:13:37 have few registrations vs invites, but suspect many more will sign up soon (will send reminder mail) 18:13:48 will open up registration next week 18:13:51 (proposal) 18:14:12 dka: I think Alex and Yehuda...if there are key developers we haven't reached out to that we think should be there, we should 18:14:36 Domenic__: ember people have strong opinions 18:14:43 dka: send me email addrs, will do the legwork 18:15:00 plinss: not a whole lot this week. On way to SxSW 18:15:42 timbl has joined #tagmem 18:15:45 Domenic__: not much either RE: TAG stuff. would like to take up quota-management spec review draft done soon. Also some interests from WebAudio in follow-up 18:16:08 dka: does it make sense for an F2F slot for Web Audio? 18:16:18 Zakim, mute me 18:16:18 dherman should now be muted 18:16:54 slightlyoff: perhaps we can invite them to a call first? 18:17:01 dka: can someone who's already talking to them propose that? 18:17:03 Domenic__: I can 18:17:14 Domenic__: can loop in slightlyoff if he's available 18:17:19 -twirl 18:17:20 Zakim, unmute me 18:17:20 dherman should no longer be muted 18:17:37 dherman: not so much to report this week...have been focused on other stuff 18:17:41 +??P7 18:18:34 slightlyoff: continuing to try to liberate EME/CDM documentation 18:18:39 twirl: not much this week. 18:18:50 twirl: have been doing a lot of thinking around EME 18:18:55 zakim, who is here? 18:18:55 On the phone I see plinss, dka, Domenic__, TimBL, Yves, dherman, [Google], twirl 18:18:57 On IRC I see timbl, JeniT, dherman, Zakim, RRSAgent, dka, twirl, marcosc, plinss, trackbot, slightlyoff, Domenic__, wycats__, Yves 18:19:20 Yves: not much to report. I've worked a bit on the [???] stuff. Sent an email to www-tag about it 18:19:27 Yves: also compression in HTTP/2 18:20:25 dka: have been looking at trusted proxy, opportunistic encryption, and compression here (IETF meeting) 18:20:38 Domenic__: will send out a post about form-submission/compression 18:20:56 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-nextweb/2014Mar/0000.html 18:21:33 timbl: I've been looking into things related to EME. Glad there are wider discussions, and I'm happy that some of the naiveté has been tempered. 18:22:11 timbl: supposing the W3C finds itself producing a recommendation to make a technology which produces things which if you hack you go to jail in some countries...I've been thinking along the lines of a genearl argument: 18:22:25 timbl: a.) all technology has a social as well as a technical component 18:22:38 timbl: b.) the laws are the laws we have 18:23:32 timbl: c.) in some countries, re: DRM, where the laws are an extraordinarily bad fit, should the consortium say "we've got this technology, but it needs a different policy world to live in" 18:23:51 e.g., should we block EME until the social conditions around it change? 18:24:12 we don't want people to go to jail around this...we don't want to do this until the laws change 18:24:20 timbl: want us to think about this 18:24:42 dka: this mirrors thigns at the STRINT workshop...the idea that standards are amoral 18:24:53 dherman: I strongly disagree with taht argument 18:25:40 timbl: I talked with a spammer once...and I'd call them and ask "what are you doing? don't you feel bad?" and we got to discussing things like the forwarded-from header...and he said "that's just a header, you can put what you like in there" 18:25:59 timbl: and a lot of people think that, but it would have been nice if someone made a point of saying you MUST about that header 18:26:37 timbl: re: DNT, we can't get away from it 18:26:45 dka: back to agenda building for F2F 18:26:54 dka: my sense is that we want to have stuff to review 18:27:24 dka: we should be producing things and we should start thinking about documetns we're working on are reviewed and published at f2f's 18:27:37 dka: thinking about things like the promises guidelines and some of the other reviews that we're doing 18:27:44 dka: we shoudl be trying to backstop that stuff at the f2f's 18:27:52 dka: and we should be thinking about that as a goal 18:27:54 (I agree) 18:28:00 +1 18:28:03 +1 18:28:23 Is there any urgent stuff? 18:28:25 (discussion about waiting for f2f...high bandwidth...etc.) 18:28:40 dka: re twirl: any more urgent stuff? 18:28:45 logistics? we ok there? 18:29:00 if you have questions, email dave 18:29:03 I mean are there reviews which we need to do urgently 18:29:40 there are a few chrome has intent to ship, i have tried to prioritize those 18:29:40 -dherman 18:29:41 -twirl 18:29:41 -[Google] 18:29:46 -Yves 18:29:48 -plinss 18:29:50 twirl: web audio, Shadow DOM, and Streams 18:29:53 -dka 18:29:55 -Domenic__ 18:30:01 and Font Loading 18:30:27 slightlyoff: did webaudio make a new revision? 18:37:18 dka has joined #tagmem 18:37:21 rrsagent, make minutes 18:37:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/06-tagmem-minutes.html dka 18:37:29 rrsagent, make minutes public 18:37:29 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', dka. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:37:35 rrsagent, make logs public 18:58:25 timbl has joined #tagmem 19:05:23 -TimBL 19:05:24 TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has ended 19:05:24 Attendees were +1.858.354.aaaa, dka, Domenic__, plinss, TimBL, Yves, twirl, dherman, [Google] 19:12:46 dherman has left #tagmem 19:31:05 timbl has joined #tagmem 20:57:07 timbl has joined #tagmem 20:59:04 Zakim has left #tagmem