IRC log of pointerevents on 2014-03-04

Timestamps are in UTC.

16:00:01 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #pointerevents
16:00:01 [RRSAgent]
logging to
16:00:10 [jrossi2]
jrossi2 has joined #pointerevents
16:00:13 [Zakim]
16:00:29 [ArtB]
ScribeNick: ArtB
16:00:29 [ArtB]
Scribe: Art
16:00:29 [ArtB]
16:00:29 [ArtB]
Chair: Art
16:00:29 [ArtB]
Meeting: Pointer Events WG Voice Conference
16:00:34 [Zakim]
16:00:36 [Zakim]
16:00:48 [jrossi2]
Zakim, who's making noise?
16:00:59 [Zakim]
jrossi2, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Art_Barstow (35%), Patrick (14%)
16:01:17 [jrossi]
Zakim, Microsoft is jrossi
16:01:17 [Zakim]
+jrossi; got it
16:01:23 [patrick_h_lauke]
oh, interesting zakim functionality there
16:01:23 [ArtB]
Regrets: Sangwhan_Moon, Olli_Pettay
16:02:09 [ArtB]
Present: Art_Barstow, Patrick_Lauke, Rick_Byers, Jacob_Rossi
16:02:58 [Zakim]
16:03:10 [ArtB]
Present+ Asir_Vedamuthu
16:03:25 [asir]
asir has joined #pointerevents
16:03:28 [ArtB]
Topic: Tweak agenda
16:03:37 [ArtB]
AB: I posted a draft agenda yesterday
16:03:40 [ArtB]
AB: since then there has been a lot of bug activity. My inclination is to allocate some time for all of the bugs as a way to get "last chance" feedback. However, Bugs 24706 and 24777 were Resolved/Fixed via patches based on agreements made during our Feb 25 call so I propose we drop those two bug from the call.
16:04:11 [ArtB]
AB: any objections to dropping Bug 24706 and Bug 24777?
16:04:18 [Zakim]
16:04:30 [ArtB]
Present+ Matt_Brubeck
16:04:49 [ArtB]
AB: yesterday Olli said Anne is still OOO so we won't discuss his comments at this call.
16:05:07 [ArtB]
AB: any other change requests?
16:05:24 [ArtB]
RB: can we move manipulation topic earlier today
16:05:32 [patrick_h_lauke]
ok with me
16:05:38 [ArtB]
AB: that's finewith me
16:05:59 [ArtB]
Topic: Add 'manipulation' touch-action property?
16:06:06 [ArtB]
AB: this Issue/Q was raised by Rick on Feb 25 and he proposed some new text There was some followup by Patrick and Jacob.
16:06:20 [ArtB]
RB: IE has these additions
16:06:54 [ArtB]
… think we need to rethink what we want to spec
16:07:06 [ArtB]
… need something about click delay
16:07:16 [Zakim]
16:07:19 [ArtB]
… I proposed some wording that fits within the scope of the group (charter)
16:07:26 [ArtB]
… this would help with compat
16:07:31 [ArtB]
Present+ Cathy_Chan
16:07:40 [patrick_h_lauke]
+1 that click delay 300ms is a big pain point, and anything that can help alleviate it in a standardised way is a good thing
16:07:51 [ArtB]
RB: extra impl burden I think is smallish
16:07:52 [patrick_h_lauke]
removes special magic that UAs (particularly on mobile) do today
16:07:58 [ArtB]
MB: I agree with Rick
16:08:02 [ArtB]
… this is a good thing to add
16:08:17 [ArtB]
… there are some impl-specific semantics
16:08:46 [mbrubeck]
I like the proposal from Rick's mail that we spec it as "pan-x pan-y" plus (optional) implementation-specifiied behaviors.
16:08:51 [ArtB]
JR: I replied to this thread; think this is valuable
16:08:58 [ArtB]
… describe continuous zooming
16:09:12 [mbrubeck]
I'm fine with specifying "continuous zooming" too.
16:09:13 [ArtB]
… ok provided it doesn't hold up the spec
16:09:18 [ArtB]
… well understood property
16:09:39 [ArtB]
RB: you'd like some info from Mozilla re impl?
16:09:54 [ArtB]
JR: yes, that would be good and what Matt said is sufficient
16:10:00 [Zakim]
16:10:16 [ArtB]
… think we have enuf support to add this
16:10:32 [ArtB]
MB: need to double-check with Olli but we circulated this to Moz people
16:10:40 [ArtB]
… I don't think we'll get any objections
16:11:10 [scottgonzalez]
scottgonzalez has joined #pointerevents
16:11:18 [ArtB]
AV: what do you expect Chrome to support
16:11:32 [rbyers]
According to proposed definition of manipulation, it would be valid (and compatible) to implement it identically to 'auto'
16:11:35 [ArtB]
… (directed to Rick)
16:11:47 [ArtB]
RB: we are near branch point for Chrome 35
16:12:15 [ArtB]
… if we get manipulation into ED I can get it in impl in time for Chrome 35
16:12:28 [ArtB]
… need to get it into the spec
16:12:33 [ArtB]
JR: I can add this today
16:12:36 [ArtB]
RB: great
16:13:05 [ArtB]
RESOLUTION: we will add manipulation to the touch-action property
16:13:22 [ArtB]
ACTION: Jacob add manipulation to the touch-action property
16:13:22 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-86 - Add manipulation to the touch-action property [on Jacob Rossi - due 2014-03-11].
16:13:41 [ArtB]
Topic: Bug 21749 : Setting a capture on an offshore element
16:13:49 [ArtB]
AB: This was created 2013-Apr-04 on behalf of Francois Remy. We discussed this during our 2014-Jan-07 call and Jacob has Action-57 to make a proposal
16:14:10 [ArtB]
AB: Jacob, what's the status of this?
16:14:39 [Cathy]
Cathy has joined #pointerevents
16:14:44 [ArtB]
JR: I still need to make a proposal; it's in my queue
16:15:03 [ArtB]
… will get to it shortly
16:15:19 [ArtB]
Topic: Bug 21951: [CR] pointermove dispatching when button state changes
16:15:28 [ArtB]
AB: Jacob Resolved/Fixed this bug on Feb 28 via patch per the resolution on 2014-Jan-07
16:15:49 [ArtB]
AB: We'll talk about Asir's related e-mail about this bug separately, but first, are there any objections to Jacob's patch?
16:16:28 [ArtB]
SG: looks good to me
16:16:31 [patrick_h_lauke]
looks good to me
16:16:31 [ArtB]
RB: good to me
16:16:54 [ArtB]
Present+ Scott_González
16:17:05 [ArtB]
RESOLUTION: Jacob's fix for Bug 21951 is OK.
16:17:10 [ArtB]
AB: Asir proposed in test assertions 5.4 and 5.5 be deleted since they "cannot be tested using the current test harness and cannot be run manually"
16:18:08 [ArtB]
AV: as we review assertions and test coverage, we discovered these two cannot be tested
16:18:16 [Cathy_]
Cathy_ has joined #pointerevents
16:18:27 [ArtB]
RB: not sure why 5.4 can't be tested
16:18:42 [ArtB]
… can't change button state w/o changing the pointer
16:18:55 [ArtB]
JR: yes, I think you are correct Rick
16:19:02 [ArtB]
… a manual test here would be hard
16:19:28 [ArtB]
… There is a discussion by the WebDriver group about this general problem
16:19:51 [ArtB]
RB: yeah even if had a test, there is no API to check
16:20:58 [ArtB]
AB: does anyone object to strking 5.4 and 5.5?
16:21:06 [ArtB]
SG: we could move them to another section
16:21:28 [ArtB]
… so if/when WebDriver can handle these cases, we could consider creating tests
16:21:43 [mbrubeck]
"Awaiting harness improvements (or WebDriver)"
16:21:50 [ArtB]
… if we strike them, should add a note
16:21:58 [ArtB]
AV: we could add them to v2 list
16:22:13 [ArtB]
AB: so do both strike and add to v2 list
16:22:22 [patrick_h_lauke]
no objection
16:22:35 [ArtB]
AB: anyone object to striking these plus adding these to v2 list?
16:22:40 [ArtB]
[ None ]
16:23:12 [ArtB]
JR: would be good for people in this group to provide input for WebDriver
16:23:20 [ArtB]
… so they can handle our type of requirements
16:23:44 [ArtB]
… we have John Jansen
16:23:49 [ArtB]
RB: any one from Google?
16:24:03 [jrossi]
16:24:03 [ArtB]
JR: this is the Browser Testing WG
16:25:08 [ArtB]
CC: what about 5.6 and 5.7?
16:25:22 [ArtB]
… does the same reasoning apply to these two assertions?
16:25:53 [ArtB]
RB: yes, they are the same
16:26:04 [ArtB]
AB: any different thoughts?
16:26:05 [ArtB]
SG: no
16:26:23 [ArtB]
AB: so we want to strike all 4 assertions?
16:26:27 [ArtB]
AV: yes
16:26:34 [ArtB]
AB: thanks Cathy
16:26:54 [ArtB]
RESOLUTION: strike test assertions 5.{4,5,6,7} and add them to the v2 list
16:27:13 [ArtB]
ACTION: asir strike test assertions 5.{4,5,6,7} and add them to the v2 list
16:27:14 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-87 - Strike test assertions 5.{4,5,6,7} and add them to the v2 list [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2014-03-11].
16:27:26 [ArtB]
Topic: Bug 24346: Clarifications on Pointer Events Types section
16:27:31 [ArtB]
AB: Jacob Resolved/Fixed Bug 24346 on Feb 25 as discussed on Feb 25
16:27:46 [ArtB]
AB: Since then Patrick submitted some comments via the [["List of Pointer Events" table default actions]] thread; see
16:28:26 [ArtB]
PL: think table still needs a clarification
16:28:45 [ArtB]
MB: the table lists the action that will be prevented if call preventDefault
16:28:57 [jrossi]
See Step 3 in:
16:28:59 [ArtB]
… if call it on pointerdown all compat mouse events will be prevented
16:29:12 [ArtB]
… there are some mouse events that aren't prevent-able
16:29:38 [ArtB]
PL: perhaps the header of table
16:30:09 [ArtB]
MB: could add a link to the text and section for canceling
16:30:15 [ArtB]
JR: I can change the table headings
16:30:27 [ArtB]
… think I just used headings from other DOM specs
16:30:36 [ArtB]
… could add a defn and have the header link to that
16:31:17 [ArtB]
PL: need to what happens when event is canceled
16:31:36 [ArtB]
JR: [ reads part of the spec … ]
16:31:45 [ArtB]
… could add a defn for defaultAction
16:31:54 [jrossi]
"cancelled eventAn event whose default action was prevented by means of preventDefault(), returning false in an event handler, or other means as defined by [DOM-LEVEL-3-EVENTS] and [HTML5]."
16:32:20 [ArtB]
MB: there's a diff between default action and defaultAction
16:32:31 [patrick_h_lauke]
so currently, table column "Default Action". Text in the column is "Varies: when the pointer is primary, all default actions of the mousedown event plus firing of compatibility mouse events". How about just adding a bit of text
16:32:58 [AutomatedTester]
AutomatedTester has joined #pointerevents
16:33:40 [ArtB]
AB: Patrick can you take this info and create a proposal?
16:34:04 [ArtB]
PL: [ makes a proposal … ]
16:34:12 [ArtB]
… I can do some wordsmithing
16:34:37 [ArtB]
ACTION: Patrick make a proposal for Bug 24346 (using discussion from 2014-Mar-04 call)
16:34:37 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-88 - Make a proposal for bug 24346 (using discussion from 2014-mar-04 call) [on Patrick Lauke - due 2014-03-11].
16:34:41 [patrick_h_lauke]
16:34:57 [ArtB]
Topic: Bug 24772: releasePointerCapture() should fail if called from a node that doesn't currently capture the pointer
16:35:05 [ArtB]
AB: Jacob proposed text in the bug via comment #1 as actioned on Feb 25
16:35:18 [ArtB]
AB: any objections to Jacob's proposal?
16:35:37 [ArtB]
AB: looked ok to me
16:35:49 [ArtB]
RB: sounds good
16:35:57 [ArtB]
SG: so noop, no error?
16:35:58 [ArtB]
JR: yes
16:36:22 [ArtB]
RESOLUTION: group agrees with Jacob's proposal for Bug 24772
16:36:29 [ArtB]
ACTION: Jacob submit changeset for his proposed text for Bug 24772
16:36:29 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-89 - Submit changeset for his proposed text for bug 24772 [on Jacob Rossi - due 2014-03-11].
16:36:51 [ArtB]
Topic: Bug 24783: non-normative examples for event sequences to be added to end of 11.2
16:36:57 [ArtB]
AB: after the draft agenda was posted, Jacob Resolved/Fixed via patch and then Patrick had some followup.
16:37:18 [ArtB]
AB: We'll discuss Patrick's editorial followup in a minute but first, any objections to Jacob's patch?
16:37:49 [ArtB]
JR: this is verbatim from what Patrick proposed
16:38:09 [ArtB]
PL: yes; the two minor comments are editorial nits
16:38:25 [patrick_h_lauke]
16:38:25 [ArtB]
JR: oh, yes, I'll make those two changes
16:38:43 [ArtB]
AB: any objections to the patch + the 2 editorial nits?
16:38:49 [ArtB]
16:38:52 [ArtB]
PL: +1
16:39:31 [patrick_h_lauke]
16:39:40 [ArtB]
RB: why are pointerenter and pointerleave not in the list?
16:39:45 [ArtB]
JR: that's an oversight
16:40:07 [ArtB]
AB: any objections to adding pointerenter and pointerleave?
16:40:12 [ArtB]
[ None ]
16:40:25 [patrick_h_lauke]
hah mbrubeck
16:40:41 [patrick_h_lauke]
save that for the touch events CG
16:40:42 [ArtB]
RESOLUTION: group agrees with Jacob's patch for Bug 24783 + add pointerenter and pointerleave + add PL's two editorial nits
16:41:15 [ArtB]
ACTION: Jacob update the spec for bug 24783 including discussion from 2014-Mar-04
16:41:15 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-90 - Update the spec for bug 24783 including discussion from 2014-mar-04 [on Jacob Rossi - due 2014-03-11].
16:41:27 [ArtB]
Topic: Bug 24784: ACTION-69: Create a proposal re informative note re pointerevent and touchevent compatibility
16:41:28 [patrick_h_lauke]
not unlike my 100s of tests, rick
16:41:41 [ArtB]
AB: this bug had some additional activity yesterday between Patrick and Jacob
16:41:48 [ArtB]
AB: I think what we want here is a relatively terse statement. Jacob's proposal meets that but I'd say Patrick's  counter-proposal meets the ICanLiveWithItTest.
16:42:10 [ArtB]
JR: yes
16:42:36 [ArtB]
AB: any objections to adding PL's proposed text for 24784?
16:42:46 [ArtB]
RB: fine with me
16:43:03 [patrick_h_lauke]
i'll follow up at later point to add my thoughts to the touch events CG wiki
16:43:05 [ArtB]
RESOLUTION: group agrees with PL's proposed text for bug 24784
16:43:23 [ArtB]
ACTION: Jacob update the spec for bug 24784 per PL's proposal
16:43:23 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-91 - Update the spec for bug 24784 per pl's proposal [on Jacob Rossi - due 2014-03-11].
16:43:36 [ArtB]
Topic: Bug 24786: Propose a non-normative note re the keyboard compat issue
16:43:47 [ArtB]
AB: Patrick has done quite a bit of research and added several comments to this bug and so far no one else has added any comments
16:43:56 [ArtB]
AB: we discussed this on Feb 25 and the group was actioned to add their feedback to the bug
16:44:07 [ArtB]
AB: seems like we need a clear proposal we can review and comment #5 might have such a proposal
16:44:41 [patrick_h_lauke]
mind that the first part of is mainly for interest
16:44:48 [ArtB]
RB: I don't have an objection if UAs implement something like this
16:45:05 [ArtB]
… but need to separate that from designing things into the platform
16:45:08 [shepazutu]
shepazutu has joined #pointerevents
16:45:20 [ArtB]
… want the compatibility hacks at higher lever e.g. frameworks
16:45:28 [patrick_h_lauke]
...or user agent behavior
16:45:37 [ArtB]
… don't want "surprising" behavior included in the platform
16:45:59 [patrick_h_lauke]
i actually agree with rick here
16:46:13 [ArtB]
… PL's proposal is good but need to separate that from platform requirements
16:46:30 [ArtB]
PL: agree with you Rick
16:46:52 [ArtB]
… think the end of comment #5 is the important part we want to capture
16:47:15 [ArtB]
… some more text is needed
16:48:07 [ArtB]
[ Scribe didn't capture comments from Rick … ]
16:48:34 [ArtB]
PL: should I use this feedback to create a new proposal?
16:48:40 [ArtB]
AB: sounds good
16:49:04 [ArtB]
ACTION: Patrick make a specific proposal for Bug 24786 per discussion on 2014-Mar-04
16:49:04 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-92 - Make a specific proposal for bug 24786 per discussion on 2014-mar-04 [on Patrick Lauke - due 2014-03-11].
16:49:21 [rbyers]
my main point was to emphasize using high-level APIs (focus, blur, click, etc.) wherever possible. When you must use low-level input events, be sure to support ALL types of input devices, including keyboards.
16:49:21 [ArtB]
PL: might want to block for feedback from Sangwhan
16:49:32 [ArtB]
… since one of his actions is related
16:49:35 [patrick_h_lauke]
16:49:43 [ArtB]
… Action-63
16:49:47 [patrick_h_lauke]
16:50:07 [ArtB]
PL: the Q is whether Action-63 is covered by my proposal
16:50:11 [ArtB]
RB: yes, I think so
16:50:58 [ArtB]
AB: how about after you make your proposal Patrick, we make sure Sangwhan is given a headsup and then address action-63 accordingly?
16:51:04 [ArtB]
PL: sounds good
16:51:17 [ArtB]
Topic: Bug 24894: Tweaks to 5.1.2 The Primary Pointer
16:51:25 [ArtB]
AB: after the draft agenda was posted, Jacob Resolved/Fixed via Jacob's patch
16:51:34 [patrick_h_lauke]
16:51:37 [ArtB]
AB: this was discussed on Feb 25 as "Slight softening of language in the note for 5.1.2"
16:51:47 [ArtB]
AB: any objections to this patch?
16:51:53 [ArtB]
16:52:07 [ArtB]
16:52:10 [ArtB]
AB: +1
16:52:18 [patrick_h_lauke]
16:52:19 [ArtB]
RESOLUTION: group agrees with Jacob's patch for Bug 24894.
16:52:33 [patrick_h_lauke]
right, shooting off. thanks everybody
16:52:38 [ArtB]
Topic: Testing status
16:52:43 [ArtB]
AB: any new testing news (beyond Feb 25
16:53:48 [ArtB]
Topic: CR implementation updates
16:53:52 [ArtB]
AB: any new implementation news (beyond Feb 25
16:53:54 [mbrubeck]
It is now possible to enable touch-action and pointer events in nightly builds of Firefox for Windows 8 Metro.
16:54:10 [ArtB]
AB: awesome!
16:54:12 [asir]
Very cool!!
16:54:27 [ArtB]
MB: portions of that also work on some other platforms
16:55:00 [mbrubeck]
Pointer Events (but not touch-action) can also be enabled in Firefox for desktop, and (I think) Firefox OS.
16:55:16 [rbyers]
16:55:43 [ArtB]
RB: we are continuing to land touch-action patches
16:55:51 [ArtB]
… still on track for Chrome 35
16:55:59 [ArtB]
Topic: AoB
16:56:03 [ArtB]
AB: Any other Business for today?
16:56:09 [ArtB]
AB: I might have a conflict with this time on March 11 so a call that day is currently not likely
16:56:29 [ArtB]
AB: down to 4 bugs + Annes comments
16:56:41 [ArtB]
AB: anything else?
16:56:49 [ArtB]
AB: meeting adjourned
16:56:52 [Zakim]
16:56:54 [Zakim]
16:56:57 [Zakim]
16:56:58 [Zakim]
16:57:01 [Zakim]
16:57:03 [Zakim]
16:57:07 [Zakim]
16:58:04 [ArtB]
RRSAgent, make minutes
16:58:04 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ArtB
16:58:11 [ArtB]
RRSAgent, make log Public
16:58:17 [ArtB]
RRSAgent, make minutes
16:58:17 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ArtB
17:01:03 [jrossi]
jrossi has left #pointerevents
17:02:50 [AutomatedTester]
AutomatedTester has joined #pointerevents
17:05:54 [ArtB]
zakim, bye
17:05:54 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees were Art_Barstow, rbyers, Patrick, jrossi, [Microsoft], Matt_Brubeck, Cathy, Scott_Gonzalez
17:05:54 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #pointerevents
17:05:59 [ArtB]
rrsagent, bye
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
I see 7 open action items saved in :
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Jacob add manipulation to the touch-action property [1]
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: asir strike test assertions 5.{4,5,6,7} and add them to the v2 list [2]
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Patrick make a proposal for Bug 24346 (using discussion from 2014-Mar-04 call) [3]
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Jacob submit changeset for his proposed text for Bug 24772 [4]
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Jacob update the spec for bug 24783 including discussion from 2014-Mar-04 [5]
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Jacob update the spec for bug 24784 per PL's proposal [6]
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Patrick make a specific proposal for Bug 24786 per discussion on 2014-Mar-04 [7]
17:05:59 [RRSAgent]
recorded in