IRC log of tt on 2014-02-27
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:00:26 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #tt
- 15:00:26 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:00:28 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 15:00:28 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #tt
- 15:00:30 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be TTML
- 15:00:30 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start now
- 15:00:31 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference
- 15:00:31 [trackbot]
- Date: 27 February 2014
- 15:01:37 [nigel]
- zakim, who is on the call
- 15:01:37 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'who is on the call', nigel
- 15:01:43 [nigel]
- zakim, who is on the phone
- 15:01:43 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'who is on the phone', nigel
- 15:01:50 [nigel]
- zakim, who is speaking?
- 15:01:50 [Zakim]
- sorry, nigel, I don't know what conference this is
- 15:01:56 [plh]
- plh has joined #tt
- 15:02:26 [nigel]
- zakim, what meeting is this?
- 15:02:26 [Zakim]
- I don't understand your question, nigel.
- 15:02:46 [nigel]
- zakim, this is TTML
- 15:02:46 [Zakim]
- ok, nigel; that matches SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM
- 15:02:52 [tmichel]
- zakim, who is here ?
- 15:02:52 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see pal, ??P12, +41.22.749.aaaa, ??P11, Plh, glenn
- 15:02:54 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see plh, Zakim, RRSAgent, tmichel, Frans_EBU_, nigel, glenn, trackbot
- 15:03:03 [jdsmith]
- jdsmith has joined #tt
- 15:03:19 [tmichel]
- zakim, ??P12 is me
- 15:03:19 [Zakim]
- +tmichel; got it
- 15:03:23 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft]
- 15:03:32 [Frans_EBU_]
- +41 is Frans
- 15:03:41 [plh]
- zakim, aaaa is Frans
- 15:03:41 [Zakim]
- +Frans; got it
- 15:03:47 [nigel]
- zakim, ??P11 is me
- 15:03:48 [Zakim]
- +nigel; got it
- 15:04:15 [nigel]
- chair: nigel
- 15:04:36 [nigel]
- Present: plh, tmichel, glenn, pal, nigel, frans, jdsmith
- 15:04:58 [nigel]
- zakim, pick a victim
- 15:04:58 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose [Microsoft]
- 15:05:30 [nigel]
- scribeNick: jdsmith
- 15:05:42 [nigel]
- nigel: explains about scribing a bit
- 15:06:15 [jdsmith]
- new topic: Charter
- 15:06:26 [jdsmith]
- topic: charter
- 15:06:41 [pal]
- pal has joined #tt
- 15:07:05 [jdsmith]
- action 268 to be done after this meeting.
- 15:07:05 [trackbot]
- Error finding '268'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 15:07:41 [jdsmith]
- action-268: to be done after this meeting.
- 15:07:41 [trackbot]
- Notes added to action-268 Estimate timelines for ttml 2 deliberables with glenn.
- 15:08:36 [mike]
- mike has joined #tt
- 15:09:18 [plh]
- 15:09:24 [Zakim]
- +Mike
- 15:09:31 [jdsmith]
- plh: jerry should ping Mike Champion on charter review
- 15:09:37 [nigel]
- Present+ Mike Dolan
- 15:10:56 [jdsmith]
- topic: open action items
- 15:11:13 [nigel]
- action-244?
- 15:11:13 [trackbot]
- action-244 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Proceed with work to investigate deltas. if time doesn't allow the fallback is to remove annex a. -- due 2013-12-19 -- PENDINGREVIEW
- 15:11:13 [trackbot]
- 15:11:15 [jdsmith]
- action-244?
- 15:11:15 [trackbot]
- action-244 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Proceed with work to investigate deltas. if time doesn't allow the fallback is to remove annex a. -- due 2013-12-19 -- PENDINGREVIEW
- 15:11:15 [trackbot]
- 15:11:41 [nigel]
- issue-295?
- 15:11:41 [trackbot]
- issue-295 -- Remove code point restrictions from IMSC -- open
- 15:11:41 [trackbot]
- 15:12:06 [jdsmith]
- currently pending review
- 15:14:17 [jdsmith]
- glenn: previously commented about the action being exhaustive. fine with current wording.
- 15:14:50 [nigel]
- close action-244
- 15:14:50 [trackbot]
- Closed action-244.
- 15:14:52 [jdsmith]
- any objections to closing? None.
- 15:15:11 [jdsmith]
- action-257?
- 15:15:11 [trackbot]
- action-257 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Create a new issue to split these out for tracking. -- due 2014-01-23 -- CLOSED
- 15:15:11 [trackbot]
- 15:17:14 [jdsmith]
- nigel: see this is now closed.
- 15:17:33 [jdsmith]
- nigel: mentions issue-300.
- 15:17:37 [nigel]
- 15:17:57 [jdsmith]
- nigel: minutes just posted have discussion on this issue previously
- 15:18:17 [glenn]
- ISSUE-300: see also minutes at
- 15:18:17 [trackbot]
- Notes added to ISSUE-300 Prior interpretation of the correct fallback for tts:origin.
- 15:18:38 [glenn]
- ACTION-257: see also ACTION-259
- 15:18:38 [trackbot]
- Notes added to ACTION-257 Create a new issue to split these out for tracking..
- 15:19:04 [jdsmith]
- nigel: note added to connect issue-259
- 15:19:12 [glenn]
- ACTION: previous note should read ISSUE-259, not ACTION-259
- 15:19:12 [trackbot]
- Error finding 'previous'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 15:19:52 [glenn]
- ACTION-257: previous note should read ISSUE-259, not ACTION-259
- 15:19:52 [trackbot]
- Notes added to ACTION-257 Create a new issue to split these out for tracking..
- 15:20:32 [jdsmith]
- topic: pending review issues and actions
- 15:20:52 [glenn]
- rrsagent, action- 1
- 15:21:07 [jdsmith]
- issue-282?
- 15:21:07 [trackbot]
- issue-282 -- Need to add missing named character entities. -- pending review
- 15:21:07 [trackbot]
- 15:22:06 [jdsmith]
- nigel: propose we close issue-282
- 15:22:46 [glenn]
- action: glenn to implement issue-282 changes on TTML2 text also
- 15:22:46 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-269 - Implement issue-282 changes on ttml2 text also [on Glenn Adams - due 2014-03-06].
- 15:23:09 [tmichel]
- yes can close 282 for TTML1 errata
- 15:23:16 [jdsmith]
- glenn: agree that issue can be closed.
- 15:23:21 [nigel]
- close issue-282
- 15:23:21 [trackbot]
- Closed issue-282.
- 15:23:47 [jdsmith]
- topic: overdue action items
- 15:24:28 [plh]
- action-203?
- 15:24:28 [trackbot]
- action-203 -- Philippe Le Hégaret to Investigate 708 border style mapping issues with mike's help -- due 2013-09-26 -- OPEN
- 15:24:28 [trackbot]
- 15:26:58 [jdsmith]
- plh: updated to discuss css text-shadow compared to TTML textOutline property.
- 15:28:07 [jdsmith]
- plh: remaining to do is review windowBorder - anyone interested in pursuing that?
- 15:28:49 [jdsmith]
- mike: should be "no", since there is no windowBorder property in 708.
- 15:29:21 [jdsmith]
- glenn: border property was added to TTML2.
- 15:30:02 [jdsmith]
- mike: borders do in fact exist, with similar shadow settings.
- 15:31:43 [jdsmith]
- SMPTE 2052-11 has mappings, if we care.
- 15:33:15 [Zakim]
- -Frans
- 15:34:45 [jdsmith]
- mike: 708 is another big spec with a subset required by US law. It suggests that applying border properties on characters only is adequate.
- 15:35:14 [jdsmith]
- mike: can safely say that no-one authors border shadows.
- 15:37:24 [jdsmith]
- glenn: might be good to have a mapping appendix that references 2052-11.
- 15:38:19 [jdsmith]
- plh: suggest we close action-203.
- 15:38:32 [glenn]
- action: glenn add informative appendix to ttml2 on subject of 708 mapping, where it refers to ST2052-11 as starting point, and provides place to extend or elaborate mapping information
- 15:38:32 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-270 - Add informative appendix to ttml2 on subject of 708 mapping, where it refers to st2052-11 as starting point, and provides place to extend or elaborate mapping information [on Glenn Adams - due 2014-03-06].
- 15:39:40 [nigel]
- action-203: Regulation does not require support for 708 window border property; text outline already present in TTML2 draft. Therefore decision is to close this action with no further edits at this time.
- 15:39:40 [trackbot]
- Notes added to action-203 Investigate 708 border style mapping issues with mike's help.
- 15:39:47 [nigel]
- close action-203
- 15:39:47 [trackbot]
- Closed action-203.
- 15:40:05 [glenn]
- see updated overdue actions
- 15:40:08 [jdsmith]
- nigel: back to overdue actions.
- 15:41:27 [jdsmith]
- glenn: have a pending review action to discuss
- 15:41:31 [jdsmith]
- action-267?
- 15:41:32 [trackbot]
- action-267 -- Glenn Adams to Fix notes on action-56 and issue-165 to refer to ttml2 changeset -- due 2014-02-13 -- PENDINGREVIEW
- 15:41:32 [trackbot]
- 15:43:27 [jdsmith]
- glenn: notes fixed to reflect changeset
- 15:43:33 [nigel]
- close action-267
- 15:43:33 [trackbot]
- Closed action-267.
- 15:45:15 [jdsmith]
- one overdue action remaining
- 15:45:19 [jdsmith]
- action-256?
- 15:45:19 [trackbot]
- action-256 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Review wording on issue-259 proposed solution and suggest alternate wording for consistency with existing profile documents -- due 2014-01-16 -- OPEN
- 15:45:19 [trackbot]
- 15:46:28 [jdsmith]
- nigel: no update, so anything to discuss on it?
- 15:46:44 [jdsmith]
- pal: not sure if action-256 is required at this point.
- 15:47:11 [jdsmith]
- glenn: might still be useful to make a suggestion on alternate wording.
- 15:47:37 [jdsmith]
- pal: alternate wording was actually proposed after this action was created.
- 15:47:58 [jdsmith]
- nigel: agree. closing appears to be appropriate.
- 15:49:24 [jdsmith]
- action-256: see note added january 16 by pal on issue-259.
- 15:49:24 [trackbot]
- Notes added to action-256 Review wording on issue-259 proposed solution and suggest alternate wording for consistency with existing profile documents.
- 15:50:07 [jdsmith]
- close action-256
- 15:50:07 [trackbot]
- Closed action-256.
- 15:50:47 [nigel]
- 15:51:07 [nigel]
- 15:51:26 [nigel]
- 15:51:55 [nigel]
- 15:53:06 [jdsmith]
- topic: change proposal-15
- 15:53:08 [nigel]
- 15:54:58 [jdsmith]
- nigel: added box-decoration-break with some examples, and font face rule.
- 15:56:10 [jdsmith]
- glenn: box-decoration-break has been delayed by CSS WG, would present problems for us to pursue.
- 15:56:43 [jdsmith]
- glenn: may want to draft an email for nigel as chair to send to CSS WB.
- 15:56:49 [jdsmith]
- WG...
- 15:57:22 [nigel]
- action nigel to draft email to CSS WG chair requesting box-decoration-break in CSS3
- 15:57:22 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-271 - Draft email to css wg chair requesting box-decoration-break in css3 [on Nigel Megitt - due 2014-03-06].
- 15:58:09 [jdsmith]
- nigel: comments on font face rule?
- 15:58:24 [jdsmith]
- glenn: obviously intended to support downloadable fonts syntax.
- 15:59:12 [jdsmith]
- nigel: have suggested a mapping in change proposal 15.
- 15:59:56 [jdsmith]
- glenn: might be simplied to using a single URL rather than multiple.
- 16:00:37 [jdsmith]
- nigel: any other business before close?
- 16:01:12 [plh]
- regrets for next week
- 16:02:19 [Zakim]
- -pal
- 16:02:30 [glenn]
- standby 1min
- 16:02:46 [Zakim]
- -nigel
- 16:03:04 [nigel]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 16:03:12 [nigel]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 16:03:12 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate nigel
- 16:03:14 [plh]
- zakim, list attendees
- 16:03:15 [Zakim]
- As of this point the attendees have been pal, +41.22.749.aaaa, Plh, glenn, tmichel, [Microsoft], Frans, nigel, Mike
- 16:03:17 [plh]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 16:03:17 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate plh
- 16:04:16 [plh]
- 16:05:29 [glenn]
- back
- 16:06:40 [Zakim]
- -[Microsoft]
- 16:06:44 [Zakim]
- -Mike
- 16:06:54 [glenn]
- zakim, who's on the call?
- 16:06:54 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see tmichel, Plh, glenn
- 16:07:10 [glenn]
- zakim, tmichel is nigel
- 16:07:10 [Zakim]
- +nigel; got it
- 16:09:20 [Zakim]
- -Plh
- 16:45:13 [Zakim]
- -glenn
- 16:45:17 [Zakim]
- -nigel
- 16:45:19 [Zakim]
- SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has ended
- 16:45:19 [Zakim]
- Attendees were pal, +41.22.749.aaaa, Plh, glenn, [Microsoft], Frans, nigel, Mike
- 18:20:13 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #tt
- 19:06:06 [glenn]
- glenn has joined #tt