14:57:00 RRSAgent has joined #ldp 14:57:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/02/24-ldp-irc 14:57:02 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:57:02 Zakim has joined #ldp 14:57:04 Zakim, this will be LDP 14:57:04 ok, trackbot; I see SW_LDP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 14:57:05 Meeting: Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference 14:57:05 Date: 24 February 2014 15:00:09 SW_LDP()10:00AM has now started 15:00:16 +Arnaud 15:00:18 +MIT531 15:00:28 Zakim: MIT531 is me 15:00:36 Zakim, MIT531 is me 15:00:36 +deiu; got it 15:00:38 betehess has joined #ldp 15:00:47 MiguelAraCo has joined #ldp 15:01:27 Ashok has joined #ldp 15:01:28 +OpenLink_Software 15:01:51 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 15:01:52 +TallTed; got it 15:01:56 +[IBM] 15:02:08 zakim, [IBM] is me 15:02:08 +SteveS; got it 15:02:14 +Sandro 15:03:50 +[IPcaller] 15:04:07 zakim, IPcaller is me 15:04:07 +Ashok; got it 15:04:15 +ericP 15:04:49 +bblfish 15:05:04 hi 15:05:26 I suppose I could scripte 15:06:39 Topic: Overview 15:06:52 roger has joined #ldp 15:06:56 Arnaud: We are going to change the order of the agenda a little bit 15:07:05 ... because of feedback 15:07:12 Topic: minutes of last meeting 15:07:31 scribenick: bblfish 15:07:36 Minutes seemed ok 15:07:53 Topic: Overview of Agenda 15:07:54 http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2014.02.24 15:08:04 rnaud: We are going to change the order of the agenda a little bit 15:08:04 because of feedback 15:08:15 Topic: laste week's minutes 15:08:27 s/rnaud/Arnaud 15:08:29 +??P16 15:08:40 Approved: last week's minutes http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/ldp/2014-02-17 15:08:43 +Roger 15:08:47 Zakim, ??P16 is me 15:08:47 +nmihindu; got it 15:08:57 Zakim, mute me 15:08:57 nmihindu should now be muted 15:09:28 pchampin has joined #ldp 15:09:28 Topic: Actions 15:10:09 +??P19 15:10:09 Steve reports on completing unnamed action of splitting the spec 15:10:19 zakim, ??P19 Is me 15:10:19 +pchampin; got it 15:10:34 Topic: Low Hanging Fruits 15:10:46 Topic: 209 15:11:23 who is speaking again? 15:11:29 ericP 15:11:31 ericP 15:11:51 ericP: is saying a lot here... 15:12:38 http://www.w3.org/2014/02/2xx/draft-prudhommeaux-http-status-209 15:13:43 codyburleson has joined #ldp 15:13:55 Arnaud: the tension is a bit less because it is only the paging spec that depends on 209 15:14:11 me: a lot of other things in the semweb would depend on it too :-) 15:14:27 +[IPcaller] 15:14:29 ericP: if one can test this on a bunch of systems that would be helpful 15:14:38 Zakim, IPcaller is me 15:14:38 +codyburleson; got it 15:14:57 ... it would be interesting to test this in existing linked data applications 15:15:22 the people who make this mistake would be those who mistake information resources and non-information resources 15:15:24 q+ 15:15:36 ... this would be useful for feedback on IETF 15:16:12 ... github would find this useful for github, as they don't differentiate one group of issues from others. This could be argued to be pathological 15:16:31 q+ to ask about allies 15:16:32 ... and due to there not being a 209 15:16:39 ack bblfish 15:16:44 Eric, how long do you expect the IETF process to take? 15:17:28 bblfish: isn't schema.org the one that returns a different url for identity? they can be an ally 15:18:16 ... my feeling is that 3XX might be a bit better (it has a notion of redirect), while for 2XX space it could be confusing for people 15:19:09 ericP: the fact is that 2XX is returning content, while 3XX is about the redirect and not the final product of the redirect 15:19:10 ack sandro 15:19:10 sandro, you wanted to ask about allies 15:19:17 bblfish: why not in the 3xx space? 15:19:39 q+ 15:19:40 ericP: because there seems to be a lot of agreement that 3xx is only about the headers and redirects 15:20:03 Mhh, perhaps I can go to IETF 15:20:55 Sandro: this is server only redirect, and sandro thinks about suggesting a client preference for a redirect 15:21:08 ... the client could suggest the redirect 15:21:59 Client says: Prefer: follow-link rel=first 15:22:00 Sandro is suggesting http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2014Feb/0100.html 15:22:56 ericP: John Arwe had made a similar suggestion with respect to a Prefer header, though John had a 303 in his proposal 15:23:28 q+ 15:24:58 ack SteveS 15:25:01 q- 15:25:28 SteveS: there is an editorial note taked for 308 15:25:47 ericP: that was because he compied the 308 RFC 15:25:57 bhyland has joined #ldp 15:27:02 Ashok: what are the expectations on how long that is going to take 15:27:27 ericP: at IETF London next week there should be a response with the apps ... 15:28:04 ericP: it is helpful as the w3c acting director is supporting this and is the liaison with IETF 15:28:59 ( I see Content-Location is the location of THIS PARTICULAR representation ) 15:29:15 ericP: one remaining issue: was not sure if sandro is better 209 over 200 15:29:28 sandro: prefers 209 over 200 15:30:52 sandro: the 209 spec would use a prefer header as an example - they would not be tied together 15:32:00 the question was how complex is it to get a new prefer header 15:32:30 prefer registry = http://www.iana.org/assignments/message-headers/message-headers.xhtml 15:32:50 the answer seems to be vague between it's just a registration to w3c specs may have some automatic speed way to registration 15:32:52 or not: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-snell-http-prefer-18#page-13 15:33:44 Topic: Sandro's https://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Collection_Types 15:35:41 Sandro: finding the Collections and the members to be confusing as they are smushed together 15:36:04 q+ 15:36:06 ... if synchronisation is a problem, or access control can be problematic, ... various extensibility problems 15:40:22 -Ashok 15:40:30 ack TallTed 15:41:47 TallTed: is not that happy about the use cases, that may be ephemeral, and that end up being used as a justification for a lot of features 15:42:19 ... there seems to be a need for a container which when deleted removes all contained resources and a container that when removed must remove all contained resources 15:42:30 +[IPcaller] 15:42:47 zakim, IPcaller is me 15:42:47 +Ashok; got it 15:42:49 ... and it should be easy to have both 15:42:57 q+ 15:44:20 TallTed: Sandro's proposal seems to be like a rehash of previous issues that were resolved some time ago. So there was at a previous F2F the idea of a factory method that could be used to say do a rm -rf on a directory 15:45:28 ... one should remove the temptation of simplification for the sake of simplification because there are all these use cases 15:45:45 I don't think that the factory method is doing deleting - it is doing creation. 15:46:02 Arnaud: was worried because of the reliance on PATCH everywhere 15:46:24 sandro: the current spec has the same problem with PATCH 15:46:36 ack bblfish 15:47:27 bblfish: I haven't had time to look at the spec carefully, but the notion of containership was that there are things that have containment. 15:47:39 ... my feeling is that one can go down to the basic building blocks 15:48:44 ... one should first do a POST (create a doc), then PATCH to modify contents 15:48:56 you can do that with BasicContainers if you want that 15:49:17 ... the idea is that there are consequences to doing certain actions 15:49:40 q+ 15:50:06 ... the high lever thinking is not so clear, and perhaps if we can understand what we're doing with these two different things, then people will understand WHY we're doing it 15:50:29 -nmihindu 15:50:38 q+ to ask how people think of the two-headed monster -- when they are looking in different directions 15:53:28 ack sandro 15:53:28 sandro, you wanted to ask how people think of the two-headed monster -- when they are looking in different directions 15:54:09 sandro, i'm having a hard time writing something into 209 to use Prefer before Prefer: follow-link is defined. 15:54:23 e.g. 'A client MAY indicate that it expects a 209 status code with a header like "Prefer: follow-link rel=first".' 15:54:51 sandro: why would I want a container that has membership triples which are different to the containment triples ? 15:54:56 is that correct ? 15:56:21 q+ 15:56:25 q+ 15:57:00 in Annotea, some clients wanted hosting and others didn't. 15:57:41 it was really a question of whether they owned some other web space into which they wrote their annotations. 15:58:28 (in response to Sandro's question of why one container would accept both POST and PATCH) 15:59:38 ack ashok 15:59:54 qoops forgot to keep scribing 16:00:28 Ashok: found sandro's write up easy to understand 16:00:34 ack steves 16:00:35 and that it's a better write up 16:01:25 SteveS: an explanation for the need of the double headed beast. Why not have as bblfish said a simple POST to create an ldp:contains and then PATCH the returned URL somewhere else. 16:02:09 .... but with the bug report use case it is useful to have the action of POSTing have as a consequence the addition of the membership triple to another resource 16:04:34 I have a few edits I'd like to make to help with understanding, so would request another week before making decision on going to LC (or at least be clear on what actions are needed to make LC2) 16:05:11 Arnaud: Sandro proposes a new notion of Selection that is underspecified ( would take a lot of time to get it right ). What is a problem would be if we found that we had cornered ourselves. But if people don't like the InderectContainer and DirectContainer. The problem might be the naming of the IndirectContainer to ldp:Container decided last week 16:05:37 since with the ldp:PlainContainer things are the way sandro likes it 16:06:28 ... from a logical point of view this makes sense. But the ldp:BasicContainer is also an indirectContainer. 16:07:58 q+ 16:08:45 ack bblfish 16:09:12 +1 rename ldp:Container back to ldp:IndirectContainer 16:09:34 +1 removing the class heirarchy 16:09:40 q+ 16:10:05 (to reduce tying ourselves to the current model) 16:12:02 I like the hierarchy we have but understand how some of the model complexities might make into the simplest thing 16:13:25 ApplicationDomainContainer === IndirectContainer ? 16:13:40 ack ashok 16:14:53 q+ to push forward, maybe with IC and DC "at risk". 16:15:06 ack sandro 16:15:06 sandro, you wanted to push forward, maybe with IC and DC "at risk". 16:15:24 q+ 16:15:32 ldp:Container has 2 disjoint subclasses -- ldp:BasicContainer, ldp:AdvancedContainer 16:15:32 AdvancedContainer has 2 subclasses -- and 1 AdvancedContainer could be both of these -- ldp:IndirectContainer, ldp:DirectContainer 16:16:23 q+ 16:16:39 ack SteveS 16:17:42 ack bblfish 16:19:22 -Roger 16:19:31 right, think soap/wsdl would have same issues 16:23:34 q+ to bring up my PREFER request as well 16:25:06 Arnaud, I'd love to propose to go to LC, but I'd also like to address my PREFER point. 16:26:30 yes 16:26:36 I can stay 16:26:39 ack me 16:26:42 Henry, the client IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for what people infer, incliduing what the server infers. 16:27:10 ack sandro 16:27:10 sandro, you wanted to bring up my PREFER request as well 16:27:14 I was just explaining what the importance of binding is 16:29:35 what is a client bound to when it POSTs a graph to a LDPC. It seems it is bound to the content of the graph and the ldp:contains relation . But for more advanced containers it seems the client is bound to the extra triples appearing. This is not made clear in the spec. Here binding is not the same as causal consequence. POSTing G could have as causal consequence that a bomb goes off, but the client is not bound to that consequence: he is certainly 16:29:35 h not responsible for it. 16:30:01 |Prefer: return=representation; 16:30:01 include="http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#PreferEmptyContainer"| 16:33:42 I am not sure I have a grasp of these proposals 16:34:08 q+ 16:34:15 ack bblfish 16:35:51 Agree with sandro, it would be good to have a URI for container metadata 16:36:24 ...we seem to have lost that (had it with ?non-member-properties) and added Prefer 16:37:17 q+ 16:37:39 ack Ashok 16:40:00 { ?x ldp:contains ?y } => { member-constant membership-predicate ?y } 16:40:09 that's how tyou make an IndirectContainer 16:42:14 PROPOSED: Revert ldp:Container back to ldp:IndirectContainer, and remove class hierarchy relation among the Container types 16:43:57 keeping ldp:Contains as the abstract class if folks really want it. 16:44:14 -Ashok 16:44:30 oh no.... we lost Ashok, and he can't call back because we're over time. 16:46:37 setting X=1 is idempotent but it has side effects 16:46:48 sandro: The client is NEVER responsible for what ends up in the Container. The client is ONLY responsble for the triples in its posting. 16:48:22 btw. I'm happy that we just have this discussion on this issue of what the consequences of POSTing are. This is really useful to understand 16:48:42 PROPOSED: Revert ldp:Container back to ldp:IndirectContainer, and remove class hierarchy relation among the Container types. With ldp:Container as the abstract base class of the three subclasses. 16:49:06 or BasicContain is the base class. 16:52:15 Arnaud: is ldp:BasicContainer rdfs:subClassOf ldp:IndirectContainer . 16:53:06 strawpoll: basic is base class, or basic is not base class 16:53:07 so ldp:contains has as domain rdf:IndirectContainer ? 16:53:28 Zakim, who's here? 16:53:28 On the phone I see deiu, Arnaud, TallTed, SteveS, Sandro, ericP (muted), bblfish, pchampin, codyburleson 16:53:30 On IRC I see bhyland, codyburleson, pchampin, MiguelAraCo, betehess, Zakim, RRSAgent, SteveS, deiu, nmihindu, TallTed, bblfish, abstractj, Arnaud, sandro, Yves, ericP, trackbot 16:53:38 -ericP 16:54:24 +0 for reverting to LDPC parent class and subclasses 16:54:52 PROPOSED: make BasicContainer -> Container, have Direct and Indirect subclasses 16:55:04 -0 16:55:20 +/- 0 16:55:20 -0.8 16:55:26 -0 16:55:28 0 16:55:28 I am pretty sure that's wrong 16:56:12 ok, I change to +0.3 16:56:52 PROPOSED: Revert ldp:Container back to ldp:IndirectContainer, and remove class hierarchy relation among the Container types. Use ldp:Container as the abstract base class of the three subclasses. 16:56:53 PROPOSED: make Container abstract, have Basic, Direct, and Indirect subclasses 16:57:15 +1 16:57:21 back to what we had on 2/16 basically 16:57:37 +0.5 16:57:45 +0.01 16:58:32 -codyburleson 16:59:58 Oops. Dropped on accident and conference is restricted to re-enter. :-( 17:00:21 bhyland has joined #ldp 17:01:02 jmvanel has joined #ldp 17:01:17 PROPOSED: include server MAY include rel=describeby, and if so it gets the empty-container triples. 17:01:25 +1 17:01:53 +1 17:02:17 +0 (I need to think about it some more) 17:02:28 SteveS: we removed this, because we had prefer, but we lost the IRI 17:02:31 s/describeby/describedby/ 17:02:34 RFC5988 describes describedBy 17:02:39 +0.8 17:02:52 s/describeby/describedBy/ 17:03:53 +0 don't have anything against it. Not sure what the use case is 17:08:41 -deiu 17:09:31 I need to drop 17:09:38 -SteveS 17:10:27 MembershipContainer and IndirectMembershipContainer 17:10:38 jmvanel has joined #ldp 17:11:53 DirectMembershipContainer and IndirectMembershipContainer 17:11:53 subclasses of MembershipContainer :-) 17:13:39 -Sandro 17:13:44 -TallTed 17:13:47 -Arnaud 17:13:48 -bblfish 17:13:53 by 17:14:35 thanks. I'll read those proposals more carefully for next time. 17:17:57 I liked TallTed's argument about two-directional arguments :-) 17:18:08 I wonder if I have to close this 17:18:48 disconnecting the lone participant, pchampin, in SW_LDP()10:00AM 17:18:49 SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended 17:18:49 Attendees were Arnaud, deiu, TallTed, SteveS, Sandro, Ashok, ericP, bblfish, Roger, nmihindu, pchampin, codyburleson 17:23:37 trackbot, end meeting 17:23:37 Zakim, list attendees 17:23:37 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 17:23:45 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:23:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/02/24-ldp-minutes.html trackbot 17:23:46 RRSAgent, bye 17:23:46 I see no action items