17:51:05 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 17:51:05 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/02/20-tagmem-irc 17:51:07 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:51:07 Zakim has joined #tagmem 17:51:09 Zakim, this will be TAG 17:51:09 ok, trackbot; I see TAG_Weekly()1:00PM scheduled to start in 9 minutes 17:51:10 Meeting: Technical Architecture Group Teleconference 17:51:10 Date: 20 February 2014 17:56:37 TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has now started 17:56:45 +dka 17:57:30 twirl has joined #tagmem 17:58:45 zakim, number? 17:58:45 I don't understand your question, Domenic__. 17:58:49 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/wiki/TAG/Planning/2014-02-20-TC 17:59:24 + +1.408.355.aaaa 17:59:36 zakim, aaaa is me 17:59:36 +Domenic__; got it 17:59:45 +plinss 18:01:43 hey, I'm gonna be late 18:01:44 +??P6 18:02:45 +Yves 18:04:15 Scribe: Yves 18:05:18 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/wiki/TAG/Planning/2014-02-20-TC 18:05:30 I'm buried in another meeting 18:05:32 Topic: Update on Extensible Web Summit 18:05:33 very sorry 18:05:50 dka: got some good feedback 18:07:31 plinss: would it be possible to get access to eventbrite for that? 18:07:54 s/plinss:/Domenic__:/ 18:08:42 dka: will see what can be done 18:09:02 Topic: f2f logistics 18:09:15 plinss: logistics page will be added to the wiki RSN 18:12:35 Topic: spec review 18:13:01 Domenic: alex and I worked on some reviews, would be good to look at that 18:13:59 https://github.com/w3ctag/spec-reviews/pull/25 18:15:20 domenic: need to enumerate what would be needed in shadow DOM to do things like form decoration 18:15:44 s/form decoration/form submission/ 18:16:21 domenic: I'll send commend to www-tag 18:16:35 Topic: push review 18:16:48 timbl has joined #tagmem 18:17:11 -twirl 18:17:14 Domenic: I don't know the whole story, but changes would be necessary wrt service worker. Some conceptual tweaking needed, and progressing nicely 18:17:25 there are calls involving the editors of the spec 18:17:31 s/are/were/ 18:17:37 +??P6 18:21:12 Yves: sent email about WEIRDS and conflicts with AWWW and mark's IETF draft on URI Design 18:21:23 dka: will answer soon 18:21:25 https://www.w3.org/2014/strint/Overview.html 18:23:33 plinss: worked on encapsulation issues wrt shadow DOM. 18:25:24 dka: where is the dicsussion on encapsulation taking place? 18:25:29 Domenic: public-webapps 18:28:00 +TimBL 18:29:58 https://wiki.mozilla.org/SF 18:31:22 -dka 18:31:23 -Domenic__ 18:31:26 -Yves 18:31:29 -twirl 18:31:31 -TimBL 18:31:34 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft monutes', Yves. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:31:34 -plinss 18:31:35 TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has ended 18:31:35 Attendees were dka, +1.408.355.aaaa, Domenic__, plinss, twirl, Yves, TimBL 18:31:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/02/20-tagmem-minutes.html Yves 20:02:19 dka has joined #tagmem 20:06:13 timbl has joined #tagmem 20:58:47 Zakim has left #tagmem