IRC log of i18n on 2014-02-20

Timestamps are in UTC.

16:01:27 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #i18n
16:01:27 [RRSAgent]
logging to
16:01:31 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #i18n
16:01:36 [aphillip]
trackbot, prepare teleconference
16:01:38 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
16:01:40 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 4186
16:01:40 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see I18N_CoreWG()11:00AM scheduled to start now
16:01:41 [trackbot]
Meeting: Internationalization Working Group Teleconference
16:01:41 [trackbot]
Date: 20 February 2014
16:01:50 [r12a]
zakim, this will be i18n
16:01:50 [Zakim]
ok, r12a, I see I18N_CoreWG()11:00AM already started
16:01:54 [r12a]
zakim, dial richard
16:01:54 [Zakim]
ok, r12a; the call is being made
16:01:55 [aphillip]
16:01:56 [Zakim]
16:02:01 [aphillip]
Chair: Addison Phillips
16:02:05 [aphillip]
Scribe: Addison Phillips
16:02:09 [aphillip]
ScribeNick: aphillip
16:02:13 [aphillip]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:02:13 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
16:02:15 [John_C_Klensin]
John_C_Klensin has joined #i18n
16:02:21 [aphillip]
zakim, who is here?
16:02:21 [Zakim]
On the phone I see aphillip, ??P3, Richard
16:02:22 [Zakim]
On IRC I see John_C_Klensin, Zakim, RRSAgent, aphillip, matial, r12a, trackbot
16:02:28 [aphillip]
zakim, ??P3 is matial
16:02:28 [Zakim]
+matial; got it
16:02:48 [aphillip]
agenda+ RADAR
16:02:58 [aphillip]
agenda+ HTML5 caseless matching
16:03:07 [aphillip]
agenda+ HTML5 review
16:03:08 [Zakim]
+ +1.617.491.aaaa
16:03:31 [aphillip]
zakim, +1.617.491.aaaa is John_C_Kleinsin
16:03:31 [Zakim]
+John_C_Kleinsin; got it
16:03:50 [r12a]
zakim, who's noisy?
16:03:56 [aphillip]
zakim, John_C_Kleinsin is John_C_Klensin
16:03:56 [Zakim]
+John_C_Klensin; got it
16:04:01 [Zakim]
r12a, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: matial (68%), John_C_Kleinsin (32%)
16:04:03 [aphillip]
zakim, who is here?
16:04:03 [Zakim]
On the phone I see aphillip, matial, Richard, John_C_Klensin
16:04:04 [Zakim]
On IRC I see John_C_Klensin, Zakim, RRSAgent, aphillip, matial, r12a, trackbot
16:04:07 [r12a]
zakim, mute mati
16:04:07 [Zakim]
matial should now be muted
16:05:16 [aphillip]
Topic: Agenda
16:05:18 [aphillip]
16:05:56 [matial]
zakim, unmute me
16:05:56 [Zakim]
matial should no longer be muted
16:06:09 [aphillip]
Topic: Action Items
16:06:16 [aphillip]
16:07:46 [aphillip]
16:07:46 [trackbot]
action-149 -- Norbert Lindenberg to Draft a proposal for adding time zone IDs to HTML5 -- due 2012-09-26 -- OPEN
16:07:46 [trackbot]
16:07:55 [aphillip]
move to addison
16:09:32 [aphillip]
close ACTION-286
16:09:32 [trackbot]
Closed ACTION-286.
16:09:44 [aphillip]
richard: one outstanding new issue though
16:10:03 [aphillip]
... something about japanese
16:10:38 [aphillip]
... got spec changed to match hebrew implementations (thanks mati)
16:10:56 [aphillip]
... but all of the japanese implementations are (consistently) out by one or two charactes
16:11:00 [aphillip]
... change to match?
16:12:19 [aphillip]
... rare characters at the end of hiragana, so all items out after 48
16:12:33 [aphillip]
... same with iroha set
16:13:11 [aphillip]
addison: ask people we know and report back ;-)
16:13:56 [aphillip]
Topic: Info Share
16:14:12 [aphillip]
richard: tests
16:14:29 [r12a]
16:14:30 [aphillip]
... contemplating changing so we don't rely on w3c framework/server
16:14:42 [aphillip]
richard: above link, now done
16:14:59 [aphillip]
... click on tests. table on right has results
16:15:09 [aphillip]
... don't go to test framework server any more
16:15:18 [aphillip]
... link on left shows test in test runner
16:15:29 [aphillip]
... and click on "score" you can score it
16:15:44 [aphillip]
... and when done do "show results", copy to email and send to me
16:16:27 [aphillip]
16:16:52 [aphillip]
richard: watch inboxes for announcement about Unicode 7.0 coming soon
16:16:59 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 1
16:16:59 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "RADAR" taken up [from aphillip]
16:17:01 [aphillip]
16:17:33 [aphillip]
richard: Aolita Sharma to give keynote at ML workshop in May
16:19:29 [aphillip]
16:19:53 [aphillip]
1. Section 3.6 "Positioning Images", the keywords "left" and "right" are defined but not the direction independent "start" and "end" keywords.
16:20:33 [aphillip]
2. Section 4. There are a number of border-left-* and border-right-* properties. (See above).
16:20:41 [aphillip]
There is no mention of bidi other than a note about breaks in fragmented borders (section 7.1), so it's not clear how left/right interact with RTL.
16:21:04 [aphillip]
richard: +1
16:22:20 [aphillip]
action: addison: create comments on borders/backgrounds in tracker and forward to CSS WG
16:22:20 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-288 - Create comments on borders/backgrounds in tracker and forward to css wg [on Addison Phillips - due 2014-02-27].
16:23:08 [aphillip]
richard: the containing element would determine start/end, that is, the outer element, not the styled element
16:23:36 [matial]
16:23:53 [aphillip]
16:24:02 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 2
16:24:02 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "HTML5 caseless matching" taken up [from aphillip]
16:24:11 [aphillip]
16:25:21 [aphillip]
addison: focused on fragments
16:27:16 [aphillip]
16:31:25 [Zakim]
16:32:27 [Zakim]
16:32:35 [matial]
zakim, ??p3 is me
16:32:35 [Zakim]
+matial; got it
16:33:09 [aphillip]
richard: bug about three things
16:33:29 [aphillip]
... 1. radio buttons (which is a different and probably less interesting case: do case sensitive?)
16:33:42 [aphillip]
... 2. fragment identifiers
16:33:50 [aphillip]
... 3. should fragments be case sensitive at all
16:35:22 [aphillip]
richard: same rule for @id as for radio button names
16:37:15 [aphillip]
<input name=match> and <input name=MATCH>
16:37:38 [aphillip]
addison: split off radio buttons
16:38:24 [aphillip]
richard: can't predict how typed
16:38:34 [aphillip]
... looser than codepoint by codepoint?
16:38:43 [aphillip]
... but not compatibility decompositions
16:39:27 [aphillip]
zakim, who is here?
16:39:27 [Zakim]
On the phone I see aphillip, Richard, John_C_Klensin, matial
16:39:28 [Zakim]
On IRC I see John_C_Klensin, Zakim, RRSAgent, aphillip, matial, r12a, trackbot
16:40:21 [aphillip]
john: agree that compatibility decomposition should be discouraged
16:40:57 [aphillip]
action: addison: split off radio button comment and update bug 16970
16:40:57 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-289 - Split off radio button comment and update bug 16970 [on Addison Phillips - due 2014-02-27].
16:41:16 [aphillip]
16:41:19 [aphillip]
16:41:24 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 3
16:41:24 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "HTML5 review" taken up [from aphillip]
16:41:35 [aphillip]
16:42:35 [aphillip]
addison: suggest that you review all "suggest close" items
16:43:10 [aphillip]
I18N-ISSUE-78: tracker confused and not actually fixed
16:43:10 [trackbot]
Notes added to I18N-ISSUE-78 Spellchecking in editors and sc services.
16:44:53 [aphillip]
richard: some still pending until rb is actually in the spec (need implementations)
16:48:21 [aphillip]
ISSUE-30: allow 'utf-16' in charset declarations. wontfix. Last commenter suggested we reopen.
16:48:21 [trackbot]
Notes added to ISSUE-30 Allow utf-16 meta encoding declarations.
16:49:42 [aphillip]
ISSUE-84: BCE month representation. Wontfix. Consider in WG.
16:49:42 [trackbot]
Notes added to ISSUE-84 Representing BCE months.
16:50:53 [aphillip]
addison: only goes back to january 1 AD in gregorian
16:51:27 [aphillip]
... was pre-gregorian
16:53:37 [aphillip]
addison; be satisfied?
16:53:58 [aphillip]
jck: retitle and document for the future
16:54:43 [aphillip]
ISSUE-87: leap seconds not allowed. Wontfix. Consider in WG.
16:54:43 [trackbot]
Notes added to ISSUE-87 Leap seconds.
16:58:21 [aphillip]
addison: better for people who are customers of this to raise it than for us to be their proxhy
16:58:54 [aphillip]
16:58:54 [trackbot]
ISSUE-123 -- Insertion of U+202C -- open
16:58:54 [trackbot]
17:00:57 [Zakim]
17:01:02 [Zakim]
17:01:03 [John_C_Klensin]
John_C_Klensin has left #i18n
17:01:07 [matial]
Suggestion for issue-123: any end tag for a run of phrasing content must be treated as if as many U+202C had been inserted at that point as needed for closing open embeddings and overrides.
17:01:23 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
17:01:37 [aphillip]
Topic: AOB?
17:01:42 [Zakim]
17:01:45 [aphillip]
rrsagent, make minutes
17:01:45 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
17:01:56 [aphillip]
Present: Addison, Richard, Mati, JohnK
17:02:00 [aphillip]
rrsagent, make minutes
17:02:00 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
17:35:01 [Zakim]
disconnecting the lone participant, Richard, in I18N_CoreWG()11:00AM
17:35:02 [Zakim]
I18N_CoreWG()11:00AM has ended
17:35:02 [Zakim]
Attendees were aphillip, Richard, matial, John_C_Klensin