13:27:26 RRSAgent has joined #dwbp 13:27:26 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/24-dwbp-irc 13:51:25 yaso has joined #dwbp 13:51:37 ericstephan has joined #dwbp 13:54:10 HadleyBeeman has joined #dwbp 13:54:35 HadleyBeeman has changed the topic to: First meeting for Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group 13:56:13 Caroline_ has joined #dwbp 13:56:56 Daniel has joined #dwbp 13:57:29 carlosiglesias has joined #dwbp 13:57:57 HadleyBeeman has changed the topic to: First meeting for Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group. Agenda: www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Main_Page#Agenda 13:58:27 rsingh2 has joined #dwbp 13:59:39 John_Goodwin has joined #dwbp 13:59:41 MTCarrasco has joined #dwbp 13:59:46 christianmiranda_ has joined #dwbp 13:59:56 zakim, this will be dwbp 13:59:56 ok, PhilA, I see DATA_DWBP()9:00AM already started 14:00:02 zakim, code? 14:00:02 the conference code is 3927 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), PhilA 14:00:14 Seiji_Isotani has joined #dwbp 14:00:20 +[IPcaller.a] 14:00:27 -??P14 14:00:35 +??P15 14:00:53 DeirdreLee has joined #dwbp 14:00:59 +HadleyBeeman 14:01:00 ElieSL has joined #dwbp 14:01:01 +??P17 14:01:07 +[IPcaller.aa] 14:01:11 zakim, ipcaller.aa is me 14:01:12 +Caroline 14:01:12 +PhilA; got it 14:01:13 I have conflicting meetings. I'll at least be on chat but may not be able to call in. 14:01:24 +??P20 14:01:24 newtoncalegari has joined #dwbp 14:01:45 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org 14:01:57 -Caroline 14:01:59 zakim, who is here? 14:01:59 On the phone I see +1.509.371.aaaa, ??P13, [IPcaller], [IPcaller.a], ??P15, HadleyBeeman, ??P17, PhilA, ??P20 14:01:59 zakim, +??P17 is me 14:02:01 On IRC I see newtoncalegari, ElieSL, DeirdreLee, Seiji_Isotani, christianmiranda_, MTCarrasco, John_Goodwin, rsingh2, carlosiglesias, Daniel, Caroline_, HadleyBeeman, ericstephan, 14:02:01 ... yaso, RRSAgent, Zakim, PhilA, BernadetteLoscio, Ig_Bittencourt 14:02:01 sorry, carlosiglesias, I do not recognize a party named '+??P17' 14:02:06 + + 14:02:20 zakim, P17 is me 14:02:20 sorry, carlosiglesias, I do not recognize a party named 'P17' 14:02:25 zakim, ??P17 is me 14:02:26 +carlosiglesias; got it 14:02:38 zakim, ??P15 is me 14:02:38 +MTCarrasco; got it 14:02:53 antoine has joined #dwbp 14:03:01 zakim, aabb is ElieSL 14:03:01 +ElieSL; got it 14:03:30 +Steve 14:03:38 zakim, aaaa is ericstephan 14:03:39 +ericstephan; got it 14:03:49 +Caroline 14:03:52 zakim, who is here? 14:03:52 On the phone I see ericstephan, ??P13, [IPcaller], [IPcaller.a], MTCarrasco, HadleyBeeman, carlosiglesias, PhilA, ??P20, ElieSL, Steve, Caroline 14:03:54 On IRC I see antoine, newtoncalegari, ElieSL, DeirdreLee, Seiji_Isotani, christianmiranda_, MTCarrasco, John_Goodwin, rsingh2, carlosiglesias, Daniel, Caroline_, HadleyBeeman, 14:03:54 ... ericstephan, yaso, RRSAgent, Zakim, PhilA, BernadetteLoscio 14:04:26 gsuarez has joined #dwbp 14:04:26 I'm on SKype (Daniel) 14:04:29 Vagner_Br has joined #dwbp 14:04:29 zakim, ipcaller.a is DeirdreLee 14:04:29 +DeirdreLee; got it 14:04:36 Vanessa_Tonini has joined #dwbp 14:04:38 rtroncy has joined #dwbp 14:04:39 zakim, ipcaller is Daniel 14:04:39 +Daniel; got it 14:04:43 zakim, who is here? 14:04:43 On the phone I see ericstephan, ??P13, Daniel, DeirdreLee, MTCarrasco, HadleyBeeman, carlosiglesias, PhilA, ??P20, ElieSL, Steve, Caroline 14:04:45 On IRC I see rtroncy, Vanessa_Tonini, Vagner_Br, gsuarez, antoine, newtoncalegari, ElieSL, DeirdreLee, Seiji_Isotani, christianmiranda_, MTCarrasco, John_Goodwin, rsingh2, 14:04:45 ... carlosiglesias, Daniel, Caroline_, HadleyBeeman, ericstephan 14:04:49 +Ruben 14:04:56 +[IPcaller] 14:05:03 +[IPcaller.a] 14:05:04 zakim, IPcaller is me 14:05:04 +antoine; got it 14:05:29 not abble to connect 14:05:40 adler1 has joined #dwbp 14:05:45 selji_isotani, not able to connect on the phone? 14:05:45 hi phil 14:06:02 yes Hadley 14:06:19 JoaoPauloAlmeida has joined #dwbp 14:06:40 zakim, who is speaking? 14:06:43 nathalia has joined #dwbp 14:06:52 Zakim, who is on the call? 14:06:52 CrizGonzalez has joined #dwbp 14:06:52 HadleyBeeman, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P13 (24%), Caroline (34%), antoine (10%) 14:06:52 On the phone I see ericstephan, ??P13, Daniel, DeirdreLee, MTCarrasco (muted), HadleyBeeman, carlosiglesias, PhilA, ??P20, ElieSL, Steve, Caroline, Ruben, antoine, [IPcaller.a] 14:07:05 It could be me 14:07:10 I am calling from skype 14:07:24 Yes, Hadley! 14:07:34 zakim, yaso is with caroline 14:07:35 +yaso; got it 14:08:10 + + 14:08:40 herrmann has joined #dwbp 14:08:42 +[IPcaller] 14:08:50 Vagner_br, nathalia, newtoncalegari, CrizGonzalez and christianmiranda_ are with us on the same call 14:08:58 zakim, mute me 14:08:58 sorry, Caroline_, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 14:09:16 zakim, Vagner_br, nathalia, newtoncalegari, CrizGonzalez, christianmiranda_ are with caroline 14:09:16 I don't understand you, HadleyBeeman 14:09:23 Seiji isotani 14:09:24 zakim, Vagner_br is with caroline 14:09:24 +Vagner_br; got it 14:09:27 +551155093537 14:09:30 zakim, nathalia is with caroline 14:09:30 +nathalia; got it 14:09:31 zakim, who is here? 14:09:31 On the phone I see ericstephan, ??P13, Daniel, DeirdreLee, MTCarrasco (muted), HadleyBeeman, carlosiglesias, PhilA, ??P20, ElieSL, Steve, Caroline, Ruben, antoine, [IPcaller.a], 14:09:35 ... rtroncy (muted), [IPcaller] 14:09:35 Caroline has Caroline, yaso, Vagner_br, nathalia 14:09:35 On IRC I see herrmann, CrizGonzalez, nathalia, JoaoPauloAlmeida, adler1, rtroncy, Vanessa_Tonini, Vagner_Br, gsuarez, antoine, newtoncalegari, ElieSL, DeirdreLee, Seiji_Isotani, 14:09:35 ... christianmiranda_, MTCarrasco, John_Goodwin, rsingh2, carlosiglesias 14:09:38 zakim, newtoncalegari is with caroline 14:09:38 +newtoncalegari; got it 14:09:44 -[IPcaller.a] 14:09:49 zakim, CrizGonzalez is with caroline 14:09:49 +CrizGonzalez; got it 14:09:53 +??P0 14:09:57 Zakim, ??P0 is me 14:09:57 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 14:10:03 zakim, I have CrisGonzales, newtoncalegari 14:10:04 I don't understand 'I have CrisGonzales, newtoncalegari', Caroline_ 14:10:11 zakim, christianmiranda_ is with caroline 14:10:11 +christianmiranda_; got it 14:10:11 My connections is a not good here ... may go down a few times 14:10:20 :) 14:10:20 zakim, who is speaking 14:10:20 I don't understand 'who is speaking', HadleyBeeman 14:10:25 zakim, who is speaking? 14:10:35 Noise: please mute 14:10:36 HadleyBeeman, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: [IPcaller] (10%), ??P13 (19%), HadleyBeeman (48%), Caroline (57%) 14:10:53 Hadley, could you speak louder, please? 14:11:01 zakim, mute Caroline 14:11:02 Caroline should now be muted 14:11:34 http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Main_Page 14:11:53 scribe: PhilA 14:11:58 scribeNick: PhilA 14:12:01 chair: HadleyBeeman 14:12:11 HadleyBeeman: Opens meeting 14:12:15 Caroline_ thanks Phila 14:12:38 HadleyBeeman: Says we'll spend most of the meeting getting used to how we do this 14:12:46 ... introduces the queue system 14:12:48 q+ 14:13:07 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings 14:13:11 ErikMannens has joined #dwbp 14:13:11 em has joined #dwbp 14:13:12 q- HadleyBeeman 14:13:18 ErikMannens has joined #dwbp 14:13:35 HadleyBeeman: Invites people to ask her to slow down if she speaks too quickly 14:13:46 ... introduces scribe role 14:13:54 ... gives us a written record of the meeting as we talk 14:14:03 ... then becomes the meeting minutes 14:14:22 ... everyone should feel free to type comments into IRC 14:14:47 ... you can put in comments by typing /me {comment} and then it won't appear in the meeting minutes 14:14:59 topic: Who's Who in the Working Group 14:15:05 christianmiranda__ has joined #dwbp 14:15:30 HadleyBeeman: Invites people to say your name, your organisation and why you're interested in the WG 14:15:55 herrmann_ has joined #dwbp 14:15:56 adler1: So I'll start. I'm Steve Adler anda I'm a co-chair with Hadley and Yaso 14:16:11 ... worked at IBM for many years in Denmark and elsewhere 14:16:30 ... working on open data around the world. I see the need for open standards for compatability, data quality etc. 14:16:40 q+ 14:16:42 ... helping different regions around the world 14:17:08 antoine: I work for Europeana and the Vrije University in Amsterdam 14:17:23 yes 14:17:27 ... same interests as Steve. My interest especially is in cultural heritage 14:17:37 ack Caroline 14:17:52 I can't hear 14:18:12 I can't either 14:18:23 yaso: Hi, I'm from Nic.br/W3C Brasil. Interested in fostering open data (and I;m a co-chair of the WG!) 14:18:40 zakim, mute Caroline 14:18:40 Caroline should now be muted 14:18:49 Hello BernadetteLoscio? 14:18:56 q+ 14:19:04 ack yaso 14:19:14 me/ Oh yes! Of course. Thanks, Phil! 14:19:20 carlosiglesias: Hello. I'm an independent consultant, former W3C office staff 14:19:30 ... working on lots of Web standards projects 14:19:37 ... especially on open government 14:19:44 vkoster has joined #dwbp 14:19:53 ... for last 6 years or so focussed on open data projects and initiatives 14:20:00 speak afterwards 14:20:27 carlosiglesias: This is not just my business it's my way of life. I feel I have to be here 14:20:42 ack Caroline 14:21:06 Caroline_: I'm here with Yaso and others at Nic.br. 14:21:16 zakim, mute Caroline 14:21:16 Caroline should now be muted 14:21:27 zakim, unmute Caroline 14:21:27 Caroline should no longer be muted 14:21:57 (I may have to speak later, I need to be away for 5 mins) 14:22:02 christianmiranda__: I work at the Ministry of planning, budget etc. in Brazil. We are responsible for data.gob.br 14:22:13 +[IPcaller.a] 14:22:14 Christian: dados.gov.br 14:22:23 ... we're working in a project for open data strategy for data on the Web in Brazil 14:22:39 q+ to introduce the s// command 14:22:44 gguizzardi has joined #dwbp 14:22:51 Bernadette is on the call now 14:23:08 ack 14:23:13 CrizGonzalez: Hi, I'm close to the guys from W3C Brasil. 14:24:01 BernadetteLoscio: [hard to hear detail] 14:24:12 Phil, I will help you with the scribing 14:24:13 zakim, who is making noise? 14:24:24 PhilA, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: [IPcaller.a] (20%), HadleyBeeman (32%), ElieSL (4%), Caroline (15%), Ruben (41%) 14:24:40 zakim, mute ruben 14:24:40 Ruben should now be muted 14:24:44 Bernadette: I am from the Federal University of Pernambuco, I work mostly with database, open data and linked data 14:24:58 ElieSL: hi I'm Elie Sloim, in Bordeaux. We work on website quality 14:25:10 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 14:25:12 ... we wrote a checklist for better od quality 14:25:16 ack Daniel 14:25:31 +??P0 14:25:40 Zakim, ??P0 is me 14:25:40 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 14:26:06 +[IPcaller.aa] 14:26:11 DeirdreLee: Hi, I'm from the Insight team at the University in Galway, formerly DERI 14:26:13 no sound? 14:26:14 ok I'll introduce myself after Deirdre 14:26:22 thanks, daniel 14:26:26 ... done lots of work with W3C on standards, eGov, linked data etc. 14:27:13 Daniel: I'm a prof in Rio. Worked in Sem Web for a long time. Using Sem Web, have worked with various agencies at federal and local level, helping them publish their data on the Web 14:27:18 He was also one of the general chairs of the successful WWW2013 in Rio de Janeiro las year 14:27:23 ... also collaborating with the W3C office in Brazil 14:27:37 Hailing ericstephan 14:27:47 phone not working 14:27:47 Erik M?? 14:27:57 Eric Stephan, Pacific Northwest National Labs 14:28:07 what a pain ericstephan 14:28:08 Interested in linked data for science 14:29:21 q+ 14:29:35 ericstephan: I'm interested in the practical application of LD for scientific data 14:29:44 ack ErikMannens 14:29:50 unmute erikmannens 14:29:53 zakim, who is here? 14:29:53 On the phone I see ericstephan, ??P13, Daniel, DeirdreLee, MTCarrasco, HadleyBeeman, carlosiglesias, PhilA, ??P20, ElieSL, Steve, Caroline, Ruben (muted), antoine, rtroncy (muted), 14:29:56 ... [IPcaller], [IPcaller.a], JoaoPauloAlmeida, [IPcaller.aa] 14:29:56 Caroline has Caroline, yaso, Vagner_br, nathalia, newtoncalegari, CrizGonzalez, christianmiranda_ 14:29:56 On IRC I see gguizzardi, vkoster, herrmann, christianmiranda__, ErikMannens, CrizGonzalez, nathalia, JoaoPauloAlmeida, adler1, rtroncy, Vanessa_Tonini, Vagner_Br, gsuarez, antoine, 14:29:56 ... newtoncalegari, ElieSL, DeirdreLee, Seiji_Isotani, MTCarrasco 14:30:44 gguizzardi: I'm Gianluca - working in Trento and elsewhere. Lots of experience in building conceptual models etc 14:30:59 he's Giancarlo 14:31:08 s/Gianluca/Giancarlo 14:31:10 :) 14:31:13 s/Gianluca/Giancarlo/ 14:31:43 HadleyBeeman: I wear a bunch of hats. I'm just finishing chairing the Gov Linked data WG 14:31:49 ... also work for UK Government 14:31:51 Giancarlo Guizzardi. Professor in the Federal University of Espirito Santo in Brazil and currently also a Visiting Professor in the University of Trento, Italy 14:31:54 ... and Mozilla 14:32:09 ... want to fix some of the problems that have been bugging me 14:32:26 herrmann: Hello 14:32:28 Most of the academic, technology transfer and outreach work in Ontologies, Conceptual Modeling, Data Semantics and Semantic Interoperability 14:32:57 Augusto Hermann: works for the Ministry of Planning at the Open Data Team 14:33:07 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:33:26 herrmann_ has joined #dwbp 14:33:42 I'm from iMinds-MMLab ... I lead a group of 20 SemWeb researchers ... was co-chair of W3C's Media Fragments WG (together with my friend rtroncy :) ... now still active in Provenance and CSV group ... have a big Open Data project in Flanders & are maintainers of two LOD publishing platforms, i.e., TheDataTank and R&Wbase 14:33:59 Ig_Bittencourt: ('eegee' (forgive my Anglo-Saxon ignornace Ig_Bittencourt) 14:34:08 PhilA: sorry I lost connection so couldn't see your transcript 14:34:08 Augusto Hermann: I am interested on Onthology topics. At the ministry they are in charge of Open Data group 14:34:41 JoaoPauloAlmeida: Prof and colleague of Giancarlo. Mostly interested in vocab design and quality, conceptual models etc. 14:34:58 John_Goodwin: Hi, I work at Ordnance Survey (UK mapping agency) 14:35:16 ... interests include linked data. Sit on UK Gov open standards data group, UK Gov Linked Data WG 14:35:25 ... we have published a lot of data, some linked, some open 14:35:26 Vagner_Br: ack 14:35:35 ... sitting with a geospatial hat on 14:35:49 christianmiranda has joined #dwbp 14:35:52 ... tie things back to Open Geospatial Consortium too 14:35:58 -MTCarrasco 14:36:47 +??P15 14:36:51 HadleyBeeman: Pretty significant contingent from Brazil... 14:37:01 newtoncalegari: Hi, I;m from nic.br too 14:37:03 Nathalia: I work at Brazilian Internet Steering Committtee (CGI.Br) 14:37:10 s/I;m/I'mg 14:37:10 zakim, ??P15 is me 14:37:10 +MTCarrasco; got it 14:37:34 PhilA: I'm the Data Activity lead at W3C, coordinating the working groups in this space. 14:37:37 Nathalia: works for the Internet Steering Committee in Brazil. I am also interested in open data in general 14:37:53 … Includes the CSV on the Web working group, the Semantic Web working groups. I'm pleased to see this one get off the ground. 14:38:14 … It goes back to a workshop we held in London nearly a year ago. Those discussions pointed to the need for this group. 14:38:29 Newton Calegari: I am work for NIC.br in Brazil. I am also interested in fostering open data. 14:38:44 … In this group, I'm team contact. I keep out of things as much as possible. I support you, the group, and the chairs, to steer you along the W3C recommendations track. 14:38:56 herrmann has joined #dwbp 14:39:04 … I wrote the charter for this group, based on input from the conference in Rio (among other inputs). 14:39:18 … It's my job to help you deliver against that charter. 14:39:51 M.T. Carrasco Benitez - European Commission - multilingual data - http://dragoman.org/dwbp - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dwbp-wg/2014Jan/0012.html 14:40:05 MTCarrasco: I'm at the European Commission in Luxembourg, my interest is in multilingual aspects 14:40:40 Daniel_ has joined #dwbp 14:40:48 HadleyBeeman: Explains that RRSAgent is a bot that sits on the channel and helps to record the minutes. (RRS stands for Ralph R Swick, COO of W3C) 14:40:55 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 14:41:06 calling rtroncy 14:41:12 +??P0 14:41:15 Zakim, ??P0 is me 14:41:15 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 14:41:25 My client crashed, I re-logged in, but I don't know how to kill my previous id (Daniel) 14:41:27 Zakim, mute me 14:41:27 JoaoPauloAlmeida should now be muted 14:41:41 rtroncy: I'm Raphael Troncy from Eurecom 14:41:51 ... a non-profit research institute in SE France. 14:42:15 ... I lead a Sem Web research group. Co-Chaired several W3C groups, member of various Community groups 14:42:33 ... interested in making a better use of data, esp from government 14:42:51 ... involved in DataLift project in France that, among otehr things, created lov.okfn.org 14:43:06 call Seiji_Isotani 14:43:24 Seiji_Isotani: From Uni Sao Paolo 14:43:36 s/otehr things/other things 14:43:48 ... working with ontologies for 10 years. I see this WG has a need to create best pract for structured open data 14:43:53 ... hope I can help a little buit 14:44:32 zakim, mute me 14:44:32 sorry, Daniel_, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 14:45:28 I had to reenter the IRC, but I don't know how to tie it to my Skype call 14:45:31 -Caroline 14:45:45 Sorry, we disconnected 14:45:48 Dialing again 14:46:04 \o/ 14:46:35 vkoster Are you there? 14:46:45 Are you here Raj? 14:46:47 zakim, who is here? 14:46:47 On the phone I see ericstephan, ??P13, Daniel, DeirdreLee, HadleyBeeman, carlosiglesias, PhilA, ??P20, ElieSL, Steve, Ruben (muted), antoine, rtroncy (muted), [IPcaller], 14:46:51 ... [IPcaller.a], [IPcaller.aa], MTCarrasco (muted), JoaoPauloAlmeida (muted) 14:46:51 On IRC I see Daniel_, herrmann, christianmiranda, gguizzardi, vkoster, ErikMannens, CrizGonzalez, nathalia, JoaoPauloAlmeida, adler1, rtroncy, Vanessa_Tonini, Vagner_Br, gsuarez, 14:46:51 ... antoine, newtoncalegari, ElieSL, DeirdreLee, Seiji_Isotani 14:47:22 zakim, who is making noise? 14:47:33 PhilA, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Daniel (50%), ??P13 (17%), HadleyBeeman (90%), ElieSL (4%) 14:47:33 Topic: main Agenda 14:47:37 +Caroline 14:47:40 zakim, mute Daniel_ 14:47:41 sorry, PhilA, I do not know which phone connection belongs to Daniel_ 14:47:44 zakim, mute Daniel 14:47:44 Daniel should now be muted 14:47:48 and... We're back! 14:47:51 Q+ 14:48:14 Raj is here now 14:48:18 ack vagner 14:49:06 Vagner_Br: I'm Vagner Diniz, I'm head of W3C office in Brazil. One of our main topics is open data. We want to see open data spreading around Brasil. Also connected with OGP 14:49:25 ... also connected to ??? initiative on open data for Latin America 14:49:40 ... we help wth the open data for development portal 14:49:54 ... Og4D (og4d.org) 14:50:12 also connected to OD4D - http://www.od4d.org/ 14:50:17 ... also conected to OGP Open Data Working Group 14:50:28 Vanessa_Tonini: I'm a Web developer at W3C Brasil, here to learn more about open data 14:50:46 ack Ig_Bittencourt 14:51:00 Vinh has joined #dwbp 14:51:02 ack phila 14:51:02 PhilA, you wanted to introduce the s// command 14:51:03 s/og4D; m/OD4D (www.od4d.org) 14:51:16 Hi all, I'm Gustavo Suarez and i'm working for the open data project in Uruguay... 14:51:16 s/???/IDRC Canadian Agency initiative on Open Data for Latin America and the Caribbean 14:52:59 Topic: Practicalities 14:53:00 sorry have to go at 3 14:53:10 HadleyBeeman: We're a group trying to work together remotely 14:53:22 ... we have to create a Best practices doc and two vocabularies 14:53:31 ... we'll come together once a week on the phone 14:53:40 Doodle poll to find a time for our weekly meetings: http://doodle.com/dt3xax6tkk8grq83 14:53:51 HadleyBeeman: we have not yet set the times of those meetings yet 14:53:58 please fill in the Doodle poll 14:54:09 HadleyBeeman: That would help us fix the slot for everyine 14:54:36 PhilA: Kangchan Lee (Korea) joined today. ericstephan is in Pacific Time 14:55:00 HadleyBeeman: The chairs will send an agenda at least 2 days before each meeting 14:55:01 Anybody from the West USA or Asia? 14:55:13 Yes MTCarrasco - ericstephan is West USA 14:55:29 ... Kangchan Lee is in Seoul I believe 14:56:01 So, it has to be late afternoon in Europe - hard for Seoul 14:56:08 HadleyBeeman: Talks about face to face meetings. TPAC is when lots of groups get together. This year in Santa Clara late October 14:56:25 PhilA: (note - we're having a party for 25 years of the Web in Santa Clara) 14:56:36 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 14:56:45 HadleyBeeman: And we have a f2f meting in London 31 March April 14:56:51 +??P0 14:56:53 Zakim, ??P0 is me 14:56:53 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 14:57:06 HadleyBeeman: F2F meetings are a chance to get together and you get a lot done 14:57:15 HadleyBeeman: Any questions on meetings and f2f meetings 14:57:23 zakim, who is making noise? 14:57:33 PhilA, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: JoaoPauloAlmeida (9%), [IPcaller.a] (20%) 14:57:35 It feels like we are part of a musical 14:57:41 zakim, mute ipcaller.a 14:57:41 [IPcaller.a] should now be muted 14:57:45 sorry have to go now - catch you all next week. 14:57:59 now we're back, sorry 14:58:08 bye! 14:58:15 -??P20 14:58:20 Topic: Procedures 14:58:43 HadleyBeeman: We try for volunteers for scribing. If no volunteer, zakim will pick a victim 14:59:17 PhilA: You might want to look at the tracker https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/ 14:59:33 HadleyBeeman: We need one or more editors for each document 15:00:02 ... the question is who is going to step up and take charge of the deliverable and who will contgribute 15:00:18 ... we have a wiki that we'll use for our agendas, meeting minutes etc. - everything 15:00:37 martin has joined #dwbp 15:00:42 ... only WG members can edit the wiki but it can be read by the public 15:01:17 HadleyBeeman: We have 2 mailing lists at the moment. The main one is the one from which you will have received info about this meeting 15:01:42 ... the archives are publicly available 15:01:52 hi, I'm trying to join the teleconference. It's asking for the code, can anyone please let me know what the code is? 15:02:21 zakim, code? 15:02:21 the conference code is 3927 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), PhilA 15:02:31 there you are Vinh :-) 15:02:37 thanks Phil 15:02:58 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dwbp-wg/ main mailing list 15:03:09 (member only-writeable, publicly visible) 15:03:40 http://www.w3.org/2013/05/odbp-charter.html 15:03:44 + +1.937.343.aadd 15:03:48 Topic: charter 15:04:06 HadleyBeeman: The charter is the document that sets out what the group is committed to do 15:04:48 adler1: We're supposed to deliver 3 main documents 15:05:10 ... Best practices - how to address some of the internal challenges that IT departments face. How od might be used, compared, analysed etc. 15:05:29 ... we have another deliverable around a vocab for describing the quality of data on the Web 15:05:34 ... and one on the use of data 15:05:47 ... the two vocabs are more techie 15:05:58 ... and the BP guide is about internal practices, policies etc. 15:06:06 q+ 15:06:11 adler1: Those are 3 separate deliverables 15:06:29 HadleyBeeman: And with that comes at least 3 separate editors and possibly 3 separate task forces 15:06:45 adler1: Fortunately we have 3 talented co-chairs 15:06:51 zakim, who is making noise? 15:07:02 PhilA, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P13 (81%), HadleyBeeman (30%), Steve (9%), Caroline (9%) 15:07:03 I muted 15:07:13 Q+ 15:07:15 zakim, mute P13 15:07:15 sorry, PhilA, I do not know which phone connection belongs to P13 15:07:22 zakim, mute ??P13 15:07:22 ??P13 should now be muted 15:07:27 ack MTCarrasco 15:07:57 MTCarrasco: How are you going to treat multilingual issues? HTTP is multilingual but linked data is often not 15:08:10 HadleyBeeman: I don't think that has been decided - that's an issue we can take up 15:08:14 ... and decide 15:08:35 adler1: I think multilingual is an important consideration 15:08:53 ... what forms should vocabs take, how should we do that? How has it been done before? 15:09:14 It must be variant such as the formats 15:09:26 HadleyBeeman: The same way we've done other things. If there is enthusiasm in the WG, and it heps fulfil the charter then it's in scope 15:09:59 MTCarrasco: It you look at the HTTP the language is one of several dimensions. 15:10:09 HadleyBeeman: Looks interesting - please keep on that tract in this WG 15:10:32 q? 15:10:37 ack Vagner_Br 15:10:57 q+ antoine 15:11:08 Dimensions of negotiation http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2295#section-4.7 15:11:14 Vagner_Br: On multilimgual - that would be very nice if this group addressed that issue 15:11:16 q+ 15:11:29 Vagner_Br: maybe we should add it to the charter? 15:11:43 ... if we have the expertise in the WG then good. we need to find the people who are interested 15:11:52 Zakim, mute me 15:11:52 JoaoPauloAlmeida should now be muted 15:12:02 .... but my question about the charter... one of gthe missions of the WG is to develop the open data ecosystem 15:12:17 Big Multilingual Linked Data (BigMu) http://dragoman.org/mw7/bigmu.txt 15:12:18 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 15:12:19 ... I could not see in the deliverables where this topic is covered 15:12:32 +??P0 15:12:32 HadleyBeeman: I'm happy to talk about that 15:12:36 Zakim, ??P0 is me 15:12:36 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 15:12:38 q- 15:13:22 zakim, +1.937.343.aadd is me 15:13:22 +Vinh; got it 15:14:51 HadleyBeeman: To your point about the ecosystem... 15:15:08 ... the deliverables we have came out of the holes in the ecosystem 15:15:32 ... the items in the BPs for example, those things without which the ecosystem doesn't function well. 15:15:46 ... for e.g. when we have understandable and persistent URs, that helps 15:15:48 One should not make language an special case: apply existing standards; back to basics http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html 15:16:32 q+ 15:16:46 ... likewise the vocabs came out of discussions with others. So the granularity and quality vocab came from developers who say they won't use data if they don't know it will be there this time next week 15:16:58 q+ 15:17:15 ... and it helps people state that a dataset is not accurate - so don't assume it is 15:17:36 HadleyBeeman: Describes need for usage vocab 15:18:03 ... creates a relationship between the publisher and developer 15:18:20 q+ 15:18:28 Vagner_Br: That helps for a beginning. Let's see what happens later. my vision of the ecosystem is much broader 15:18:46 ... how can we address the many disciplines and actors who may not usually be involved 15:18:50 will we need to have actual data published following what we recommend, as an example? 15:19:09 yes Daniel - you are correct 15:19:33 ack herrmann 15:20:12 herrmann: If I look at the deliverables. The BP doc says it should be technologically agnostic - so not only linked data. Also JSON, others etc. 15:20:16 -ElieSL 15:20:20 Phil, shouldn't this become then an action item? Several participants are directly involved in publishing actual data, many from governments 15:21:12 zakim, who is on the queue? 15:21:12 I see antoine, ericstephan, yaso on the speaker queue 15:21:19 Yes Daniel: theory should come the empirical processing and publishing of large multilingual corpora such as Official Journal of the European Union (OJ) 15:21:39 herrmann: so i think it would be a god idea to add a point specific about HATEOAS 15:21:49 24 languages - terabytes 15:21:50 good* 15:22:21 herrmann: Talking about hypermedia ?? language? 15:22:28 HAL - Hypertext application Language 15:22:31 ... could we invite those authors to tell us about that? 15:22:45 HadleyBeeman: Can you post a link please herrmann 15:22:49 ack antoine 15:23:04 antoine: I wanted to ask how we should interpret this line in the charter 15:23:13 q? 15:23:16 yes Caroline_ sorry about that 15:23:18 q+ 15:23:29 antoine: What Augsut said actually went against that as he was talking about specific technologies 15:23:38 s/Augsut/August/ 15:24:01 s/August/Augusto 15:24:10 on the Open Data best practice guide we should consider adding HATEOAS (hypermedia as the engine of applicaiton state) and linking between resources (even if not RDF). There's work on a specification about adding links to xml and json in Hypermedia Application Langauge - http://stateless.co/hal_specification.html 15:24:28 antoine: It seems important to have a vocab about data usage, but I wonder what sort of protocol could be used to commiunicate back to the publisher. Which again speaks against the 'tech agnostic' aspect 15:24:29 I volunteer as editor for the general aspects of the URIs and variants. And the particular application to languages and formats. 15:24:46 I wonder if the group sees metadata as data as well...my question is related to if the quality and usage models the group is supposed to produce could also be used to describe metadata about metadata models (e.g., vocabularies) 15:24:48 HadleyBeeman: My understanding of that is that it's trying to not ties us to RDF/LD/CSV 15:24:55 q+ 15:24:58 PhilA: As author of that line I confirm that is what I meant 15:25:41 PhilA: The Government Linked Data is wrapping things up now. It specifically government data, and specifically linked data. This working group removes those two restrictions. 15:25:59 … Those vocabularies will be RDF vocabularies. But the membership didn't want this group to be just tied to linked data. 15:26:18 … It doesn't mean you can't talk about specific technologies; it means you can talk about more than one. 15:26:30 One cannot be agnostic about the basic web technologies such as URIs 15:26:37 … As the W3C we do think in terms of hyperlinks, URIs, the Web. It is data on the Web. 15:27:13 One can be agnostics about data formats http://dragoman.org/format 15:27:22 adler1: I think this a positive development for W3C. Open data is an already existing movement; there are different catalogs and repositories in use. 15:27:47 adler1: This is a positive move by W3C I think. People are using lots of different tech, not just LD. There are evolutionary by-products 15:27:55 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 15:28:08 +??P0 15:28:10 Zakim, ??P0 is me 15:28:10 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 15:28:21 web != XML - Linked Data != XML 15:28:29 Antoine: am satisfied with PhilA's answer. 15:28:34 philA: This is part of merging the eGov activity and the Sem Web activity into the Data activity. 15:28:53 … In parallel with this working group, we have the CSV on the Web working group reinforcing this message. 15:28:59 q? 15:29:10 btw, the HAL specification has a mailing list as well - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/hal-discuss 15:29:25 adler1: Stuff that can be expressed in RDF - we should find ways to express in other tech 15:29:26 ack eric 15:29:47 The results must be valid for open and closed (inhouse) usage 15:30:07 Zakim, who is muted 15:30:07 Daniel, you need to end that query with '?' 15:30:08 ericstephan: How about outreach to other groups. I think we should think about how we can reach other groups. I was in a forum called Ontolog this week and another under the US NSF 15:30:17 ... they were aware of and asking questions about the Data Activity 15:30:23 Zakim, who is muted? 15:30:23 I see ??P13, Daniel, Ruben, rtroncy, [IPcaller.a] muted 15:30:45 +??P9 15:30:53 zakim, ??p9 is me 15:30:53 +martin; got it 15:31:08 Zakim, unmute Daniel 15:31:08 Daniel should no longer be muted 15:31:14 Linked Data for Language Technology Community Group - http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt 15:31:34 Best Practices for Multilingual Linked Open Data Community Group http://www.w3.org/community/bpmlod 15:31:57 These groups should be informed of this group 15:32:16 Steve is still in riga 15:33:00 Zakim, q+ me 15:33:00 I see yaso, DeirdreLee, MTCarrasco, Daniel on the speaker queue 15:34:16 Looks like we need to use the Provenance work 15:34:23 Another related group is OGP Open Data Working Group http://www.opengovpartnership.org/get-involved/london-summit-2013/agenda/session/open-data-working-group 15:34:29 q- 15:35:29 HadleyBeeman: Our task is to build something, we need to do some writing and that needs review and input from the outside world 15:35:43 ... reaching out to people to review our stuff and feed in is really important 15:36:17 adler1: I'll certainly do what I can to promote our work because we want our standards to have traction 15:36:27 ... having external groups that wants those standards is important 15:36:41 ... we have to look up and see that what we're creating is useful 15:37:15 adler1: If you have relations with places like cities, share their experiences with us - it's a requirements gathering process 15:37:21 ack yaso 15:37:41 yaso: I just want to complete what you're saying. We should list some use cases 15:37:58 ... this will be part of working out what the ecosystyem is that we're trying to support 15:38:05 ack MTCarrasco 15:38:11 I am sorry I have to leave 15:38:20 MTCarrasco: One cannot be agnostic about basic Web technologies 15:38:39 HadleyBeeman, thanks 15:38:55 MTCarrasco: XML has been over-used in some cases. Some people equate RDF with XML for example 15:38:58 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 15:39:25 (more about zakim here http://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html) 15:39:46 ... we need to try and avoid overlap. We should use basic Web techs 15:39:52 q? 15:40:03 ack Daniel 15:40:38 Daniel: How are we going to handle non-standardised technologies? 15:41:02 ... there are other non-W3C ways to represent that might or might not be standards 15:41:20 ... are we going to try and accommodate those non-standardised tech? 15:41:46 Daniel: Augusto pointed to HAL 15:42:28 ... that's a proposal that may use some standards but it may propose other ways. What are we going to say "you should follow this technique" which is not standardised but use RDF? 15:42:33 we use the expression "convention" rather than standard in climate science. 15:42:47 MTCarrasco, i see RDF 1.1 solves this problem by standardizing many other non-XML serializations for RDF 15:44:29 PhilA: We can point to a standard that is stable and recognised, whether it's one of ours or not. 15:45:05 I am sorry but I will have to leave 15:45:22 -[IPcaller.aa] 15:45:48 thanks. see u next time 15:45:53 Daniel: I understand that we may have some concrete examples 15:45:54 PhilA: yes 15:46:04 Daniel, I think the HAL proposal isn't to the exclusion of publishing RDF as well. It's just a defined way to link XML and JSON resources. 15:48:00 Self-scribe: 1) one cannot be agnostic about basic web technologies (URI) 2) one can be agnostic about data formats (XML) 3) language must be consider within the core web technologies (URI variants) 4) inform specialised groups 5) standards must be valid for open and closed usage 15:48:44 Its only for the love of LD that I'm agreeing to 4am PST time slots in the doodle poll 15:48:48 HadleyBeeman: Reminds people please to fill in the Doodle poll for future timign of calls (which will be 1 hour) 15:48:58 q? 15:49:03 Augusto, it was just an example that came to mind, sorry if it wasn't quite appropriate 15:49:18 Daniel: Yep, I'm happy that we'll explain why something is a best practice irrespective of the tech used 15:49:50 HadleyBeeman: Summarises what we've discussed so far 15:50:01 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:50:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/24-dwbp-minutes.html PhilA 15:50:12 thanks for the meeting, see you next wek 15:51:05 URI examples http://dragoman.org/bigmu/uri.txt 15:51:09 HadleyBeeman: Asks for any questions? 15:51:19 zakim, who is making noise? 15:51:30 PhilA, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Daniel (48%), HadleyBeeman (50%) 15:51:51 sorry 15:52:02 Zakim, mute me 15:52:02 Daniel should now be muted 15:52:03 q+ 15:52:16 ack MTCarrasco 15:52:23 MTCarrasco: Is it possible to be a partial editor? 15:52:26 q+ 15:52:31 HadleyBeeman: Yes, if we can find a co-editor 15:52:42 antoine: I'm ready to be a co-editor, not a sole editor 15:53:20 HadleyBeeman: We can split documents into multiple documents 15:53:32 s/antoine/MTCarrasaco/ 15:53:43 q? 15:53:52 ack antoine 15:54:14 antoine: I could be interested depending on what is in the doc of course. The scope is still a bit wide 15:54:42 q+ 15:54:47 ... the scope may remain wide, which means having co-editors is a good idea as each co-editor can take care of the bit that interests them 15:55:13 antoine: Perhaps data usage vocab 15:55:33 antoine: I was involved in SKOS for a long time, cultural heritage etc. 15:55:36 self-scribe: chop into smaller documents - editor volunteer for the document dialing with URIs, variants and applications to multilingual aspects 15:55:37 ack DeirdreLee 15:55:58 q+ 15:56:05 DeirdreLee: I'd be interested in being an editor... maybe around the BPs, core vocs etc. 15:56:23 ... or maybe the idea of an ecosystem, cross-domain aspects 15:56:49 HadleyBeeman: Would it be something that tied in all the pieces of the charter? 15:58:02 See http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp-scope/ 15:58:47 PhilA: The Mobile Web Best Practices Working group began with an equally wide-open charter. So that group wrote down what it was/wasn't going to cover. Helped focus the group. 15:59:06 q? 15:59:08 -Ruben 15:59:09 DeirdreLee: I'll take a look 15:59:13 ack eric 15:59:37 ericstephan: I wanted to voice my support - maybe a co-ed on one or other vocabulary. Both relevant to work we're doing 15:59:56 ericstephan: Slight pref for granularity and quality 16:00:27 I can help DeirdreLee with the edition on BPs, ecossystem 16:00:40 HadleyBeeman: And a contributor on the other one 16:00:53 HadleyBeeman: And Caroline_ is volunteering to work with DeirdreLee 16:01:07 Caroline_: I can help with editing that and I'll certainly contribute 16:01:20 q? 16:01:26 ack BernadetteLoscio 16:01:31 I have to drop off now. Thank you all and it was nice meeting you. 16:01:37 are you muted BernadetteLoscio? 16:01:51 -ericstephan 16:02:04 yes 16:02:07 i can hear you 16:02:20 zakim, who is here? 16:02:20 On the phone I see ??P13 (muted), Daniel (muted), DeirdreLee, HadleyBeeman, carlosiglesias, PhilA, Steve, antoine, rtroncy (muted), [IPcaller], [IPcaller.a] (muted), MTCarrasco 16:02:24 ... (muted), Caroline, Vinh, martin 16:02:24 On IRC I see martin, Vinh, Daniel, ErikMannens, CrizGonzalez, nathalia, adler1, rtroncy, Vanessa_Tonini, Vagner_Br, gsuarez, antoine, newtoncalegari, DeirdreLee, Seiji_Isotani, 16:02:24 ... MTCarrasco, carlosiglesias, Caroline_, HadleyBeeman, yaso 16:02:41 HadleyBeeman: Wold anyone particularly like to contribute/work on? 16:02:53 im sorry 16:03:02 you cant hear me 16:03:03 Folks, I have to leave now. 16:03:05 adler1: I'd def like to work on the BP doc 16:03:08 im gonna write 16:03:17 quit 16:03:23 -Steve 16:03:27 HadleyBeeman: Particular topics in BP? 16:03:38 -Daniel 16:03:42 lost signal 16:03:45 i'm interested with Quality and Granularity Description Vocabulary.. I have experience with Information Quality 16:03:56 HadleyBeeman: Wraps up the meeting 16:04:01 ... reminds people of Doodle 16:04:18 zakim, unmute ipcaller.a 16:04:18 [IPcaller.a] should no longer be muted 16:04:20 -[IPcaller] 16:04:27 http://doodle.com/dt3xax6tkk8grq83 16:04:38 tks Hadley! 16:04:43 -rtroncy 16:04:44 Thanks 16:04:44 thanks!!! 16:04:44 -martin 16:04:47 -DeirdreLee 16:04:48 Bye all, thanks ! 16:04:48 -HadleyBeeman 16:04:49 -MTCarrasco 16:04:51 martin has left #dwbp 16:04:51 -carlosiglesias 16:04:53 Bye 16:04:56 bye 16:04:58 -Vinh 16:05:03 bye 16:05:04 -PhilA 16:05:06 -??P13 16:05:06 bye! 16:05:12 -antoine 16:05:33 -[IPcaller.a] 16:05:37 -Caroline 16:05:38 DATA_DWBP()9:00AM has ended 16:05:38 Attendees were Caroline, +1.509.371.aaaa, HadleyBeeman, PhilA, +, carlosiglesias, MTCarrasco, ElieSL, Steve, ericstephan, DeirdreLee, Daniel, Ruben, antoine, yaso, 16:05:38 ... +, rtroncy, [IPcaller], Vagner_br, nathalia, newtoncalegari, CrizGonzalez, JoaoPauloAlmeida, christianmiranda_, Vinh, martin 16:06:10 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:06:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/24-dwbp-minutes.html PhilA 16:07:45 yaso has left #dwbp 16:18:30 BernadetteLoscio has left #dwbp 16:28:52 ErikMannens has joined #dwbp 16:30:53 gsuarez has joined #dwbp 16:52:08 PhilA has left #dwbp 18:32:15 Zakim has left #dwbp 19:08:15 JoaoPauloAlmeida has joined #dwbp 19:09:59 JoaoPauloAlmeida has joined #dwbp 19:17:51 JoaoPauloAlmeida has joined #dwbp