15:42:22 RRSAgent has joined #dpub 15:42:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/20-dpub-irc 15:42:24 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:42:24 Zakim has joined #dpub 15:42:26 Zakim, this will be dpub 15:42:26 ok, trackbot; I see DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 18 minutes 15:42:27 Meeting: Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference 15:42:27 Date: 20 January 2014 15:47:59 xiaoqian_ has joined #dpub 15:53:55 mgylling has joined #dpub 15:57:04 dauwhe has joined #dpub 15:57:29 tzviya has joined #dpub 15:57:31 liza has joined #dpub 15:58:26 DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM has now started 15:58:34 + +1.201.387.aaaa 15:58:47 zakim, aaaa is tzviya 15:58:47 +tzviya; got it 15:58:48 + +1.617.301.aabb 15:58:59 Vincent_Gros has joined #dpub 15:59:01 zakim, aabb is liza 15:59:01 +liza; got it 15:59:03 zakim, call xiaoqian-mobile 15:59:03 ok, xiaoqian; the call is being made 15:59:04 Regrets: Luc, dauwe, vlad, TomDN, Laura_Flower 15:59:05 +Xiaoqian 15:59:10 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #dpub 15:59:34 +[IPcaller] 15:59:42 + +1.734.904.aacc 15:59:49 zakim, code? 15:59:49 the conference code is 3782 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), ivan 15:59:52 + +1.505.603.aadd 16:00:06 +ivan 16:00:12 +Stearns 16:00:18 +??P31 16:00:26 zakim, ??P31 is me 16:00:26 +mgylling; got it 16:00:28 azaroth has joined #DPUB 16:00:36 Guest: Xiaoqian Wu (W3C) 16:00:55 zakim, who is here? 16:00:55 On the phone I see tzviya, liza, Xiaoqian, [IPcaller], +1.734.904.aacc, +1.505.603.aadd, ivan, Stearns, mgylling 16:00:58 On IRC I see azaroth, Bill_Kasdorf, Vincent_Gros, liza, tzviya, dauwhe, mgylling, xiaoqian, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan, astearns, plinss, Liam|Snow, trackbot 16:01:02 zakim aadd is me 16:01:10 zakim, aadd is me 16:01:10 zakim, aadd is azaroth 16:01:11 +azaroth; got it 16:01:11 sorry, ivan, I do not recognize a party named 'aadd' 16:02:40 tmichel has joined #dpub 16:02:43 zakim, who is here? 16:02:43 On the phone I see tzviya, liza, Xiaoqian, [IPcaller], +1.734.904.aacc, azaroth, ivan, Stearns, mgylling 16:02:45 On IRC I see tmichel, azaroth, Bill_Kasdorf, Vincent_Gros, liza, tzviya, dauwhe, mgylling, xiaoqian, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan, astearns, plinss, Liam|Snow, trackbot 16:03:18 NO PRESSURE 16:03:41 +??P13 16:03:47 zakim, ??P13 is me 16:03:47 +tmichel; got it 16:03:51 zakim, aacc is Bill_Kasdorf 16:03:51 +Bill_Kasdorf; got it 16:04:51 +Bert 16:04:52 AHEM 16:04:59 zakim, pick a victim 16:05:00 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose liza 16:05:04 Bert has joined #dpub 16:05:17 HEY WAIT WHAT 16:05:18 +JeanKaplansky 16:05:41 scribe: liza 16:05:52 OKAY FINE 16:05:58 JeanK has joined #dpub 16:06:25 Markus: One additional agenda item: guest introduction and collaboration between Chinese Digital Publishing Community Group 16:06:35 DON'T TEMPT ME 16:06:46 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-digipub-ig/2014Jan/0019.html Markus: Last week's minutes need approval 16:07:02 +madi 16:07:03 Markus: Approved 16:07:06 Topic: Chinese DPUB Community Group 16:07:20 brady_duga has joined #dpub 16:07:28 Markus: Xiaoqian is introduced 16:07:30 +duga 16:07:37 Xiaoquin: You can call me Cindy 16:07:46 Madi has joined #dpub 16:08:12 Welcome Cindy! 16:08:35 dauwhe has joined #dpub 16:08:45 Xiaoqian: Digital Publishing Interest Group formed in China to address copyright issues 16:08:47 madi has joined #dpub 16:09:39 Xiaoqian: There is eagerness to enter this industry, but not enough standardization. Group formed to share concerns about content protection 16:10:11 Xiaogian: We want to see cooperation between the Chinese industry and other countries despite differences in language and culture 16:10:39 q+ 16:10:49 Xiaoqian: We want to translate documents into Chinese and get Chinese industry to publish their concerns to the rest of the world 16:10:58 Markus: This group was started just last week 16:11:13 Markus: How do we expect your community group and this industry group to collaborate? 16:11:21 s/industry/interest/ 16:11:35 Markus: Do you expect to gather requirements that are specific to China? 16:11:48 Xiaoqian: Next few months we will focus on information-sharing 16:12:06 Xiaoqian: We have most of the major producers in China now, but need more 16:12:37 q+ 16:12:52 ack ivan 16:12:59 Xiaoqian: I would like to help using the community group to add to any specifications 16:13:24 Ivan: Discussions in that community group are in Chinese 16:13:48 Ivan: A few weeks ago a team member named Kenny has joined that group 16:13:59 Ivan: So we have a person who will be on both groups 16:14:14 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:14:39 Bill_Kasdorf: Is your focus on books or other publications? 16:15:03 Xiaoqian: Focus is on EPUB, most of our members are from the IT industry 16:16:13 Xiaoqian: Don't see much interest in journals/magazines yet 16:16:56 Markus: Next, this week's focus theme 16:17:06 Topic: content adaption task force 16:17:34 Markus: This task force's name is a little confusing, so let's go back to the original intent of the task force 16:18:06 Markus: In digital publishing, where the open web platform is used in one way or another, the ecosystem has applied "extensions" to the platform in order to achieve some interaction or behavioral goal 16:18:31 Markus: One of the primary tasks of this IG is identify "problems" in the OWP, and this task force is therefore important to our mission 16:18:51 Markus: There are things that digital publishing needs to do but cannot without extensions, which may be declarative or scripted 16:19:09 Markus: One of the goals then is to identify what extensions are in use today 16:19:31 Tzviya: Agree that's how it started out, got a little fuzzy but we're bringing it back to that intent 16:19:54 http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Behavioral_UC6#Behavioral_6 16:19:55 Tzviya: Let's start with one of the existing use cases that's a little less familiar to the group 16:20:49 Tzviya: Scroll direction, which can be done with CSS but is difficult (if at all). The goal is to allow the publisher to override the scroll direction that is the default for the language/script 16:21:30 Tzviya: I've seen this documented by one particular retailer. Has anyone seen this elsewhere? 16:21:46 Markus: I'm confused by whether this is the controlled by the publisher or the user/reader 16:21:55 Tzviya: Probably both? 16:22:17 brady_duga: Maybe the intent was for the publisher to do one thing and the reader to override that? 16:22:31 Tzviya: Need to go back to the source to clarify 16:22:34 q+ 16:23:05 brady_duga: I'm confused by why you'd change the scroll direction independent of the layout 16:23:34 q+ to ask if this is about flipping pages to the right vs down, rather than the scroll bar? 16:23:43 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:24:22 Bill_Kasdorf: Seems like 2 potential layers of override: publisher overrides reading system, user needs to override publisher? 16:24:30 Tzviya: Let's focus on the publisher use case 16:24:36 ack Bert 16:24:36 Bert, you wanted to ask if this is about flipping pages to the right vs down, rather than the scroll bar? 16:25:22 Bert: Depending on how the scrolling is laid out, it affects how the text is divided into columns 16:25:35 Bert: Is this related to the direction in which the pages scroll? 16:25:57 Bert: RL/LR, or up-down (like a flip chart) 16:26:23 Tzviya: Maybe should've taken a different use case :) 16:26:44 Tzviya: The goal here was to provide an example of a _type_ of UC we are working on (rather than the specifics of this one) 16:26:52 http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Behavioral_UC7#Behavioral_7 16:27:17 Markus: UC7 is also from a retailer 16:27:37 Tzviya: I have seen this in more than one retailer's documentation 16:27:52 Tzviya: A single soundtrack loops without interruption throughout the publication 16:28:26 Tzviya: This illustrates the kind of 'behavior' we're trying to capture. Some kind of markup or attribute within the file causes a _behavior_ 16:29:03 Tzviya: We want to see that a given behavior is common across platform, and not otherwise expressible in existing standards 16:29:15 Ivan: Probably no way to express the soundtrack UC in CSS 16:29:42 Tzviya: Next steps: more categories of use cases where we see behaviors like this illustrated 16:30:01 Tzviya: I would like to hear from the group what other categories of behaviors exist 16:30:19 Tzviya: I'm not at all familiar with how these cases are being used outside my own work 16:30:29 q+ 16:30:50 Markus: We know that multiple vendors support this, but we don't know how widely used the feature is by publishers 16:31:42 ???: There is only vendor that currently supports this with fixed layout (in children's books mostly) 16:32:06 http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-video-element.html#audio has a loop attribute 16:32:31 Markus: How do we get a group who can help you progress in collecting new categories 16:32:52 Tzviya: I encourage people to post UCs to the wiki/list as I'll be absent for a few weeks 16:32:56 Liza - the ??? was Jean K. Sorry... 16:33:11 Thanks Jean, thought it was probably you 16:33:23 Ivan: Nagging on the mailing list ++ 16:33:26 q+ 16:33:40 Markus: I'm thinking about dictionaries and glossaries as well 16:34:10 Tzviya: Other examples that aren't yet documented: being able to purchase a dictionary and incorporate it into a book 16:34:16 astearns: loop yes, but not over multiple documents, and also the dedicated identification of "background track" means that the reading system can provide dedicated UI (in the menu, not in content view) to turn the darn thing off 16:34:23 Tzviya: Section in EPUB spec about incorporating indexes 16:34:33 http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Behavioral_UC#Behavioral_1 16:35:13 q? 16:35:28 ack JeanK 16:35:45 ack ivan 16:36:11 Ivan: Do want to talk about how these examples would be expressed as attributes? 16:36:19 Tzviya: Indeed, next item on the agenda 16:37:30 Tzviya: New name: 'Behavior Refinements'? 16:37:39 Ivan: What about 'Behavioral Extensions'? 16:37:49 Tzviya: Too overloaded? 16:38:06 brady_duga: They're equally confusing to me 16:38:37 brady_duga: 3 parties involved: author/publisher, reading system, and user: behavior all may be different 16:38:58 How about "additional behaviors"? 16:39:09 brady_duga: What is the interaction among all these parties that might want to change e.g. scroll direction of the publication. This is the group that's dealing with the intersection of all those parties 16:39:13 not really additional... More like conflicting behaviors. 16:39:16 Markus: Yes, but this isn't about _styling_ behaviors 16:39:51 brady_duga: Problem for reading systems where we want to be able to provide the user with alternate fonts: body font (which may be meaningful or not), RS font default, user font preference 16:40:16 brady_duga: It's very difficult to provide styling overrides in a sensible way with current technologies 16:40:20 OH!!! "UI specific behavioral layers" 16:40:36 brady_duga: Does this belong in this taskforce, or a styling one? 16:40:47 q+ 16:40:49 Tzviya: More styling, doesn't affect the behavior of the publication 16:41:09 brady_duga: Argument for behavioral taskforce: it's a negotiation between the user and content about how the content will be displayed 16:41:27 q+ 16:41:35 brady_duga: Styling & Layout is about what's missing from styling support 16:41:46 brady_duga: This UC feels more about behavioral negotiation 16:42:05 Tzviya: This borders on the Pearson EDUPUB distinctions about classes 16:42:46 Tzviya: EDUPUB profile for EPUB has 3 layers of classes; we've talked about applying @epub-type to some of these layers 16:43:19 Tzviya: 'Literal' classes are author intent. If a 'letter' in a publication has the address right-aligned, this cannot be overriden 16:43:32 ack azaroth 16:43:32 Markus: So where do we want to put negotiation-related issues 16:43:54 azaroth: I don't see how the background sound isn't just also styling? 16:44:09 azaroth: The user doesn't interact with the audio 16:44:12 (except to turn it off) 16:44:19 (because omg) 16:44:27 (+1!) 16:44:44 Markus: The reading system would have a behavior to allow the user to interact with this background audio 16:45:00 Markus: "Do you want to turn this crap off? [Yes / Hell Yes]" 16:45:30 Markus: I agree that the distinction is murky 16:45:46 Tzviya: What is the definition of "behavior" vs. "style"? 16:46:30 brady_duga: My view: "style" is about allowing an author to make the content look good. Doesn't involve the user. Behavioral adaptive content is what happens when the _user_ wants to change the styling 16:47:31 Markus: Looking at existing UCs, indexes etc. are semantic enrichments from the POV of the publisher; different from your definition? 16:48:04 brady_duga: There might be some user interactions between glossaries/dictionaries that would be covered here 16:48:19 q+ to suggest Perhaps instead of having use cases that we can't fulfill currently, start at zero with assigning *existing* functionality into the topic or not, so we get a better idea of it without being distracted by the complex UCs 16:48:26 Tzviya: e.g. tapping on an index term and displaying that term would go here? 16:48:35 brady_duga: Yes, because the user is interacting with the content 16:48:45 Markus: Works with the notes UC very well 16:49:29 Markus: To date, reading systems do only system-wide dictionaries if any 16:49:50 Markus: With additional markup the user can decide which dictionaries to add 16:49:50 q? 16:49:56 ack JeanK 16:49:57 ack JeanK 16:50:23 JeanK: Behavioral or UI "layers": some things we can include in the markup or CSS as a trigger to hang behavior on 16:50:44 JeanK: I don't see turning on or off content or modifying display as 'styling' 16:51:05 JeanK: These are features that can be continually overridden all the way back to the content level 16:51:28 JeanK: Analogous to the CSS cascade; overrides change the state of the publication 16:51:34 ack azaroth 16:51:34 azaroth, you wanted to suggest Perhaps instead of having use cases that we can't fulfill currently, start at zero with assigning *existing* functionality into the topic or not, so 16:51:37 Tzviya: Like progressive enhancement? 16:51:38 ... we get a better idea of it without being distracted by the complex UCs 16:51:56 brady_duga: Do you mean this should exclude things that should involve styling, or is bigger than styling? 16:52:22 JeanK: user-modified font sizes, etc. become a UI feature; the publisher doesn't have control over that behavior 16:52:56 azaroth: Be nice to pick existing functionality (rather than new complicated use cases) to get a better idea of what's in or out 16:53:19 azaroth: Without worrying about difficult things like scroll direction or audio/video, which have other considerations like UI elements to control those 16:54:04 JeanK: +1, also add: accessibility features that are also a part of UIs, like which voice to use 16:54:28 -Xiaoqian 16:54:35 Markus: If we go with Brady's definition of the task force about user negotiation, then accessibility plays a role 16:54:49 Markus: Accessibility group is actually 'Accessibility & Personalization', so there's overlap 16:55:57 Tzviya: 'User input' is critical to this behavior category, even though that's not where we started 16:56:12 Markus: Yes, we tried to start with extensions in the wild today, regardless of whether they were user-modifiable 16:56:23 -ivan 16:56:28 Ivan: Indexes do not seem to fall into this 16:56:34 Markus: Agreed 16:56:49 Tzviya: We need to gather examples of user input, but we don't need to be limited to that 16:57:05 zakim, code? 16:57:05 the conference code is 3782 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), ivan 16:57:09 brady_duga: It's cases where the user input & the original authorship might be in conflict and need to be negotiated 16:57:26 +ivan 16:57:46 Tzviya: I'm comfortable with that as long as everyone else is 16:58:25 Markus: We've recognized that the difference between styling and behavior is fuzzy, it's OK if it's not a clear distinction 16:58:39 Ivan: We should postpone @epub-type discussion for more time later 16:58:53 Markus: We could do that on the list this week 16:59:03 Tzviya: NAME??? 16:59:14 Markus: 'Behavioral Extensions' 16:59:44 Tzviya: brady_duga is on the hook to add more use cases 16:59:56 JeanK: "Behavioral UI Extensions?" 17:00:17 Ivan: Cool URLs don't change 17:00:40 Markus: Next Monday's agenda? 17:01:25 Markus: Bill_Kasdorf ready for next week? 17:01:59 Bill_Kasdorf: Postpone because Ivan not available 17:02:15 Markus: Liza and I will decide by fiat 17:02:15 -Stearns 17:02:25 -madi 17:02:26 -azaroth 17:02:28 -liza 17:02:29 -duga 17:02:30 -[IPcaller] 17:02:30 -ivan 17:02:30 -JeanKaplansky 17:02:30 -tzviya 17:02:32 -Bill_Kasdorf 17:02:35 -mgylling 17:02:37 -Bert 17:02:40 -tmichel 17:02:41 DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM has ended 17:02:41 Attendees were +1.201.387.aaaa, tzviya, +1.617.301.aabb, liza, Xiaoqian, [IPcaller], +1.734.904.aacc, +1.505.603.aadd, ivan, Stearns, mgylling, azaroth, tmichel, Bill_Kasdorf, 17:02:41 ... Bert, JeanKaplansky, madi, duga 17:02:55 liza has left #dpub 17:09:23 dauwhe has joined #dpub 17:25:31 tzviya has joined #dpub 18:12:40 dauwhe has joined #dpub 19:06:21 Zakim has left #dpub 19:57:36 mgylling has joined #dpub 21:33:35 dauwhe has joined #dpub 22:02:00 dauwhe has joined #dpub 23:43:10 gcapiel has joined #dpub