16:57:53 RRSAgent has joined #coga 16:57:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/20-coga-irc 16:59:48 chair: Lisa_Seeman 16:59:59 ddahl has joined #coga 16:59:59 zakim, who's here? 16:59:59 sorry, janina, I don't know what conference this is 17:00:00 On IRC I see ddahl, RRSAgent, Zakim, janina, Lisa_Seeman, MichaelC 17:00:06 agenda: this 17:00:31 zakim, this will be 2642 17:00:31 ok, janina; I see WAI_CogTF()12:00PM scheduled to start now 17:00:42 zakim, who's on the phone? 17:00:42 WAI_CogTF()12:00PM has not yet started, janina 17:00:43 On IRC I see ddahl, RRSAgent, Zakim, janina, Lisa_Seeman, MichaelC 17:01:06 zakim, this will be WAI_CogTF() 17:01:06 ok, janina, I see WAI_CogTF()12:00PM already started 17:01:14 zakim, who's on the phone? 17:01:14 On the phone I see ??P0, +1.804.986.aaaa, +1.614.777.aabb, John_Foliot, ??P5, +1.780.934.aacc, [IPcaller] 17:01:17 agenda+ Set scribe 17:01:27 agenda+ Introductions 17:01:28 + +44.203.618.aadd 17:01:45 agenda+ Introduction to IRC 17:01:56 agenda+ List members and invited members 17:02:28 agenda+ Discussion list, Task force list 17:02:37 agenda+ The Wiki 17:02:46 agenda+ Request to review UAAG 2.0 17:02:53 agenda+ Defining challenges and making user scenarios 17:03:00 michel_ has joined #coga 17:03:04 agenda+ Actions 17:03:12 zakim, who's on the phone? 17:03:12 On the phone I see ??P0, +1.804.986.aaaa, +1.614.777.aabb, John_Foliot, ??P5, +1.780.934.aacc, [IPcaller], +44.203.618.aadd 17:04:00 + +1.617.959.aaee 17:04:02 +??P9 17:04:11 zakim, ??P0 is Janina_Sajka 17:04:11 +Janina_Sajka; got it 17:04:25 zakim, Ipcaller is Debbie_Dahl 17:04:25 +Debbie_Dahl; got it 17:04:50 +[IPcaller] 17:04:57 zakim, Janina is Lisa_Seeman 17:04:57 zakim, ??P5 is Janina_Sajka 17:04:57 +Lisa_Seeman; got it 17:04:58 +Janina_Sajka; got it 17:05:04 zakim, IPcaller is Karl_Groves 17:05:04 +Karl_Groves; got it 17:05:16 zakim, aaaa is Debora_Ruh 17:05:16 +Debora_Ruh; got it 17:05:23 +Katie_Haritos-Shea 17:05:23 zakim, aabb is Steve_Jacobs 17:05:25 +Steve_Jacobs; got it 17:05:31 zakim, aacc is Kinshuk 17:05:31 +Kinshuk; got it 17:05:49 zakim, aadd Neil_Milliken 17:05:49 I don't understand 'aadd Neil_Milliken', MichaelC 17:05:54 zakim, aadd is Neil_Milliken 17:05:54 +Neil_Milliken; got it 17:05:58 karlgroves has joined #coga 17:06:00 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:06:00 On the phone I see Lisa_Seeman, Debora_Ruh, Steve_Jacobs, John_Foliot, Janina_Sajka, Kinshuk, Debbie_Dahl, Neil_Milliken, Michael_Cooper, +1.617.959.aaee, Karl_Groves, 17:06:03 ... Katie_Haritos-Shea 17:06:10 michel_ has left #coga 17:06:20 zakim, aaee is Michel_Fitos 17:06:20 +Michel_Fitos; got it 17:06:38 zakim, mute me 17:06:38 Michael_Cooper should now be muted 17:07:02 zakim, unmute me 17:07:02 Michael_Cooper should no longer be muted 17:07:10 + +1.404.558.aaff 17:07:25 scribe: Katie_Haritos-Shea 17:07:28 zakim, aaff is Katherine_Mancuso 17:07:28 +Katherine_Mancuso; got it 17:07:46 michel_ has joined #coga 17:07:58 zakim, mute me 17:07:58 Michael_Cooper should now be muted 17:08:43 Ryladog has joined #coga 17:08:50 ScribeNick: Ryladog 17:08:57 scribeNick: Ryladog 17:09:09 ack me 17:09:11 katherinemancuso has joined #coga 17:09:24 zakim, mute me 17:09:24 Michael_Cooper should now be muted 17:09:27 Meeting: Cognitive A11y Task Forc 17:09:28 Michel__ has joined #coga 17:09:46 zakim, mute me 17:09:46 Karl_Groves should now be muted 17:09:50 Scribe: Katie Haritos-Shea 17:10:04 zakim, next item 17:10:04 agendum 1. "Set scribe" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:10:51 zakim, next item 17:10:51 agendum 1 was just opened, Ryladog 17:11:13 zakim, agendum 2 17:11:13 I don't understand 'agendum 2', Ryladog 17:11:46 rrsagent, make minutes 17:11:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/20-coga-minutes.html Ryladog 17:12:02 LS: Provided Intro 17:12:10 ack me 17:12:21 JS: Leader and Chair of PF 17:12:44 MC: I am the staff contact for PFand WCAG and therefore for the CognTask Force 17:13:00 zakim, next item 17:13:00 agendum 2. "Introductions" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:13:08 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #coga 17:13:32 zakim, mute me 17:13:32 Michael_Cooper should now be muted 17:13:34 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 17:13:46 MC: I am here to help with questions 17:14:28 Debra Ruh: in A11y many years. I have a daughter with downs syndrome. New to W3C. 17:15:08 LS:Many are new, We need you experience, do not worry about W3C process 17:16:20 John Foliot: Working for A11Y 13 years, work for JP Morgan Chase. Do not have alot of expereince with Cognitive. Do have alot of experince in W3C 17:17:30 Steve Jacobs: I live in Columbus Ohio. Work withIdealGroup and apps for android - as developers. Have worked with A11Y many years. First W3C group 17:19:32 ??: Professor in Canada. Interested in eLearning strategies. 17:19:59 -John_Foliot 17:20:19 Debbie Dahl: Chair of Multi-modal working group. Have been in W3C many years. In speach technologies and have experince in Ephasia 17:20:45 +John_Foliot 17:20:58 Neil: Have workedin AT for 13 years now for dyslexia. This is my passion 17:21:05 s/Ephasia/aphasia 17:21:08 ack me 17:21:10 getting there! unmuting 17:21:19 zakim, mute me 17:21:19 Michael_Cooper should now be muted 17:21:43 s/speach/speech 17:22:00 Michel: I have a background in technologies. I work with folks with ADHD. 17:22:23 zakim, unmute me 17:22:23 Karl_Groves should no longer be muted 17:23:11 -John_Foliot 17:23:43 zakim, mute me 17:23:43 Karl_Groves should now be muted 17:23:49 Karl Groves: Workfor Paciello group, in A11Y many years 2003. some W3C working groups. Particular interested incognitive accessibility onthe web. I have a daughter who is dyslexic and I have ADHA 17:24:15 +John_Foliot 17:25:13 KHS: Been around awhile 17:26:17 Katherine: Do teechology coaching. I work for women, have ADHD. Background in educational accessibility 17:28:25 RS: Cheif Technology Officer for IBM software. A11Y since 1999. Run ARIA effort, work in HTML 5. Work extenally for companies on MathML for folks with cognitive. And lead NIDDR research project for cognitive users. 17:28:58 zakim, next item 17:28:58 agendum 3. "Introduction to IRC" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:29:54 Kinshuk has joined #coga 17:30:45 -Michael_Cooper 17:30:50 NeilMilliken has joined #coga 17:31:17 Attendees: Rich Schwerdtfeger, Janina Sajka, Katie Haritos-Shea, Micheal Cooper, Debbie Dahl, Michel, Karl Groves, Katherine Mancuso, Lisa Seeman, Neil Milliken, Dr. Kinshuk, Debra Ruh 17:31:39 JS: We rely alot at W3C on IRC 17:32:06 JS: Lisa has stated that this is the basis of our minutes 17:32:35 s/ADHA/ADHD 17:33:27 s/??/Dr. Kinshuk/ 17:33:46 JS: We all take turns 17:34:46 LS: Be careful whatever you type in may end up in the minutes. It is very useful also for links 17:35:38 -Kinshuk 17:35:59 LS: For newbies - quiet for a while is fine - we want you all here for your expertise. Please speak up 17:36:08 +Kinshuk 17:37:04 q? 17:37:08 KM: If you add /me you text will not show up in the minutes 17:37:09 ack k 17:37:51 JS: We have folks who are formally on thelist and those who are pending. 17:37:58 Barry has joined #coga 17:38:11 https://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=67703&public=1 17:38:45 q? 17:39:07 Attendee: Barry Johnson 17:39:42 LS: We have actually two lists 17:39:43 agenda? 17:39:48 zakim, next item 17:39:48 agendum 4. "List members and invited members" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:40:01 zakim, close agendum 3 17:40:01 agendum 3, Introduction to IRC, closed 17:40:02 I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:40:02 4. List members and invited members [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:40:09 zakim, close item 4 17:40:09 agendum 4, List members and invited members, closed 17:40:10 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:40:10 5. Discussion list, Task force list [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:40:13 zakim, next item 17:40:13 agendum 5. "Discussion list, Task force list" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:40:14 LS: We seem to be full at this time 17:40:24 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/ 17:40:37 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/work-statement 17:40:41 agenda? 17:40:48 zakim, next item 17:40:48 agendum 5 was just opened, Ryladog 17:40:56 zakim, close this item 17:40:56 agendum 5 closed 17:40:57 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:40:57 6. The Wiki [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:40:59 zakim, next item 17:40:59 agendum 6. "The Wiki" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:41:15 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page 17:41:52 JS: This Wiki is very important, this is where I would like us to use this 17:41:54 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Gap_Analysis 17:42:51 JS: Our first task is a Gap Analysis. The wikiis like our white board. As soon as you are officially on the list, you will have access to edit the wiki. There is a HELP page onthe lefy handpanel of the Wiki 17:43:19 q? 17:43:35 zakim, next item 17:43:35 agendum 7. "Request to review UAAG 2.0" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:43:53 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2014Jan/0003.html 17:44:47 LS: We have had a task request forus to review this impending User Agent document from the Cognitive point of view. The UAAG WG would like our help 17:45:08 LS: We can make comments 17:45:31 s/wikii/wiki/ 17:45:52 JS: Comments are due by the end of next week 17:46:12 s/lefy/left/ 17:47:36 JS: Specifications take a long time to come ou on the W3C. This spec has been in the works for almost 10 years. These are Last Call comments. Then W3C will ask for implementations. See RFC 2119 17:49:00 JS: There is a requirement that each required feature must be implemented in at least two browsers. After this it becomes a Techical Specification. It is late inthe process, but we can still contribute. It is a good starting activity 17:49:38 LS: Our main work will be our main deliverables - but this is also important - but hopefully not too often 17:49:56 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Gap_Analysis 17:50:03 agenda? 17:50:06 zakim, next item 17:50:06 agendum 8. "Defining challenges and making user scenarios" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:50:26 LS: Lets talk about the Gap Analysis 17:51:50 LS: The Gap Analysis is a crucial piece of work for us. It will define the problemto help us come up with suggestions for the solutions 17:52:30 LS: Here is the problemand here is the link. Based on facts, not opinions. There are 8 user groups. 17:52:52 s/problemand/problem and/ 17:53:48 -Katherine_Mancuso 17:53:49 LS: It is important to do a good job. I am a big fan of putting initial work out there to get comments for improvements 17:54:00 q+ 17:54:08 Call is fine for me 17:54:19 +Katherine_Mancuso 17:54:43 q- 17:54:43 q? 17:55:57 RS: Looking at the Gap Analysis, typically Gaps would need to be gaps. There seems a lot here. This is just an observation 17:56:26 LS: Go to the Table of Contents 17:56:26 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Gap_Analysis 17:57:08 RS: So we are gathering requirements here, is that fair? 17:57:46 LS: Part of the Research is what technologies and tools are now available. 17:58:19 LS: It is a pace for putting everything. I want it all online and in one place 17:58:56 RS: We should also have a high level plan roadmap that refers to the Gap Analysis 18:00:11 RS: With Cognitive - the web is not personalized today. That is important for industry to understand. Each individual user has a collection of needs, and some of them are consistant across many cognitive users 18:00:36 -Michel_Fitos 18:00:52 LS: Yes, this makes ssnse - we thought we needed a Gap Analysis first to them build a proper Road Map 18:02:20 LS: The items in the Table of Contents might not belong there - but we didnt want to leave it out. We are not sure what the solution is going to be. It might be tagging. 18:02:30 LS: We have run out of time 18:03:17 LS: Please have alook at the Gap Analysis and the Talbe of Content to start building a RoadMap 18:03:46 RS: Are you adverse to use having a RoadMap seperate page? 18:03:57 LS: No that would be fine. 18:05:13 RS: I think we need to simplify our goals and the problem statement, as the Introductory part of the RoadMap. This is a peice that we can get in front fo people. I want the WCAG peeople thinking about personalization at a deeper level. Just to get things moving 18:05:55 RS: Alot of the NIDDR work was stuck in researcg papers where folks had to pay $70 bucks just to look at it 18:07:28 SJ: We have a powerful knowledge mining kit at work. I cannot share publically, but individuals who would like to I might be able to get access. Contact me privately 18:08:04 LS: We do want to put up all our work in the public domain. See you next week. 18:08:27 +1 on Rich's Proposal 18:08:37 LS: Is this fine foreveryone that we start a Roadmap. 18:08:37 happy with that 18:08:44 KHS: Do it Rich! 18:08:47 q? 18:08:48 -Debora_Ruh 18:09:15 RS: OK I will work with people on it startingnext week 18:09:57 -John_Foliot 18:09:59 -Steve_Jacobs 18:10:01 -Karl_Groves 18:10:01 -Neil_Milliken 18:10:02 ACTION: Lisa, Start a Roadmap document. Rich and John F to start and edit it 18:10:03 -Debbie_Dahl 18:10:08 ddahl has left #coga 18:10:10 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger 18:10:13 -Katherine_Mancuso 18:10:19 -Kinshuk 18:10:36 s/startingnext/starting next/ 18:10:58 zakim, bye 18:10:58 leaving. As of this point the attendees were +1.804.986.aaaa, +1.614.777.aabb, John_Foliot, +1.780.934.aacc, +44.203.618.aadd, +1.617.959.aaee, Michael_Cooper, Janina_Sajka, 18:10:58 Zakim has left #coga 18:11:01 ... Debbie_Dahl, Lisa_Seeman, Karl_Groves, Debora_Ruh, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Steve_Jacobs, Kinshuk, Neil_Milliken, Michel_Fitos, +1.404.558.aaff, Katherine_Mancuso, 18:11:02 ... Rich_Schwerdtfeger 18:11:37 s/Debora/Debra/ 18:13:13 Regrets: MaryJo Mueller, Tim Boland 18:13:41 rrsagent, make minutes 18:13:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/20-coga-minutes.html Ryladog 18:14:34 rrsagent, make log public 18:14:53 rrsagent, make minutes 18:14:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/20-coga-minutes.html Ryladog 18:29:19 sorry -dropped off 18:30:09 No problem, Lisa! 18:30:40 Just suggesting to remember to call on W3C experienced participants for scribing for awhile 18:33:01 yup 18:33:04 will do 18:38:44 Michel has joined #coga 20:29:58 katherinemancuso has joined #coga