15:49:13 RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag 15:49:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/14-wai-wcag-irc 15:50:26 RRSAgent, start meeting 15:50:26 I'm logging. I don't understand 'start meeting', AWK. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:50:48 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 15:50:59 meeting: WCAG Working Group Teleconference 15:51:00 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 15:51:07 Chair: AWK 15:51:19 Zakim, agneda? 15:51:19 I don't understand your question, AWK. 15:51:23 Zakim, agenda? 15:51:23 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda: 15:51:24 5. Discussion of Evaluation Methodology Note and approval for publication of working draft https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/20131126EM_Review/ [from AWK] 15:51:24 7. Approval of techniques and understanding documents for public review https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/techunderstandpublic/ [from AWK__] 15:52:00 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 15:53:00 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 15:54:00 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 15:54:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 15:55:20 WAI_WCAG()11:00AM has now started 15:55:27 +[IPcaller] 15:55:30 zakim, this will be WCAG 15:55:30 ok, Joshue108, I see WAI_WCAG()11:00AM already started 15:55:46 zakim, [IPcaller] is Joshue 15:55:46 +Joshue; got it 15:56:54 Chair: Joshue 15:56:58 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 15:57:47 agenda + CSUN 15:57:59 zakim, agenda 15:58:01 I don't understand 'agenda', Joshue108 15:58:04 zakim, show agenda 15:58:04 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda: 15:58:05 5. Discussion of Evaluation Methodology Note and approval for publication of working draft https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/20131126EM_Review/ [from AWK] 15:58:05 7. Approval of techniques and understanding documents for public review https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/techunderstandpublic/ [from AWK__] 15:58:05 8. CSUN [from Joshue108] 15:58:10 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 15:58:12 shadi has joined #wai-wcag 15:59:27 +Shadi 15:59:30 +AWK 15:59:31 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 15:59:55 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:59:55 On the phone I see Joshue, Shadi, AWK 16:00:34 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 16:00:42 Kathy has joined #wai-wcag 16:01:00 michel has joined #wai-wcag 16:01:02 zakim, drop item 8 16:01:03 agendum 8, CSUN, dropped 16:01:05 zakim, mute me 16:01:05 Shadi should now be muted 16:01:35 +Michel_Fitos 16:02:02 +Kathy_Wahlbin 16:02:28 +David_MacDonald 16:03:11 marcjohlic has joined #wai-wcag 16:03:12 +Marc_Johlic 16:03:27 +Katie_Haritos-Shea 16:03:40 David has joined #wai-wcag 16:04:13 Loretta has joined #WAI-WCAG 16:04:40 Ryladog has joined #wai-wcag 16:04:57 Scribe:Katie 16:05:00 +[IPcaller] 16:05:13 zakim, ipcaller is Loretta 16:05:13 +Loretta; got it 16:05:25 zakim, take up item 2 16:05:25 agendum 2. "Continue ARIA Techniques review - only #4 and #6 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/20131126ARIA_Techniques/" taken up [from AWK] 16:05:27 +??P33 16:05:37 -??P33 16:05:47 q+ 16:05:51 ack me 16:05:55 +??P33 16:05:55 ack shadi 16:05:57 -??P33 16:06:09 Joshue: We are going to have a F2F at CSUN 16:06:26 +??P33 16:06:42 zakim, ??P33 is Michael_Cooper 16:06:42 +Michael_Cooper; got it 16:06:45 Shadi: Are you looking at Tuesday, WCAG-EM is looking to have one on Mon and Tues. Maybe we can coorinate 16:06:47 zakim, mute me 16:06:47 Shadi should now be muted 16:07:02 Joshue: ok 16:07:23 agenda? 16:07:41 zakim, take up item 5 16:07:41 agendum 5. "Discussion of Evaluation Methodology Note and approval for publication of working draft https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/20131126EM_Review/" taken up [from AWK] 16:07:42 agenda order 7, 5 16:07:53 zakim, take up item 7 16:07:53 agendum 7. "Approval of techniques and understanding documents for public review https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/techunderstandpublic/" taken up [from AWK__] 16:08:03 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/techunderstandpublic/results 16:08:07 Chair: Andrew/Joshue 16:09:15 ScribeNick: Ryladog 16:09:16 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/2014/WD-UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20-20140107/ 16:09:33 AK: I responded to most of thecomments 16:12:34 s/coorinate/coordinate/ 16:12:45 s/thecomments/the comments 16:12:54 zakim, queue? 16:12:54 I see no one on the speaker queue 16:14:50 AK: ARIA 10, this your comment is how do we come to consensus.....we did discuss and approved on Dec 10th.....what do people think about it? 16:15:20 +q 16:15:20 q+ 16:15:48 DM: My concern is F65 and ARIA 10 - this sounds cyclical - I think we need to fix one or the other. Maybe we should discuss at F2F 16:15:58 ack me 16:16:09 +[IPcaller] 16:16:13 kerstin_ has joined #wai-wcag 16:16:22 JO: I think we do need to talk about it. 16:16:22 zakim, ipcaller is me 16:16:22 +kerstin_; got it 16:16:29 zakim, mute me 16:16:29 kerstin_ should now be muted 16:16:40 sorry for delay 16:17:03 JO: Michael can we suspend this until we have time to talk about it? 16:17:21 ack lor 16:17:46 +q 16:17:47 ack loretta 16:17:52 AK: If we are looking to publish today - that could be a problem 16:18:00 ack me 16:18:40 LGR: We can still publish today and add a NOTE to the draft - identifying that we are still working on this one issue 16:19:03 LGR; Reasonable? 16:19:08 MC: Yes 16:19:24 q+ 16:19:43 ack michael 16:19:46 ack Michae 16:20:26 MC; Suggest in STATUS provide list of things we are working on. And add and ED NOTE describe the issue 16:20:43 JO: That sounds good 16:21:51 rrsagent, make minutes 16:21:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/14-wai-wcag-minutes.html Ryladog 16:22:05 rrsagent, make log public 16:22:31 zakim, queue? 16:22:31 I see no one on the speaker queue 16:23:12 q+ 16:23:58 q+ 16:24:52 ack Ryla 16:24:55 zakim, mute me 16:24:55 Michael_Cooper should now be muted 16:25:18 ack AW 16:25:36 +1 to AWK 16:26:24 AK: I want to speak to Davids suggestion, I think we want commentors to address this document - not F65 - we never approved F65 16:29:13 Present: Joshue O., David M., Kathy, Katie, Andrew K., Shadi, Kerstin, Michael C., Loretta GR, Marc J. 16:31:04 AK: Does anyone object to adding tabindex -1? 16:32:01 LGR: You need identify that tabindex -1 works for IE 16:32:42 zakim, queue? 16:32:42 I see no one on the speaker queue 16:33:30 DM: So often I see developers copy code - thinking that they have fixed it. My other concernis the ID - you are not supposed to start and ID with a number 16:33:46 AWK: We are no clear on that 16:34:10 AWK: It is L1 and L2 - I think it was L just for label 16:34:21 LGR: This should be easy to fix 16:35:27 KHS: A major selling point of WCAG is that we allow for the updating of techs and our docs - this is important to identify. 16:36:09 +q 16:36:33 ack me 16:36:34 q+ 16:36:38 how about: WCAG 2.0 guidelines and success criteria are designed to be broadly applicable to current and future web technologies, including dynamic applications, mobile, digital television, etc. They are stable and do not change. Specific guidance for authors and evaluators on meeting the WCAG success criteria is provided in techniques, which include code examples, resources, and tests. W3C's Techniques for WCAG 2.0 document is updated periodically, about once a ye 16:36:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 16:36:53 to cover more current best practices and changes in technologies and tools. 16:37:11 q+ 16:37:12 zakim, queue? 16:37:13 I see Loretta, AWK on the speaker queue 16:37:17 ack Loretta 16:38:36 re: AWK, its good. How about WCAG 2.0 guidelines and success criteria are designed to be broadly applicable to current and future web technologies, including dynamic applications, mobile, digital television, etc. They are stable and do not change. However, specific guidance for authors and evaluators on meeting the WCAG success criteria is provided in regularily updated techniques, which include code examples, resources, and tests. 16:38:47 zakim, queue? 16:38:47 I see AWK on the speaker queue 16:39:02 ack awk 16:39:37 +EricP 16:40:13 +q 16:40:19 zakim, EricP is wuwei 16:40:19 +wuwei; got it 16:40:31 zakim, mute me 16:40:31 wuwei should now be muted 16:40:51 ack me 16:41:54 zakim, queue? 16:41:54 I see no one on the speaker queue 16:42:04 zakim, unmute me 16:42:04 kerstin_ should no longer be muted 16:43:12 KHS: No it should not block publication - but I would like to ensure that the RATIONALE/REASON the Techniques and Understanding are non-normative and updatable to avoid being a rapidly outdated standard 16:43:38 LGR: My comments were mostly about the itengrity of the documents 16:43:50 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/2014/WD-WCAG20-TECHS-20140107/F24.html 16:44:09 AWK: Yes, we were also concerned about that, and took some action, and learned a lot 16:45:02 Kerstin: We could make an editor note 16:45:18 zakim, queue? 16:45:18 I see no one on the speaker queue 16:45:22 AWK: We want the WG to discuss this before we add it as a note 16:45:22 +q 16:45:32 ack me 16:46:05 JO: I agree with what Andrew is saying before we send it out 16:46:15 Kerstin: Yes I am OK with this 16:49:00 zakim, queue? 16:49:00 I see no one on the speaker queue 16:49:21 rrsagent, make minutes 16:49:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/14-wai-wcag-minutes.html Ryladog 16:50:39 zakim, mute me 16:50:39 kerstin_ should now be muted 16:50:57 ack me 16:51:03 MJ: I cannot view the Intro text on the Quickref page - and it is also not displaying any of my choices for techniques 16:51:11 http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/quickref/20140107/Overview.php?introopt=Y 16:51:19 http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/quickref/20140107/Overview.php 16:51:54 +1 here 16:52:17 MC: Yes I see that, I will look into that 16:52:47 JO: Will you be able to fix that on the call? 16:52:53 MC: Probably not 16:53:19 +James_Nurthen 16:54:27 RESOLUTION: Group has Approval of Techniques and Understanding documents for Public Review - provided the QuickRef document fix and Comment about ARIA 10 16:55:02 brb 16:55:23 DM: I can suggest text for ARIA 10 - will do with Loretta right now 16:55:38 zakim, next item 16:55:38 agendum 5. "Discussion of Evaluation Methodology Note and approval for publication of working draft https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/20131126EM_Review/" taken up [from AWK] 16:55:48 ack me 16:56:49 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/conformance/comments-20131129 16:56:55 Shadi: This is from the previous edotor draft 16:57:08 s/edotor/editors 16:57:20 Shadi: We asked ERT, WCAG and EO to review 16:58:00 jamesn has joined #wai-wcag 16:58:09 rrsagent, make minutes 16:58:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/14-wai-wcag-minutes.html jamesn 16:58:18 Shadi: we ended up with over 100 comments we have proposed resolutions. There are a coupe of open ones that I wouldlike to go over. We want to Publish as a working group draft 16:58:27 THe Working Group is still discussing whether it is appropriate to use various aria attributes to provide a text alternative for an image without providing an alt attribute. Example XX demonstrates a situation where it might be desirable just to use aria-abelledby, with no alt attribute. We solicit feedback on this example and on the general issue. 16:58:46 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/conformance/comments-20131129#comment18 16:58:51 Nice Loretta! 16:59:09 (Need David's input...) 16:59:24 Shadi: Comment 18: Core Functionality 16:59:54 Should we say something like "still discussing the wider issue of new methods to provide text alternatives[...]" or similar? 17:00:02 "Essential Functionality" 17:01:03 Shadi: We felt that Greggs terminology might not be understood - so we suggest to call it Essential Functionality, Is that OK? 17:01:43 Shadi: The definition will remain the same as it is now. 17:02:16 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:02:18 Shadi: There have been several suggestions 17:04:05 zakim, queue? 17:04:05 I see no one on the speaker queue 17:04:10 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/conformance/comments-20131129#comment26 17:04:53 I would add to lorretta: THe Working Group is still discussing whether it is appropriate to use various aria attributes to provide a text alternative for an image without providing an alt attribute (i.e. by amending F65). Example XX demonstrates a situation where it might be desirable just to use aria-abelledby, with no alt attribute. We solicit feedback on this example and on the general issue. 17:05:56 Sounds good to me, David. 17:06:00 I'm wondering if we should refer to the issue of 'alternatives to traditional ways of providing alternate text' - ARIA is one of those ways. 17:06:29 THe Working Group is still discussing whether it is appropriate to only use various aria attributes, in some use cases, to provide a text alternative for an image without providing an alt attribute. 17:06:39 Present: Joshue O Connor., David MacDonald, Kathy, Katie Haritos-Shea, Andrew Kirkpatrick, Shadi, Kerstin Probiesch, Michael Cooper, Loretta Guarino Reid, Marc J., James N., wuwei 17:07:17 Andrew can you add the ? 17:07:21 I think David's version is easier to understand. 17:07:43 Ok. I does mention F65 tho.. 17:07:55 Shadi: Comment 26: We are suggesting not to use Gregg's but to use what we have 17:08:14 Shadi: Are there any objections 17:08:24 [[W3C/WAI provides a set of publicly documented (non-normative) Techniques for WCAG 2.0 that help evaluate conformance to WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria. However, it is not necessary to use these particular techniques (see Understanding Techniques for WCAG Success Criteria). Some evaluators might use other methods (inline with the requirements for custom techniques) to evaluate conformance to WCAG 2.0. W3C/WAI provides a set of publicly documented (non-normative) Te 17:08:24 chniques for WCAG 2.0 that help evaluate conformance to WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria.]] 17:08:33 zakim, unmute me 17:08:33 kerstin_ should no longer be muted 17:10:09 Should we call ARIA attributes, in this context, supporting text alternatives? 17:10:30 q+ 17:10:30 That could be problematic on second thoughts.. 17:10:38 q+ 17:12:30 zakim, unmute me 17:12:30 kerstin_ was not muted, kerstin_ 17:12:48 DM: You need to be conformant to SC not techniques 17:13:08 ack kers 17:13:19 Shadi: We say nowhere to evaluate conformance with Techniques 17:13:51 Kerstin: I do not agree - I would agree with publishing at a working draft 17:14:18 Shadi: What is the issue? What do you see? 17:14:20 ack Loretta 17:14:32 zakim, mute me 17:14:32 kerstin_ should now be muted 17:15:06 rrsagent, make minutes 17:15:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/14-wai-wcag-minutes.html Joshue108 17:15:13 LGR: All of the WCAG documents is meant for a variety of audiences - the techniques are not limited to developers 17:15:33 +1 to LGR 17:16:21 Shadi: All we are saying that Techniques *can* help in evaluating conformance to WCAG 2 SC 17:16:39 Shadi: Maybe we can allow more time 17:16:53 I have no problem with Publication 17:18:45 DM: The two key issues for me are fairly important. One on Comment 37: I see therational fornot changing it. The wording I proposed that it is important have PWD to be used, but I think it is going to be less of anevaluationif a PWD is not always included 17:19:34 DM: I think most evaluators can discover most relevant issues 17:19:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:20:05 Shadi: This language has been there from the beginning 17:20:56 JO: Can you live with this as is? 17:21:01 DM: Yes 17:21:32 DM: What about a specific size? 17:22:01 Shadi: We think that what we have proposed is best and more consistant 17:22:33 Shadi: We also run into issues with a fixed number of pages 17:23:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:23:44 +q 17:23:58 zakim, unmute me 17:23:58 kerstin_ should no longer be muted 17:24:39 DM: Just provide some guidance 17:24:51 Shadi: We hope to do that in the next draft 17:25:00 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:25:07 ack me 17:25:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:25:49 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/conformance/comments-20131129#comment43 17:25:52 Shadi: Comment 43: Relates to Scoring - this is strongly disputed 17:26:33 Shadi: Developing a ratio as a ballpark figure - not comparing one site with another - but rather a site against itself 17:26:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:27:35 q+ 17:27:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:27:42 Shadi: One issue is that we call it scoring - but really it is a ratio to get a rough idea. One idea is to keep that section, another is to drop that section for this draft 17:27:42 ack kers 17:27:53 q+ 17:28:20 ack david 17:28:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:28:41 Kerstin: I think scoring is useful - is there prudent data - when it comes to conformance - I would really like to drop the Scoring for WCAG EM 17:28:56 +q 17:29:48 DM: The government of Canada was really hoping to see this document covering Scoring - everybody wants it - bu tI am not sure that it is realistic 17:30:05 Ryladog: I've said that, that I don't think that scoring is useful. And that there are no proven data for the reliabiility of the suggested scoring system. Therefore I would like to see droping the section 17:30:12 Shadi: Maybe we can extend the comments to the end of the week? 17:30:53 JO: I would rather us reviewing it this week and addressing it on next weeks call - as the Scoring?Metrics is a very big issue 17:31:08 zakim, mute me 17:31:08 Shadi should now be muted 17:31:12 s/?// 17:31:22 zakim, queue? 17:31:22 I see Joshue on the speaker queue 17:31:24 ack me 17:31:39 JO: Please put you suggested text for ARIA 10 here now? 17:32:06 rrsagent, make minutes 17:32:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/14-wai-wcag-minutes.html Ryladog 17:32:36 -James_Nurthen 17:32:44 Ryladog, could please correct my comment on scoring? 17:32:55 I would add to lorretta: THe Working Group is still discussing whether it is appropriate to use various aria attributes to provide a text alternative for an image without providing an alt attribute (i.e. by amending F65). Example XX demonstrates a situation where it might be desirable just to use aria-abelledby, with no alt attribute. We solicit feedback on this example and on the general issue. 17:33:25 Kerstin, please put in the text you want and I will be happy to 17:34:27 I don't think that scoring is useful. There are no proven data for the reliabiility of the suggested scoring system in WCAG-EM. Therefore I would like to see dropping the section on scoring 17:35:24 THe Working Group is still discussing whether it is appropriate to use various aria attributes to provide a text alternative for an image without providing an alt attribute (i.e. we are also discussing F65 in this context). Example XX demonstrates a situation where it might be desirable just to use aria-abelledby, with no alt attribute. We solicit feedback on this example and on the general issue. 17:35:32 s/Kerstin: I think scoring is useful - is there prudent data - when it comes to conformance - I would really like to drop the Scoring for WCAG EM/Kerstin: I don't think that scoring is useful. There are no proven data for the reliabiility of the suggested scoring system in WCAG-EM. Therefore I would like to see dropping the section on scoring/ 17:35:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:36:11 id THe Working Group is still discussing whether it is appropriate to use various aria attributes to provide text alternatives for an image without providing an alt attribute (i.e. we are also discussing F65 in this context). Example XX demonstrates a situation where it might be desirable just to use aria-abelledby, with no alt attribute. We solicit feedback on this example and on the... 17:36:13 ...general issue. 17:36:31 THe Working Group is still discussing whether it is appropriate to use various aria attributes to provide a text alternative for an image without providing an alt attribute (i.e. we are also discussing F65 in this context). Example XX demonstrates a situation where it might be desirable just to use aria-abelledby, with no alt attribute. We solicit feedback on this example and on the general issue. 17:36:32 id THe Working Group is still discussing whether it is appropriate to use various aria attributes to provide a text alternative for an image without providing an alt attribute (i.e. we are also discussing F65 in this context). Example XX demonstrates a situation where it might be desirable just to use aria-abelledby, with no alt attribute. We solicit feedback on this example and on the... 17:36:34 ...general issue. 17:36:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:36:57 The Working Group is still discussing whether it is appropriate to use various aria attributes to provide a text alternative for an image without providing an alt attribute. ARIA10: Using aria-labelledby to provide a text alternative for non-text content is included to invite public comment and help the working group come to a conclusion about this technique as well as related items (e.g. F65). 17:37:05 Examples within ARIA10 demonstrate situations where it might be desirable just to use aria-labelledby with no alt attribute. We solicit feedback on this example and on the general issue. 17:37:26 thx @ryladog 17:37:39 * you bet! 17:38:21 zakim, queue? 17:38:21 I see no one on the speaker queue 17:38:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:38:40 zakim, mute me 17:38:40 kerstin_ should now be muted 17:38:49 q+ 17:39:10 ack Ryla 17:39:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:39:51 -wuwei 17:40:29 DM:Should we include HTML 5? 17:40:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:40:42 JO: I think we will leave HTML 5 out for now 17:41:31 JO; This is really going to blow up. 17:41:35 Bring it on 17:41:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:41:45 DM: The F@F wille fantastic 17:41:54 +1 to AWK text 17:41:55 +1 17:41:56 +1 also 17:42:02 s/wille/well be/ 17:42:12 gotta go, thx bye 17:42:19 -AWK 17:42:39 bye 17:42:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:42:40 -Joshue 17:42:41 -Kathy_Wahlbin 17:42:42 -Shadi 17:42:44 -David_MacDonald 17:42:44 -kerstin_ 17:42:46 -Michel_Fitos 17:42:48 -Marc_Johlic 17:42:51 -Loretta 17:42:52 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 17:43:01 -Michael_Cooper 17:43:02 WAI_WCAG()11:00AM has ended 17:43:02 Attendees were Joshue, Shadi, AWK, Michel_Fitos, Kathy_Wahlbin, David_MacDonald, Marc_Johlic, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Loretta, Michael_Cooper, kerstin_, wuwei, James_Nurthen 17:43:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:44:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:45:21 rrsagent, make minutes 17:45:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/14-wai-wcag-minutes.html MichaelC 17:45:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:46:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:47:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:47:52 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:48:39 wuwei has joined #wai-wcag 17:49:02 rrsagent, bye 17:49:02 I see no action items