13:59:24 RRSAgent has joined #ontolex 13:59:24 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/10-ontolex-irc 13:59:34 Zakim has joined #ontolex 13:59:38 Scribe: Philipp 13:59:40 Chair: Philipp 13:59:44 Meeting: Ontolex meeting 13:59:49 add agendum: document structure 14:00:00 agenda+ document structure 14:00:19 agenda+ requirements on canonicalForm 14:00:34 agenda+ requirements on written representation 14:00:41 agenda+ translation 14:01:09 agenda+ mapping to SKOS 14:04:55 Present+ Paul 14:04:57 Present+ Gabi 14:05:00 Present+ Armando 14:05:06 Present+ Philipp 14:06:32 Present+ Elena 14:06:39 Present+ Francesca 14:23:27 Present+ Laurette 14:30:07 Armando: where is the decomposition of terms, is "red car" a lexical entry? 14:30:19 Philipp: will be in the syntax and semantics modulo 14:30:47 There was agreement calling the variation module "variation & translation" to reflect the prominence of translation 14:34:30 Francesca: do we distinguish collocations 15:02:02 All: we came sort of to the conclusion that there should be no axiomatic relation to SKOS-XL 15:02:12 Armando found out that SKOS-XL labels can indeed be shared 15:07:27 zakim, bye 15:07:27 Zakim has left #ontolex 15:07:35 Regrets: John 15:07:40 Regrets+ Lupe 15:07:52 rrsagent, make log public 15:07:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:07:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/10-ontolex-minutes.html cimiano 15:08:08 rrsagent, bye 15:08:08 I see no action items