21:42:15 RRSAgent has joined #indie-ui 21:42:15 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/08-indie-ui-irc 21:42:17 RRSAgent, make logs public 21:42:19 Zakim, this will be INDIE 21:42:19 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_Indie()5:00PM scheduled to start in 18 minutes 21:42:20 Meeting: Independent User Interface Task Force Teleconference 21:42:20 Date: 08 January 2014 21:42:48 agenda? 21:42:55 zakim, clear agenda 21:42:55 agenda cleared 21:43:02 zakim, agenda? 21:43:02 I see nothing on the agenda 21:43:07 Meeting: IndieUI Task Force Teleconference 21:43:07 Chair: Janina_Sajka 21:43:07 agenda+ preview agenda with items from two minutes 21:43:07 agenda+ Meeting Conflict on 22 January? 21:43:07 agenda+ UAWG Review Requests 21:43:10 agenda+ Editor's Report 21:43:12 agenda+ Events Requirements Status & Actions 21:43:15 agenda+ Events Testing Update 21:43:17 agenda+ User Context Update; FPWD Criteria Discussion 21:43:20 agenda+ User Context Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/3 21:43:23 agenda+ Events Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/2 21:43:26 agenda+ Scribe for our Next Teleconference 21:43:28 agenda+ Be Done 21:46:42 agenda? 21:51:58 renoirb has left #indie-ui 21:51:58 WAI_Indie()5:00PM has now started 21:52:05 +??P0 21:52:13 zakim, ??P0 is me 21:52:13 +janina; got it 21:52:23 zakim, Janina has Janina_Sajka 21:52:23 +Janina_Sajka; got it 21:56:38 +??P1 21:58:04 jasonjgw has joined #indie-ui 21:59:05 kurosawa has joined #indie-ui 21:59:17 zakim, who's on the phone? 21:59:17 On the phone I see janina, ??P1 21:59:18 janina has Janina_Sajka 21:59:48 zakim, ??P1 is me 21:59:48 +jasonjgw; got it 21:59:58 zakim, who's on the phone? 21:59:58 On the phone I see janina, jasonjgw 21:59:59 janina has Janina_Sajka 22:00:06 jcraig has joined #indie-ui 22:00:49 +??P2 22:00:59 +Katie_Haritos-Shea 22:01:31 zakim, ??P2 is Kurosawa 22:01:31 +Kurosawa; got it 22:01:49 +[Apple] 22:02:04 Zakim, Apple has jcraig 22:02:04 +jcraig; got it 22:02:08 +??P5 22:02:17 zakim, ??P5 is Michael_Cooper 22:02:17 +Michael_Cooper; got it 22:02:57 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/meetings/2014-01-ftf 22:04:07 Ryladog has joined #indie-ui 22:04:17 scribe: Ryladog 22:04:31 zakim, take up item 1 22:04:31 agendum 1. "preview agenda with items from two minutes" taken up [from janina] 22:05:01 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #indie-ui 22:05:06 zakim, close item 1 22:05:06 agendum 1, preview agenda with items from two minutes, closed 22:05:07 I see 10 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 22:05:07 2. Meeting Conflict on 22 January? [from janina] 22:05:14 ScribeNick: Ryladog 22:05:15 zakim, take up item 2 22:05:15 agendum 2. "Meeting Conflict on 22 January?" taken up [from janina] 22:05:26 Scribe: Katie Haritos-Shea 22:06:26 JS: Conflict on the Jan 22 folks traveling for PF F2F 22:06:29 andy has joined #indie-ui 22:06:40 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 22:07:20 Chair: Janina 22:07:40 JS: We can move it to the 29th if you like 22:07:52 +??P7 22:08:06 +Andy_Heath 22:08:41 JS: Not meeting on the 22nd but will be meeting on the 29th 22:08:48 Zakim, ??P7 is me 22:08:48 +andy; got it 22:08:51 zakim, make minutes 22:08:51 I don't understand 'make minutes', Ryladog 22:09:15 rrs agent, make minutes 22:09:32 rrsagent, make minutes 22:09:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/08-indie-ui-minutes.html Ryladog 22:09:46 zakim, next item 22:09:46 agendum 3. "UAWG Review Requests" taken up [from janina] 22:10:29 JS: the UAAG 2.0 Last Call 22:11:18 JS: There are 2 email from Jeanne Spellman (W3C staff contact for UAAG) sent for us to reivew 22:11:30 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2014Jan/0001.html 22:11:44 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2014Jan/0002.html 22:11:54 JS: These are the two email URLs for the review 22:12:29 JS: You can give us a report on the 29th and others can comment 22:12:40 JW: I will do that and post something to the list 22:12:54 JS: Not usually our job in IndieUI 22:13:00 zakim, next item 22:13:00 agendum 4. "Editor's Report" taken up [from janina] 22:13:55 JC: Mainly editorial stuff responding to folks who have sent feedback. Mostly the high contrast issue - mostly informative changes 22:14:35 JS: We have talked about publishing a stablization draft of Events 22:15:58 JS: Micheal need to get all of our testing for a report to the Director - this is a good deal of work, with the PF F2F - so we are pushing that stabilization draft of Events probably out to February 22:16:19 -Kurosawa 22:16:27 JS: You thought the draft was more ready than I thought 22:17:38 JC: Yes all of the commnets and feedback especially for the TPAC, but most of them are closed. Maybe we can do that in February also. I did not promise the CG that we would do that - but itis possible to have a first public working draft 22:18:10 JS: If we do not get it done by February thenit will prbably be un April bc of CSUN 22:18:25 zakim, next item 22:18:25 agendum 5. "Events Requirements Status & Actions" taken up [from janina] 22:18:45 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/IndieUI/raw-file/default/src/indie-ui-requirements.html 22:19:44 MC: I have the document up - the editors draft is hear as a reminder. This verson has the Use Cases and events - the User Context section is currently empty. We have this for organizational purposes, but this is not set 22:20:22 MC:It is useful to orgnaize by document. The document has pointers to where the requirments are addressed. You will see that there are some without pointers 22:21:21 +??P2 22:21:33 zakim, ??P2 is me 22:21:33 +kurosawa; got it 22:21:42 MC: There is a cross reference between use cases and event requirments. There are cases that there are requirments that are not tied to a scenario. And there are senarios that are not mapped to a requirment. So we need to revisit and clean all of that up 22:22:10 MC: We cold probably publish this as is, but we can also wait until it is more mature 22:22:27 JS: Good way to get comments to release as is...:-) 22:22:55 JW: I think the scenarios were written before the requirments 22:23:32 JS: Would anyone object to publishing this for review in this state? 22:24:20 MC: The intro might need to be copied for UI Events into the this Introduction and we can put the Status of this Document point there as well 22:24:38 JS: This makes sense to me. Any other thoughts? 22:25:17 JW: Just is there any obvious fixes that would not be too controversial to do? 22:25:38 MC: Yes the mapping - but I myself do not have much time this January 22:26:09 RS: You want to just publish the Requirements? 22:27:01 MC: I think we need at least one cycle of review before the First Public draft 22:27:25 MC: Having a vetted requirements document helps us onthe documentation track 22:27:42 RS: I do not see any issues, just that we review 22:28:59 MC: We are targeting mid-February because the ARIA stuff for Jan 30th which is ambitous - but when we get that done I will be aleto move to IndieUI 22:29:24 MC: Mid to late February. 22:29:52 JS: I think we are hoping to get Events 1.0 to CR this year in 2014 22:30:23 RS: Yes but we need to implementations. The Chrome guy is out having a new baby 22:31:17 JS: In terms of next steps it looks possible that a stablization events draft - and a first public working draft for late February 22:31:42 JS: and a first Requirements public working draft for late February 22:32:17 JS: We and JUDY want to make the ARIA before CSUN if possible 22:32:47 RS: I am see if I can help Judy. We really need to get ARIA out this year 22:33:15 JS: Issaccson is doing something for Firefox OS to use IndieUI 22:33:30 JS: It has been 4 or 5 months ago 22:33:56 JC: He did say they would be interetsed but he did not commit to an implementation 22:34:34 RS: If we do not think there are going to be a changing much we need to focus on the second implementation 22:35:22 MC: InARIA testing became a big bottleneck and we want o avoid that with IndieUI. I do not have to be respobsible for the testing and hold things up 22:36:08 MC: One of our problems has been that the potential implementor have not joined the IndieUI working group. We want to try to work with Mozilla more closely. 22:36:37 JS: Lets see who we can get in Torornto to join the meeting when in Toronto 22:36:52 -kurosawa 22:37:12 MC: We want to see if anybody has any test files or we can try to provide test files to implemntors 22:37:40 MC: We can set up a smaller caucus for implemntors 22:38:26 JS: Testing is a concern and identifying our other implementors 22:39:32 JS: We have already had discussions that the Mozilla code base may be still e too Close bewtween MOzlla and Apple. Blink and WebKit 22:40:11 JC: Somethings are completely diverged - there are cases that the same patch can e applied to both - if that is true it is too close 22:40:32 RS: You could look at each others code base 22:41:02 MC: We have to convince the Director that the implementations are seperate 22:41:23 RS: I will contact Mike from Mozilla then 22:41:35 SJ: Chrome might indeed be 22:41:49 RS: Should we approach Microsoft? 22:42:16 MC: Microsoft never said why they are not part of the Working Group 22:42:55 MC: If we could get Mozilla and Opera that will probably pull Microsoft in 22:43:26 RS: Well let me send an email to Champion at Microsoft 22:43:33 zaakim, next item 22:43:48 zakim, next item 22:43:48 agendum 6. "Events Testing Update" taken up [from janina] 22:44:16 JS: We are acknowledging that this is important 22:44:32 JC: Can you remind me of thename of the W3C 22:44:37 MC: Toby 22:45:23 JC: Hemight be a good person to ask about this. Unlike ARIA - this will not be tied to specific Accessibility APIs 22:45:44 MC: Tody will refer us to Test the Web Forward and ?? 22:46:15 MC: It is worth talking to, he will be ale to help get us some pointers 22:46:31 MC: What we lack in the harness is a runner 22:47:21 MC: I do not think that it addreses the UAs that we will initially be running IndieU on. They are having a metting in San Fran in April the Browser Testing Group 22:47:48 JC: What does the Test the Web Forward is doing what? 22:48:44 MC hey get folks in a room to test specs that are needing testing in W3C specs - it is like a test file creation event. It does not clarify how to make these tests 22:49:01 MC: I am not sure that it will help us or not 22:49:21 JC: That does sound very useful to me for our needs 22:49:51 MC: I amnot sure if the test harness has the ability to ttest the functioality at the layer of IndieUI events 22:50:01 JC: But I think there is a way 22:50:55 MC: Maybe with a combination of Web Driver and Test the Web Forward test harness may work for our needs 22:51:16 MC: I think he (??) is still onstaff ad available 22:51:28 JS: it is worth asking him 22:51:53 MC: How should i phrase the question to him? 22:53:09 MC: I will ask Toby about testharness.js and web driver is something that he can help us with and join us for a call 22:54:08 JC: Is there something that is programmatically determinble like the acid test. It would be good for Toby to explain what TestHarness.js actually does 22:54:28 -> http://testthewebforward.org/docs/testharness-tutorial.html TTWF documentation on testharness.js 22:54:28 MC: Test the Web Forward actually hasbetter documentation 22:54:48 +??P2 22:55:08 MC: We should understnd this info at this url before we speak with him - as well as Web Driver (which is a W3C spec) 22:55:10 zakim, ??P2 is me 22:55:10 +kurosawa; got it 22:55:11 -> http://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/ WebDriver 22:55:20 JW: I think that wold be helpful 22:55:49 MC: This version of Web Driver may be out of date - but understanding what it does may be importnat 22:56:13 Takashi: I am not sure about this 22:56:33 JS: We are trying to find out where you expertiseis 22:57:27 JC: Jus looking at the Test Harness I think I could write a few tests. It is very similar to how WebKit tests are set up. The asynchronous testing may be an issue 22:57:47 zakim, next item 22:57:47 agendum 7. "User Context Update; FPWD Criteria Discussion" taken up [from janina] 22:57:59 AH: Nothing 22:58:42 JW: Paper presentation in Paris - I will be corrdinating with Andy on this.. 22:58:56 JS: This has been a good restart 22:59:05 -[Apple] 22:59:06 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger 22:59:07 -janina 22:59:09 -kurosawa 22:59:15 JS: We will meet agian in three weeks onJanuary 29th 22:59:17 -jasonjgw 22:59:21 -andy 22:59:22 -Michael_Cooper 22:59:37 rrsagent, make minutes 22:59:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/08-indie-ui-minutes.html Ryladog 23:05:00 disconnecting the lone participant, Katie_Haritos-Shea, in WAI_Indie()5:00PM 23:05:02 WAI_Indie()5:00PM has ended 23:05:02 Attendees were Janina_Sajka, jasonjgw, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Kurosawa, jcraig, Michael_Cooper, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, andy