12:46:19 RRSAgent has joined #i18nits 12:46:19 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/08-i18nits-irc 12:46:23 meeting: ITS IG 12:46:26 chair: felix 12:46:39 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Jan/0002.html 12:56:37 garylefman has joined #i18nits 12:56:52 pedro has joined #i18nits 13:00:01 regrets: dave, jörg, pablo 13:00:48 YvesS has joined #i18nits 13:01:06 present YvesS+ 13:01:20 present+ fsasaki 13:01:22 present+ pedro 13:01:31 present+ YvesS 13:01:55 present+ garylefman 13:02:07 dF has joined #i18nits 13:02:21 Ankit has joined #i18nits 13:02:24 philr has joined #i18nits 13:02:30 present+ philr 13:02:42 present+ Ankit 13:02:45 present+ dF 13:03:53 topic: happy new year + agenda 13:04:34 Jirka has joined #i18nits 13:04:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2014Jan/0002.html 13:04:51 topic: Review preparations 13:05:17 form Cs filled in, the m24 report "your parts" to send to me 13:05:48 felix: by end of next week 13:06:32 .. felix will send document around again 13:06:57 Yes, sending the doc again will help. Thanks 13:08:14 26 February, 1/2 day prep meeting 25 Feb, in Lux 13:08:34 start 25 noon 13:08:44 no schedule page yet 13:08:44 leroy has joined #i18nits 13:08:54 action: felix to prepare a review schedule page 13:08:54 Created ACTION-35 - Prepare a review schedule page [on Felix Sasaki - due 2014-01-15]. 13:09:14 felix: arrvie 25 by noon, leave 26 after 5 pm 13:09:26 chriLi has joined #i18nits 13:10:07 topic: Benefits per data category 13:10:20 http://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/Description_of_ITS_benefit_per_data_category#Template 13:10:40 present+ leroy 13:11:01 present+ christian 13:11:11 present +Jirka 13:11:56 http://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/Description_of_ITS_benefit_per_data_category#Localization_Note 13:12:24 I think it looks fine. It's short, to the point and not too techincal. just what an average localizer would need. 13:13:15 Can you give me until 24/1? 13:13:27 felix: do some social media buzz? 13:13:31 Happy to tweet once ready. 13:13:35 pedro: template is nice for publishing in the web 13:13:51 .. but publishing this in a magazine is not readable 13:13:58 .. because the example is not readable 13:14:50 .. works well for online 13:14:53 actually a concrete very short example would help. 13:15:25 local example sounds good 13:15:45 action: felix to add a short local example to the template 13:15:45 Created ACTION-36 - Add a short local example to the template [on Felix Sasaki - due 2014-01-15]. 13:15:57 pedro: something very concrete, understandable, for non-technical people 13:16:15 +1 13:19:28 topic: READINESS 13:19:32 http://www.project-open.org/en/howto_success_story 13:19:37 http://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/IssuesAndProposedFeatures#Proposal:_.22Readiness.22_data_category 13:20:13 felix: more work needed on this? 13:21:42 pedro: apart from readiness we discussed standard web service, that is for future 13:21:56 .. for readiness we are planning for CMS <> TMS solutions, as an option for clients 13:22:15 .. we suggest an improvement to include ITS, and the readiness extension 13:22:16 The "readiness" discussion always reminded me of standard BPMN activity states such as init, ready, running ,terminated, skipped. 13:22:42 pedro: for the real time publishing system we are going to use the ITS and readyness 13:22:59 .. because it allows to use it for intelligence: what needs to be post edited, what not etc. 13:23:22 .. for this we are thinking of readiness to be a key feature to provide clients more control whith concrete content 13:23:29 The overall model in BPMN is quite comprehensive. It does for example have rules for "state transitions". 13:23:59 BPMN = Business Process Model and Notation 13:24:10 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Process_Model_and_Notation 13:24:37 I am using BPMN for my papers 13:24:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/08-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 13:24:59 It is readable by business audience 13:25:56 and at the same time it constraints what can be drawn in a meaningful way 13:25:58 pedro: we discussed convinience of coordinating with linport 13:26:18 .. and with process ontology that linked data people mentioned 13:26:25 I am happy to draw the diagram if I am provided with the process description 13:26:32 christian: +1 13:26:55 pedro: in the linked data group people create ontologies for processes as well 13:27:20 .. somebody should look at bpmn 13:28:45 ... structure of readiness is fine, simple, goes to the point 13:28:55 david: like the idea of drawing a bpmn diagram 13:29:04 .. helps to test if this is a sound process 13:29:20 pedro: could we invole linport and linked data people well? 13:30:55 I can also make a petri nets representation :-) 13:31:44 christian: two discussions now: relate readiness towards bpmn (=standards based) 13:32:07 .. then relating harmonization of state related discussions in the localization system (linport, XLIFF, ITS) 13:32:15 I agree with Cristian 13:32:35 .. that is a separate stream. There are always two choices: you agree about one thing, or you make clear what is used by whom 13:33:25 david: important - these are different areas 13:33:39 .. one is readiness in ITS - the other discussions with linport and others 13:34:04 .. XLIFF had some attributes that could have been used for readiness, but the XLIFF TC has decided to kill the process description 13:34:24 .. I am more interested to draw the diagrams 13:35:05 pedro: in London, ASLIB conference - Alan Melby distributed a paper with defintion of localization process - I'll check if this is published 13:35:33 .. only thing: if we describe the process as a best practice, that is good theoretically 13:35:55 .. the client cannot use a reference to process steps 13:36:03 .. I am a bit afraid of making this too ridig 13:36:36 .. for example, in the scenario I mentioned, there is an example that a client wants post editing, other clients don't 13:36:52 .. in that case the client will use only one process - post-edit QA 13:37:00 .. not a whole sequential process 13:37:12 .. this is compatible with the diagram David mentioned, right? 13:37:23 david: yes, agree 13:37:48 pedro: important to agree on certain structure 13:38:07 .. if we have a diagram it is like an automat: you can select certain steps, not one piece 13:39:23 david: I will talk to pedro if things are unclear 13:40:01 action: david to work with pedro on drawing bpmn diagram by next call (also take the EU MOLTO project into account) 13:40:01 'david' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., dfilip, dlewis6). 13:40:04 Molto 13:40:11 Aarne Ranta 13:40:18 http://www.molto-project.eu/ 13:40:39 action: dfilip to work with pedro on drawing bpmn diagram by next call (also take the EU MOLTO project into account) 13:40:39 Created ACTION-37 - Work with pedro on drawing bpmn diagram by next call (also take the eu molto project into account) [on David Filip - due 2014-01-15]. 13:41:04 topic: Upcoming MLW WS 13:43:00 s/MLW WS/MLW WS and other outreach/ 13:43:10 david: need to discuss ITS track or its successor very soon 13:43:37 .. june 3-4, in Dublin 13:44:11 +1 to participation 13:44:13 FEISSGILT 13:44:24 FEISGILTT 13:44:26 2014 13:44:38 s/FEISSGILT/FEISGILTT/ 13:44:38 Do we wnat to have ITS track? 13:44:45 or a cuccessor? 13:45:04 felix: make sure to decide this by monday next week 13:45:18 .. will send a separate mail 13:46:06 david: XLIFF mapping is a topic, 2.0 is close to be completet, so mapping will be relevant again 13:46:36 .. if ITS is not so hot that it fills its own track that is OK - just want to see what the interest is 13:46:47 .. or if we want to push it more into other areas - RDF, other mappings, CMIS, ... 13:46:59 christian: about FEISGILTT: 13:47:27 .. so far you organized this with different tracks - a nice way of doing things, but sometimes communities can't meet in that way 13:47:41 .. things need to play together 13:47:59 .. not sure if separate tracks help with that 13:48:27 david: there are some special issues that are only subgroups are interested in 13:48:34 .. 2nd day was always separated 13:48:48 s/separated/federated/ 13:50:12 topic: more outreach 13:50:53 jirka: xml prague, felix will have ITS presentation in main program 13:51:06 .. doing pre-conference day there will be session and publishing 13:51:27 david: I submitted a proposal 13:51:32 same for felix 13:52:51 jirka: leaflet for XML prague would work too 13:53:29 I have to leave ... 13:53:34 quit 13:53:39 ok 13:54:00 jirka: for proceedings I'd need the leaflet 1 week before conference 13:54:17 felix: I'll talk to Arle 13:55:32 topic: Upcoming EC event 13:55:45 https://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/information-and-networking-days-data-value-chain-and-language-technologies 13:58:48 topic: XLIFF 1.2 - 2.0 13:59:19 s/0/0 mapping/ 13:59:27 david: most important issues are resolved 13:59:43 .. public review will be published 21st of January 13:59:52 .. we introduced fragment identification 14:00:38 felix: public review will allow comments from the outside right? 14:00:45 david: will be open for 15 days 14:01:51 Yes, the changes are done 14:02:00 they just need to be published 14:02:34 topic: aob 14:02:50 I need to run 14:03:01 Cheers everyone 14:03:53 adjourned 14:03:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/01/08-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 14:04:17 Jirka has left #i18nits