This session looks at two tools that help to manage public sector metadata:
Scribe: Peter K
Hannes Kiivet, Head of interoperability solutions department, Estonian Information Systems Authority
(See slides for majority of presentation)
Speaker note: Estonia is a small country and maybe it is not possible to use the same approach for a larger country.
Pilot project was run for 4 months. For overview see pilot description document:
Publishing a machine readable file on the website of the agency is difficult even if they managed to create the file. Problems with file encoding and serving. Invalid JSON was created.
Code is open sourced. See links in presentation slides for more details.
Sebastian Sklarß, ]init[
Lutz Rabe, KoSIT (Koordinierungsstelle für IT-Standards)
(See slides for majority of presentation)
Context for standards implementation: No country wide person identifier. German states (16 Länder) largely autonomous in internal organization. 11000 municipalities.
Demo of the InteropBrowser:
Code lists and more are published on