
SPARQL Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 04 August 2009

Lee Feigenbaum, Gregory Williams, Alexandre Passant, Andy Seaborne, Unknown SimonKJ, Paula Gearon, Simon Schenk, Steve Harris, Luke Wilson-Mawer, Birte Glimm, Prateek Jain, Chimezie Ogbuji
Axel Polleres, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Ivan Herman
Lee Feigenbaum
Gregory Williams
  1. Approve minutes at http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2009-07-28 link
  2. HTTP version of SPARQL/Protocol for SPARQL/Update statements involves always sending the update statements over HTTP POST link

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<kasei> Present: Lee, kasei, AlexPassant, AndyS, SimonKJ, pgearon, SimonS, SteveH, LukeWM, bglimm, Prateek, chimezie

Scribe problem: the name 'SimonKJ' does not match any of the 57 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Ahmed Ezzat Alexandre Passant Andrea Westerinen Andrei Lopatenko Andy Seaborne Axel Polleres Bijan Parsia Birte Glimm Bryan Thompson Chimezie Ogbuji Cui Tao Daniel Schutzer Dave Beckett David Newman Davide Palmisano Dhanapalan Kulandai Vadivel Dirk Colaert Dirk-Willem van Gulik Edward Thomas Elias Torres Enrico Franconi Eric Prud'hommeaux Frank Careccia Fred Zemke Gregory Williams Hiroyuki Sato Ivan Mikhailov Ivan Herman Jacek Kopecký Janne Saarela Jari Vänttinen Jean-François Baget Jeen Broekstra Jeff Pollock John Clark Jos De Roo Kendall Clark Kevin Wilkinson Kjetil Kjernsmo Lee Feigenbaum Luke Wilson-Mawer Michael Smith Michele Minno Nophadol Jekjantuk Orri Erling Paula Gearon Prateek Jain Rachel Yager Roland Schwaenzl Sergio Tessaris Simon Johnston Simon Schenk Souripriya Das Steve Harris Sven Groppe Timo Westkämper Yoshio Fukushige

13:48:18 <trackbot> Meeting: SPARQL Working Group Teleconference
13:48:18 <trackbot> Date: 04 August 2009
13:48:22 <Zakim> ok, LeeF; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, LeeF; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes

13:48:26 <LeeF> Chair: LeeF
13:48:35 <LeeF> Regrets: Axel, EricP, IvanH
13:48:50 <kasei> scribenick: kasei

(Scribe set to Gregory Williams)

13:48:50 <LeeF> Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Agenda-2009-08-04
13:56:30 <Zakim> SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has now started

(No events recorded for 7 minutes)

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has now started

14:03:59 <LeeF> topic: Admin

(No events recorded for 7 minutes)

1. Admin

14:04:07 <LeeF> PROPOSED: Approve minutes at http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2009-07-28

PROPOSED: Approve minutes at http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2009-07-28

14:04:16 <LeeF> agenda - http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Agenda-2009-08-04

Lee Feigenbaum: agenda - http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Agenda-2009-08-04

14:04:31 <bglimm> +1

Birte Glimm: +1

14:04:42 <LeeF> RESOLVED: Approve minutes at http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2009-07-28

RESOLVED: Approve minutes at http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2009-07-28

14:05:18 <LeeF> next mtg Aug-11 SimonS to scribe

Lee Feigenbaum: next mtg Aug-11 SimonS to scribe

14:05:27 <LeeF> http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Vacation_List

Lee Feigenbaum: http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Vacation_List

14:06:34 <kasei> topic: Liasons

2. Liasons

14:07:02 <kasei> nothing to report

nothing to report

14:07:09 <LeeF> topic: TPAC face to face

3. TPAC face to face

14:07:33 <kasei> LeeF: reminder next face to face at TPAC

Lee Feigenbaum: reminder next face to face at TPAC

14:07:58 <kasei> LeeF: 2 day meeting

Lee Feigenbaum: 2 day meeting

14:08:40 <kasei> ... try to arrange virtual call as well

... try to arrange virtual call as well

14:08:47 <kasei> ... comments?

... comments?

14:09:10 <bglimm> I have to see what the travel budget says...

Birte Glimm: I have to see what the travel budget says...

14:09:12 <kasei> ... will ask on mailing list again who intends to go

... will ask on mailing list again who intends to go

14:09:07 <LeeF> topic: Actions

4. Actions

14:09:43 <LeeF> trackbot, close ACTION-55

Lee Feigenbaum: trackbot, close ACTION-55

14:09:43 <trackbot> ACTION-55 Summarize ISSUE-32 closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-55 Summarize ISSUE-32 closed

14:10:21 <LeeF> trackbot, close ACTION-64

Lee Feigenbaum: trackbot, close ACTION-64

14:10:22 <trackbot> ACTION-64 Draft subqueries in template closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-64 Draft subqueries in template closed

14:11:08 <kasei> AndyS: trying to work out more formal relationship between not exists and diff

Andy Seaborne: trying to work out more formal relationship between not exists and diff

14:11:30 <kasei> LeeF: will probably turn attention back to that in a few weeks.

Lee Feigenbaum: will probably turn attention back to that in a few weeks.

14:11:31 <LeeF> trackbot, close ACTION-67

Lee Feigenbaum: trackbot, close ACTION-67

14:11:31 <trackbot> ACTION-67 Draft negation closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-67 Draft negation closed

14:11:55 <kasei> chimezie: hope to have something on aggregates later this week

Chimezie Ogbuji: hope to have something on aggregates later this week

14:12:10 <kasei> LeeF: hope to have mailing list discussion and discuss aggregates next week

Lee Feigenbaum: hope to have mailing list discussion and discuss aggregates next week

14:12:22 <LeeF> trackbot, close ACTION-73

Lee Feigenbaum: trackbot, close ACTION-73

14:12:22 <trackbot> ACTION-73 Kick of BGP entailment TF closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-73 Kick of BGP entailment TF closed

14:12:31 <LeeF> trackbot, close ACTION-74

Lee Feigenbaum: trackbot, close ACTION-74

14:12:31 <trackbot> ACTION-74 Kick off property paths TF closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-74 Kick off property paths TF closed

14:13:10 <LeeF> trackbot, close ACTION-76

Lee Feigenbaum: trackbot, close ACTION-76

14:13:11 <trackbot> ACTION-76 Kick off Basic Federated Query TF closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-76 Kick off Basic Federated Query TF closed

14:13:25 <LeeF> topic: Document editors

5. Document editors

14:13:26 <kasei> SimonS: sent email to kick off basic federated query TF

Simon Schenk: sent email to kick off basic federated query TF

14:13:54 <kasei> LeeF: asked for editors for sparql query and update documents.

Lee Feigenbaum: asked for editors for sparql query and update documents.

14:14:05 <kasei> ... AndyS and SteveH will serve as editors of query

... AndyS and SteveH will serve as editors of query

14:14:13 <kasei> ... pgearon and SimonS editors of update

... pgearon and SimonS editors of update

14:14:59 <kasei> AndyS: is update for protocol and language?

Andy Seaborne: is update for protocol and language?

14:15:07 <kasei> LeeF: not decided yet.

Lee Feigenbaum: not decided yet.

14:15:32 <kasei> AndyS: meant REST by "protocol"

Andy Seaborne: meant REST by "protocol"

14:15:42 <pgearon> I think that the update protocol will need its own document. I'm prepared to work on both

Paula Gearon: I think that the update protocol will need its own document. I'm prepared to work on both

14:16:58 <kasei> topic: Status of SPARQL/Query design template actions

6. Status of SPARQL/Query design template actions

14:17:12 <kasei> LeeF: any issues worth discussing now?

Lee Feigenbaum: any issues worth discussing now?

14:17:20 <LeeF> http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Design:SubSelect

Lee Feigenbaum: http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Design:SubSelect

14:17:29 <kasei> SteveH: syntax for allowing projected variable renaming

Steve Harris: syntax for allowing projected variable renaming

14:17:42 <kasei> ... need new syntax because existing syntax doesn't have room for it.

... need new syntax because existing syntax doesn't have room for it.

14:18:15 <kasei> ... expressing subselects in obvious way loses internal ordering

... expressing subselects in obvious way loses internal ordering

14:18:42 <kasei> ... according to current semantics, order isn't preseved in join.

... according to current semantics, order isn't preseved in join.

14:18:59 <kasei> ... lots of dependencies between project expressions and aggregates.

... lots of dependencies between project expressions and aggregates.

14:19:11 <kasei> LeeF: open issue whether we'll do other types of subqueries

Lee Feigenbaum: open issue whether we'll do other types of subqueries

14:19:59 <kasei> LeeF: summing up, syntax and ordering are issues.

Lee Feigenbaum: summing up, syntax and ordering are issues.

14:20:22 <kasei> AndyS: big change to existing implementations to address ordering

Andy Seaborne: big change to existing implementations to address ordering

14:20:57 <kasei> LeeF: have you had any feedback on ordering?

Lee Feigenbaum: have you had any feedback on ordering?

14:21:06 <kasei> AndyS: no, but use case for it.

Andy Seaborne: no, but use case for it.

14:21:30 <kasei> ... case for having ORDER BY in subquery

... case for having ORDER BY in subquery

14:21:46 <kasei> LeeF: need order by and limit to do limit by resource

Lee Feigenbaum: need order by and limit to do limit by resource

14:22:02 <kasei> AndyS: or "top blogger by number of comments"

Andy Seaborne: or "top blogger by number of comments"

14:22:40 <pgearon> no allergic reaction. I might sneeze :-)

Paula Gearon: no allergic reaction. I might sneeze :-)

14:22:44 <kasei> LeeF: does anybody find an ORDER BY in subquery with order disappering in outer query problematic?

Lee Feigenbaum: does anybody find an ORDER BY in subquery with order disappering in outer query problematic?

14:23:17 <kasei> LeeF: seems to be concensus on keeping ORDER BY in subquery but that order isn't preserved in merging results with main query

Lee Feigenbaum: seems to be concensus on keeping ORDER BY in subquery but that order isn't preserved in merging results with main query

14:23:32 <kasei> ... less inclined to move ahead on syntax right now.

... less inclined to move ahead on syntax right now.

14:23:47 <kasei> ... will note that it's an open issue.

... will note that it's an open issue.

14:24:00 <kasei> SteveH: from logical point of view, straightforward

Steve Harris: from logical point of view, straightforward

14:24:43 <LeeF> S,t,e,v,e H,a,r,r,i,s ?

Lee Feigenbaum: S,t,e,v,e H,a,r,r,i,s ?

14:24:54 <kasei> ... syntax is a bit off-scope, would like to see if concensus for ways to write rename.

... syntax is a bit off-scope, would like to see if concensus for ways to write rename.

14:25:02 <SteveH>  E1: SELECT (?x+3 AS ?xp3) ?y WHERE ...

Steve Harris: E1: SELECT (?x+3 AS ?xp3) ?y WHERE ...

14:25:09 <SteveH>  E2: SELECT (?x+3) AS ?xp3 ?y WHERE ...

Steve Harris: E2: SELECT (?x+3) AS ?xp3 ?y WHERE ...

14:25:16 <SteveH>  E3: SELECT ?x+3 AS ?xp3, ?y WHERE ...

Steve Harris: E3: SELECT ?x+3 AS ?xp3, ?y WHERE ...

14:25:37 <kasei> LeeF: 3 ways to express selecting and projecting to a different name.

Lee Feigenbaum: 3 ways to express selecting and projecting to a different name.

14:25:58 <AndyS> I don't like adjacent, unseparated use of variables (the "SELECT (expr) as ?x ?y WHERE" case)

Andy Seaborne: I don't like adjacent, unseparated use of variables (the "SELECT (expr) as ?x ?y WHERE" case)

14:25:59 <kasei> ... using an AS keyword in parens, the whole thing in parens, or leaving off parens and adding commas between items.

... using an AS keyword in parens, the whole thing in parens, or leaving off parens and adding commas between items.

14:26:11 <kasei> AndyS++


14:26:27 <kasei> SteveH: semantically equivalent, just some easier for humans

Steve Harris: semantically equivalent, just some easier for humans

14:26:40 <chimezie> E3 +1

Chimezie Ogbuji: E3 +1

14:26:43 <kasei> LeeF: strawpoll

Lee Feigenbaum: strawpoll

14:26:48 <LeeF> poll on E1

Lee Feigenbaum: poll on E1

14:26:52 <SteveH> +0

Steve Harris: +0

14:26:55 <bglimm> +0

Birte Glimm: +0

14:26:56 <LukeWM_> 0

Luke Wilson-Mawer: 0

14:26:57 <AndyS> +1 E1

Andy Seaborne: +1 E1

14:26:58 <LeeF> +1

Lee Feigenbaum: +1

14:26:59 <kasei> +1


14:27:00 <Prateek> +1

Prateek Jain: +1

14:27:02 <pgearon> +1

Paula Gearon: +1

14:27:02 <AlexPassant> +1

Alexandre Passant: +1

14:27:05 <chimezie> 0

Chimezie Ogbuji: 0

14:27:14 <LeeF> poll on E2

Lee Feigenbaum: poll on E2

14:27:15 <SteveH> -1

Steve Harris: -1

14:27:16 <LukeWM_> -1

Luke Wilson-Mawer: -1

14:27:16 <AndyS> q+ to ask about E3

Andy Seaborne: q+ to ask about E3

14:27:16 <AlexPassant> -1

Alexandre Passant: -1

14:27:22 <LeeF> -1

Lee Feigenbaum: -1

14:27:24 <chimezie> -1

Chimezie Ogbuji: -1

14:27:24 <pgearon> -1

Paula Gearon: -1

14:27:24 <bglimm> 0

Birte Glimm: 0

14:27:26 <kasei> -1


14:27:28 <AndyS> -0.5 E2

Andy Seaborne: -0.5 E2

14:27:29 <SimonS> 0

Simon Schenk: 0

14:27:46 <LeeF> ack AndyS

Lee Feigenbaum: ack AndyS

14:27:46 <Zakim> AndyS, you wanted to ask about E3

Zakim IRC Bot: AndyS, you wanted to ask about E3

14:28:00 <kasei> AndyS: is it a change that will affect existing queries (commas)?

Andy Seaborne: is it a change that will affect existing queries (commas)?

14:28:12 <pgearon> +q

Paula Gearon: +q

14:28:21 <kasei> SteveH: named projection would require commas. doesn't change existing queries.

Steve Harris: named projection would require commas. doesn't change existing queries.

14:29:07 <kasei> SteveH: want impressions on overall look and feel, not details

Steve Harris: want impressions on overall look and feel, not details

14:29:19 <LeeF> ack pgearon

Lee Feigenbaum: ack pgearon

14:30:01 <kasei> pgearon: if we're considering commas in variables in select clause, wouldn't examples 2 and 3 be similar?

Paula Gearon: if we're considering commas in variables in select clause, wouldn't examples 2 and 3 be similar?

14:30:22 <kasei> SteveH: E2 doesn't have commas

Steve Harris: E2 doesn't have commas

14:30:36 <kasei> pgearon: but if commas were optional and could be put in E2, ...

Paula Gearon: but if commas were optional and could be put in E2, ...

14:30:56 <kasei> SteveH: same as AndyS's question, if commas were necessary.

Steve Harris: same as AndyS's question, if commas were necessary.

14:30:58 <LeeF> poll on general feeling of E3

Lee Feigenbaum: poll on general feeling of E3

14:31:00 <SteveH> +1

Steve Harris: +1

14:31:01 <LukeWM_> 0

Luke Wilson-Mawer: 0

14:31:05 <chimezie> +1

Chimezie Ogbuji: +1

14:31:05 <AlexPassant> +1 on E3

Alexandre Passant: +1 on E3

14:31:08 <kasei> 0


14:31:13 <AndyS> +0 E3

Andy Seaborne: +0 E3

14:31:27 <LeeF> +1

Lee Feigenbaum: +1

14:31:29 <SimonS> +1

Simon Schenk: +1

14:31:36 <pgearon> +1 on E3, but would like a comma-free syntax to be possible as well

Paula Gearon: +1 on E3, but would like a comma-free syntax to be possible as well

14:31:41 <bglimm> 0

Birte Glimm: 0

14:31:47 <Prateek> 0

Prateek Jain: 0

14:32:11 <kasei> SteveH: based on strawpoll, will keep examples.

Steve Harris: based on strawpoll, will keep examples.

14:32:26 <kasei> LeeF: seems to be support for E1 and E3, but will look at reasons to do one or the other.

Lee Feigenbaum: seems to be support for E1 and E3, but will look at reasons to do one or the other.

14:32:39 <LeeF> topic: Update via SPARQL/Protocol

7. Update via SPARQL/Protocol

14:33:14 <kasei> LeeF: pgearon summarized issues in taking update query strings and using them over SPARQL Query protocol.

Lee Feigenbaum: pgearon summarized issues in taking update query strings and using them over SPARQL Query protocol.

14:33:18 <LeeF> paul's summary is http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2009JulSep/0096.html

Lee Feigenbaum: paul's summary is http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2009JulSep/0096.html

14:34:13 <kasei> ... take away: sparql update should be issued over HTTP POST only

... take away: sparql update should be issued over HTTP POST only

14:34:33 <kasei> ... consensus over that?

... consensus over that?

14:35:00 <kasei> pgearon: approached thinking update protocol would be similar to query protocol. not necessarily the case.

Paula Gearon: approached thinking update protocol would be similar to query protocol. not necessarily the case.

14:35:12 <kasei> ... various options: write an unrelated protocol

... various options: write an unrelated protocol

14:35:19 <kasei> ... would be nice to have a related protcol

... would be nice to have a related protcol

14:35:29 <kasei> ... build on what we already have

... build on what we already have

14:35:40 <kasei> ... option: all updates go through POST

... option: all updates go through POST

14:36:11 <kasei> ... PUT is supposed to add data to resource, DELETE deletes, POST is only method that is flexible enough

... PUT is supposed to add data to resource, DELETE deletes, POST is only method that is flexible enough

14:36:21 <kasei> ... query or update can be handled by specifying parameters

... query or update can be handled by specifying parameters

14:36:37 <LeeF> q+ to confirm that this works ok with a WSDL specification + HTTP bindings

Lee Feigenbaum: q+ to confirm that this works ok with a WSDL specification + HTTP bindings

14:36:39 <kasei> ... option: PUT and POST. subverts PUT.

... option: PUT and POST. subverts PUT.

14:36:58 <kasei> ... option: use different HTTP methods. requires parsing HTTP methods before intention is clear.

... option: use different HTTP methods. requires parsing HTTP methods before intention is clear.

14:37:33 <kasei> ... people seem to like option 2 (all updates through POST)

... people seem to like option 2 (all updates through POST)

14:38:17 <kasei> LeeF: if we did this, we could specify abstract WSDL interface, HTTP bindings, etc. correct?

Lee Feigenbaum: if we did this, we could specify abstract WSDL interface, HTTP bindings, etc. correct?

14:38:44 <AndyS> q+ to ask about WSDL and errors.

Andy Seaborne: q+ to ask about WSDL and errors.

14:39:12 <LeeF> ack LeeF

Lee Feigenbaum: ack LeeF

14:39:12 <Zakim> LeeF, you wanted to confirm that this works ok with a WSDL specification + HTTP bindings

Zakim IRC Bot: LeeF, you wanted to confirm that this works ok with a WSDL specification + HTTP bindings

14:39:14 <kasei> chimezie: yes.

Chimezie Ogbuji: yes.

14:39:17 <LeeF> ack AndyS

Lee Feigenbaum: ack AndyS

14:39:17 <Zakim> AndyS, you wanted to ask about WSDL and errors.

Zakim IRC Bot: AndyS, you wanted to ask about WSDL and errors.

14:39:46 <kasei> AndyS: issue from last time, WSDL is SOAP-centric. have to enumerate error codes.

Andy Seaborne: issue from last time, WSDL is SOAP-centric. have to enumerate error codes.

14:40:01 <kasei> ... does anyone know current state?

... does anyone know current state?

14:40:55 <LeeF> ISSUE: Can we use the correct meaning of the full slate of HTTP errors when specifying the update protocol via WSDL?

ISSUE: Can we use the correct meaning of the full slate of HTTP errors when specifying the update protocol via WSDL?

14:40:55 <trackbot> Created ISSUE-33 - Can we use the correct meaning of the full slate of HTTP errors when specifying the update protocol via WSDL? ; please complete additional details at http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/track/issues/33/edit .

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ISSUE-33 - Can we use the correct meaning of the full slate of HTTP errors when specifying the update protocol via WSDL? ; please complete additional details at http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/track/issues/33/edit .

14:40:58 <kasei> ... can we use the correct meaning of all the HTTP errors? will come up with update protocol.

... can we use the correct meaning of all the HTTP errors? will come up with update protocol.

14:41:26 <kasei> LeeF: any SOAP people on the call?

Lee Feigenbaum: any SOAP people on the call?

14:42:05 <kasei> ... will investigate answers.

... will investigate answers.

14:42:24 <LeeF> ACTION: Lee to investigate ISSUE-33

ACTION: Lee to investigate ISSUE-33

14:42:24 <trackbot> Created ACTION-77 - Investigate ISSUE-33 [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2009-08-11].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-77 - Investigate ISSUE-33 [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2009-08-11].

14:42:28 <kasei> ... how much desire is there to continue SOAP support?

... how much desire is there to continue SOAP support?

14:42:52 <AndyS> q+

Andy Seaborne: q+

14:42:55 <SteveH> +1 to POST only

Steve Harris: +1 to POST only

14:43:00 <LeeF> ack AndyS

Lee Feigenbaum: ack AndyS

14:43:03 <kasei> LeeF: are people happy with making update protocol use POST with ?update=... ?

Lee Feigenbaum: are people happy with making update protocol use POST with ?update=... ?

14:43:31 <pgearon> +q about single or multiple endpoints

Paula Gearon: +q about single or multiple endpoints

14:43:35 <chimezie> I'm not sure what the role of the  csgi parameter is in this scenario

Chimezie Ogbuji: I'm not sure what the role of the csgi parameter is in this scenario

14:43:38 <pgearon> +q

Paula Gearon: +q

14:43:44 <SteveH> +1 to AndyS

Steve Harris: +1 to AndyS

14:43:45 <kasei> AndyS: if everything is on one endpoint, hard to use external security.

Andy Seaborne: if everything is on one endpoint, hard to use external security.

14:43:53 <LeeF> ack pgearon

Lee Feigenbaum: ack pgearon

14:44:08 <SimonS> +1 for allowing both same and different endpoint for update

Simon Schenk: +1 for allowing both same and different endpoint for update

14:44:16 <kasei> pgearon: think we need to have a read-only endpoint. useful to do all read operations on read/write endpoint, but seperate issue.

Paula Gearon: think we need to have a read-only endpoint. useful to do all read operations on read/write endpoint, but seperate issue.

14:44:48 <chimezie> R+W shouldn't be required, if i understand the question

Chimezie Ogbuji: R+W shouldn't be required, if i understand the question

14:44:55 <kasei> LeeF: (clarifying) can't be the case that all endpoints must support read and write?

Lee Feigenbaum: (clarifying) can't be the case that all endpoints must support read and write?

14:45:02 <chimezie> but it should be *okay* to bind two services to the same network address

Chimezie Ogbuji: but it should be *okay* to bind two services to the same network address

14:45:27 <chimezie> +q about cgi param

Chimezie Ogbuji: +q about cgi param

14:45:35 <LeeF> ack chimezie

Lee Feigenbaum: ack chimezie

14:45:50 <AndyS> I'm OK with read-only endpoint and read-write endpoint.  Just care about framing to stress read-only is publishing safely.

Andy Seaborne: I'm OK with read-only endpoint and read-write endpoint. Just care about framing to stress read-only is publishing safely.

14:46:03 <bglimm> soory, fire alarm here

Birte Glimm: soory, fire alarm here

14:46:06 <bglimm> I have to leave

Birte Glimm: I have to leave

14:46:08 <kasei> chimezie: what did you have in mind with update=?

Chimezie Ogbuji: what did you have in mind with update=?

14:46:22 <AndyS> q+ to ask about caching

Andy Seaborne: q+ to ask about caching

14:46:50 <kasei> pgearon: by having update=, only allows update operations. no query operations following update=.

Paula Gearon: by having update=, only allows update operations. no query operations following update=.

14:47:04 <LukeWM_> q+

Luke Wilson-Mawer: q+

14:47:35 <kasei> chimezie: address you're POSTing to implies action you want.

Chimezie Ogbuji: address you're POSTing to implies action you want.

14:48:19 <kasei> pgearon: want seperation to allow decisions based on security concerns.

Paula Gearon: want seperation to allow decisions based on security concerns.

14:48:36 <kasei> ... want code that doesn't know how to do any writing to data store.

... want code that doesn't know how to do any writing to data store.

14:48:37 <LeeF__> q?

Lee Feigenbaum: q?

14:48:48 <kasei> ... want to protect write code much more strongly.

... want to protect write code much more strongly.

14:49:05 <kasei> ... would be nice to read from write endpoint, but not necessary.

... would be nice to read from write endpoint, but not necessary.

14:49:24 <LeeF> ack LukeWM_

Lee Feigenbaum: ack LukeWM_

14:50:07 <kasei> can someone scribe what Luke is saying? I can't make it out.

can someone scribe what Luke is saying? I can't make it out.

14:50:26 <chimezie> I guess you can enforce separation (for security purposes) either at the protocol level or leave it up to the 'query engine' to manage access control (below the level of the protocol)

Chimezie Ogbuji: I guess you can enforce separation (for security purposes) either at the protocol level or leave it up to the 'query engine' to manage access control (below the level of the protocol)

14:50:32 <LeeF> ack AndyS

Lee Feigenbaum: ack AndyS

14:50:32 <Zakim> AndyS, you wanted to ask about caching

Zakim IRC Bot: AndyS, you wanted to ask about caching

14:50:48 <kasei> AndyS: like the idea of having read/write endpoints. useful.

Andy Seaborne: like the idea of having read/write endpoints. useful.

14:51:08 <kasei> ... if you do GET as read, might see inconsistent views. maybe only allow POST on read/write endpoints.

... if you do GET as read, might see inconsistent views. maybe only allow POST on read/write endpoints.

14:51:36 <kasei> ... want to put security outside the endpoint. implementation choice.

... want to put security outside the endpoint. implementation choice.

14:52:16 <SteveH> I like required POST, and update=

Steve Harris: I like required POST, and update=

14:52:25 <AndyS> +1

Andy Seaborne: +1

14:52:28 <kasei> LeeF: consensus in support of HTTP POST. no consensus yet regarding ?query= and ?update= seperation.

Lee Feigenbaum: consensus in support of HTTP POST. no consensus yet regarding ?query= and ?update= seperation.

14:53:05 <LeeF> PROPOSED: HTTP version of SPARQL/Protocol for SPARQL/Update statements involves always sending the update statements over HTTP POST

PROPOSED: HTTP version of SPARQL/Protocol for SPARQL/Update statements involves always sending the update statements over HTTP POST

14:53:30 <AndyS> Seconded

Andy Seaborne: Seconded

14:53:39 <pgearon> +1

Paula Gearon: +1

14:53:49 <LeeF> RESOLVED: HTTP version of SPARQL/Protocol for SPARQL/Update statements involves always sending the update statements over HTTP POST

RESOLVED: HTTP version of SPARQL/Protocol for SPARQL/Update statements involves always sending the update statements over HTTP POST

14:53:57 <LeeF> no objections or abstentions

Lee Feigenbaum: no objections or abstentions

14:54:14 <LukeWM_> My point before was: although separate read/write and read endpoints seem more convenient, in practice applications will end up simply using read/write for everything.

Luke Wilson-Mawer: My point before was: although separate read/write and read endpoints seem more convenient, in practice applications will end up simply using read/write for everything.

14:54:21 <kasei> LeeF: is question of whether parameter is query= or update= something to be continued on mailing list?

Lee Feigenbaum: is question of whether parameter is query= or update= something to be continued on mailing list?

14:54:32 <kasei> chimezie: yes.

Chimezie Ogbuji: yes.

14:54:41 <LeeF> ACTION: chimezie to continue discussion of update= vs. query= on the mailing list

ACTION: chimezie to continue discussion of update= vs. query= on the mailing list

14:54:41 <trackbot> Created ACTION-78 - Continue discussion of update= vs. query= on the mailing list [on Chimezie Ogbuji - due 2009-08-11].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-78 - Continue discussion of update= vs. query= on the mailing list [on Chimezie Ogbuji - due 2009-08-11].

14:55:12 <kasei> LeeF: want to allow read only and read/write endpoints.

Lee Feigenbaum: want to allow read only and read/write endpoints.

14:55:22 <SteveH> if we have read/write endpoints then using query= everywhere will be problematic for some implementations

Steve Harris: if we have read/write endpoints then using query= everywhere will be problematic for some implementations

14:55:32 <kasei> ... punt on service descriptions until next week.

... punt on service descriptions until next week.

14:56:02 <SteveH> bye

Steve Harris: bye

14:56:02 <LeeF> adjourned

Lee Feigenbaum: adjourned

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