14:53:10 <RRSAgent> logging to
RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to ←
14:53:12 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world ←
14:53:14 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 73394
Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be 73394 ←
14:53:14 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 7 minutes
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 7 minutes ←
14:53:15 <trackbot> Meeting: RDF Working Group Teleconference
14:53:15 <trackbot> Date: 25 July 2012
14:53:19 <Zakim> SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has now started
Zakim IRC Bot: SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has now started ←
14:53:26 <Zakim> +Guus
Zakim IRC Bot: +Guus ←
14:57:13 <Zakim> +sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: +sandro ←
14:59:56 <Zakim> +gavinc
Zakim IRC Bot: +gavinc ←
15:00:22 <sandro> zakim, who is on the call?
Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is on the call? ←
15:00:22 <Zakim> On the phone I see Guus, sandro, gavinc
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Guus, sandro, gavinc ←
15:00:57 <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software
Zakim IRC Bot: +OpenLink_Software ←
15:01:04 <MacTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me ←
15:01:04 <Zakim> +MacTed; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +MacTed; got it ←
15:01:07 <MacTed> Zakim, mute me
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me ←
15:01:07 <Zakim> MacTed should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: MacTed should now be muted ←
15:01:31 <Zakim> +??P14
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P14 ←
15:01:33 <Zakim> +??P13
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P13 ←
15:01:39 <gkellogg> zakim, I am ??P13
Gregg Kellogg: zakim, I am ??P13 ←
15:01:39 <Zakim> +gkellogg; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +gkellogg; got it ←
15:01:42 <Zakim> +Arnaud
Zakim IRC Bot: +Arnaud ←
15:04:40 <mlnt> zakim, what's the code?
Markus Lanthaler: zakim, what's the code? ←
15:05:01 <Zakim> the conference code is 73394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, mlnt
Zakim IRC Bot: the conference code is 73394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, mlnt ←
15:05:15 <Zakim> +PatH
Zakim IRC Bot: +PatH ←
15:05:31 <Zakim> +??P27
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P27 ←
15:05:36 <ericP> Zakim, ??P27 is me
Eric Prud'hommeaux: Zakim, ??P27 is me ←
15:05:38 <Zakim> +ericP; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +ericP; got it ←
15:06:33 <Zakim> +??P28
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P28 ←
15:06:46 <mlnt> zakim, I am ??P28
Markus Lanthaler: zakim, I am ??P28 ←
15:06:46 <Zakim> +mlnt; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +mlnt; got it ←
15:06:50 <Souri> zakim, who is on the phone?
Souripriya Das: zakim, who is on the phone? ←
15:06:50 <Zakim> On the phone I see Guus, sandro, gavinc, MacTed (muted), ??P14, gkellogg, Arnaud, PatH, ericP, mlnt
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Guus, sandro, gavinc, MacTed (muted), ??P14, gkellogg, Arnaud, PatH, ericP, mlnt ←
15:07:08 <Souri> zakim, ??P14 is me
Souripriya Das: zakim, ??P14 is me ←
15:07:08 <Zakim> +Souri; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +Souri; got it ←
15:07:13 <Zakim> +??P32
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P32 ←
15:07:27 <ericP> Guus: there's usually a helpful crowd
Guus Schreiber: there's usually a helpful crowd [ Scribe Assist by Eric Prud'hommeaux ] ←
15:07:32 <ericP> ... and some more
Eric Prud'hommeaux: ... and some more ←
15:07:36 <yvesr> Zakim, ??P32 is me
Yves Raimond: Zakim, ??P32 is me ←
15:07:36 <Zakim> +yvesr; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +yvesr; got it ←
15:07:41 <ericP> sandro: "usually"
Sandro Hawke: "usually" [ Scribe Assist by Eric Prud'hommeaux ] ←
15:07:55 <Zakim> +??P29
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P29 ←
15:08:07 <SteveH> Zakim, ??P29 is me
Steve Harris: Zakim, ??P29 is me ←
15:08:07 <Zakim> +SteveH; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +SteveH; got it ←
15:09:03 <Arnaud> minutes from last meeting need to be cleaned up
Arnaud Le Hors: minutes from last meeting need to be cleaned up ←
15:09:28 <Arnaud> sandro: nicknames should be put in tracker
Sandro Hawke: nicknames should be put in tracker [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:09:36 <sandro>
Sandro Hawke: ←
15:09:48 <Zakim> -ericP
Zakim IRC Bot: -ericP ←
15:10:16 <Arnaud> minutes are accepted
Arnaud Le Hors: minutes are accepted ←
15:11:03 <Arnaud> no pending action items
Arnaud Le Hors: no pending action items ←
15:11:09 <Zakim> +mhausenblas
Zakim IRC Bot: +mhausenblas ←
15:11:14 <cygri> zakim, mhausenblas is temporarily me
Richard Cyganiak: zakim, mhausenblas is temporarily me ←
15:11:14 <Zakim> +cygri; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +cygri; got it ←
15:11:17 <mlnt> gkellogg: just did it, thanks
Gregg Kellogg: just did it, thanks [ Scribe Assist by Markus Lanthaler ] ←
15:11:59 <Arnaud> open actions stay as they stand
Arnaud Le Hors: open actions stay as they stand ←
15:12:12 <Arnaud> next telcon on August 8
Arnaud Le Hors: next telcon on August 8 ←
15:12:27 <Arnaud> next f2f in Lyon on Oct 29-30
Arnaud Le Hors: next f2f in Lyon on Oct 29-30 ←
15:12:52 <Arnaud> for registration information see:
Arnaud Le Hors: for registration information see: ←
15:13:47 <Arnaud> sandro: recommends staying at least on Wednesday and possibly Thursday and Friday to join other groups as observers although rooms are very small and it's not clear how many observers can be accommodated
Sandro Hawke: recommends staying at least on Wednesday and possibly Thursday and Friday to join other groups as observers although rooms are very small and it's not clear how many observers can be accommodated [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:14:59 <Arnaud> arnaud: are we planning on meeting with other groups?
Arnaud Le Hors: are we planning on meeting with other groups? [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:15:00 <Zakim> +??P27
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P27 ←
15:15:08 <Arnaud> guus: not sure yet
Guus Schreiber: not sure yet [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:15:18 <ericP> Zakim, ??P27 is me
Eric Prud'hommeaux: Zakim, ??P27 is me ←
15:15:18 <Zakim> +ericP; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +ericP; got it ←
15:16:09 <Arnaud> sandro: one possibility would be with sparql wg, another would be linked data platform
Sandro Hawke: one possibility would be with sparql wg, another would be linked data platform [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:16:35 <Arnaud> guus: one obvious topic would be json-ld
Guus Schreiber: one obvious topic would be json-ld [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:16:45 <Arnaud> guus: to be continued
Guus Schreiber: to be continued [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:18:17 <PatH> i must have missed this. link to email?
Patrick Hayes: i must have missed this. link to email? ←
15:18:25 <Arnaud> cuus: Provenance LC - chair asked specific questions and we need volunteers to try and answer them
Guus Schreiber: Provenance LC - chair asked specific questions and we need volunteers to try and answer them [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:18:32 <Arnaud>
Arnaud Le Hors: ←
15:18:43 <Arnaud> s/cuus/guus/
15:18:45 <gkellogg> s/cuus/guus/
15:19:34 <Arnaud> path volunteers
Arnaud Le Hors: path volunteers ←
15:20:09 <Arnaud> ACTION: PatH to start discussion on answer the questions on Provenance LC
ACTION: PatH to start discussion on answer the questions on Provenance LC ←
15:20:09 <trackbot> Created ACTION-178 - Start discussion on answer the questions on Provenance LC [on Patrick Hayes - due 2012-08-01].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-178 - Start discussion on answer the questions on Provenance LC [on Patrick Hayes - due 2012-08-01]. ←
15:20:20 <Arnaud> s/anwer/answering/
Arnaud Le Hors: s/anwer/answering/ (warning: replacement failed) ←
15:21:35 <Arnaud> guus: would be nice to have volunteers to review the spec
Guus Schreiber: would be nice to have volunteers to review the spec [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:21:41 <Arnaud> ... none for now
Arnaud Le Hors: ... none for now ←
15:21:52 <Arnaud> Turtle LC
Arnaud Le Hors: Turtle LC ←
15:22:49 <Arnaud> request from TimBL for addition
Arnaud Le Hors: request from TimBL for addition ←
15:23:06 <PatH> q+
Patrick Hayes: q+ ←
15:23:12 <cygri> zakim, who is noisy?
Richard Cyganiak: zakim, who is noisy? ←
15:23:27 <Zakim> cygri, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: Guus (40%)
Zakim IRC Bot: cygri, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: Guus (40%) ←
15:23:57 <gavinc> gavinc: a number of small bugs, that are resolved in the ED but not sure how to resolve in LC
Gavin Carothers: a number of small bugs, that are resolved in the ED but not sure how to resolve in LC [ Scribe Assist by Gavin Carothers ] ←
15:24:20 <Arnaud> guus: we have not raised issues yet, have we?
Guus Schreiber: we have not raised issues yet, have we? [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:24:43 <Arnaud> gavinc: some are already solved and not worth recording as issues
Gavin Carothers: some are already solved and not worth recording as issues [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:25:23 <PatH> q-
Patrick Hayes: q- ←
15:25:26 <Arnaud> guus: turtle prefixes?
Guus Schreiber: turtle prefixes? [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:25:51 <ericP> "a:b:c" was ambiguous
Eric Prud'hommeaux: "a:b:c" was ambiguous ←
15:25:54 <Arnaud> gavinc: was a bug in the grammar, regarding use of colon, that is now resolved in editor's draft
Gavin Carothers: was a bug in the grammar, regarding use of colon, that is now resolved in editor's draft [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:26:57 <Arnaud> sandro: concern some people may think that's too big a change after LC but that'd be silly
Sandro Hawke: concern some people may think that's too big a change after LC but that'd be silly [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:27:01 <Arnaud> gavinc: agreed
Gavin Carothers: agreed [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:27:13 <ericP> if we change tests, do we go back to LC?
Eric Prud'hommeaux: if we change tests, do we go back to LC? ←
15:27:19 <gavinc> I was told NO
Gavin Carothers: I was told NO ←
15:27:20 <sandro> no.
Sandro Hawke: no. ←
15:27:24 <gavinc> That tests were NOT part of the LC
Gavin Carothers: That tests were NOT part of the LC ←
15:27:44 <Arnaud> guus: TimBL's request should be entered as an issue
Guus Schreiber: TimBL's request should be entered as an issue [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:27:48 <sandro> can we be more clear about the test cases?
Sandro Hawke: can we be more clear about the test cases? ←
15:28:00 <sandro> q?
Sandro Hawke: q? ←
15:28:02 <sandro> q+
Sandro Hawke: q+ ←
15:29:41 <Arnaud> gavinc: regarding inverse property, would like to have a strawpoll from the group to find out whether people are interested
Gavin Carothers: regarding inverse property, would like to have a strawpoll from the group to find out whether people are interested [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:29:46 <ericP> <> is foaf:mbox of <http://bob.example/#me> .
Eric Prud'hommeaux: <> is foaf:mbox of <http://bob.example/#me> . ←
15:30:06 <Arnaud> gavinc: if people are interested, will then figure out a proposal
Gavin Carothers: if people are interested, will then figure out a proposal [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:30:15 <PatH> +1 from me
Patrick Hayes: +1 from me ←
15:30:21 <gkellogg> +1 from me
Gregg Kellogg: +1 from me ←
15:30:25 <yvesr> +1 from me
Yves Raimond: +1 from me ←
15:30:27 <sandro> +1 syntax for inverse arcs, prefered syntax for me is ^ I think.
Sandro Hawke: +1 syntax for inverse arcs, prefered syntax for me is ^ I think. ←
15:30:30 <mlnt> +1
Markus Lanthaler: +1 ←
15:30:31 <cygri> +1
Richard Cyganiak: +1 ←
15:30:36 <yvesr> (although there is a strong case to use SPARQL-like syntax for that)
Yves Raimond: (although there is a strong case to use SPARQL-like syntax for that) ←
15:30:41 <Souri> +0.5 from me
Souripriya Das: +0.5 from me ←
15:30:43 <ericP> +1 to sandro's punctuation ammedment
Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1 to sandro's punctuation ammedment ←
15:30:49 <MacTed> +1
Ted Thibodeau: +1 ←
15:30:54 <gavinc> 0
Gavin Carothers: 0 ←
15:31:01 <PatH> agree about the english part
Patrick Hayes: agree about the english part ←
15:31:04 <SteveH> +0.5 to ^, -0.5 for pseudo english
Steve Harris: +0.5 to ^, -0.5 for pseudo english ←
15:31:50 <SteveH> q+ to ask about SPARQL compat
Steve Harris: q+ to ask about SPARQL compat ←
15:31:51 <gkellogg> what about implications for literal as subject?
Gregg Kellogg: what about implications for literal as subject? ←
15:31:52 <PatH> its very handy in rdfa
Patrick Hayes: its very handy in rdfa ←
15:31:52 <ericP> i think the sayntax has to fit in a whole in the SPARQL punctuation
Eric Prud'hommeaux: i think the sayntax has to fit in a whole in the SPARQL punctuation ←
15:31:55 <Souri> I prefer the inverse syntax ( ^p) over "is .. of"
Souripriya Das: I prefer the inverse syntax ( ^p) over "is .. of" ←
15:31:56 <Arnaud> gavinc: we need to liaise with sparql wg
Gavin Carothers: we need to liaise with sparql wg [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:32:07 <Arnaud> gavinc will work on a proposal
Arnaud Le Hors: gavinc will work on a proposal ←
15:32:16 <gkellogg> q+
Gregg Kellogg: q+ ←
15:32:30 <PatH> <wave>danbri</wave>
Patrick Hayes: <wave>danbri</wave> ←
15:32:40 <sandro> ^elt InversePath Inverse path (object to subject). -- from
Sandro Hawke: ^elt InversePath Inverse path (object to subject). -- from ←
15:33:01 <ericP> sandro, have you looked for grammar which doesn't conflict with SPARQL?
Eric Prud'hommeaux: sandro, have you looked for grammar which doesn't conflict with SPARQL? ←
15:33:03 <danbri> Re "is ... of", per rdf-comments thread, I'd support a punctuation-based notation if it were added to Turtle _and_ SPARQL. But let's not have pseudo-English...
Dan Brickley: Re "is ... of", per rdf-comments thread, I'd support a punctuation-based notation if it were added to Turtle _and_ SPARQL. But let's not have pseudo-English... ←
15:33:33 <danbri> (and I don't see any strong implications for literal as subject)
Dan Brickley: (and I don't see any strong implications for literal as subject) ←
15:34:14 <gavinc>
Gavin Carothers: ←
15:35:18 <Arnaud> sandro asked about status of test cases
Arnaud Le Hors: sandro asked about status of test cases ←
15:35:46 <Arnaud> ericP: done some worked on them but not aware of test cases being normative
Eric Prud'hommeaux: done some work on them but not aware of test cases being normative [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:35:53 <Arnaud> s/worked/work/
15:36:00 <SteveH> q-
Steve Harris: q- ←
15:36:20 <Arnaud> sandro: the URL is really bad, would need a note indicating this is a proposal
Sandro Hawke: the URL is really bad, would need a note indicating this is a proposal [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:36:21 <sandro> q-
Sandro Hawke: q- ←
15:36:34 <Arnaud> ericp: we could fix them
Eric Prud'hommeaux: we could fix them [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:37:06 <gkellogg> In the Microdata to RDF spec, we reference them non-nomatively in an appendix
Gregg Kellogg: In the Microdata to RDF spec, we reference them non-nomatively in an appendix ←
15:37:11 <gkellogg>
Gregg Kellogg: ←
15:37:11 <Arnaud> sandro: need to be fixed for CR
Sandro Hawke: need to be fixed for CR [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:37:29 <Arnaud> gavinc: 4 or 5 are broken with regard to the new syntax
Gavin Carothers: 4 or 5 are broken with regard to the new syntax [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:37:49 <Arnaud> ericp: fix them or put a big warning on them?
Eric Prud'hommeaux: fix them or put a big warning on them? [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:38:48 <Arnaud> sandro: this should never have been published as is, we aren't allowed to change them now
Sandro Hawke: this should never have been published as is, we aren't allowed to change them now [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:39:09 <Arnaud> .. was the publication agreed by the group?
Arnaud Le Hors: .. was the publication agreed by the group? ←
15:39:13 <Arnaud> gavinc: no
Gavin Carothers: no [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:39:31 <Guus> q+
Guus Schreiber: q+ ←
15:39:36 <Guus> q-
Guus Schreiber: q- ←
15:39:40 <gavinc>
Gavin Carothers: ←
15:39:44 <Arnaud> sandro: there is no commentary about the status of these tests
Sandro Hawke: there is no commentary about the status of these tests [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:40:41 <cygri> q+
Richard Cyganiak: q+ ←
15:40:42 <Arnaud> sandro will ask permission to add a note stating these have not been approved by the WG yet
Arnaud Le Hors: sandro will ask permission to add a note stating these have not been approved by the WG yet ←
15:41:03 <sandro> action: sandro try to get permission to put a box on explaining that these tests have not been approved
ACTION: sandro try to get permission to put a box on explaining that these tests have not been approved ←
15:41:03 <trackbot> Created ACTION-179 - Try to get permission to put a box on explaining that these tests have not been approved [on Sandro Hawke - due 2012-08-01].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-179 - Try to get permission to put a box on explaining that these tests have not been approved [on Sandro Hawke - due 2012-08-01]. ←
15:41:22 <cygri> q-
Richard Cyganiak: q- ←
15:41:37 <Guus> ack g
Guus Schreiber: ack g ←
15:42:01 <ericP> "Bob" ^foaf:name <http://bob.example/#me> .
Eric Prud'hommeaux: "Bob" ^foaf:name <http://bob.example/#me> . ←
15:43:30 <cygri> q+
Richard Cyganiak: q+ ←
15:43:54 <ericP> <http://bob.example/#me> ^foaf:bogusName "Bob" .
Eric Prud'hommeaux: <http://bob.example/#me> ^foaf:bogusName "Bob" . ←
15:43:55 <PatH> there are going to be people who want this flexibility in any case.
Patrick Hayes: there are going to be people who want this flexibility in any case. ←
15:45:42 <Arnaud> gkellogg: re: inverse property, not sure it's worth ensuring the syntax prevents not valid rdf
Gregg Kellogg: re: inverse property, not sure it's worth ensuring the syntax prevents not valid rdf [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:45:53 <cygri> ack me
Richard Cyganiak: ack me ←
15:46:09 <Arnaud> sandro: this will be controversial
Sandro Hawke: this will be controversial [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:46:40 <Arnaud> guus: moving on to JSON-LD
Guus Schreiber: moving on to JSON-LD [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:46:45 <danbri> (syntax rules can never protect against crappy data; for everything we rule out, someone'll find another way to screw up)
Dan Brickley: (syntax rules can never protect against crappy data; for everything we rule out, someone'll find another way to screw up) ←
15:47:14 <PatH> +1 danbri. And some of that crap is useful.
Patrick Hayes: +1 danbri. And some of that crap is useful. ←
15:48:31 <sandro> q+ to say gosh I wish this wasn't considered a SYNTAX issue :-(
Sandro Hawke: q+ to say gosh I wish this wasn't considered a SYNTAX issue :-( ←
15:49:47 <Arnaud> gkellogg: group is discussing several requests they have received
Gregg Kellogg: group is discussing several requests they have received [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:51:44 <gkellogg>
Gregg Kellogg: ←
15:51:59 <sandro> gkellogg: we're thinking about a mechanism for macro expansion as part of parsing.
Gregg Kellogg: we're thinking about a mechanism for macro expansion as part of parsing. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ] ←
15:52:12 <mlnt>
Markus Lanthaler: ←
15:54:28 <Arnaud> sandro: seems like you're reinventing a rule mechanism
Sandro Hawke: seems like you're reinventing a rule mechanism [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:55:42 <Arnaud> gkellogg: most of the expansion mechanism is in the json domain, doesn't affect the rdf one
Gregg Kellogg: most of the expansion mechanism is in the json domain, doesn't affect the rdf one [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:56:06 <Arnaud> gkellogg: encourages people to read the minutes and participate in the discussion if they are interested
Gregg Kellogg: encourages people to read the minutes and participate in the discussion if they are interested [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:56:25 <Arnaud> sandro: interested but doens't have time to participate, please, take my comment seriously
Sandro Hawke: interested but doens't have time to participate, please, take my comment seriously [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:56:31 <Arnaud> gkellogg: ok
Gregg Kellogg: ok [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:56:38 <Guus> q?
Guus Schreiber: q? ←
15:56:42 <Guus> ack s
Guus Schreiber: ack s ←
15:56:42 <Zakim> sandro, you wanted to say gosh I wish this wasn't considered a SYNTAX issue :-(
Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, you wanted to say gosh I wish this wasn't considered a SYNTAX issue :-( ←
15:56:47 <sandro> sandro: PLEASE don't create a new rule mechanism that's json-specific
Sandro Hawke: PLEASE don't create a new rule mechanism that's json-specific [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ] ←
15:57:53 <mlnt> link to the issue Gregg is currently talking about:
Markus Lanthaler: link to the issue Gregg is currently talking about: ←
15:58:00 <mlnt> e.g. "position": ["18.324235", "-36.4387934"]
Markus Lanthaler: e.g. "position": ["18.324235", "-36.4387934"] ←
15:58:29 <Arnaud> guus: haven't seen any comments on the mailing list
Guus Schreiber: haven't seen any comments on the mailing list [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
15:58:53 <Arnaud> ... need you to pass along issues sent to the community list
Arnaud Le Hors: ... need you to pass along issues sent to the community list ←
15:59:58 <Guus> q?
Guus Schreiber: q? ←
16:00:20 <ericP>^foaf%3Aname+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fbob.example%2F%23me%3E+.%0D%0A%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fbob.example%2F%23me%3E+^foaf%3Aknows+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fsue.example%2F%23me%3E+.%0D%0A&action=validate+text
Eric Prud'hommeaux:^foaf%3Aname+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fbob.example%2F%23me%3E+.%0D%0A%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fbob.example%2F%23me%3E+^foaf%3Aknows+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fsue.example%2F%23me%3E+.%0D%0A&action=validate+text ←
16:00:23 <Arnaud> guus: any other agenda item?
Guus Schreiber: any other agenda item? [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
16:00:40 <ericP>^foaf%3AbogusName+%22Bob%22+.&action=validate+text
Eric Prud'hommeaux:^foaf%3AbogusName+%22Bob%22+.&action=validate+text ←
16:00:51 <ericP>
Eric Prud'hommeaux: ←
16:00:53 <Arnaud> guus: meeting adjourned
Guus Schreiber: meeting adjourned [ Scribe Assist by Arnaud Le Hors ] ←
16:00:57 <Zakim> -SteveH
Zakim IRC Bot: -SteveH ←
16:01:06 <PatH> see yall.
Patrick Hayes: see yall. ←
16:01:06 <Zakim> -cygri
Zakim IRC Bot: -cygri ←
16:01:07 <Zakim> -Arnaud
Zakim IRC Bot: -Arnaud ←
16:01:15 <Zakim> -PatH
Zakim IRC Bot: -PatH ←
16:01:17 <Zakim> -mlnt
Zakim IRC Bot: -mlnt ←
16:01:32 <Arnaud> I need to jump to another call, I leave it to you guys to do your magic to generate the minutes (hopefully not too crappy ;-)
Arnaud Le Hors: I need to jump to another call, I leave it to you guys to do your magic to generate the minutes (hopefully not too crappy ;-) ←
16:01:43 <Zakim> -Souri
Zakim IRC Bot: -Souri ←
16:01:50 <gavinc>
Gavin Carothers: ←
16:02:08 <ericP> -[6] triples ::= subject predicateObjectList | blankNodePropertyList predicateObjectList?
Eric Prud'hommeaux: -[6] triples ::= subject predicateObjectList | blankNodePropertyList predicateObjectList? ←
16:02:11 <ericP> +[6] triples ::= subject predicateObjectList | literal inversePredicateObjectList | blankNodePropertyList predicateObjectList? [7] predicateObjectList ::= verb objectList (';' verb objectList)* ';'?
Eric Prud'hommeaux: +[6] triples ::= subject predicateObjectList | literal inversePredicateObjectList | blankNodePropertyList predicateObjectList? [7] predicateObjectList ::= verb objectList (';' verb objectList)* ';'? ←
16:02:14 <Guus> trackbot, draft minutes
Guus Schreiber: trackbot, draft minutes ←
16:02:14 <trackbot> Sorry, Guus, I don't understand 'trackbot, draft minutes'. Please refer to for help
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, Guus, I don't understand 'trackbot, draft minutes'. Please refer to for help ←
16:02:15 <ericP> +[7b] inversePredicateObjectList ::= inverseVerb subjectList (';' inverseVerb subjectList)* ';'? [8] objectList ::= object (',' object)*
Eric Prud'hommeaux: +[7b] inversePredicateObjectList ::= inverseVerb subjectList (';' inverseVerb subjectList)* ';'? [8] objectList ::= object (',' object)* ←
16:02:18 <ericP> +[8a] subjectList ::= subject (',' subject)* [9] verb ::= predicate | 'a'
Eric Prud'hommeaux: +[8a] subjectList ::= subject (',' subject)* [9] verb ::= predicate | 'a' ←
16:02:21 <ericP> +[9a] inverseVerb ::= '^' (predicate | 'a')
Eric Prud'hommeaux: +[9a] inverseVerb ::= '^' (predicate | 'a') ←
16:02:29 <ericP> -[6] triples ::= subject predicateObjectList | blankNodePropertyList predicateObjectList?
Eric Prud'hommeaux: -[6] triples ::= subject predicateObjectList | blankNodePropertyList predicateObjectList? ←
16:02:32 <ericP> +[6] triples ::= subject predicateObjectList | literal inversePredicateObjectList | blankNodePropertyList predicateObjectList?
Eric Prud'hommeaux: +[6] triples ::= subject predicateObjectList | literal inversePredicateObjectList | blankNodePropertyList predicateObjectList? ←
16:02:35 <ericP> +[7b] inversePredicateObjectList ::= inverseVerb subjectList (';' inverseVerb subjectList)* ';'?
Eric Prud'hommeaux: +[7b] inversePredicateObjectList ::= inverseVerb subjectList (';' inverseVerb subjectList)* ';'? ←
16:02:38 <ericP> +[8a] subjectList ::= subject (',' subject)*
Eric Prud'hommeaux: +[8a] subjectList ::= subject (',' subject)* ←
16:02:40 <ericP> +[9a] inverseVerb ::= '^' (predicate | 'a')
Eric Prud'hommeaux: +[9a] inverseVerb ::= '^' (predicate | 'a') ←
16:02:57 <Guus> trackbot, end meeting
Guus Schreiber: trackbot, end meeting ←
16:02:57 <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees
Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, list attendees ←
16:02:57 <Zakim> As of this point the attendees have been Guus, sandro, gavinc, MacTed, gkellogg, Arnaud, PatH, ericP, mlnt, Souri, yvesr, SteveH, cygri
Zakim IRC Bot: As of this point the attendees have been Guus, sandro, gavinc, MacTed, gkellogg, Arnaud, PatH, ericP, mlnt, Souri, yvesr, SteveH, cygri ←
16:03:05 <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, please draft minutes ←
16:03:05 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate trackbot
RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate trackbot ←
16:03:06 <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, bye ←
16:03:06 <RRSAgent> I see 2 open action items saved in :
RRSAgent IRC Bot: I see 2 open action items saved in : ←
16:03:06 <RRSAgent> ACTION: PatH to start discussion on answer the questions on Provenance LC [1]
ACTION: PatH to start discussion on answer the questions on Provenance LC [1] ←
16:03:06 <RRSAgent> recorded in
RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in ←
16:03:06 <RRSAgent> ACTION: sandro try to get permission to put a box on explaining that these tests have not been approved [2]
ACTION: sandro try to get permission to put a box on explaining that these tests have not been approved [2] ←
16:03:06 <RRSAgent> recorded in
RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in ←
Formatted by CommonScribe